Where to post announcements of business events. Where is free advertising on the Internet found? Free advertising in Yandex and Google


Choose a free hosting provider such as Google Sites, People, Boom. Please note that almost all such services do not provide users with any content management system (CMS). There are few exceptions to this rule, in particular Ucoz. If you want to create a Wiki site, use the hosting provider Wikia or Wikidot. If you want to post only photographs or videos, an alternative to a regular website can be a channel on one or another photo hosting site (for example, Flickr, Picasaweb) or video hosting site (in particular, Youtube, RuTube, Bambuser).

Sign up for the service of your choice. You can skip this step if you already have an electronic Mailbox on a server owned by the hosting owner. For example, if you have such a box on the Yandex server, then you can start creating a website now, using the free hosting services “People”. If you are not yet registered on the server, register in the generally accepted way: go to the hosting provider’s website, select “Registration” or similar, enter the desired Domain name third level and check it for availability. If there is a choice between several second-level names, indicate which one to use. Enter your address Email, password (it must be complex), password confirmation, other data, as well as captcha decryption. After registration, wait for a message with a link to arrive at your specified email address. Follow it.

Go again to the main page of the hosting provider’s website, click on the “Login” link, then enter your username and password. Go to the section called "Workshop" or similar. Create a new HTML file and name it index.html. To work on this file you will need basic skills in creating pages in the language HTML markup. The editor will open automatically directly in the browser. Place it in this file brief information about the site, as well as links to other pages that are part of it. Then create these pages too, giving them appropriate names.

If you want to place an image on the site, click the “Browse” button, then select a folder, and then the file itself. Click the "Ok" button, and then click "Attach" or "Upload". If the image will be automatically renamed, then when using the tag indicate his new name.

When editing a page, open it in a nearby browser tab. After each change and saving of the HTML file, go to this tab and press F5. Check to see if the changes you made are displayed correctly. When all site pages have been edited, click on the “Exit” link. In the future, when you need to make new changes, log in again using your username and password.

Although links are playing a less and lesser role in website promotion, they are still important. The simplest thing is buy links on a special exchange (this is a link to the best link exchange, I recommend ), but it's not free, although it is MUCH more effective.

Best Theme for Wordpress: video review...

If you don’t have money, then another method is suitable for you - get bold links for free, and for this there is different ways, which I want to talk about.

If you are new to website promotion, then I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you to read at least a couple of books on this topic from an SEO GURU, for example, one of these:

Then your efforts will not be in vain, and you will not do something that only takes up time, and even worse, HARMS your site.

Where can I place a link to a website for free?

At the beginning, I would like to note one interesting point: even if the link is closed in nofollow or goes through a redirect, this does not mean that we do not need such a link.

Yes, she transmits negligible weight site, or does not transmit it at all, but such a link can still be useful, bringing visitors, increasing the trust of your site and increasing brand awareness.

Free links with high IQ for website promotion | Where to place links?

How to find out whether a particular link will be useful for a site or not? Everything is simple here: if the link is recorded by Yandex Webmaster, then the link is at least a little useful. And we take this resource for granted so that we can leave links to our site there more than once.

At one time I did this: I left several links on new sites and looked at which links appeared and which did not. Some links appeared in Yandex Webmaster within an hour, some later. I recorded all these sites in a table and then used them if some article was poorly indexed.

1. Free links from blog hosting sites

This is the best option for leaving free links to the site. The fact is that most often on these platforms you can leave an open link. But for such links to have good weight, you need to not just publish announcements of articles there, but new unique articles with a link in the text. Only in this case will these blogs be well indexed and links from them will be useful.

Another point is the theme. If your site has several related topics, then it is better to create several blogs, each with its own narrow topic. Example: this blog has several main topics, and therefore I will create several blogs - making money on a website, promoting a website, creating a website, and so on. And then I will write short notes exclusively on this topic.

The beauty of this approach is that these blogs can then be published. In addition, it is easier to gain at least a few subscribers for such narrowly themed blogs. And if you use a low frequency key in the name of your blog, then there will be traffic from search engines, although not much.

Where to get content for such blogs? You can do machine translation, but it’s best to write announcements for your articles using pens, in the author’s style. It will take much less time to type out 500 letters than to buy an article or make a translation. Are you a bad typist? Learn!

Now I will immediately write a list of sites where you can start a blog, whether the link is open or not. Yandex eats all these blogs with pleasure!

subscribe.ru - you can create your own group, people there are active. But you can also make announcements to other people’s already promoted groups. Links here OPEN.

ucoz.ru is a free and very well-known blog hosting service, which at one time even bought the narod.ru project from Yandex. Links are OPEN.

www.liveinternet.ru is also a very well-known resource where you can create a blog. It is very popular among Russian-speaking women. Link is open, although in my journal it goes through a redirect - I haven’t figured out why yet... You can add others as friends, this will give additional traffic. It is better to write articles for an audience.

blogspot.com - blogs from Google, very popular all over the world. Link is OPEN, the plus is that if there is normal traffic, then you can earn extra money by hosting Google adsense.

pikabu.ru is a very popular resource with 500,000 visitors per day, and although link is CLOSED, Yandex takes it into account, and you can get very good traffic.

fotokto.ru — a social network for photographers. You can create your own blog and post articles ON THE TOPIC there. The link there is OPEN.

www.diary.ru - a very old diary service, Yandex loves it very much. You can broadcast RSS feeds to your diary, links are OPEN. But it’s better to write normal texts, or better to create a group and gain subscribers there.

maxpark.com— positions itself as a social network for adults; I used to spend time there often. You can create your own blog and community, links are OPEN.

tumblr.com is a personal blogging service popular all over the world. And although there are not very many Russian speakers there, but the links there are OPEN and you can create several blogs under one account. (now links via redirect)

www.megaindex.org - a social network for webmasters, you can run your own blog, link closed.

blogs.sysadminz.ru— here you can write articles on computer topics, link is OPEN.

grabr.ru - another platform for webmasters where you can leave an announcement for your article. The resource is very spammy because links are OPEN.

www.youtube.com - well-known video hosting, you can put a link in the caption to the video, Yandex sees it, although link closed.

www.pinterest.com - although this is more like a social network, I still classified this resource as a blog, since the links THE PHOTO HERE IS OPEN!

wordpress.com - yes, this is it, dear, and here, too, you can create any number of blogs, and links from them are OPEN.

livejournal.com - blog hosting is very popular in Russia, the link is closed on a free account, on a paid account OPEN. But even a closed link counts, so having a diary there is very useful.

This is naturally not full list, but even by creating several blogs on each resource, you can create a three-dimensional grid and get eternal links free for the site. And the best thing is that no one will ever delete them.

2. Free links from forums

Everything is clear here: look for forums on the topic of your site, register, lead discussions, and after a couple of weeks sign up for your site in your profile. A month later, you simply leave a link to your article in the discussion.

And although links on forums are often closed, search engines take them into account. A very interesting way to leave a link to your site INDEPENDENTLY for moderators is to upload photos to the forum from it - you get an open link to your site.

Besides, if you write smart things, you will get new readers to your blog, and such targeted visitors are the MOST VALUABLE. I won’t write a list, since everyone’s topics are different, but I’ll give just one forum as an example:

rutracker.org — the most popular torrent tracker, and the link from it is OPEN.

3. Free links from social networks

twitter.com - links from Twitter are not always taken into account, it is better to write unique tweets, and even better when they retweet you. Upgrade your account and the benefits will definitely come.

plus.google.com (network closing soon)- Yandex also eats links from this network, although even here it is better to write good, unique announcements, then it will be useful.

vkrugudruzei.ru - not like that popular network, like others, but links from it instantly fly into the index.

otvet.mail.ru - mail.ru service, Yandex does not see links from the blogs themselves, but they see their replies perfectly. You can ask yourself and answer yourself. But sometimes moderators delete links.

my.mail.ru/community - but from the mail.ru communities, even though the link is through a redirect, Yandex sees it.

www.facebook.com — he sees links, but you need to either have a good account or write unique texts; he doesn’t see copy-paste.

But I still haven’t found VKONTAKTE in Yandex webmaster, although I have several public pages, apparently Yandex doesn’t accept links from there. But this is one of the largest social networks in the CIS.

By the way! Links in upgraded accounts on Facebook, Twitter and Vkontakte can be quickly placed using SeoPult. Nobody imposes a budget: you remove expensive accommodations and leave only affordable ones.

Register, specify the site address, check the “social networks” box in the link source settings and launch the project. Next, look at where the posts were placed and what effect they have. Everything is convenient and transparent.

4. Free links from comments

Although now almost all smart webmasters close links from comments, there are still plenty of blogs where links are open. But even if the link is nofollowed, Yandex sees it and takes it into account. Therefore, it is the duty of honor of every webmaster to comment on as many blogs on their topic as possible.

Here you can for better effect use this trick. If you write a new article, let’s take this one, “Where to place links to a website for free.” Let's go to Yandex and enter this phrase there.

We are looking for blogs from search results that discuss essentially the same topic as our article. We are looking for articles where you can leave a comment and there is a SITE field.

Having found it, we write a comment, like, I also researched this issue, I have my own piggy bank of such sites and so on. And in the SITE field we enter not just the address of our website, but the address of this article:

In the comment we also write our keyword, in any case. What do we have? And we have a link relevant to the article and keywords near her. We also have the fact that visitors who read comments, following the link in the comment profile, end up on a THEMATIC article, a continuation of what they just read.

The webmaster, in principle, does not care where the link leads, to the main page or to the internal page, so it is even better for him, since the link is relevant to his article and raises fewer questions from search engines.

The article does not pretend to be complete, since you can still add many sites on which it is possible to post an article with a link for free, so I will add it as I go. In the meantime, I will slowly build my network of blogs, although this is not a priority. VERY IMPORTANT then all these blogs and social networks!

If you have experience in these matters, then it would be interesting to know about it... By the way, for the value of the number of backlinks to this site, I did not buy anything, read how to get so many links in.

Didn't find the answer? Use the site search

Services - great business, because Most often, no investment is required, just skills and knowledge are enough. But what to do if there are very few clients (for example, you have just started and word of mouth has not yet reached its full potential)? Where to find them, where to advertise your services, where to advertise services? The fastest way to advertise your services is to place an ad on the Internet.

Below I will look at several places where you can successfully place advertisements for your services, tell you how to look for such places and what is the best free way to attract clients.

1. Freelancing or Where is the last place to offer services.

If you intend to build a business and not do a side hustle, then I would avoid any freelance sites to find clients. Now, for almost any field, there are platforms where performers can receive orders for work or offer their services. The disadvantage of such services is that there will be a lot of people willing to do the work and, accordingly, the payment is very low (or you need to have a very good portfolio and rating).

Such sites are more suitable for honing skills, training and part-time work in your free time (or during work).

Examples of such services:

https://master.yandex.ru/ - Yandex.Master, absolutely new service. Service tasks in the field of personal services (cleaning, repairs, courier assistance)

https://youdo.com/ - Popular assignment service. You can order or offer any services: cleaning, cargo transportation, shopping, delivery, hairdresser, lawyer - in general, all possible services.

http://freelance.ru/ is probably the most famous service for working and finding performers in the IT field: programmers, designers, etc.

http://work-zilla.com/ - any tasks and assignments for remote work. Anyone can make money here, because... The level of tasks is very different: from “collect information” to “make a website.” If, on the contrary, you are looking for a performer, then this moment, when you register on Workzilla from my blog, you will be awarded 100 bonus rubles to pay for tasks.

These services are popular, easy to sign up for, and the first place people go to earn extra money. The disadvantage, which I have already voiced: low pay and great competition. In addition, performers from such services are usually not expected to high quality work, so it’s difficult to get good orders there.

Well, probably the main disadvantage is that on such services you can only be represented as individual. If you have a company, you will have to be cunning. It should be understood that clients come to such services to save money on the contractor, and those who need company and quality will look elsewhere.

2. Notice boards

This is probably the most obvious and understandable way. Just one piece of advice - don’t waste time on unpopular boards. To help you:

I wrote instructions. Use together with the list of boards, which can be requested by email using the form below.

For my work, I selected the best message boards. They can be received by mail along with the series brief instructions on working with boards.

3. Catalogs of companies and services

Catalogs of goods and services are the best option for posting advertisements for services. On each such site you get your personal page with a description of the company and offers, and sometimes a mini-site.

There is no less competition here, but most companies treat catalogs and message boards carelessly: they try to register anywhere, quickly place their advertisements and forget about them. Although, if you choose catalogs wisely, look at traffic, study competitors’ advertisements, and design your page beautifully, then the chances of getting a client increase significantly (3 secrets of working with catalogs below).

Really popular company catalogs, product and service websites:

  • and many others

Thematic catalogs for your business

Also, each area of ​​business has its own thematic catalogues, portals and ratings, which must be added to (provided that they are popular on the Internet, i.e. visited by your potential clients)

And it’s very easy to find them. Search directories like this as if you were a client, for example: “firms in [your field]”, “company directory [your field]”. And register, register everywhere. You need to be where your customers are, especially if it's free.

3 secrets of working with catalogs:

  • Chip 1. Almost all advertisers simply indicate the company name when adding a company to a directory. Although people don't search for companies by name (how do they know what you might be called), people search certain services or goods. For example, “site promotion”. Therefore, in the company name field it is better to write “Internet agency “Quince” - website promotion.” And you will be shown above your competitors. And the rest of the services can already be listed in the description.
  • Chip 2. Sometimes it is enough to fill out absolutely all the fields in the company card in order to appear above competitors. As I said, when registering, most companies indicate the bare minimum, quickly and move on to the next site. Pay attention to the company cards that are displayed above, what do they have that others don’t?
  • Chip 3. It’s better to be in 10 popular visited company directories with a fully and beautifully filled out page (logo, photos, history, USP, successes, etc.) than in 100 unknown ones with a template gray ad.

4. Your own website

Your website is perfect option, whatever you do. Nowadays you can create a website very cheaply (for example, for only 15-20 thousand we make turnkey optimized websites that quickly appear in search results), and then constantly developing it, attract more and more clients.

The advantage of being in the service industry is that you have expert knowledge that can be shared on the site, thereby showing (and advertising) your experience. Before turning to someone, people try to solve the issue on their own and find preliminary information that will help them. All of them are potential visitors to your site and potential clients(you don’t have to look far for examples, you’re reading my blog right now).

There are no competitors on your site and there is space to write any information. The website is your sales manager and consultant.

Free advertising on the Internet does not mean ineffective. Expenses for large-scale marketing projects can reach five or even six figures. But this applies only to serious business sharks. To promote a small project of your own, you can use free methods advertising on the Internet. Perhaps in the future, with proper promotion, advertising costs will no longer be frightening in their numbers.

Types of advertisements

Before choosing the appropriate advertising method, you need to decide what kind of ad it will be. The standard classification of advertisements contains only two points:

  • Commercial advertising is the advertising of goods or services with the aim of selling them and, as a result, making a profit. Today, commercial advertising does not exactly push a person to buy. It literally dictates how one should live, what goods to buy, what to wear, etc. Unlike private advertisements, commercial advertising must be properly designed, contain original “selling” text, and its distribution must cover the largest possible area of ​​the Internet -space.
  • Private advertisements are advertisements of ordinary people not associated with commercial activities. Private advertisements can serve many purposes, such as selling private real estate or finding a job. There are no special requirements for private advertisements. However, if a person has some professional skills in the field of marketing, then it will be much easier for him to achieve the goal he is pursuing by posting his ad online.

Advertising methods

To place your advertisement on the Internet for free, you need to really imagine what it will look like. How the advertisement is presented to users determines how many people will be interested in it. Advertisements are published in three types:

  • graphic;
  • text;
  • mixed.

Each site independently determines what can be placed in it. But, even taking into account the fact that the selling text will be written by a professional, without visual perception of information the ad may be ineffective.

In addition, there are different methods of advertising. There are three ways to post an ad.

  • - a kind of “riddle”. If we talk in simple words, the teaser is an image that should intrigue the Internet user. It can be accompanied by equally intriguing text with headings such as: “SHOCK!”, “Did you know that...”, etc.
  • Graphic advertising images on website pages are banners. can be seen not only online, but also on the streets of the city. However, web banners are much cheaper.
  • The last way to advertise is contextual advertising. contextual advertising– these are graphic or text ads that are published either on search engine results pages or on the pages of some web resources. Since such advertisements are part of pages, that is, they are placed in their context, the name of this method of advertising online appeared.

Where can I advertise for free?

Free message boards have long moved from real life to the Internet space. Moreover, they are extremely popular among the population. If previously, when searching for the right thing or service, users entered the corresponding request into search engine, then many now have a “favorite” site that can provide everything they need with one key phrase. The ranking of the most popular free message boards includes:

  • Avito.
  • From hand to hand.
  • Molotok.ru.
  • Tiu.ru.

Free message boards are suitable for both commercial and private use. An advertisement for an online store and an advertisement for the sale of private property will work equally well there. But since these advertising platforms are not only frequently visited, but also free, they are simply inundated with spam. Therefore, in order to use free message boards usefully, you should not impose and highly praise the products or services offered.

All free message boards have a list paid services. No matter how lucrative the offers may seem, you should avoid them. It is best to submit as many advertisements as possible on all thematic and general sites. Registration on various resources will take most of the time. Moreover, for greater efficiency, you should not create an advertising post using a template on all sites. Several ad options allow you to choose the most effective one.

Free advertising in Yandex and Google

Contextual advertising in Yandex.Direct or Google Adwards is not a cheap pleasure. For beginners in the business field, this method of advertising will clearly not be affordable. But there is one option that will help you attract customers using these popular search engines.

To provide information about your company for free, you can use Yandex and Google maps. It is no secret that placing an address and a link to a company on a map is free of charge.

Yes, this is a little different from the classic concept of “advertising”. But if the user searches for something nearby, he will see the company's address and a link to its official website, which may attract his attention.

Social media

Social networks are an excellent platform not only for advertising, but also for business in general. If a novice businessman does not have the money to create a website for an online store, then social networks can easily replace it. You can advertise your business on social networks either using a personal page or using a special group, but for this you will have to create one.

A group or community on a social network is a thematic space where users who are interested in a proposed topic gather. This means that the community should not be filled solely with advertising or product shots. To attract clients in a group you need to post interesting information, which is directly related to the goods or services offered. Posts with the headings “Promotion”, “Competition” or “Discount for repost” will also be relevant. This will help not only advertise the products, but also promote the community.

The advertising entry on the page must be pinned.

Advertising on forums

I would like to note right away that forum owners have a negative attitude towards advertisers. Therefore, it will not be possible to aggressively advertise your services there. The advertising post or comment will be deleted in a few minutes, and the profile will be completely blocked. To take advantage of this advertising method, you need to be more cunning.

  • Find several popular thematic forums and register there under the guise of an ordinary user.
  • Actively participate in discussions, create non-advertising topics, comment on questions from members of the forum.
  • After some time has passed, which will be required to create a positive reputation, begin to unobtrusively advertise goods or services.

Most often, users begin to ask for advice on their own if they see the expertise of the interlocutor in the issue of interest. However, even in personal messages you should not be zealous. Advertising a product or service should be done little by little and only to users who are familiar with it. Then the site administration will not have any suspicions and, accordingly, the account will not be blocked.

To summarize, we can say that free online advertising is real. The list of available advertising platforms provides unlimited opportunities for budding entrepreneurs to develop their business. The main thing is not to waste time. And then all efforts will definitely give a positive result.

Not really

  • you get another high-quality link to your site, increasing the link mass, and receiving additional traffic and more trust from search engines;
  • if the article is interesting and you gain wide popularity in narrow circles, this is especially true for independent authors;
  • With your material you can convey information about your company or products to a wide audience;
  • if the selected site has an audience interested in your product, you can get traffic to your site, which can be converted into sales.

You can publish articles on other sites for a fee - for example, through Miralinks. You can agree with another site to exchange articles with links if your goal is just a link. But if you want to promote yourself, this option will not work. And, of course, everyone wants to save money.

We hasten to please you: in fact, there are resources on the Internet where you can post articles absolutely free. But you need to prepare well: find such sites and really write good material.

Next, use these queries to analyze the search results and find suitable sites. Or use platforms likeBuzzSumo – it will help you find popular publications on different platforms. Go to the site itself and see if you can post your post here.

In principle, every field has its own industry online magazine (or even several), which accepts articles from third-party authors. And you should know about such resources.Another option is to analyze the link mass of competitors (for example, through the service Ahrefs or Serpstat.com.

Among their links you can find sites where they posted their articles. Why are you worse?

What to look for when choosing sites so that the publication of an article will be useful?

  1. How much site traffic is high. It is clear that the more the better. If there are few visitors to the site, then your idea will be of no use (especially if your goal is PR or traffic).
  2. How much site audience is active– how many views, how many likes and reposts does the article receive? in social networks whether the articles have ratings and how many there are.
  3. How much contenton the site is relevant to your topic. There is no point in choosing sites for content marketing or SEO purposes that do not have your target audience.
  4. Look at website visibility in search– if it is not in the TOP 20 of Google or Yandex for the queries you are interested in, no one will see your article. In this case, there is no point in writing and posting it.

What you don’t need to look at is the so-called “bellies”: TIC and PR. This is completely unimportant in modern realities. What is important to you is traffic, popularity of the resource, and how your article will look against the background of the rest of the content here.

What exactly do you need? doesn't fitfor PR, content marketing or getting a link:

  • blog platforms such as LiveJournal (links from them are often closed from indexing);
  • sites that publish only press releases;
  • sites with low traffic;
  • sites that copy other people's content.

When you have chosen a list of sites, contact the editors, owner or administrator of the site and discuss the possibility of publishing your article.

Examples of sites where you can publish articles on internet marketing

Let's move from theory to practice. Let's say we need to get a link to this page:. We want to publish the article on another thematic resource.

Logically, we need to find sites on our topic - SEO, Internet marketing - with good traffic. And the main thing is that they accept articles for free. Suitable for us:

A publication about marketing and digital communications. The audience is businessmen, marketers, freelancers. You can send an article with a link to your website (you can either agree on the topic in advance or send ready-made material). The main requirement is that the material is not advertising, but useful for the reader. Cases are accepted with pleasure.

I published an article here in response to another reader’s publication. Accepted without any problems along with the link. The topic was agreed upon in advance with the editor-in-chief.


Blog of a large online agency with more than 450 thousand visitors per month. Here you can send interesting articles and cases on Internet marketing. There is a format for publications “for PR” - you can place the necessary link in the article.


Here you can also send an expert article, longread, interview or review of tools. The main requirement is the usefulness and uniqueness of the material.

All articles are published free of charge.

This is the largest site in RuNet dedicated to business, technology, marketing and everything connected with it. The audience is businessmen, startupers, IT specialists of all stripes.

You can write a column here - and it will be a great way to talk about yourself. The site has post-moderation.

What to write about: everything that has practical benefit for the reader.


The largest and oldest resource for IT specialists. The audience is programmers, administrators, businessmen, analysts, copywriters and other representatives of IT professions.

On all these sites we can post our article with a link. The main task is to write material that is good in every sense.

How to prepare material for publication

For your article to be accepted, it must be of value to the site you choose. In other words, your article should become another pearl in the collection of content of the donor site, and should be at least as good as what they publish.

First of all, select a topic. Browse the website, blog - check if articles on the topics you want to offer have been published here before.

Agree on a topic. Many editors accept ready-made material, but I would recommend first discussing the topic and plan of the article.

Discuss the presence of a link in the article. A link to your site (if your goal is to receive a link) should look natural in the text and be useful, without keywords with the words “buy”, “order” and the like.

Think about than you can write vividly, with a sparkle, and something that can really hook the audience of the resource. This is the only way they will remember you (if you want to promote yourself) and want to follow your link (traffic). Obvious topics, overtly advertising articles, and watery articles “from Captain Obvious” will not work.

How to track results

There is also nothing wrong with requesting statistics from the site owner.

Periodically visit the sites where your articles are posted. See the number of ratings, reposts; analyze how the article went on social networks (if it was broadcast there). Read the comments and respond to them - this is another chance to earn points for your karma.

In fact, it is not so difficult to find a platform for publishing an article as to prepare good material that will be accepted 100%. Be prepared for rejections or lengthy editing of the text. But whoever knocks, the door is opened. Try it, write good articles– and everything will work out!