What is a personal computer? Modern personal computers

If I ask you what a PC is, you will probably answer that it is a Personal Computer and you will be right. Most people think that a PC is nothing more than a small computer system used by one person. Unfortunately, this definition is not entirely accurate. We can agree that a PC is a personal computer, but not all personal computers can be classified as a PC. Take, for example, the Apple Macintosh system, of course, it is a personal computer, but have you ever heard of it being called a PC, it is usually called a Mac. Take a look at this option. Fake Christmas tree. Buy at New Year. To understand the correct definition of PC, you need to dig a little deeper.

By PC we mean something more unique than the primitive combination of the words “personal computer”. Naturally, this “something” is somehow connected with the first IBM computer, which appeared in 1981. It turns out that it was IBM that invented the PC.

However, we must understand the fact that IBM is not the inventor of the PC as such, since the first personal computer appeared in 1975, the MITS company introduced the new Altair. Based on this, it is more correct to define a PC as any personal computer compatible with IBM systems. And for many years now, the term PC has been used to refer to IBM compatible computers.

In fact, despite the fact that IBM developers created the first PC in 1981 and worked on improving this standard, it currently does not control this standard. She lost control in 1987 when she introduced the PS/2 computer model. And soon IBM began to abandon many of the standards that it had originally developed.

For this reason, the term "IBM compatible" is no longer entirely suitable for defining a personal computer.

To understand this, you will have to find out who sets the standards in the industry:

  • software
  • hardware

PC software. Who sets the standards?

Who do you think sets the standards for PCs and whose operating system is the most popular in our country? I am sure that you will accurately say: “Microsoft!” And I completely agree with you.

Undoubtedly, today Microsoft continues to control the development of operating systems used on PCs. It so happened that initially Microsoft products were installed and used on most personal computers: MS-DOS and Windows 3.1/95/98/NT/2000, and now Windows XP/Vista/7 and new Windows 8. By controlling the development of operating systems, Microsoft could control the development of other types of PC software, such as utilities, mail client etc. Therefore, many programs, such as graphics, mail, notebooks, defragmentation and compression utilities, which were offered by independent companies, were included in Windows. It became almost impossible to compete with such capabilities on board the operating system, and this mainly contributed to the popularity of Microsoft. In addition, Microsoft even built a browser into the operating system Internet Explorer, text editor, notepad, media player Windows Media Player, which caused panic among competitors creating similar programs. Microsoft didn't stop there. Developing software to work with networks, integrating them into Windows, this increased control over operating systems compared to other companies.

It is for these reasons that Microsoft now dominates the personal computer software market, offering a wide range of programs ranging from the Office word processor to server operating systems.

IBM once hired Microsoft to develop software for its first computer. IBM itself was developing the hardware. However, what happened later resulted in IBM losing control of the PC standard, and paying dearly for it. IBM failed to secure exclusive rights to the DOS operating system developed by Microsoft, giving the latter the right to sell MS-DOS code developed for IBM to other companies.

As a result, some companies licensed the operating system code and essentially duplicated its architecture. All this led to the end user buying the same MS-DOS, only under a different name or in a different package.

It was this mistake that IBM made when drawing up the contract that turned Microsoft into a huge, dominant corporation in the software market, and led IBM to lose control of the PC standard that it itself created.

The main reason why IBM lost control of its own standard is that the hardware that IBM was developing could only be protected by copyright in accordance with patents, and this was difficult for IBM due to the fact that in its developments relied on already developed elements from Intel. To obtain a patent, the developed equipment must be unique. By and large, any radio amateur could purchase such elements and develop the hardware. IBM was the first, but it could not obtain copyright, and this led to the fact that the design of the first computer (its hardware) could be duplicated by any company. All that was needed was to buy the same chips as IBM, from the same suppliers, and design a new motherboard with a similar circuitry.

But there were companies (Phoenix Technologies) that, taking good engineers into their team, developed a similar BIOS. In terms of functionality, this BIOS was practically no different from the IBM BIOS, since, in fact, it copied it, but in terms of the program code, it was a unique development.

The BIOS system is a set of controls software components, which directly control the computer’s hardware devices. These components are called device drivers, so the BIOS is a set of basic device drivers needed to manage and control system hardware. The operating system (DOS or Windows) uses BIOS drivers to interact with hardware and peripheral devices.

Once the IBM I/O system had been duplicated, the last task was to clone the DOS operating system to produce a working system compatible with the IBM system.

However, designing DOS from scratch was a daunting task, unlike BIOS, whose dimensions were much smaller. In addition, the operating system was constantly improved and modified.

To get DOS for an IBM compatible computer, there was only one way - to obtain the rights to use it. This is where Microsoft came into the picture. And as I said earlier, IBM made a big mistake when it entered into an agreement with Microsoft; it did not require it to sign an exclusive license agreement, under which Microsoft could grant the right to use their software only to IBM.

Microsoft took advantage of this and began selling DOS to any user. Thanks to the license to copy MS-DOS, IBM finally lost control of the personal computer, because it could now be produced by other companies, regardless of IBM's wishes.

Why do you think there are no analogs to Apple's Macintosh system, despite the fact that Mac hardware can be easily duplicated?

The real problem is that Apple owns the MAC OS and does not allow any other company to sell Apple compatible systems. Moreover, in a MAC system, the BIOS is very complex and large and part of it is integrated into the operating system. Therefore, it is almost impossible to duplicate it, as was the case with the IBM BIOS.

Notice! In 1996-1997, Apple licensed the BIOS and operating system

Now that Apple is using PC architecture, the only difference between Mac computers and the PC remains the operating system. Now the computer running OS X automatically becomes a Mac, and the computer running Windows automatically becomes a PC.

Although OS X includes a code to check for the presence of a special chip on motherboard Short of running this operating system on other computers, the OSx86 Project (www.osxproject.org) provides information on how to bypass these restrictions to run OS X on standard computers.

PC Hardware Industry. Who's in charge here?

We now know that Microsoft controls the PC software market because it has its own PC operating system and only owns the rights to it.

Now let's try to figure out who controls the PC hardware market.

At first, to be precise, until 1987, of course, it was IBM, with its own standards and developments. It was she who developed the main design of the PC motherboard, parallel and serial ports, VGA and XGA video standards, expansion bus, hard and floppy drive interface, controllers, power supplies, mouse and keyboard interface. To this day, IBM's developments continue to influence modern systems, although more than two decades have passed since that time.

Who is the leader these days in inventing and developing new PC hardware standards? This is Intel with its motto “New Generation Processors”.

You might be surprised to learn that Intel doesn't sell completely assembled computers. And it is currently not possible to order system unit or a tablet from Intel, as you can do from Apple. This company acts as a leader in production motherboards. The motherboard is a key link in a personal computer, and the company that produces it theoretically becomes the manufacturer of the system as a whole. IBM, at one time, also produced motherboards and was the main supplier of PCs, despite the fact that it ordered other components from other companies.

Today, the largest companies develop their own motherboards, as well as chips and system logic components for their boards.

Intel is the company that produces the majority of motherboards and owns the largest segment of the market. AMD is a minor competitor to Intel.

But AMD makes chipsets and processors and does not manufacture motherboards. Third-party manufacturers manufacture motherboards for AMD architecture.

Companies that create motherboards for AMD processors, they also produce motherboards for computers created on the basis Intel processors, thereby competing with by Intel and its motherboards.

In fact, Intel has always been the dominant PC processor company. This was due to the fact that IBM chose the Intel 8088 processor as the central processor in the first IBM computer back in 1981. By controlling the processor market, Intel naturally controlled the market for chips that were necessary to operate processors in personal computers. This led to Intel's control of the system logic chip market. Their first sales began in 1989, and by 1994 it had become the world's largest manufacturer and supplier of motherboards and system logic chips, as well as processors and other chips. Since then, it has controlled the PC hardware market.

To sum it up, we can say this: “Whoever controls the operating system market controls the software market, and whoever controls the motherboard and processor market mainly influences the hardware market.”

And as you already know, today the largest players are Microsoft and Intel, which jointly control the market for PC software and hardware.

Don't forget about the rapidly growing companies Apple and Google, which are increasingly influencing the computer industry. Perhaps, soon, control over the hardware and software will be available to other companies.


2.1. General information .

Modern personal computers ( PERSONAL COMPUTERS ) are universal technical devices for individual use, intended for information processing.

For the normal functioning of modern personal computers, the interaction of two equal components is necessary: hardware ( HARPWARE ) and software ( SOFTWARE ) provision (Fig. 2.1.1).

Rice. 2.1.1. Structure

modern personal computer.

Hardware ( HARPWARE ) – this is a set technical means(hardware) that make up a modern personal computer.

Software ( SOFTWARE ) is a set of programs that ensure optimal functioning of all elements of modern personal computers and a friendly interface with users when solving specific problems.

The structure of modern personal computers is called their configuration. Typically, the hardware and software of modern personal computers are considered separately and, therefore, their hardware and software configurations are considered separately.

The hardware and software configurations of modern personal computers can be flexibly changed, but there are concepts typical basic hardware and software configurations.

modern personal computers include:

- system unit,

- keyboard,

- monitor,

- mouse manipulator.

Modern personal computers are usually supplied to users in such a package.

System unitrepresents the main element of modern personal computers, inside which the most important devices are located. These devices are called main devices . Devices that are located outside the system unit are called peripheral devices .

TO main devices relate:

- motherboard,

- drive hard drive,

- floppy disk drive,

- optical disc drive.

TO peripheral devices relate:



A printer,


- mouse manipulator, etc.


- basic input/output system BIOS (BASE INPUT OUTPUT SYSTEM),

- operating system (WINDOWS-98, WINDOWS-2000)

- programs for docking with external devices drivers ,

- auxiliary service programs utilities ,

- standard application packages (WORD, EXEL, ACCESS, etc.).

2.2. Hardware.

Hardware ( HARD WARE) is a set of technical means (equipment) included in modern personal computers.

Structure hardware modern personal computers are called hardware configurations.

Based on the fact that the hardware configuration of modern personal computers can vary widely, let's consider the so-called typical basic hardware configuration. This typical basic configuration of modern personal computers is shown in Fig. 2.2.1.

Rice. 2.2.1. Structural scheme modern personal computer

with basic configuration.

In the above figure, solid lines show the devices located on the motherboard (gray) and inside the system unit. External (peripheral) devices connected to the I/O ports are shown in dotted lines.

The main device of a modern personal computer is central processing unit (microprocessor). It controls the operation of all functional elements of a personal computer and performs all information processing operations.

To store the most frequently used information, the central processor is supplemented with devices ultra-random access memory (CACH memory) two levels: first and second. The first level cache memory is integral with the microprocessor, and the second level cache memory is a separate chip that is located in the same package with the microprocessor.

CPU through Cache memory And system bus interacts with system controller and through it with all other devices of a personal computer, and first of all, with random access memory (RAM) and buses PCI and AGP.

Function controller provides interaction with magnetic and optical disks, with tires ISA and USB , as well as servicing sequential ( COM ) and parallel ( LPT ) input/output ports. Through these ports, a keyboard, printer and mouse are connected to the functional controller.

Functional controller through read-only memory (ROM) and the basic input-output system located in it ( BIOS ) also carries out the initial? (testing) of all personal computer devices, bootstrap operating system and also provides access to the basic input/output system while the computer is running.

2.3. Basic devices.

Basic devices of a modern personal computer are devices located inside the system unit (on the motherboard and outside it). These devices include:

- central processing unit (microprocessor),

- microprocessor kit (chipset),

- system and interface buses,

- devices internal memory(ROM, RAM chips),

- devices external memory(magnetic and optical disks).

Central processing unit (microprocessor) is a special microcircuit of ultra-high degree of integration (VLSI), which performs the functions of controlling all devices of a modern personal computer and providing processing of incoming data.

Microprocessors largely determine the power of modern personal computers, which is why microprocessor type is used to classify them.

Modern microprocessors are characterized by the following main parameters:

Bit depth,

- volume of address space,

- clock frequency,


The concept of bit capacity includes:

- width of internal registers of the microprocessor (w),

- data bus width(s),

- address bus width (k).

Based on this, the microprocessor bit capacity is designated as w/i/k. For example, microprocessor capacity Pentium denoted as follows: 32/64/32, that is:

- capacity of internal registers – 32,

- data bus width – 64,

- Address bus width is 32.

Width of internal registers (w) microprocessor determines whether it belongs to one class or another. For example, microprocessors of the family Pentium belong to the class of 32-bit microprocessors.

Data bus width(s) defines speed transferring data between the microprocessor and other devices. With a 64-bit data bus, the transfer speed is twice that of a 32-bit bus.

Address bus width (k) determines the volume of the addressable device, that is, the maximum number of memory cells that can be directly accessed by an individual address (one memory cell provides storage of one byte of data). Obviously, the amount of address space ( N ) is related to the address bus width (k) by the following simple relationship: N = 2 k.

At k = 16 N = 2 16 = 65536 bytes = 64 KB.

With k = 20 N = 2 20 = 2 10 KB = 1 MB.

With k = 32 N = 2 32 = 2 16 KB = 4 GB.

The architecture of a microprocessor is its internal logical organization, its internal logical structure.

Modern type microprocessors Pentium have a so-called superscalar architecture , which allows you to perform more than one elementary operation in one clock cycle. This is achieved by using two parallel 32-bit pipelines that execute incoming commands.

Internal memory devices . These include:

- read-only memory (ROM),

- random access memory (RAM).

Read-only memory (ROM) is a chip that is used to store system programs for testing the main components of a modern personal computer when it is turned on, as well as system boot programs.

ROM is a read-only device, so in English literature the designation is used ROM (Read only memory – read-only memory). Information is written to ROM using special devices - programmers . However, at present, special reprogrammable ROM chips have appeared, in which it is possible to change the information stored in them.

ROM is a non-volatile device, i.e. a device in which, when the computer is turned off, all information stored in it is saved.

In modern personal computers, the ROM capacity is tens of KB.

Random Access Memory (RAM) is a set of chips that is used for short-term storage of programs and data used while a personal computer is running.

RAM is a volatile device, i.e. a device in which, when the computer is turned off, all information stored in it is not saved.

Modern personal computers have RAM capacities of 128, 256, 512 or more MB.

2.4. Peripherals.


- mouse manipulator



- Other devices.

Let's look at these devices in more detail.

Keyboard is a keyboard device that is used to enter alphanumeric data, as well as control commands.

The keyboard belongs to standard means personal computer. Its main functions do not require the support of special programs (drivers). The necessary software to start working with a computer is already available in the ROM chip as part of the basic input-output system ( BIOS ) and therefore the computer responds to key presses immediately after turning on.

The standard keyboard of modern personal computers has 102 keys, functionally distributed into four groups:

- alphanumeric keys

- function keys

- service keys

- additional keys

Mouse manipulator is a device for controlling a special pointer (mouse pointer) on the monitor screen. Moving the mouse on a flat surface is synchronized with the movement of the mouse pointer on the monitor screen.

Monitor - this is a device for visual presentation of data. It is not the only, but the main output device. Its main operational parameters are:

Screen size,

- maximum regeneration frequency,

Protection class.

Screen size monitor is measured diagonally between opposite corners of the screen. The unit of measurement is inches. Standard screen sizes are 14”, 15”, 17”, 19”, 21”. Currently, the most common screen size is 17 inches. However, for graphics work, it is advisable to have dimensions of 19-21 inches.

Currently, there are mainly two types of monitors used in personal computers:

- cathode ray tube monitors,

- liquid crystal monitors.

- Plasma monitors

In cathode ray tube monitors The image on the screen is obtained as a result of irradiation of the phosphor coating with three highly targeted electron beams. To obtain a color image, the phosphor coating has three types of dots or stripes that glow in red, green and blue. To ensure that all three rays converge strictly at one point on the screen and the image is clear, a mask is installed in front of the phosphor - a special panel with regularly spaced holes or slits. The pitch of the mask is measured in fractions of a millimeter. Currently, the most common monitors have a mask pitch of 0.25-0.27 mm.

In liquid crystal monitors, the image is a collection of individual dots - pixels. However, the operating principle of LCD monitors is significantly different from the operating principle of a CRT-based monitor. The differences lie in the way the luminous element is created and the raster is formed.

In an LCD monitor, the smallest image element is the LCD cell. Unlike the phosphor grain, the LCD cell does not generate light, but only controls the intensity of the transmitted light. To form an image on the LCD monitor screen, it is not required high voltage, so LCD monitors have very low power consumption.

Printer is a printing data output device that allows you to receive copies of documents on paper or transparent media.

Modern personal computers use Various types printers that differ in operating principle. These include printers:





Dot matrix printers - These are the simplest printing devices. Currently almost out of use.

Inkjet printers - These are printing devices in which the image on paper is formed from spots formed when drops of dye hit the paper. The release of microdroplets of dye occurs under pressure, which develops in the print head due to vaporization.

On the positive side inkjet printers This includes the ability to obtain high-quality color prints (texts, pictures, etc.).

Laser printers - These are printing devices in which an image is formed on paper using a laser beam. These printers have high quality printing, not inferior to, and in many cases superior to, printing. They are also different high speed printing, which is measured in pages per minute - ppmt (page por minute ). As in dot matrix printers, the image on paper is formed from individual dots. Operating principle laser printers next:

2.5. Software.

Software ( SOFTWARE ) called a set programs , ensuring optimal functioning of all hardware of modern personal computers, as well as friendly interaction with users when solving specific problems.

Programs are ordered sequences of commands. The ultimate goal of any computer program– hardware management. Even if at first glance the program does not interact with the equipment in any way, does not require any data input from input devices and does not output data to an output device, its work is still based on controlling the hardware devices of a personal computer.

The software and hardware of modern personal computers operate in continuous communication and continuous interaction. Despite the fact that we consider these two categories separately, we must not forget that there is a dialectical connection between them, and their separate consideration is conditional.

Based on the functions performed, all software of modern personal computers can be divided into two large parts: system software and application software. (Fig. 2.5.1).


software (software)

Rice. 2.5.1. Software structure of modern personal computers

The composition of the software on modern personal computers is called software configuration .

There is a close relationship between individual programs, as well as between individual pieces of hardware - many programs work by relying on other programs, i.e. there is a certain software interface . The possibility of the existence of such an interface is based on the existence of certain technical conditions and interaction protocols, and in practice it is ensured by dividing all software into several interconnected levels. These levels are as follows:





These software levels represent a harmonious pyramidal structure in which each subsequent level is based on the software of the previous levels. This division is very convenient for all stages of work on modern personal computers, from software installation to practical operation and maintenance. Let's take a brief look at these levels.

A basic level of is the lowest level of software. He is responsible for interaction with basic hardware . As a rule, the basic software is directly included in the basic hardware and is stored in a special chip called read-only memory - ROM (in English literature the abbreviation is used ROM – Read only memory – read-only memory). Programs and data are written to the ROM chip at the manufacturing stage and cannot be changed during operation.

In cases where changing the basic software during operation is technically feasible, then instead of ROM chips, PROM chips are used - reprogrammable read-only memory devices ( EPROM – Erasable and programmable read only memory ). System level is transitional: programs operating at this level ensure the interaction of other programs on modern personal computers with basic-level programs and directly with hardware, i.e. perform intermediary functions.

The performance indicators of the entire personal computer as a whole largely depend on software of this level.

Specific programs responsible for interaction with specific devices, are called drivers .

Specific programs responsible for interacting with users are called user interface programs . The convenience of working on a personal computer and productivity in the workplace directly depend on these programs.

The totality of system-level software forms operating system kernel . The presence of an operating system kernel is a prerequisite for installing higher-level programs, as well as for user interaction.

Service level software is the level of interaction with both basic-level programs and system-level programs. The main purpose of utility programs is to automate the work of checking, adjusting and configuring all personal computer systems. These programs are called utilities .

Application layer software is a set of application programs with the help of which a specific user of a modern personal computer can perform specific tasks.

Application programs at this level include Notepad programs, Calculator, text editor WORD PAD , graphics editor PAINT.

2.6. System software.

is a set of system programs that ensure the optimal functioning of all elements of modern personal computers, as well as a friendly interface with users.

System software includes:

Basic input-output system BIOS (BIOS – BASE INPUT OUTPUT SYSTEM) ,

- operating system,

- auxiliary system programs.

Basic I/O system ( BIOS ) provides:

- testing all components of a personal computer when it is turned on;

- loading the operating system WINDOWS from magnetic disk to RAM;

- user operation with the keyboard.

operating system is a complex of system and service software tools. On the one hand, it relies on a basic input-output system ( BIOS ), and on the other hand, it itself is the basis for software at higher levels: utility and application programs.

The main function of any operating system is mediation. It consists of providing several types of interface:

- hardware interface (coordination, interaction of all types of personal computer hardware),

- software interface (coordination and interaction of all personal computer software),

- hardware-software interface (coordination and interaction of hardware and software of personal computers),

- user interface (coordination and interaction of the operating system with users).

In addition, the operating system provides the following operations:

- automatic start-up, organization and maintenance file system;

- management of installation, execution and removal of applications;

- ensuring reliability when working with applications.

Let's look at these questions in more detail.

Automatic start . All OS Windows provide their automatic start. To do this, a program code record is created in a special (system) area of ​​the magnetic disk where the operating system is stored. This code is accessed by programs located in the basic input/output system (). When completing their work, they give the command to load and execute the contents of the system area of ​​the magnetic disk.

File system organization and maintenance . File system maintenance functions include:

- creating and naming files;

- creating directories (folders) and assigning names to them;

- renaming directories (folders);

- copying and moving files between folders and between magnetic disks;

- deleting files and folder directories;

- navigation through the file system in order to access a given file, directory (folder);

- file attribute management (read-only, hidden file, system file, archive file).

Manage application installation, execution, and uninstallation . This includes ensuring the following operations:

- the possibility of simultaneous or sequential operation of several applications (for example, simultaneous operation of the Notepad and Calculator programs);

- the ability to exchange data between applications;

- the ability to share hardware and software between several applications, etc.

Ensuring reliability lies in the stability of the operating system in the event of failures in the operation of insufficiently developed and tested applications.

File system maintenance. Although file location data is stored in a table structure FAT 32, they represent hierarchical structures– this is more convenient for users and all transformations are carried out by the operating system.

File system maintenance functions include:

Creating files

- renaming files

- merging files

- deleting files, etc.

2.7. Application software.

Modern personal computers are a set of programs that are used by users to perform specific tasks.

Application software includes:

- standard application programs,

- word processors WORD

- table processors EXCEL

- other standard programs,

- expert systems, user programs.

Standard applications are standard applications operating system Windows . Due to their particular simplicity, they are usually used as educational programs. However, knowledge of how to work with standard applications allows you to speed up the development of specialized software tools: text and spreadsheet processors, graphic editors, etc.

The standard application programs include the following programs:



- text editor WORD PAD

- graphics editor PAINT.

Notepad program is a simple text editor that can be used as a convenient viewer text files(in TXT format and some others). It is rarely used to create text documents (only for creating small notes), however this program can be used to practice keyboard skills.

Calculator program is an application program that allows you to perform simple calculations. This program has two modifications: standard and engineering.

Standard calculator allows you to perform only simple arithmetic calculations.

Engineering calculator allows you to perform more complex engineering calculations using elementary mathematical functions.

The advantage of the Calculator program is that it can exchange information with other programs using the clipboard.

Word processor WORD PAD serves for creating, editing, generating and viewing text documents. Formatting refers to the design of documents using different fonts, alignment of text, insertion into text documents drawings, graphs, etc.

In the standard delivery of the operating systemWINDOWS word processorWORD PAD is a lightweight version of a more powerful word processorWORD .

Graphics editor PAINT is a program designed for creating and editing simple graphic images (drawings). In terms of its capabilities, this program no longer meets modern requirements, but due to its simplicity and accessibility, it remains part of the operating system applicationsWINDOWS .

Graphics editor Paint is the editor raster graphics . Since there are also graphic editor vector graphics , then the methods of working with them are completely different.

IN raster graphics The smallest element of the image is a point that corresponds to a screen point (pixel) on the monitor screen. IN vector graphics The elementary element of the image is a line (contour), described by mathematical expressions.

Word processor Word is currently the most popular program, operating system application Windows , and is today the standard in text processing.

Main difference word processors from text editors is that they allow you not only to enter and edit text, but also format him, i.e. draw up.

Table processor Excel is a package of application programs that are applications of the operating system WINDOWS and are today the standard in the field of tabular data processing.

Scope of application of the table processor EXCEL are engineering and economic calculations, drawing up various reports, diagrams, working with large volumes of data.

Table processor EXCEL has large set service functions. This includes text entry and spell checking, creation of graphs, charts, export and import of data.

Table processor EXCEL -2000 is designed to use fonts in the new encoding format UNICODE . When working with texts in English, no problems arise, but if you use traditional (M E UNICODE ) Russian-language fonts, then empty squares, dots and just spaces will be displayed instead of Russian letters. You can solve the problem using special program, which converts traditional fonts into UNICODE.

Other standard applications include:

- database management system Access

- graphic editor Corel Draw and Adobe Photoshop,

HTML editors (Web editors), etc.

Expert systems – these are systems for processing knowledge in highly specialized areas of preparing user solutions at the level of professional experts.

User application programs are programs developed by users and designed to solve their highly specialized problems.

2.8. Conclusion.

2.8.1 Modern personal computers They are universal technical devices for individual use designed for information processing.

For the normal functioning of modern personal computers, the interaction of its two equal components is necessary: ​​hardware ( HARDWARE ) and software ( SOFTWARE) software.

2.8.2 Hardware ( HARDWARE ) is a set of technical means (hardware) that make up a modern personal computer. The hardware structure of a modern personal computer is called its hardware configuration.

2.8.3 Typical Basic Hardware Configuration includes:

System unit


Mouse manipulator


In such a package, modern personal computers are usually provided to the user.

2.8.4 System unit is the main element of a modern personal computer, inside which the most important device. These devices are called main devices. Devices that are located outside the system unit are called peripheral devices .

2.8.5 The main devices include:

- motherboard

Hard disk drive

Floppy disk drive

Optical disc drive.

2.8.6 Peripheral devices include:


Mouse manipulator



Scanner, etc.

2.8.7 Typical Basic Software Configuration includes:

Basic input-output system ( BIOS)

Operating system

Service programs - utilities

Application packages

2.8.8 System software is a set of system programs that ensure the interaction of all elements of modern personal computers, as well as a friendly interface with users.

2.8.9 Application software is a set of application programs that ensure the execution of specific user tasks.

– Igor (Administrator)

In today's realities, the PC abbreviation has many different meanings, depending on the area of ​​application. However, in today’s article we will talk specifically about a personal computer, since this is the decoding that is most often meant when they say PC,

Note: The article is intended for novice users.

What is a PC or personal computer?

Personal Computer or PC- this is a tabletop Calculating machine, designed for home use and providing versatile functions for users. In simple words, This electronic device, which allows you to perform a bunch of different actions - surf the Internet, watch movies, write documents, compose programs, etc.

The term itself comes from the abbreviation PC or Personal Computer. In Russian GOSTs it is customary to use the abbreviation PEVM or Personal Electronic Computer. Although in a normal environment everyone is already accustomed to calling it a PC, since it is simply easier to pronounce and write.

Whatever standards you use, you should pay close attention to the fact that a PC, PC or personal computer is, first of all, a universal device. In other words, a gaming console is not a PC because its purpose is very limited.

Another example. The servers used by hosting companies are also not personal computers, but for a different, albeit simple, reason. They are not personal.

Background to the appearance of the PC

As you already understand, a PC or personal computer is usually represented as a set of a large box, also known as a system unit, monitor, keyboard, mouse and other devices. However, this idea did not develop immediately, but over time. There were several main stages of development that gave rise to today's term PC.

Once upon a time, as in a fairy tale, computers were very rare and were not available to everyone, like machines for the production of, for example, nails. You won’t find them on sale today. The same thing happened with personal computers. Only over time did they begin to appear on the shelves of regular stores. Until now, a personal computer was more interpreted as a slang expression, since it was difficult to call it personal.

The term "personal computer" was first used for the Programma 101 computer from Olivetti. In 1973, the first personal computer with a graphical interface appeared, called the Xerox Alto. Several thousand of them were produced. However, mass production occurred in 1975 with the Altair 8800 computer from MITS. The first Russian mass production of a computer was in 1981 under the name "Electronics NTs-8010". It is noteworthy that everything in these computers, from circuits to software, was from a domestic manufacturer.

Subsequently, many models were released. But unfortunately, domestic computers never took root.

Interesting fact. In Soviet times, the abbreviation PEVM was used, and the term PC denoted the purpose of the computer, and not its type.

Personal computer today

If earlier a personal computer could be associated with the fact that it was used only by one person or a certain group of people (family, dorm neighbors), today computers are produced in such quantities and types that almost all electronic computing devices that can be used in personal use, usually called PC.

It would be possible to come up with and use another term, but no one sees the point in this now. Most likely, this term will continue to exist until the dawn of the advent of bio-computers, although the latter may simply be called pets.

But seriously, despite the fact that today the term PC has taken root, when searching for errors or solving problems, it is always worth using more expanded names. For example, a desktop computer or laptop, since from time to time this can be a very important detail.

Today, the personal computer has become even more accessible to the population, more powerful and flexible. “Flexibility” refers to the adaptability of a computer to various operating conditions. If the user needs a powerful " workhorse", then he purchases a desktop computer, which, if desired, can be supplemented and its hardware upgraded to suit the tasks performed.

If the key requirement when choosing is mobility, then there is also a huge selection of portable PCs or laptops. Their peculiarity is that all basic input-output devices are located in a single portable case, which has the ability to operate from battery. In addition, thanks to the widespread introduction of the USB interface, you can connect any device to your laptop and read data from it. Today, the computer market offers a huge number of laptop models, including industrial models protected from the harmful effects of dust, moisture and water, models with increased and ultra-high battery capacity, allowing you to work without connecting to electrical network for the longest possible time.

A separate category of PCs should be noted for those purchased in Lately Netbooks are becoming increasingly popular. A netbook is a small laptop designed for accessing the Internet and working with office applications. Netbooks are distinguished by their compact size (screen diagonal 7-10 inches or 17.8-25.4 cm), light weight, low power consumption and relatively low cost. The Internet OS iСloud operating system, which is an interactive web page accessible at os.icloud.com through a modern web browser and designed to run in an XML environment, is also helping to increase the popularity of netbooks. virtual machine(client-side) custom-built software. Simply put, this OS is no longer installed on the user's machine, but on remote server using its resources and disk space. In addition, the user has access to his personal desktop from anywhere in the world, from any computer equipped with Internet access. iCloud is one of the first and most stable network OS to date. Some experts believe that it is network operating systems, the so-called clouds, that in the future will completely change the modern understanding of PCs.

Computer Application

The first computers were created solely for computing (as reflected in the names “computer” and “computer”). Even the most primitive computers are many times superior to humans in this field (except for some unique human counters). It is no coincidence that the first high-level programming language was Fortran, intended exclusively for performing mathematical calculations.

IN modern world It is impossible to imagine the accounting department or economic planning department of any enterprise that is not equipped with a PC. Now a PC is both an archive of documents and an easy search for documents by various attributes, be it date, document number, and so on. Computers are busy calculating wages, tax deductions and the like. It is on the PC that records of any enterprise funds are kept. In other words, a personal computer is the “tool of labor” of a modern accountant or economist.

The second major application was databases. First of all, they were needed by governments and banks. Databases require more complex computers with developed input-output and information storage systems. For these purposes, the Cobol language was developed. Later, DBMSs appeared with their own programming languages.

The third application was to control all kinds of devices. Here the development went from highly specialized devices (often analogue) to the gradual introduction of standard computer systems, on which control programs are launched. In addition, more and more equipment is beginning to include a control computer.

Finally, computers have developed so much that the computer has become the main information tool both in the office and at home. That is, now almost any work with information is carried out through a computer - be it typing or watching movies. This applies to both storing information and sending it over communication channels.

Modern supercomputers are used to simulate complex physical and biological processes. For example, to simulate nuclear reactions or climate change. Some projects are carried out using distributed computing, when a large number is relatively weak computers simultaneously works on small parts of the overall task, thus forming a very powerful computer. The most complex and underdeveloped application of computers is artificial intelligence- the use of computers to solve problems where there is no clearly defined more or less simple algorithm. Examples of such tasks are games, machine translation of text, expert systems.

Computer translated from in English(computer) is translated as “calculator”. It is a device that performs a certain, predetermined sequence of operations. A given sequence of operations is called software. Computers have a very wide range of applications. They are used for any complex calculations, for accumulating, processing, storing, receiving and transmitting information, controlling machines and mechanisms in production, for creating graphic and video images with the ability to process them, etc.

The term "computer"

Strictly speaking, the term “computer” is very broad, since the principle of its operation can be based on the use of a wide variety of working environments and components. A computer can be electronic, mechanical, quantum, optical, etc., working due to the movement of photons, quanta, mechanical parts, etc. In addition, functionally, computers are divided into two types - electronic and analog (mechanical).

By the way, the word computer was first introduced in 1887 into the Oxford English Dictionary. The compilers of this textbook understood the word “computer” as mechanical device for calculations. Only much later, in 1946, was the dictionary supplemented with terms that clearly describe mechanical, analog and digital computers.

Today, the concept of a computer has narrowed significantly, since many devices are outdated and are no longer used in work, thereby reducing the existing range of these devices.

Computer performance

The speed of a computer directly depends on its computing power, that is, the speed at which certain operations are performed per unit of time. This quantity is called “ flops».

In practice, the speed strongly depends on many additional conditions: the type of task that is performed on the computer, frequent data exchange between system components, etc. Therefore, the peak computing speed is taken as this parameter - a certain hypothetical number that characterizes the maximum possible execution speed operations.

For example, supercomputers are devices capable of performing calculations at speeds of more than 10 teraflops (that's ten trillion flops). For comparison, the average household personal computer operates at approximately 0.1 teraflops.

In order to evaluate the practical performance of computer devices, special tests have been developed (in computer slang they are often called “ benchmarks") which are based on special mathematical calculations. The performance of personal computers is usually assessed from the point of view of all its components to obtain a final, average assessment of its performance.

Types of modern computers

As noted above, depending on their design, technical parameters, and application, all computers can be divided into several types:

Electronic computers (computers)

In fact, this device is a collection of a whole complex of means, where all its constituent elements are made using electronic elements. The main purpose of such a device is to perform various calculations and solve computational or information problems.

Today, the term is used to refer to a specific hardware implementation of a device and as a legal term in legal documents. In addition, this concept is used to designate computer equipment, produced in 1950–1990, and for modern large electronic computing devices, in order to distinguish them from personal computers.

Personal Computer

An inexpensive, universal, fairly compact device designed for a single user to use at home or in the office and perform various individual tasks - computing, typing, watching videos, listening to music, etc. It is thanks to this versatility and affordability that personal computers have become so widespread.

The company's computers are most famous Apple and the so-called IBM compatible devices, which currently occupy the lion's share of the entire PC market. IBM's widespread popularity was ensured by more than low price with almost equal opportunities.

Until recently, these devices did not have any compatibility with each other - neither hardware nor software. Today, there is special software (“emulators”) that makes it possible to run Apple programs (with restrictions) on IBM-compatible computers and vice versa.

All personal computers, in turn, can be divided into several types:

Desktop PCs.