How to disable the touchpad on a laptop. Disabling the touchpad on a laptop

Very often, laptop users complain that the touchpad - a panel built into every laptop that replaces a mouse - gets in the way quite a bit when typing or other intensive work on their favorite device. But not all owners of these devices know how to disable the touchpad on a laptop, and how easy it is to do it. This article will tell users how to do this in several ways in a matter of seconds or minutes!

There can be quite a lot of answers to the question of how. But let's not dwell on such extraordinary options as closing it with a bank card or a sheet of paper, or moving to one of the rarely used areas of the screen, but let's focus on methods that actually work.

The easiest and fastest way to lock the sensitive touchpad is to press the “Fn + F9” key combination. Pressing this key combination again will make the panel active again and allow you to use it as a mouse. It should be noted that some laptop models block the touchpad using a different combination - “Fn + F8” for Lenovo laptops, “Fn + F7” for Acer or “Fn + F5” for Dell. Many laptop manufacturers also provide their products with a small button that disables the touchpad (in several HP laptop models, this button is replaced by a small glowing indicator, covering which you can also temporarily disable the touch mouse). It is located at the very border of the panel in a rather convenient place.

The second method is that the sensor can be forced to turn off automatically when a regular mouse is connected to the USB port. How to disable the touchpad on a laptop this way? It’s quite simple - just go to the mouse settings tab called “Enable/disable the touchpad” and change the value set there to “Disable”.

Another option is to disable the touchpad using special programs. Among such utilities there is a lot of worthwhile software, for example, Touchfreeze, Pointing Device Driver for sensors from Synaptics and Elan Smart-Pad. The only disadvantage of such a disabling is that you will need to install additional software on the computer, and not all such utilities will work with the Windows 7 operating system, and the computer owner will again have to puzzle over how to disable the touchpad on the laptop.

If you decide to stop using the touchpad forever, or at least for a long time, then you can disable it in quite radical ways. You can go into the BIOS and disable the touchpad in the “Internal Pointing Device” menu. Or go much further and, by removing the front panel of the laptop, remove the cable connecting the system board to the touch pad. But in this case, it won’t be so easy to get the touchscreen mouse working again; connect it to the laptop or turn down the screen brightness.

But in many ways, the solution to this problem depends on the specific laptop model. Above are only general ways to disable the touchpad on a laptop as quickly as possible. Some modern laptop models may also contain solutions provided by the manufacturer, but the methods described in this article are also suitable for most laptops.

Before turning off this device in the most radical ways, you should think carefully. Don't forget that sometimes a touchpad can be useful even if you have a regular mouse. For example, for a laptop it will interfere with the operation of a normal mouse on a small table, and connecting a pair of removable media or a USB modem may simply physically not leave a free connector for the mouse. Therefore, it is better to limit yourself to those methods that allow you to enable the touchpad as quickly as disable it.

A touchpad, or touch mouse, is a very convenient device in and. It allows you to use your computer in places where it would be inconvenient to connect a regular mouse (for example, on a train, plane or cafe). In such situations, the touchpad is an excellent replacement for a mouse.

However, for quick web surfing, gaming or work, it is preferable to use a traditional computer mouse. She reacts faster and, as a rule, does not have the habit of spontaneously moving around the screen and accidentally clicking. In addition, the touchpad is located under the keyboard and often gets in the way when typing. Therefore, most users disable it when they can use the mouse.

But how to do that? Devices of different models offer different ways to turn off the sensor. Let's look at the difficult question for many: how to disable the touch mouse on a laptop.

How to turn off the touch mouse on a laptop?

As you know, in the Windows operating system, any action can be performed in several ways. The user himself chooses the most convenient one for himself. This also applies to the procedure for disabling the touch mouse. So, there are several ways to do this:

  1. The latest HP models have a small dot in the corner of the touchpad. It can glow or simply be applied to the surface of the touchpad. It is enough to double-click on this point (or hold your finger on it), and the touch mouse will stop working. To enable it, you should follow the same procedure.
  2. Most laptop models require you to disable the touchpad using hot keys. You need to find a combination of them that will lead to the desired result. As a rule, this is the Fn function key and one of the keys in the F1 – F12 row (usually F7 or F9). The latter usually has a touchpad icon in the shape of a rectangle. So, try pressing these two keys at the same time - and the touch mouse will turn off, and a corresponding warning will appear on the laptop screen in the form of text or a picture. To enable the touchpad again, use a similar technique.
  3. There is a more complicated way to disable the touch mouse on an Asus or Acer laptop. These models are equipped with a Synaptics touchpad, which can be set to turn off automatically when a mouse is connected to the laptop. To do this, open the “Mouse Properties” menu in the computer control panel, select the Synaptics device and check the “Disable when connecting an external USB mouse” box. It is done! By the way, this method is also suitable for some Lenovo models. To check if it will work, just try it.
  4. Device Manager will help you disable the touch mouse. Right-click on the “My Computer” shortcut, select “Manage” from the context menu, and go to the “Device Manager” tab. Then find the touchpad in the list of devices (it may be located in the “Mice” tab) and disable it by calling the context menu again.
  5. And finally, another way to disable the touch mouse on your laptop. You can simply cover it with a piece of paper or cardboard. You can take an unnecessary plastic card and cut it to fit the touchpad. Cover the touch panel with this “stencil” and secure the edges with tape. As a result of such manipulations, the possibility of touching the sensor is eliminated, and you can use a regular mouse without interference.

As you can see, disabling the touch mouse is not a big problem and can be done in a matter of seconds if desired.

The touchpad on a laptop is a very convenient and practical thing, as long as you don’t have to type text. The cursor keeps jumping around and randomly inserting text where it shouldn't be. How to disable the touchpad on a laptop?

But before answering this rather pressing question, I want to say that the touch panel itself, also called the “Touchpad,” appeared on laptops in 1990 and did not have a clear name.

Different manufacturers called this device differently: “glidepoint”, “touchpad”, “trackpad” and “pointing device”, “touch sensitive input device”.

And only when Synaptics launched another touchscreen device called “TouchPad” on the market and then this name was picked up by Epson, the word “touchpad” firmly stuck to this device and became established in everyday life.

However, despite its popularity and the fact that all laptops and netbooks are equipped with a touchpad, its use causes a number of problems.

In particular, due to the fact that the touchpad is usually located below the keyboard and is a rather sensitive device, when typing, due to an accidental involuntary touch, the cursor jumps and text entry begins in a different place.

Sometimes this leads to sad consequences. For example, while typing an article, you can completely collect your thoughts and concentrate on the keyboard, simply not noticing that the cursor has jumped and scribble text in chunks anywhere.

Then you have to look for all this and drag it into place, and this takes time. Therefore, it is important to know how to disable the sensor.

1. The fastest and easiest way to disable the touchpad is to simply seal it. For example, you can use an old expired bank card by attaching it with tape.

2. Some laptops (not all) have the ability to disable the touchpad using a special button. This button is usually located either at the top of the keyboard or on the touchpad itself. Look carefully, maybe you'll get lucky...

3. If you have no luck with the button, then try experimenting with the key combination “Fn” + “F1 – F12”. One of them, in theory, should cause the function to disable the touchpad. From experience, I can tell you already known combinations for such models:

  • Dell- Fn+F5
  • ASUS- Fn+F9
  • Acer- Fn+F7
  • Lenovo- Fn+F8

(if anyone knows other shortcut keys for other brands, please write in the comments..)

4. If you use a mouse and have not yet decided how to disable the touchpad on your laptop, then you can try to disable the touchpad using Windows itself.

To do this you need to follow the path:

“Start” → “Control Panel” → “Mouse” → “Device Settings” → “Turn the touchpad on/off” tab → move the switch to the “Disable” position.

5. For advanced users, there is another great opportunity to dig deeper into the BIOS: Look for the Internal Pointing Device section and select the desired touchpad value, turning off the touchpad.

6. And finally, my favorite way is to install the TouchpadPal program.

This program simply blocks the touchpad while typing. Simply reliable and without unnecessary fuss. In addition, the program is absolutely free. I recommend!

I hope this article on my website helped you get an answer to the question: How to disable the touchpad on a laptop?

A touchpad is a touch panel on a laptop, which is like a replacement for a classic computer mouse. In some situations, the touchpad becomes a hindrance and I would like to turn it off. For example, you are passionate about literary writing, inspiration flows like a fountain, you don’t look at the keyboard. Therefore, every now and then you touch the touchpad and distracting glitches occur in the creative process.

With prolonged use, the touchpad wears out and becomes unsightly. For some categories of users, appearance is everything. Once you are finally convinced that the task will actually have to be completed, you can begin to develop an optimal algorithm for achieving the goal. Wise people say that it is not enough to achieve success; you also need to do it with minimal effort. Otherwise, what kind of success is it if you have to work like Papa Carlo? This is some kind of Pyrrhic victory. So, here are detailed instructions on how to disable the touchpad on a laptop.

Physically disabling the touchpad

In some laptop models, on the surface of the touchpad itself, or on the body near it, there is a small button, by clicking on which you can turn the touch panel on or off. This button usually has internal backlighting and is indicated by an icon in the shape of a crossed out touchpad.

Sometimes there is no such button, but a certain area on the surface of the panel itself is used. If you double-tap – double-click – on this area, the touchpad will work as a physical On/Off button. You can find out whether such an area exists on your laptop on the website of your laptop manufacturer or in the instruction manual.

Disabling the touchpad using function keys

Normal users never read all sorts of instructions and Help - there is simply no time for such nonsense. Let the nerds, whom no one invites on a date, spoil their eyesight by reading all these useless instructions, as a result of which they have plenty of free time to study all sorts of user agreements and licenses.

Now you can turn the touchpad on and off with a simple combination of the function keys Fn + A (the number with the touchpad crossed out).

If the laptop manufacturers forgot to clearly indicate the key to reject the earwax panel, you will have to feel like a nerd for a while, put on glasses (which you hide from everyone except the military commissar) and look in the instructions.

Here, approximately, are the keys you need to use to disable the ear wax bar for different laptop models (together with Fn).

  • Asus-F9
  • Lenovo-F5
  • Dell-F5
  • Aser-F7
  • Samsung – F5/6
  • Toshiba-F5

It is strongly not recommended to use the scientific poking method in this case - you can turn off half of the computer. You'll have to invite the notorious nerd to turn it back on. Don't look at the glasses, they drink beer just as well as good ones. It is cheaper to take the laptop to a service center.

Disabling by software

The first option is to disable it using the developer software.

The second option is through the Windows Control Panel, “Mouse” tab. Here you can not only “break” the touchpad, but also swap the “Left-handed” or “Right-handed” buttons. And also make other settings.

Automatically disable touchpad when connecting an external mouse

In some advanced laptops, by default the system is configured so that when an external USB mouse is connected, the touchpad turns off itself. If your device was assembled the morning after the Chinese New Year celebration, most likely the installers forgot to set everything up for you according to the technology.

Then you will have to configure automatic shutdown of the touchpad yourself. It is not difficult. Click the Start button (unless you have older versions of Windows 8). Open Control Panel. Find Mouse and open the Mouse Properties interface.

In the lower half of the settings interface there will be a checkbox that says “Disable when connecting an external USB mouse. Sometimes you need to go to the Device Settings tab and there it will be a little different: “Enable/disable the touchpad.” Check the box.

Disabling the touchpad at the BIOS level

If you want to permanently disable the touchpad, then you need to go into the CMOS settings and turn off the touchpad in Bios. The algorithm of actions is as follows.

  1. While starting the laptop, press the Del key until the BIOS settings interface appears. If it still doesn’t appear, turn off the computer and try again. And so on until the BIOS opens. It may also be that in your case another key is responsible for exiting to the BIOS - in this case, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with it.
  2. Now find the Internal Pointing Device section.
  3. On the right in parentheses it says Enabled. Open the dropdown menu and switch to Disabled.
  4. Then save the settings you have made and exit to Windows - usually using the F10 key.

From now on, you can turn USB on and off as much as you like, check any combination of hot keys - the touch panel will still not respond to gentle finger touches. A very convenient maneuver when you want to screw one of your office mates. Let them sort it out at the system administrator level. And he will report to the boss that someone is ruining our equipment. Goodbye prize!

Disabling using the operating system

You can disable the touchpad by making appropriate changes to the system settings.

  1. Press the key combination “Windows” + “Pause/Break”
  2. Then in the system properties window that opens, go to the “Device Manager” tab
  3. Here, in Windows Device Manager, in the “Mice and other pointing devices” section, find your touchpad, open it and turn it off with the corresponding button – “Stop device”

You can also disable the touchpad through the Windows Control Panel. Select the “Mouse” section or another section created specifically for the touchpad settings by its driver. These sections should contain a “Stop device” button, which, in fact, turns it off. Here, in this menu, you can set flexible settings for the touchpad. Check the box next to the “Disable when connecting an external USB mouse” option, and the touchpad will automatically turn off when connected via the mouse’s USB port. And as soon as the mouse is disconnected, the touchpad will also automatically start working.

Disabling the touchpad at the registry level

Disabling by hardware

You can disable the touchpad in hardware using the corresponding function button on the device. A separate “on/off” switch for activating/deactivating the touchpad on a laptop is very rare; if it exists, it is only in older device models. In new laptop models, hardware function keys are implemented on the keyboard F1-F12 and work together with the Fn key held down. In most cases, the Fn+F9 combination is responsible for turning the touchpad on and off, and on this key you can see a picture in the form of a hand touching the touchpad.

If you cannot identify the hardware function button on your laptop, it is better to check with the manufacturer's instructions.

Alternative ways to disable the touchpad

If the touchpad on your laptop looks ugly due to excessive use, it would be quite rational to seal it with a VISA Gold bank card. In extreme cases, a used Momentum will do.

How to disable the touchpad on an Asus laptop

Oddly enough, most Asus laptop users are interested in the ability to disable the touchpad. This is due to some typing features, for example. An awkward touch can lead to unwanted changes to the document.

Disable touchpad using hotkeys

It doesn't matter what Windows you have if you want to use hotkeys to disable the touchpad. Usually, they are the same for all Asus models. Find the "Fn" button on your keyboard and press it at the same time as "F9". This should help you disable the touchpad.

If these keys do not work, then try typing “Fn + F7” (also at the same time).

Disable the touchpad using system tools

If you do not want to use the keys or the above method did not work due to individual keys not working, then you can try changing the driver mouse settings via Synaptics. To do this, go to the Start menu → Control Panel and go to View. In it you need to put “Icons” for more convenient work, and then find the shortcut called “Mouse”. Once you open it, go to the mouse properties and the “Synaptics” tab. Here you have to select the desired device and click “Disable (D)”.

If none of the described methods helped, then most likely your device is faulty. You will have to turn to Asus laptop repair specialists for help.

Disabling the touchpad via BIOS

If you don't need the touchpad on your laptop for a long time, you can disable it through the Windows BIOS menu settings. To do this, turn off your Asus laptop and turn it on again. When loading it, press the Dell key repeatedly to launch this menu. Next, use the F2 key to go to the section you need and in the Poiting Device item, select Disabled.

If you need to enable the touchpad device, you need to select Enabled accordingly.

Radical method of disabling the touchpad

If you want to permanently get rid of the touchpad on your laptop, you can disconnect the cable from the touchpad. Just remove the top panel of the laptop and go. However, you must understand that your action is irreversible and you will not be able to quickly restore the sensor. Also, you should not disconnect the cable if you do not understand the internal structure of the computer or are not confident in your own abilities. Remember that these are extreme measures, but can be used if necessary.

Usually, it is enough for device users to temporarily turn off the sensor so that there is no interference during operation. Naturally, as soon as the touchpad function is needed again, you just need to go into the settings again using the same scheme and change them.