What is a landing page? Types of landing pages, the purpose of the landing page is how to create a landing page for free. What is a landing page actually in simple words What is a landing page

  • 2. Types of landing page
  • 4. Features landing page
    • A/B testing of landing page
    • What a selling landing page should look like and what it should contain
  • 5. Landing page taxes
  • 6. Conclusion

Landing, what is it? Many aspiring entrepreneurs and people who are going to sell something are interested in this term. In short, a landing page is regular internet page on your domain, subdomain in format by type html/css or in another format. We have heard about such pages, but most likely we have never delved into their essence and purpose.

The main task of such a page is for the page visitor to leave a corresponding request, contact by phone, subscribe or purchase a product.

Such a page differs from the mass of other Internet pages in that it does not contain unnecessary, distracting advertising, unnecessary text, various flashing banners and pop-up menus.

From this article you will learn:

  • Landing what is it;
  • What types of landing pages are there;
  • How to create a landing page yourself and for free;
  • Everything about doing business and taxes from the landing page;
  • etc.

1. What is a landing page on the Internet

In the Internet sphere, such pages have different names, in particular, they are called: landing pages, landing pages, capture pages, one-page sites, landing pages, etc.

With the help of such landing pages on 20-30% the level of sales increases compared to regular online stores or just advertising sites.

As for Russian-speaking companies, it should be noted that such a tool as a landing page is just beginning its development in the post-Soviet space, but every year it is rapidly gaining momentum.

Among Russian companies, we can highlight winlanding.ru. We tried many companies but finally settled on them. All sites that winlanding creates are created from scratch, templates, functionality, and constant communication with the client are developed, which is important in our time. And you will know for sure that they will not get lost, like many freelancers with your prepayment.

Here are some works from them:

  • http://olymp.winlanding.ru
  • http://autogazkz.kz
  • http://zub.winlanding.ru

And the entire winlanding portfolio can be viewed here.

The use of landing pages is especially beneficial for the following organizations:

  • Any companies involved in sales;
  • Companies engaged in wholesale sales;
  • MLM leaders;
  • Manufacturers of various types of products;
  • Info-entrepreneurs;
  • Companies selling particularly valuable, unique goods;
  • Companies specializing in the sale of training programs;
  • Travel companies;
  • SPA salons, fitness clubs.

An ideal example of a LANDING

Thus, a landing page is beneficial for many who are interested in increasing their customer base and significantly increasing their target audience.

The main goal of such pages, as already mentioned, is to encourage targeted action:

  • Apply for a free consultation;
  • Purchase a product;
  • Submit an application for various calculations (calculations);
  • Subscribe to any newsletter;
  • Register to participate in the promotion;
  • Apply for a price list;
  • And many more different options...

The landing page can also be used by those involved in real estate. This page will increase sales of any real estate. After all, now the Internet plays an important role in choosing any product or service. And by the way the site is made, people evaluate you, you can immediately understand that your property is not a decrepit house, but a beautiful estate. And if you haven’t yet connected your life with real estate, or rather don’t know how to do it, then download a video course from a specialist who knows a lot about his business.

2. Types of landing page

There are four types of “sales page”:

  1. Long page: landing page – is a long landing page. These are the types of landing pages that prevail on the Internet.
  2. Short: A landing page is a short landing page. Its function most often is to redirect for collection email addresses and increasing the subscriber base.
  3. One step: landing page – is a one-step page;
  4. Two steps: landing page - such a page, accordingly, is a two-step one. The essence of the page is that on the one step page the client’s interest is warmed up, and on the two step page the required action is directly completed.

By its nature, a landing page acts as a specific mini-site, which may not even be related to the main type of your activity, but works as an independent page.

Examples of conversions: in the field of tourism services (a popular and in-demand area of ​​business), a conversion rate of 9-14% is a good indicator, but in the field of sales of luxury cars, a conversion rate of 4-14% is not just a good, but an excellent conversion rate in landing page.

The minimum landing page conversion, as a rule, ranges from 1-4%, but does not exceed 30-45%. Achieving conversion in practice 25-30% is a good indicator.

A good conversion rate is considered to be 5-10%. In the case of information business, conversion can reach 25% - 30%.

These include the following:

  • Rejection rate;
  • Average time a visitor spends on the relevant page;
  • Map of clicks on the page, etc.

There is no average conversion. This is due to the fact that conversion directly depends on three things:

  1. The immediate quality of your landing page;
  2. Quality of traffic landed on the relevant page;
  3. Features of the business, level of competition.

Now, having heard the word “landing”, you will already know very well what it is.

3. How to create a landing page for free

We present popular services where you can create a one-page landing page for free:

  1. www.setup.ru;
  2. landingi.ru;
  3. ru.wix.com;
  4. lpgenerator.ru;
  5. freelancing sites - where for 1500-2000 rubles, freelancers will make you a landing page to order.

Having driven in search bar request - “create a one-page website (landing)”, the search engine will return a large number of services and sites that already have either ready-made pages, or you can create them yourself thanks to the designer. The same can be done if you have extra left. questions - what is a landing page.

The ideal “landing page” - video

Algorithm for creating Landing Page - video

But what is free will not always be of high quality. Free services are needed more by those who have a very limited budget or simply want to understand the principle of creating these pages. If you want your company to acquire a large number of clients, to reach the top in popularity, then we advise you to order websites from professionals who will tell you exactly what and how to do, and will take into account your wishes. For example prices of the company we work with.

4. Landing page features

  • Typically, this is a business card site that is not overloaded with files ( graphic arts, video etc.). Due to the minimalism of the page, the text on it is easy to read.
  • The landing page should not contain advertising; it is already an advertisement for your services and products.
  • The landing page should not contain unnecessary information that is not related to the product or service being sold.
  • The landing page must have a certain structure: advertising text, Pictures, minimal page navigation,

What is a landing page and what are its features? How to quickly make a cool landing page with high conversion? Which landing page builders are popular now?

Hello, dear readers! With you is one of the authors of the business magazine “HeaterBober.ru” Alexander Berezhnov.

And I decided so - I’ll tell you about landing pages, about the main techniques that I used to create them. I will give examples of good one-page sites. And each of you will draw conclusions for yourself. Agreed? Then let's begin.

The topic of creating a landing page is not an easy one, but it is very relevant and interesting. Knowing how to do this will help you make money. different ways, for example, like . Understanding this, you can start your own small business by simply selling goods or services through a landing page.

1. What is a landing page - an overview for beginners

Hundreds of articles have been written on the topic of creating landing pages. It’s difficult to cram all the advice and all the experience into one material. But I will still try to tell you about the most important thing regarding the landing page.

Landing is a one-page website or just a page, the purpose of which is to induce users to take some action: buy, subscribe, call, leave a request.

Landing page is literally translated from English: “target” or “landing page”.

You've probably seen such one-pagers on the Internet.

Why do they make landing pages:

  1. They motivate well visitor to take the desired action.
  2. They are quickly constructed. And they often cost less than a regular website. Another plus: you can create a landing page yourself.
  3. Landing page is easy to redesign– improve, change, add missing information.

Landing pages are created for:

  1. Product sales. For this purpose, calls are used: “buy”, “leave a request”, “call”.
  2. Collection of information. Here visitors are offered: “subscribe”, “find out more”.
  3. Software distribution- software sales.

Landing page and sales funnel

Funnelsales is the process of selling a product/service. At each stage of this process, some people are eliminated - potential clients commercial company. We have a separate article on our website about.

The sales process through a landing page looks something like this:

  • 100 people saw a link to the landing page;
  • 40 users followed the link;
  • 10 people submitted an application;
  • 2 people bought the product.

Out of a hundred - two sales. Return – 2%. This is a good option. Not perfect, but not a loser either.

A sales funnel looks like an inverted kitchen funnel: a wide base and a narrow neck.

The widest part is the transition to the page. At this stage, we test the operation of contextual advertising, messages on social networks, and publications on other sites. Determining CTR.

CTR– the ratio of the number of clicks to the number of impressions. Measured as a percentage.

The middle part is the application. We analyze the effectiveness of the landing page - its design, text part.

The narrow part is processing applications and sales. Here we evaluate the work of living people - operators, managers.

When analyzing a landing page, another indicator is calculated - EPC.

EPC– this is the average earnings from one thousand landing page visits.

The higher the profitability indicator, the higher the efficiency of your advertising campaign.

In what cases is it necessary to create a landing page?

Below we will consider a number of cases when you may be faced with the need to create your own one-page website.

The term “landing” comes from the English word “Landing”, which means “landing”. This term reflects the main meaning - a landing page is a landing page.

A landing page is an independent website or a separate page that encourages visitors to take a targeted action. For example: leave a request for a tour selection, buy a ready-made house project made from sip panels, advertise the sale of an iPhone, leave your phone number, subscribe to the newsletter, etc.

There are 4 main possibilities where a landing page is placed:

  1. On a separate domain: domain.ru;
  2. On your subdomain: landing.domain.ru;
  3. Website page: domain.ru/landing.html;
  4. On a third-party service: service.ru/yourlanding or yourlanding.service.ru.

The main task of a landing page is to encourage people to take a targeted action. For example, you can make a separate landing page to recruit subscribers for your newsletter. For each task, there is a separate type of landing page, and below you will find out what types exist, as well as what type of landing page is best to use in individual cases.

Types of sales pages

All landing pages are divided into three large groups:

  • Microsites;
  • Individual pages of the site in the form of landing pages;
  • Full landing pages;

Landing pages are also divided into several categories according to tasks:

  1. Selling;
  2. Subscribed;
  3. Informational;
  4. Viral;
  5. Differential;
  6. Other.


Microsites, or otherwise “business card sites,” are sites with big amount pages (usually up to 10), where home page is a kind of landing page, and supporting pages are created so that the user can better understand the product or service.

Let's consider such a microsite using the example of a hotel website - https://fenixhotel.ru/.

The main page of the site is a full-fledged landing page, the task of which is to obtain the visitor’s contact for an individual calculation of the cost of the house.

In addition to the main page, there are other pages on the site:

  • Examples of built houses;
  • Standard projects;
  • Construction technology;
  • Other.

Each auxiliary page, one way or another, ends with an invitation to leave your contact information. That is, several additional pages “upsell” the main service or product from the main landing page.

The disadvantage of such micro-sites is that they work best with purchased traffic, and they are very difficult to do with SEO.

A landing page can also be a separate page on your website, for example, https://nethouse.ru/internet-magazin or https://moi-biser.nethouse.ru/czechbiser.

Individual pages allow you to collect internal project traffic. For example, a person from search engines came to your website on one of the pages from where you send him to the landing page. By clicking on the link, the user is taken to a website page made in landing page format. This format gives you more opportunities to sell a product or service than most classic styles of informational website design.

The advantages of this format are that you can drive traffic to such a landing page from different sources, including using Yandex.Direct and other sources.

Full landing pages

Full-fledged landing pages are one-page sites built on the principle: “take action or leave.”

Most often, visitors come to such landing pages from advertising (contextual, targeted, display, VKontakte audio advertising, email newsletters, etc.). As a rule, landing sites have a higher conversion rate than pages within a site in a classic design.

High conversion rate is a key advantage of landing pages. Why does this happen? It's a matter of psychology. The right landing pages grab the visitor’s attention (clear structure, beautiful graphics), convince him of the correct choice (emphasis on the benefits of the product) and, as a result, lead to a call to action block (Call To Action) - all this literally forces the person to take the action he needs to you.

As with microsites, the most a webmaster can do with a landing page to promote it is to SEO optimize it for the group targeted queries. But the possibilities SEO promotion landing pages are limited. You will have to buy the main traffic – yourself or with the help of an affiliate marketer.

Types of landing pages and their purpose

Depending on the purpose of creation, there are five main types of landing pages. Here's a handy chart for understanding the goals of each type:

The purpose of such a landing page, as the name suggests, is to sell a product or service. Often used to attract traffic paid methods– contextual advertising, teasers, etc. You might have seen landing pages like this when it was fashionable to sell a talking hamster toy. An example of a selling landing page is https://nabor-noskov.ru or http://www.maxitrip.ru/.

The key element of a selling landing page is the presence of one Call To Action (call to action), and all other blocks direct the user’s attention to it. There are also alternative examples selling landing pages that use massive CTA elements to encourage you to make a purchase.

If your sales are offline, or your type of business does not involve impulse buying, then a sales landing page will not suit you. In this case, landing pages for mailing lists, which are often called subscription sales pages, work better. An example of a subscription landing page with high conversion: https://www.unisender.com/ru/about/bonusy/correct-email/.

Such landing pages are created with one purpose - to get email or the visitor’s phone number for further work with him in the form of mailings or a call from a consultant.

The format works very well - you give me your contact, and I will give you a free gift. The bait could be a free book, a cost estimate, or a discount on a service related to the topic of your landing page. As a rule, a good landing page for a newsletter consists of literally one or three information blocks.

This format is often used to subscribe to an Internet service’s newsletter, to receive an individual promotional code that gives special privileges when presented in an offline business, subscription to a TV series, etc.

An informational landing page is created to stir up interest in a new company product or a special event that will happen in the foreseeable future. The purpose of the information landing page is to subsequently transfer the visitor to the main site, or to add a certain date to the user’s calendar. Good example information landing page: https://www.coca-cola.ru/product.

The difference from other types of landing pages is, as a rule, the absence of any call to action. On such a landing page, as a rule, descriptions, images and infographics prevail.

This format is suitable for you if you want to talk about new feature of your project, for example, that now your White Label project will show in detail the conditions for the transportation of luggage.

A viral landing page involves the presence of entertaining or educational content that visitors will be happy to share on social networks and thereby increase the brand’s advertising reach.

Examples of viral landing pages with high conversion:

Such landing pages can look like a landing page for collecting contacts, and like an information page, and have any other format, their main feature– presence of wow content.

The company logo should not be too conspicuous. It's better for him to be somewhere in the background. In this case, your brand will be subconsciously associated by the audience with the wow effect that you have prepared for it.

In most cases, this type of landing page is used by online stores and includes a combination of almost all of the above types of landing pages. An example of such a landing page is https://www.mvideo.ru/promo/predator-50.

Differential landing pages are integrated into the main website and provide full information about your product or service. Such landing pages are often used for promotional offers and serve as information landing pages.

As a rule, a differential landing page has forms for collecting contacts, as does a landing page for collecting email addresses.

In addition, differential landing pages are often used to attract and process traffic for low-frequency search engine queries.

The advantage of this solution is that the user who lands on this page does not have to spend a long time searching for the information he needs throughout your site.

What type of landing page is best?

We have posted examples of information landing pages and other types of landing pages. Compare all types and choose the one that best suits your task. Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to the question of what type of landing page is best - start from the goals you are pursuing and try different options.

Share your experience of creating sales pages in the comments, and also ask questions to our team and website builder experts

It's no secret that one of the ways to fight for a client is advertising. It can have the most varied manifestations, but the main goal will always be the same - the attention of the audience. On the Internet in Lately So-called landing pages have become widespread, designed to attract users and turn them into buyers, customers, subscribers and other groups of customers loyal to the company or product. This type of online advertising is very effective and is often one of the main factors in gaining the trust of a large audience. In this article, we'll go into detail about what a landing page is, how it works, and what you need to know to create a successful landing page.

Landing page: concept and reasons for creation

Surely you have encountered this phenomenon more than once while surfing the Internet. Perhaps you simply did not know that you were dealing with a cleverly disguised advertising product. However, after reading the article, it will not be difficult for you to recognize it. So, what is a landing page? The term comes from the English landing page and is translated as “incoming/targeting or selling page.” It is a web page containing important information about a product or service, and is used to enhance the effectiveness of advertising and increase the audience. They get to it simply - through an online ad banner or a link in a search query. Often the transition to a landing page is made from email newsletters, social media, as well as various advertising campaigns in search engines.

The reasons for creating a landing page are obvious. They can be divided into three groups:

  • encourage the user to subscribe to the newsletter or simply register on the site;
  • encourage you to download or install any software;
  • sell a specific product during a promotion, sale, etc.

If we summarize the reasons described above, we can formulate the following purpose of the landing page: to turn an ordinary visitor into a buyer/subscriber and encourage him to take some specific action. I must say that the landing page copes with this very well.

Classification of landing pages: types and types

We figured out what a landing page is and why it is needed. However, it is important to know something else - what it looks like. There are several options for creating a landing page.

Types of landing page

Let's look at its most popular types:

  • main site;
  • microsite;
  • autonomous.

Some companies allocate several pages of their main website to create a landing page. This implementation has its place, but in most cases it is ineffective. This is due to the large number of navigation elements in the site design, which distract the user’s attention from the advertising page.

A separate microsite consisting of three to five advertising pages would be more effective in this situation. They contain, at a minimum, information about the product/service (only the most necessary), many attractive pictures, and videos. A microsite is usually used for promotions by large companies.

The most popular type of landing page is the standalone landing page. It is also called CTR landing. a detailed advertising offer, the main task of which is to encourage the user to take action right now. The prefix Clickthrough rate means click-through rate (the ratio of the number of people who went to the page using the banner to the number of its impressions). Its main attributes are a minimalist design, appealing slogans, an emphasis on the benefits of the present offer, large buttons, and countdown timers. This page is considered the most effective method attracting users.

Types of landing page

There are also several main types of landing pages. This:

  • viral;
  • lead pages;
  • advertising

A viral landing page does not contain any explicit advertising. Here it is disguised as an article, video or game, while the company logo is usually located somewhere in the corner/side and “acts” unobtrusively. In this case, the effect is achieved by getting the user accustomed to interactive entertainment, which as a result creates subconscious trust in the company/brand.

A lead page is typically used during marketing research. It helps to collect information about the target user of a product/service through tools such as questionnaires. Then, based on the data obtained, an effective proposal is formed.

An advertising landing page is an aggressive form of influence on the visitor. It contains a large number of graphic, text information, video material. Aimed at motivating action through a powerful flow of information influence.

Creating a landing page: basic rules

Before we talk directly about creating a landing page, you need to understand what a landing page is from various points of view. At least three aspects can be distinguished here:

  • technical - a web page consisting of various elements (HTML, CSS, texts, graphics, video);
  • business page that pushes the visitor to take a specific action in order to receive a benefit (purchase/subscription);
  • user - the page he arrived at via a link from a search engine/another site/via a banner.

Considering all these aspects of a landing page, we can formulate the main criteria by which a good landing page can be built. And the first thing here is a call to action, or call to action. In order for it to work, you must follow the following rules:

  • express clearly - clearly tell the user what he needs to do and what he will get as a result;
  • limit the number of calls - the fewer there are, the faster the visitor will perform the desired action;
  • have additional information in stock - it ultimately becomes a decisive factor for making the final decision;
  • use buttons - they should be noticeable and encourage a click.

However, before seeing the call, the user must linger on the page. And for this you need to use the right headings. They must meet the following requirements:

  • be simple and short;
  • be attractive from a design point of view (layout, font);
  • be succinct and contain relevant words.

It is also important that the page itself is pleasant and understandable to the user. To do this, it should be made as simple and convenient as possible, but attracting attention. What is important to observe:

  • all elements of the landing page should encourage action;
  • One landing page should have one main call to action;
  • there should be a lot of “air” (free space) on the page itself;
  • elements must be arranged in a clear logical sequence;
  • graphic elements should be used to direct the view;
  • It is advisable to separate parts of the page with contrasting colors.

In addition, there are a number of additional techniques that will make the page more effective. What is a landing page if not a motivator for immediate action? And to do it at the moment may be prompted by some limitation - a shortage of time, product, etc. To create a sense of urgency, place countdown timers on the page for the time remaining until the end of discounts or a counter for the number of available products.

Another important point- convince the user of absolute safety and reliability when performing any actions. To do this, place social data from authoritative web services on the page (for example, the number of likes on VK or Facebook), do not use fake reviews and statuses, and install elements of trust next to calls to action.

By following these simple but important tips, you can create an effective landing page.


Advertising is the engine of any business. On the Internet it takes on special forms and manifestations. In this article, we looked at what a landing page is and how it works for a business. We also learned about what it is, what it includes, what rules need to be followed to create a good landing page. Use the suggested tips to create a landing page for developing your own business. Good luck!

Now you will understand the real meaning of Landing Page and will be able to create super-effective landing pages. With the help of a landing page, we manipulate the visitor. A well-designed landing page will make almost anyone take the action we want. That's what you'll learn from this article, and it won't be a quick read.

So, what is a Landing Page? Landing is a place where the visitor seems to “ Lands", after he clicked on the ad in Google Adwords or Yandex-Direct. Landing page is - in simple words landing page, that is, it has one goal - to encourage a person to take action (CTA). The simplicity of Landing Page has made this tool incredibly popular and the best option to increase advertising conversions.

The task of the landing page is to steal the visitor’s attention 100%, so all distractions are removed from the page: unnecessary links, navigation elements, options, unnecessary texts, and so on.

Whether you think so or not, your site already has landing pages. Even if you didn’t specifically create them, you already have a landing page, because the definition of a landing page is the first page that a visitor lands on when visiting your website.

For many of you, the main page of the site is also a landing page. But an increasing number of website owners are creating separate Landing Pages from the main site, which allows visitors to skip unnecessary information that is not of interest to them.

Landing pages reduce sales costs because they have one specific goal.

Landing Hacking: Copywriting for Non-Writers

If the text on the landing page sucks, then no one will buy, no matter how beautiful the design is. You have no idea how important this is! It is the text that determines whether the landing page will be successful or not.

It may come as a surprise, but most people don't read every word of your ideal landing page. Instead, they watch the most important tidbits. Your task is to highlight these pieces so that the visitor does not miss anything important.

It’s painful to watch when I see primitive text on 95% of landing pages. Take the time to express your words correctly. You need to make your audience feel like you are actually talking to them. I won't pretend, it's really not easy.

But how to do that?

I thought you'd never ask. And I have a unique life hack for you. You don't have to be a writer, there's no big secret, especially if you're selling your own product or your servant.

Find an interlocutor and try to sell him something, and record your speech on a voice recorder. Then translate the audio into text, and you will see how the text becomes simple, concise and convincing. This is exactly the kind of text you need for a landing page, in a conversational style. Such text creates the effect of presence; the client will feel as if you are talking to him through the text.

Conversational language is extremely important in copywriting. Talk about why your product is amazing as if you were talking face to face. The text should not be formal and sound sincere.

Cut off that inner editor in your mind who sounds like a high school literature teacher.

But all of this is pointless if your title is bad. The headline inspires and compels the visitor to stay and imagine a tangible benefit after the purchase. Look at the Apple iPad example:

But don't follow Apple, because they are the gods of retail, and we are ordinary people. The key to writing a great headline is to understand who your audience is. The title should contain specifics, numbers, and the client’s pain. What does not fit into the title must be placed in the subtitle.

I also really insist on taking training from Anton Petrochenkov on creating a Landing Page, in which he shares secret life hacks on how to write killer texts without experience in copywriting. Even I thought I knew everything, but it turns out I don’t :)


Headlines don't say much. It's hard to evoke an emotional response in two sentences. This may take hundreds to thousands of words.

Luckily, we have pictures for that.

The main image can be just as important as the headline. Images are the aesthetic component of your landing page that tells people “yes, you are in the right place and you can trust this company” without even realizing it.

The image should show the process or result. Don’t skimp, use the services of a professional photographer and show a photo of you, your team, how the work process works, and so on on the landing page.

Show the benefits

If someone starts scrolling down, you've done something right. Maybe it's the ad text, the headline, the main image or something else, people who read all the landing pages are telling you, “I'm interested.”

The only problem is that most companies don't know how to talk about themselves. Why? It's hard not to praise yourself when you lived every day improving your product or offering. Therefore, I would like to talk about how unique your business is.

But people don't care!

The problem is that people on the landing page don't care. They don't care how many countless hours you put into this neat feature. It doesn’t matter that you’ve been on the market for 30 years! They have only one question:

Will this make my life easier?

Stop bragging. Just answer this question. How will your product make life easier? What will change for the better for the client?

Life hack. You've probably come across amazing landing pages somewhere and wondered how to copy a landing page. Using the link you can order a copy of the Landing Page for only 500 rubles.


put the offer in the best possible light, it's their job to show how great your product is. Unfortunately, most people are not gullible. What you need is social proof—reviews. But reviews often have no weight because they are easy to falsify. For a review to be credible, you need reputable sources that can be verified.

  • Opinion leaders. Ask others to tell you about you. These could be some famous characters from your industry.
  • More details - more believable. Author's name, position, links to social media. This will make it easy to trace the source.
  • Photos. The customers' faces once again confirm the authenticity of the reviews.
  • Video reviews. Video testimonials expand this principle even further. They are more difficult to fake.
  • External content. If you have rabid reviews on social media, drag them onto your website. External widgets cannot be changed, so they look more raw and real.

According to Reevo, customer reviews increase sales by 18%.

Difference between Landing Page and other pages

When asking the question “How is a landing page different from other pages?”, you must understand that landing pages are designed for paid traffic such as Google Adwords, while the home page of a website is designed for organic search traffic.

The main difference between a landing page is that the page requests data from the user in exchange for something valuable.

Landing pages are used when you have an understanding of who the visitor is - this is determined by the source of the referral. The image below shows the main page on the left, the landing page on the right, action areas are shown in yellow, these are links or buttons:

It has been proven that the fewer links or buttons, the higher the conversion when it comes to paid advertising. When a visitor has a choice, it is more difficult for him to make a decision; he has to choose. He begins to think, fidget with his thoughts. Therefore, you only need to do one way and as few distractions as possible.

Types of landing pages

There are two main types of Landing Page.

Landing pages for lead generation. Sometimes called capture pages. Their purpose is to collect data from customers, such as email addresses. This is the main type of landing page used for B2B marketing. Typically contains many input fields used for audience segmentation and personalization. Can be used for distribution free book, registration for a webinar, subscription to news.

Click-through landing pages. If you've purchased anything online, you've most likely used a Landing Page. Used for E-commerce and have a simple action button. Intended for sales purposes only. Convert lukewarm leads into hot and repeat buyers. The length of the landing page depends on the price, the level of trust of the audience and the complexity of the offer. The fewer barriers there are before purchasing, the shorter the landing page.

Landing page relevance

Every 7 out of 10 visitors will bounce from your landing page. The headline is what they read in the first few seconds, so it should clearly and concisely convey the value of the offer. Otherwise, impatient people will leave the site. And by the way, they are the majority.

A fundamental aspect of design should be the relevance of the landing page and advertising. In other words, what we see in the advertisement should be the same on the landing page.

This is a concept I call " leveling" The better the alignment between your source (where the visitor came from) and your landing page, the higher the likelihood of conversion.

I have a friend who runs a very successful beauty products company and they did a lot of experiments and they found that if an ad shows a certain model, the landing page should have that exact same model. Otherwise, the conversion rate drops sharply - this is leveling in action.

It sounds simple, but in reality, most people make this unforgivable mistake.

Example of a bad match: Get 50% off iPhone X. Landing text: Welcome to the Apple hardware store.

Example of a good match: Get 50% discount on ihpone X. Landing text: Get 50% discount on ihpone X at the Apple hardware store.

When should you use a landing page?

Try using a landing page for each advertising campaign separately. Perhaps you are selling miscellaneous goods and different audience segments. One landing page cannot cope with such diversity.

Marketing style and effectiveness will also vary depending on the source (PPC, email, organic traffic, social media, banner ads). For example, not all stocks are for all people.

Prospects who arrive via a 140-character tweet know very little about you and need that extra bit of information to move them further down the funnel. Such a visitor is very different from one who came from after reading a huge text of several paragraphs. Each of these groups needs separate landing pages.

Another important advantage of segmenting traffic to different landing pages is measurability. Of course, it can show you that your social media traffic is superior to email traffic. But what if you want to improve your email performance without affecting social media or PPC conversions? By changing your landing page, which consumes all types of traffic, you will inevitably affect the conversion rate of all other sources.

Video on Landing Page

Video is a must-have and must be used. This is the most easy way interaction with the visitor. Research from eyeviewdigital.com shows that videos increase conversion rates by up to 80%.

People have been glued to their television screens since the mid-20th century. Video has changed the Internet, and YouTube is now “the new search engine.”

  • Everyone is lazy and likes to watch rather than read.
  • Increases the length of stay on the landing page.
  • If you feature yourself or company employees in a video, credibility increases significantly.

Try short and long videos to see what your customers need. Some things require long videos, while others need short, “commercial” style videos.

Write a script before recording your video. Use an external microphone for high-quality sound.

Reusing Content. Upload your video to YouTube and optimize it for SEO. Videos are 52 times more likely to appear on the first page Google page than a text article (most likely due to lack of competition).

If you have an online product or service, you can put together promotional, educational, or training videos and embed them on your landing page in minutes using a service like Jing.

How to measure the effectiveness of a landing page?

Landing pages, like the rest of your site, should be carefully measured to determine effectiveness. You need to define an action that you consider successful, for example, purchasing a product, making an inquiry additional information, download a document, sign up for a free trial, etc.

You should then divide the number of participants by the number of visitors to get your ‘conversion rate’. Good, depends on the type of your Landing Page. Research shows that lead generation conversion rates are around 3-5%, and e-commerce rates are 1-2%.

Effective landing page

Landing pages are typically used when you have a clear understanding of who the visitor is. And to understand this you need to know the source of the click. This means that the landing page can be highly targeted, providing maximum impact to a specific audience. Here are a few principles to follow when designing a landing page.

Recognition– the idea or thought that a visitor experiences when he finds what he was looking for the moment he lands on the landing page.

Confidence– in general, your landing page should be perceived as risk-free, in other words, there should be no red flags.

Persuasiveness– your Landing Page must effectively convince the visitor that your product or service will help him achieve his goals. Be sure to consider the source of visits as a clue to what they are looking for.

A clear call to action- This is perhaps the most important element that contributes to conversion. Your CTA button should stand out, meaning you should use a color that contrasts with other elements on the page.

Ask only for what you need. On the capture form, ask for as little information as possible to keep the barrier to entry low. A phone number or email address is more than enough to get you hooked.

Remove all navigation. Your landing page has one purpose and one purpose only: convert visitors into leads. Any additional links, including internal links to other sections of your site - they will only distract. Remove them to direct all attention to the call to action.

Make your page responsive. Just like any other pages on your website, landing pages should also be responsive. The last thing you want is for your application form to disappear from view on mobile devices.

Search optimization. Of course, you will be driving visitors to your landing page via email, social media, and contextual advertising, but your landing page should also be optimized for target keywords from organic search. When someone searches for your keyword phrase, they will be taken to your landing page.

Don't forget to use the thank you page. The thank you page is where you will send leads after completing the application form. You can leave the gratitude on this page or refuse the gratitude altogether, but this is not the best option.

Create instant intimacy. The top half of the first screen should be used to instantly confirm that the visitor is in the right place. Consider using headlines and images.

I usually prefer to state the positioning with a longer version of the title, usually around 12-15 words, to let the visitor know exactly what the site is about.

Use specific headings and subheadings. Using a main heading and subheadings throughout your landing page will help visitors understand your information at a glance. The visitor will decide which sections of the text are interesting to him.

Focus on a specific goal. It is true that a landing page can only perform one main task. A typical example of a task is a purchase or capture mechanism, such as a free download or trial version. The goal may be to encourage the visitor to go to your main site. In any case, focusing on one goal will lead to good results.

Use multiple calls to action. No, this does not contradict the previous advice to focus on one goal. It's about making multiple calls for the same action. This is especially important for long landing pages. If your page is short, then you don't need more than one call.

Use effective layout and design. The way you use graphic design and layout on the landing page will affect sales. There are design principles that make sense to apply:

  • For ease of reading, keep text columns narrow—no more than 80 characters.
  • If you're selling a physical product, present an image of it (often called a hero shot). Make sure the image quality is good.
  • Images grab people's attention, so place key text below your product hero images.

Landing Page Structure. The good news is that you don't need to get creative. For a landing page, the main thing is functionality and efficiency. Most landing pages have a similar structure because they have been proven to work effectively. You can add graphics and images, but stick to the format that people are used to seeing.

Secret sauce

The principles listed above will get you on the right track, but the real secret sauce is testing. Once you've designed your landing page, track the results using analytics, such as Roistat's end-to-end analytics, and then make changes.

Unfortunately, even if you do everything right, there is no guarantee that the landing page will work the way you want.

What is A/B testing? This is a simultaneous experiment between two or more landing pages to determine which one performs worse or better. Despite the name, the experiment can be carried out with any number of landing pages.

Traffic is randomly allocated to each page variant based on a given weight - for example, if you are running a test with 2 page variants, you can split the traffic 50/50 or 60/40. Visitors are typically directed so that they will always see the same version of the page.

If you're starting a campaign from scratch, you'll likely assign equal weight (traffic) to each page. You need to drive a certain amount of traffic through your test pages before the results are statistically significant.

What needs to be tested on a landing page?

A/B testing is both an art and a science. It's very unpredictable. Most marketing departments, usability specialists, designers and management rely on a mixture of experience, intuition and personal opinion when it comes to deciding what will work best for their clients.

Be prepared to throw all the guesswork out the window and get a real understanding of what works and what doesn't - testing, like a camera, never lies.

In the end, it will be your customers and your brand () who will decide what works best. With that said, there are a certain number of landing page elements that you can change in your testing. The test options are up to you, and which one works best depends on the clients whether you like it or not.

Some of the items you should consider testing:

  1. Main title
  2. Call to action(CTA) – usually the text on the button
  3. Image. Picture with context. Try your photo (if you have one)
  4. Button design
  5. Button color– green for action, blue for reference color, orange or red for emotional response
  6. Number of input fields on the form
  7. Long copy vs short copy. Often shorter is better, but for some products the detail is important in the decision making process. Check it out and see.

Continue to monitor whether your results are improving. If the results do not change, go back to the original version and try another change. We've seen this type of testing improve Landing Page results many times over!

Final thoughts

Now you clearly understand what a landing page is. You have one thing on your mind: sales. Therefore, with the help of this guide, you can make the perfect Landing Page. I admit that I only covered 10% of the information in this article, it was interesting but it only scratches the surface, so I recommend you take an in-depth course like this one!

  • How to copy a landing page.

    Popular CMS for landing pages

    The most commonly used CMS (content management systems) for creating landing pages:

    • WordPress
    • Joomla
    • Opencart
    • Drupal
    • Bitrix
    • Adobe Muse
    • Tilda
    • Textolite
    • Without CMS

    Using any of these systems, you can create a landing page inexpensively on the kwork freelance exchange, at a price of 2,500 rubles. When choosing a performer, pay attention to reviews and status. And also what services are included in the price: installation on hosting, SEO optimization, form feedback, selection of pictures, content filling and so on.

    Video infographic about Landing Page: