Information warfare. Means of information warfare. Russia and world information wars

The technological revolution has given rise to the term "information age"; this was the result of the fact that information systems became part of our lives and changed it radically. The information age has also changed the way warfare is conducted, providing social actors with an unprecedented quantity and quality of information.

Now you can watch the progress of hostilities and analyze events online.

However, it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of struggle in the information era and information warfare. Struggle in the Information Age uses information technology as a means to successfully achieve results. For information warfare, information is a separate object or potential weapon and a profitable target. Information Age technologies have made it possible to directly manipulate enemy information.

Thus, it can be stated that states strive to acquire information that ensures the fulfillment of their goals, use it and protect it. These uses and protections can be in the economic, political and military spheres. Knowledge of the information that the enemy possesses is a means to strengthen the power of one side and reduce the power of the other. Information weapons affect the information held by the enemy and his information functions.

Information warfare is any action to use, destroy, distort the enemy’s information and its functions, protect one’s information against such actions, and use one’s own information functions.

This definition is the basis for the following statements. Information warfare is any attack against an information function, regardless of the means used.

Information warfare is any action to protect one's own information functions, regardless of the means used. Information warfare is only a means, not an end goal. It can be used as a means to carry out a strategic attack or countermeasure.

For information warfare to be effective, the opposing side needs to do three things:

1) observed fraudulent actions;

2) considered the deception to be true;

3) acted after the deception in accordance with the goals of the deceiver.

Information warfare has the following structure: 1) psychological operations - the use of information to influence the enemy’s argumentation;

2) information counteraction - does not allow the opponent to obtain accurate information;

3) disinformation - provides the opponent with false information about forces and intentions;

4) physical destruction - may be part of information warfare;

5) security measures - strive to avoid the opponent learning about capabilities and intentions;

6) direct information attacks - distortion of information without
visible change in the entity in which it resides.
Goals of information warfare:

1) control over information space;

2) use of information control to conduct information attacks;

3) increasing the overall effectiveness of the armed forces through
widespread use of military information functions.


Information confrontation- rivalry social systems in the information and psychological sphere regarding the influence on certain areas of social relations and the establishment of control over sources of strategic resources, as a result of which some participants in the rivalry receive the advantages they need for further development, while others lose them.

Under information warfare refers to the struggle in the information sphere, which involves a complex destructive impact on the information, information systems and information infrastructure of the opposing side while simultaneously protecting one’s own information, information systems and information infrastructure from such influence. The ultimate goal of information warfare is to gain and maintain information superiority over the opposing side.

Objects and subjects of information warfare

The object of information warfare is any object in relation to which it is possible to carry out information influence (including the use of information weapons) or other influence (force, political, economic, etc.), the result of which will be a modification of its properties as information system. The object of information warfare can be any component or segment of the information-psychological space, including the following types: mass and individual consciousness of citizens; socio-political systems and processes; information infrastructure; information and psychological resources.

The subjects of information warfare include: states, their alliances and coalitions; international organizations; non-state illegal (including illegal international) armed groups and organizations of a terrorist, extremist, radical political, radical religious orientation; transnational corporations; virtual social communities; media corporations (controlling the media and mass communications - media and MK); virtual coalitions.


see also


  • Manoilo A.V. Objects and subjects of information warfare. 2003.
  • Styugin M. Security assessment of the information management system of the Russian Federation. 2006.
  • Fedorov A.V. Transformations of the image of Russia on the Western screen: from the era of ideological confrontation (1946-1991) to the modern stage (1992-2010). M.: Publishing house MOO "Information for everyone", 2010. 202 p.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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In August 2008, a dirty attack was launched against Russia information war

The time that has passed since the Five-Day August War in the Caucasus in 2008 has shown that so far all attempts by Russian statists to draw appropriate organizational and managerial conclusions after the anti-Russian information aggression are blocked by the ideologists of Liberal Colonialism, who have their supporters within the political elite of Russia.

In August 2008, a dirty information war was launched against Russia (primarily by the American and British media). In December 2011 - May 2012, a lot reminded me of August 2008. Although the information impact was more subtle, using the real mistakes of the current Russian government, its unpreparedness for active information warfare.

The main problem is the obvious “slipping” of organizational and management decisions in the information sphere after the adoption of the Doctrine in 2000 information security Russia, in the context of intensifying information war against Russia. Federal elections in Russia took place in the context of an intensified anti-Russian information war. The tragic events of July 2012 in Kuban also revealed problems in the field of information countering rumors and disinformation. Therefore, the most important task is the speedy adoption of the Doctrine of Information Warfare of Russia.

The main goals of the information war against Russia

1.Blocking the processes of creating the Eurasian Union by conducting a global operation “Anti-Putin” and repeating the scenario of the coup d’etat of February 1917, with elements of Gorbachev’s perestroika and the collapse of the USSR.

2. Opposition to the rapprochement between Russia and the EU, Russia and the BRICS countries.

3.Organization of war (with the help of provocations) in the Near and Middle East (NATO military aggression against Syria and Iran), to use the destabilization of the region against Russia.

The “Anti-Putin” information operation, developed by London, largely repeats the operations that the British Empire carried out against its main enemies in Europe - the leaders of France and Germany (Richelieu, Bismarck, De Gaulle). The USSR was also collapsed as a result of the information war, the active phase of which began with Operation Anti-Stalin. The developers of the Anti-Putin operation are MI6 and the British Lobby in the USA (long-term MI6 agent Zbigniew Brzezinski, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Obama's assistant David Axelrod - the great-grandson of Trotsky-Bronstein). Coordinators in Russia: US Ambassador to Russia M. McFaul and former USSR President M. Gorbachev.

Main scenarios:

Pairs A. Navalny - M. Gaidar, Yashin-Sobchak (V. Yushchenko - Y. Timoshenko) - “orange” Ukrainian scenario
- Georgian scenario for bringing M. Saakashvili to power: long-term partnership J. Soros - B. Akunin (G. Chkhartishvili)
- Provocation Scenario
- Information game to get ahead of power (Use of rumors in emergency and crisis situations)
- The Libyan-Syrian scenario is large-scale and complex disinformation on social networks and the world media.

It should be noted that during Operation Anti-Putin, the same technologies of lies and disinformation are mainly used as during Operation Anti-Stalin. The only difference is the availability today of more modern means of mass communication (Internet, global television, social media), which are mainly controlled by British intelligence MI6 and business structures of various countries with a legal address in British offshore zones. On March 4, a group of patriotic statesmen around V. Putin managed to block the coup d'etat scenario leading to the Chaos of February 1917. However, there are new information battles ahead with the London center of information warfare against Russia.

Theory of Information Confrontation

Information warfare (confrontation) - a form of struggle between the parties, which is the use of special (political, economic, diplomatic, military and other) methods, methods and means to influence the information environment of the opposing party and protect their own in the interests of achieving their goals.

The main areas of information and psychological warfare:
- Political,
- diplomatic,
- financial and economic,
- military.

Two types of information warfare should be distinguished: information-technical and information-psychological.

At information and technical struggle with the main objects of influence and protection are information technology systems (communication systems, telecommunication systems, radio-electronic equipment, etc.).

At information and psychological warfare, the main objects of influence and protection are the psyche of the political elite and the population of the opposing sides; systems for the formation of public consciousness, opinion and decision-making.

Information warfare (in the political sphere) includes three components.

The first is Strategic Policy Analysis.

The second is Information Impact.

Third - Information counteraction.

Levels of information warfare:


Model of the Russian information warfare system

The creation of an INFORMATION CONTROL system should become the main Priority of the Russian Information Warfare policy.

The Russian Federation must have a powerful potential of information forces and means capable of guaranteeing the infliction of specified information-technological and information-psychological damage on any aggressor state or coalition of information resources of global transnational corporations.

Protecting the national interests of the state involves comprehensive counteraction to information threats on a regional and local scale. Armed Forces and intelligence services Russian Federation peacetime combat personnel must be able to provide reliable protection of the country from information attacks in peacetime, as part of the creation of the Global Information Command (GIC), which has special Rapid Information Response forces. The forces and means of the GLONASS space sensing system should prioritize the activities of Rapid Information Response units.

The interests of ensuring Russia's Information Sovereignty predetermine the need to increase Russia's information presence in all strategically important regions of the world.

Accommodation abroad GIK information and analytical centers should demonstrate the readiness of the Russian Federation to promote the formation of a stable information strategic balance of power in regions of vital interests of Russia. It is necessary to ensure the ability to effectively and promptly respond with information to any crisis situation at the initial stage of its inception, increasing the information flows of Russian state media as necessary.

Special Russian information bases GICs can be created in Cuba, Vietnam and Mongolia, Venezuela, Serbia, Belarus, Syria, South Africa, Argentina.

The most powerful group of information forces and means of the State Intelligence Committee can be located in Cuba.

Russia should consider the possibility of using information power to ensure its national security, based on the following principles:

Russia reserves the right to use all forces and means at its disposal if, as a result of unleashing information aggression, a threat arises to the very existence of the Russian Federation as an independent sovereign state;

the use of the Strategic Information Deterrence Force of the Russian Federation must be carried out decisively and systematically, consistently and systematically;

the use of information power must be carried out on a legal basis and only when diplomatic measures to resolve a crisis situation have been exhausted or have proven ineffective.

In defining and implementing the policy of information deterrence, a key role belongs to the System of Special Information Warfare Structures.

Key system components:

1. State Council for Information Warfare.
2. Advisor to the President of Russia on information warfare issues.
3. State Internet holding.
4.The Information Security Committee of Russia (Information Security Service, Information Counterintelligence Service, Situational Analysis and Forecast Center, Information Special Forces Bureau).

It also seems appropriate create a special system of Measures on organizing and conducting information warfare, as well as coordinating the practical implementation by government bodies of defensive and offensive information operations.

What could be the main functions of such a system?

First of all, I think, identifying and predicting threats in the information sphere carrying out the complex tactical, operational and strategic activities for their prevention and neutralization.

The next point is the creation and maintenance of forces and means in readiness information counteraction, as well as their effective management.

The system of information countermeasures against Russia can and should function at four levels: federal, professional, group and individual.

In order to combine the entire range of activities into a single whole, it is necessary to integrate them within the framework of the organizational and analytical system (OAS). It is a system for managing events at various levels: federal, professional, group and individual.

Algorithm for organizing information warfare

Stage I - Diagnostic.
Stage P - Analytical and planning.
Sh. Preparatory stage.
IU. Organizational and managerial stage.
U. Evaluation stage.

Strategic Operations

1st operation - GOLD OF RUSSIA.

It is necessary to LEGALLY demand from a number of Western countries (primarily the USA and Great Britain, Japan, France) to return to Russia the gold of the Russian Empire (according to expert estimates, more than THREE THOUSAND tons of gold).

In this regard, LEGAL INQUIRIES should be sent to the UN and OSCE, as well as to the governments of the USA and Great Britain, Japan, France.

2nd operation - BARRIER OF CORRUPTION.

It is necessary to offer the world community a global joint program to combat Russian corruption. With the support of the UN, Russia can begin negotiations with the British government on the return of illegally exported capital to Russia, since 90% of these funds are located in British offshore zones (according to expert estimates, about $700 billion).

Thus, Russia can quickly receive HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars to overcome the Second Wave of the global crisis.

Spiritual and moral operations:

1. Public Tribunal over M. Gorbachev for the collapse of the USSR.
2. Public Tribunal over N. Khrushchev for the execution of civilians in the capital of the Don Cossacks, Novocherkassk in 1962.

Of course, the model provided by the author is not complete and complete. It can only serve as the basis for a broad discussion among scientists and practitioners, representatives of the Russian political elite, and a starting point for the development of the Doctrine of Information Warfare in Russia.

Goals, objectives, features and content

Geopolitical information


The goal of geopolitical information warfare (GIC) is to confront and counter information aggression, as well as to violate the information security of a hostile state. In certain cases, it is aimed at destroying the integrity (stability) of the system of state and military control of foreign states, effective information impact on their leadership, political elite, systems of public opinion formation and decision-making. One of the most important goals of the GIP is to ensure information security of the Russian Federation to gain information superiority in the global information space.

Information warfare (in the political sphere) includes three components:

· strategic political analysis;

· information impact;

· information counteraction.

In this case, information warfare is carried out at the following levels:

· strategic;

· operational;

· tactical.

Two types of information warfare should be distinguished: information-psychological and information-technical, which affect socio-biological and technical objects.

At the strategic level of informational geopolitical confrontation, the highest bodies of state power in Russia should mainly act, and intelligence services and big capital should act at the operational and tactical levels.

Impact - this is an action aimed at someone with the goal of achieving something, inspiring something. In psychology, influence is understood as the purposeful transfer of movement and information from one participant in an interaction to another. The impact can be direct (contact) and indirect (remote, with the help of something).

As noted earlier, there are certain characteristics of the functioning of information in society: the scope of circulation, the time of circulation, the direction of movement, the emotional coloring of information, the method of processing information, the purpose of processing information.

It is influence that is the goal of information processing processes.

When conducting information warfare, the objects of influence can be: the psyche of people, information and technical systems of various scales and purposes, a system for the formation, distribution and use of information resources, a system for the formation of public consciousness (with the help of propaganda and the media), a system for the formation and functioning of public opinion , decision making system (Figure 14.2).

Objects of influence can be divided into technical (they are mainly in the sphere of interests of information and technical warfare) and socio-biological (special attention is paid to them during information and psychological warfare). The role of technical objects can be control and communication systems, financial and economic activities of the state, etc. If we talk about socio-biological objects, then these include individuals, social groups, society, state, world community, fauna, geological structures and flora. The main social elements of society are social groups and individuals.

In order to protect against the negative impacts of social objects during the global GIP, it is necessary to create a system of information and psychological support as an integral part of Russia’s national security. This system must ensure protection of the psyche of the political elite and the population of Russia from negative information and psychological influences (i.e. protection of Russians from negative information flows of Russia’s geopolitical opponents). Its main task is to ensure the psychological safety of the population and political elite of Russia.

Information and psychological impact (IPV) is the purposeful production and dissemination of special information that has a direct impact (positive or negative) on the functioning and development of the information and psychological environment of society, the psyche and behavior of the political elite and the population of Russia.

Psychological and propaganda influence is a type of information and psychological influence.

In connection with the emergence and accelerated development of the media, the role of public opinion has sharply increased, which has enormously begun to influence political processes in society, the peculiarities of the functioning of the information and psychological environment of society. Therefore, the system of forming public opinion is also one of the main objects of information and psychological support.

Information weapon - These are methods, devices and means designed to inflict maximum damage on the opposing side during information warfare (through dangerous information influences).

In cases where information weapons are used directly or indirectly against the psyche of a person (or a social group), we should talk about information and psychological warfare. In practice, we can name only three objects of influence, each of which relates to a certain type of information warfare (in its pure form): information technology systems, information and analytical systems (not including humans) and information resources.

Sources of information dangers can be natural (objective) and intentional.

Information warfare, like information warfare, includes three components:

  • strategic political and socio-economic analysis;
  • information impact;
  • information counteraction.

When considering the theory of information warfare in the political and socio-economic spheres, it should be taken into account that it occurs at the strategic, operational and tactical levels.

Information-psychological influence is the targeted production and dissemination of special information that has a direct impact (positive or negative) on the functioning and development of the information-psychological environment of society, the psyche and behavior of leadership at various levels and the population of Russia.

Psychological and propaganda influences are a type of information and psychological influence.

It should be noted that information influences are dangerous or useful not so much in themselves, but because they “launch” powerful material-energy processes and control them.

The essence of the colossal influence of information lies precisely in its ability to “precisely” control social processes, to influence parameters that are many orders of magnitude higher than the control information itself. The use of infologems is of particular importance.

Infologema - This is false, distorted or incomplete information that represents real events as ideological myths and political propaganda fabrications. Infologems are born as a result of conscious, targeted manipulative influences or, much less frequently, unconscious misconceptions. Infologems are capable of expanded self-reproduction and self-multiplying. They form pictures of the world in individual, group and mass consciousness, stable stereotypes of individual and social behavior, value systems and orientations of future generations.

The task of an information warfare professional is to discern the enemy’s infologems in time and respond in a timely manner.

The production of infologems is always destructive. They fall on the fertile soil of the inflated psychology of the masses and are instantly introduced into information channels and easily flow into various areas of spiritual life. Infogemes are especially effective during elections, i.e. during a period of aggravation of the political situation, inevitable during the electoral process. Then they are the main product of the activities of political strategists. Political consultants, including journalists who provide their materials to print and electronic media and the Internet, widely use election news items. One of the most common examples is a “figure of silence” (it is reported that the candidate was brought to trial, but nothing is said about the nature and time of the offense). In general, carefully dosed information can significantly distort voters' ideas about candidates and their programs.

Most socio-political infologems have two features:

· xenophobia, hatred of others;

· the desire to find the enemy, the culprit of one’s troubles.

In crisis situations of the electoral process, fraught with an uncertain outcome, infogemes perform the following functions:

· security;

· argumentative;

· commenting;

· proclaiming;

· distracting;

· hiding;

· falsely orienting (orienting in the wrong directions);

· disorienting (replacing landmarks).