The money was written off, but the goods on Aliexpress are hanging unpaid, awaiting payment. A paid order for Aliexpress is listed as unpaid. How long is the expected payment for Aliexpress?

The AliExpress service is a platform where you can purchase goods at inexpensive prices, which contributes to a large influx of customers from all over the world, which means unexpected disruptions in the service, for example, delays in payment for goods. For example, your order description may display the status “Payment Awaiting” on AliExpress. What does this mean and what to do in such a situation?

Why did this status appear?

The inscription “Payment awaited” means that the money has been debited from the account, but has not yet been credited to the system.

In order to understand what the “Payment Awaiting” status on AliExpress means, you need to talk about the possible causes of the failure:

  • The bank server cannot immediately cope with the received funds for certain reasons, and therefore delays timely payment for the goods. The status may be displayed for several hours, but after the money is credited to the account, the inscription will disappear.
  • During sales and major holidays, a system, even one as powerful as that of AliExpress, suffers from the flow of people. Therefore, the page is updated slowly, and the seller’s response comes only some time later. This may also affect the status of financial transactions, which are delayed not only for a couple of hours, but also for several days. But don’t worry ahead of time, as this is not related to your mistake or fraudulent actions of the administration. Your funds are saved in any case.
  • Be sure to look at exactly what status is displayed next to the information about the ordered product. This could be an unpaid purchase or a payment verification. The AliExpress service protects its customers from fraud, and that is why the money will come to the seller only when you pick up the parcel. Payments are not sent to sellers, they only monitor the status of the order: payment may be pending or completed successfully.
  • Information about “Waiting for payment” may appear if the cost of the ordered product has increased during the purchase process. What to do in such circumstances? Go to the payments section and see if the cost has been adjusted or remains the same.

As practice shows, the most common reason is related to the period of sales, which slow down the functioning of the service. AliExpress servers do not have time to serve each client and process information in a timely manner, including the verification of withdrawals from a bank account.

There are situations when the appearance of such a status is associated with the need for the card owner to confirm information that it really belongs to him. If you have not been sent notifications about further actions, and you doubt whether they want to rob you, do not send information about your bank accounts anywhere. It is recommended that you contact our technical support staff in such circumstances.

Remember that the CVV code of the card must not be shared with anyone, even site administrators!

What to do when waiting for payment

  • Stop panicking, which won't help you in any way, and just wait a couple of days.
  • The information should be processed within a couple of days. But if the problem persists, contact the site staff.

In fact, the intervention of the trading platform administration is not always required, because most often the situation resolves itself.

What to do if the status is not displayed for the first day

Start by contacting the site's technical customer support service. In the case where the status does not change and after they work to resolve the problem, you can safely cancel the order of the product and get your money back.

Possible errors when paying

  • If you see that the payment has not been completed and payment is expected, you cannot repeat the operation, especially several times.
  • Be calm about possible failures. If the order is canceled by the site administration, an amount equal to the cost of the selected item will be returned, but no more.
  • Pay for purchases using the mobile application. This will speed up the payment transaction.

What to do if the item has been paid for several times

If you nevertheless committed a rash act and paid for the goods more than once, do not immediately despair. Your funds may still be returned to you. How to get my money back? Use the following algorithm:

  1. Please wait while AliExpress website staff checks your order and payment transactions for it.
  2. Then check your accounts again. There is a possibility that if a double payment for one product is detected, the administrators will return the money.
  3. If this doesn't happen, don't worry. Simply contact customer service and explain the situation.

The AliExpress service protects customers who, in the event of an error, are required to return their money. So don’t be afraid to order things you like on the site. Buying goods on AliExpress is safe!

The Aliexpress trading platform offers products whose prices pleasantly surprise customers, so the payment system is under a lot of stress, which means that unexpected situations often occur, for example, payment is delayed.

And then you have to see the “waiting for payment” status on the monitor screen. This is not a reason to worry, get upset or sound the alarm. Let's look at what this means and why this happens.

The status “hangs” even if the money has been written off. Thousands of online Aliexpress buyers often encounter this situation; they are perplexed as to why the money did not arrive in the store’s account on time.

  1. Bank servers cannot cope and payment does not occur on time. The status may hang for 5 hours or more; when payment is made, the status will be removed.
  2. You need to pay attention to what status the order has. It may be unpaid, or “payment is being verified.” Aliexpress is reliably protected from fraudsters by a security system, so payment comes to the seller only when the order is completed. The seller does not receive the payment, he can only see whether payment has been completed or is pending.
  1. The “payment awaited” status may appear if the order price has been increased. This means you need to go to “payments” and see whether the price has been adjusted or not. Aliexpress has a chat where you can ask questions if the wait for payment is prolonged. It is effective and operates online.

Sometimes, if the status “waiting for payment” appears, you need to provide confirmation that the bank card is yours. If you have not been sent the appropriate instructions, you are in doubt, and you find an inaccuracy in the page address, most likely they are trying to deceive you. In this case, you need to contact technical support, and not rush to send your card data over the Internet. Do not tell your secret code to anyone, even in personal correspondence with the store administration. Otherwise, you risk saying goodbye to the entire amount on the card.

Payment can also be made using the mobile application. This way you can pay for the goods much faster.

Attention! Some buyers on Aliexpress make the same grave mistake. Seeing that there is no payment, they repeat, sometimes several times, the payment. Payment for the order increases significantly, since a certain amount is withdrawn from the card each time. In this case, the main thing is calm. If you cancel your order, Aliexpress will only refund the cost of the product and nothing more. The technical support service of the online store will help in such a situation. The bank can also help; if you go there right away, the funds can be returned.

If something goes wrong, be patient and fully trust the world's largest trading platform Aliexpress.

A delay in processing data should not lead to rash actions, otherwise a situation may arise from which it will be difficult to find the right way out.

Below are the status values ​​that can be assigned to your booking.

Reserved. Waiting for payment to the agency- Your reservation has been successfully created. Payment is expected.

Reserved. Waiting for payment to the airline- your reservation has been successfully created. Payment is expected. In this case, the initiator of the write-off is the airline. Air tickets will be issued immediately after the airline authorizes the issue: usually within 3 hours from the moment the order is created. At the time of registration, the airline blocks the funds on your card. The cost of tickets is debited from the payment card, as a rule, within 30 days from the moment the funds are blocked (separately for each ticket).

Awaiting processing- your order has been successfully paid. The expected time for issuing a ticket is up to 3 hours from the moment funds are received into the agency's account or authorized by the airline.

During the payment confirmation process- a check of the legality of using your payment card (anti-fraud control) has been initiated.

Paid and issued- payment has been received, an electronic ticket has been issued and an itinerary receipt with information about the electronic ticket has been sent to your email address specified when creating the reservation. We wish you a pleasant trip!

Canceled- the air ticket you booked has been cancelled. The payment waiting time has expired (12 hours from the moment of booking).

Canceledagency- the air ticket you booked was canceled by the agency. A letter with the reasons for cancellation will be sent to your email.

Canceled by user- you independently canceled the booked air ticket. Please note that it is not possible to reinstate a canceled booking, but you can create a new booking.

Paid after cancellation- your order has been cancelled. The system recorded the payment after the booking expired. We recommend contacting our Customer Care Service.

In the process of returning- your application for a refund of the air ticket has been received and is being processed. The approximate processing time for the application is 72 hours from the moment of its submission. Refund times vary depending on the payment method.

Funds returned
- your application for a refund of the air ticket has been processed, the order has been cancelled, the funds have been sent to the payer using the same method by which the order was paid.

Payment not confirmed- payment for your order has not been confirmed. Possible reasons:

  • There are insufficient funds in your account or there is a limit on the amount of payments;
  • your payment card has not passed the anti-fraud check;
  • for technical reasons.
Detailed information is provided in the letter sent to your email.

Awaiting confirmation from the agency- your payment during the verification process.

Pending return information- we expect you to provide additional information necessary to return funds to your account. Detailed information is provided in the letter sent to your email.

Please note!
If unusual situations arise that are not described in this article, specialists from our Customer Care Service will contact you.

To see the current status of your order, refresh your browser page or follow the mailing list.

On Aliexpress Some order statuses raise questions among users. One of them is the status - "Payment awaited". What does it mean?

What does the status “Awaiting payment” mean on Aliexpress?

Status “Payment awaited” on Aliexpress

As a rule, this status appears if the order is Aliexpress you have already completed the order, but have not paid yet. Accordingly, the system waits for funds to arrive. To make a payment you can click "Pay now".

It is worth noting that if you did not immediately pay for the order, but only placed it, then you have 20 days to deposit the money. If this is not done, the order will be closed and, if necessary, you will have to place it again.

Some users, mainly during major sales, are faced with the fact that the payment has already been made, but the status remains the same "Payment awaited". What to do?

First of all, do not panic and under no circumstances deposit money again. First, check your account balance; if the funds have been debited, then wait a little. As a rule, a few minutes are enough to make a payment, but when Aliexpress If there is a major sale, this period can reach three days. Of course, it’s not worth waiting that long. If the next day you see that the payment has not been credited, then contact Aliexpress support service for help.

Video: Aliexpress. Order statuses. How not to miss the completion?

Every day, thousands of new users make their first purchases on the famous Chinese website. For new buyers, things don't always go smoothly the first time. For example, some may not know how to place an order correctly. Others may not understand how to pay for it. And there are those who cannot understand the status of the order. Especially some people start asking a lot of questions when faced with the “Payment awaiting” status. Let's take a closer look at what this status means.

What does the status awaiting payment on Aliexpress mean?

If you see this status, it means the following:

  • You started the checkout process and at the stage of paying for the order, you suddenly realized that you do not need this order and clicked on cancel.

In this case, the order will appear in the “My Orders” list with the status “Payment Awaiting”. If you really don’t need it, then click on the “Cancel order” button. Select any reason for cancellation.

After this, delete the transaction so that it does not appear among paid orders and does not confuse you. To do this, click on the trash can icon on the top right side. Confirm the action by clicking on the “Delete order” button.

  • There were insufficient funds in your account to pay for the purchase. You can pay for the same order again as soon as you have money (or pay using another method). To do this, click on the “Pay Now” button.

After this, you will need to select the required payment method.

But before you start paying, check to make sure there are not enough funds in your account to pay for the purchase. Maybe the money was written off, but the status is still hanging.

If you placed an order using a coupon, but there were not enough funds in your account to pay for the purchase, do not cancel the order under any circumstances. The thing is that with the new registration there will no longer be a coupon. Therefore, click on the “Pay Now” button in the unpaid order, and pay the amount that should have been charged the first time.

  • You might have won some product in a Freebie, and now you need to pay $0.01 so that the seller can send you your winnings. Until you pay, the status “Waiting for payment” will appear.
  • You paid for the order, the money was debited, but the status “Waiting for payment” remains. We will consider what to do in this case in the next chapter.

The money has been debited, but the order status is Awaiting payment on Aliexpress

If funds have been debited from your account, but you still see the status “Payment Awaiting” for your order, then this may mean the following:

  • On sales days or before holidays, the administration may not be able to cope with the load and therefore your payment may not be displayed immediately. Wait a few hours and check again. Do not make a new purchase under any circumstances.
  • Your bank or payment system is heavily overloaded. No need to be nervous, also wait a few hours and go to “My Orders” again.
  • If the status “Waiting for payment” hangs for more than a day, then write to the support service.

When you see the “Payment Awaiting” status on your order, don’t panic. First, double-check whether the funds were debited from your account. Perhaps you simply did not have enough funds to pay for the purchase.

Happy shopping everyone!