SEO optimization training. SEO training. All the pros and cons! SEO optimization training from scratch

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My name is Andrey Dzhilavdarov. I am the founder of an SEO agency "Organic", I have been doing SEO professionally for over 6 years. Over the years, I have worked on a variety of small and large projects, made significant progress and made mistakes.

In this article, I will share my experience and thoughts on how to become a high-level SEO specialist. You will learn:

  • what basic knowledge should everyone start with;
  • what are the main problems to be faced in SEO;
  • what options for specialty training exist today and what should be emphasized;
  • in what situations are invested in education cash really bring profit.

What should a beginner start learning?

To grow from scratch to a high-level SEO specialist, you need to learn a lot and continue to learn constantly.

Required basic knowledge

In order for any understanding of the subject to emerge, a beginner will have to understand basic elements a simple search engine (hereinafter referred to as PS):

1. What bots does the PS have, what is their function.

2. How the construction of a dictionary of terms in the PS is formed.

3. What is document indexing?

4. Understand the question of what indexes exist in the PS (standard inverted index, coordinate inverse index, zone index, direct index, etc.).

5. Understand how user requests are processed (query expansion).

6. Understand what ranking is, what basic ranking formulas exist in the PS now and their previous versions (tf*idf, BM25, Page Rank, etc.).

7. Understand past and current approaches to assessing search quality.

8. Imagine what the web is and have basic knowledge html, css, js.

Only after you have a clear chronological picture of the development of search over the past 10-15 years in your head (which work methods gave results, and how search resisted cheating), you can begin a detailed analysis of modern website optimization techniques.

Tools and approaches to work

At the next stage, you need to gain an understanding of modern approaches and tools (from PS or third-party) in working with projects based on texts, links, behavioral metrics and technical audit of the site:

1. Collection of the semantic core:

  • what to collect and how to clean.

2. Query clustering:

  • why do this;
  • what methods are there and what are the differences between the approaches.

3. Drawing up the site structure:

  • what should you start from first?
  • which is important for SEO.

4. Text analysis (analysis of entries in various areas of the document).

5. Formation of the page structure:

  • presentation of content on the landing page;
  • presenting important elements for SEO.

6. Behavioral metrics:

  • formation of snippets in search;
  • share of long clicks.

7. Reference signals:

  • find out what a natural link for Yandex is;
  • How does Google treat links?

8. Technical audit:

  • why duplicates are bad;
  • which may interfere with document indexing, etc.

What are the competencies of an optimizer?

The SEO specialty has developed rapidly and changed significantly over the past 10 years. Today, the competencies of an optimizer consist of:

1. SEO. Knowledge of search algorithms and website optimization, analytics and automation.

2. Technical side. Skill in setting tasks for the development department, content service, etc.

3. Marketing side. Understanding who we are making the site for and what should be on the site.

What every SEO specialist will inevitably encounter in their work

Modern website promotion in the PS is a complex of works where SEO is the determining element, but not the only one.

What structures are involved in SEO promotion:

1. Business.

2. Optimizer.

3. Users.

4. Search engine.

On this moment There is a very sad situation when business representatives, SEO specialists and PS representatives speak different languages.

In the outdated view, SEO only includes working with SEO texts, links, monitoring the technical part and analyzing what is happening.

In current practice, an SEO specialist must understand the objectives of the business, speak the same language with it, understand the product that it is promoting, and also know all the algorithms search engines(to be able to indicate to the search that we have a good site where the visitor can solve his problem in the best possible way). You need to A/B test your page prototypes to see what users respond to best.

You need to be aware of all trends in business development and marketing strategy. There are situations when ranking improves regardless of the classic skills of an SEO specialist, and vice versa - it happens that the optimizer will not be able to influence the improvement of ranking if the business is not developing at all.
Let me give you an example. Among equally and competently optimized online stores selling the same product, Yandex will rank higher the store that has a lower price and more convenient delivery. In this case, the company’s pricing policy and convenience of delivery are factors that an SEO specialist cannot influence.

To summarize: a modern SEO specialist must have knowledge of website optimization for search, understand development, and be an Internet marketer. This is a very high-level specialist who connects business and clients through search technologies.

Types and options of specialty training

How to grow your competencies

There are three options to solve this problem:

1. Get a job in a company with a strong team. A strong team will not allow you to go with the flow; it will be able to teach you a lot and provide invaluable practical experience.

For example, in one of the very first and famous SEO teams - the Wikimart team - there was certification of young specialists. Such certification could last up to six months. There was a list of 40 questions that had to be thoroughly understood (BM25, BrowseRank, link juice, anti-spam technologies and much more). The basic approach was for SEO gurus to ask the newbie questions and send them on their own to find answers and proof of their assumptions. When the unfortunate man already thought that he had found comprehensive information and had nothing more to add, humiliation and the collapse of illusions usually awaited him :) Released in peace, he went to look at his questions from a different angle. This is how very strong specialists were forged, capable of thoroughly understanding the most complex issues, finding solutions in non-standard situations and achieving maximum profit in the shortest possible time.

2. Find a personal consultant. This option has its place, but it is very expensive and less effective in terms of practical experience.

3. Take a competent course. Today there are no universities that teach SEO as a specialty, but a sufficient number of serious courses have already appeared, even at universities. At the courses you can both gain the latest knowledge and practice by applying it in your test work.

Let's stop and talk in more detail about the existing courses and what to expect from them.

Standard SEO course for mastering the subject and advanced training

Traditional blocks in SEO courses are blocks on optimizing pages and texts, working with links, behavioral and commercial factors, and conducting an audit. Less common is general knowledge about the algorithms and structure of the PS.

On simple examples teachers will explain each of these blocks (how to write a title, make technical specifications for the text, optimize the listing or add links). Then you try to implement what you heard on your site.

When taking a course on SEO, you need to clearly understand that you will only receive practical knowledge on SEO. They won’t teach you how to make cool sales prototypes of pages or how to assign specifications to programmers so that all the requirements from SEO and business are correctly combined on the site. The pain of users and businesses will not be discussed here. It is believed that this is not an SEO task; this is done by marketers and UX designers, programmers, a content service, or the director himself.

SEO courses will help solve the important task of interpreting business content for PS. You will see how SEO interacts with all elements of the business, with users and PS.

There are things that cannot be learned anywhere, because situations are too individual. And yet, in good courses they will teach you to pay attention to the necessary elements, to separate the main from the unimportant, and this will help in making the right decisions.

SEO courses for different levels

There is a gradation of courses by level from beginner to advanced. If man walking to take a course for mid- and high-level specialists, he must have knowledge of the structure of the software, basic formulas for ranking the software and modern methods of working with the site.

If you do not have such an initial knowledge base and do not master the fundamental terminology, then it will be almost impossible to follow the teacher’s thoughts, the student will lose interest and will not get what he expected.

Before taking an intermediate or high-level course, it would be a good idea to brush up on your knowledge or try to clarify unclear points on your own.

Ideally, you should come with prepared questions on specific points of the course program or free ones and with a knowledge base about search and modern approaches to SEO.

Nowadays there are a variety of courses on the market that will help you improve your SEO. I will only talk about those that I visited and where I taught:

1. Rush-Intensive. The course lasts three days. After completing the course, you will upgrade yourself to all the main topics in promotion. The guys will share their working tricks and proven techniques. The course is designed for beginner and intermediate levels, ideal for those who want to refresh their knowledge and work techniques.

2. Predictive analytics course from Dmitry Ivanov. During the course, Dmitry will show how you can work with the semantics of a website, identifying the best groups of queries for promotion, and share his experience in optimizing websites in his company. The course is designed for high-level specialists who need to solve complex or non-standard problems in SEO, sales and analytics.

3. Of all the high-level courses for experienced specialists, I would like to note those organized by the Search Engine Education training center.

  • promotion of online stores (aggregators, any large sites, portals and catalogues),
  • promotion of service sites.

The fact is that the approaches to promoting these types of sites are different, and accordingly, most of the methods and tricks differ significantly.

It's been 2 days. During these days, Alexey explains in great detail the basic methods of working with all the components of promotion: core collection, structure, texts, links, commercial factors, regionality - and in general gives correct sequence actions when optimizing the site.

If you want more chips and truly more valuable and unique information, then a VIP day is offered to you. Here Alexey will share his personal experience work with websites in specific topics and offer solutions to complex problems.

If you have pressing questions about your website, then a case day has been designed especially for you, where you can personally discuss these issues with Alexey. I recommend this day to all optimizers from in-house teams who have problems with promotion.

Of course, it would be best to complete all 4 days. This will greatly improve your understanding of SEO and give you a lot to think about. But for most, visiting even two days will give a bunch of new ideas and practices to implement on their projects.

Is it worth attending paid courses, especially expensive ones? How quickly will the investment pay off?

By investing sometimes seemingly significant amounts of money into your education, you rise to new level salaries. Typically, such investments pay off almost immediately, because you can offer new services to your current clients.

For example, for the optimizer in inhouse there is an opportunity to solve a number of problems with your project and ask for an increase wages(hereinafter ZP). I remember how I rid the site of two filters, achieved an increase in traffic, for which I immediately received a bonus and an increase in salary by 20%.

If you are working at the agency, then after completing the courses you will be able to take your projects to a new level and negotiate with your superiors about transferring larger and more serious projects to you. Naturally, the remuneration for leading key projects for the agency will be increased. For example, at our previous place of work we had 2 departments. In the first department, the guys were promoting small sites (mainly service sites and small online stores). The second department dealt with complex projects. There were large online stores and aggregators, competitive topics and complex business. If in the first department the optimizer’s salary was approximately from 50,000 to 70,000 rubles, then in the second department it was already from 80,000 to 150,000 rubles.

If you freelancer, then you will have the opportunity to work in a team on large and interesting projects. Usually, running one such project will give you about 80,000 - 140,000 rubles, but, however, you can take no more than 2, maximum 3 such projects, since the optimizer has a lot of tasks on such projects and, as a rule, cannot do it without assistants make do.

Another option is consulting. Here you can earn one-time money. The cost of an hour of consultation is now approximately 2,000 rubles, but it all depends on your level and personal brand. You can also get a permanent job in an inhouse project as an independent consultant and train the department. Here the cost will depend on the immersion in the project and its complexity. The price tag for such contracts starts from 40,000 rubles. per month (there is no upper limit).

And one more interesting point. The fact is that such expensive courses are usually attended by people with experience and good income from SEO. Here you can meet both colleagues and, possibly, a future employer. Everything depends on you!

1. Experts’ experience cannot be overestimated

Today, a large number of resources without any reputation publish tons of cases and materials on the topic of SEO. It would seem, take it and do as they show! However, by technically repeating after someone, you can not only fail to get results, but also seriously suffer. It is important to have an expert base, present the whole picture and understand the nuances. Then you can sensibly evaluate proposals from non-reputable sources.

2. Ready-made website promotion methodology, detailed analysis of many optimization elements

After completing the courses, as a result of work and consolidation of knowledge, you will begin to better understand all the processes of website optimization, what they will lead to and what else can be done to increase user happiness and search rankings.

3.Getting rid of SEO myths

It often happens that in the course of their work, optimizers lose touch with reality, namely with the real user. They come up with various schemes, forgetting that the user just needs to solve his problem.

The whole task is to turn user expectations into code on the site and clearly indicate to search engines that our site solves user problems for a number of queries.

Continuous learning

PSs are constantly developing and changing their approach to processing requests, new algorithms are being introduced, the formation of requests by users, and their idea of ​​what should be on the pages of an online store website or service website are changing.

Over the past 5 years, Yandex alone has introduced about ten new filters and search algorithms. For specialists working on Russian market, it is important to monitor all changes in the work of Yandex and make changes to the regulations for projects.

If we look even deeper, it is important to know not only all the announced algorithms of Yandex and Google, but also the approaches to data processing that were used before and are now used in the PS.

SEO is not a specialty that you can learn once and for all, achieve some level of knowledge and stop. If you successfully promoted websites ten years ago and stopped at the knowledge you had achieved, then today there will be nothing to talk to you about at all. Work standards are constantly changing.

In the end, I would like to add that when attending even the most sophisticated courses, you cannot blindly believe what they tell you. You can only agree, disagree and check everything through your own experiments.

From the author: opinion regarding SEO optimization in Lately diverges. Some people believe that this direction is no longer relevant, others - that it continues to be one of the most effective methods website promotion on the Internet. Let's take a closer look at the issue and find out whether SEO training is worth it and where you can get it.

Search engine optimization is an interesting niche in which even a person who does not understand advertising or promotion on the Internet can start working. Of course, in this case it will take more time to study basic SEO lessons, however, if you delve into the material for 2-3 months, you will be surprised at the level of knowledge gained.

Main tasks of an SEO optimizer

SEO for beginners will seem like a huge world of incomprehensible terms and in-depth analytics, however, this direction can be described in simple Russian language. A specialist in the field of search engine promotion is obliged to improve the site’s position in Internet search results by improving the content and adjusting the usability of the site.

In other words, the SEO specialist makes the resource more convenient for visitors. In turn, the search engine notices that users get what they want when visiting the site and spend more time on it, and, as a result, promotes the site in the search rankings so that other people on the Internet get here.

What skills and knowledge are needed to work as a CEO?

To get started full-time job In this topic, it will be enough to understand:

basics SEO promotion;

the principle of operation of the main search engines (Google, Yandex, Rambler, etc.);

structure of writing SEO articles.

The following skills will give your development in this topic an additional boost:

knowledge of English;

marketing basics;

ability to analyze the market;

additional knowledge on website development (for example);

understanding the basics information technologies.

Four global SEO trends for 2016

To achieve more significant results in website promotion, you must understand the mechanics of search engines. It should be noted that it is updated every year, so you need to constantly monitor new trends. Check out the latest features of search engines, revealed after a series of studies:

There's no point in looking for cheat codes.

Plugins and other web developments that increase the efficiency of the site’s core are no longer as relevant as they used to be. This is due to a large number of innovations. Creators of all kinds technical modules they simply don’t have time to edit them and adjust them to fit new format, so it’s much more logical to do the main work yourself.

Content is the basis of search engine promotion.

You are in the present era information war. Websites compete for visitors, attracting them with more and more interesting content. It is no longer possible to do without it, since search results are also influenced by the fact how much time visitors spend on the site.

A catchy title, information content, a solution to a specific problem - all this should be present in the text. Moreover, people began to reveal lies and various “deceptions” even at the embryonic stage, so work on honest and useful content.

Mobile optimization is a basic need.

If a user logs into a browser and enters a query into a search engine via a smartphone, for example, “Moscow taxi,” then he is more likely to come across a site designed for a mobile format.

Local issuance has become a priority when issuing commercial websites.

From now on, when people enter commercial search queries, they will first be shown sites located in the same city where the client is located.

An exception would be the use of gadgets that have the GPS tracking system disabled, or performing a search indicating a specific city in the request.

Where can I get basic knowledge?

You can learn the basics of SEO by following these steps:

studying books in this area;

understanding information through educational articles and videos on Youtube;

by completing specialized SEO courses (free at first, then you can try paid ones);

by meeting more experienced specialists who will agree to help you dive into this topic.

All of the above options work and have bright followers who, having followed one of the above roads, later became successful specialists. However, there is a key point that should never be missed. We are talking about the practical component of training.

You should not adhere to the strategy - first education, then work. No - that’s not possible. It is much more effective to grasp the basic principles of SEO optimization, and then immediately apply the accumulated knowledge in practice, gradually adding to the wealth of information.

How can you make money from your SEO knowledge?

There are several options for making money in this area with the proper level of knowledge:

Teach others online.

Try and monetize it by teaching the basics of SEO optimization to other people. This can be done through video or text materials - whichever is more convenient for you.

Get a job as an employee.

Good optimizers are a valuable treasure in the labor market. Now, if you have proper experience in the field of search engine promotion and can guarantee a specific result for the company, then feel free to count on a monthly salary of 50,000 rubles.

Become a freelancer.

Register on the appropriate exchanges on the Internet and select orders that suit your profile. This option can be called optimal for beginners to get their hands on.

Collaborate with a web studio.

You can enter into a contractual agreement with any web studio involved in website development. The essence of the agreement is that the partner company will recommend you as a promotion specialist to its clients. In principle, this format can be considered freelancing, however, to some extent stabilized, since there will be constant orders.

Open your own company.

This path is considered the most difficult. It is suitable for those who want to open their own business in this area, providing search engine promotion services through the hands of other people. Of course, in this case one cannot do without developed management skills.

Now you generally understand the mechanics search engine optimization and know where to learn this interesting craft. You can try enrolling in SEO courses, or immediately move on to practical activities, gaining knowledge from real experience. Either way, SEO training is not a waste of time.

This area is very popular and useful, so we wish you good luck and rapid SEO development. Our blog will help you with this, where interesting articles regularly appear covering all areas of website development and promotion. So subscribe so you don't miss anything! See you again!

Dear friends, from time to time I receive letters with the same question - how to learn SEO and become a website promotion specialist? I came to the idea that it’s time to write a detailed article about this and express in it all my thoughts on this matter, and then just provide a link. Convenient, isn't it :)

It’s not a Globator in the photo, don’t think so :) I just practiced a little in Photoshop 😉 .

Website promotion is not yet taught in universities. I think something similar will definitely appear soon.

Indeed, the question is how to become SEO specialist, very relevant. The ability to attract targeted visitors to websites to increase profits will always be in demand.

I will tell you based on my experience. Plus I’ll try to add jokes and jokes to make it more fun for you to read 😉 .

As a child, I wanted to become a clown, but life turned out so that I became a blogger and SEO :) I've always liked making people laugh. At school, university and at all my jobs, I always tried to make someone laugh. Even, I learned to transfer all my jokes and jokes to English language in such a way that it would amuse the Americans (at first it didn’t work - they have a different mentality).

I’m not upset that I don’t work in the circus - I’m slowly having fun on my blog in order to at least dilute the dull articles on website promotion with a little humor 😉 .

That’s it, I need to concentrate, otherwise I’m distracted again :)

The best way to learn SEO is by doing

In my opinion, The best way to learn something new is to learn it by doing.

I am convinced that to successfully become an SEO specialist, he must have his own website. You can create a resource of any type - website, blog, forum, community, portfolio, etc. Only on your website can you learn the basics of increasing traffic, experiment with internal optimization and try different ways promotions to find out what works and what doesn't.

I started my journey as a webmaster in 2005, creating a website for maps for the game Counter-Strike, the development of which I was then interested in Then I made a website for Photoshop lessons. Then it was on the domain, then I moved it to due to a long-term DDoS attack. Then 8 out of 10 popular Photoshop sites from the Yandex catalog were subject to this attack, this is a different story.

I actively worked on the development of the site, wrote lessons on Photoshop, and within a year I achieved natural traffic of 3,600 people per day with virtually no financial investments (I only paid for registration in catalogs and then bought the Allsubmitter program). You can read about this in this series of articles:

After that, I realized that I really like to increase website traffic, and I started a blog site to share my thoughts and experiences. So gradually I came to SEO.

Constantly experiment

SEO is an area in which it is impossible to say unequivocally what works and what doesn’t. Google Algorithms and Yandex are constantly changing, and the effectiveness of one or another method of internal optimization and promotion always depends on many factors. Plus, there may be a trivial thing - all other things being equal, the same method can work well for one optimizer and not work for another.

That is why you can find directly opposite opinions on almost any issue in website promotion, even among experienced specialists.

My advice is if you doubt something, don’t read someone else’s opinion and don’t blindly accept it as truth, no matter how much authority the person has in SEO. If you’re not sure, it’s better to do an experiment and check it with your own experience.

For example, many optimizers argue that when articles are added to free article directories, they must be multiplied (that is, rewritten so that they turn out different). I believe that there is no need to multiply them at all, because one version of the article works great. I have conducted several experiments and am convinced of this while working. This applies to both promotion in RuNet and on the English-language Internet.

🔥 By the way! I spend paid course to promote English-language websites SEO Shaolin. If you are interested, you can apply on his website

I started a separate Twitter account, in which I publish the most interesting and useful RuNet materials on website promotion. I select all materials manually and publish only those that I save for the future. There are many valuable articles accumulating in my bookmarks, and I decided to share them with you. You can subscribe to this account - @ruSEO.

So, let’s put aside unnecessary modesty and quickly provide a link to the content section of the site where I publish best materials your blog on SEO :)

If you know English, then reading foreign promotion materials will allow you to learn a lot of useful things first-hand. You can read my article:

Naturally, we need to mention the optimizer forums. It is useful to read them, but it is important to learn to ignore unnecessary information (flood and messages without any information value). Plus, on the forums you can ask questions and communicate.

At the beginning of my journey, I communicated quite actively on optimizer forums, but I haven’t done this for several years now - I don’t have time, I prefer to do my work. Of course, from time to time I go to forums from Twitter to read interesting articles, but in general I read blogs more often, since there is more useful information and less flooding.

Here are the most popular SEO forums on the Runet:

You can also watch useful videos on website promotion and related topics on and

Study the websites of leading competitors

In almost any topic, the first positions in search results are occupied by sites that, in the opinion of search engines, best meet user needs.

Such sites definitely need to be studied both in terms of internal optimization and content, as well as in terms of the organization of structure and navigation, as well as the ways in which they are promoted.

To find out by what methods a particular site is promoted, you need to download it external links. This can be done using paid program Yazzle (I've been using it since 2007) or using online services(I made a detailed video on one such service -). By following the links, you can find out in what ways a particular resource is promoted. This knowledge can save you time and money.

If you are interested, you can order from me, in which I will tell you everything in detail and then answer all your questions.

If you notice any interesting points and solutions on other sites, test them through experiments to find out whether they have an effect or not.

To become an SEO specialist, it is advisable to work in a company

Another such moment. Development and promotion of your websites is one thing. Working on client sites is different. So to speak, the next step on the path to a level 80 elf 😉 .

I personally lacked certain skills and abilities to move on to professional promotion of custom websites. In particular, I did not know how to promote commercial sites in competitive topics and how to properly buy links, as well as deal with promotion budgets. I had a lot of my own experience, but I really lacked this knowledge.

As a result, in 2007 I got a job at a website promotion company. I am grateful to fate that I was given the opportunity to work as a website promotion specialist (this is exactly the entry in my employment record).

There I ran several websites, constantly studied, communicated with other promotion specialists (Artem, Stas and Dina, taking this opportunity to say hello! 🙂) and generally operated at a qualitatively new level for myself, managing quite large budgets and buying tons of links 😉 .

I remember that I was still at a time when links from sapa gave a cool and quick effect. It was enough to buy links for several tens of thousands of rubles, and a week later the site was in the top 3 for a very competitive one-word query. But this soon stopped, and for successful progress it was necessary to think a lot, analyze and experiment. Which, in fact, is what I do to this day 😉 .

I worked in an office from 9 to 6, and spent three hours a day on transportation, but it was worth it. Having received the missing knowledge and skills from an SEO company, after 9 months I quit and set off on a solo voyage. By the way, you can read my opus, there’s just a gorgeous picture at the beginning, I love it 😉.

IN recent months work, communicating on forums, I found a couple of clients with whom I began to collaborate to promote their sites. I worked on their resources in my free time, often working at night. This allowed me to start earning a little extra income.

At first it was difficult, but I worked hard from morning to night, gradually more clients appeared for promotion and they began to recommend me to their friends and acquaintances.

My wife also supported me a lot - I am grateful to her for that. Instead of being angry and offended at me for sitting at the computer all day with red eyes, she actively helped me and is now well versed in SEO, even though she works in a maternity hospital :) For example, she collects keywords much better and faster than me, she has a talent for this. When you have family support, you can achieve your goal much faster.


My conclusion is this: absolutely anyone can learn how to promote websites if they have the desire. The Internet has all the necessary information. There is nothing very complicated or abstruse about SEO. Naturally, you need to work very hard, constantly learn and truly love what you do. Then everything will definitely work out!

I wish you to learn everything you want!

Guard (): You can download Joomla templates on the portal

Dessert for today - video about the monkey man:

Don't forget to pay attention to reviews when choosing a training company.

Courses, seminars, trainings on SEO

In order for your online business to make a profit in a short time, it is recommended to go through full course By . The course program should study ranking factors, search engine algorithms, and the intricacies of promotion. The goal of the training is to ensure your website has a leading position in a fiercely competitive environment, and the ability to analyze the actions of resources and search engines.

In addition to courses, you can attend seminars and usability training. Competent will attract large quantity user.

When choosing SEO courses or training, you need to consider the following:

  • besides studying theoretical material, there must be full practice;
  • The training program should include modern methods and research; SEO should be studied taking into account the latest search engine algorithms;
  • the presence of an individual approach to each student, which contributes to successful learning;
  • At the end of the training you should receive a certificate of completion of the course or training.

Individual, distance learning

If necessary deep learning SEO You can use a tutor in a short time. Typically, individual training is used by entrepreneurs in Moscow and St. Petersburg. It is possible to conduct corporate trainings for company personnel. Distance SEO training is conducted via Skype or via webinar for residents of any region of Russia.

What will you get from SEO training?

You will definitely learn:

  • compiling the semantic core of the resource, competently forming search queries;
  • optimizing the text of web pages to increase their ranking for relevant queries;
  • writing meta tags, internal linking for site functionality;
  • monitoring resource positions;
  • checking the uniqueness of content, selecting keys;
  • building link mass through the placement of thematic optimized texts.

If you are a businessman or entrepreneur, you will be able to exercise competent control over your optimizer, implement it, reduce costs and significantly increase the efficiency of website promotion. If your goal is to get a highly paid profession as a webmaster, then the acquired knowledge is quite enough to work on the Internet.


HTML/CSS is a hypertext markup language, the basis for studying server-side languages. Once you learn HTML, you can create a static web page or website. CSS - cascading style sheets - will allow you to design your website the way you want. You will be able to watch the video course at a convenient time and if you have any questions, contact a mentor who will monitor your progress. The format encourages communication and self-discipline in learning. In a month you will learn: * layout of static sites, * valid cross-browser layout, * block layout, * performing basic operations in Photoshop, * using LESS and Bootstrap preprocessors. Your homework must be graded before you can move on to the next lesson in the course. This will show that you understood the previous lesson and will easily learn new knowledge. The task can be checked by both the mentor and classmates whose knowledge you trust, and receive an achievement for it. With each check, the number of achievements grows, and the skill of working with other people's code increases. The level of the final certificate depends on the number of achievements: the more there are, the higher the status. This somewhat game mechanic makes classes even more interesting.

Lesson 1. Basic concepts in web development

What is the web page; types of sites; website development process; what is hypertext, tags and attributes; workplace preparation; HTML document structure; basic text design tags; a simple example of an HTML page; example of a complex web page; hotkeys for moving through documents.

Lesson 2. Basics of HTML document markup language

Lesson 3. Basics of the CSS document styling language

What is CSS; CSS syntax; CSS declaration methods; selectors (id, class, tag); attribute selectors.; basic properties of styles; nesting; inheritance and grouping of properties; checking the connection of the styles file.

Lesson 4. Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements, table layout

Priorities for applying styles; pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements; creating tables; merging cells; nested tables; styling of tables.

Lesson 5. Formation of a block model, block layout

Basic tags for layout (div and span); element indents (margin and padding); streamlined elements; block positioning.

Lesson 6. Working with a design mockup in PSD format

Basic functions and introduction to Photoshop; highlighting the main parts of the layout; layout cutting; layout of the website using blocks; inserting parts of the layout into the layout;

Lesson 7. Website markup and introduction to Bootstrap

Creating the main site layout; using overflow and clear in real layout; filling the markings with parts of the cut layout; techniques for positioning elements; introduction and use of Bootstrap.

Lesson 8. Web standards and supporting tools

Uploading projects to the server; cross-browser problem; HTML/CSS standards; the future lies with HTML5 and CSS3 standards; competent, universal layout; introduction to preprocessors using LESS as an example.

We learn how to effectively optimize a website and achieve business goals: current search engine algorithms, modern methods for solving problems, effective tools in daily work.

Lesson 1. Principles of search engines and priority work

Principles of search engines: text ranking, link ranking, behavioral ranking. Search engine filters. Types of sites.
Necessary SEO tools.
Introduction to services: Yandex Webmaster, Google Search Console, Yandex Metrica, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager.

Lesson 2. Site structure

Competitor analysis. General methodology, identification of signs and parameters. Ways to implement structure on the site. Formation of technical specifications for the implementation of the structure. Promotion by region.

Lesson 3. Semantic core. Theoretical part

Types keywords. Collection of marker requests. Competitor keyword analysis. Parsing search queries. Cleaning and clustering of the semantic core. Process automation.

Lesson 4. Semantic core. Practical part

Collect and cluster the semantic core for your project.

Lesson 5. Optimizing landing pages

Competitor analysis. Formation of title, description and h1 landing pages. Text filters, LSI, generation of technical specifications for texts, search for copywriters.

Lesson 6. Technical audit. Theoretical part

Working with deep website analysis programs. Checking and adjusting technical aspects of the site (ssl certificate, robots.txt, sitemap.xml, duplicate pages, redirect rules, etc.). Formation of technical specifications for technical improvements. SEO checklist.

Lesson 7. Technical audit. Practical part

Lesson 8. Usability, commercial factors

What is usability? Analysis of user behavior and identification of needs. Usability caps and home page, product categories and cards, carts, forms, links, mobile version. Formation of technical specifications based on the results of the audit. Usability checklist.

Lesson 9. External promotion

Lesson 10. Analytics

SEO analytics tools.
Traffic from search engines;
Login page analysis;
Analysis of search queries;
Goal reports;
Site monitoring.
Analysis of pages in search results (indexing), changes on the site, positions by keywords.

The course, developed jointly with the EnglishDom school, will help you master key English-language topics that are relevant for beginning IT specialists. Maximum practice and focus on IT vocabulary. 10 lessons cover writing CVs, technical assignments and business letters, interviews and negotiations, international communication when promoting your project. In live dialogues in English, students will reinforce phrases that will be useful in their work for developers and testers, marketers and designers.

Lesson 1. IT resume sample

We write a resume in English.

Lesson 2. Job interview: questions and answers

We conduct the interview in English.

Lesson 3. Effective teams

We talk about teamwork and processes in English.

Lesson 4. Workplace communication

English for communication by phone and Skype.

Lesson 5. Business emails

We correspond in English.

Lesson 6. Requirement specifications (SRS)

Reading and composing technical task in English.

Lesson 7. Stand-up meetings

Becoming an ideal speaker.

Lesson 8. Deadline

We complete the work on time and in English.

Lesson 9. Challenge

We describe and solve problems in English.

Lesson 10. Start up

We talk about our project and introduce the team in English.