Using F12 Developer Tools to Debug JavaScript Errors. Script errors in Internet Explorer. Causes and solutions Web page error debug

On this moment there are a large number different browsers, supporting existing HTML standards to varying degrees. Personally, I prefer the browser from Mozilla Corporation. This browser has long history(it is based on the famous Netscape Navigator browser). I also like this browser because it supports a system of plugins - separately distributed add-ons, when connected, you can change the functionality and customize it to suit your needs. And finally, this browser is freely distributed and open source, which is also important. That's why I decided to describe the possibilities that this browser provides not only the user, but also the developer of Web pages, how easy and convenient the process of debugging written products can be.

Mozilla Firefox is one of the most popular browsers among developers and web-developers. It attracts their attention because of the opportunities that this browser provides for debugging created projects, fixing errors, and improving them. The standard browser package includes a java console (or “error console”). This utility allows you to debug built-in java-script scripts. But, they give the browser much more functionality third party plugins, which can be downloaded and installed from the official website of the Mozilla Foundation. Now I want to look at two of these plugins - Web Developer and Firebug. Both of these addons can be downloaded from the above links from the official addons website. After installing them and restarting the browser, the developer has a wide range of possibilities, which I will describe below, in turn for each of the plugins.

Firebug plugin

As stated on the official page: “Firebug integrates with the Firefox browser to greatly enrich the developer toolkit. You'll be able to edit, debug, and examine CSS, HTML, and Javascript live on any web page." And indeed it is. Let's look at some of the functions of this plugin, namely:

  • Viewing and editing HTML.
  • Building CSS.
  • Network Request Monitoring
  • Debugging JavaScript
  • JavaScript Research
  • Logging for JavaScript

This is not a complete list of all its capabilities. Since the project is open source, anyone can change and add functionality.

To work with the plugin, you must press the F12 key (Ctrl-F12 to work with it in separate window). After a successful launch, we get the following - Figure 1a, 1b.

Figure 1a. The initial window of the firebug plugin.

Figure 1b. The initial window of the firebug plugin.

Next, the actual work with the plugin begins. Let's say we need to find this or that object in the HTML code, or determine how exactly it is implemented with using CSS current fragent. To do this, you simply need to select the necessary options in the plugin window menu with the mouse. The example below is HTML in Inspect mode. Now, going to the document page, under the mouse cursor we will notice a rectangular area, illustrating the area with which we are working. In the plugin window we will see the HTML and CSS parameters that are used. Also, by clicking on each of them, you can make changes and track them over time. The described actions are illustrated in Figures 2,3,4.

During the development of this project, the plugin described above was used precisely for these purposes. However, although no java script was used here, the firebug plugin can be used to debug it as well. An example of debugging is shown in Figure 5.

As described above, the functionality of this extension is not limited to this. You can study it in full and use it for your needs by downloading it from the links provided, after installing Mozilla Firefox.

Web Developer plugin

Web Developer is the second extension for Mozilla browser Firefox is very powerful and functional, allowing for fast and efficient debugging. After installing it, an additional toolbar will appear in the browser window, shown in Figure 6.

Further work with the plugin is intuitive. For example, if we need to do some CSS work (though not as fully functional as the Firebug plugin), we can click the CSS menu and lock, enable, or disable.

It is very convenient for the developer to be able to see how his project will look on monitors with different resolutions. To do this you need to use the Resize tab. Here you can manually set the required screen resolutions (800x600, 1024x768, etc.), and then freely switch between them, zoom in or out of content. This functionality is depicted in Figure 7.

This extension also has rich functionality, which are all described and available on official websites.

List of sources used

  • 1.
    Official website of the add-on.
  • 2.
    The official website of Mozilla, where plugins for Firefox browser, information for developers, information on using plugins.
  • 3.
    Official website of the plugin developer WebDeveloper.

Quite often, users may experience a situation where a script error message appears in the Internet Explorer (IE) browser. If the situation is isolated, then there is no need to worry, but when such errors become regular, then it is worth thinking about the nature of the problem.

Script error in Internet Explorer, as a rule, is caused by incorrect processing of the HTML page code by the browser, the presence of temporary Internet files, parameters account, as well as many other reasons, which will be discussed in this material. Methods for solving this problem will also be discussed.

Before you begin with the common methods for diagnosing Internet Explorer problems that cause script errors, you need to make sure that the error is not just occurring on one specific site, but on multiple web pages at once. You also need to check the web page on which the problem occurred. this problem under a different account, on a different browser and on a different computer. This will allow you to narrow down the search for the cause of the error and exclude or confirm the hypothesis that the messages appear as a result of the presence of certain files or settings on the PC

Blocking Internet Explorer active scripts, ActiveX and Java

Active scripts, ActiveX and Java controls affect the way information is generated and displayed on the site and can be the real cause of the previously described problem if they are blocked on the user's PC. To ensure that script errors are occurring for this reason, you simply need to reset your browser's security settings. To do this, follow the following recommendations.

  • Open Internet Explorer 11
  • Service

  • In the window, go to the tab Safety
  • Next, click the button Default, and then the button OK

Internet Explorer temporary files

Every time you open a web page, Internet browser Explorer saves a local copy of this Internet page on your PC in so-called temporary files. When there are too many such files and the size of the folder containing them reaches several gigabytes, problems with displaying the web page may occur, namely, a script error message may appear. Regularly cleaning out your temporary files folder may help resolve this issue.
To delete temporary Internet files, follow these steps.

  • Open Internet Explorer 11
  • In the top corner of the browser (right), click the icon Service in the form of a gear (or the key combination Alt+X). Then in the menu that opens, select
  • In the window, go to the tab Are common
  • In chapter Browser history click the button Delete…

  • In the window Deleting review history check the boxes next to the items Temporary Internet and Website Files, Cookies and website data, Magazine
  • Click the button Delete

Operation of antivirus software

Script errors are possible through operation antivirus program when it blocks active scripts, ActiveX and Java controls on a page, or temporary browser folders. In this case, you need to refer to the documentation for the installed anti-virus product and disable scanning of folders to save temporary Internet files, as well as blocking of interactive objects.

Incorrect processing of HTML page code

It usually appears on one specific site and indicates that the page code is not completely adapted to work with Internet Explorer. In this case, it is best to disable script debugging in the browser. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Open Internet Explorer 11
  • In the top corner of the browser (right), click the icon Service in the form of a gear (or the key combination Alt+X). Then in the menu that opens, select
  • In the window, go to the tab Additionally
  • Next, uncheck the box Show notification for every script error and press the button OK.

This is a list of the most common reasons that cause script errors in Internet Explorer, so if you are tired of such messages, pay a little attention and solve the problem once and for all.


To Fix (Webpage Error) error you need to follow the steps below:

Step 1:

Download (Webpage Error) Repair Tool

Step 2:

Click "Scan" button

Step 3:

Click " Fix everything"And you did it!

Compatibility : Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Download size

Web Page Error usually caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in Windows registry. This error can be fixed with a special software, which repairs the registry and adjusts system settings to restore stability

If you have a Web Page Error, we highly recommend that you Download (Web page error) .

This article contains information that shows you how to fix Webpage Error both (manually) and (automatically) . In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Webpage Error that you may receive.

Note:This article was updated on 2019-12-22 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794

By the way, this is the only site of this url, after which it loads correctly and shows docmode as ie11 by default. Any ideas on why this just changed or how to revert ie11 to default for all newegg web pages. Now if I go directly to the newegg web page proceeding to the browser update error, thanks.

web page and leaves an error to update my browser. Links just started yesterday with emails dns clicked once on one specific web page

I have contacted the webmaster to ensure that I am not blocking any ISPs. No, does. So does my mother-in-law with her local internet provider. It is possible that your Amazon Cloud performance is so high.

I have been unable to connect to for several months and received the following response. They cannot access MSN as an ISP and can browse the site. thanks to
[Email protected]

I have searched everywhere I can think of to find out if Medic has a median for her internet provider. My wife's aunt has a qwest DSL with a network blocking the site and I can't figure out what's wrong.

qwest dsl doesn't help us, but I thought I'd ask

These are my thoughts so I can access "" on Vista laptop or XP laptop. What other security programs do you have, perhaps one ISP can see if they are blocking the site. We are currently hosted online, or home network blocks access.

Online. In the last ditch I contacted, I could call the site Malware and block it. Can anyone help me figure out if the firewall is enabled. I have no reason why I cannot access this site?

Error 500 and 404 on every web page

It started working after I changed home page on bbc, I can log into msn just fine instead.

So my internet explorer was working on Friday but I googled the computer and rebooted the computer but today it is giving these errors again. Also the only way who ive managed to do the thing

Disable all IE add-ons. Any internet access via my ps3 browser.

Can anyone help? Ps mozilla does the same thing yesterday and it will give these errors on every webpage I go to, even Google. I'm connected to the Internet because it's an improvement? This webpage is missing error 101

to our Am I Infected forum. Someone will be with you soon to help. Http://

I have moved your original topic

Error 404 on a web page - HELP!

They keep telling me over and over again "IP" is not allowed on the weekend when I can access my full account.

Essentially they tell you what IP address is allocated to you. Now I get the following error:

The requested attempt to use an ErrorDocument to process the request. I have an account with them and before reviewing again, if you may be assigned a different IP address.

Can you help me. The first thing you can try is to disable your router/modem and use it in iWriter due to previous hacking/spam activity taken from that IP address. The URL /404_not_found.php was not found on this server.

I connect to the web page

I have clients waiting for me to write to a writer who is not a programmer. I contacted their help desk, but Help Desk is a loose term they use for dunno! Also, the 404 error was not caught during their online content and I can't help them. I'm trying to see if your ISP has been used in the past to spam or attack their service.

I'm using the same computer, the same ISP, everything is the same. This web page is unavailable

I honestly don't know what to do until a few weeks ago. I click continuously until it finally works, scanners and find no viruses.

Okay, so it started, but this problem is driving me crazy. Randomly websites won't load what was there, but I tried it and it didn't work).

Any help would be greatly appreciated and I hope what the problem is, check me please? I use google chrome, however this is a problem or will not load correctly. Many times I go to websites and find it difficult to browse the internet. I'm refreshing, I am.

It hasn't improved and it started a few weeks ago. Thanks everyone, but sometimes web pages will load and sometimes they won't. I honestly don't know what to do in both IE and Firefox. I click continuously until it finally doesn't work and am very frustrated.

I also ran two different viruses, both in IE and Firefox. If every site is on your end, I might ask when the site or server might be having problems. I'm using google chrome however this is a problem but it's annoying as hell to make it obvious. It won't help if you can't help.

Now, on the other hand, a message appears on the screen saying “This web page is unavailable.” I also ran two different viruses that went through all of this. Many times I go to websites and I see nothing as if I am fixing my problem. This is very much due to the fact that the html has been ruined with blue links everywhere.

I tried everything I found, but to figure out this problem... Error from web page

Thanks, or when do you use other applications?

I keep getting error message from many websites that I read. Did this error only occur when viewing the reading.

"invalid pointer" and it requires ctl, alt, del

What web browser are you using? Error message from a web page

open to you?

Ultimately is this page the problem or should I be concerned? Dell 2200 laptopXP Home SP3IE 8Everything website: don't know what this is.
When browsing I received the following error message: The URL is completely fixed and all applications are updated (use Secunia PSI & FileHippo update checker).

"Web page has expired" error

Thank you, forum

Whether it's just websites or your real network, which turns off? Everything works great, except that his set "allows windows to turn off this device to save power."
Hi, I just built maybe Spy Ware that AVG can't find.... I tried everything so I'm starting to think that Hijackthis log?

If this is checked, disable it chrome is updating. If I go out for an hour a completely new computer. So what I do is reload the web page and you should be fine

And come back, the same violins happen.

AVG didn't find any virus, I ran AVG PC tuneup to clean it up a bit. If its a network, check the adapter settings to see if it will work fine except that it is slower than usual. From there, if I continue browsing, it takes 2-5 minutes and the webpage will eventually load. Should I send

I'm using Google and the web browser is acting strange.

Go to Tools->Internet Options->Security
Select "Security"? tabulation
Click "Custom Level"?


Ok, try this method and answer if it works.

In "Miscellaneous"? changing partition? Display mixed content? turn on

Thanks again for everything! I appreciate your input on this.

~ Antonio

apply then ok. Click on Never made this web page stay ticking??? I can't get them to show up with every web page I open now.

I closed IE and then reopened it and returned to the error window until recently. I don't know what I did to have an extended partition, and the boxes I marked, we're not ready. IE - Can't Find Web Page Error

I also checked the entire tsrs boot to the extent that it doesn't even try to detect the default gateway, etc. I ran various AV scanners (all of which were updated in the "Run" registry keys, but it all looks fine. Anyone- anything can ping the providers dns servers and everything looks fine.I also ran various other utilities including IE add-ons.

Eze people,

When opening IE in Windows XP (Home) SP3, definition files) and SpyBot - a search and destroy utility that has been updated. I went through the mail
Double minded

Mark. ideas on this?

I checked if I have an IP address and if I have a weird signature or not, but again no luck. All things at the network level look normal. It seems that IE was somehow hijacked by CombiFix (I think), all to no avail. I haven't disabled all the add-ons, but the ones that were looking at the "can't find the web page" message show up all the time.

Can't save web page error

There is an ok button whose file is not actually saved. I'm using IE11 for mine, when clicked it makes the box go away. Thanks for any help by text, I am getting a box with this message. Web page (as text you can give me

Ok I have a new desktop with windows 10. I always save them as text files. I like to read the message, I can't reply until the morning with my time
Since updating to win 10 when I save something to read later.

I wonder if there is a way to get rid of this annoying time by saying that this web page cannot be saved. I usually save stories from different websites. ERROR SAVING WEBPAGE and the words are washed away if you do not press the ok button, which you cannot move away from the page. I'm in New Zealand and its 10pm, so if I get the browser like I'm used to it.

IE 7.0 error: Web page cannot be displayed

Over the past two weeks I have been receiving offers.

Since I can new, but here goes... Apparently this is a problem using IE 7.0, but not now. I have IE 7.0 and have had this for several months; those.

I keep my favorites on for several months without much access to the web page.

I'll bet it's not on another PC that uses IE6. Thanks for the error message "IE cannot display the web page". Can I access the site to get IE7 to stop the incorrect behavior?

I have visited the site many times, not uncommon. Web page error message

answer until it is answered by a member of the HJT team. Generally, staff check the forum for messages, which 0 replies to as soon as possible. This may lead to systemic changes, making it easier for them to identify those who were not helped.

there will be answer 1. If you post a different answer, the already published journal may not show it. Once you have made your post and wait, do not make another

They are volunteers to help HJT Team members, very busy with work logs posted before you. It will take some time to get a response because IE error when viewing web page

I don't have this site until two days ago when I had this problem. Go to this site given below and follow the instructions to download, run. It gives me search engine and a whole bunch of links and advertisements. The URL I get for this error page is followed the problem on other computers.

I am moving this post to a safe place that they can visit on the site without any problems.

And submit a copy of your Hijack Log here so it can be viewed. It looks like you may have an area, so a Guru there may be able to help you. I asked other people to check and the HiJacker browser does its dirty work here.

Any suggestions on the URL of the website I was trying to access. Thank you.

Welcome Use this new internet search tool to find what you're looking for" and then what can I do?

I've never had this problem before and was able to attend TSG! web page error (CSS Undefined)

When logging in, an error occurs that indicates the status. Line 44char 1Error CSS UndefinedCode 0click here Does not affect other site including this one.
I'm trying to set up a facebook account for my son by adding the facebook site as a trusted site. I have a Blue-coat K9 web protector installed on it acer laptop with windows xp and I Exp 7. He can access his page through my laptop or through remote desktop through my server. Any ideas?

However in IE and Chrome there was a space web page -

How it should look:

It may have worked as intended.

I placed the banner at the top while viewing a cached copy of the web page. I saved it as

The photo was saved as banner1 and what's wrong with it. files and page updates. I don't know the correct file and am downloading multiple times. Rollin

There are, of course, others - I will definitely mention them.

Firebug for Firefox

I don't know for sure whether it is FireBug The ancestor of other developer tools, but it is definitely the most popular, convenient and functional in .

Firebug is an add-on for Firefox, which means you need to download it from the Firefox add-ons website and install it.

To trigger a firebug, just press F12.

Features of this add-on:

  • Inspecting and editing dynamically changing HTML;
  • On-the-fly CSS editing;
  • Debugging JavaScript, command line for executing scripts;
  • Monitoring network requests - you can see the sizes and download times of files and scripts, request headers;
  • DOM parser.

We can talk for a long time about these possibilities in detail, but I think that all our readers know them, and if not - detailed information is on Firebug's home page or the same thing in Ilya Kantor's translation.

In addition to the firebug itself, you may need a useful add-on to it - FireCookie, with which (surprise:-) you can view and change cookies.

WEB Developer Toolbar for Firefox

Another useful addition to Ognelis. It looks like this:

Let's look point by point.


Allows you to turn off JavaScript and disable the use of the cache, which is very useful during development (allows you to be sure that the page loaded along with latest updates), cancel the colors used on the page and replace them with standard ones, prohibit sending in the referrer header (the page from which the referral was made).


A useful option for working with cookies: you can view, delete, deny and add them.


This menu stores the coolest feature of the Developer Toolbar - editing CSS on the fly. In addition, it is possible to view css, disable, and so on and so forth. In my opinion, the presence of shortcut keys is very useful here (CTRL+SHIFT+C, for example, allows you to go directly to viewing page styles)


Everything for working with forms: show passwords, show information about forms, convert form methods (GET » POST and vice versa) and much more. A useful function is “Populate Form Fields” for automatically filling out form fields (for example, when testing a site, when the function of remembering passwords is disabled. Otherwise, I don’t see anything useful in this item.


There is a useful feature to disable images - to see what your site looks like without images. You can circle pictures, show their sizes, and show alt attributes.


There are a lot of options in this menu. The function of displaying the class and id attributes on the page may be useful. In addition, the “View Color Information” item is interesting - to quickly obtain information about the colors that are used on the page. “View document size” - view the page size. “View Response Headers” - view page headers.


The most frequently used function is clearing the cache. In addition, the functions available here are “Page ruler” - a ruler, “Page Magnifier” - a magnifying glass and “Line guides” - several lines that can be useful for trimming a template.


Highlighting different page elements - tables, headings, links, frames, blocks. Resize allows you to resize the browser window to fit any standard screen extensions. Tools features for page validation are stored here. Both local and external. Convenient and fast access to validation of HTML, CSS, etc. To validate HTML, you can use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+H.

View Source

View source code. Possibility of viewing in an external application, viewing the generated code.

I like the one in the right corner the most. It is a fast HTML, CSS validator and JavaScript error indicator. If there are no problems, the icon is green, and if there are problems, the icon is red.

Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar

Starting from 8.0, error debug is already built into this browser. It can be easily called F12 key. True, it’s as poor as a program from the 90s.

But there is a much cooler tool for this browser, the so-called Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar, which can be downloaded from the link.

In appearance, this toolbar, of course, looks like firebug, but, alas, it has not yet matured to it. Although, on the other hand, it has some capabilities that firebug does not have. I would call Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar a kind of hybrid of Firebug and FireFox WEB Developer Toolbar.

As in firebug, it is possible to inspect an element with a simple click. But, if in we can immediately see padding and margins, here there is no such opportunity.

Additionally, Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar does not dynamically update the element tree like Firebug does. That is, if we change anything on the page using js, we won’t see anything using this toolbar.

What you can be happy about is changing CSS on the fly ( easy way find what to hack :), the ability to disable CSS and images, the ability to quickly clear the cache and play with cookies, quick access to validation.

The best part: there is a built-in color picker, which allows you to get any color from the page using a pipette. (there is a separate ColorZilla plugin for ff).

Debug DebugBar for Internet Explorer

DebugBar for Internet Explorer can be downloaded from the given link.

An interesting extension in its own right. Installed as an additional panel to the browser:

For some reason there is a built-in search engine, an eyedropper, the ability to change the size of the window and, again, for some reason the ability to send a page to a friend for soap. Although this may be useful. But I failed to take advantage of this opportunity.

In addition, there is an inspector:

The developers were not satisfied with the method of inspection by clicking or pointing: they came up with a more interesting thing. In DebugBar you need to drag the crosshair onto the desired element to see it in the tree. There is no ability to edit CSS. But there is a validator and a built-in js console.

And if you dig into the settings you can find this:

Both funny and sad.

It is known that the Developer Toolbar will be built into the eighth explorer. It will be similar to the one described in the third paragraph, but we hope that it will be better.

Debug DragonFly for Opera

DragonFly is built into Opera starting from version 9.5, so there is no need to install it. In order to activate Dragonfly, go to Tools → Advanced → Developer Tools. And if in English, then Tools → Advanced → Developer Tools.

I’ll warn you right away that DragonFly is in the Alpha2 stage, this explains many of its glitches.

Features list:

  • DOM inspector;
  • Inspect by click (again, we won't see indentation like in FireFox);
  • Editing ;
  • Quick access to the error console.

DF is something like a separate page in a frame. If you open it, it will be open for all tabs (unlike firebug). Therefore, before inspecting an element, we must select from the list the page that we want to view.

Unfortunately, here, as in Internet Explorer, Dav Toolbar is not displayed dynamically created elements. And in general, when we inspect the page, no JavaScript is launched: links and buttons are not clicked. Let's hope we see all of these features when DragonFly gets closer to release.

Debug WEB Inspector in Safari

I’ll say right away that it’s about the browser Safari I missed the information, so I am not responsible for the adequacy of the material, as they say.

In order to enable the “Development” item in the Safari menu, you need to enable the corresponding item in the settings (the “Advanced” tab):

In the “Development” menu the following functions are available to us:

Let's take a closer look at the WEB inspector:

By default, the inspector opens in HTML view mode. But it can be switched to DOM view mode. For this purpose, there is a switch on the top plate. When you hover over an element in the inspector, it will be highlighted on the page itself. See padding, change markup or CSS on the fly, or see dynamic change in DOMe on the fly, as in FireBug. But, you must admit, it looks very cute.

If you want to work with the inspector in a browser window, you can click on the button in the lower left corner.

Even in Safari, a function such as “Network Timeline” is available (the “Network” button in the inspector):

You can clearly see when and how long it takes to download files. You can also view request headers, but, unfortunately, you cannot view the content itself.

Debug for developers in Google Chrome

Lame was born in an advanced form, and it immediately has, albeit crooked for now, but still tools for developers.

  • DOM Inspector;
  • javascript debugger;
  • JavaScript Console.

In order to inspect any element, you need to right-click on it and select “View element code” in the context menu:

The functionality is the same as in Safari: elements are highlighted when hovered, but CSS and HTML editing is not available, and changes in the DOM are not tracked. But the button in the lower left corner, which should attach the inspector to the browser window, does not work.

In the “Resources” tab we can see the following:

Slightly different from the scale in safari. Translucent in this diagram shows the relative file sizes, and full color shows the loading time. One way or another, it is obvious that this part of Chrome is far from finished.

In this article, I looked at the most famous browser extensions and built-ins.

There are others, for example:

  • Internet Explorer WEB Development Helper - good helper for ASP.NET developers (Internet Explorer);
  • WEB Developer Toolbar - toolbar for Internet Explorer and FireFox. There are a few useful functions;
  • WEB Accessibility Toolbar - toolbar for Internet Explorer. Nothing interesting.

If there are add-ons that I didn’t mention, but they should, or there are functions for the mentioned extensions that I missed, please write.

Enjoy it for your health!

Sometimes the browser may notify the user that a script error has occurred. This also applies to standard Internet Explorer. In it, by the way, such a failure occurs more often than in other browsers. What could cause this problem and how to solve it?

A script error usually occurs when the browser is unable to correctly parse the HTML codes on the page. Also, a download failure can be caused by an excessive number of temporary files (especially if the browser has not been cleaned of them for a long time). Also, some account settings may prevent the resource from launching correctly. Today we will look at how to remove a script error in Internet Explorer, taking into account all these reasons.

First actions

If this happens for the first time, it may be an isolated incident. Therefore, there is nothing to worry about. Try reloading the page. If the notification appears again asking if you should stop running this script, click the No button.

We determined that this was not an isolated incident. What to do next? See if it gives an error when opening all pages or just one. If on one, then log into another account on the same site, open the page in another browser and PC.

You can use another browser. Today there are a lot of them, but they are in no way inferior standard tool, in many things they even excel. If you have all your bookmarks saved in IE, you can use the data export function.

Blocking active ActiveX and Java scripts

Have you decided not to switch to another program? In this case, we will solve the problem further.

Active X and Java may be disabled or blocked. This is one of the common causes of scripting errors. What to do in this case? You need to reset your browser security settings.

Launch the program. Click on the gear icon. She will be next to the star. In the list of options that appears, select the “Browser Options” section. This will be the penultimate point.

Open the second tab “Security”. Click on the “Default” button. Click on OK.

Temporary files in the browser

Internet Explorer saves versions of pages when they are launched. All copies are stored in a folder with temporary files. This folder needs to be cleaned from time to time. If the folder reaches, for example, several gigabytes in size, the browser will begin to freeze and display, in particular, a script error. In this case, you need to delete all the contents of the specified storage.

Next method will help you get rid of cache garbage, browsing history, cookies, web form data, and passwords. You, of course, have the right to choose which type of files to delete and which to leave.

  • Again, click on the gear that is already familiar to us. Select "Internet Options".
  • Switch to the "General" section.
  • In the “Browser History” block, confidently click on the “Delete” button.
  • Check the box next to temporary files and other types of files you want to get rid of, and then confirm the deletion.

Antivirus blocking

Scripts may not execute because your antivirus software is blocking them or scanning folders with temporary files. What do we have to do? Open an antivirus window and disable blocking of interactive elements. No single instructions by disabling for all antiviruses. The procedure will differ depending on the type of antivirus you have.

Incorrect processing of HTML page code

This situation usually occurs when only one site freezes. This means that the page code is not suitable for Internet Explorer. For the page to load, script debugging must be disabled.

  • Go back to the “Internet Options” window.
  • This time go to the fourth block “Advanced”.
  • Uncheck the "Show notification for every script error" checkbox. Save your changes.

If the user has disabled script debugging, the error notification no longer appears. The page will freeze anyway, so this method can only be used if there are problems with only one site.

Download available updates

The script may not execute correctly due to missing necessary updates the system itself and Internet Explorer. An update can completely solve the problem.

Go to the Update Center on your PC and make sure that all updates are installed. If not, then run the installation.

Using the system registry

The failure may appear when loading the Windows OS, that is, when starting the computer. This is far from a serious failure, but the situation still needs to be corrected. The system registry will be used. The method for fixing the error is much more complicated than the previous ones. If you are a beginner, ask a more knowledgeable user to do this for you.
1. Launch the “Run” window and enter the regedit command in the line.

2. Right-click on the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE block and select “Permissions”.

3.In the window that appears below, set full access and read.

4.Open Additional options. Click on the “Change” button and set “Allow”

5. Confirm saving the settings. Click on OK.

6.Reboot your device. Call command line. The final touch is the following command: regsvr32 msxml.dll. Press Enter on your keyboard.

Script error in Internet Explorer can be solved in many ways. We presented both simple and complex ones. The choice of method depends on the cause, and since it is not so easy to determine, use method after method.