Cellular communications in Crimea: operators, favorable tariffs. Megafon roaming in Crimea

When going on vacation, we must not forget about the availability of cellular communications. If previously a telephone was needed only for calls to notify loved ones about arrival or departure, now the situation is completely different.

While roaming, users regularly send messages, use the Internet connection, and communicate a lot. In order not to go broke on cellular communications, you will have to study all the tariffs and roaming conditions. Therefore, they are increasingly becoming popular abroad.

Almost all subscribers of the Megafon telecom operator can use the new service. It is impossible to activate a special offer for those who use Around the World. The service is activated as soon as the subscriber moves to Sevastopol or the Republic of Crimea. Many people prefer to connect to if they are not satisfied with Megafon.

Of course, the offer cannot be called incredibly profitable, although there is no connection fee. However, a fixed fee of 15 rubles per 24 hours is charged daily from the subscriber's account. Initially, the amount will seem overpriced, but in the absence of an option, subscribers of this telecom operator, when located in Crimea or Sevastopol, are required to pay for any call from 10 rubles.

Conditions of the “Crimea” option from Megafon

What does the “Crimea” package from Megafon include:
  • daily usage fee of 15 rubles per day;
  • any incoming calls are free;
  • outgoing calls to Russian numbers - 5 rubles for 60 seconds;
  • outgoing SMS messages to Russian numbers - 3 rubles;
  • payment for mobile internet - 5 rubles per MB;

Important! This service is valid only if calls are made to Russian numbers. Calls to numbers with Ukrainian numbering will be charged differently. An SMS message will cost 6 rubles, and an outgoing call costs about 35 rubles per minute.

The terms of the offer can be considered acceptable, especially since none of the mobile operators currently offers a more profitable alternative. For this reason, if you are planning a trip to Crimea or Sevastopol, you should take care of roaming and additional services in advance. This will save the client from a negative balance. The "" service will help you save money. You can also connect quickly.

How to enable the “Crimea” option

There are several ways to activate a new service from a cellular operator.

To take advantage of the “Crimea” offer from Megafon, the client needs to connect the service in a way convenient for him:

  • in the personal account of the user of the Megafon company;
  • via SMS (sending a blank message to 0500 10 37);
  • by typing the command on the phone screen - *105*1037*1# and the call button.

The service is activated within the next 15 minutes, but more often it is activated earlier. As mentioned above, there is no connection fee for the new option, but there is a subscription fee. The user will be charged 15 rubles for the first day.

To feel the difference and evaluate the benefits between standard communication prices in the guest region and the new “Crimea” option, just compare the figures below. Roaming with any mobile operator is expensive. U are also interesting.

Rates for mobile communications outside the home region:

1. Incoming calls will cost 10 rubles per minute;
2. Calls to numbers in your home region and others within the Russian Federation cost 9.99 rubles;
3. Outgoing SMS message 5 rubles, inbox is free;
4. Mobile Internet - 10 rubles per MB.

The new one deserves special attention

Considering the cost of calls, the client is unlikely to be able to meet 15 rubles in 24 hours. For this reason, it is still worth paying attention to the “Crimea” option from Megafon. Moreover, mobile Internet is also provided at a reduced rate. You can still .

How to disable the service

You do not need to enable this option for regular use, because it is of no use in your home region. The user has a question about how to refuse it.

To cancel the use of the service you need to:

  • For mobile operator service request is sent . The client needs to dial the following command on the phone display - *105*1037*2#. Once the characters are dialed, the call button is activated.
  • Also, there is opportunity deactivation of the service in your personal account . The self-service center has a simple interface that even a child can understand.
  • There are times when difficulties arise with disabling the option if the client does not have certain knowledge about cellular communications and the telephone. Then you need call 0500 . The operator on the other end of the line will help you reconfigure the tariff, but will require the user’s passport information to do this.
  • It should be noted that in any Megafon brand store employees are obliged to advise the client and provide assistance. It is important that the applicant has a passport or other identification document with him.

How to pay for the roaming option?

Outside your home region, problems may arise with replenishing your account. For this reason, it is better for users to find out in advance ways to avoid running out of money in their mobile account and it is useful to learn.

How to pay for the Crimea service outside your home network:

  • Before departure it is recommended attach a mobile number to an active bank card . As funds are debited, the user will receive notifications. As soon as the specified minimum is reached, the phone account will be replenished automatically.
  • In roaming conditions, Megafon clients have privileges and can take the promised payment . As soon as the user’s balance approaches zero, he has the opportunity to top up his account with a certain amount. It must be returned within 3 days from the date of taking out the loan. In addition, Megafon has the “Pay whenever you want” option. The client borrows a large amount, but is allowed to repay it until the 26th of the next month.
  • The client’s balance can be replenished by other persons . A free request to any contact from the phone book makes it possible to notify him of insufficient funds. Also, the message will ask you to top up your account.
  • If these methods seem to be insufficient, then you can check this with a hotline specialist or the operator of the Megafon communication salon.

For those who love gifts, the operator has prepared.
Subscribers should also know how to control. How to contact a hotline - also useful information.
Watch a video about problems with SIM cards and communications in Crimea:

Subscribers take a mobile phone with them when traveling around the country; this is not surprising, because today it is difficult to imagine modern life without communication. But in national roaming, communication fees are slightly higher than for the home region, especially when it comes to Crimea and Sevastopol. That is why, not so long ago, MegaFon developed a fairly large number of additional services that help maintain balance when located in other regions of Russia. One of these options is “Crimea”.

It is this service that will be discussed in this review. It is worth noting that for Crimea and Sevastopol there is a separate tariff schedule for the use of mobile communications, messages and the Internet. There are separate tariffs for these regions. This article will help you get acquainted with the service in detail, the cost of use, as well as activation and deactivation methods. The prices indicated in the review are relevant for subscribers living in Moscow and the Moscow region. Customers in other regions should check the cost with their telecom operator or on the official MegaFon website.


The option is designed to optimize subscriber expenses for . In order to use preferential rates, you will need to activate the option. The activation cost is 0 rubles. But to use it you will need to pay a subscription fee of 15 rubles. The subscription fee is debited from the client's account every day.

For a fixed fee, MegaFon clients receive the following services:

  • All incoming calls are absolutely free;
  • When making outgoing calls to any mobile numbers of Russian operators, the client will pay 5 rubles/min.
  • To exchange text messages you will need to pay - 3 rubles / SMS. This cost applies to exchanging SMS with any telecom operator.
  • A reduced price has also been established for surfing the Internet, so the cost of 1 MB will be 5 rubles.
  • This option can be activated by all MegaFon clients, regardless of the connected tariff plan. The only tariff with which the option cannot function is called “”.

Also, the service will work normally in conjunction with such services from the company as “Everywhere Moscow” and “All Russia”. As for calls to Ukraine via any mobile operators, the option does not provide a preferential tariff schedule, and payment for communications will be carried out according to international prices.

Features of the service:

  • The service applies only if the subscriber is located in Crimea and Sevastopol.
  • The service can be activated by clients who use corporate tariffs.
  • There are no benefits for communicating with residents of Ukraine, so you will need to pay 35 rubles per minute for an outgoing call. And to send a text message 5.95 rubles/sms.
  • The service operates continuously until the client independently deactivates it.

How to pay for communications in roaming

In Crimea, customers will not always be able to pay for MegaFon mobile communications. In this regard, subscribers will need to know how to pay for roaming services in non-standard ways:

  • Before your trip, you can assign the card you are using to your mobile number. Then, if necessary, you can top up your balance online. It is also possible to set up automatic replenishment if your phone account reaches the extreme limit.
  • When roaming, MegaFon allows customers to use funds on credit. To do this, there is the “ ” option, with which you can receive a small amount into your account; you will need to repay it within 3 days. You can also use the “Pay whenever you want” service, which allows you to borrow more money, but you will need to repay the debt before the 26th of the next month, otherwise the SIM card will be blocked.
  • You can always ask someone to top up your balance. To do this, MegaFon has the “ ” option. With its help, you can send a request to top up your balance to any person in the phone book. Such requests are sent free of charge, even if the subscriber is in international roaming.
  • You can find out more about all the options on the company’s website or call and get advice from a help desk operator at 0500. Before traveling, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the list of activated roaming options. To do this, customers must submit a request from their phone. You need to enter *225*2# and then make a call.

How to connect MegaFon Crimea

To activate the service, clients need to use any of the following options:

  1. If you have Internet access, you can go to the company’s website and click on the activation button. Then enter your mobile phone number in the required field and click on connect. Next, you will need to follow the instructions.
  2. The service can be activated through your personal account. To do this, go to the website, then to your account. To log in, you need to know the password, which is sent to your phone as a message after registration. Next, you need to find the “Crimea” option in the services tab and activate it by clicking on the corresponding button.
  3. You can also activate the service through the use of a mobile application, which is analogous to a personal account.
  4. You can enable the option yourself without the Internet. All you need is a phone number on which you need to dial the command *105*1037*1# and send it to the operator by making a call. Once processed, the option will connect and the client will be notified via an incoming message.
  5. You can also send a message in the body of the letter, which does not require you to write anything. Sending is carried out to the number 05001037.
  6. If you cannot activate the service yourself, then you need to use the help of specialists from MegaFon branded salons or call the company operator at 0500. For this option, you need passport data and a passport in general.

Connecting using any method does not take much time. The service is activated for a maximum of 15 minutes.

How to disable the option

To disconnect, clients will need:

  1. Send a service request to the operator. To do this, dial *105*1037*2# on your phone. . After dialing, you need to press the call button.
  2. You can also disable the service yourself through the self-service center, or rather, in your personal account. The process is simple and visually clear.
  3. If you cannot deactivate yourself, then you need to contact the operator for help by calling 0500. To do this, you will need the passport data of the SIM card owner. You can also ask to disable the option for employees of company stores. The specialist will also need to provide a document that confirms the identity of the owner of the SIM card.

they do not work quite the same way as in other regions of Russia, due to fear of sanctions (and maybe for other reasons) Megafon, Beeline and TELE-2 do not work on the peninsula, i.e. you cannot buy their SIM cards and their promotions and tariffs intended for communications within the borders of the Russian Federation are not valid; subscribers of these operators find themselves in intranet roaming, which leads to an increase in the cost of their services.

At the end of December, the State Duma adopted a bill to abolish national roaming, including Crimea. And incoming calls from June 1, 19 should become free.

MTS in Crimea

From all-Russian telecom operators in the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol only MTS works, Moreover, you can not only buy a SIM card on the spot upon arrival, but also arrange the corresponding additional services for moving around Russia in your home region.

Crimean mobile operators

In addition to MTS, Crimea has its own operators: Win mobile (K-telecom), Volna, Krymtelecom and Sevmobile(the latter, apparently, does not catch well outside of Sevastopol and the surrounding area).

Mobile Internet in Crimea

As for the mobile Internet, 3G and 4G services are provided by WIN mobile (almost all all-Russian operators connect to it as part of roaming) and Volna mobile. Sevmobile also promises 3G in Sevastopol, and Krymtelecom throughout the peninsula. In fact, at the beginning of 2019, 3G is available almost everywhere, 4G is only in large cities

Megafon in Crimea 2018-2019

Megafon offers its subscribers the “Internet in Crimea” option:

the option is provided as part of tariff plans

and costs 60 MB - 99 rubles, without options 2.2 rubles per 1 MB

Also, as part of the tariff plans, the option of unlimited incoming traffic in Crimea is offered for 33 rubles per day. Without options, incoming - 2 rubles per minute, outgoing 3 rubles per minute, SMS 2 rubles

For comparison, I leave the information as it was last year 18 -

daily subscription fee – 15 rubles; incoming – free; outgoing – 4 rubles per minute (to home region); SMS: 3 rubles; Internet – 5 rubles per 1 MB.
If you do not enable the option, then incoming and outgoing will cost 9.99 rubles, SMS -4.90; 1MB – 9.90 rubles

Beeline in Crimea 2018-2019

Beeline has canceled international roaming in Crimea from June 20, 2016. Beeline does not have any special options for Crimea; prices for calls, SMS and Internet depend on the tariff plan chosen in your home region.
For example, with a SIM card issued in Moscow, a minute of an incoming call is 2.03 rubles, an outgoing call is 2.03 rubles a minute; SMS – 2.03 rubles; Internet 2.03 rubles per 1 MB. (In 2018, everything was 2 rubles, obviously the increase in price by 3 kopecks is due to VAT)

TELE-2 in Crimea 2018-2019

Tele2 has set the following prices for Crimea and Sevastopol in 2019.

Incoming calls - 1 ruble per minute,

outgoing 3 rubles per minute, SMS - 3 rubles,

Internet 1 MB - 3 rubles

You can also activate the “Like Home in Crimea” service: connection cost – 30 rubles; subscription fee – 6 rubles per day. This service resets the cost of incoming calls; all other prices remain at the level of the base tariff.

In 2018 it was 5 rubles per 1 minute for both outgoing and incoming calls; 5 rubles for 1MB and 3.50 for SMS.

MTS in Crimea 2018-2019

Since MTS operates in Crimea, you have two options: buy a local SIM card upon arrival or use a SIM card purchased in your home region.

MTS in Crimea belongs to the region “Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea” and offers several Smart tariffs, all of them include Internet packages, unlimited calls to MTS numbers in the region, packages of minutes for calls and SMS packages.

If you buy a SIM card in Crimea, then

for 300 rubles (Smart tariff) per month you can get 3 GB of Internet; 200 minutes for calls from all operators within the region and 200 SMS in the region. Calls to phones of other operators outside the region will cost 5 rubles per minute outside the region (within the limits - free), and SMS to phones outside the region will cost 2 rubles. All incoming calls and SMS are free.

But it’s profitable to do this if you need to make a lot of calls in Crimea to regional phones, but if you plan to call home, and your house is outside the Krasnodar Territory and Crimea, then it’s better to buy a SIM card and connect in your region before leaving. It is best to take Smart and Tariffische tariffs. Get plenty of internet and hundreds of included minutes to numbers in your home region.

When you arrive in Crimea, the connection network will not be MTS, but K-telecom or Winmobile

YOTA in Crimea 2018-2019

Yota has significantly improved the conditions for providing services in Crimea

outgoing calls - 2.5 rub./min., incoming calls - 2.5 rub./min., outgoing SMS - 2.5 rub., incoming SMS - free, mobile Internet - 2.5 rub. for 1 MB the tariff is 100 KB).

In 2018 it was - a minute of outgoing and SMS - 19 rubles, incoming - 9, Internet 9 rubles per 100 kb.

Cellular operators in Crimea: Win mobile

Win mobile has developed a special tariff for vacationers “At Sea”: 3 rubles per minute of any outgoing call within the Russian Federation and 10 kopecks. for 1MB of Internet; incoming calls are free.
You can also take a tariff “Freedom of Communication” with the “Big Country” option, at a rate of up to 60 minutes within the network per day - free, incoming - free; the option costs 0 rubles for connection + 3 rubles per day, with all outgoing calls to Russia costing 2.95 rubles per minute. In addition, you can install various options for the Internet on this tariff; without options, it costs 10 rubles per 1 MB.
If you only need Internet, then the Fast and Furious tariff gives 15 GB of Internet for 400 rubles per month.

Cellular operator Volna

Volna is not the most profitable operator for vacationers in Crimea. For 150 rubles per month at the “Sea” tariff, you get the same 3 rubles per minute outgoing within Russia, 300 free minutes for calls in Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory and 3 GB of Internet. The “Wind” tariff gives 10GB of Internet for 300 rubles per month.

Mobile operator Krymtelecom

Krymtelecom offers the “My Crimea” tariff (not valid in Sevastopol) 5 rubles per minute of outgoing call within Russia, 0.20 – within the network (after 30 free minutes), 1.50 – in the region, SMS – 1 ruble in the region and 2 in Russia, for 200 rubles per month you can additionally connect 10 GB of Internet.

Mobile operator Sevmobile

SevMobile offers the “My City” tariff: for 180 rubles per month, the subscriber receives 90 minutes within the region, free calls and SMS within the network, 3 rubles for incoming calls within the Russian Federation for 1 minute. On the Internet, it is better to connect an additional option - 10GB for 300 rubles per month.

It is worth noting that buying a SIM card in Crimea is not easy, for example, there are almost no official MTS offices in the region, and cards are sold second-hand, and there are official Win Mobile offices only in large cities. MTS salons can be found in Sevastopol and Simferopol.

The vast territory of the Russian Federation necessitates switching to Roaming mode when traveling, which entails increased costs for communication services. An increase in communication costs will not come as a surprise to you if you familiarize yourself with all the information in advance.

To plan your expenses and navigate issues related to providing communications while traveling, contact Megafon technical support staff with a request for advice. You can find out about current tariffs by visiting the operator’s website: http://moscow.megafon.ru/roaming/. Here you will find all the information you need regarding tariffs for sending SMS and MMS messages, for using mobile Internet and making calls.

Check which services are active on your phone. If there is no urgent need for this, disable forwarding and services linked to the mobile Internet. This will help you significantly save money on communications while traveling.

Cost of Roaming in Crimea on Megafon

You can find out about the cost of the services offered by the company on the website at the above address. A company consultant will advise you regarding tariffs; just call the Megafon operator number, he will give comprehensive answers to all questions. If you are in Crimea, you should call the international number +7 9261 1105 00. Roaming mode can be used by absolutely all clients of the operator’s network, and no separate connection is required.

If you have an IMPORTANT or very URGENT question, ask!!!

How to top up Megafon account in Crimea

If you have planned a trip to the peninsula, it is better to top up your subscription account before departure, while at home. Try to have enough funds for the entire upcoming trip.

But if you did not have the opportunity to replenish a sufficient amount, then you can do this on the spot. On the territory of Crimea, almost all methods available for replenishing an account are valid, except that electronic machines are not common enough.

You can top up your balance using a bank card, either MasterCard or VISA. All you need is the Internet. This type of replenishment is characterized by almost instantaneous transfer of funds and the absence of commissions.

Besides, there is always a backup option. You can turn to your loved ones and relatives for help so that they transfer a certain amount from their account to yours.

IMPORTANT: The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is current at the time of writing. For more accurate information on certain issues, please contact official operators.

Crimea and Sevastopol are regions in which roaming operates. Tariffing on their territory differs from prices for cellular communications in other cities of Russia. The Megafon operator offers subscribers the Crimea service, which is convenient and profitable to use on the peninsula. Below we will describe it in detail, talk about the connection and capabilities of this function.

Option “Crimea” from Megafon. Description

“Crimea” is a service for activating benefits on tariffs for Megafon users who are located in this republic. Crimea does not belong to the international roaming zone, so there are special rates for tariffs there.

The function is available to Megafon corporate clients. Connecting to “Crimea” is free, the daily subscription fee is 15 rubles. After activating the service, the tariff is as follows:

Note! The service does not apply to calls to Ukraine. When dialing a Ukrainian number, the payment will be 35 rubles per 1 minute, and sending one message will cost 5.95 rubles.

The “Crimea” service is active only in the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. If the subscriber installed it in another region, the payment system will not change. The time of use is not limited. The service is valid until the subscriber himself disables it.

“Crimea” is compatible with the “All Russia” roaming options. The only option that the service does not work with is “Around the World”.

The option also does not work when sending SMS messages to numbers of operators and providers of various entertainment services.

How to activate the “Crimea” option from Megafon

There are several ways to connect to the service for Megafon subscribers:

  • Via USSD request;
  • Sending SMS;
  • Through your personal account.

Below we describe each method in detail.

USSD request

A USSD code is a combination of characters that is entered into the dialing menu on a mobile gadget. To activate the “Crimea” function, you must enter the following number: *105*1037*1# and then press the call button.

SMS message

SMS is the easiest and most accessible way. To activate the service, send the message YES to the system number 05001037.

Personal Area

is the official Megafon website, where users can manage their account, control services, change tariffs and much more. The algorithm of actions for connecting the Crimea service is as follows:

After activating the function, you can also control it through your Personal Account.

How to disable the option

You can disable “Crimea” in two ways:

  • B – the course of action is similar to connecting, but at the last stage you need to click on “Disconnect”;
  • Via USSD command *105*1037*2#.

Service “Unlimited inboxes in Crimea”. Description

“Unlimited incoming calls in Crimea” is a function, after which all incoming calls from all numbers in Russia will be free. The service is included in the following rates:

  • "Go to zero";
  • All tariffs are “Turn on!”;
  • "Second by second."

“Unlimited incoming in Crimea” is also available for all commercial archive tariffs. You can find out about the connection features for your tariff in your Megafon Personal Account.

The option is valid for 1 day. Connection is free. Activation occurs automatically after receiving an incoming call. The cost of the service for 24 hours is 30 rubles.

Just like the “Crimea” function, “Unlimited incoming” works only within the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol and only if the call was accepted.

How to enable the “Unlimited incoming in Crimea” option

The user can activate the service in several ways:

  • B (the service search algorithm is described above);
  • Through a call to the Contact Center at 8-800-550-05-00.

Disabling is available using the same methods.

Service "Internet in Crimea"

“Internet in Crimea” is an option from Megafon for preferential payment for Internet connection in Crimea and Sevastopol. Available in the starter package of tariffs “Go to zero”, “Per-second”, “Turn on!”. Compatibility with other tariff plans is checked in your Personal Account.

When activating the service, the user pays 99 rubles for every 60 MB of mobile Internet traffic. Connection cost is 0 rubles. Funds are written off only after going online.

It is possible to buy additional traffic at the same prices. The new package is activated automatically after the previous megabytes are used up. You cannot connect more than 5 packages per day.

The service is valid only in the territory of Crimea and Sevastopol.