Anonymous diary. How to create a personal diary on the Internet

You wanted to create Personal diary on the Internet, post entries and share them with other users? A huge number of services provide functionality for creating a personal diary.

Surely you have already heard such a word as A blog is a personal diary of an Internet user. This type sites are now actively used, and from personal diaries, such projects are turning into large information resources.

How to create a personal diary on the Internet? As already mentioned, special platforms have been created for this; you can use them even if you don’t know HTML language. In this article we will look at the most simple services For free creation personal diary.

Where to create a personal diary?

  1. is the most common platform for creating a personal diary on the Internet. Immediately after registering on the site, you will be able to add new entries to your diary; for this you will not need to create a site, configure any parameters, etc. The address of your diary will be Quite a lot of interesting blogs have been created through this service, you can add to their number.
  2. – the next project also offers the creation of a diary in a few minutes. After going to the site, click “Create a diary” in the upper right corner, fill out the registration form and confirm your email, after which you will receive a ready-made diary in which you can immediately add new entries.
  3. – the next project is provided by the Runet search engine Yandex. If you are registered in Yandex, then you just need to go to and click “Record a thought.” Similar to a simple blog, your entries will be posted in a diary.
  4. – through this service you can create a rather attractive blog; there are several templates to choose from. If you are registered with Google, you don’t need to make any registrations; go to, click “new blog,” fill out a special form, and in a minute you can add your first entry.
  5. is also a popular service for creating a personal diary on the Internet. Registration is simple, as is the site interface. The diaries are not very colorful, but on the other hand, there is no unnecessary functionality, so even beginners will not get confused with the buttons.


One of the oldest and most famous diary services is the system, the notorious “LJ”, which now, probably, only the lazy have not heard of.

Everything is simple here. Let's go to, select “Create” in the horizontal menu. Next, fill out a small form, come up with a login (more precisely, a name under which you will create posts and comments, then email, password, some personal data and, finally, click the “Create account” button. If everything is in order, you will receive a registration confirmation , after which you can go to the settings of your new magazine.In the settings you will need to come up with a name for the magazine, determine its appearance (there is a large list of ready-made design themes, choose any), fill out a page of information about yourself, select an avatar (here it is called) and... In general, that’s all. Start filling out the magazine, sharing your thoughts, adding interesting magazines to your friends’ feeds, etc.

A fundamentally different way to create it is to launch it yourself, without using networks like livejournal or blogspot. This method, rather, is suitable for web enthusiasts who are able to buy and order hosting. These measures are necessary, but you do not need to create a website. Most modern hosting companies offer the user a number of pre-installed CMS programs, the most common of which are Joomla and Wordpress. That's exactly what we need Wordpress. Go to control panel your hosting, go to the section with software (or CMS) and install as the main CMS Wordpress engine(this is just one click, installation takes a minute and is automatic). Ready. Go to the site, set an administrator login and password, select a design theme in Wordpress itself (there are thousands of free and very nice themes), install additional modules, remove unnecessary ones, in a word - make your blog the way you want. After this, you can start filling it. The advantage of this option is the almost unlimited possibilities for expansion and individual customization, plus - you yourself are the owner of your blog, administrator and creator all rolled into one.


Creating your own blog based on Wordpress requires certain knowledge in the field of site administration using a CMS. However, the engine itself is provided with an extensive description, and is included with almost every built-in module, plugin or design theme. detailed instructions.

Helpful advice

If the considered options are not to your liking, pay attention to the network blog services and


  • create your personal diary

Over the past few years, online blog diaries have been gaining popularity in Russia. With their help, you can meet interesting people and learn a lot of new and useful things. In order to plunge into all the diversity of online life, you need your own diary.


First you need to decide why you need a blog. For reading various communities or promoting ideas?
Different services are suitable for each purpose.
Livejournal is perhaps the most popular site. In the blogosphere it is called LJ (Live Journal). Here you have the opportunity to create your own blog or community. Most often, users (users) publish posts that involve discussion. There are exceptions, for example, when the magazine is open only to the owner.
Liveinternet - - diaries. Short name - LiRu. The format here is more “diary” than blogging. The service is designed mainly for " " communication.

Once you have decided on, you can start registering your diary. The procedure is standard and quite simple. The system will prompt you to specify a login and password, information about yourself, select a suitable design and configure “personal” options such as private lists, hiding comments, etc.
LiveJournal has an extensive FAQ system (answers to frequently asked questions) that will help you get familiar with the site. On LiRu, advice from the site’s creator and users who can take you under their “tutelage” will help you get comfortable. After you have saved the selected settings, you can move on to the most important thing - the recordings.

The value of any blog is in the information it contains. Be it last news or personal notes. Each entry is a "post". In the first post you can tell about yourself and your hobbies. Other users will come to your attention very much. From now on you can choose your friends. In LJ this process is called friending, in LiRu it is called adding. The meaning is the same - all the blogs you select appear in your friends’ feed, and you can track new friends’ posts and leave comments.
Have you found people you are interested in? Great. Now you can delve into topics that interest you. Head to specialized communities.

Communities are a kind of forum where each post is a discussion of a topic of interest. There are many communities in LiveJournal and on LiRu: from lovers of homemade soap making to beginner Linux users from Canada. But if your interest is so specific that a community has not yet been created for it, do not be discouraged - create your own. The process of creating a community is practically no different from the process of creating a diary. User tips will help you with this.

Video on the topic


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  • how can you create your own diary in 2018

Paper diaries have long lost relevance: personal thoughts and experiences are much safer to store under a password on a secure blog platform than in a notebook, and no one else will read what you want to hide. The events that you want to tell everyone about can be described in color and detail to all your readers. If you want to create personal blog, just select the platform on which it will be located.


Popular blogging platforms are LiveJournal,,, Blogs on, Liveinternet, Blogspot and others. The most popular services are listed on the page using the link below. All of them are equally easy to use. Choose the platform that you like best subjectively.

Customize your blog design by choosing the location and shape of blocks, fonts and colors, and other details.

Create your first post. Write a little about yourself. Start outlining your blog topic. To decorate, use HTML tags: changing the shape, color and font size, inserting pictures and links, animation and other decorative elements. Your diary is ready.

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Since ancient times, observant people have tried to record their own experiences on paper. Personal archive from observations, events, memories and experiences has long received two names, French and Russian - a magazine, otherwise . Since the information contained in it is of interest only to its owner, there are no special requirements for the form of the record.


The most common form of recording is . Write in the margin or on the line current date to determine the time of an event. For convenience, you can add the location where you are. This is especially true for travelers describing the impression of a particular architectural or natural landscape. If you are at home for a long time, such a mark is unlikely to affect the information content of the message.

Present events in chronological order. Use understandable ones that you can after a long period of time. If you have to use special terms, leave yourself hints and so that the information can be retrieved later.

Illustrations are not prohibited. You can sketch what you see yourself, or paste in photographs. If the frame is not immediately possible, leave a little space on the page to paste the frame later. In the empty space, write the name of the frame, date and location. In this case, you won’t have to take a long time to paste the photo you planned to paste.

The volume of paragraphs and the entire text is not strictly regulated. Write as many lines as necessary to fully express an event, opinion, impression or idea. Refer only to your own common sense and peculiarities of perception. But, as a rule, paragraphs of 3-5 sentences are easy to read.

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Nowadays, our own online diary, also called, does not lead unless a very lazy or busy person. Anyone can acquire this resource. To do this, you just need to choose a diary platform, register and start posting regularly.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - Internet access.


After choosing a platform, you need to register on the one you prefer. Filling out registration forms on such resources is usually not difficult, and many fields are optional, but there are a minimum of required fields.
As with any registration, a valid address will be required Email to communicate with the resource, receive notifications, recover your password, etc.

Particular attention should be paid to the title of the diary, especially if it is devoted to a specific topic, and not to general revelations from the series “about everything and nothing.”
Often, the default nickname becomes an element of the blog address. Perfect option, when it is related to the topic to which you plan to devote a future resource. You can also limit yourself to your real name (whether it’s worth sharing your personal data in , it’s up to everyone to decide) and various derivatives from it or a nickname by which you are already known to other network users.

On most platforms, immediately after registering, you can choose the design for your blog, the optimal font type and size, and other parameters. It's better to try several options. This will allow you to settle on the optimal one and practice working with the system interface.
It would also be a good idea to look at the arsenal of tags for additional diary design options to those provided in the system interface.

Finally, upon completion of registration, you are only required to post the first post, and then regularly (preferably at least two or three times a week, but in general depends on the mood of the author, especially if there are no plans to monetize the blog) online diary with new revelations.

Video on the topic

On the Internet they are called blogs. Blogs are started for different purposes - to share life with friends, broadcast information to a wide circle, and simply for oneself as an outpouring of thoughts.

You will need

  • computer with internet access


Blogging is the broadest Internet movement. Today, every 10 inhabitants of the planet have their own online. Programmers have realized the popularity of blogs and many servers are now available where anyone can start their own. Those who are just about to join the crowd of bloggers should pay attention to them.

One of the most popular platforms in the world for creating a blog - LiveJournal (that’s the name of the portal) is ready to provide platforms absolutely for blogging, diaries, forums and other purposes. To work on the portal you need to create your account. To do this, go to, on home page Check out the capabilities of the live journal.

In the upper right corner, click on the “Create an account” link and go through several registration steps. Fill out a simple form, indicating your name, your password, and password for the future account. Username is the future nickname in the system, which will be displayed in the link to your page. Next, fill out a few more fields and click "". After this, a confirmation letter will be sent to your email address, which will take you to your own page.

Customize your online diary to suit your passions. LiveJournal is famous for its democracy in the design of pages - you choose the topics, the location of the fields on the page, etc. Fill out information about yourself, upload a photo or any image that will be displayed next to each of your posts, and start filling out your journal. Write your thoughts, share events, insert photos and comments on other people's posts and subscribe to updates on pages that interest you. Your diary is completely under your control.

Helpful advice

If you don't like LiveJournal, try other servers. For example,,,


  • start an online diary

Maintaining diary Often it helps not only to preserve memories of any events, thoughts or mood, sometimes this activity can become a tool for self-improvement - one of the elements of auto-training. If you don’t think that a diary must be handwritten, take advantage of the options available to users modern computers.


The simplest diary can be a regular Notepad - basic text editor, installed together with the operating room Windows system. In it you can create new entries, saving each one in separate file, or you can create a new file for each next month or year. If in the very first line blank page you write down .LOG, then Notepad before each new entry will automatically add time and date.

The word processor Word from a popular set of programs can provide significantly greater opportunities for designing diary entries. Microsoft Office. With its help, you can highlight individual entries with font, text or background color, insert active links with Internet addresses, images (including background ones), etc. In addition, you can create a table of contents in a word processor - a collection of links to jump to entries for each new month, year, week. On the Internet you can find templates for designing diary pages. Some of them you don’t even have to look for yourself if you use versions of Word 2007 or 2010 - select the “Create” section in the menu, then find and click the “Posts” section, and in it - the “Diaries” folder. A set of available design templates will be loaded into the middle column, from which select the most suitable one and click the “Download” button.

There are also applications specifically designed for keeping a diary. Choose and install one of them if you want to be as free from routine file operations as possible. For example, the Efficient Diary application has a Russian interface and many features word processor on the preparation of diary entries. In addition to this, it itself organizes the entries, creates a table of contents and can sort them by dates, by topics, by groups of topics, or even by the weather or your mood recorded in the entries. When creating a diary, the program prompts you to set a password to access it - if you wish, you can keep two such diaries, one of them closed from strangers with a password.

Today we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of electronic and paper personal diaries. And to all those who still doubt whether it is worth keeping a personal diary, we invite you to read and.

Paper diary


1. You will spend less time online

Many of us promise ourselves more time to “live offline,” but what actually happens? We constantly surf the Internet during working hours, even if our work responsibilities do not provide for it. We come home - history repeats itself. We come to visit our parents, decide to meet with friends, or just go for a walk - the picture is still the same, the Internet is always at hand in our smartphone.

2. A paper diary is always at hand

Interference with the Internet connection, low battery level of the gadget just when you don’t have it at hand charger, or the electricity was simply turned off at home inappropriately. You may encounter all these problems when maintaining an electronic diary. But sometimes the necessary thought disappears in a matter of seconds, so you need to act quickly.

A notepad and pen are always nearby, and technical problems will never stop you from writing down all the most important things.

3. Your personal diary is truly personal.

Yes, of course, an electronic diary can also be made private, closed from prying eyes. But no one canceled the hacking of accounts accidentally left open tabs on your computer, into which the curious eyes of your family members or friends are eager to look. You can always carry a paper diary with you and be sure that its contents will not become known to other people.

4. Materiality

You can scroll through the pages of your diary, feel the familiar and beloved smell of scribbled pages, and finally, just hold the fruit of your efforts in your hands.


1. A paper diary is easy to lose

Yes, defenseless paper diary It’s so easy to lose: forget it on a park bench, accidentally leave it on the subway, drop it out of your backpack while jogging for a minibus in the morning. One of your family members may inadvertently throw it out during the next spring cleaning. And if you are a student who likes to write down his thoughts mainly in boring classes at the university, then you may accidentally forget your secret vault in one of the desks in the temple of knowledge.

An electronic diary is more reliable than a paper one. Even if you forget your username or password, you can restore them.

2. You may just be too lazy to write.

“I’m just too lazy to write” is an excuse that can negate the noble desire to fill your diary with entries every day. Do you remember how in school and university years after the summer holidays, in the first lesson or first lesson, we told our classmates or fellow students: “I forgot how to write over the summer”? It's the same story here.

We are all used to tapping on the keyboard and don’t consider it hard work, but many people are simply too lazy to pick up a pen and paper and start writing.

3. Diaries require space in the house.

If you are going to keep your diary in good faith, updating it daily with full-fledged entries and not unsubscribes, then in a couple of years you will accumulate several notebooks of impressive size, for which you will have to find a place in the house.

In this, a paper diary loses to an electronic one: if an electronic diary is weightless and intangible, then its paper counterpart causes more trouble.

4. Limited content

In a paper diary you will collect words from letters, you can even print out photographs and attach tickets, leaflets, calendars and other small paper items that are left over from a significant event dear to your heart to your diary.

But you won’t be able to insert a gif, audio or video recording into your paper diary, which now so accurately reflects your mood.

Electronic diary


1. You can share your thoughts with others

This is the advantage of an electronic diary: we can give access to it to other people whose opinions are important to us. In addition, once you get the hang of it, you can make your own blog from your personal diary.

2. The electronic diary cannot be forgotten or lost

A paper diary, as we have already found out above, is very easy to accidentally lose. This won't happen with an electronic one.

In addition, a paper diary can be accidentally forgotten at home, in the car, or anywhere, and when you need it, it may not be at hand. It’s easier with an electronic one: even if there is no laptop nearby, a smartphone or tablet will do.

3. It cannot be spoiled

You cannot accidentally spill coffee, tea, soda or any other “colorful” liquid on the electronic diary, due to which it will lose its “marketable” appearance. Your beloved pet will not tear apart and slobber on your electronic brainchild, and your child will not turn it into his favorite coloring book.

4. A variety of sites for keeping a diary

Many people use well-known services for maintaining online diaries like LiveJournal. Some prefer microblogging services such as Tumblr, and masters of short sentences can even keep a personal diary on Twitter. And some use Evernote, good old Word, or various diary applications for smartphones.


1. You depend on the Internet and gadgets

If you forgot to pay for the Internet, you have problems with the Internet connection, or your gadget decided to take a break and does not want to work in any way, then you will not be able to log into your electronic brainchild.

2. It’s easy to “go into someone else’s forest”

Setting ourselves the task of daily updating our electronic diary with at least one new entry, we easily find ways around it - we begin to share other people’s entries that we like, favorite poems and other extraneous but close to us content, without accompanying it with our own thoughts.

On the one hand, we fulfill the task before us to regularly update our diary with entries, and on the other hand, we skimp, do not do the main thing - we do not share our thoughts and impressions, but dump out content that is dear to our hearts, but still someone else’s.

3. You may be insincere.

If you keep an open electronic diary, then sometimes, without realizing it, you begin to work for the public, dissemble your heart and not do the main thing - share your real thoughts.

4. It can be expensive

You may want to buy Domain name(especially if you plan to turn your personal diary into a blog), the diary application you like may be paid, plus some resources may have restrictions on downloading media files, which cannot be bypassed without paying.

Each form of journaling has its advantages and disadvantages. To summarize, I would like to note that it does not matter what your diary will be - paper or electronic, the main thing is action, that is, do not neglect your diary and regularly update it with entries.

What kind of diary do you keep - electronic or paper?

You already know why you should keep a personal diary, and that it can be considered as one of the elements. We also introduced you to a very effective system. Now let's talk about form keeping a diary.

You can write everything down in a notebook. To some extent, this is convenient - your eyes don’t get so tired, you don’t need a computer. But those who are accustomed to a computer and the Internet may prefer the form of conducting personal diary online.

What's good about this option? First, keeping a diary in electronic format will allow quickly find and classify information . You can assign multiple keywords to each note. The simplest example is related to maintaining collapsible diaries - you assign the keyword “day” to daily entries, the keyword “week” to weekly reports, the keyword “month” to monthly reports, and the keyword “year” to annual reports. And subsequently, if you want to view only weekly, only monthly, or only annual reports, you will only need to call them using the appropriate keywords.

Or you periodically have ideas on some topic, for example, about your garden. Add the keyword “vegetable garden” to your daily entry. And in the same way, you can call up all records that contain this keyword.

You can come up with a lot of other options for using keywords, for example, “gifts”, “congratulations”, “plans”, “ideas”, “achievements”, and so on. You can even create a personal diary based on database, and find the information you need using keywords.

In addition, an online personal diary is good because you can open your entries for any day without leafing through the notebook. Simply click on the corresponding date in the calendar. Another advantage is that no one will read your entries, because to access your personal online diary, you need a password.

Of course, you can use the program to keep a personal diary. In this case, all records will be stored on the computer. But, firstly, the program needs to be installed on your computer, and, in addition, there is a risk of losing the program and your records. And secondly, you will not be able to access your diary from another computer. Storing records on a third-party site is more secure, and if you are afraid. that something happens to the site, you can periodically export your entries to your computer in text form.

You can also find quite a lot of personal diaries online. But somehow I immediately came across a good online diary in my search, and I liked it so much that I no longer want to look for other options. In my opinion, he is perfect. Both the site design and usability (that is, ease of use) are all excellent. Nothing extra, but there is what you need. The design is also pleasant and calm - pink and green colors that do not irritate the eyes. It is this site that I will tell you about. Let me just emphasize once again that we are talking specifically about personal diaries online, that is, about those that no one except the authors themselves can read.

To create your own personal diary, follow the link:

and click on the link Registration in the menu on the right. Specify your login, password, and your e-mail. As for mail - if you want to remain completely confidential, no one is stopping you from creating new mail, for some fictitious name. This way you will completely protect yourself from the most unlikely accidents. Entering your email is needed solely so that you can recover your password for the site if you suddenly forget it.

After registration, you will see a field for entering your first entry. Below you will see a field for entering keywords. When you start typing the first keyword, you will see a new field appear next to it for the next keyword. You need to enter one keyword in each field.

Keywords - important tools for an online personal diary - you can use them to find the necessary entries, as well as link different entries related to the same topic. Examples of keywords: “books”, “family”, “work”, “leisure” and so on. It is important to write keywords in a single form, because if you write the keyword “travel” in one entry, and “travel” in another entry, then these entries will not be related. But in reality it’s not that difficult - in the right menu you will see a list of your keywords, and you can attach them to your post with one click.

Immediately after saving the entry, the system will show you notes marked with the same keywords. This is convenient because you can immediately remember similar events that happened in the past.

Recordings made can be edited. You can change the text of the entry, you can change the keywords in it.

At the bottom, under the right menu, there is a calendar. All the days in which you made entries will be shown as links that you can click on and view these entries.

In addition to the ability to view all entries, your personal online diary also has an important option Filter, which can be found by going to any page containing entries. This option is at the top, above the entries. By clicking on it, you will see a list of all keywords just below. By clicking on these keywords. You remove posts with them from display.

There is also such an option in the right menu, only there it’s the other way around, you can show posts with the corresponding keywords by checking the checkboxes.

In a word, this personal online diary is a real find. So use it. I wish you success!

You can get more detailed information in the “All courses” and “Utilities” sections, which can be accessed through Top Menu site. In these sections, articles are grouped by topic into blocks containing the most detailed (as far as possible) information on various topics.

You can also subscribe to the blog and learn about all new articles.
It does not take a lot of time. Just click on the link below:

There are two words in the Russian language: diary and night light. The process of word formation for these terms is exactly the same, but the semantic discrepancy is obvious. Moreover, these words can easily be used simultaneously in one phrase: “I’ll turn on the night light and write a diary.” At the same time, by changing the words in places, it is clear that the diary has multiple meanings and it can even be turned on somehow, for example, simultaneously with the computer, or it can be assumed that this is a figurative expression. But it’s probably impossible to write a night light. So, today we will discuss how to keep a diary, because with a night light everything is quite clear.

What types of diaries are there?

In the vocabulary of a school teacher, nutritionist, and coach, the wonderful word diary is often found. And in accordance with these specialties, the following types can be distinguished:

  • School diary with assignments, grades, comments and messages.
  • Food diary with menus, calorie counts, descriptions of diets for healthy and sick people.
  • Diary of weight loss with calorie counting, notes on caloric intake violations, a description of fitness activities and the relationship of these data with changes in body weight.
  • Success Diary for career growth with frequent recording of your achievements and analysis of mistakes in the service.
  • Sports training diary , which records the loads and duration of exercise, which allows you to make adjustments to increase endurance and improve results.
  • Expense diary or financial diary , which displays income and various types of current expenses, large purchases and ways to save money for future plans and significant expenses (educating children or buying a house).
  • Diary for planning and reminders of business and personal meetings, phone calls, birthdays of relatives and friends, loan repayment dates and other current problems.

These are not all options. Very popular observation diaries . The objects of these observations are primarily children, but both indoor flowers and pets need attention, description and care. This class also includes travel diaries and vacations. There is no doubt that all these types are original documents, the main purpose of which is to control various events in life and improve its quality. For example, a school document can help improve academic performance, and daily meticulous descriptions in food or weight loss diaries can help you have a great figure. These records help a person to approach and achieve his cherished goal. The school diary, at the same time, stands somewhat apart; it is a mandatory document for almost every student of ours, except for some gymnasiums with a small number of students. The rest of the diaries are voluntary, and the choice to learn how to keep a diary and start doing it or to give up control over life always belongs to the person himself and no coach or psychologist can force him to keep records.

What is a personal diary

The benefits of keeping a personal diary

Thus, the benefits of keeping a personal diary for a person include gaining additional freedom from negativity, negative emotions and excess information, as well as the opportunity detailed analysis events in your personal life.

However, such records pose a problem. If this is a real, sincere, impartial, truthful conversation with oneself, without exaggeration or embellishment, it is not intended for strangers, it is a secret that must be carefully protected. If the lifestyle and traditions of the family presuppose that each person has a private life and a personal safe space where no one will invade without asking, there is no problem. Otherwise, you need to prepare a hiding place for him, which you cannot tell anyone about.

Another problem that personal notes can provoke in the fate of withdrawn and shy people is limited communication with loved ones and acquaintances. A journal and the freedom it gives can reduce normal human contact. This cannot be allowed.

How to keep a personal diary on the Internet

The specific choice is determined by the goals that a person sets for himself and the tasks that he intends to solve. Entries on Twitter or LiveJournal have unlimited accessibility to readers. Most often, the texts posted there are of a public nature. This is a caring description, observation, analysis and broadcast of events in public and personal life that are not only interesting or funny, but can be useful to a large number of people. Very often, a person who keeps an Internet diary in this way wants not only to loudly tell the world about himself, but also to make this world a better place. To achieve the popularity of a personal diary on the Internet, you should adhere to certain rules:

  • Try to create a personal, individual style of writing. It can be dry (statement of facts), and emotional, enthusiastic or sarcastic.
  • Describe only those events and phenomena that caused a real reaction, real emotions, positive or negative.
  • Give honest information about events and your personal assessments of these events, otherwise it will not be a personal diary, but an impersonal newspaper article.
  • You need to pay attention to grammar and punctuation. Mistakes disrespect the potential reader.
  • It makes sense to publish texts quite regularly. A description of an ongoing phenomenon, a vacation or an experiment, can be divided into chapters and promise a continuation. Only this promise must be fulfilled. Internet readers cannot be deceived; they will easily find new reading for themselves.

Stable adherence to these rules will not only satisfy the desire to speak out, but will help you become a better person. They force you to give up bad habits and laziness, engage in self-education and self-improvement, and teach you discipline and order. After all, no one wants to look like an illiterate and unreliable ignoramus in the eyes of others, including strangers.

In addition, they often keep electronic diaries of observations - weight loss or training, especially since special forms have been developed for such records with tips and advice. On these same sites you can discuss the results with colleagues on the problem. But for intimate thoughts, a computer is of little use, except that it does not have access to World Wide Web and it has a very strong password.

Video tips

How to keep a personal handwritten diary

I would like to put the proverb as an epigraph to this section: “What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an ax.” It can be deciphered in the context of the question of how to keep a diary in two ways. If these are observational recordings that involve publicity, keep this in mind when describing events. If you keep a personal diary, keep your secrets carefully.

The modern printing industry is helping. In addition to beautiful notebooks and notebooks, she produces special diaries for girls and boys, which have special sections where the child writes about himself. At first glance, the survey questions that are in these notebooks seem primitive, but by answering them, the child learns to think and understand himself. It is likely that many adults would benefit from such a questionnaire, it is just possible to give more frank and detailed answers.

In order for a personal diary to be of real benefit, it is advised to follow some rules when filling it out.

Tips for keeping a personal diary

  1. It is better to make recordings in privacy, in a comfortable and cozy environment. Be sure to indicate the date and even time. You only need to write in the first person, you are the main character of this book.
  2. It is best to fill out the pages regularly, every day at the same time, for example, in the evening or early in the morning. At first, the entries may be short, because you need to get used to the diary, you need to make friends with it, you need to remember it throughout the day and imagine how it will gradually fill up.
  3. If you miss one or more days, there is no need to scold yourself. A diary should make your life better, not worse. Not immediately, but after some time, record keeping will become necessary action, which will start or end the day.
  4. In addition to describing events, you must definitely talk about your impressions and feelings, your mood and your thoughts.
  5. Don't concentrate on the design at first. appearance pages, build tables and divide events according to formal characteristics. You have to write everything, you can jump from one topic to another, because this is a conversation, not a report. Although there is an opposite point of view, when it is advised to immediately put everything on the shelves, allocating different places on the page to different topics. Probably, everyone chooses a specific method for themselves.
  6. Here you can draw and write stories about yourself and your friends. These will be models with which you can realize your plans and desires in the future.
  7. Here you can include a theater program, a plane ticket or a dried flower as additional reminders of pleasant or unexpected events.
  8. A diary is not a place for self-flagellation; you should definitely note the good things that happen in life, all the little things.
  9. From time to time you need to look back through your diary, remember your successes and think about your mistakes. By reading old pages, you can understand where time goes (shops or telephone conversations) and how to change it, you can evaluate real (and not contrived) priorities and, if necessary, replace them, you can track the real motivation for specific actions and comprehend it. In short, old notes should help you understand yourself and find ways to improve your life.

Video tips

So, let's summarize some results. How to keep a personal diary, what can it give, is it worth spending your time and your soul on this action? A diary is a keeper of thoughts, events, time and life itself. And life consists of politics and economics, service and kindergarten with school, shopping and vacation. There are calls from all sides - we must do everything in time! we must achieve everything! Faster, faster, even faster! And fewer and fewer people know how to live “here and now”, know how to evaluate and enjoy the current moment, and this is what our life consists of. Unlike color or taste, a person cannot perceive the current moment, because there is no special sense organ for this. Everyone thinks in terms of the past or the future. Knowing how to keep a diary, we experience this brief moment. Everything that rushed through our lives during the day will return to us again in the evening, in notes and reflections, and prepare us for the next moment, day, for the continuation of life!

What kind of diary do you keep?