Tools for drawing UML diagrams. Modeling in UML. General diagrams Example of diagrams in uml language

UML is a unified graphical modeling language for describing, visualizing, designing and documenting OO systems. UML is designed to support the process of modeling software based on the OO approach, organize the relationship of conceptual and program concepts, and reflect the problems of scaling complex systems. UML models are used at all stages of the software life cycle, from business analysis to system maintenance. Different organizations may use UML as they see fit, depending on their problem areas and the technologies they use.

A Brief History of UML

By the mid-90s, various authors had proposed several dozen OO modeling methods, each of which used its own graphical notation. Moreover, each of these methods had its own strengths, but did not allow to build enough full model PS, show it “from all sides”, that is, all the necessary projections (See article 1). In addition, the lack of an OO modeling standard made it difficult for developers to choose the most suitable method, which prevented the widespread adoption of the OO approach to software development.

At the request of the Object Management Group (OMG), the organization responsible for the adoption of standards in the field of object technologies and databases, the urgent problem of unification and standardization was solved by the authors of the three most popular OO methods - G. Butch, D. Rambo and A. Jacobson, who combined efforts created version UML 1.1, approved by OMG in 1997 as a standard.

UML is a language

Any language consists of a vocabulary and rules for combining words to create meaningful constructions. This is, in particular, how programming languages ​​are structured, such as UML. Its distinctive feature is that the language dictionary is formed by graphic elements. Each graphic symbol has a specific semantics, so a model created by one developer can be clearly understood by another, and also software, interpreting UML. From here, in particular, it follows that a software model presented in UML can be automatically translated into an OO programming language (such as Java, C++, VisualBasic), that is, if there is a good visual modeling tool that supports UML, having built the model , we will also receive a sample program code corresponding to this model.

It should be emphasized that UML is a language, not a method. It explains what elements to create models from and how to read them, but says nothing about which models should be developed and in what cases. To create a method based on UML, it is necessary to supplement it with a description of the software development process. An example of such a process is the Rational Unified Process, which will be discussed in subsequent articles.

UML Dictionary

The model is represented in the form of entities and relationships between them, which are shown in diagrams.

Entities are abstractions that are the main elements of models. There are four types of entities - structural (class, interface, component, use case, collaboration, node), behavioral (interaction, state), grouping (packages) and annotation (comments). Each type of entity has its own graphical representation. Entities will be discussed in detail when studying the diagrams.

Relationship show various connections between entities. UML defines the following relationship types:

  • Addiction shows such a connection between two entities when a change in one of them - independent - can affect the semantics of the other - dependent. Dependency is represented by a dotted arrow directed from the dependent entity to the independent one.
  • Association is a structural relationship showing that the objects of one entity are related to the objects of another. Graphically, an association is shown as a line connecting the associated entities. Associations serve to navigate between objects. For example, the association between the classes “Order” and “Product” can be used to find all products specified in a specific order - on the one hand, or to find all orders that have this product, - with another. It is clear that the corresponding programs must implement a mechanism that provides such navigation. If navigation in only one direction is required, it is indicated by an arrow at the end of the association. A special case of association is aggregation - a relationship of the form “whole” - “part”. Graphically, it is highlighted with a diamond at the end near the essence-whole.
  • Generalization is the relationship between a parent entity and a child entity. Essentially, this relationship reflects the property of inheritance for classes and objects. The generalization is shown as a line ending with a triangle directed towards the parent entity. The child inherits the structure (attributes) and behavior (methods) of the parent, but at the same time it can have new structure elements and new methods. UML allows multiple inheritance, where an entity is related to more than one parent entity.
  • Implementation– the relationship between an entity that defines a specification of behavior (interface) with an entity that defines the implementation of this behavior (class, component). This relationship is commonly used when modeling components and will be described in more detail in subsequent articles.

Diagrams. UML provides the following diagrams:

  • Diagrams describing the behavior of the system:
    • State diagrams
    • Activity diagrams,
    • Object diagrams,
    • Sequence diagrams,
    • Collaboration diagrams;
  • Diagrams describing the physical implementation of the system:
    • Component diagrams;
    • Deployment diagrams.

Model Control View. Packages.

We have already said that in order for a model to be well understood by humans, it is necessary to organize it hierarchically, leaving a small number of entities at each level of the hierarchy. UML includes a means of organizing a hierarchical representation of a model - packages. Any model consists of a set of packages that may contain classes, use cases, and other entities and diagrams. A package can contain other packages, allowing the creation of hierarchies. UML does not provide separate package diagrams, but they may appear in other diagrams. The package is depicted as a rectangle with a bookmark.

What UML provides.

  • hierarchical description of a complex system by identifying packages;
  • formalization of functional requirements for the system using the apparatus of use cases;
  • detailing system requirements by constructing activity diagrams and scenarios;
  • identifying data classes and constructing a conceptual data model in the form of class diagrams;
  • identifying classes that describe user interface, and creating a screen navigation scheme;
  • description of the processes of interaction of objects when performing system functions;
  • description of object behavior in the form of activity and state diagrams;
  • description of software components and their interaction through interfaces;
  • description of the physical architecture of the system.

And the last thing...

Despite all the attractiveness of UML, it would be difficult to use in real software modeling without visual modeling tools. Such tools allow you to quickly present diagrams on the display screen, document them, generate program code templates in various OO programming languages, and create database schemas. Most of them include the possibility of reengineering program codes - restoring certain projections of the software model by automatically analyzing source codes of programs, which is very important to ensure compliance between the model and codes and when designing systems that inherit the functionality of predecessor systems.


10.4.1. Types of UML Visual Diagrams

UML allows you to create several types of visual diagrams:

Use case diagrams;

Sequence diagrams;

Cooperative Charts;

Class diagrams;

State diagrams;

Component diagrams;

Placement diagrams.

Diagrams illustrate various aspects of the system. For example, a cooperative diagram shows how objects must interact to implement some functionality of a system. Each diagram has its own purpose.

10.4.2. Use Case Diagrams

Use case diagrams depict the interactions between use cases, representing the functions of a system, and actors, representing the people or systems receiving or transmitting information to this system. An example use case diagram for an automated teller machine (ATM) is shown in Fig. 10.1.

Rice. 10.1. Use case diagram

The diagram represents the interactions between use cases and actors. It reflects the system requirements from the user's point of view. Thus, use cases are the functions performed by the system, and actors are the stakeholders in relation to the system being created. Diagrams show which actors initiate use cases. They also show when an actor receives information from a use case. In essence, a use case diagram can illustrate system requirements. In our example, the bank client initiates various use cases: “Withdraw money from account”, “Transfer money”, “Deposit money into account”, “Show balance”, “Change ID number”, “Make payment”. The bank employee can initiate the Change Identification Number use case. From the “Make payment” use case there is an arrow to the Credit system. Actors can be external systems, in this case, the Credit System is shown precisely as an actor - it is external to the ATM system. An arrow pointing from a use case to an actor indicates that the use case provides some information to the actor. In this case, the Make Payment use case provides the Credit System with information about the credit card payment.

Use case diagrams can provide quite a bit of information about the system. This type of diagram describes the overall functionality of the system. Users, project managers, analysts, developers, quality assurance specialists, and anyone interested in the system as a whole can look at use case diagrams to understand what the system is supposed to do.

10.4.3. Sequence diagrams

Sequence diagrams depict the flow of events that occur within a use case. For example, the “Withdraw money” use case provides several possible sequences: withdrawing money, attempting to withdraw money when there is not enough money in the account, attempting to withdraw money using an incorrect identification number, and some others. A normal scenario for withdrawing $20 from an account (in the absence of problems such as an incorrect identification number or insufficient funds in the account) is shown in Fig. 10.2.

Figure 10.2. Sequence diagram for Joe's client withdrawing $20 from his account

The top of the diagram shows all the actors and objects required by the system to execute the Withdraw Money use case. The arrows correspond to messages passed between an actor and an object or between objects to perform required functions. It should also be noted that the sequence diagram shows objects, not classes. Classes are types of objects. Objects are concrete; instead of class Client The sequence diagram represents a specific customer, Joe.

The use case begins when the customer inserts their card into the reader - this object is shown in the rectangle at the top of the diagram. It reads the card number, opens the Joe Account object, and initializes the ATM screen. The screen asks Joe for his registration number. The customer enters the number 1234. The screen checks the number against the Joe Account object and finds that it is correct. The screen then presents Joe with a menu to choose from, and he selects “Withdraw Money.” The screen asks how much he wants to withdraw, and Joe enters $20. The screen withdraws money from the account. In doing so, it initiates a series of processes carried out by the "Joe's account" object. At the same time, it is verified that this account contains, according to at least, $20 and the required amount is deducted from the bill. The cash register is then instructed to "issue a check and $20 in cash." Finally, the same "Joe's account" object instructs the card reader to return the card.

So, this diagram sequence illustrates a sequence of actions that implement the “Withdraw money from an account” use case using the specific example of Joe’s client withdrawing $20. By looking at this diagram, users become familiar with the specifics of their work. Analysts see the sequence (flow) of actions, developers see the objects that need to be created and their operations. Quality control specialists will understand the details of the process and can develop tests to verify them. Thus, sequence diagrams are useful for everyone involved in a project.

10.4.4. Cooperative charts

Cooperative diagrams reflect the same information as sequence diagrams. However, they do it differently and with other goals. Shown in Fig. 10.2 sequence diagram is shown in Fig. 10.3 in the form of a cooperative diagram.

As before, objects are depicted as rectangles, and characters as figures. While a sequence diagram shows the interaction between actors and objects over time, a cooperative diagram shows no relationship over time. Thus, you can see that the card reader instructs "Joe's account" to open, and "Joe's account" causes the device to return the card to the owner. Directly interacting objects are connected by lines. If, for example, the card reader communicates directly with the ATM screen, a line should be drawn between them. The absence of a line means that there is no direct communication between objects.

Rice. 10.3. Cooperative diagram describing the process of withdrawing money from an account

So, a cooperative diagram displays the same information as a sequence diagram, but it is needed for a different purpose. Quality assurance specialists and system architects will be able to understand the distribution of processes between objects. Let's say that some kind of cooperative diagram resembles a star, where several objects are associated with one central object. The system architect may conclude that the system is too dependent on a central entity and needs to be redesigned to distribute processes more evenly. In a sequence diagram, this type of interaction would be difficult to see.

10.4.5. Class Diagrams

Class diagrams reflect the interactions between classes in a system. For example, "Joe's account" is an object. The type of such an object can be considered an account in general, i.e. “Account” is a class. Classes contain data and behavior (actions) that affects that data. Thus, the Account class contains the client identification number and the actions that verify it. In a class diagram, a class is created for each type of object from Sequence Diagrams or Cooperative Diagrams. The class diagram for the Withdraw money use case is shown in Fig. 10.4.

The diagram shows the relationships between the classes that implement the Withdraw Money use case. There are four classes involved in this process: Card Reader, Account, ATM Screen, and Cash Dispenser. Each class in a class diagram is depicted as a rectangle divided into three parts. The first part indicates the name of the class, the second - its attributes. An attribute is some information that characterizes a class. For example, the Account class has three attributes: Account Number, PIN, and Balance. The last part contains the operations of the class, reflecting its behavior(actions performed by the class). Lines connecting classes show interactions between classes.

Rice. 10.4. Class diagram

Developers use class diagrams to actually create classes. Tools like Rose generate a core of class code that programmers fill in with the details in the language of their choice. Using these diagrams, analysts can show the details of a system and architects can understand its design. If, for example, a class carries too much functional load, this will be visible in the class diagram, and the architect can redistribute it among other classes. The diagram can also help identify cases where no relationships are defined between communicating classes. Class diagrams should be created to show the interacting classes in each use case. You can also build more general diagrams that cover all systems or subsystems.

10.4.6. State diagrams

State diagrams are designed to model the different states that an object can be in. While a class diagram shows a static picture of classes and their relationships, state diagrams are used to describe the dynamics of a system's behavior.

State diagrams display the behavior of an object. Thus, a bank account can have several different states. It may be open, closed, or overdrawn. The behavior of the account changes depending on the state in which it is located. The state diagram shows exactly this information. In Fig. Figure 10.5 shows an example of a state diagram for a bank account.

Rice. 10.5. State diagram for the Account class

This diagram shows the possible states of the account, as well as the process of transition of the account from one state to another. For example, if a client requests to close an open account, the latter goes into the "Closed" state. The client's requirement is called event, it is events that cause the transition from one state to another.

When a customer withdraws money from an open account, the account may enter an Overdraft state. This only happens if the account balance is less than zero, which is reflected by the [negative balance] condition in our chart. Enclosed in square brackets condition determines when a transition from one state to another can or cannot occur.

There are two special states in the diagram - initial And final. The initial state is highlighted with a black dot: it corresponds to the state of the object at the time of its creation. The final state is indicated by a black dot in a white circle: it corresponds to the state of the object immediately before its destruction. There can be one and only one initial state in a state diagram. At the same time, there can be as many final states as you need, or there may be none at all.

When an object is in a particular state, certain processes can be executed. In our example, if the credit is exceeded, a corresponding message is sent to the client. Processes that occur when an object is in a certain state are called actions.

Statecharts do not need to be created for every class, they are used only in very complex cases. If an object of a class can exist in multiple states and behaves differently in each state, it will likely need such a diagram. However, many projects do not use them at all. If state diagrams have been built, developers can use them when creating classes.

Statecharts are needed mainly for documentation.

10.4.7. Component diagrams

Component diagrams show what the model looks like in physical level. It shows the components software your system and the connections between them. There are two types of components: executable components and code libraries.

In Fig. Figure 10.6 shows one of the component diagrams for an ATM system. This diagram shows the components of an ATM system client. In this case, the development team decided to build the system using the C++ language. Each class has its own header file and extension file. CPP, so that each class is transformed into its own components in the diagram. The selected dark component is called package specification and corresponds to the ATM class body file in C++ (file with extension. CPP). An unselected component is also called a package specification, but corresponds to a C++ language class header file (file with extension .H). ATM component. EXE is a task specification and represents the information processing flow. In this case, the processing thread is the executable program.

The components are connected by a dashed line, representing the dependencies between them. A system may have multiple component diagrams depending on the number of subsystems or executable files. Each subsystem is a package of components.

Component diagrams are used by those project participants who are responsible for compiling the system. The component diagram gives an idea of ​​the order in which components should be compiled, as well as which executable components will be created by the system. The diagram shows the mapping of classes to implemented components. So, it is needed where code generation begins.

Rice. 10.6. Component diagram

10.4.8. Placement diagrams

Layout diagrams show the physical location of various system components on a network. In our example, the ATM system consists of a large number of subsystems running on separate physical devices or nodes. The placement diagram for the ATM system is shown in Fig. 10.7.

From this diagram you can learn about the physical layout of the system. ATM client programs will run in multiple locations across multiple sites. Clients will communicate with the regional ATM server through closed networks. It will run the ATM server software. In turn, through local network regional server will interact with a banking database server running Oracle. Finally, a printer is connected to the regional ATM server.

So, this diagram shows the physical layout of the system. For example, our ATM system follows a three-tier architecture, with the database on the first layer, the regional server on the second, and the client on the third.

10.7. Placement diagram

A layout diagram is used by the project manager, users, system architect, and operations personnel to clarify the physical layout of the system and the location of its individual subsystems. The project manager will explain to users what the finished product will look like. Operations personnel will be able to plan the system installation work.

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14.9. Diagrams Perhaps it’s time to turn dry numbers into graphics, making our table more beautiful and informative? Diagrams are used for this. Whatever you say, a diagram is perceived better than a table. To construct a diagram, you need to select the values ​​​​by which

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10.4. UML DIAGRAMS 10.4.1. Types of Visual Diagrams UMLUML allows you to create several types of visual diagrams: use case diagrams; sequence diagrams; cooperative diagrams; class diagrams; state diagrams; diagrams

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I think everyone has heard such a saying in childhood as " Seven times measure cut once". It’s the same in programming. It’s always better to think about the implementation before you spend time on executing it. When implementing it, you often have to create classes and come up with their interaction. And often a visual representation of this can help solve the problem in the most correct way. This is where we helps UML.

What is UML?

If you look at the pictures in search engines, then it will become clear that UML– it’s something about diagrams, arrows and squares. What is important is that UML translates as Unified Modeling Language. The word Unified is important here. That is, our pictures will be understood not only by us, but also by others who know UML. It turns out that this is an international language for drawing diagrams.

As Wikipedia says

UML is a graphical description language for object modeling in software development, business process modeling, systems design, and displaying organizational structures.
The most interesting thing that not everyone thinks about or realizes is that UML has specifications. Moreover, there is even a UML2 specification. More details about the specification can be found on the Object Management Group website. Actually, this group is developing UML specifications. It is also interesting that UML is not limited to describing the structure of classes. There are many types of UML diagrams. A brief description of the types of UML diagrams can be seen in the same Wikipedia: UML - diagrams or in the video of Timur Batyrshinov Overview of UML Diagrams. UML is also widely used to describe various processes, for example here: Single sign-on using JWT. Returning to the use of UML class diagrams, it is worth noting the book Head First: Design Patterns, in which the patterns are illustrated by those same UML diagrams. It turns out that UML is indeed being used. And it turns out that knowledge and understanding of its application is quite a useful skill.


Let's look at how you can work with this same UML from the IDE. Let's take as IDE IntelliJ Idea. If you use IntelliJ Idea Ultimate, then we will have the plugin installed “out of the box” UML Support". It allows you to automatically generate beautiful class diagrams. For example, through Ctrl+N or the menu item "Navigate" -> "Class" we go to the class ArrayList. Now, through the context menu for the class name, select “Diagram” -> “Show diagram popup”. As a result, we get a beautiful diagram:

But what if you want to draw it yourself, and even if you don’t Ultimate version Idea? If we use IntelliJ Idea Community Edition, then we have no other choice. To do this, you need to understand how such a UML diagram is structured. First, we'll need to install Graphviz. This is a set of utilities for visualizing graphs. It is used by the plugin that we will use. After installation you need to add a directory bin from the installed directory Graphviz to the environment variable PATH. After that, in IntelliJ Idea, select File -> Settings from the menu. In the "Settings" window, select the "Plugins" category, click the "Browse repositories" button and install the PlantUML integration plugin. Why is this one so good? PlantUML? It uses a graph description language called " dot"and this allows it to be more universal, because... given language Not only PlantUML is used. Moreover, everything we do below can be done not only in the IDE, but also in online service After installing the PlantUML plugin, we will be able to create UML diagrams through “File” -> “New”. Let's create a diagram of the "UML class" type. During this process, a template with an example is automatically generated. Let's delete its contents and create our own, armed with an article from Habr: Class relationships - from UML to code. And to understand how to depict this in the text, let’s take the PlantUML manual: plantuml class-diagram. At the very beginning there is a table showing how connections should be described:

We can also look at the connections themselves here: “Relationships between classes in UML. Examples.” Based on these materials, let's start creating our UML diagram. Let's add the following content describing the two classes: @startuml class ArrayList ( ) class LinkedList ( ) @enduml To see the result in Idea, select "View" -> " Tool Windows" -> "PlantUML". We will simply get two squares denoting classes. As we know, both of these classes implement the List interface. This class relationship is called implementation. To depict such a relationship, use an arrow with dotted line. Let's depict it: interface List List< | . . ArrayList List < | . . LinkedList List - один из дочерних классов Collection . То есть он наследуется от Collection. Эта связь называется обобщением (generalization). Выглядит как стрелка с обычной непрерывной линией. Изобразим её: interface Collection Collection < | -- List Для следующего типа связи добавим в описание класса ArrayList запись о package private array of elements: ~ Object elementData Now we want to show that the ArrayList contains some objects. In this case, the connection type will be - aggregation(aggregation). The aggregate in this case is ArrayList, because it contains other objects. We choose aggregation because objects in the list can live without the list: they are not integral parts of it. Their lifetime is not tied to the list's lifetime. Aggregate is translated from Latin as “assembled,” that is, something made up of something. For example, in life, there is a pumping unit, which consists of a pump and a motor. The unit itself can be disassembled, leaving some of it components. For example, to sell or put into another unit. So is the list. And this is expressed in the form of an empty diamond near the unit and a continuous line. Let's depict it as follows: class Object ( ) ArrayList o- Object Now we want to show that, unlike ArrayList, the LinkedList class contains Node - containers that refer to stored data. In this case, Nodes are part of the LinkedList itself and cannot live separately. Node does not directly store the content, but only contains a link to it. For example, when we add a row to a LinkedList, we add a new Node that contains a link to that row, as well as a link to the previous and next Node. This type of connection is called composition(Composition). To display a composite (one that consists of parts), a colored diamond is drawn, with a continuous line leading to it. Let's now write this in the form of a text display of the connection: class Node ( ) LinkedList * -- Node And now we need to learn how to display another important type communications - addiction(dependency relationship). It is used when one class uses another, and the class does not contain the class being used and is not its descendant. For example, LinkedList and ArrayList can create a ListIterator. Let's display this as arrows with a dotted line: class ListIterator ListIterator< . . . ArrayList : create ListIterator < . . . LinkedList : create Выглядеть после всего это будет следующим образом:

You can go into as much detail as necessary. All designations are indicated here: "PlantUML - Class Diagram". In addition, there is nothing supernatural in drawing such a diagram, and when working on your tasks, you can quickly draw it by hand. This will develop your skills in thinking through application architecture and help you identify class structure flaws early on, rather than after you've spent the day implementing the wrong model. I think that's a good reason to give it a try?)


Eat various ways automatic generation of PlantUML diagrams. For example, in Idea There is a SketchIT plugin, but it doesn’t draw them quite correctly. For example, the implementation of interfaces is drawn incorrectly (displayed as inheritance). There are also examples on the Internet of how to build this into life cycle building your project. Let's say for Maven there is an example of using uml-java-docklet. To show how this is done, we will use Maven Archetype to quick creation Maven project. Let's run the command: mvn archetype:generate On the question of choosing a filter ( Choose a number or apply filter) leave default by simply pressing Enter. It will always be" maven-archetype-quickstart". Select the latest version. Next, answer the questions and complete the creation of the project:

Since Maven is not the focus of this article, answers to your Maven questions can be found in the Maven Users Center. In the generated project, open the project description file for editing, pom.xml. Let's copy the contents from the description of uml-java-docklet installing into it. The artifact used in the description could not be found in the Maven Central repository. But it worked for me with this: That is, you just need to replace in that description groupId With " info.leadinglight" on " com.chfourie"and install the version" 1.0.0 ". After this we can execute in the directory where the file is located pom.xml these commands: mvn clean install and mvn javadoc:javadoc . Now, if we open the generated documentation (explorer target\site\apidocs\index.html), we will see the UML diagrams. By the way, the implementation is already displayed correctly here)


As you can see, UML allows you to visualize the structure of your application. Moreover, UML is not limited to just this. Using UML, you can describe various processes within your company or describe the business process within which the function you are writing operates. How useful UML is for you personally is up to you to decide, but taking the time to read it in more detail will be useful in any case. #Viacheslav English version of this post: UML diagram Java on CodeGym

Annotation: The subject of this course is The UML - the Unified Modeling Language. The previous lecture talked about what UML is, its history, purpose, ways of using the language, the structure of its definition, terminology and notation. It has been noted that a UML model is a set of diagrams. In this lecture we will consider the following questions: why are several types of diagrams needed; types of diagrams; OOP and diagramming sequence

Before we move on to discussing the main material of this lecture, let's talk about why we need to build any diagrams at all. The development of a model of any system (not just software) always precedes its creation or update. This is necessary at least in order to more clearly imagine the problem being solved. Well-thought-out models are very important both for interaction within the development team and for mutual understanding with the customer. Ultimately, this ensures that the design is "architecturally consistent" before it is implemented in code.

We build models of complex systems because we cannot describe them completely, “take a glance at them.” Therefore, we highlight only the properties of the system that are essential for a specific task and build its model that displays these properties. The method of object-oriented analysis allows us to describe real complex systems in the most adequate way. But as the complexity of systems increases, the need for good modeling technology arises. As we already said in the previous lecture, a unified modeling language(Unified Modeling Language, UML), which is a graphical language for specifying, visualizing, designing, and documenting systems. Using UML, you can develop a detailed model of the system being created, reflecting not only its concept, but also specific features of its implementation. Within the UML model, all ideas about the system are recorded in the form of special graphical structures called diagrams.

Note. We will consider not all, but only some of the types of diagrams. For example, the component diagram is not covered in this lecture, which is only a brief overview types of diagrams. Number of chart types for specific model applications are not limited in any way. For simple applications there is no need to build diagrams of all types without exception. Some of them may simply be missing, and this fact will not be considered an error. It is important to understand that the availability of certain types of diagrams depends on the specifics of a particular project. Information about other types of diagrams (not discussed here) can be found in the UML standard.

Why you need several types of diagrams

First, let's define the terminology. In the introduction to this lecture we have repeatedly used the concepts of system, model and diagram. The author is confident that each of us intuitively understands the meaning of these concepts, but to make it completely clear, let’s look at the glossary again and read the following:

System- a set of interconnected controlled subsystems united by a common purpose of operation.

Yes, not very informative. What then is a subsystem? To clarify the situation, let's turn to the classics:

System refers to a set of subsystems organized to achieve a specific goal and described using a set of models, possibly from different points of view.

Well, there's nothing you can do, you'll have to look for a definition of a subsystem. It also says there that subsystem is a collection of elements, some of which specify the behavior of other elements. Ian Sommerville explains this concept this way:

Subsystem is a system whose functioning does not depend on the services of other subsystems. The software system is structured as a collection of relatively independent subsystems. The interactions between subsystems are also defined.

It’s also not very clear, but it’s better. Speaking in “human” language, the system is represented as a set of simpler entities that are relatively self-sufficient. This can be compared to how in the process of developing a program we build GUI from standard “cubes” - visual components, or how the program text itself is also divided into modules that contain subroutines, united by functionality, and they can be reused in subsequent programs.

We understand the concept of a system. During the design process, the system is considered from different points of view with the help of models, the various representations of which appear in the form of diagrams. Again, the reader may have questions about the meaning of the concepts models And diagrams. We think it’s a beautiful, but not very clear definition models as a semantically closed abstraction of the system It’s unlikely to clarify the situation, so we’ll try to explain “in our own words.”

Model- this is a certain (material or not) object that displays only the most significant characteristics of the system for a given task. Models are different - material and intangible, artificial and natural, decorative and mathematical...

Let's give a few examples. The plastic toy cars familiar to us all, with which we played with such excitement in childhood, are nothing more than material artificial decorative model of a real car. Of course, such a “car” does not have an engine, we do not fill its tank with gasoline, and the gearbox does not work (indeed, there is no gearbox at all), but as a model this toy completely fulfills its functions: it gives the child an idea of ​​the car, since it displays its characteristic features are the presence of four wheels, a body, doors, windows, ability to drive, etc.

In medical research, animal testing often precedes human clinical trials. In this case, the animal acts as material natural human models.

The equation depicted above is also a model, but it is a mathematical model, and it describes the movement of a material point under the influence of gravity.

All that remains is to say what a diagram is. Diagram is a graphical representation of many elements. Typically depicted as a graph with vertices (entities) and edges (relationships). There are many examples of diagrams. This is a block diagram familiar to us all from school years, and installation diagrams for various equipment, which we can see in user manuals, and a tree of files and directories on the disk, which we can see by executing Windows console tree command, and much, much more. In everyday life, diagrams surround us on all sides, because we perceive drawings more easily than text...

But let's get back to software design (and more). In this industry with Diagrams can be used to visualize a system from different perspectives. One of the diagrams, for example, can describe the user’s interaction with the system, another can describe the change in the states of the system during its operation, the third can describe the interaction of system elements with each other, etc. A complex system can and should be represented as a set of small and almost independent models - diagrams, and none of them is sufficient to describe the system and obtain a complete picture of it, since each of them focuses on a specific aspect of the system’s functioning and expresses a different level of abstraction. In other words, each model corresponds to a certain, particular point of view on the designed system.

Despite the fact that in the previous paragraph we treated the concept of a model very freely, it should be understood that in the context of the above definitions no individual diagram is a model. Diagrams are only a means of visualizing a model, and the two concepts must be distinguished. Only a set of diagrams makes up a system model and describes it most fully, but not just one diagram taken out of context.

Types of charts

UML 1.5 defined twelve chart types, divided into three groups:

  • four types of diagrams represent the static structure of the application;
  • five represent behavioral aspects of the system;
  • three represent the physical aspects of the system's operation (implementation diagrams).

The current version of UML 2.1 has not made too many changes. The diagrams have changed slightly in appearance (frames and other visual improvements have appeared), the notation has been slightly improved, and some diagrams have received new names.

However, the exact number canonical diagrams for us it is absolutely unimportant, since we will consider not all of them, but only some - for the reason that the number of diagram types for a specific model of a specific application is not strictly fixed. For simple applications there is no need to build every single diagram. For example, for a local application it is not necessary to build a deployment diagram. It is important to understand that the list of diagrams depends on the specifics of the project being developed and is determined by the developer himself. If the curious reader still wants to know about all the UML diagrams, we will refer him to the UML standard ( Let us remind you that the purpose of this course is not to describe absolutely all the capabilities of UML, but only to introduce this language and give an initial idea of ​​​​this technology.

So, we will briefly look at such types of diagrams as:

  • use case diagram;
  • class diagram;
  • object diagram;
  • sequence diagram;
  • interaction diagram;
  • state diagram;
  • activity diagram;
  • deployment diagram.

We will talk about some of these diagrams in more detail in future lectures. For now, we will not focus on the details, but will set ourselves the goal of teaching the reader to at least visually distinguish between the types of diagrams and to give an initial idea of ​​the purpose of the main types of diagrams. So, let's begin.

Use case diagram

Any (including software) systems are designed taking into account the fact that during their operation they will be used by people and/or interact with other systems. The entities with which the system interacts during its operation are called actors, and each actor expects the system to behave in a strictly defined, predictable manner. Let's try to give a more strict definition of an ector. To do this, we will use a wonderful visual dictionary for UML Zicom Mentor:

Ector (actor)- this is a set of logically related roles performed when interacting with precedents or entities (system, subsystem or class). An actor can be a person or another system, subsystem or class that represents something outside the entity.

Graphically, the ector is depicted either " little man", similar to those that we drew as children, depicting members of our family, or class symbol with corresponding stereotype, as it shown on the picture. Both forms of representation have the same meaning and can be used in diagrams. The “stereotyped” form is more often used to represent system actors or in cases where an actor has properties and they need to be displayed (Fig. 2.1).

An attentive reader may immediately ask: why an actor and not an actor? We agree, the word “ektor” is a little harsh on the ears of Russian people. The reason why we say this is simple - ector is derived from the word action, which translated means action. The literal translation of the word “ector” is actor- too long and inconvenient to use. Therefore, we will continue to speak this way.

Rice. 2.1.

The same attentive reader might have noticed the word “precedent” flashing through the ector’s definition. What is it? This question will interest us even more if we remember that we are now talking about use case diagram. So,

Use-case- description of a separate aspect of system behavior from the user’s point of view (Butch).

The definition is quite clear and comprehensive, but it can be further clarified using the same Zicom Mentor"om:

Use case- a description of a set of sequential events (including options) performed by the system that lead to the result observed by the actor. A use case represents the behavior of an entity, describing the interaction between actors and the system. A use case does not show “how” a certain result is achieved, only “what” is accomplished.

Precedents are designated in a very simple way - in the form of an ellipse, inside which its name is indicated. Use cases and actors are connected using lines. Often a figure is drawn at one end of the line. 2.3

  • formation of general requirements for the behavior of the designed system;
  • development of a conceptual model of the system for its subsequent detailing;
  • preparation of documentation for interaction with customers and system users.
  • 11.1. Structure of the Unified Modeling Language

    Unified Modeling Language (UML) is currently the de facto standard for describing (documenting) the results of the design and development of object-oriented systems. The development of UML began in 1994 by Grady Booch and James Rumbaugh, who worked at Rational Software. In the fall of 1995, Ivar Jacobson joined them and in October of the same year, a preliminary version 0.8 of the Unified Method was released. Since that time, several versions of the UML specification have been released, two of which have international standard status:

    UML 1.4.2 – "ISO/IEC 19501:2005. Information Technology. Open distribution processing. Unified Modeling Language (UML). Version 1.4.2" (English "Information technology. Open distributed processing. Unified modeling language (UML). Version 1.4.2");

    UML 2.4.1 - "ISO/IEC 19505-1:2012. Information technology. Object Management Group Unified Modeling Language (OMG UML). Part 1. Infrastructure" (eng. "Information technology -- Object Management Group Unified Modeling Language ( OMG UML) - Part 1: Infrastructure") and "ISO/IEC 19505-2:2012. Information technology. Object Management Group Unified Modeling Language (OMG UML). Part 2. Superstructure" (eng. "Information technology -- Object Management Group Unified Modeling Language (OMG UML) - Part 2: Superstructure").

    The latest official language specification can be found at

    The general structure of UML is shown in the following figure.

    Rice. 11.1. UML structure

    11.2. UML semantics and syntax

    Semantics - a branch of linguistics that studies the meaning of language units, primarily its words and phrases.

    Syntax – ways of combining words and their forms into phrases and sentences, combining sentences into complex sentences, ways of creating statements as part of a text.

    Thus, in relation to UML, semantics and syntax determine the style of presentation (model building), which combines natural and formal languages ​​to represent basic concepts (model elements) and mechanisms for their extension.

    11.3. UML notation

    Notation is a graphical interpretation of semantics for its visual representation.

    UML defines three entity type :

    Structural - an abstraction that is a reflection of a conceptual or physical object;

    Grouping – an element used for some semantic combination of diagram elements;

    Explanatory (annotative) – a comment on a diagram element.

    The following table shows short description the main entities used in graphical notation, and the main ways of displaying them.

    Table 11.1. Entities

    Type Name Designation Definition (semantics)
    Many objects that have general structure and behavior

    An abstraction of a real or imagined entity with clearly defined conceptual boundaries, personality, state, and behavior. From a UML point of view, objects are instances of a class (instances of an entity)


    path services
    An entity external to the system that interacts with and uses the system functionality to achieve certain goals or solve particular problems. So an actor is external source or information receiver

    (use case)
    Description of the actions performed by the system, which leads to a significant result for the actor

    A description of a moment in the life of an entity when it satisfies some condition, performs some activity, or waits for some event to occur.
    Description of a set of instances of actors, objects and their interaction in the process of solving a certain problem

    The physical part of the system (file), including system modules that provide the implementation of a consistent set of interfaces


    A set of operations that defines a service (set of services) provided by a class or component

    The physical part of the system (computer, printer, etc.) that provides resources to solve a problem
    General mechanism for grouping elements.
    Unlike a component, a package is a purely conceptual (abstract) concept. Special cases of a package are system and model

    The area of ​​specific interaction between actor instances and objects

    (activity partition)
    A group of operations (area of ​​responsibility) performed by one entity (actor, object, component, node, etc.)

    (interruptible activity region)
    A group of operations, the normal sequence of execution of which can be interrupted as a result of the occurrence of an unusual situation
    Explanatory Note
    Comment for the element. Attaches to the commented element with a dashed line

    Some sources, in particular [,], also identify behavioral entities interactions And finite state machines, but from a logical point of view they should be classified as diagrams.

    Some of the above entities according to imply them detailed description on decomposition diagrams. On the top-level diagram they are marked with a special icon or label.

    The following table provides a description of all types relations UML used in diagrams to indicate relationships between entities.

    Table 11.3. Relationship

    Name Designation Definition (semantics)
    Association Relation describing meaningful connection between two or more entities. Most general form relationship
    Aggregation A subtype of association that describes the “part”–“whole” relationship, in which the “part” can exist separately from the “whole.” The rhombus is indicated from the “whole” side. The relationship is specified only between entities of the same type
    Composition A subtype of aggregation in which the “parts” cannot exist separately from the “whole.” As a rule, "parts" are created and destroyed simultaneously with the "whole"
    Dependency A relationship between two entities in which a change in one entity (the independent) can affect the state or behavior of the other entity (the dependent). The arrow side indicates an independent entity
    Generalization The relationship between a generalized entity (ancestor, parent) and a specialized entity (descendant, daughter). The triangle is indicated from the parent's side. The relationship is specified only between entities of the same type
    Realization A relationship between entities where one entity specifies an action that another entity undertakes to perform. Relationships are used in two cases: between interfaces and classes (or components), between use cases and collaborations. The arrow side indicates the entity that defines the action (interface or use case)

    For association, aggregation and composition can be specified multiplicity (eng. multiplicity), characterizing the total number of instances of entities participating in the relationship. It is usually indicated on each side of the relationship near the corresponding entity. The multiplicity can be indicated in the following ways:

    - * – any number of copies, including none;

    Non-negative integer number – the multiplicity is strictly fixed and equal to the specified number (for example: 1, 2 or 5);

    Range of non-negative integers "first number.. second number" (for example: 1..5, 2..10 or 0..5);

    A range of numbers from a specific initial value to an arbitrary final "first number.. *" (for example: 1..*, 5..* or 0..*);

    Listing non-negative integers and ranges separated by commas (for example: 1, 3..5, 10, 15..*).

    If the multiplicity is not specified, then its value is assumed to be 1. The multiplicity of entity instances participating in dependency, generalization, and implementation is always assumed to be 1.

    The following table provides a description expansion mechanisms , used to clarify the semantics of entities and relationships. In general, the expansion mechanism is a string of text enclosed in parentheses or quotation marks.

    Table 11.4. Expansion Mechanisms

    Name Designation Definition (semantics)
    « » A designation that specifies the semantics of a notation element (for example: a dependency with the “include” stereotype is considered an inclusion relation, and a class with the “boundary” stereotype is a boundary class)
    Guard condition
    (guard condition)
    Boolean condition (for example: or [identification completed])
    { } A rule that limits the semantics of a model element (for example, (execution time less than 10 ms))
    Flagged value
    (tagged value)
    { } New or clarifying property of a notation element (for example: (version = 3.2))

    In addition to stereotypes indicated as a string of text in quotation marks, graphic stereotypes can be used in diagrams. The following figure shows examples of standard and stereotypical display.

    a) standard designation b) standard designation
    with text stereotype
    c) graphic stereotype

    Rice. 11.2. Examples of standard and stereotypical class display

    Diagram represents a grouping of notation elements to display some aspect of the developed information system. Diagrams are usually a connected graph in which entities are vertices and relationships are arcs. The following table gives a brief description of UML diagrams.

    Table 11.5. Diagrams

    Diagram Purpose
    according to the degree of physical implementation by displaying dynamics by displayed aspect

    (use case)
    Displays system functions, interactions between actors and functions Logical Static Functional

    Displays a set of classes, interfaces and relationships between them Logical or
    Static Functional and informational

    Displays a set of packages and the relationships between them Logical or
    Static Component

    (state machine)
    Displays the states of an entity and transitions between them during its life cycle Logical Dynamic Behavioral

    Displays business processes in the system (description of behavior algorithms)

    Displays the sequence of message passing between objects and actors

    Similar to a sequence diagram, but the emphasis is on the structure of interactions between objects

    Displays system components (programs, libraries, tables, etc.) and connections between them Physical Static Component

    Displays the placement of components on network nodes, as well as its configuration

    The UML 2.x standard also defines additional, highly specialized diagrams:

    Object diagram - similar, but objects are displayed instead of classes;

    Timing diagram - describes the state of an object over time;

    Composite structure diagram - describes the ports (including interfaces) of a class for interaction with other classes;

    Profile diagram - similar with a description of the classes included in them;

    Interaction overview diagram - similar, but with hidden interaction fragments (fragments labeled ref). Represents a contextual (conceptual) one, the elements of which will be specified on separate decomposition diagrams.

    For the purpose of an enlarged conceptual representation of the internal architecture of the system, the majority of the construction allows the use of established graphic stereotypes for the so-called. Such a diagram is called 1, but does not belong to the list of diagrams defined by the UML standard.

    When developing a separate model of a system, several types of diagrams are built. Moreover, when developing a model of a complex system, as a rule, several diagrams of the same type are constructed. At the same time, you don't have to create separate types of charts if it's not necessary. For example, diagrams and are interchangeable; they are built only for objects with complex behavior. The following table provides recommendations on the need to develop (clarify) diagrams for system models.

    Table 11.6. Relationship between models and diagrams

    The table below does not show a testing model, since as part of its construction, diagrams are not developed, but checked (tested) for completeness and consistency.

    Some of the diagrams after their construction require development and clarification as part of the development of the next model ( technological process). So, for example, they should be clarified during development. In models.

    4. Define the concept " ".