An article on the topic content manager is the profession of the future. Content manager: Who is this, what does he do and how much does he earn? Sample resume for content manager

Content manager(from English Withcontent- content) is a specialist who fills the site with text and graphic information(articles, pictures, photographs, news, video clips, etc.). The profession is suitable for those who are interested in Russian language and literature and computer science (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Short description

The main responsibility of a content manager is to monitor the relevance of the site and the accuracy of the information posted on it. For the successful development and promotion of a brand, the site must be constantly updated and replenished with new materials, that is, it must actively “live and breathe.” Only in this case will it be interesting to visitors. The content manager also supports the forum: answers questions, corrects topics, monitors censorship, and removes spam. Keeping track of website traffic statistics is also the responsibility of content managers.

In addition, the work of a content manager involves strengthening partnerships with other sites of similar topics, ensuring an increase in the number of site visitors using the latest and traditional Internet marketing tools.

The work of content managers of corporate websites is included in a special category. The responsibilities of the content manager in this case include: monitoring the company’s website, timely updating of price lists and other sections, posting news, maintaining a forum or guest book.

The content manager also coordinates the work of copywriters, web designers, rewriters, and SEO specialists involved in content creation.

Specifics of the profession

The main task content manager- make the site competitive, that is, clearly capture new trends in the market and attract as many customers as possible. The work of a website content manager depends on the type and direction of the company’s activities. Simple sites usually require a worker who knows how to layout and process images. To edit the price lists of an online store, it is enough for the employee to be diligent and attentive, with knowledge Word applications and Excel. But for such multifunctional resources as informational portal or an electronic newspaper, you need a specialist with a broad outlook, experience in journalism and knowledge of the basics of PR management.

Job responsibilities of a content manager:

  • contribute to the promotion and popularization of the site on the Internet;
  • support the basic concept of the site, make proposals for improving the concept and content of the site, and introducing a new service for site visitors;
  • monitor the text content of the site, constantly update information, view all materials published on the site, delete and edit materials that do not comply with the general concept and rules for using the site;
  • monitor visitors’ compliance with the rules for using the site, ethical rules of conduct accepted in online communities;
  • post only verified information on the website and, if necessary, eliminate inaccuracies;
  • monitor the work of competitors, that is, sites with similar themes, concepts and content;
  • analyze information received from site visitors and, based on it, develop and implement new services that increase the site’s efficiency;
  • take into account market conditions and, in accordance with this, make changes to the operation of the site: change headings, their content, location, frequency of updates depending on relevance.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • possibility of improvement in the subject area of ​​the website,
  • work can be combined with study,
  • possibility of freelance work (remote content manager).


  • the work is monotonous in most cases,
  • discrepancy between the tastes of the customer and the content manager,
  • irregular working hours due to the basic principle of the Internet - 24x7, that is, the availability of information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To successfully compete with other sites, you have to work to the maximum at any time of the day.

Place of work

  • online stores;
  • Internet sites of various subjects;
  • companies whose work is related to Internet activities
  • freelance work (remote content manager).

Lee h ny qualities

  • perseverance;
  • efficiency;
  • attentiveness;
  • creative and artistic abilities;
  • good memory;
  • creative thinking;
  • a penchant for systematic, meticulous work;
  • compliance with deadlines for delivery of materials;
  • efficiency.

Additional professional skills

  • understanding the basic principles of the functioning of Internet sites;
  • competent Russian language, journalistic skills;
  • knowledge of the company’s policies and the specifics of the goods it sells;
  • ability to work in graphic editors;
  • knowledge of the basics of copyright law;
  • in some cases, skills in working with photo banks, purchasing content;
  • the ability to quickly and effectively search for information on the Internet;
  • knowledge of the principles of search engines;
  • ability to work with databases and website administrative functionality;
  • mastery of html layout;
  • knowledge of the basics of online marketing and SEO optimization.


An aspiring content manager, striving for excellence in his profession, in the future can apply for the following positions:

  • project manager,
  • web editor,
  • web editor of an internal corporate website,
  • literary editor of a virtual newspaper.

After gaining the necessary experience, a content manager can rise to the position of website editor-in-chief, Internet project manager, online marketing and SEO specialist, or build editor.

The average salary of a content manager is about 30 thousand rubles. A specialist who successfully promotes websites and makes them competitive receives 50 thousand rubles. However, employers offering high salaries usually require full-time office work. Freelancers can expect a salary of no more than 25-30 thousand rubles.


Salary as of 07/22/2019

Russia 20000—60000 ₽

Moscow 40000—70000 ₽


There is no generally accepted methodology for training content managers yet. But the attractiveness of this profession lies in the universality of basic education. To work as a content manager, both technical and humanitarian backgrounds are suitable higher education. It depends on the requirements of the project and the profile of the organization. But the majority of content managers, as a rule, consist of graduates of the faculties of journalism, philology, psychology and PR management.

Therefore, it is more advisable to start training a content manager with a degree in Journalism or Philology (preferably with a specialization in Internet Journalism). In addition to this, you need to take courses on website layout or master the basics of html on your own.

Leaders among humanitarian universities:

  • Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov (MSU)
  • Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU)
  • State University - Higher School of Economics (SU-HSE)
  • Moscow State Pedagogical University (MPGU)
  • Moscow State University of International Relations (MGIMO)

At the most prestigious faculty of journalism - at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov has a separate specialization in online journalism. At the Russian State University for the Humanities, this course is taught as part of television journalism.

At MGIMO you can not only gain fundamental knowledge in journalism, but also master two foreign languages. From non-state universities, a good journalistic education can be obtained at the Institute of International Law and Economics named after. A.S. Griboedov (IMPE), State Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting named after. M.A. Litovchina, the Institute of Journalism and Literary Creativity, the International Academy of Business and Management (there is even a specialization in “electronic journalism”).

Content management courses:

  • Moscow State Technical University named after. N.E. Bauman. Computer training center "Specialist". Courses “Content manager. Web marketing, website promotion and optimization.”
  • School of Internet Journalism
  • Content manager (courses for website editors)
  • Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov
  • Internet Journalism Courses
  • Mediaschool

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Content manager is a specialist in creating and curating content. In some companies he only serves projects, but in others he creates them himself and is responsible for advertising and promotion. All content managers are united by one common task - to ensure freshness, relevance and information content of the material on the site.

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What does a content manager do?

When we talk about this profession, the first thing that comes to mind is writing and processing texts for websites on the Internet. In reality job responsibilities specialists are much more diverse. Depending on the company’s marketing objectives, a content manager can take on the functions of a webmaster, marketer, copywriter or editor.

We looked at 120 vacancies on and compiled a list of content manager responsibilities that employers most often require:

Creates texts

The specialist writes articles aimed at target audience pages. It creates:

  • Commercial material for online stores and service sites.
  • Informational articles.

Create unique articles

Material that has too many overlaps with other resources has no place in the top. Having discovered plagiarism on a site, robots exclude it from the search results, and page traffic drops sharply. To prevent search engine filters from lowering a site’s position, it must contain unique content. To check articles for uniqueness, experts most often use the services, Advego, Content Watch.

Where to begin

Getting a position as a website content manager is much easier for a person who has already done something similar: managing groups on social networks, writing articles, running a blog. The employer will be glad to see a portfolio with texts or examples of viral publications.

If the applicant has nothing but eyes glowing with enthusiasm and the desire to become a content developer, I recommend starting with running your own project. Let it be personal blog, page on Instagram, Facebook or Vkontakte. On these platforms you can begin to make your first attempts to identify and attract your target audience, create publications and monitor how users react to them. If readers respond, comment on posts, and traffic increases, then the specialist is on the right track.

From the author: Hi all! The profession of a content manager is ideal for those who dream of getting rid of the office routine and traditional schedule and are eager to realize themselves in creativity. In my article you will find answers to questions such as: “Where can a content manager be trained?”, “What skills and knowledge need to be acquired?” and “How to become a specialist in this field?”

Specifics of the content manager profession

The main responsibility of a content manager is to monitor the accuracy and relevance of the information posted on the site. After all, a site can be interesting to its visitors only if it is constantly replenished with fresh materials and updated.

Also, the responsibilities of a content specialist include supporting the forum: adjusting topics, removing spam, monitoring censorship and, of course, answering questions from visitors. In addition, this profession involves ensuring an increase in the number of site visitors and strengthening partnerships with sites of similar topics. This is all done using traditional and latest internet marketing tools.

If you are interested in the question of how to become a content manager, then you should familiarize yourself with the specifics of this profession. The main task of a content specialist is to make the site competitive, which means attracting more customers and identifying new trends in the market.

The work of a content manager depends on the direction and type of activity of the organization. Simple sites usually hire a worker who knows how to process images and layout, but multifunctional resources (electronic newspaper, information portal, etc.) collaborate with content managers with experience in journalism and knowledge of PR management. So, let's look at what the responsibilities of a content specialist include:

JavaScript. Fast start

promotion and popularization of the site on the Internet;

control of the text content of the site, regularly updating information, viewing all publications on the site, deleting and editing materials that do not comply with the general rules and concept of using the site;

maintaining the basic concept of the site, making proposals for its improvement;

monitoring visitors’ compliance with ethical standards and rules for using the site;

posting on the website exclusively verified and reliable information, eliminating inaccuracies (if necessary);

analysis of information received from site visitors, implementation and development of new services to improve the site’s efficiency;

making changes to the operation of the resource taking into account market conditions.

Disadvantages and advantages of being a content specialist

When choosing any profession, it is very important to pay attention not only to its advantages, but also to its disadvantages. Speaking about the profession of a content specialist, we can note the following disadvantages: monotony of work, irregular working hours, a schedule that does not include days off (you can compete with other sites only by working to the maximum) and the discrepancy between the tastes of the content manager and the customer.

There are also advantages to this job: the ability to work remotely, the ability to combine work with study, constant improvement of your knowledge in the subject area of ​​the website.

5 Skills a Content Specialist Must Have

If you decide to become a content manager and don’t know where to start learning, then I advise you to first devote time. Every self-respecting content creator simply must be able to select keywords, understand what they are search engines, formulate search queries correctly and have basic knowledge about how to work with Google Adwords and Yandex.Wordstat. It’s not worth studying thoroughly, but the basic concepts will definitely be useful to you.

JavaScript. Fast start

Learn the basics of JavaScript with a hands-on example of how to create a web application.

2) Content processing

Every self-respecting content creator should know and, most importantly, be able to use all the tools and services for working with content. For example, there are situations when you need to replace a word with a more suitable synonym, but nothing worthwhile comes to mind, then the online synonym search service will help you.

Be sure to learn how to use uniqueness checking services, such as:,, Checking the text for uniqueness is very important, because a content specialist must produce unique material, otherwise what is the use of his work.

And one more service, no less useful for content creators, is A specialist working with content must be competent, and this service will help you find all the mistakes made in your material.

3) Copywriting and rewriting

Mastering the content profession begins with rewriting. You should work in this role for at least a month. Believe me, having learned how to rewrite, you will eventually be able to write your own articles.

4) HTML and programming

To be a specialist in your field, you should know programming and HTML at least entry level. Nobody will ask for these skills when applying for a job, but they will be useful to you to advance in your career.

5) Knowledge in English

You must know English at a level that can read and understand texts of average complexity. To develop this skill, you can take English courses or study self-study according to video lessons.

Where can I get an education?

The attractiveness of the content manager profession is that both humanities and technical education are suitable for the job. This will depend on the profile of the organization and the project. However, most content creators, as a rule, are graduates of the faculties of philology, psychology, journalism and PR management.

If you don’t have the opportunity to get a specialized education at a university, don’t worry, you can take content manager courses. As experience suggests, education does not matter in the field of Internet professions. Professionals are “born” thanks to patience, desire and the ability to work with a large amount of information.

Almost all successful content writers are self-taught. You can master this profession on your own. Video tutorials on content and relevant literature will help you.

Looking for a job in our specialty

Now, you have received all the necessary knowledge in the field of content, now the main question arises: “Where to look for work?” Here you are given two options for finding customers. The first is to look for work in your specialty in web studios offering website content services, send your resume to various organizations or contact them directly.

The second, more difficult one is to start a career as a copywriter on text exchanges. Once you have some experience, you can try to find a client who is interested in your writing style and wants to collaborate with you on an ongoing basis.

As we have already understood, a content manager must be erudite and comprehensively savvy, have a flexible mind and possess a wide range of skills, because the customer can assign not only tasks related to filling the site, but also the work of a programmer, proofreader, translator and even designer! Specialists of this profile are increasingly in demand in the labor market every year, so I wish you, friends, to study with pleasure and absorb all the knowledge you encounter along the path of life! Subscribe to my blog and share with your friends! See you again!

JavaScript. Fast start

Learn the basics of JavaScript with a hands-on example of how to create a web application.


With the development of the Internet, many new professions have appeared: blogger, SEO specialist and others. A content manager must deal with websites, management, and resource promotion. The master of this business creates, distributes content, and fills websites. He manages copywriters and is a website editor. The content editor decides what information should be presented to readers and what topics are appropriate.

Who is a content manager

The content manager position is suitable for journalists or experienced users who are successfully involved in copywriting. This position is the next step on their career ladder. Content management is a complex profession. The specialist is responsible for filling Internet resources (or even several), newspapers or magazines. The information should be interesting and relevant. This is not a newspaper editor, who has much more features, duties and rights.

A site manager must combine many tasks, constantly actively demonstrate himself, and invest a large amount of effort and energy into his work every day. Good specialists constantly collaborate with the writing fraternity of the Internet: copywriters, rewriters, bloggers, forum moderators. They coordinate their work, give tasks, solve complex problems related to their work, and help in searching for information.


The main job responsibilities of a content manager include a wide range of concerns:

  • website promotion;
  • developing a resource concept, proposing options for its refinement, and fresh ideas;
  • control over new texts, constant updating of information;
  • monitoring the behavior of site visitors;
  • control over order on the resource;
  • editing and proofreading of finished texts;
  • creation of new sections of the site;
  • filling websites with text and graphic data;
  • participation in artistic design;
  • researching the needs of the target audience;
  • research of competitors' websites;
  • promotion on social networks: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and others.

Job description

The following is suitable for any Internet project: job description content manager:

  1. General provisions: experience similar work, knowledge of the basics of HTML, some web technologies, stylistics and grammar of the Russian language, proofreading skills.
  2. Job responsibilities: from website promotion to competitive market research.
  3. Rights: receive information, offer management options for improving work, ask management for better conditions, make decisions on issues within the manager’s scope of activity.
  4. Responsibility: for failure to fulfill his duties, failure to follow instructions, violation of labor discipline, for all information on the resource that was entrusted to him.


Remuneration for working as a content manager may vary, depending on the project, experience in this position and personal professional achievements. Often, beginning specialists receive a very small amount of 10,000-15,000 rubles. You should not assume that there is no salary below 10,000 rubles; in some cases it may be 5,000 rubles. The upper limit is not fixed. An experienced and competent specialist can simultaneously work on 2 or 3 corporate websites and receive more than 40,000 rubles for this.

How to become a content manager

Not everyone can become a content editor; a person must have the necessary personal and professional skills that will help in the work. Necessary requirements:

  1. Journalism education, thanks to it, a person will be able to understand the genres of texts, select required material, write high-quality texts, collect interesting material.
  2. Basics of web programming: HTML, CSS, CMS, know how to process any information, post it on a website, ability to work in search engines.
  3. Understand what the site is about.
  4. A person must be able to communicate with people, especially creative ones. He sets tasks for the authors of texts, answers questions, and gives recommendations. If the remote employee failed and did not write the text, you need to write it yourself.
  5. A specialist must understand what Internet marketing (SMM) and website promotion (SEO) are. Often a manager is tasked with promoting a resource on the Internet, so such skills are simply necessary.

Content manager is a specialist in creating, curating and distributing text, graphic and other types of content. He fills and develops resources on the Internet, edits them, supervises the work of other employees and performs basic marketing tasks.

The profession of a content manager appeared at the beginning of the development of IT technologies: when the first websites appeared. The first content managers were still working in 1982- then the Internet appeared in its modern form. Now the profession is actively developing. It has good prospects - new sites appear on the Internet every day. According to statistics from various rating agencies:

  • in 2010, the number of websites did not exceed 255 million;
  • in 2012 the number of websites was 634 million;
  • in 2015 the number of websites exceeded 1 billion.

Read also about other professions:

The work of a content manager

The job of a content manager may vary depending on the site. Content managers of a website and a social network page will have different jobs:

  • On the site you need to monitor the layout, publish texts, videos and images, control SEO promotion, register, etc.
  • On a social network you need to prepare and post posts, communicate with subscribers, monitor the group’s progress

The wider the range of responsibilities of a content manager, the more he is paid. Specialists with high salaries usually perform many tasks, supervise other employees and are fully responsible for the quality of the finished product.

The list of responsibilities can be endless - it completely depends on the work site, the level of knowledge of the specialist and the ambitions of the company. Website content managers most often:

  • They prepare content - set tasks for authors and SEO specialists, write technical specifications, accept the finished work and make edits, post the finished texts on the website;
  • They edit outdated content - assign tasks to authors, write meta tags, correct the text themselves or do page layout;
  • Place links on the site - external, for links to authoritative resources, and internal, for linking;
  • They put the work “on stream” - organize the filling of the site by the team, monitor compliance with requirements, control the timing and quality of employees’ work;
  • They help with SEO promotion: collect the core for specific articles, optimize pages;
  • Monitor adherence to strategy;
  • Prepare reports: monitor traffic and its sources, draw up charts, analyze successes and failures and make recommendations for further promotion;
  • They work with photo editors to process photos, search for stock illustrations, communicate with advertisers and perform other tasks.
  • Develop a content plan taking into account the company’s promotion strategy;
  • Prepare and post posts on certain time, often through deferred posting services;
  • Do it yourself or set the task to the designer;
  • Answer questions from subscribers and involve them in discussions;
  • Optimize the group’s content, making it viral;
  • Create, configure and place advertising posts.

Each employer creates the required range of responsibilities that a content manager must take on.

Example of responsibilities in a vacancy on

Requirements for a content manager

The list of requirements may also vary depending on the scope of responsibilities, corporate ethics of the company and other factors. The most popular employer requirements:

Experience. Most often they require experience, filling websites, working with different CMS ( Bitrix, WordPress, Joomla and others).

Willingness to learn. It is usually demanded by those who currently pay little. If you easily learn new information and quickly understand unfamiliar programs, feel free to send your resume.

Responsibility. It is important because a responsible content manager will not allow missed deadlines or low quality content. If you are on time, keep promises, and try to get everything done, you meet the requirement.

IT skills. Typically, employers need a person who knows what a website is, how its sections are built, where the sitemap is located, and how a like differs from a repost. Therefore, vacancies are more suitable for active Internet users.

Communication skills. It is needed to build an optimal work process in a team, communicate with clients, and consult. If you can carry on any conversation, easily meet people and are not afraid of meeting new people, you meet this requirement.

Pedantry. Attention to detail is important because every nuance is important in website development. If you carefully read small print, notice typos and can do monotonous work for a long time without losing quality, send your resume. Literacy and knowledge of the Russian language are also important - it will be required to check the texts sent by the authors.

List of requirements for vacancies on

How to write a resume - with and without experience

If you have no work experience, do not try to deceive the employer. Be honest about the fact that you have no work experience. Tell us about your skills on the Internet: what programs you can work with, what you can do. If you indicate some specialized skill - for example, the fact that you promoted your page to 2,000 subscribers, this will serve as a plus. Don't forget to indicate personal qualities that are important for a content manager, for example:

  • responsible performance of monotonous work;
  • ability to communicate with people and organize work process;
  • easy ability to learn everything new.

Don’t forget to leave your contact details and education - this is also important, because people with education are a priori more trusted. Write briefly, concisely and clearly - so your resume will be read to the end.

If you already have experience as a content manager, the number of main menu items automatically increases. When writing a resume:

  1. Introduce yourself and provide contact information. This is common courtesy and forethought: if the employer likes your resume, he will quickly contact you.
  2. Tell us about your work experience. Write how long and for which companies you have worked. Briefly describe your responsibilities, provide links to company websites, and tell us what has improved after your work. If you are sure that you did everything possible at your previous job, give the contact information of your former employer: recommendations will increase your chances of getting a job.
  3. Mention your achievements. Tell us about your cases and successes - for example, indicate that you have created a convenient form of interaction between copywriters, designers and SEO specialists.
  4. Talk about knowledge. Mention the CMS you worked in, tell us about the setup different types advertising, show how you worked in the CRM system.
  5. List your key skills. Here, tell us about your personal qualities - responsibility, diligence, pedantry.
  6. Tell us about your diploma. Indicate specialized courses - for example, a certificate of completion of training at an online university. If there is no specialized education, write about your main education.

Also, write briefly and, if possible, use verbs instead of nouns - this gives the text dynamics. A dynamic resume will be read longer and more carefully compared to a banal long story about yourself.

Job openings for content managers

You can look for a job as a content manager different ways. The most popular of them:

Classifieds sites. These include thematic resources - for example, - and multidisciplinary resources like Avito. On such portals you can find vacancies filtered by region, salary level, type of employment and other parameters. If the ad contains a phone number, it is better to call it - this way you will quickly find out whether the vacancy is relevant and what additional requirements there are for the employee.

Social media. There are also groups with vacancies on social networks - for example, on VKontakte there are “Distance”, “Freelancing”, “Work in Moscow” and others. If you subscribe to thematic communities with remote work, your chance of finding a content manager vacancy is higher.

Company websites.Large companies publish vacancies on their websites. But this method of job search is not effective, because in most cases you either will not find a section with vacancies, or the employer will not need a content manager.

Resume databases. These include resources like, and others. On such sites you can publish your resume and receive offers from employers. Don’t forget to indicate your place of residence and desired type of employment - this way you will immediately show whether you are suitable for those who need an office employee or a remote worker.

When looking for a job, immediately study the list of responsibilities and requirements, wages and other nuances - you should not apply to all vacancies in a row. Average wage, which the employer is willing to pay, depends on the region. For example, the average salary in Moscow is 70,000 rubles. But there are offers on the market for both 20,000 and 120,000 rubles.


To gain experience and gain the necessary skills, you can take content manager courses online. You can do this in:

  • Geekbrains. Well costs 6,600 rubles per month. Students receive a guaranteed internship and a lot of valuable knowledge. The training is designed for beginners.
  • "School of Internet Professionals"- cost of the online course is 16,000 rubles. The training is designed for those who have at least a slight understanding of the profession.
  • "Neotology» . This online university has free and paid courses, for beginners and experienced professionals.

Content manager is a promising profession with an ever-growing level of income. A good specialist can multitask, replace an editor and marketer, attract clients through a website or social media. To become a good specialist, you need to constantly study and practice.