Maximum battery saving for Android. So, here is a list of seven main ways to save battery power on Android smartphones. Optimized Lenovo battery state.

Google Company annually adds many settings and functions to the Android operating system, many of which are hidden from the eyes of ordinary users. This was done on purpose, but with good intentions. The American corporation believes that if an inexperienced owner of some inexpensive Android smartphone accidentally activates certain important settings, then his device may start to work slower or discharge much faster, so right out of the box, all smartphones based on Google’s OS have only basic activated functionality, but this is very easy to fix.

Although every year all smartphones work longer on a single battery charge, largely due to better software optimization for hardware, but hidden setting in all Android smartphones the time significantly increases battery life from the battery, and now absolutely anyone can activate it, since it is definitely available in any custom firmware and in all models of mobile devices.

All smartphones based on the Android operating system have an incredibly large reserve of power, which is simply excessive for solving simple everyday screens. It's like driving a car, sometimes pressing the gas to the floor, and then slowing down again. In the case of smartphones, it’s not the gasoline that drains faster, but the battery charge. In order to increase the battery life of your mobile device, you need to launch “Settings”, and then go to the “Battery” section.

In the “Battery” section, three vertically located dots should be visible in the upper right corner, which you need to click on. In the menu that appears, you will need to select “Power Saving Mode” and then activate it. As a result, processor performance will be reduced, which will allow up to 50% increase in battery life on a single battery charge. This feature is available in all smartphones and tablets running Android 5.0 Lollipop and higher.

To achieve an even greater effect, the editors of the site recommend installing the “Doze-energy-saving” application, which significantly increases the battery life of all Android smartphones, since a lot of charging is “eaten up” by processes running in background, which the user does not even see. After installing it, you need to select from the list only those programs and services that should continue to function normally.

It is worth choosing the most basic messengers, email clients and other core programs that need to receive notifications in real time rather than delayed. This program works in such a way that all processes that are running in the background and consuming battery power are automatically frozen. This does not cause any harm to them or the data stored in them, and using this application can significantly increase battery life by up to 40% of the standard. This is especially noticeable at night, when without this program the smartphone’s battery will be discharged by 10-12%, and with it only by 5-6%.

This article provides some tips for optimizing your apps' battery consumption.
By disabling background update services when the connection is lost or reducing the frequency of updates when the battery level is low, you can significantly minimize the impact of the application on the battery.
It is advisable to disable some background services (downloading updates or application content from the network, complex calculations, etc.) or reduce the frequency of their launch when the battery level is low. For such actions, it is important to take into account several factors, such as the current charging status of the device, the presence of a connected docking station, or whether it is connected to the network. Below are ways to obtain these values ​​and monitor their changes.

Current charging status

The BatteryManager class distributes information about the level and state of battery charge in the corresponding intent. In this case, you can register the BroadcastReceiver and receive timely information about the battery status. Or you can get this data one-time without registering receiver"a:
IntentFilter ifilter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED); Intent batteryIntent = context.registerReceiver(null, ifilter);
From the received intent, information is taken about the current battery charge level, charging status, and whether charging from the network is in progress alternating current(AC) or USB:
public void getBatteryStatus(Intent batteryIntent) ( // Is the battery charging (or is it already charged)? int status = batteryIntent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_STATUS, -1); boolean isCharging = status == BatteryManager.BATTERY_STATUS_CHARGING || status == BatteryManager. BATTERY_STATUS_FULL; //How is charging done? int chargePlug = batteryIntent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_PLUGGED, -1); boolean usbCharge = chargePlug == BatteryManager.BATTERY_PLUGGED_USB; boolean acCharge = chargePlug == BatteryManager.BATTERY_PLUGGED_AC; )
Typically, it is worth increasing the frequency of background app updates to the maximum if the device is charging from AC power, reducing it if charging is via USB, and minimizing it if the device is not charging at all.
In the same case, when you need to monitor the charging status of the device, you should register a BroadcastReceiver in the application manifest, which will receive connection/disconnection messages charger. In this case, you need to add ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED and ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED to the intent-filter:

public class PowerConnectionReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver ( @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) ( getBatteryStatus(intent); ) )

Current battery charge

The current relative battery charge can be calculated from the current charge and maximum charge values:
int level = battery.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_LEVEL, -1); int scale = battery.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_SCALE, -1); float batteryPct = level / (float)scale;
It is worth mentioning that regular monitoring of the battery status is resource-intensive for the battery itself. Therefore, it is recommended to monitor only certain changes in the charge level, namely the low charge level:

It's a good practice to disable any background updates or calculations when your battery level gets low.

Dock status and type

There are a large number of docking stations for Android devices. For example, a docking station in a car or a keyboard dock for an Asus Transformer. However, most docking stations charge the device itself.
You can get information about the type and state of the docking station from action"a ACTION_DOCK_EVENT. It can be obtained one-time:
IntentFilter ifilter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_DOCK_EVENT); Intent dockIntent = context.registerReceiver(null, ifilter);
or subscribe to alerts by adding BroadcastReceiver to the manifest and specifying action:

Information about the docking station is obtained as follows:
public void getDockStatus(Intent dockIntent) ( //dock connection int dockState = dockIntent.getIntExtra(Intent.EXTRA_DOCK_STATE, -1); boolean isDocked = dockState != Intent.EXTRA_DOCK_STATE_UNDOCKED; //dock type boolean isCar = dockState == Intent.EXTRA_DOCK_STATE_CAR; boolean isDesk = dockState == Intent.EXTRA_DOCK_STATE_DESK || dockState == Intent.EXTRA_DOCK_STATE_LE_DESK || dockState == Intent.EXTRA_DOCK_STATE_HE_DESK; )
The values ​​EXTRA_DOCK_STATE_HE_DESK and EXTRA_DOCK_STATE_LE_DESK appeared only with API version 11.

Network connection status

Before performing background app updates or lengthy network downloads, you should check your connection and its approximate speed. To do this, you can use the ConnectivityManager class.

Internet connection definition:
ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager)context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); NetworkInfo activeNetwork = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo(); boolean isConnected = activeNetwork.isConnectedOrConnecting();
It is also sometimes worth determining the type of current connection before starting downloads. This can be important because... connection speed mobile internet usually lower than Wi-Fi, but the cost of traffic is higher.
boolean isWiFi = activeNetwork.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI;
You can subscribe to notifications of connection state changes by adding to the BroadcastReceiver manifest by specifying the appropriate action:

Since these changes can happen quite frequently, it is a good practice to only monitor these alerts if updates or downloads have been previously disabled. Usually it is enough to check the connection before starting updates and, if there is no connection, subscribe to alerts.

Turn notifications on/off

It is not recommended to keep notifications about the status of the battery, docking station and connection status constantly on, because they will wake up the device too often. The best solution is to turn on alerts only when necessary.
The PackageManager class allows you to change the state of elements declared in the manifest, including enabling/disabling BroadcastReceivers:
ComponentName receiver = new ComponentName(context, CustomReceiver.class); PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager(); pm.setComponentEnabledSetting(receiver, PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_ENABLED, PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP);
Using a similar technique, you can, for example, if the connection is lost, leave only the notification about changes in the network state turned on. When a connection appears, you can turn off notifications about network changes and only check for the current connection.
This technique can also be used to delay downloading data from the network until there is a higher bandwidth connection, such as Wi-Fi.

The article is a free translation of a set of tips from the Android Training program on optimizing battery consumption by applications.

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Without a doubt, the weakest point modern smartphones and tablets is the battery, the capacity of which is in current mobile devices sometimes there is barely enough for a day of active use.

Today we will look at the basic practical techniques to save battery power on smartphones and tablets running the operating system. Google systems Android.

So, here is a list of seven main ways to save battery power. Android smartphones:

Reducing the automatic turn-off time of the screen backlight and brightness

Modern smartphones have relatively large screens high resolution, which, together with the processor that provides image output to them, consume the lion's share of the energy stored in the battery.

Therefore, the first and most logical step would be to reduce screen time to a minimum. We won’t be able to do this while we’re working with a smartphone, but we can quite easily reduce the screen’s operating time in rest mode: to do this, we just need to reduce the time after which the screen backlight will be automatically extinguished.

To do this you need to follow these steps

2. Select the “Screen” section, and in it the “Sleep mode” item.

3. Decide which time works best for you, using the principle: less time = more savings.

The second aspect of savings: screen brightness. Automatic adjustment The screen brightness is definitely very useful feature, which is actively used by millions of people around the world. However, it forces the light sensor to work continuously and does not always establish the optimal ratio of brightness that is comfortable for the user and the brightness at which maximum savings will be ensured.

Therefore, in some cases it is worth experimenting with this parameter by setting its value manually.

How to reduce screen brightness?

1. Go to the System Settings section.

2. Select the “Screen” - “Brightness” section.

3. Use the slider to set the screen brightness to your desired level.

Simple wallpapers can save battery life on many smartphones

Using simple wallpaper is a rather controversial issue in terms of battery saving. However, no one will argue with the fact that live wallpapers, the image of which is constantly changing, consume significantly more energy than wallpapers with a regular, stationary picture.

In addition, owners of smartphones with AMOLED screens should keep in mind that the brighter and lighter the colors displayed on the display, the more energy it consumes. This is due to the fact that each dot (pixel) on such screens is a separate LED, which, when illuminated, consumes energy from the battery.

For these reasons, the most optimal wallpaper for AMOLED screens will be a simple black background.

Restrict applications from receiving web data in the background

The Android operating system is a multitasking system in which many applications, both system and user-run, run simultaneously.

And if you switch from one application to another, this does not mean that the previous application has completed its work completely: it can work quite actively in the background, receiving, for example, data from the Network and processing it, which consumes a significant amount of energy from battery

How to disable unnecessary apps in the background?

1. Go to the System Settings section.

2. In the section " Wireless network» Open the “Data transfer” item.

3. In the list, find applications that you think consume too much data, and selecting specific ones, disable the ability for them to download data in the background.

Disable unnecessary communication modules

Data exchange via wireless modules Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, LTE and GPS requires a lot of energy, and each of the adapters listed above makes a significant contribution to the drain on your smartphone’s battery if you have it turned on 24/7.

Therefore, when leaving home, you should turn off the Wi-Fi module and turn it on only when you come to work, or to another place where you will connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi. The same goes for NFC module And Bluetooth adapter, which should be turned on only while listening to music through wireless headphones or speakers and pairing with other devices.

If you don't need your smartphone to know its (and your) location, turn off the shutter location mode quick settings your device.

Turn off automatic app updates

Automatic application updates are a very convenient thing. If our device is connected to a mobile or Wi-Fi networks, in this mode it automatically and regularly checks Google Play Market for the latest versions of applications, as well as games that we installed earlier.

Automatic application updates, especially if it is performed through a connection to the operator’s network mobile communications can significantly affect the battery life of our smartphones and tablets.

How to disable automatic update applications?

1. Launch Google Play Store.

2. In the Settings section, find and open the “Auto-update applications” item

3. Select one of the options: “Never” or “Only Via Wi-Fi”.

Turn off vibration mode

Vibration response mode, when you press the smartphone screen, it responds with a slight vibration - a very good thing in terms of ease of use, providing confirmation of the press virtual buttons and triggering of other interface elements. However, in active use mode, this function can significantly affect the accelerated drainage of the battery of our mobile devices.

How to turn off unnecessary vibrations?

1. Go to the System Settings section, Sounds.

2. Find the “Other sounds” item here.

3. Disable “Vibration response” and, if necessary: ​​“Vibrate on call”.

Use Power Saving Mode

And, perhaps, almost the most serious and important aspect in ensuring the longest battery life of a smartphone or tablet is the use of the energy saving mode, which appeared recently in operating system Android 5 Lollipop.

This mode significantly limits the number of applications running in the background, reduces screen brightness, disables some graphic effects, etc., doing everything possible to ensure the longest battery life on your device.

You can make this mode turn on automatically on your smartphone when its battery is discharged to a certain level, or turn it on manually if necessary.

How to enable power saving mode?

1. Go to System Settings.

2. Select Battery.

3. Click on the menu button in the form of a vertical ellipsis and select “Power Saving Mode”

Here you can turn the power saving mode on and off using the switch at the top of the screen, or enable the mode to automatically enter it when the battery level is 5 or 15%

Remember what the legendary Muhammad Ali said: “I’m so fast that when I turn off the light, I’m in bed before the lamp goes out!” . Why this joke?

Yes, to the fact that Android devices discharge at the speed of light.

No wonder they joke online that If you lost your Android smartphone, look for it near the outlet.

You can endlessly make fun of Android's shortcomings to the delight of iPhone fans. However, they will not get such pleasure. No no.

Now the AndroidOne team will tell you how to solve the problem of fast battery drain.

Let us immediately note that we did not Google or communize other people’s articles. These are our own developments. Well, or almost...

So, meet 10 working ways to get Android smartphones out of Knockout:

Secret #1 – Disable services you don’t use.

Everything is obvious here. Services access Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. This is an additional load on the core - energy consumption increases.

Solution: SETTINGS >> Wireless Modules.

There is a more convenient alternative. Display service widgets on the Desktop and enable modules only when necessary.

Secret #2 – Turn off 3G in areas with weak signal.

If you find yourself in an area of ​​weak 3G coverage, your phone will start switching between modes in an attempt to find a 3G network. So turn it off.

Solution: SETTINGS >> Wireless modules >> mobile network>> Network mode.

Set to “GSM only”

Secret #3 – Turn off data if you don't use the Internet.

The smartphone rushes to the Internet like a spy, wasting precious energy.

Solution: SETTINGS >> Wireless Modules >> Mobile network.

Uncheck “Data Transfer”.

Secret #4 – Turn off your GPS [unless you're going into the woods].

The GPS module eats up energy like a cat after a week's diet. Just a few hours and your battery will be as empty as a bottle of vodka at a high school reunion.

Therefore, turn off the GPS if you are not going to play S.T.A.L.K.E.R or hide and seek in the forest in real life.

Solution: SETTINGS >> Location and Security.

Uncheck the boxes “Wireless networks” and “GPS satellites”.

Secret #5 – Lower your screen brightness and turn off automatic brightness.

No comments here. Even a blonde will understand why this should be done. It is so?! =)

Solution: SETTINGS >> Screen >> brightness.

Uncheck “automatic brightness” and set the screen brightness to a comfortable level.

Secret #6 – Turn on airplane mode before bed.

And this is not done at all in order to grow a couple of centimeters.

The fact is that a smartphone consumes a huge amount of charge overnight. Therefore, if at night you are not expecting a call from (lover/mistress, serial killer from the movie “SCREAM”, housing office), turn off the radio module.

Solution: SETTINGS >> Wireless Modules.

Check the box for “Airplane Mode”

Secret #7 - Disable “Auto-set date and time”

It is unknown why a smartphone periodically synchronizes the time and calendar with the Internet. But this costs you precious drops of energy.

Solution: SETTINGS >> Date and Time. Uncheck “Automatically adjust date and time”

Secret #8 - Disable “Auto-sync”.

“Auto-sync” updates mail, weather, MordoBook (facebook) and other services. This wastes battery power. Therefore, use manual updating.

Solution: SETTINGS >> Accounts and Synchronization.

Uncheck “Traffic in background” and “Auto-sync”

Secret #9 – Avoid Live Wallpaper on your desktop.

Overblown special effects waste your energy. Therefore, set a modest static picture and enjoy the increased battery charge.

Secret #10 – Charge your phone using the AbraKadabra method!

There is a special phone charge cycle that extends the life of the smartphone battery. Sorry, but this method We didn't invent it. Otherwise you would have applied for Nobel Prize.

Here's what you need to do:

Step 1 : Wait until the smartphone shows low battery level. Put it on charge for 8 hours;

Step 2 : Disconnect the smartphone from the power supply, turn off the smartphone completely, and put it back on charge in OFF mode. Charge this way for another 1 hour;

Step 3 : Unplug your smartphone from the outlet, turn on the device, wait until it boots up completely (this will take a couple of minutes). Then turn off the smartphone again and charge for another 1 hour.

Do you think this is stupid? Just do this once and see the difference!

IMPORTANT >> This procedure does not have to be done often; once every six months is enough..

That's all!

And even though Android can sometimes cause some inconvenience, we will still protect it. At least he's fun to be around.

Millions love Apple and iOS. Someone must hate them. This is US =)

See you soon!

P.S. In the next article we will tell you how many sexually preoccupied AndroidOne users are :))

Saving device battery on Android- a problem for most users. How to save Android battery power and extend battery life.

By using the material posted in this article, you will not only be able to significantly reduce the battery consumption of your Android device, but also increase the battery life, as well as increase the speed of your phone or tablet as a whole.

In this article we will look at:

  1. Rules for using an Android battery
  2. What affects the battery level of Android devices
  3. What program do you need to save Android battery?
  4. How to reduce battery consumption of an Android device

Did you know that even if you charge your phone once a day, after 2 years the battery will last 80% less?

Battery life is affected by:

  • Accumulator charging
  • Battery storage
  • Using and caring for the battery and device

See the article where we not only provide the most effective operating rules batteries, but also give advice on their practical application: .

Now that you have necessary program To save your Android battery, we will look at how to reduce the battery consumption of your Android device.

4. How to reduce battery consumption of an Android device

The theoretical part of saving Android battery is over, let's move on to practical lesson on the topic of: how to reduce battery consumption android devices.

Some functions can be used via standard settings your Android, but it’s much more convenient when it’s all in one application.

1. Setting up the Android battery saving program Battery Doctor

  • On home page application, click the “Smart Savings” button. Go to the “Memory White List” here and select only those applications that should always run in the background - they will not close during optimization and auto-completion.
  • Turn on "Auto-shutdown applications"- when the android is blocked they will close background applications, except those you selected in the white list.
  • Turn on Turn off Wi-Fi and sync when display is off if you don't need to receive social media and email notifications over Wi-Fi when you're not using your phone. To do this, go to “More options” - "Saving when switched off" screen".
  • if you have root rights, you can turn off the launch unnecessary applications when you turn on your phone or tablet in the “Startup Management” menu and enable automatic lowering of the processor frequency when the screen is off in the “Processor Management” item.
  • Set up automatic switching on/off of functions by time, for example, during sleep (brightness, delay, mobile data, Wi-Fi, calls, SMS, Bluetooth, auto-sync, sound, vibration). To do this, go to the “Mode” menu, configure the required mode and select it in the “Schedule” item.
  • Add a widget to your home screen. To do this, hold it on an empty space on the desktop, select “Widgets” in the menu that appears - "Battery Doctor Saving Widgets"(or “Battery Doctor Widget” - more compact).
  • Other settings are optional.

2. Using the Android battery saving program Battery Doctor

The main convenience of the Battery Doctor application is that after setting it up, it requires a minimum of actions from you and virtually no waste of time.

  • You need to periodically press the big button after using applications. round button in the center "Savings - Diagnostics" in the application itself and « » or on a circle in the widget on the main screen for quick optimization.
  • Turn on/off functions to save battery, and you can immediately see how many minutes you were able to increase or decrease the battery consumption of your Android device:
    • WiFi
    • Data
    • Brightness (5 options)
    • Volume
    • Vibration
    • Screen lock delay (6 options)
    • Airplane mode
    • Synchronization
    • Bluetooth
    • Auto-rotate screen

To do this, click on the window in the Battery Doctor widget, which displays the remaining work time. You can also switch pre-configured modes here.

  • In the "List" menu you can see what percentage of batteries are being used running applications, and you can turn off or delete unnecessary or power-hungry ones.
  • Just for fun, you can find out how much you were able to increase your battery life this week thanks to the Android battery saving program - Battery Doctor. To do this, on the start page of the program, click under the “Economy - Diagnostics” button on the rectangle where the battery percentage and remaining operating time are displayed. It also indicates how long your Android will last when using various functions, and detailed information about the battery condition.

3. Other steps to save Android battery

Live wallpapers, widgets, launchers, animation

In order to save battery and improve the speed of Android:

  • Do not install live wallpapers on your Android screensaver. It is best to use a black background or pictures in dark colors - the display consumes virtually no energy to display black color.
  • Try to use as few widgets as possible on the home screen, especially dynamic ones - they use RAM and display operation.
  • Do not use launchers (shells for android).

Sensors and indicators

If possible, disable sensors and indicators in your Android settings that you do not use (especially if you have a Samsung or LG):

  • Gesture control.
  • movements.
  • functions associated with determining gaze and head position.
  • screen sensitivity.

etc., depending on your device.

Other wireless technologies

Disable if you are not using features such as NFC, Wi-Fi Direct, S-Beam.

In this article, we looked at: why the battery runs out quickly on Android, what program is needed to save the Android battery, saving the battery of an Android device, rules for using batteries, what affects the battery level android devices, how to reduce the battery consumption of a smartphone on Android OS.

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