How to order several products from one seller: save on delivery, order items in different colors. How to combine products on Aliexpress into one package? Is it possible to order several products on Aliexpress?

Aliexpress is so popular today that it has countless satisfied customers. After all, this online store is always at hand with affordable prices. However, before you make several purchases, you need to find out how to order several goods in one package on Aliexpress, so as not to overpay for delivery?

A store like Aliexpress is a huge trading platform, which has many separate shops and sellers on its territory. Based on this, the buyer can make many purchases from one seller, or he can order from several.

Multiple purchases from one seller

Before the selected product goes to the cart (for which there is a separate button), you need to decide on the size or color, and maybe the purchase package, that is, you need to carefully read the characteristics of the selected product and only then click on the “add to cart” button.

If the buyer accidentally hurried and already clicked the “add to cart” button, then a window will pop up, which will reflect that it is necessary to select a size or configuration. This is necessary to determine some of the exact characteristics of the desired purchase.

After one product has been selected and added to the cart, you can select another product and carry out the same operations. To do this, the computer will prompt you to “go to cart or return to the site.” If the buyer navigates back to the cart, he sees his ordered product. The window will also ask you to “order from this seller.” After all, it’s not uncommon for buyers to order several products from one seller at once.

That is, before starting the purchase, the customer selects the “place an order” button. If the buyer has made his choice, he is offered the service of ordering from the same seller and the customer has the right to make his choice. Such an operation will not combine the goods into one parcel, but will simply help pay for the purchase more conveniently, that is, in one payment. When the above operations are completed and there are no plans to buy anything else, it’s time to pay for the order.

Ordered products may have either paid or free delivery. Also on the website you can see the connection with the seller, so if you wish, you can ask to send the order in one package. To do this, you just need to send him a message.

At the top there is a box where it says “write to the seller”. When you click on it, a rectangular empty window appears, where the appeal is written in English. If you have difficulties knowing a foreign language, then it is better to use an online translator, which will quickly simplify the task.

An order for Aliexpress can be placed either from different sellers or from one. And, of course, it is most convenient to combine goods into one parcel, and it is much easier to ship this way, but more often than not, customers do not make such requests, so purchases arrive in different separate parcels.

Products ordered from different sellers

Some buyers are wondering how to order items from different sellers, but combine them into 1 order? The fact is that Aliexpress is a huge trading platform, and the sellers working there may be located in different cities. As a result, once customers have purchased a product, it is not possible to combine purchases. Because of this, each parcel will arrive separately. The parcel has its own tracking number, which helps to easily track the location of the purchased item, and after receipt it is easy to confirm this action.

Also find out.

How to get an additional discount on Aliexpress?

To save even more, this tip will be useful to you. There is a service with which you can get back from 2.5% to 15%. It works quite simply. Register using this link, buy according to the instructions, when the product arrives and you mark it, 2.5 to 15% is credited back to your account, depending on the product purchased. This money can then be withdrawn to a card, mobile phone account or electronic money account. Of course, if the goods did not arrive to you and your money was returned, then you will not receive a discount. But when you receive goods and constantly buy, a constant discount never hurts.
Some doubt it, wondering how this could work. But it's simple. Many online stores have referral programs: you refer a buyer, and then receive a portion of the income from this buyer. But what prevents you from bringing yourself and receiving rewards for your loved one?

Have a nice shopping experience on the Aliexpress website.

The popularity of the AliExpress trading platform is constantly growing. And in this regard, new questions arise regarding its use. Today we will look at one of them: how to order several products on Aliexpress in one package and is it possible to do this to save on delivery?

Once you have made your choice and are ready to purchase, pay attention to the name of the store and its characteristics. Compare the names of all the stores from which the products were selected.

AliExpress store name

Or simply add the item to your cart, and the system will sort your desired purchases by seller.

If the product was purchased from different sellers

Let us remind you that AliExpress is a platform that includes many different stores that are located in all corners of the world. In practice, they can be located in Shanghai or Singapore, and more recently even. The sellers not only do not know each other, but also live in different countries. Everyone has their own delivery time and cost. Therefore, when making a purchase from different stores, it is physically impossible to combine them into a single package.

But if your purchase volume is more than 15-20 units per month and you want individual delivery and are willing to pay extra for it, you can use the services of third-party transport companies that have their own collection points. For example, all parcels will arrive at a single warehouse in China, and the transport company will collect them and deliver them to you as groupage cargo. In this case, you will have to pay separately for their delivery services, and, if necessary, resolve issues with customs clearance or damage to the goods yourself. In this option, there is no need to even talk about savings.

Purchasing multiple units from one seller

It’s a completely different matter when the desired product is available in one store. Choose the one you need, just add it to your cart. But don’t forget to pay. We recommend asking for the possibility of sending your order in one parcel. If he agrees, then wait until he adjusts the total cost, and then complete the purchase. See the video for more details.

But there is one drawback to this option. The process of unpacking the parcel itself is worth filming. No one is protected from deception. For example, the seller may forget to put something in the package or intentionally send only 1 item.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What happens if I pay for all orders in one payment, will they arrive in one parcel?

No. When paying for an order through the “Checkout” button in the cart, AliExpress will accept the money and notify sellers about the payment received and the need to ship. Only after the parcels are delivered, the system will transfer them to the seller.

After clicking the “Order from this seller” button, will everything arrive in one package?

Many people mistakenly think that the seller will send your purchases in one parcel. Usually, this is true, provided that the required quantity is in stock. No one will forbid him to send each product separately, even if you made a selection specifically for this. Therefore, before purchasing, check all the conditions you need.

I want to order one lot, but with different sizes (parameters), what should I do?

In this case, the order will be automatically sent in one parcel. To do this, you should indicate the parameters or types of products you need in the comments to the order.


  • As we understood from the article, there is no one hundred percent probability of combining orders into one. But in our opinion, this is even for the better. Today, the storage time of a parcel at your post office is more than 15 days - there is no need to constantly run there for a newly arrived parcel.
  • Free shipping with purchase eliminates the need to save on shipping.
  • Provided that you order no more than 15-20 parcels per month, it is better to separate them. The likelihood of losing your purchase, despite the opportunity, is still high. And even with this, it will be easier to negotiate.
  • A larger number of small purchases will attract less attention from customs services than constant large parcels.

Enjoy the shopping. We will be glad to see you in our group

Sometimes you need to order several products from one seller.
In most cases, the buyer makes only one order, adds a comment to the order and asks to change the price to reflect the desired items.
This, of course, can be done, but the more changes you make to your order, the higher the chance that the seller will forget or confuse something (color, product, quantity).
This happens for several reasons:

1. The manager with whom you communicate does not send your goods personally. Therefore, he cannot control the process of sending the goods.
The manager may be physically located in another city/country.

2. The more changes you make to an already completed order, the higher the likelihood that the seller/manager will forget about some of them.
3. Even after confirming the order change, you may receive an incomplete order or the wrong product. While you are checking out and changing/adding a new product, it may just run out, and the seller will only find out about it the next day.
4. The packer does not delve into the essence of your problem and does not read all correspondence with the manager. The packer only reads the first line -NOTE- in your order:

The group code is not specified, and even if you specified it later, the packer will ignore your message.
This is the main reason why packers forget to put extra. accessories: case, wire, film, etc.

How to order several products from one seller.

2. Add the desired product to your cart, but do not pay.

3. If you have added all the products you need, then go to your cart and click Buy All from this Seller.
This way the packer/seller will see all the products in one order. The chance of making a mistake with the packaging or forgetting to send the goods is aimed at 0.

4. Use a coupon if you have one, if not, then get it for free here -.
5. Add a group code next to each product
6. You place an order, but do not pay. Wait for the seller to change the price - if necessary. If not, go to point 7.

7. After the price changes, you pay for the goods.

Thus, you have placed several products with 1 order number, but each product has a record of a group code and each product is displayed separately:

The packer sees complete information about your orders and requests:

Why haven’t they changed the price of my product for a long time?

Very often, buyers write that they have not changed the price of a product for a long time. If you do not take into account force majeure situations (sales / absence of a seller), then the price, usually, if you did everything correctly, is changed within 2-24 hours.
The seller changes the price first of all for orders with a group code and only then for all others... If when placing an order, and not after, you indicated a group code, then the seller immediately changes your price to the auction price.
Correctly placed order:

Incorrectly placed order:

If you placed an order and forgot to indicate the Group code, then the seller will first change all other orders and maybe later change yours.

is one of the largest trading platforms in China, which connects buyers with many different online stores. In other words, Aliexpress is a store of stores where you can buy anything and place an order from anywhere on the planet (and at wholesale prices)

Each online store on Aliexpress has a large assortment of goods (which is duplicated hundreds of times in other stores on Aliexpress) and has its own seller.

Therefore, having made several purchases, you will most likely receive the ordered goods separately (in different parcels), even if you pay for them in one payment. Simply put, the goods you ordered may belong to different sellers who are (most often) in different cities.

If it is important for you to receive paid goods from China together (in one parcel), then select one seller on Aliexpress and make all your desired purchases in his store.

The store name of the product you are interested in can be found in the upper left corner of each page with an open product. There, you can and should also look at the seller’s rating and read reviews about him, which is certainly important when choosing a provider (seller) before purchasing.

It often happens that even after making several purchases from one seller (in one store), several parcels arrive. Why?

  • There may be several reasons for parcel separation:
    The goods you ordered may be located in different warehouses of the seller's store.
  • At the time of purchase, the product was out of stock, and after it arrived, it was shipped later.

The solution is this: when placing your order, it is better to write a note for one of the goods for the supplier that you want to receive all the goods ordered from him in one parcel.

How is the delivery price calculated when combining goods into one parcel?

When combining goods into one package with paid delivery, you need to understand that the delivery amount is added up.

For example: if delivery of a phone by Singapore Post costs $5, and delivery of a bracelet costs $3, also by Singapore Post, then in the end you will need to pay $8 for delivery (5+3=8$)

How to choose a delivery service and track your parcel:

Note from the site site

If you do not have a lot of orders, it is better to send them in separate parcels.

Why is this better?

  • Your country may have a tax on the amount of goods you receive. For example, in Ukraine it is 150 euros, which means that if they send you a phone for $155 and a bracelet for $30, then you will already have to pay a duty for exceeding the customs limit (150 euros).
  • Also, customs pays less attention to small (small) parcels, and checks larger parcels more. If you don’t want your parcels to be unpacked and rummaged through, then this is also an argument in favor of separate parcels.
  • Also, if all the goods were sent to you in one parcel and it got lost, which also sometimes happens, then you will be left with nothing, but if you send each item in separate parcels, then it is possible that at least something will arrive))