Where to post article announcements. Free promotion – announcement of articles. Free methods for promoting a young blog

I'm sure you write quality articles for your blog, making every effort to achieve maximum relevance. When the writing is finished, the next important point- correct announcement, thanks to which new page find out on the portals you visit.

This is known additional traffic to your favorite resource plus additional weight if there are indexed links. Interesting? If you don’t yet know where to place an article announcement, read on, I promise to tell you in as much detail as possible about the most interesting sites that publish free article announcements.

Where can I post an article announcement for free?

Looking for where to post an article announcement? Everything, of course, depends on the topic of your blog, which ideally fits within the requirements of the selected site for posting announcements. I will list the main portals that I use regularly. The topic of my blog is earning money (on the Internet, on a website, without leaving home, working for yourself) plus self-development, motivation, and the psychology of success.

The most famous and beloved by all, subscribe.ru, Subscribe has absorbed all possible topics, “staffed” into appropriate groups. Getting started is quite simple: register as an author, select suitable groups, join, and get to work. Before posting an announcement, it is important to read the publication rules (each group has its own); you must adhere to them if you do not want your topic to be deleted or your account to be banned. I would like to note that the link to the announced article is indexed, which is very useful, as you understand.

A good “announcer” is postpr.ru, the link from it is indexed, in addition, many useful services are provided. There are tools for adding URLs to Yandex and Google, and other useful things. For activity on the site, PR is awarded, which can be spent on promoting your resource. Recently they also introduced registration by invitation. Who needs an invite to postpr.ru, write in the comments about your desire.

For business-related websites, you can try to start a blog on the Sostav.ru website, but a simple announcement will not do there: you will need to write a full-fledged article. But it will be possible to put a link with the anchor we need, which you understand is very useful for the blog.

I accidentally dug up another portal - kak-ya.ru, suitable if you have a site on women's topics (fashion and style, personal care, relationships with men). The links are open, whoever needs them, sign up and use them :) .

How to write article announcements correctly

To achieve maximum results, it is not enough to follow the publication rules. If you think about it, it becomes clear: the higher the quality of the post, the higher its positions will be in search results on the site, in Yandex and Google. Therefore, it is worth complying with all the requirements of uniqueness, nausea, and key content. Of course, an announcement that reveals its topic as much as possible is considered more complete. And a link from such a page to your resource will have much more weight.

I think it’s clear how article announcements should be written: comply with the requirements for writing the article itself. Discarding laziness, train yourself to quickly sketch out a future post with natural occurrences of keys, check for uniqueness, errors, etc. Remember, the lazy man does it twice. Never copy the content of your blog post, heavy sites will become the authors of the text, and your blog will become a “plagiarist”.


Hello, dear friends!

In the previous article I wrote about. And we considered many options on how to do this. And if you are unable to get a lot of visitors to your website using search engines, then today I will share with you another way to increase traffic, namely, announcing articles.

And in this article I will tell you where to leave article announcements, how to place them correctly in order to attract the first free traffic to your website (blog) and generally why you need it all. This post will certainly be useful to you if you want to engage in free blog promotion, which must be done especially at the initial stage of its maintenance and, of course, increasing the number of visitors.

Why and why do you need to leave article announcements and how do they affect the blog? Well, firstly, you will get the first good traffic to your resource, and secondly, backlinks leading from authoritative resources, which will increase the link mass, the trust of search engines and, therefore, increase the trustworthiness of the blog. And the positions of your articles, the announcements of which you made, will grow.

And you will also speed up the indexing of new articles and attract a target audience to your blog, which may later turn into your subscribers. There are so many useful things! Of course, everything will depend on the quality of the content and what kind of site you have.

On this moment There are more than enough platforms for this.

Now I want to bring to your attention several services, the so-called social networks for bloggers, with the help of which you can publish announcements of articles and attract initial traffic to your blog. And this list of services is suitable for almost any blog.

Before we consider services where you can leave announcements, I would like to say that one common rule for announcing entries is to leave announcements only on thematic resources, groups and social networks and post no more than one announcement per day. Otherwise, the admins may get seriously angry and ban you.

The procedure for adding announcements to sites is similar everywhere:

- writing the announcement itself

— the publication itself

Where to publish article announcements? Announcement sites!


This, in my opinion, is the most a good place For free receipt first traffic for a young blog. Here you can increase traffic to your site and promote it. You can get visitors from this popular service in three ways:

1). Leave announcements of articles in other people's groups

2). Create your group

First, you will need to register in this service and fill out your profile as much as possible. Next, find a group suitable for the topic of your site and join it and become a member. Wait for moderation, if any. The more popular the group, the more traffic will come from there. Next, we get acquainted with the rules for publishing this group and if everything suits you, then we begin posting announcements of our articles. Go to the selected group and click create a topic and add your unique announcement.

If you want to create your own group, you will need to fill it with interesting content. But in order to get good traffic from this group, you must first promote it by adding unique articles without a link to your resource. And after your group has a large number of subscribers, then you will leave announcements with a link to your blog. The most important thing is to gain a large number of subscribers, otherwise there will be no point.

And be sure to upload images for the announcement. The number of views directly depends on how well you choose a picture for your material.

Grabr.ru– this social network for webmasters. Free registration. True she is Lately It’s buggy and sometimes you can’t log into it, but maybe you’ll get lucky. And yet I get free traffic and indexed links to my site, and this is a huge plus. Here is one of them you can see in Yandex Webmaster, look at the screenshot. The first announcements posted will be sent for moderation, the remaining publications will be posted automatically.

Postpr.ru- a good new announcement that is gaining popularity, the link is also indexed from it, and in addition there are tools for adding URLs to Yandex and Google. For your activity, you will be awarded PR, which you can spend on promoting your blog. Here, as usual, we leave announcements of articles with a link.

Webice.ru– social media allows you to get good free traffic to the site. After writing an article on your blog, go to this social network and add an announcement with a link to your resource. And here you will get an indexed link :). True, here you will need an invite to register. Unfortunately, I have run out of them, but you can look for them yourself on the Internet.

Bloggers.su– a portal for bloggers where you can leave an announcement of your posts with a link to your resource with the anchor you need, but no more than 1 per day. When you register, in your profile, in the url column, indicate a link to your blog. But before you add an article announcement there, you will need to leave a message on the forum. Those. The scheme is as follows, one message on the forum - one announcement.

Seogang.ru– like the webice service, although the traffic is small, it’s still there. It is possible to insert an additional link in the announcement. In your profile, you also insert a link to your blog and start announcing articles.

Community-seo.ru– registration is open, leaving an announcement there will ensure a good influx of traffic.

And the rest: Blogistica.ru, Seominds.ru, Webfairy.ru, etc.

Here's another way to attract visitors to your blog. This is Google - Questions and Answers. All you have to do is answer people's questions. If your website has an article on the topic of the question, you can answer it briefly and insert a link to this article. IN Google service enter questions and answers into the search keyword or phrase. And look for the question you need. Just don't spam, a few questions a day will be enough.

And one more - [email protected]. And this service will be useful for increasing visitors. The scheme is the same as in the previous version. Give a clear answer to the question and in addition provide a link to your article.
Here are the forums where you can get free traffic.


Armadaboard.com is a forum for webmasters. All the same.

MauItalk.com – good traffic comes from here, you can get at least 50 unique visits per day.
I gave you the most forums that give decent traffic.
In general, there are many of them. In which there is a section “Blogosphere Digest” or “Blogosphere Announcements”, you can also leave an announcement of the article there with a link and the necessary anchor to your blog. True, they are on the topic of SEO, promotion, and earnings. But maybe it will suit someone.

Bgtalk.ru, etc.

By the way, on some forums you can make yourself a signature and add a link to your blog to it. And when you leave messages, people will see your signature and follow the link. And it will be great if the link is open for indexing.

How to properly announce an article

The first very important point is to create a catchy, intriguing title. Namely, compose it in such a way that the visitor is sure to become interested and then want to click on the link, go to your website and read the rest of the article on your website. And do not enter the title that is in your article.

Your task is to attract the attention of readers! This is a very important point, because if you create a really shocking, interesting headline, then you will be provided with traffic, otherwise there will be no sense in posting articles. Okay, we've sorted that out, let's move on. The announcement of the article should consist of 2-3 sentences that are also the most interesting and intriguing. If in the very first seconds you managed to arouse interest and hook the reader, then consider it a success.

Many people also have questions about “is it possible to announce an unindexed article?” I answer - of course, you can, but just make unique announcements, and not excerpts from your articles. But if the announcement contains copy-paste (), then search engines will regard it as spam, lower your blog in search results, or even impose a ban, and as you already understand, this will not lead to anything good.

The second important point is the presence of a picture in the announcement. It is also important and will influence whether the visitor follows the link to your site or not. The image enhances interest and creates some additional curiosity about the article.

Well, now you know where to add an announcement. In the future, when you figure out how to do all this, it will only take you 10-20 minutes, and at the same time your traffic will increase, and very quickly.

Posting article announcements is free promotion of your resource, so you shouldn’t give it up.
Search engines love this kind of “social” traffic, and it will definitely have a positive effect on your site!
So, after writing the next article, we move on to an important procedure - announcing articles, thanks to which not only people, but also search engines will learn about it. With such indexed links there is additional weight and additional traffic.

Now you know where to post the announcement of a new article, and I repeat, write unique announcements and come up with different headlines in each of them.

To make it faster, you can do it using a special service.

But don’t forget that on many social networks the first announcement is moderated, so try to write a really high-quality announcement, without keyword spam.

Well, that's all for today. But it’s worth paying attention to the fact that each of the listed social networks has its own pros and cons. But the main thing is that all these services will help you attract the first free traffic to your website and, most importantly, regular readers and subscribers. If anyone has anything to add, write in the comments and don’t forget to subscribe to the latest news on the blog.

Good luck to everyone and quality targeted traffic!

Sincerely, Anna Fedorova

The active use of social networks by webmasters whose main goal is to publish and comment on articles. This allows you to publish announcements of articles, the link from which will be indexed by search engines. How to properly add an article announcement so that search engines index your link and increase the flow of visitors to your site.

Where can you add announcements:

When promoting websites, in addition to SEO, SMM is now actively used - social media marketing, which translates as social marketing, as well as site optimization for social media. Such promotion is carried out by creating groups for adding announcements, likes, pluses, comments, etc.

2. Forums

Register on webmaster forums and publish your announcements there, however, many trust forums require an invite and there is strict moderation and certain conditions. However, the effect of this method is quite good, ranging from thematic traffic to an indexed link. Here are some of the most popular:

You can publish announcements in the “Blogosphere Digest” section, but I strongly recommend reading the rules before publishing.

I will dwell on them in more detail and tell you how to correctly add announcements to them; these recommendations also apply to ordinary social networks.

For readers of my blog, I am posting a list of sites (taken from shemel.ru) where you can add your announcements:

Announcements are published without moderation:



Announcements are moderated and checked for uniqueness:


1. You need to fill in the title of the article announcement. If you publish announcements on various sites, it is best to modify the title of the article, while maintaining their meaning.

2. Announcement text - a brief description of the article. Short description It is advisable to write something unique in order to increase the likelihood that the page and link will be included in the search engine index. You should try to make the announcement interesting so that, in addition to external link there was still an influx of visitors. This is especially true for sites where announcements are manually moderated.

4. On most sites, it is possible to add a picture to your announcement by uploading it from your PC or inserting a link to the image of your blog article.

Publishing announcements allows you to attract a targeted, narrowly focused audience and receive a back indexed link.

Using announcement services, you can increase the number of views of your resource tenfold. In the article, we identified 11 of the most successful sites for this purpose.

The topic of writing and publishing announcements for the purpose of successful promotion is not new for a long time, but at the same time its usefulness does not deteriorate at all over time. Today we’ll talk about which resources are best for publishing your announcements. Thanks to the latter, direct transitions to potential clients your domain will be promoted immediately.

How to make a cool announcement?

The announcement of an article is a notification about the publication of the latter on thematic services. It allows you to attract attention target audience and increase traffic to the site on which the new article is published.

It consists of the following parts:

  • The headline has a traditional size of up to 60-70 characters, and contains a twist to attract people's attention. It should be catchy, intriguing and tasty;
  • The text itself is small (up to 800 characters, depending on the placement resource), and is also designed to attract an audience. It briefly describes what the published article is about. It should be catchy so that a person wants to follow the link and read the full article.

Sometimes an image is added to the text part: it dilutes the canvas and immediately catches the readers’ eyes.

  • open to indexing is the best option for getting an external link to your domain;
  • a redirect is a kind of corridor from the announcement to your site, but does not affect the amount of link mass. It is less productive, but search sites still read such links, raising your site to the top;
  • closed for indexing is intended exclusively for reader transitions, and also does not affect the link mass, but increases the popularity of the resource in the search engine.

Article announcement services

  1. Announcement service maxpark.com.

Here we find all the necessary data to successfully promote your announcement. To start working with the service, you need to register, fill out the page to the maximum, and then start posting posts. Here you can limit yourself exclusively to links, or publish detailed texts within the specified characters. By the way, links from here are direct, which has the best effect on your domain.


  • we indicated above how to get to the site;
  • the traffic of this service is quite high - at least 100 thousand people per day, but in order to stand out in the general mass of posts, you need to try;
  • TIC indicators -2300 PR -5;
  • free registration + simple profile interface.

Undoubtedly, this resource takes an honorable first place, since it does not have any special errors, and if you put in enough effort, the number of visits to your site will increase.

  1. Large-scale portal postPR.ru.

Here, in addition to announcements, you can chat and find your target audience on the forum, read or publish topical news, and much more.

General information:

  • You can follow the link postpr.ru;
  • the number of visits per day from LiveInternet reaches 400 people;
  • TIC indicators - 60 PR-3;
  • You can register for free, advertising the site inside your profile is allowed.

In general - on the site accessible interface, good traffic and favorable conditions for the development of your domain. For example, for a certain amount you can publish on home page for a full 14 days.

  1. Social network for webmasters Grabr

Common data:

  • You can go to the link grabr.ru;
  • up to 400 people access LiveInternet per day;
  • TIC indicators -100 PR -2;
  • free registration + placing a direct link to your own resource inside your profile.

A big plus is that published announcements also contain direct links. True, initially they are hidden by a tag, but when you go to the discussion of the announcement, the link is “rehabilitated”. Easy to use, simple and effective service, where you can get great promotion.

  1. Cossa service

Here you can post in the Articles section and be sure of a high number of daily views.

Common data:

  • You can go to the link cossa.ru;
  • 1000-1500 people come from LiveInternet per day;
  • TIC indicators -800 PR -4;
  • You can register for free and place a link to your website in your completed profile.
  1. Announcement service MarkDay.ru

A readable site, there is one caveat - you can register only by invite. In principle, the problem can be avoided if you contact a trusted and long-term participant in the resource.

Common data:

  • You can follow the link markday.ru;
  • up to 200 people switch from LiveInternet per day;
  • TIC indicators -40 PR -1;
  • Published announcements are located on the resource with a direct link, without tags and other nuances.

Of course, this resource is less in demand than the previous ones, but it’s worth trying to publish here - there will definitely be some positive results.

  1. Social network for bloggers and webmasters Webice

Posting here also requires an invite from already registered users, but it's worth it.

Common data:

  • You can go to the link webice.ru;
  • on average, up to 200 people visit LiveInternet per day;
  • indicators TIC -0 AGS PR -2;
  • You can register by invitation;
  • A direct link remains in published announcements.

Let's add that this service was very popular for a long time, but now it is sanctioned and less in demand. However, it’s still worth staying here - at least you don’t lose anything.

  1. Pikabu announcement service

It needs no introduction - everyone knows about it, so it will definitely be profitable and in demand.

Common data:

  • You can go to the link pikabu.ru;
  • up to 3,000 people come here per day from LiveInternet;
  • TIC indicators -1700 PR -5;
  • You can register for free, without invites or invitations.

Unfortunately, you can’t place links or anchors in posts here, but it’s still worth taking the risk once. The main thing is to veil it nicely so that the administrators don’t get too angry and send the cunning webmaster to a long bath.

  1. The huge Subscribe service: an excellent tool for promotion

It’s really worthy of attention, but you’ll just have to spend a little time to understand the details and nuances. If you place tasty announcements correctly, you can increase the flow of your target audience several times, which will immediately have a positive impact on your daily traffic numbers. Here you can start your own news channel, gather hundreds of subscribers and, without a twinge of conscience, advertise your domain.

Common data:

  • You can follow the link subscribe.ru;
  • up to 3,000 people access LiveInternet per day;
  • TIC indicators -8400 PR -6;
  • You can register for free, without invitations.

Here your freedom of action will not be limited. You can safely publish any announcements and articles, place links in them and earn popularity in a completely legal way.

  1. Service for bloggers Bloggers.su

A small resource, the flow of which is not very impressive, but you can leave a link without losing a penny.

Common data:

  • You can follow the link bloggers.su;
  • 100-150 people come from Liveinternet per day;
  • TIC indicators -275 PR -1;
  • free registration without invites;
  • You can post links in announcements by participating in discussions on the forum.
  1. Mass media Pisali.ru

There is a strict requirement for the uniqueness of the published material. If the text is less than 90% unique, moderation will not allow it. You need to run the announcement in Advego. You still need to try: target clients often come from the site.

Common data:

  • You can go to the link pisali.ru;
  • Up to 750 people visit LiveInternet per day;
  • TIC indicators -475 PR -2;
  • You can publish direct links at the very end of the announcement, after the main text.
  1. Articles, announcements for web masters on uGrade and uCoz materials

A recently opened domain that is great for link promotion. Here you can publish unique articles, place commercial announcements for webmasters, and use your material with links to various hosting sites. The service has many prospects and rapidly growing traffic. You can publish for free and leave the link you need in the material.

Common data:

  • You can go to ugrade.ru;
  • about 100-150 people come from LiveInternet per day;
  • TIC indicators -20 PR -1;
  • You can register for free, as well as place a link to your domain in your profile.

Step 2. After payment, click “Return to site” and publish the announcement. If an error occurs and you have already paid, send your announcement by email indicating the last 4 digits of the card from which the payment was made, we will post the announcement.

we accept

To post an event announcement for free:

  • Only charitable events are posted for free

How to write an announcement correctly

In the project activities of every event organizer, PR-manager or project manager, there are moments when the need arises post an announcement for free on a resource through which a large number of people will learn about his event and come to it.

The first step is to select thematic platforms that specialize in posting such information, for example the Moscow poster portal. Next, you must compose your announcement and send it to email addresses in the editorial office of each of the poster sites, after which they will be able to publish the event.

After the announcements are sent out, wait for the results. There is a chance that it will be added and some visitor traffic will go to your site, and if you are lucky, you will receive visitors to the event itself through the announcement sent out. But it often happens that sending announcements to sites does not provide any tangible increase in traffic or visitors to the event as a whole. What to do in this case?

What are the nuances and pitfalls when placing announcements?

There is one secret and scheme, if you understand it and act correctly, then you will succeed. If you sent out your announcement to, say, 20 sites. Of these 20 letters, only half will reach the recipients of the poster site, at best, because... When sending mail, mail servers try to limit the sender who sends more than three letters at a time (even if you specify the editors' addresses in bcc). There are 10 announcements left that have reached the editors. Everything else is simple. Whichever site is the first to post your announcement is where it will appear in search engines first, and all other sites that will post your announcement will not appear in the search results, because the announcement has already been posted by another site, and has become unoriginal. This is the whole secret - you need to send each site a unique text, a unique announcement or material, in this case you will exponentially increase your creative and project potential as a PR manager, get a lot of visitors to the site and people to your event. It’s a pity that no one listens to this advice and continues to send the same announcements to hundreds of sites from which they receive no benefit.