Sorting 1c differs from the system one. The sort order set for the database is different from the system one. th method: Changing the sort order

There are cases when it is not possible to launch the 1C program, and a 1C dialog box appears with the message “The sort order set for the database differs from the system one!” After closing the window, the program closes (you can run it in Configurator mode).

Valery Sidorov

Cause of error and solutions

The cause of the error is a mismatch between the system settings and the 1C settings.
By the way, if the operating system is localized and the regional settings are set correctly, then when installing 1C its settings will be brought into line with the system ones.

Checking the settings are correct

I. System settings (for localized Russified Windows versions)

1. Open Start - Settings - Control Panel - Regional and Language Options.

2. On the Regional Settings tab, the drop-down list should be Russian.

3. On the Languages ​​tab – More details... – Languages ​​and text input services dialog box – Options tab – The default input language should be Russian-Russian.

4. On the Advanced tab there should be – Russian.

II. 1C settings

4. In the Code page of infobase tables window, the drop-down list should contain – 1251 – Russian, Belarusian, Bulgarian and Serbian languages.


1. If you are using the DIMB component (distributed infobase management), - when sort order checking is disabled - you SHOULD NOT use characters of any alphabets other than Latin in the three-letter identifier of infobases included in the distributed database.

2. It should be borne in mind that disabling the sort order identity check can lead to unexpected results - for the user of the 1C program! – the order of lines, for example, when generating reports.

Fixing the error in Windows Vista

If you are using Windows Vista, then get rid of the message “The sort order set for the database is different from the system one!” the above methods will not work.

For this:

1. Launch the 1C program. In the Launch 1C window, select the desired information base.

2. In the drop-down list In mode, select Configurator – OK.

3. The Configurator will start. Select menu Administration – Code page of information security tables...

4. In the Code page of infobase tables window, in the drop-down list, select + Current system installation– OK.

5. In the Configurator window with the message “When changing the code page, the indexes of all infobase data tables will be rebuilt! Do you want to change the code page?" click Yes.

6. After a certain period of time, depending on the size of the information security, the Configurator window will appear with the message “Code page has been changed!”, click OK.

7. Close the Configurator, you can work with the infobase.

8. To work with other information security systems, change the code page of information security tables in the same way.

As a rule, most users who find an error in the system indicating that the sort order is different from the system one are apparently working with the 1C package version 7.7. It is she who is the most vulnerable not even in terms of the effects of viruses, but also in the area of ​​errors and failures that lie in the very program code package. However, when you receive an error message stating that the sort order is different from the system, there is no need to panic. There are a few simple solutions, which allow you to eliminate this problem quickly and permanently. In this case, at least two solutions can be applied.

Database error "The sort order is different from the system": what is the problem?

The problem itself is that the main program in the form executable file on the server or client machine cannot initialize the database (SQL).

As a result, connected user (child) terminals cannot access the database itself (although the main core of the program starts without problems). It is believed that access to the application itself is provided precisely at the level of the server version, which is responsible for connecting other user computers located in local network. This is precisely where problems arise.

The sort order is different from the system one (Windows 7). What to do first?

It is believed that in release number 26 the ability to ignore database files was included. But you shouldn't rely on this service.

Non-existent object

It happens that an application, when launched, refers to a supposedly non-existent object in the form of a file OrdNoChk.prm, which seems to be located in the BIN folder of the program itself installed in program files systems.

If a system message appears stating that the sort order is different from the system one, there is nothing easier than creating an empty file in this directory with the same name and replacement when saving, for example, in the same Notepad, which is included in the standard set of any Windows -systems. The question here is also that the standard text editor settings containing initial data, when directly edited and subsequently applied in action, does not work.

Changing the database structure based on local data exchange

On the other hand, the problem that a failure occurs with a message indicating that the sort order of the installed one differs from the system one can be solved even by means of the installed program itself.

But here you should initially think about how advisable it is to use the tools and tools described below.

If an error occurs when it is reported that the sort order of the database differs from the system one, in the 1C application itself you should select the configuration section in which you need to go to administration, the code page of the information security tables and the current system installation item.


In principle, the message that the sort order in the 1C database differs from the system one can be deleted quite simply (or get rid of it forever). As practice shows, in the simplest case, you can simply create the empty object indicated above. After that, signaling that the sort order differs from the system one will no longer appear.

In fact, eliminating the problem is not limited to just these solutions. The fact is that in the 1C environment itself you can write scripts or create additional applets to control the entire system based on the same language Visual Basic using databases DVB format. Otherwise, the error associated with the appearance of the message indicated above can be eliminated quite simply, if you do not take into account flaws in the code of the program itself or viral influence. But this, I think, is not the worst thing. Sometimes the “crankiness” of users who do not know how to organize a database and connect it to installed program, may cause this type of error to appear again and again.

You should also pay attention to the fact that when automatic data exchange of the platform itself with other databases is enabled, they must all have exactly the same encoding. If it is not installed for all databases, then the very question of importing and exporting data becomes, to put it mildly, meaningless. As a last resort, as mentioned above, encoding should be disabled. This is especially true for situations when different terminals have different versions of Windows installed, and even with different architectures. This can also lead to unpredictable consequences, to the point where it will be impossible to work with the program regarding simultaneous access to information.

1C: what to do if the message “The sort order set for the database differs from the system one!” appears

The cause of the error is a mismatch between the system settings and the 1C settings.
By the way, if the operating system is localized and the regional settings are set correctly, then when installing 1C its settings will be brought into line with the system ones.

Checking the settings are correct

I. System settings (for localized Russified version of Windows)

1. Open Start - Settings - Control Panel - Regional and Language Options.

2. On the Regional Settings tab, the drop-down list should be Russian.

3. On the Languages ​​tab – More details... – Languages ​​and text input services dialog box – Options tab – The default input language should be Russian-Russian.

4. On the Advanced tab there should be – Russian.

II. 1C settings

2. In the drop-down list In mode, select – OK.

4. In the Code page of infobase tables window, the drop-down list should contain – 1251 – Russian, Belarusian, Bulgarian and Serbian languages.


1. If you are using the DIMB component (distributed infobase management), - when sort order checking is disabled - you SHOULD NOT use characters of any alphabets other than Latin in the three-letter identifier of infobases included in the distributed database.

2. It should be borne in mind that disabling the sort order identity check can lead to unexpected results - for the user of the 1C program! – the order of lines, for example, when generating reports.

Troubleshooting Windows Vista

If you are using Windows Vista, then get rid of the message “The sort order set for the database is different from the system one!” the above methods will not work.

For this:

1. Launch the 1C program. In the Launch 1C window, select the desired information base.

2. In the drop-down list In mode, select Configurator – OK.

3. The Configurator will start. Select menu Administration – Code page of information security tables...

4. In the Code page of infobase tables window, in the drop-down list, select + Current system installation – OK.

5. In the Configurator window with the message “When changing the code page, the indexes of all infobase data tables will be rebuilt! Do you want to change the code page?" click Yes.

6. After a certain period of time, depending on the size of the information security, the Configurator window will appear with the message “Code page has been changed!”, click OK.

7. Close the Configurator, you can work with the infobase.

8. To work with other information security systems, change the code page of information security tables in the same way.

Despite the reluctance of corporate users to say goodbye to Windows XP, it is becoming obvious that this will still have to be done in the near future. And therefore there will be a need to launch 1C Enterprise 7.7 in Windows environment 7 (Vista). In this article, we decided to look at “typical” problems that arise when working with 1C in a new OS environment, and ways to solve them.

Error: "The data sort order is different from the system one"

Only the lazy probably don’t know about this error, as well as the way to solve it. However, not everything is as simple as it seems, so let’s look at this issue in more detail.

The reason for the error is trivial - a mismatch between the code pages of the NT6 and 1C family of operating systems. There are two ways to solve this problem:

  • Bring the information security code page into line with the system one. To do this we launch Configurator - Administration - IB code page and at the very bottom of the drop-down list select + Current system installation. This is the most correct way, but by bringing the base into compliance with the code Windows page 7 (Vista) we will start getting the same error when launching the database in Windows XP.
  • Disable sort order checking. To do this, create a signal file with the name ordnochk.prm(). Being placed in a directory with information security, it disables checking the sort order for this database when placing it in the directory BIN(in the 1C installation folder) sorting check will be disabled for all databases on this PC. This method works only with release 26 and higher. In addition, 1C warns:
"The use of this feature can be recommended only in extreme cases, when it is not possible to coordinate the system sort order with the sort order set for the infobase. When disabling sort order checking in the application conditions, distributed infobase management components SHOULD NOT use characters of any alphabets except Latin, in the three-letter identifier of the information bases that are part of the distributed one. It should be borne in mind that 1C:Enterprise uses the sorting capabilities of both mechanisms when working, and disabling the order identity check in them can lead to an unexpected row order for the user, for example, when generating reports."

Which method should you choose? If you have a homogeneous OS fleet, i.e. All machines run Windows 7 (Vista), then you should definitely use the first option. The second option should be used if it is necessary to simultaneously work with databases under both OS families. In this case, it is advisable to locate the databases on a machine with Windows XP, and ordnochk.prm place it in the BIN folder on a machine with Windows 7 (Vista). This will allow you to avoid potential problems with the operation of such components as the URIB. Please remember that a machine running Windows 7 (Vista) can be used only for working in 1C Enterprise mode. Any changes in the Configurator mode must be made only on a machine with Windows XP. When locating databases on a machine with Windows 7 (Vista) Necessarily the information security code page should be converted to the system one (according to the first method), and ordnochk.prm use already on machines with Windows XP, otherwise working with URIB or simply loading previously uploaded data into the information security will be impossible.

Error when creating from component V7Plus.dll (CLSID is missing)

This problem occurs when UAC is enabled, when accessing external treatments or for other actions requiring a library V7Plus.dll(uploading data, reports, etc.), while V7Plus.dll present in the directory with the database. The reason for the error is that 1C Enterprise registers this library dynamically when the need for use arises. When UAC is enabled, 1C works with user rights and therefore cannot register the library. The solution is simple - register V7Plus.dll manually, for this we recommend copying it to the BIN folder (so as not to be tied to a specific database), run Command line with administrator rights and run the command:

Regsvr32<путь к 1С>\BIN\V7Plus.dll

the result of execution should be a message about successful library registration.

Error "To access the database, an ODBC driver for MS SQL Server version 3.50.0303 or older is required

An error occurs when I try launch SQL version 1C Enterprise 7.7 on Windows 7 (Vista) and lies in the lack of support for these OS versions SQL server below SQL Server 2005 SP2. Excerpt from the official Microsoft press release:

To provide a higher level of security, operating systems Microsoft Windows Server 2008 and Microsoft Windows Vista will support SQL Server 2005 Express SP1, and all other editions of SQL Server will require SQL Server 2005 SP2 or later. Earlier SQL versions Server, including SQL Server 2000(all editions, including Desktop Engine, also known as MSDE), SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 6.5, operational Windows systems Server 2008 and Windows Vista will not be supported.

Solutions for today does not exist(and it is unlikely to appear). The “solution” found on the Internet involving replacing ODBC driver files with files from Windows XP should not be seriously considered and its use is strictly not recommended.

As alternative option Can you recommend launching 1C Enterprise on Windows Server 2003 in terminal mode, we recommend the same option for 1C file mode on the network with different versions Windows.

Apr 13

Error "The sort order set for the database is different from the system"

Starting with Winodws Vista, users who work with 1C:Enterprise 7.7 may encounter an error when starting the program: “The sort order set for the database differs from the system one.” After clicking OK, the program exits. There are two ways to resolve this error.

1st method: OrdNoChk.prm

If you want to completely disable code page checking, create an empty file named OrdNoChk.prm in the “BIN” folder of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 installation directory (by default this is C:\Program Files\1Cv77\BIN) or (C:\Program Files ( x86)\1Cv77\BIN) . If, for some reason, you need to disable code page checking for only one infobase, place OrdNoChk.prm in the folder with the required infobase.


Method 2: Changing the sort order

If you are working in single-user (local) 1C:Enterprise 7.7, or are using terminal mode on the server, then you can simply change the sort order of the database. To do this, launch 1C in configurator mode, select Administration - Code page of information security tables -Current system installation.

Note! If you have configured automatic exchange with other infobases, all infobases must have the same encoding. Or encoding checking must be disabled (see method 1).

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