Where to start learning SEO. SEO training - is it worth the time? Where can you get basic knowledge?

For many of us, website optimization seems like a completely impossible task. As soon as you hear the abbreviation SEO, your back breaks out in a cold sweat. We suspect that this is due to the large number of incomprehensible jargon: “Do you want to rank higher in search results? Work on meta tags, alt texts and keywords." What, what, excuse me?

Site and page titles

So, we've sorted out one point. The next step is to make sure that search engines discovered your site. To do this, you need to enter keywords into the headings of the site and pages. Headings are classified as meta tags. To understand what they are, type any query you like in Yandex or Google. See the blue lines on top of each result? These are the headlines.

Header field on home page site must be filled out as follows:

Keywords | company name | address

Company name | keywords | address

Having dealt with the main page, you need to do almost the same on the remaining pages: page title + company name | keywords and address.

For that, to fill out the Title field in the Wix Editor, select desired page, click on the settings icon on the right and select “Page SEO”.

Important point: There is no need to add the “+” sign; we use it as a conjunction “and”. Vertical stripes do not affect search results; their role is purely decorative.

Page descriptions

The description is the short text that appears below the title. It is necessary so that a person understands what your site is about and wants to follow the link. Your task is to come up with a good, easy-to-read text, but add keywords to it.

Important point: There should not be too many keywords, otherwise they will do more harm than good. The description should look like regular coherent text written for people, otherwise no one will visit your page.

In the Wix editor The page description is added as follows: select the desired page, click on the settings icon → “Page SEO” and add a description.

Domain name

The domain name must include your company name. If you can add a keyword, great. Your domain should be easy to remember and type, so avoid hard-to-type phrases and don't overthink it. Remember: the best is the enemy of the good.

And yes, consider expanding. Don't limit yourself to domains ending in .ru, take a closer look at .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .guru or .net. By the way, expansion may depend not only on the country, but also on the type of activity. If your business is related to the IT industry, you can take the Italian domain.it, and if it is related to medicine, then the Moldovan domain.md. You will find other useful ones in our

To connect a domain, click on “Site” in the top panel of the editor, then on “Connect domain”, and then follow the instructions.

Alt texts

Search engines have one specific feature: they cannot “read” images. You need to “explain” what is shown in the photo by adding a text description, or alt-text, to it. After this, search engines will easily find photos for the corresponding request. Not long ago we wrote a detailed one, if necessary, you can re-read it.

How to Add Alt Text in the Wix Editor:

    Click on the image you want to optimize.

    Click on the “settings” icon.

    Find the “photo texts” field and add alt text.

And for the most meticulous, we recommend adding tooltip text. This is done there, in the image settings. When the user places the cursor on a photo, a tooltip will appear on top of it, the main purpose of which is to inform and explain what it is.

H1-H6 tags for building content hierarchy

Tags H1-H6 are used to highlight the main thing and place emphasis. The H1 tag is suitable for a heading, H2 for a subheading, etc. For example, on this page we use one H1 tag, several H2 tags and various keywords such as “site optimization”. Think about what text on the page is most important and add the right tags to it.

Search engines primarily respond to H1 tag, so it needs to be added to every page. The role of this tag can be compared to the role of the title - it also conveys the main essence of the page. Have you already forgotten? No problem, just go back to point 2.

To add a tag in the Wix Editor, click on the text, click “Edit text” and select the desired style.

And remember: it’s not the font size, but the tag. If there is no tag, nothing will change.

Real example of an optimized page

Now let’s see how this all looks in practice. Let's take as an example the ones made on Wix and analyze it:

    Title: Create an online store | Open an online business |Wix.com (you remember: key phrases plus company name).

Hello friends.

This post is not about how or where to start promoting your website yourself. And about how to learn SEO, where to start studying this area and becoming an SEO specialist. Certainly, this instruction It may also be useful for those who want to promote their site themselves, but I do not consider this a worthwhile investment of time, because if you conscientiously follow the instructions and read all the information provided, it can take many months, or even a whole year! Personally, I think a business owner needs to be involved in business and strategic planning rather than trying to do everything on their own. However, if you are a businessman and still decide to immerse yourself in the subject area (in order to competently control the performer, and not do everything yourself), I recommend studying the “Theoretical Base” block and stopping there.

What prompted me to write this post and who is it primarily intended for?

As the founder and head of the Alaich and Co. studio, from the moment of its founding to the present day, I have been able to successfully delegate almost everything, but I consciously reserve two things for myself: processing incoming applications and searching for employees. Secondly, it is a very difficult process that has to be optimized from year to year, and sometimes the approach has to be completely changed.

We have learned to successfully and effectively screen out candidates at the start, so as not to communicate with those who only think and do not actually want to learn and become a good SEO specialist. Wasting time on such people is not only pathetic, but unforgivable and unprofitable for business. Therefore, at the end of last year, I came up with a non-standard test task for everyone who wanted to get training at our company.

But regardless of whether a person plans to get a job in some company, or maybe has already gotten there, or even wants to learn SEO in order to live quietly in a village on the coast, manage several freelance clients and enjoy life, you need instructions, a specific plan for training and further development of a specialist.

I started by saying that I wanted to explain who I wrote this post for. First of all, for all our interns who come to work in the company. Now we are in the process of developing and standardizing internal instructions for training beginners, and I want to supplement it with this post (or supplement the post with instructions?). Secondly, I will send this post to all candidates who responded to us, completed the test, but have not yet become an intern, and in order not to waste time, I hope these guys will engage in self-study (if they really want to become specialists and work for us). Thirdly, of course, this post is for you, dear readers, and in general for everyone who finds my instructions, and I will be glad if someone uses it to teach their interns and beginners.

Finally, we have decided what and for whom this instruction is for, which means it’s time to get to the point and start explaining what the requirements are and where to start your journey into the world of SEO.

Do I really want to become an SEO specialist? Is the SEO field right for me?

Based on observations of my colleagues, newcomers and interns, I can say that people with a technical mindset cope best with their responsibilities. Ideally, physicists and mathematicians (I myself am a physicist). But if you are a humanitarian, this is not a death sentence. As Thomas Edison said: “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration” - in other words, success in any business depends 99% on the diligence and work you put into the business you do. Therefore, 1% is in favor of a technical mindset, and 99% is in favor of perseverance.

Interest and desire - if these two things were not there, a person would not move at all (not taking into account the need and physical needs), so this is very important, but it is even more important to maintain interest for a long time and feed it with new achievements in a career or in work with personal projects.

There is a lot of information ahead of you. Even too big. I see a clear relationship in the development and success of those guys who, in addition to working in the office, engage in self-study in the evenings, nights and weekends. I do not call for such a killer work schedule; I do not recommend depriving yourself of rest, everyday worries and joys. But I am hinting that at the start, without devoting all your time to training, you will not achieve success (although it all depends on your personal ambitions. After all, for someone, finding just any job and receiving any salary is already success).

Do you know where to start? Oddly enough, first you need to learn how to use search engines and find what you are looking for. Believe me, the request “how to use Yandex” does not sound stupid at all. This way you can find very useful help about your search results. How can you learn to optimize sites for people and for search algorithms if you have no idea what the search engine shows, what and by what principles the search results are formed.

After studying for 5 years at the physics department, I learned little about physics, but I learned enough life lessons. And one of them is the following: a stupid person is not the one who asks if he does not understand, but the one who does not ask questions when he does not understand. At university I was stupid - I didn’t ask because I was embarrassed that I would ask some nonsense, I was afraid of seeming stupid if my question was too primitive, if I asked something that everyone knows... Only years later did I realize how much it was weak position. Always ask if you have a question and have the opportunity to ask!(Statistics again: trainees who ask questions learn much faster and solve problems much faster.)

In addition, SEO is a dynamic field and something is constantly changing in it. You need to maintain and update your knowledge, but I’m already getting ahead of myself, because in order to update something, you must first know this “something”. So here are four things every SEO should do:

  • get a general understanding of CSS and HTML;
  • understand the algorithms of search engines;
  • master the basics of website optimization and promotion;
  • get acquainted with analytics tools.

And the last thing I want to say at the beginning. I have already written that I am personally looking for specialists and interns for our company, and among the candidates I have more than once heard something along the lines of, it/marketing/seo is a very promising industry, there is a future in it, a lot of money and all that. . I am not against the desire to earn a lot, on the contrary, I support such aspirations, but this should not be a goal, but a motivation on the way to achieving a certain goal. And if the only question is money, then it’s better to look at the specialties of a plumber or a welder, I’m not kidding, the salaries there are higher than those of SEOs. This is just my personal wish that you consciously go into this field of activity not only for money, but for other values ​​and bring some values ​​with you.

What should an SEO specialist understand?

The basics and basic terms that an SEO specialist should know:

  1. HTML and CSS(js is optional):
    1. Basic tags: , , , , <style>, <body></li><li>Headings: <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6></li><li>Tables: <table>, <tr>, <td>, <th></li><li>Content: <p>, <div>, <span>, <img>, <br>, <a href="https://alaev.info">, <strong>, <em>, <noindex></li><li>Lists: <ul>, <p>I won’t list the CSS properties, there are many of them and they are all needed. If you have a specific task, use recipes. Helpful links:</p></li><li><b>Search Engine Basics</b>(indexing, index, ranking, ranking factors, geodependence, regionality, personalization, relevance, search results, TOP, snippet, site mirror, CTR, update, contextual advertising, assessor, bot);</li><li><b>Hosting and CMS</b>(admin panel, URL, CNC, FTP, hosting, backup, server, CMS, engine, control system, database, domain, IP, server response code, 404 error, 301 redirect, htaccess, header, footer, sidebar);</li><li><b>Keywords</b>(search queries, semantics, semantic core, SY, HF, MF, LF, clustering, commercial / information / navigation / transactional query);</li><li><b>Internal optimization</b>(robots.txt, sitemap, sitemap.xml, meta tags, title, description, h1, linking, content, copyright, rewrite, copy-paste, entry, word form, listing, pagination, micro markup, nesting level, broken link);</li><li><b>External optimization</b>(reference mass, incoming link, external link, donor, acceptor, anchor, link exchange, rental links, eternal links, purchasing links);</li><li><b>User Factors</b>(behavioral factors, PF, commercial factors, usability, competitor analysis, aggregator, landing page);</li><li><b>Sanctions and Algorithms</b>(filter, ban, Platon Shchukin, affiliate, cheating, spam, Minusinsk, Baden-Baden, Penguin, Panda, Spectrum, Matrixnet);</li><li><b>Analytics</b>(Metrica, Webmaster, Search Console, Analytics, traffic, visit, session, conversion, goals);</li><li><b>Working with Excel</b>, Google Sheets.</li> </ol><p>For each of the listed points you will find information in the materials below. In brackets I have indicated the main terms, when mentioned, you should understand what is being said.</p> <h2>What are the responsibilities of an SEO specialist?</h2><p>You must know what the future holds for you. Here is a list of responsibilities in our company:</p><ol><li>Conducting technical audits,</li><li>Correction of technical errors not related to software work,</li><li>Optimization of meta tags, titles,</li><li>Collection of semantic core,</li><li>Clustering of the semantic core,</li><li>Project structure design,</li><li>Preparation of distribution lists,</li><li>Creation of new landing pages,</li><li>Detailed competitor analysis to optimize landing pages,</li><li>Optimization of landing pages based on competitor analysis,</li><li>Preparation <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/browser/tehnicheskoe-zadanie-na-razrabotku-portala-pravilnoe-tehnicheskoe-zadanie-na.html">technical assignments</a> on content</li><li>Optimization of content written by copywriters,</li><li>Conducting an audit of commercial factors,</li><li>Conducting an audit of the reference mass,</li><li>Preparation of anchor lists for purchasing links,</li><li>Selection of donors and purchase of reference mass,</li><li>Analysis and improvement of snippets,</li><li>Traffic analysis,</li><li>Analysis of behavioral factors.</li> </ol><p>I am sure that it is not possible to learn everything that is the responsibility of an SEO specialist on your own. Without practice and an experienced mentor, you will never be able to understand how to do something correctly (in this case, “correctly” does not mean as it is written somewhere, but in such a way that it gives the desired result).</p><p>So this is a list of what you will be able to do after several years of study and practice. Once again, I emphasize that it is not possible to learn quickly, it is physically impossible (just like giving birth in 3 months if you work 3 times harder).</p><p><span class="fH5MMVD4nzA"></span></p> <h2>SEO Specialist Training Plan</h2> <p>It seems that I have already frightened you enough with terms, huge lists, loaded you with responsibilities, and in addition told you that it will take you several years to begin to understand all this. But that's how it happened.</p><p>I myself have been doing SEO for 15 years! Just think, this is half of my life...</p><p>When I started learning SEO, there were no blogs or books (the first book about website optimization and promotion appeared in 2007, it was Ashmanov’s book), everything had to be studied and understood by myself through trial and error, experiments and failures. Now, on the contrary, there is an overabundance of information, so in a sense the task has become simpler and more complicated at the same time. Now we need to not just look for information, but learn to understand where it is correct and where it is misleading.</p> <h2>Theoretical basis. What should an SEO specialist learn?</h2><p>The first thing to learn is <b>we are not going to fool search engines and their algorithms</b>. We will learn how to play by the rules. Over time, the methods of deception (manipulation) become fewer and fewer, and most importantly, they make less and less sense.</p><p>The second thing we will not do is harm our competitors, but will make our website better.</p><p>At the core of your training is an understanding of how search works, how search robots behave, how indexing works, the ranking process, and what personalization is.</p><p>Here you will learn what is: Internet Indexing, Preparing a search engine for answers, Architecture of answering a question, <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/what-to-do/yandex-poisk-poiskovye-podskazki-kak-ustanovit-poiskovik.html">Search tips</a>, Query processing, Language detection, Morphology, Query expansion, Object selection, Error correction, Range of responses, Ranking and machine learning, Assessors, Retraining, Geo-dependent and geo-INDEPENDENT queries, How the user's region is determined, Regional search results, How the site region is determined, Personal search, Personal response, Search results, Snippet formation, Snippet design, <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/programming/ultrabuk-13-3-dyuima-vpechatleniya-ot-ekspluatacii-dopolnitelnaya-informaciya.html">Additional Information</a> in the snippet, Sorcerers, Object response, Semantic markup.</p><p>This fundamental knowledge will give you much more information about promotion than you think, despite the fact that there is not a word about promotion.</p><p><b>I suggest starting the dive by studying the stages of development and changes in search engine algorithms.</b> This will allow you to understand what direction your search is going in so you know what to look for now and in the future.</p><p>In the early days of search engines, it was enough to add keywords to meta keywords so that the page would appear in search results for those words, even if the content of the page did not match those keywords. But today the keywords meta tag is not taken into account by search engines at all, and over the past 10 years a lot has changed completely, some algorithms became turning points, formed the basis and became the foundation of the algorithms operating today. I will list these key events below.</p> <h3>History of Yandex algorithms</h3><ul><li><b>Matrixnet</b> <ul><li>The launch of MatrixNet machine learning technology was marked by the launch of the Snezhinsk algorithm in November 2009. This technology underlies search to this day.</li> </ul></li><li><b>Range</b> <ul><li>The Spectrum technology was launched as part of an algorithm that bears the name of the city in which I now live - Krasnodar. This happened in December 2010. Spectrum technology also underlies search today.</li> </ul></li><li><b>Personal search</b> <ul><li>For several years, Yandex has been working closely on personalizing search results, taking into account user preferences and interests, and adjusting search results right during the search.</li> </ul></li><li><b>Cancel the consideration of links in the ranking of commercial queries</b> <ul><li>Starting from the mid-2000s, links became the main tool for manipulating search results (link exchanges began to appear at the same time); neither optimizers nor site owners were motivated to improve the site, but only bought links, because that’s how they could take positions in the TOP. And until March 2014, there were many attempts to reduce the influence of links, to apply some kind of sanctions to sites promoted by such methods, but all this did not bring significant changes.</li><li>And the step did not give the desired result. In April of the same year, Yandex updated its AGS algorithm, introducing penalties for sites selling links.</li> </ul></li><li><b>Changes in the operation of the AGS algorithm</b> <ul><li>Yandex tried to reduce supply on the link trading market. But when there is demand, supply cannot be destroyed. The results again did not meet expectations.</li> </ul></li><li><b>A new stage in the fight against link spam</b> <ul><li>Disabling the influence of links in 2014 did not have an effect (after all, links are the basis of the Internet, they cannot be ignored), so Yandex returns the accounting of links, but announces the Minusinsk algorithm in May 2015. Since supply could not be defeated, it was decided to fight the demand for links. Yandex began to lower the rankings of sites with an excessive number of purchased SEO links.</li> </ul></li><li><b>Minusinsk: first results</b> <ul><li>Yandex's diligence has finally yielded results. The demand for links fell (according to subsequent reports, Yandex reported a 2-fold decrease in the use of SEO links), and supply also fell. Many people stopped buying links without losing their position. Since then, there has been a tendency to ignore the purchase of links when promoting sites. So when training, do not pay much attention to this point, because promotion is possible without links.</li> </ul></li><li><b>Mobile optimization is now a ranking factor</b> <ul><li>Launch of the “Vladivostok” algorithm in February 2016, which ranked responses for <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/administrator/kak-uznat-komu-prinadlezhit-sotovyi-telefon-kak-uznat-komu.html">mobile search</a> takes into account the mobile usability of web pages. Ease of working with websites <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/what-is-it/huavei-yu-3-11-s-smartfon-samyi-deshevyi-smartfon-huawei---huawei-y3-2017-sim-karta.html">mobile devices</a> ah leads to an increase in mobile search results.</li> </ul></li><li><b>New Palekh algorithm</b> <ul><li>In November 2016, Yandex launched the Palekh algorithm. Search now uses neural networks to find documents not by the words used in the query and in the document itself, but by the meaning of the query. Simply put, now a document can be found using words that are not present in this document, but are synonyms or words that are close in meaning to the search query.</li> </ul></li><li><b>Baden-Baden - a new algorithm for identifying over-optimized texts</b> <ul><li>The next algorithm aimed at combating the manipulation of search results was announced in March 2017, and lowers the ranking of sites that use SEO-optimized texts written for search algorithms, and not for people. Since Yandex stopped mass promotion with links, optimizers have taken up, although not new, but <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/what-to-do/kak-privlech-klientov-cherez-internet-samye-effektivnye-sposoby-realnye.html">effective method</a> manipulation – SEO texts.</li><li>To better understand what kind of texts we are talking about, Yandex even gave specific examples on its blog: Are there good texts on commercial sites?</li> </ul></li><li><b>Yandex introduced a new algorithm “Korolev”</b> <ul><li>The Korolev algorithm, launched in August 2017, is a logical continuation of Palekh, which compared the meaning of the request and the title of the web page. A <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/tools/novyi-algoritm-google-kbt-kak-rabotaet-poisk-google-pod-izmeneniya-poiskovyh.html">new algorithm</a> using the same <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/security/cepochka-neironov-4-bukvy-krossvord-neironnye-cepi-i-seti.html">neural network</a> now analyzes the entire page and its contents (previously only the page title was analyzed).</li> </ul></li><li><b>Yandex introduced an updated search “Andromeda”</b> <ul><li>In November 2018, Yandex introduced <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/what-to-do/kogda-otmenyat-rouming-vnutri-strany-megafon-otmena-rouminga-na.html">big update</a> search, which did not radically change anything, but combined more than a thousand improvements that have been introduced since the announcement of “Queen”. All these changes mainly affected the search results: sorcerers, quick answers, icons for websites, Yandex.Collection.</li> </ul></li> </ul><p>This concludes the review of the chronicle of Yandex algorithms. If you follow the frequency of important changes, you can assume that some kind of announcement should happen in 2019. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, because there is still so much to learn.</p> <p>If you divide people into those who use Yandex and those who use Google, then I am among the first. But this does not mean at all that you can be guided by your own preferences in your work.</p><p>You will learn: Crawling and indexing, Finding information, Organizing information, How algorithms work, Analyzing words and expressions, Selecting suitable pages, Ranking relevant pages, Showing the most relevant results, Taking into account user information, Helpful answers in a variety of forms.</p><p>Of course, Google also has its own stages of development, changes in algorithms, the eternal struggle with attempts to manipulate search results, etc. Despite the fact that Google became a pioneer in many ways, for example, in the fight against links and SEO tests, we pay attention to it we devote less than to the Russian Yandex. There are several reasons for this: not all innovations relate to global search (for example, something is launched only in the USA, as a priority market, and does not reach other countries, including Russia); historically, the share of traffic from Yandex was larger, although With the growth of “mobile” users and the spread of the Android OS, Google has become a leader in Russia, Yandex pays more attention to the quality of the site, visitor behavior and commercial factors. Personally, I find it more interesting to work under Yandex.</p> <h3>History of Google Algorithms</h3><p>I will not analyze all Google algorithms, only the main ones that influence the work and promotion of sites in global search. I won’t provide links to announcements on the Google blog either, because they are on <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/administrator/kak-pomenyat-yazyk-v-bluestacks-na-angliiskii-libo-lyuboi-drugoi-podrobnaya.html">English language</a>, you are unlikely to read this.</p><ul><li><b>Google Panda Algorithm</b><ul><li>The Panda algorithm was launched in 2011 and is aimed at combating low-quality content. Sites that practice copy-paste, spam, and generated content were lowered in search results. Initially, it was a filter that was launched at a certain frequency and each time with modifications and more stringent boundaries, relative to previous iterations. But in 2016, Panda became part of the main algorithm and began to work in real time, and not in waves, as it was before.</li><li>One could say that this is an analogue of the Baden-Baden filter from Yandex, because they have a common ideology of combating low-quality content, but Panda does not take into account the relevance of the text on a specific document (i.e., it does not punish for the presence of texts where they should be shouldn't).</li> </ul></li><li><b>Google Penguin algorithm</b><ul><li>The Penguin algorithm was launched in 2012 and is aimed at combating SEO links. An analogue of “Minusinsk” from Yandex, but appeared 3 years earlier. For many SEOs, this day was a horror, because sites promoted by links overnight lost almost all traffic from Google. By analogy with Panda, this filter was launched in iterations, and each wave “demolished” more and more new sites. Since 2016, Penguin has become part of the main algorithm and works in real time.</li><li>When Minusinsk thundered, everyone forgot about Penguin, because, as it turned out, it was not at all as tough and severe as the Yandex algorithm. But there is one problem - there is not a single successful case of escaping from Penguin. This is despite the fact that Google came up with a tool for disavowing bad links, Google Disavow Links.</li> </ul></li><li><b>Google Hummingbird algorithm</b><ul><li>The Hummingbird algorithm was launched in 2013 and is aimed at understanding the meaning of the query and the user’s intentions, rather than simply the occurrence of keywords. I think you have already guessed that a few years later Korolev became an analogue from Yandex.</li> </ul></li><li><b>Mobile Friendly Update Algorithm</b><ul><li>This change was announced in 2015 and allowed pages optimized for display on mobile devices to rank higher in mobile search results.</li><li>A year later, Yandex announced that optimization for mobile is a ranking factor.</li> </ul></li><li><b>Google RankBrain</b><ul><li>RankBrain, a self-learning artificial intelligence system that is part of Google's core search algorithm, was announced in late 2015. RankBrain allows you to better understand the meaning, interpret user queries and provide the most relevant pages, which may not contain exactly the words that are included in the search query.</li><li>Google notes that RankBrain is the third most important factor in their ranking algorithm, along with links and content.</li> </ul></li> </ul><p>You can see that the vector of development of search engines is the same. But despite the fact that Google is several years ahead of Yandex in key changes and new technologies, I personally consider its algorithms to be more primitive. Note the description of the latest algorithm: “the third most important factor... along with links and content.” And since RankBrain is tied to content, we can say that the most important ranking factors in Google are links and texts. If you ask any experienced SEO specialist what is most important for website promotion in Google, he will say these two words: links and texts.</p><p>This is why I think Google search is more primitive - it does not take into account user (behavioral and commercial) factors that are core to Yandex and truly reflect the interests of real website visitors. So, if you follow the recommendations for promoting on Google, you can fail in Yandex. But if you choose the Yandex position, Google will not fine you, although with a considerable degree of probability you will not achieve success there either. But this is beyond the scope of our review today.</p> <p>You may have already heard at conferences, on the Yandex blog or simply on forums the phrases: “improve the quality of the site”, “make your site better”, etc. The history of changing algorithms leads us to the fact that not by manipulation, but by work You can achieve success by working on the site and improving it for users. So, the section on recommendations for creating websites “Tips for a webmaster” contains information about what a high-quality website is and how to make it better.</p><p><b>"SEO Winchester"</b>- a book by my friend Mikhail Shakin (you've probably heard this name, because it is well known in SEO circles). The book is devoted to working with internal factors for commercial sites.</p><p>I’m a blogger with 10 years of experience, but I have to admit that the SEO community has collapsed, blogs are abandoned or deleted, many of those who remain have been repurposed, so there are practically no blogs about SEO for RuNet left. I have no one to recommend: (But since you’ve already come to me, you can take it and scroll through it, many of the posts are fundamental in nature and will be relevant for a long time, especially since I periodically update the most important ones.</p><p>And finally, we move on to discussing practice.</p> <h2>Practical skills</h2><p>No matter how much literature you read, no matter what cases you analyze, if you have never tried to promote websites yourself, consider that you have not moved from the “zero” mark. Just like the ability to do physical exercises correctly will not make you an athlete and will not help you lose weight, and studying cookbooks will not make you a chef... In the same way, theoretical knowledge in SEO cannot teach you how to promote websites. Only practice, only experience.</p><p><span class="H5gZthXTue0"></span></p> <h3>Work in a web studio (internship)</h3><p>The best that can be offered is <b>get a job in a web studio</b>. And this is exactly why you need a theoretical basis. For the position of assistant or trainee (you can also find the term “junior” in the title of the vacancy). The responsibilities of a young specialist will include something like this: publishing texts, filling out meta tags, collecting semantics, conducting simple audits, etc.</p><p>The main thing is that they explain to you what is being done and why, what it affects and how! A coherent picture will gradually be assembled from disparate tasks; knowledge of the theory and understanding of the basic stages of promotion will help you here.</p><p>Your main task in this quest is to find exactly the place where you will be mentored and trained. The first thing you will ask at an interview is who will teach me? If there is no mentor, leave and look for another place.</p><p>When choosing a place to work, I recommend paying attention to large companies (not the largest holdings, but mid-level companies, from 20 to 100 people). Some companies even provide training and then employ students. For example, ingate recruits many students, trains them for free for several months, and then selects the most talented. This is very cool, but only Ingate can afford it.</p><p>Prepare a list of ten companies you like (the website hh.ru will help you with this) and respond to vacancies, and where there are no vacancies, write through the feedback form on the company’s website. Tell them that you want to work as an intern for minimal money and are willing to study hard.</p><p><b>Be sure to ask for a test task in your response!</b> For what? Firstly, to compare the level of your knowledge, future requirements and assess your capabilities, secondly, so as not to make a mistake at the interview, and thirdly, every serious company has a test task; if it is not there, then something is wrong.</p><p><b>Working in a studio is the best way to develop</b> for you as a future SEO specialist. Our company has a career map for SEO department specialists, I will share it with you:</p><ul><li><b>Trainee</b>– studies and helps company specialists. <ul><li>Performs tasks on various projects assigned by more experienced colleagues.</li><li>Does not lead projects independently, or leads several simple ones with the participation of a mentor.</li><li>Starting position for those who have <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/browser/kakie-kompyuternye-programmy-ukazat-v-rezyume-kak-v-rezyume-napisat.html">basic knowledge</a>, or has no knowledge at all.</li> </ul></li><li><b>Newbie</b>(beginner specialist) - grows from an intern when he gains enough knowledge to start leading projects and continues to improve his skills. <ul><li>Performs tasks assigned by more experienced specialists.</li><li>Leads several simple projects.</li><li>Minimum work experience in the company is 3 months (if promoted from trainee).</li> </ul></li><li><b>Specialist</b>– grows from a beginner when he is ready to take on the full load. <ul><li>Leads up to 10 projects of varying complexity.</li><li>May delegate certain tasks to new hires and trainees.</li><li>Has the opportunity to receive an intern for assistance and training.</li><li>Minimum work experience in the company is 6 months.</li> </ul></li><li><b>Leading Specialist</b>(Curator) - grows from a specialist when he is ready to bear responsibility not only for himself, but also for his subordinates. <ul><li>Possesses basic leadership skills.</li><li>Dedicates 60% of his time to projects.</li><li>40% of the time is spent supervising employees (up to 3 people: interns, newcomers, specialists) and monitoring their projects.</li><li>Does not violate established rules and is an example for his subordinates.</li><li>Minimum work experience in the company is 9 months.</li> </ul></li><li><b>Head of Department</b>– grows from a leading specialist. <ul><li>Has the highest qualifications. Quickly resolves any issue related to his profile.</li><li>Possesses advanced leadership skills.</li><li>Does not manage projects, or manages several VIP clients.</li><li>He devotes most of his time to monitoring subordinates (supervisors, specialists).</li><li>Responsible for training department employees.</li><li>Resolves complex issues and conflicts with clients.</li><li>Main role: motivation, improvement of skills and efficiency of your department.</li><li>He is an example and a standard for the employees of his department.</li><li>Takes an active part in the life of the company.</li><li>Minimum work experience in the company is 2 years.</li> </ul></li> </ul><p>In practice, the path from a beginner to a leading specialist takes up to 12 months (the record in our company is 7 months). It all depends on your perseverance and desire, because time is not the only criterion, and 1-2 out of 10 people become leading specialists! The leading specialist does not have to be a curator, here everyone has a choice: either lead more complex and interesting projects, or take newcomers for training, one thing in common is a high level of qualifications.</p> <h3>Development of own projects</h3><p>Another option for getting practice is your own website.</p><p>I went through this path myself (not instead of working in the studio, but before). I was studying at the institute then, and creating and promoting websites was my hobby. I wrote about this in great detail in my story “”, you can read the story at your leisure, this relates more to fiction than to applied things.</p><p>But that was a completely different time, because there were no such concepts as commercial and information requests, there was no regionality, commercial factors and all the other things that are now the main ranking factors. Then all sites were equal, any site could be promoted for any request and all that. Now we are talking about your profession as an SEO specialist, that is, a craftsman who is engaged in commercial activities, which means we are talking about commercial sites: service sites and online stores. And I don’t think that you will decide to make a commercial website just to practice on it (although this is not excluded).</p><p>And as practice shows, people who come from their own information projects do not take root in the studio, starting from the fact that they have absolutely no understanding of commercial factors and are trying to attach to a commercial site something that is applicable only to information specialists, ending with the fact that their usefulness is at the level zero intern, and requests for salary are much higher, as is self-esteem. Such people do not stay long and quickly disappear.</p><p><b>But there is a trade-off.</b> Look among your friends and acquaintances for small businessmen who have a website and offer your help in promotion for free or for a purely symbolic price tag (I believe that any work should be evaluated and paid for). This is a precious experience for you.</p><p>If this option precedes employment in a studio, successful experience working with several, even small, sites will be a significant plus.</p> <h2>What tools does an SEO specialist need to master?</h2><p>Below I will list the most basic tools that every SEO should be familiar with. I won’t bother you with links to documentation, you will find all this yourself when the need arises to solve <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/multimedia/procedury-i-funkcii-v-paskale-rekursiya-podprogrammy-chasto-v-zadache.html">specific task</a>, but there is no need to just read the manuals.</p><ul><li>Yandex.Metrica is the main analytics tool,</li><li>Yandex.Webmaster - to monitor the status of the site and its settings,</li>, that is, I recommend that you do not use several tools that perform the same functions, for this reason it is not on the list <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/security/kod-remarketinga-nastroika-remarketinga-v-google-adwords-remarketing-s.html">Google Analytics</a>(it is replaced by Yandex.Metrica) and other analogues to the tools presented above. Otherwise you will only become more confused. <h2>Afterword</h2><p>I deliberately missed out on some formats for acquiring knowledge, such as attending conferences and seminars. What's useful about them is informal communication with speakers, but they tend to hang out with their friends, and it will be difficult to get into their social circle. Leave this for the future, and if you really want to communicate, start meeting cool specialists on social networks, I gave you a link to the list of profiles above. Now it will be much more useful for you to communicate and exchange experiences with colleagues.</p><p>To conduct experiments, you need to gain experience, then the time will come to learn the intricacies and various tricks. This awaits you in the near future.</p><p>If you have read this paragraph carefully and without cheating, you are sufficiently motivated to learn and become a good SEO specialist, because not everyone is able to withstand such a long text. And you did it, you did it! I congratulate you!</p></ul> <p><i>Are you new to SEO and don't know where to start? We present to your attention a short guide for beginner SEO optimizers.</i></p> <p>After reading this article, you will have a clear idea of ​​what you need to do and where to move next.</p> <p>Let me start with the most important Golden Rule, which always works when you are introduced to something for the first time.</p> <p>When reading an article like this, don't distract yourself by thinking about some of the underlying topics. Just try to follow the author's thoughts. Leave questions like “WHY” and “HOW” for later.</p> <p>Hope you're ready! Let's move on...</p> <h2>How to Get Started with the SEO Guide</h2> <p>As described above, the purpose of this guide is to give beginners an idea of <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/tips/blog-ob-nastroikah-plaginov-wordpress-i-poiskovoi-optimizacii-dlya.html">search engine optimization</a>. I spent some time <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/programming/pochemu-oblaka-plyvut-dou-issledovatelskaya-rabota-po.html">research work</a> and tried to answer some important questions.</p> <p>I'll start with the first and most important question.</p> <h2>What is search engine optimization (SEO)?</h2> <p>SEO is a combination of strategies that aim to increase the visibility of a website and improve its positioning in search engines. We can say that this is a way of communicating to search engines about the quality of a website in order to attract <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/office-programs/chrome-ne-zagruzhat-neaktivnye-vkladki-kak-optimizirovat-zapusk-chrome.html">more</a> organic (unpaid) traffic by improving the site’s ranking in search engines.</p> <p>For the most part, it depends on the content, structure, and links of the website. It is in this direction that it needs to be developed.</p> <p>But remember! SEO optimization is aimed at improving interaction with the search engine, but you should never forget about your audience. User experience comes first.</p> <p>Do you already have questions?</p> <p>I hope to answer all your SEO related questions in this article.</p> <h2>Why does my website need SEO?</h2> <p>To answer this question, let's remember what I already wrote about - SEO is necessary to improve website visibility!</p> <p>And that's why:</p> <p>Search engines are the biggest and best source of Internet traffic. You probably already know the main ones:</p> <ul><li><i>Yandex;</i></li> <li><i>Google;</i></li> <li><i>Bing;</i></li> <li><i>Yahoo.</i></li> </ul> <p>Some of my friends still use the line <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/tools/raspoznat-po-fotografii-kak-naiti-izobrazhenie-v-internete-po-fotografii.html">Google search</a> to enter <i>Facebook</i>.</p> <p>SEO newbies always use Google to search for information. The same applies to ordinary Internet users. When they want to find something (an article, some services, products or any other information), they turn to Google.</p> <p>Another reason search engines are unique is that they provide targeted traffic. People are looking for exactly what we offer.</p> <p>User search queries are the words that are entered into the search bar. These words are critical. If the SEO is not that good, our website will be ignored by search engines.</p> <p>Targeted traffic means improved income. So don't hesitate to invest in if you really want to earn income. And if you don’t have time to do SEO yourself, then the O`Es team can help you with your website</p> <h2>What if I don’t do SEO on my website?</h2> <p>Here you might think something like this:</p> <p>"Dude! Is this exactly the same question as the previous one? You just explained that no SEO means no traffic from search engines!”</p> <p>Yes! You are right... But I want to dwell on this in more detail. I'm sure you won't mind after reading the following interesting information.</p> <p>Once your site is launched, search engines crawl it to find out what kind of site it is. Now, when a user searches for something related to your website, search engines will display your website in the search results. Search engines are brilliant engines and are constantly improving to crawl sites more efficiently. However, search engines also have certain limitations.</p> <p>This is why SEO is necessary. SEO optimization helps search engines learn more about a website.</p> <p>Correct SEO optimization will attract thousands of users, but incorrect SEO will result in almost zero traffic.</p> <p>SEO optimization not only makes your website's content accessible to search engines, but also improves your website's ranking by positioning it higher in search results. Therefore, it will be easier to find you.</p> <p>The competition is constantly increasing, and those involved in SEO undoubtedly have a distinct advantage in matters and attracting audiences.</p> <p>I hope the concept of SEO is now clearer.</p> <p>Let's move on to the next question of our guide.</p> <h2>Can I do SEO?</h2> <p>Yes, SEO is difficult, but not too difficult if you keep track of all the changes! The basics of SEO are quite simple, so it's all about how you implement your chosen strategies. The Internet is full <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/multimedia/programma-dlya-monitoringa-izmenenii-seti-luchshie-besplatnye-monitory.html">free resources</a>() to learn how to do it correctly.</p> <p>Practice and you will become an expert in your niche!..</p> <p>If your site is complex and you are not ready to learn and implement strategies, seek professional help.</p> <p>But remember: you must have a very good understanding of the basic concepts of SEO!..</p> <p>I think that now you can easily answer the question: “”</p> <p>The next section of my guide contains more practical information and lots of tips regarding SEO strategy.</p> <h2>How do Yandex and Google work? Black Hat SEO/White Hat SEO</h2> <p>Before discussing SEO in more detail, I would like to tell you about black hat SEO and white hat SEO. Here's how to describe them briefly:</p> <br><img src='https://i0.wp.com/o-es.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/SEO-1.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p><i>Rice. 1. <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/office-programs/kloaking-v-chernom-seo-stoit-li-ispolzovat-chto-takoe.html">Black SEO</a>, white hat SEO</i></p> <p>Remember, we are working with white hat SEO. I won't go into details of the comparison. That's it for the basics. At least for me on this topic.</p> <p>Before we move on to the next point, check out the list of the main sections of SEO:</p> <ul><li>keyword research;</li> <li>site page optimization ();</li> <li>external SEO (external factors).</li> </ul><h2>Keyword Research</h2> <p>Almost all beginner's guides to SEO ignore this point. In my opinion, it is one of the most important.</p> <p>SEO is a game of keywords.</p> <p>Therefore, I decided to dwell on this issue in detail. What is keyword research and why is it important?</p> <p>In the previous part of this guide, I already talked about custom search queries. The user's exact wording is called keywords.</p> <p>You must know the keywords related to your topic or niche if you want to be successful in the SEO field. Different keywords have different meanings depending on search volume and several other factors. IN <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/tips/r-studio-vosstanovlenie-diska-rukovodstvo-po-vosstanovleniyu-dannyh.html">this manual</a> we don't need to go into these aspects.</p> <p>Keyword research aims to discover user intent. What exactly are users looking for? These are the keywords.</p> <p>Using the right keywords is a crucial thing for your website's SEO. They give you the opportunity to better understand <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/utilities/virusnaya-reklama-ili-kak-zarazit-celevuyu-auditoriyu-svoimi-ideyami-uchimsya.html">target audience</a>. And this increases the relevance of your site in relation to your topic - this is very important for SEO and search engines.</p> <p>You need to do proper research to find valuable keywords related to your topic before launching a website. Even if you already have a website, you can optimize it with the right keywords.</p> <p>If you want to learn more about keyword research, check out the following articles...</p> <p>Let's move on to the next step!</p> <h2>SEO optimization of website pages</h2> <p>SEO for a website page involves everything that is displayed on it and concerns its programming. You need to optimize website pages, posts, etc. for search engines.</p> <p>In a nutshell, it’s optimizing content for search engines!</p> <p>On-page SEO covers many aspects, so let's break it down into parts.</p> <h3>1. Content</h3> <p>Content is the largest part of on-page SEO. You may have heard a famous quote regarding content:</p> <p>“Content is king.” There is no doubt about it.</p> <br><img src='https://i0.wp.com/o-es.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/2-1.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p><i>Rice. 2. Content is king</i></p> <p>Do you know that <i>Google</i>– this is the largest search engine!? The company's main priority <i>Google</i> is providing its users with the most content <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/what-is-it/luchshie-vakuumnye-naushniki-goda-vakuumnye-naushniki-reiting-luchshih-po.html">best quality</a>, relevant information available on the Internet.</p> <p>Company <i>Google</i> also appreciates content of the right length. Write long and informative texts.</p> <p>The content on your website is more than just text. These are videos, photographs, animated slides, infographics, etc.</p> <p>Content <i>– </i> not a king! How you present it is what makes all the difference.</p> <p>Take care of the best user experience and at the same time optimize your site for search engines. Then your content is more likely to be shared by your readers.</p> <p>Focus more on good content:</p> <ol><li>Headings – Create captivating headings that will increase the reader's interest in the article. You only have one chance to make a good first impression.</li> <li>Keywords – choose keywords that would lead people to your site.</li> <li>Links – Link to quality sites that complement your site. This encourages sites in your niche to contact you.</li> <li>Quality – try to publish unique and high-quality content. This keeps users coming back to your site because they won't be able to find the same content elsewhere.</li> <li>Freshness – Posting content that doesn’t become outdated is a good strategy, but it’s also a good idea to add new content regularly. If you don't have time to add content to your website, consider creating a Q&A section or blog on your site.</li> </ol><br><img src='https://i1.wp.com/o-es.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/3.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p><i>Rice. 3. Dependence of content positioning in Google on the number of words</i></p> <p>When creating content, don't forget about keyword research.</p> <h3>2. Site menu</h3> <p>The website menu comes in second place when it comes to website optimization – you also need to take care of it.</p> <p>An example of a bad menu is when the categories are completely irrelevant compared to the theme.</p> <p>I have personally seen several sites that dealt with health issues, but the categories on the site were related to fashion. Don't harm your own SEO like this.</p> <p>This greatly interferes and distracts the user...</p> <p>If the menu is unsuccessful, is it likely that the visitor will never return to the site? – 80%...</p> <p>Take care of the convenience of your website! <i>Google</i> will appreciate it.</p> <h3>3. Website speed</h3> <p>Yes! The site loading speed is <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/tools/skolko-vesit-odin-megabait-edinicy-izmereniya-obema-informacii-samoe.html">great importance</a>! Have you ever heard of wait times? Let me tell you what it is.</p> <p>A user searches for something and your site appears in the search engine results row (SERP).</p> <p>The user then opens your page. Dwell time is the amount of time a user remains on a website after clicking on a link.</p> <p>This is a very important search engine ranking factor.</p> <br><img src='https://i0.wp.com/o-es.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/4.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p><i>Rice. 4. Waiting time on the site</i></p> <p>Let's look at what happens with an example...</p> <p>Imagine searching for something and then opening a website that appears in the search results.</p> <p>What to do if a website takes too long to load? What would you do? Will you wait? Hardly. Most likely, you will close the tab and follow another link...</p> <p>Here's how latency affects your site.</p> <br><img src='https://i0.wp.com/o-es.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/5.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p><i>Rice. 5. Average site loading time</i></p> <p>In short, the user needs speed as well as <i>Google</i>. By improving your site speed, you will reduce wait times and therefore improve your ranking in search results.</p> <h3>4. Website design</h3> <p>Website design is another important factor for a good user experience... The theme should be interesting and memorable.</p> <p>I prefer websites with attractive designs and informative content. I can, of course, read content on a poorly designed site, but only when it is the only search result...</p> <p>There are many sites with great content but poor design.</p> <p>Ask yourself a question: will you stay on a site that cannot be viewed properly from a smartphone?</p> <p>Most likely, you will stop visiting this site altogether...</p> <p>I say this from personal experience!</p> <p>Design is not just what a website looks like. It's also how the site works.</p> <p>The site must be responsive and attractive.</p> <p>Well, enough talking about on-page SEO optimization.</p> <h2>Offsite SEO</h2> <p>Off-page SEO is just as important as on-page SEO; it helps make your domain more authoritative in the eyes of search engines.</p> <p>In other words, it is a way to make your website reliable in the eyes of search engines.</p> <p>This will happen when other well-known sites signal to the search engine that your site has the best content on a certain topic.</p> <p>How does this happen?..</p> <p>We need other well-known resources on the Internet that are related to your niche to link to our site. In technical terms, this is called link building.</p> <p>Naturally, this does not happen automatically. Post content <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/tools/satellit-300-noutbuk-toshiba-satellite-a300d---stilnyi-dizain-otlichnoe-kachestvo.html">High Quality</a> on your website and share it with interested people on various online marketing platforms.</p> <p>Eventually, someone will start linking to your resource.</p> <p>The best link building strategy is to create good content. Then you need to tell everyone else about it.</p> <p>But remember: in today's competitive environment, you need to know how to do link building. Use techniques and tips from well-known quality sites.</p> <p>Your hard work in this activity will definitely be rewarded with a good rating.</p> <p>Just know what to do:</p> <ul><li>use social networks to promote your content;</li> <li>engage in blogging and guest blogging;</li> <li>propose solutions in discussion forums;</li> <li>share photos and videos;</li> <li>build meaningful business lists.</li> </ul><p>The next headline may be a little annoying, but trust me, it's important information...</p> <h2>What do links look like and how to get them?</h2> <h3>Tags for links</h3> <p>This is a signal to the search engine. Something like: “Hey! The following information is a link. This is called "anchor text."</p> <ol><li>Link location. This is information for the search engine about the site where the link leads. This site could be a web page, an image, a download, a video, etc. You can save the location of the link.</li> <li>Visible/Anchor Link Text: You may have seen text like this that is blue, bold, or underlined and is clickable. Clicking on it takes you to another web page. These links are called anchor text.</li> <li>Closing link tag: As you can guess from the tag, this is a signal that indicates to the search engine the end of the link.</li> </ol><p>You will need the above information when you start building links.</p> <p>On average, the higher the score, the greater the number of domains associated with the web page.</p> <p>Fine! Now we have an idea of ​​some communication parameters. Let's move on. You need to figure out how you can get links.</p><p>I think I managed to influence your ideas about link building. Now you have a better understanding of what off-page SEO is...</p> <h2>Where to go next?</h2> <p>Now that you've read the SEO guide, you may feel like I've missed a lot <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/tips/chem-otlichaetsya-lenovo-s60-a-idealno-na-kazhdyi-den-obzor-smartfona.html">important information</a>, especially if you are not a beginner.</p> <p>Yes, I did it deliberately.</p> <p>I could write 50 thousand words on this topic, create a long and <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/browser/svaip-podrobnoe-rukovodstvo-po-mobilnoi-klaviature-2019-zhesty-na-android.html">detailed guide</a>. But believe me, this would be irritating for beginners.</p> <p>There are many such guides on the Internet. Why did I decide to add my own?</p> <p>My goal is to give you some understanding of the basic concepts. You can read more about them in other guides.</p> <p>As you continue on your way, try to do the following:</p><p>Once you've done all these things, keep learning and improving. Study the sub-points of my guide - you will find more and more new information thanks to experts in the field of SEO.</p> <p>Parameters like domain authority, page authority, trust level, citations, backlinks and spam are very important. They can significantly affect your rating. Use <i>Google</i> to study the issue in more detail.</p> <h2>Summing up</h2> <p>I'm sure you've improved your SEO knowledge with this guide.</p> <p>Feel free to ask questions and learn further. I wish you success!</p> <p>Magomed Cherbizhev</p> <p>Of course, if possible, you should promote the site yourself. It will be significantly cheaper and will generally provide longer-term results. In this article we will look at the main points and nuances of how and where to start promotion. The emphasis is on <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/what-is-it/gde-razmestit-anonsy-statei-besplatnoe-prodvizhenie-anons-statei.html">free promotion</a>, but you can use the services of a company that offers professional SEO website promotion services.</p> <p>A lot of information has been written about how to promote websites on the Internet, but there is no magic algorithm by which you can achieve results quickly and without the basics. The only thing we can definitely do well and we know that it will bring a 100% plus: writing interesting content presented in a high-quality form for the user. And then there’s work to constantly improve this content.</p> <p>Alas, almost any website requires constant work. If you stop adding new materials and leave the old ones without improvements, then after 6-12 months a smooth stagnation and decline in positions will begin. Plus, competitors are not asleep and are creating better and better content.</p> <b>What is the goal <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/office-programs/seo-v-yandekse-prodvizhenie-v-yandeks-kartah-i-google-maps-po-kakomu-grafiku.html">SEO promotion</a> site</b> <p>The main goal of SEO promotion is to improve the visibility of the site (positions) for key queries in order to increase targeted traffic. What I want to emphasize is that you only need to search for thematic keywords. Non-targeted traffic will bring nothing but extra numbers to the traffic counters.</p> <p>The purpose of website promotion is not only to improve visibility, but also <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/what-is-it/kak-rabotaet-open-4-dlya-gta-5-obshchie-izmeneniya-uluchsheniya-i-ispravleniya.html">overall improvement</a> project.</p> <p>Before you start reading the manual, I want to make a note that the time frame for website promotion is many months. You shouldn’t hope for quick results: what are the real time frames for promotion?</p> <h2>Promoting a website from scratch - step-by-step instructions</h2> <h3>1. A good domain is the foundation for the further success of the project</h3> <p>It is advisable to start website promotion by choosing <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/utilities/sgenerirovat-login-krasivye-nazvaniya-dlya-pochty-kak-pridumat.html">beautiful name</a> domain name. As the history of the Internet continues to grow, it is likely that the chosen domain has already been used by some webmaster before. There is nothing wrong. It is only important that it was not previously filtered by search engines. The search engine's domain history is saved. If there were previously sanctions on it, they can be automatically transferred to your project. If the domain is clean and has some age (for example, a couple of years), then this is a positive thing.</p> <p>When choosing a domain name, you should consider the following nuances:</p> <ul><li>The domain must be in Latin (i.e. it is not advisable to buy Cyrillic versions of s.rf, .rus)</li> <li>The domain must correspond to the language zone (for Russia this is .ru, but .com is also allowed)</li> <li>The domain must contain a keyword or entry written in Latin (prodvizhenie-sayta.ru, taximsk.ru, etc.)</li> <li>Absence of a dash in the name (of course, this is not critical, but if possible it is better not to use a dash)</li> <li>The domain name is short and memorable</li> <li>Check in the web archive and in the search whether this domain has already been registered previously (just in case)</li> </ul><p>It is also very important to register a domain in your name with real passport data. Otherwise, the domain may be lost during data verification, which sometimes happens.</p> <p>Why is it worth thinking about a good domain right away? Because changing the address afterwards is more problematic. Setting up a 301 redirect when changing the URL is not difficult, but moving is a small risk. It's just that search engines are missing something that's not quite right.</p> <h3>2. Specifications</h3> <p>The site must satisfy the basic <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/multimedia/pond5-svedeniya-o-mikrostoke-trebovaniya-fotobanka-pond5-tehnicheskie.html">technical requirements</a>. For example, loading times should be better than most other projects. This mainly depends on the availability of large photos, scripts, engine, hosting and server settings. The faster the speed, the better.</p> <h4>2.1. Site engine</h4> <p>Engine choice is a huge topic of discussion. All CMS have their own problems and advantages. An ideal website can only be completed with the help of a developer and optimizer with additional costs for development.</p> <p>A good engine should at least have functionality that allows you to change the tag <title>, meta description tag, headings <h1>on any page. Website promotion is inconceivable without setting these key meta tags. Moreover, they can be easily done independently without the involvement of optimizers.</p> <p>It is also important that the engine does not generate duplicates.</p> <h4>2.2. Good hosting</h4> <p>Hosting should be located on the server that is closest to the site's region. You can better find out this information from your hoster. This is a desirable requirement, but stable operation and server response speed are much more important. I advise you to read:</p> <p>You need to use reliable and proven hosting services and then there will be no problems with this point.</p> <h4>2.3. Secure protocol - https</h4> <h4>3.3. Mobile version of the site</h4> <p>The presence of a mobile version always has a positive effect on ranking even in PC search results. On <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/what-is-it/samyi-moshchnyi-smartfon-v-mire-samyi-moshchnyi-telefon-v-mire-na-dannyi.html">this moment</a> There is a separate main issue and a separate mobile one. Of course, they are similar in many ways, but there are differences.</p> <p>Search engines count behavioral factors and summarize them for both desktop and mobile versions. As a result, due to poor behavior in mobile devices, the project as a whole suffers for all requests.</p> Note <p>Instead of mobile versions, most implement adaptive layout. Depending on the width of the browser screen, the site automatically adjusts the necessary styles for ease of perception.</p> <h4>3.4. Fast site loading speed</h4> <p>The site should load quickly. The issue of direct loading relates to hosting and html code. Are the styles described in <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/multimedia/skachat-programmu-dlya-zapisi-stereo-zvuka-programmy-dlya-zapisi-golosa-i.html">separate files</a>? Script descriptions? Is css and js compression enabled? How big are the pictures and how compressed are they currently?</p> <h4>3.5. Minimum number of external links</h4> <p>There should generally be few external links on the site, otherwise why transfer traffic to someone else's site? Anyway everything <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/multimedia/rabochii-stol-v-1s-8-2-kak-vklyuchit-vnutrennie-i-vneshnie-ssylki.html">external links</a> need to be marked with the attribute in order not to transfer static weight to them.</p> <h4>3.6. Micro markup</h4> <p>Semantic core of the site</span>- this is a complete list of key queries for which it is planned to promote the project. This is important, because if you have a clear idea of ​​what to write about in advance, you can design it much better <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/browser/kompyuternye-seti-11---referat-harakteristika-kompyuternyh-setei.html">general structure</a>, product catalog, etc. The closer this structure is to the real needs of users, the greater success the site will achieve in the future.</p> Example <p>There is an online store about outerwear. It is logical to divide products into global categories “children’s jackets”, “men’s jackets”, “women’s jackets”. You can further divide these categories into seasons: “children’s winter jackets”, “children’s spring jackets”, etc. Then you can place the children's jackets on the floor. For example, “children's winter jackets for boys”, “children's winter jackets for girls”. Then you can also break it down by material of manufacture and country of manufacture.</p> <p>Thus, we create sections on the site that users actually request in search engines. Thus, we have an extensive pool of queries that are actually requested by users and we can promote them. And those resources that did not take care of this will have problems with behavioral ranking factors, with usability and, in general, their traffic will be less due to poor visibility in the search results.</p> <p>Naturally, when collecting semantics, you need to check the frequency of queries so as not to deliberately promote the site for those keywords where there are no queries.</p> <h3>4. High-quality internal content - content</h3> <h3>6. Improving snippets in search results</h3> <p>External links are worth buying for promoted pages, as well as for main sections. This increases the static weight. It is almost useless to wait until the site is referred to by natural links, since commercial projects are rarely referred to at all. Therefore, optimizers buy links on their own.</p> <p>Changes made today will be indexed by the search engine only after a month (on average). After which the output should be updated and only then will it be possible to see the results. It is good to study the changes made after 2 months to be sure that the PS noticed the changes and took them into account in the ranking.</p> <p>I advise you to rank all queries by their frequency and, first of all, improve high-frequency and mid-frequency queries. In addition, you need to pay attention to current positions. If the request is very far outside the top 30+, then it should be postponed for now. It’s better to get to the top of queries that are already in the top 30. This will be the most effective investment of your time and money, because the result can be achieved in the foreseeable future and receive traffic. Such requests are easier to move to the top.</p> <p>It is impossible to describe all the intricacies of promotion in one article. We looked at the basic things that every website needs. The most important thing in promotion is the constant improvement of the site and working with traffic. This is the only way to achieve outstanding and sustainable results.</p> <p>Hello, dear readers! Today I am publishing an article that you have all been asking for a long time. An article about how to promote a website and how to promote a website. I wrote it for a long time and after reading you will understand why. After all, website promotion (or as everyone used to call it SEO) is a very multi-component process that is difficult to summarize in one article, and in articles in general. But I tried to collect everything from my experience and from the experience of those people who helped me and continue to help me. The result was a kind of <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/administrator/samodelnyi-miniatyurnyi-tester-svoimi-rukami-tester-svoimi-rukami.html">step-by-step instruction</a> or an action algorithm that will help you promote your site. So, let's begin!</p> <h2>I'm not an SEO Guru, but...</h2> <p><b>I'm not an SEO expert, but 90% of the sites I've had have successfully ranked TOP in search engines.</b> I didn’t take courses, didn’t participate in cool conferences, but I just tried many ways to promote websites and chose for myself what really works and what has never let me down. I didn’t work with hundreds of client sites, but just worked on my own sites for myself, but most likely this is even for the better. I learned everything myself and only once did I even buy a consultation from one person experienced in this matter to clarify some points. Therefore, take the instructions from a self-taught person;)</p> <h2>It is important to know</h2> <p>Be sure to read this paragraph! It’s not for nothing that I describe everything in long introductions. You will understand this when you read the entire article. Previously, in order to promote a site to the TOP 3 of search results, it was enough to simply buy links, stuff the site with keywords and enjoy life. But now EVERYTHING IS WRONG! Everything has changed dramatically. Search engines change algorithms, sites change, competition grows, and links have become not the main, but one of dozens and hundreds of factors that influence a site’s position. Their weight is there, but not the same as before. This needs to be understood.</p> <p><b>Now, in order to promote a website, you need to take into account many more factors, and we will talk about this below.</b> Well, the last thing you should know: website promotion is a long process that lasts for months. Therefore, get ready for long, painstaking, but interesting work!</p> <h2>Determining the goals of the site</h2> <p><b>90% of companies do not understand at all why they need a website.</b> They heard that now everyone needs a website and ran to the studio to develop it. As a result, look at any 100 business card or information sites and more than half of them will be useless, either with a disgusting design, or with clumsy code, etc. So, such sites are not prone to promotion at all. If you have already taken on the site, you must understand that this is a big responsibility. It won't just work because it exists!</p> <p><b>Before you create a website, ask yourself these questions:</b></p> <ol><li>Why do you need it?</li> <li>What tasks will it perform for you?</li> <li>What benefit will it bring to people?</li> </ol><p><b>If a site is useless to people, then it is useless to search engines.</b> You will understand what I'm talking about after reading the article to the end. I will only say that this is due to behavioral factors (PF). And the details are below.</p> <p>Once you have determined the website's goals for you: it should sell something, present something, or simply give people information. And usefulness for people: <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/what-is-it/shema-vsevolnovogo-kv-priemnika-shemy-elektronnyh-ustroistv-katalog.html">helpful information</a> from experts of your company, useful information from you personally, answers to user questions or just a place for a pleasant pastime (entertainment site), etc. After that, let's move on to the site itself!</p> <h2>Site quality</h2> <p>If you thought that promotion is just about manipulating search engines, then you are mistaken, it was like that before. Now, before showing a site to search engines at all, you need to prepare it. After all, one of the criteria for ranking sites in search results is assessing the quality of the site itself. So what needs to be done!</p> <h3>Clean and easy code</h3> <p>Have you ever experienced that you go to several different sites, but one of them loads quickly and the other loads slowly? So, how Yandex or Google perceives you also depends on this. The speed of a website depends not only on the code, but also on the hosting in particular. Everything is simple with hosting, use it and you will be happy. I am completely satisfied, but I am not imposing it, you can choose your own.</p> <p><b>But with code things are more complicated.</b></p> <ol><li>When developing a site, I would advise you to talk with the developers so that they do not burden the site with various plugins, scripts, etc. Let them not be lazy and implement the simplest functions in code, and not when connecting add-ons. All plugins access the database and load the site.</li> <li><b>Try not to stuff your site with all sorts of third-party widgets.</b> For example, I have only the VKontakte widget in the sidebar, although if you check the speed of the site <span>in this service</span>, then you can see that it also loads the site a little.</li> <li><b>Please ask if there are any changes to the site to delete the old code.</b> It happens that lazy developers do not clean the code of old entries after changes. If you change your site frequently, it is better to have a permanent layout designer.</li> <li><b>Use caching.</b> If the page is static and does not change, then be sure to use site caching. The page is saved in the cache and when you visit it again, there is no access to the database, but a copy is quickly loaded.</li> <li><b>Lighten images.</b> Large images load the site, but if you resize and compress them without losing quality, this will reduce loading time. There are many compression services!</li> </ol><h3>User friendliness</h3> <p>Your site should be easy to use. Any information must be available. If you have large catalogs or a large number of articles, then searching the site will help. The user who visits the site should easily navigate it in search of the necessary information. To do this, simply test on humans. IN <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/what-is-it/4-zadanie-samaya-pervaya-socialnaya-set-istoriya-vozniknoveniya-socialnyh.html">in social networks</a> ask users to go to the site and wander around it. You will be surprised at what kind of feedback there will be and how many bugs they will find. If the user is comfortable on your site, then the search robot is more likely to be comfortable too.</p> <h3>Nice and unique design</h3> <p><b>The website design should be unique, pleasing to the eye and thematic.</b> When I come across black sites with red text that ripples, I immediately close them. It is impossible to search for anything on such a site. This point can also be attributed to convenience for users, so we won’t dwell on it for long.</p> <h3>Mobile version of the site</h3> <p>Nowadays, more and more users are visiting websites from mobile devices, and your website must be ready for this. Just recently, even Google warned everyone that sites that are not suitable for viewing on mobile devices will be lowered in search results. This is just the beginning, it will be even stricter further. Therefore, force your developers to do it for you <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/security/kak-skryt-druzei-v-feisbuk-mobilnaya-versiya-kak-dobavit-i-udalit-druga-iz.html">mobile version</a> or switch to responsive design. Personally, on my sites, about 30-40% of visits are already made from mobile devices.</p> <h2>On-page optimization and content</h2> <p>The previous points could also be partially included in the internal optimization of the site, but there will be other recommendations here. This is where we will prepare the site for further promotion, or rather, this is where promotion begins.</p> <h3>Compiling a semantic core</h3> <p>In order to start promoting, you must know what key phrases you will be promoting for. So first of all. You should collect the most key, hottest and closest requests to your activity and group them into sections. If you operate in a separate city, then add “... in Moscow” to each key phrase, for example. You must select key phrases for each page, each section or article of the site.</p> <h3>Writing texts</h3> <p>This is one of the MOST important stages, but many people forget about it. People come to the site for information and this is the main factor for search engines. If your information is useful for people, well composed, well-written texts, everything is to the point, then you are more likely to rise to the TOP. Approach the texts thoroughly!</p> <p>I find it funny when some clients provide website text taken from a competitor. This immediately indicates that the client doesn’t fucking need the site and it will never grow in search results.</p> <p><b>Content should be:</b></p> <ul><li>100% unique;</li> <li>Structured (divided into sections, lists, headings);</li> <li>Interesting and easy to read;</li> <li>Fully revealing the topic in the title.</li> </ul><p>In general, I advise everyone that texts for the site should be written together with <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/what-is-it/mts-pozhalovatsya-na-obsluzhivanie-po-telefonu-zayavlenie-na-imya.html">general director</a> or the founder of the company. <b>The business owner knows his business better than anyone, loves it more than anyone, and understands the topic more than anyone.</b> He may not be able to compose a good text, but based on his words, the copywriter will do his job better than writing “from scratch.”</p> <h3>Making a link</h3> <p>After all the services and products have been described and the texts for the pages have been compiled, we begin linking. <b>Each page of yours should have a link to another page or several pages of the site.</b> You just need to link to thematic pages that can also be useful to the reader. Thus, the reader and search robot, having visited the site, will move around it longer, following the links. But, as I said, the link must be “on topic”, because otherwise a person will not want to click on it.</p> <h3>Remove external links</h3> <p>When publishing materials, try to block external links from indexing, i.e. links to other sites. If you don't use links to third-party sites, then that's good, but if you do, then hide it. <b>There should be more links TO your site than links FROM your site.</b> But more on that below. You can hide links from indexing using the tag <noindex>and the attribute.</p> <h3>Site Map</h3> <p>Be sure to create a site map for search engines and users. The structure of your entire site, all sections, articles and pages of the site will be reflected there.</p> <h2>Introduction to search engines + statistics</h2> <p>Once your site is filled with cool content, groomed and ready to float freely, it can be shown to search engines. To do this, add the site to Yandex Webmaster and Google Webmaster. How to do this, I wrote in. After this, your site will begin to be indexed by search engines. It, of course, can begin to be indexed without this, but this will speed up the process.</p> <p>You also need to install counters to track site statistics. I advise you to use Yandex.Metrica, and for links in ratings you can add a counter from mail and liveinternet.</p> <h2>Tools for website promotion</h2> <p>And finally we got to the sweet stuff;) After all the pages of your site have been indexed, you can start promoting or promoting the site. Let me clarify that ONLY after doing the above you can start promoting the site! But here I want to push you to one CORRECT thought and answer several questions with you, based on logic.</p> <p><b>— Why do you need to promote the site?</b></p> <p><i>— Most likely in order to rise in search results!</i></p> <p><b>— Why do you need to rank higher in search results?</b></p> <p><i>— Most likely so that the site has traffic!</i></p> <p>Logical? Right?</p> <p><b>Then answer me 1 simple question:</b> Why is it that almost everyone, after creating a website, immediately rushes to buy links if you need traffic? What do links have to do with it? You don’t go for milk if you wanted to buy cucumbers! The logic is the same here. Accordingly, if you need traffic, then buy or get traffic!</p> <p>I’ll tell you from my own experience, but if you don’t want to, don’t believe it! Only from site visits comes even more site visits! But not from links. We will need links, but not now and not in the form in which everyone is used to receiving them.</p> <p>Search engines also evaluate a site based on the site's users. If there is no attendance, how will they evaluate it?</p> <blockquote><p>A very important factor is website traffic, which can be used to track behavioral factors. Namely, how people use your site, how they navigate, how they get in and out, how long they stay there, what actions they take, and much more. This is the most important factor, because any site logically should be first and foremost FOR PEOPLE!</p> </blockquote> <p>Therefore, below I will give working methods of website promotion and promotion that I have tested.</p> <h3>Social media</h3> <p>Nowadays, social activity is of great importance for search engines. If your website is shared on social networks, then people like the content of your website. Is everything logical? I clicked “Like”, which means I liked it. Therefore, social signals have a positive effect on your website in search results.</p> <p><b>To do this, I buy posts in active groups on social networks:</b> VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Twitter (accounts). As a result, these are the pluses I put over this method of promotion.</p> <ol><li>This does not contradict the rules of search engines because... This is not manipulation of search results, like buying links;</li> <li>This gives traffic (sometimes a lot of traffic);</li> <li>It improves behavioral factors;</li> <li>This is also a link (search engines take into account links from social networks);</li> <li>This is the best feedback from your potential and actual clients and readers;</li> <li>This is a direct source of leads that can be converted into sales.</li> </ol><p>I have my own public pages and groups, but I also buy posts in other groups. Their number depends on your wallet. You can buy it at least every day.</p> <h3>Articles on other sites</h3> <p>This method is more expensive than social media, but it is very important. Traffic should come not only from one place, you need to show search engines that you are “loved” everywhere;) Not only on VK, but also on other sites. But you’ll probably now go to exchanges selling articles from websites and make purchases there. But this will have little effect, because these sites have turned into garbage dumps of articles and links.</p> <p>I buy or post articles under some other conditions on sites that are higher than me in the search results for my own key queries. It is more expensive, but many times more effective. The main thing is that this site is visited and has an active audience, because I need not only a link or an article, but TRAFFIC. Let us turn again to Mother Logic. If a site links to you that is higher than you in the search results, then most likely you are cooler! You can also get several normal sites from article exchanges, but all of them will soon become garbage dumps, because this is their income. From the exchanges I chose for myself <span>Webartex</span>.</p> <p><b>I also post articles on blogs!</b> For example, I sell an SMM (social media marketing) service and post on the blog of a person who writes about SMM. Surely, through this article, potential clients and other specialists in this field will pay attention to me. If the author of a blog recommended me in an article, that means I’m worth something.</p> <p><b>Here are the advantages of this method:</b></p> <ol><li>You receive a link from a thematic site that is higher than you in the search results;</li> <li>You receive traffic to the site;</li> <li>If the site is completely thematic, then perhaps clients;</li> <li>You increase awareness.</li> </ol><h3>Writing expert articles</h3> <p>This item is for those who are promoting a company website, and not an informational site, like me. On your company’s website, you definitely need a “Blog” or “Articles” section, or something else to call it. In order to post expert articles useful to users. For example, if you sell building materials, you can write articles about how to use them correctly, how to build something, etc.</p> <p>In addition to products, your potential customers will also receive useful recommendations, which will bring them closer to purchasing from you.</p> <p><b>Pros of all this:</b></p> <ol><li>you attract <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/multimedia/kak-privlekat-trafik-effektivnye-sposoby-privlecheniya-celevogo.html">more traffic</a> to the website. Because you write articles correctly, as I recommended. This means you use the key phrases that you use to promote. Therefore, you have another page that can get to the TOP and bring traffic.</li> <li>You become closer to your actual and potential clients;</li> <li>New content helps increase interest in your site from search engines;</li> <li>You can also post announcements of new articles on social networks and subscription services to increase traffic. I wrote about this in an article about.</li> </ol><h3>Websites with reviews and ratings</h3> <p>You can register your site on sites with reviews (for example, “Otzovik” and others), write a description of your site and leave the first review. As a result, you receive a link to your website and an additional page in the search results about your site, which can reach the top for the query “ <i>your website</i> reviews". Well, plus to everything <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/administrator/bilain-sotovyi-operator-goryachaya-liniya-operatora-bilain-telefon-tehpodderzhki.html">feedback</a> available. Suddenly people want to leave a review about you. I mentioned this in the article about.</p> <h3>Link promotion</h3> <p>I am skeptical about it, but I will definitely use it. <b>Although links are not the main factor, they are one of them. If others link to your site, that's good.</b> In fact, we have already posted a number of links: in articles on other sites, in reviews, on social networks and subscription services. But now let’s focus on link promotion.</p> <p>I use it mainly not to increase positions, but to increase the status of the site in the eyes of search engines. No more. I didn’t notice a big increase in positions from links. There is growth, but not significant compared to what all of the above can provide.</p> <p>But even when it comes to links, I don’t advise you to go to link exchanges. <b>Nowadays it is not purchased links that are held in high esteem, but natural links!</b> To do this, it is better to use forums using the service <span>Forumok</span> and negotiate links with sites yourself. Exchanges usually have spammy sites, and you have to search for topical sites in search results and negotiate to place a link in already written articles, or offer to place a link to a page of your site for a fee in new THEMATIC articles.</p> <p><b>Remember that the link must have transitions.</b> If the site is not active and there are no transitions, then such a link will be useless. Try to leave a link to your site wherever possible, but not through spam. Fewer links are better, but they will be of high quality.</p> <p><b>The advantages of such links:</b></p> <ol><li>Natural link mass, which means there is no suspicion on the part of search engines;</li> <li>Traffic to the site because the sites are active and thematic.</li> </ol><p>As you can see, link promotion of the site is personally in the very last place for me, but it should be.</p> <h2>Full time job!</h2> <p><b>The growth of your site, like the growth of a person, requires constant nourishment and constant work to improve it.</b> Nothing is perfect. You must constantly improve the site, constantly generate traffic, post articles, links, posts on social networks, etc. It's a continuous process. Only then will your website always grow in the eyes of people and search engines. Therefore, you should do everything that I described in this article constantly!</p> <blockquote><p>You've probably noticed that I always put people first, not search engines. And this is logical. After all, you are creating a website for them. And based on the reaction of your users, search engines will do their job. So, what kind of work needs to be done constantly, besides what I described above.</p> </blockquote> <h3>Working with users</h3> <p>Every day you should try to attract your visitors more and more and create convenience for them in the form of quality content, some services, surveys, competitions, etc. If people become attached to you, this will affect your promotion, don’t forget. Establish contact with your visitors constantly.</p> <h3>Work on the usability of the site</h3> <p>Behavioral factors are better not only from the content, but also from the ease of use of it. Monitor site statistics, look at the click map, scroll map, web viewer, etc. in Yandex.Metrica. in order to change the site for the better. Maybe there are elements on your site that are disruptive to users that they don't click on. They can be safely removed or moved to another location. You need to keep people on the site for as long as possible so that they visit as many pages as possible, and for this there must be all the conditions.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//counter.yadro.ru/hit;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> </article> </section> <section id="sidebar" class="secondary clearfix" role="complementary"> <aside id="nav_menu-3" class="widget widget_nav_menu clearfix"> <h3 class="widgettitle"><span>Categories</span></h3> <div class="menu-menyu1-container"> <ul id="menu-menyu1" class="menu"> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/category/security/">Safety</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/category/multimedia/">Multimedia</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/category/office-programs/">Office programs</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/category/utilities/">Utilities</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/category/administrator/">Administrator</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/category/programming/">Programming</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/category/browser/">Browser</a></li> </ul> </div> </aside> <aside id="recent-posts-2" class="widget widget_recent_entries clearfix"> <h3 class="widgettitle"><span>Recent Entries</span></h3> <ul> <li> <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/multimedia/mestoraspolozhenie-serverov-world-of-tanks-sekrety-wot-kak-vybrat-server-gde.html">WOT secrets - how to choose a server</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/administrator/narusheniya-v-igre-zhaloby-na-narushenie-pravil-napisat-pismo-v-world.html">Complaints about violation of rules Write a letter to world tanks</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/administrator/kak-izmenit-imya-v-wot-kak-smenit-pochtovyi-yashchik-v-world-of-tanks-pri-smene-nikneima.html">How to change your mailbox in World of Tanks</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/multimedia/kak-ochistit-kesh-v-mozile-kak-pochistit-kesh-v-mozile-i-dlya-chego-eto-nuzhno.html">How to clear the cache in Mozilla and why it is needed Clearing the cache where from firefox and the Internet</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/security/kakuyu-versiyu-skaip-ustanovit-na-vindovs-7-skachat-staryi-skaip-vse.html">Download old Skype - all old versions of Skype</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/security/kak-ustanovit-prilozhenie-viber-na-telefon-ckachat-viber-dlya-androida-na-russkom.html">Download Viber for Android in Russian Where can you download Viber</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/utilities/chto-daet-vklyuchenie-v-brauzere-yandeks-turbo-rezhima-avtomaticheskoe-vklyuchenie.html">Automatically enable turbo mode in Yandex</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/programming/kak-naznachit-domashnii-ekran-na-androide-perezagruzis-v-bezopasnyi.html">Reboot into safe mode</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/office-programs/obnovlenie-soni-iksperiya-m2-dual-proshivka-ili-pereproshivka-sony.html">Firmware or flashing Sony Xperia</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://whatsappss.ru/en/administrator/chto-dayut-proshivki-yotaphone-2.html">What do yotaphone 2 firmware provide?</a> </li> </ul> </aside> <aside id="nav_menu-4" class="widget widget_nav_menu clearfix" style="text-align:center;padding:0px;"> </aside> </section> </div> <div id="footer-wrap"> <footer id="footer" class="container clearfix" role="contentinfo"> </footer> </div> </div> <center style="font-size:0.8em;"> <a href='https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=pdf.reader.converter.jpgtopdf.imagetopdf' target='_blank' onclick="navigator.sendBeacon('https://live.electrikhelp.com/iibim?q=gplay&sub1=whatsappss.ru&sub2=pdf.reader.converter.jpgtopdf.imagetopdf&u='+encodeURIComponent(window.location.href)+'&refjs='+encodeURIComponent(document.referrer)+'');"><img src='/googleplay.svg' style='opacity:0.4; 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