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The service life of portable equipment is directly dependent on the integrity and serviceability of the battery, otherwise such a device ceases to be mobile. For any phone, the first charge is relevant. With its help, it is possible to start the battery at full capacity. How to charge new phone the first time, will depend on the type of battery that is installed in it. IN electronic devices Four types of batteries are used:

  • lithium-ion (Li-Ion);
  • nickel metal hydride (Ni-MH);
  • lithium polymer (Li-Pol);
  • nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd).


Nickel varieties of batteries are considered obsolete and are used in the most budget smartphone models. More modern are lithium-polymer samples with a longer service life.

Each variety has its own characteristics of operation, and most importantly, charging.

How to properly charge a new nickel-metal hydride smartphone battery

Charging a battery has its own physical characteristics, which consist in the occurrence of a number of chemical reactions in the process (with the waste of supplied energy) and the generation of heat. Also, when charging, you should take into account such an indicator as efficiency. It refers to the part of the accumulated energy that remains inside the battery during use.

A feature of charging nickel-metal hydride batteries is the release of a significant amount of heat, which imposes its own characteristics. In total, it is customary to distinguish three types of battery replenishment:

  • drip;
  • fast;
  • accelerated

The only difference between these varieties is the amount of current supplied, measured as a fraction of the total battery capacity, expressed by the coefficient C. A logical question arises: what is the best way to charge the phone?

When doing fast charging yourself, you need to control many parameters and have the appropriate skills

The drip method has a current supply of only 0.1 C, which ensures that the battery does not heat up strongly even when the battery is fully charged. The efficiency of this type of replenishment is only 70%, which is lower than other varieties. Most manufacturers do not recommend using trickle charging, since it involves a process of “degradation” of the battery, leading to its rapid failure.


The division into accelerated and fast charging is quite arbitrary, since in essence all this can be attributed to the fast type of replenishment.

In process fast charging the battery is supplied with a current in the range from 0.75 to 1 C. Increasing the indicator is not recommended, since the emergency pressure relief valve that is equipped with such batteries may open, which will lead to their failure.

The efficiency for fast charging is 90%. But there is one peculiarity: the closer the charging completion time, the lower the efficiency, since energy is spent on increasing the temperature. One of the features of nickel-metal hydride batteries is the ability to provide a charging efficiency of almost 100% with a capacity of less than 70% of the total volume. How to charge correctly new battery for the phone to achieve time reduction? Apply a current of up to 10 C during this period. It is important not to miss the moment of reaching 70% capacity, otherwise there is a high probability of rapid overheating and destruction of the internal structure of the battery electrodes.


Most modern phones use lithium- ion batteries

How to properly charge a new lithium-ion phone battery

To know how to charge your phone correctly, you should take into account the features of the battery inside. The lithium-ion type is characterized by aversion to deep discharge, as well as overdischarge. Inside such elements there is a special controller responsible for turning off the battery when threshold values ​​are reached.

It is considered optimal to maintain the smartphone charge level at 20-80%. If you constantly recharge the battery, there is a risk of the controller failing due to its being under constant load. If this structural element does not function properly, accelerated battery breakdown is inevitable.


The use of standard charging from the manufacturer allows you to achieve proper battery replenishment, since in this case parameters such as current strength are adjusted specifically for the device.

After the full charge indication appears, the smartphone is disconnected from the network. However, it is not recommended to reduce the charge level to complete zero during operation. Experts advise connecting the gadget to the network when the charge level is 12-15%.

How to properly charge a lithium polymer phone battery

Li-Pol power supplies are the most modern type of battery. Their peculiarity lies in the use of a dry electrolyte, which has a structure that does not conduct current, but does not interfere with the free movement of ions. Additionally, advanced versions of this type require the presence of a gel-like electrolyte enriched with lithium ions.

To understand how to properly charge a phone with lithium-polymer batteries, you need to know a number of features of such batteries:

  • the absence of a memory effect does not require several successive full charge-discharge operations;
  • such batteries are sensitive to external factors, in particular negative temperatures;
  • The longest battery life can be achieved by maintaining the charge at 50-60% of the total capacity.


The features of lithium-polymer batteries allow it to easily withstand frequent recharging without deterioration in performance. The most important thing is to avoid deep discharge or overcharging.

How to charge your phone not only after purchase, but also during use

For long-term and problem-free use of a purchased smartphone, you need to know not only how to charge a new phone for the first time, but also take into account the parameters that are important when replenishing the battery during further use.

The phone is completely discharged

There is such a thing as “pumping” a battery. This process involves sequentially discharging the gadget until it turns off completely and then charging it to 100% in several successive cycles. This measure helps to get rid of the memory effect that older types of batteries have.

For nickel-metal hydride batteries, when pumping, it is recommended to perform at least 5 cycles; for lithium-ion batteries, this figure is within 2-3 repetitions.

Frequent recharging

Regardless of the type of battery used, it should be remembered that constant overcharging is harmful. This may cause the power supply to overheat and fail. You can reduce the risk of such a development of events if you use a standard battery to charge your phone, which is recommended by the manufacturer. The use of cheap Chinese analogues does not guarantee operation internal system protection.

Complete discharge and charging for prevention

It is recommended to periodically completely drain the battery and then charge it to 100%. But this should not be abused. It is considered optimal to maintain the upper charge threshold at 80-90% and the lower charge at 10-15% of the total battery capacity.

Using the included charger


All Power Bank models have an indicator indicating the charge level. In some it may simply be a color indicator, some have digital displays that are more informative.

When connected, the charging process starts automatically and stops when it reaches 100%

To charge your mobile device, you simply need to connect it to an external battery using the included cord. Most often the process starts automatically. Sometimes this doesn't happen. In this case, you need to try pressing the “On/Off” button. several times or hold down this key for a few seconds. More detailed manipulations are given in the operating instructions.

Most external battery models are equipped with a diode indicator that notifies you of the charging process. When it is completed, it goes out and the gadget can be disconnected. It is not recommended to leave an external battery with the wires connected when not in use.

How to charge a battery from a phone without the device itself

It is possible to directly charge the phone's battery, which can be useful if you don't have a standard charger at hand. This may be necessary in emergency situations. Experts give some extreme advice on how you can extend the life of your battery for some time:

  1. Wrap the battery with tape. In some cases, this method allows a dead battery to work.
  2. Place a heated object on the battery.
  3. Beat the battery against a hard surface until visible deformation is obtained.

The performance of a smartphone depends on the performance of the battery, so you should be careful about the issue of proper battery charging. You can see and learn how to do this again by watching the proposed video.

How to properly charge a new phone battery?

When you buy a new phone, you need to know how to properly charge a new phone battery. Some people advise completely discharging your phone on the first day and then fully charging it from the mains. Others suggest charging the phone after the battery charge is reduced by at least half.

How to properly charge a new phone battery?

There are some practical tips to help you understand how to charge a new phone battery:

  • Immediately after purchasing a phone, pay attention to the battery level. If it is full or more than half, then it must be reduced. The best time to do this is while watching videos or talking. Changing graphic images drains the phone faster.
  • After the battery charge drops to about 5-10% or the battery icon starts blinking on the screen of your mobile device, you can put the phone on charge.
  • Wait until the battery is fully charged (the screen will show 100% or “battery charged”), and then you can use the phone. It is also worth considering that keeping the smartphone on charge for a long time after reaching 100% simply kills the battery. That is why you should not allow the battery to overcharge.
  • Always ensure that there is enough energy in the battery. Avoid completely discharging and overcharging, and then new battery will serve you for a very long time.
  • Sometimes alternate full charging with partial charging. For example, one day you can charge the battery to 100%, and the next day only to 80%. This alternation will preserve the battery for a longer period.
  • If you don't use it for a long time mobile device, then remove the battery during this time. This way it will work longer.

By following the above tips, you can understand how to properly charge a new lithium battery for phone.
Different li-ion batteries have different operating times. This depends on the manufacturer’s brand, the capacity of the battery itself, as well as its operating conditions.

For example, in the cold season, the battery on your phone discharges much faster, because large quantity energy. In addition, some phone functions may consume additional energy, causing the battery to lose its charge faster.

For example, having wifi or Bluetooth turned on, as well as a working flash, can significantly reduce the amount of battery charge for the maximum time.

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Typically, new phones come with new batteries that are half drained. There has long been an opinion that the phone must first be completely discharged, and only then charged. Moreover, discharge it so that it goes to zero and turns off, that is, “until the pulse is lost.” But, we hasten to disappoint you - this is not so! And for a long time already!

In fact, only nickel-metal hybrid batteries are charged using this technology, which practically do not exist today, if we talk about new phone models. Hence the immediate question - what types of batteries for phones exist? There are 2 types in total.

Types of batteries and their properties:

  • Nickel metal hybrid;
  • Lithium ion.

Nickel metal hybrid batteries

They were used 5 years ago, or even more, when Cell Phones, and even more so, smartphones, were not as widespread as they are now. Nowadays such batteries are used extremely rarely, except in a few budget models where energy consumption is very low.

But phones with such batteries are still found. For example, for used phones they buy batteries that were purchased several years ago and they are nickel-metal hybrid.

Again, the question is: how to properly charge a new phone with such a battery? These batteries use a “memory effect”. Therefore, it only needs to be charged when it is completely discharged. And if, for example, you charge a phone with 10-20% charge, then the battery capacity will “conditionally” be reduced to this level. Accordingly, they had 100%, and now they are all 80%. It is enough to repeat the cycle several times and then charge the phone the way it works.

Lithium ion batteries

Today, phones mostly use lithium-ion batteries because they are much easier to use and have more capacity. Moreover, they are used not only in phones, smartphones, but also in other equipment, for example, netbooks, laptops, cameras.

However, there are also certain requirements for lithium-ion batteries, or, more simply, charging tips.

How to properly charge a new phone with a lithium-ion battery

  • Try to charge your phone more often, namely, do not wait until the charge threshold reaches 20 percent or lower. Moreover, the phone does not have to be constantly connected to the mains. As soon as the strip reaches 100%, disconnect it. If your smartphone is often connected to the network, then even a lithium-ion battery will last you a very short time!
  • Lithium ion batteries, on the other hand, cannot be charged until they are completely discharged. That is, you should always monitor the battery charge and try to connect the phone to the network before it turns off!
  • Don't forget about the battery recovery procedure of this type. Its essence is that About once every 3 months you need to discharge the phone until it is completely discharged so that it turns off and charges to 100%. Average charging time is 12 hours.
  • Use only original battery chargers. In some cases, the deterioration of the battery quality is caused by the device being used that is connected to the mains. Typically, a certain percentage of Chinese chargers made either poorly, or completely “anyhow”. The fact is that Chinese counterfeits cannot guarantee you stable operation, for example, when overcharging - when your phone is already 100% charged, but is still connected to the network. Original devices use special algorithms that automatic mode turn off the power supply, even if the charging itself is connected to the network.
  • Try not to use your smartphone in the cold. Perhaps nothing will happen to the device itself, but the battery may suffer, as you will soon learn about.

To ensure that your phone works for a long time, think in advance about purchasing a device with large capacity, based on your needs. For example, some users need a phone only for calls, others need it to access the Internet, for example, to communicate on in social networks, the third for games via the network, and the rest, for all actions at once!

Moreover, for most models you can buy additional batteries with increased capacity and special external batteries, connected via Micro USB and other connectors for your phone. But, again, in this case, we recommend that you purchase products only from trusted companies and under no circumstances buy Chinese goods from forums and online stores.

Now you know how to properly charge a new phone, what types of batteries exist today, and also what factors affect the battery. But no matter how much talk there is on the Internet about correct charging, 100% no one will say anything about this, since there are many manufacturers, both for batteries and for smartphones. New technologies are being introduced every year, and perhaps tomorrow you will be charging your phone not from the mains, but using solar panels!