How to start working in an affiliate program. What is an affiliate program and how to work with it? Affiliate program. Affiliate links: features of work

For those who do not have a lot of capital (cash savings) to open their own business, working with affiliate programs is a real opportunity to receive a good profit without investment in the coming 2019. For modern bloggers, webmasters, and owners of various Internet projects, “affiliate programs” are the main source of income. This type business has its own specific features and nuances. They need to be studied step by step before you start working in this direction.

What is an affiliate program?

An affiliate program is a certain type of commercial cooperation between a manufacturer/seller of products/services and its partner.

The essence of any affiliate system is the promotion of products/services by attracting an additional flow of consumers/clients through intermediaries (partners), who are paid bonuses (commissions). In simple words, this is assistance in organizing a financial transaction for a fee.

“+” of earning money on affiliate programs is the opportunity to:

  1. receive income from scratch (without the need to invest);
  2. carry out sales, offer services, both without a website and using a personal resource.

How it works, examples

The company offering products/services/work on the Internet provides the partner with special code. This code is called a referral code. For each unique consumer who clicked on the identifier and concluded a contract/purchased a product/ordered a service, the partner receives a reward.

For example, on content exchanges, a partner receives a profit (commission) for each attracted copywriter. Moreover, interest is accrued not at once, but for each article written/sold by him.

In affiliate systems, the amount of remuneration varies depending on factors such as:

  • type of Internet business;
  • the cost of the products/services offered;
  • surcharge of the selling company.

Currently, there are various sites on which the process of concluding a transaction and paying interest is fully automated.

Popular ways to generate income using affiliate systems

There are two main methods for successfully working with affiliate programs – with or without your own personal website.

If there is a website

If you have your own website, a network entrepreneur can install on his resource:

  • Advertisement(banner of a certain size). For each view, the partner company pays a commission. This type of cooperation is beneficial for webmasters who have very popular resources (with high traffic).
  • Special promotional code, by clicking on which users will go to the advertiser’s portal (% are awarded for each click made by the client). At the same time, the level of income will vary depending on the cost of a click, CTR of the ad, the subject of the web resource, and the number of visitors. The user/visitor is not required to perform any manipulations other than using the referral code.
  • Affiliate link, generating profit for the action performed by the client. By recommending a partner’s Internet service, the site owner will receive income in the form of a % of sales/work completed. This method considered the most profitable and at the same time difficult , since a potential buyer must not only follow the identifier, but also conclude a transaction (register, etc.). Internet resources trying to find future clients in this way are ready to pay partners up to 40% of each completed transaction. To receive high profits, the site owner will need to not only place a referral code and wait for interest to accrue. A competent approach is needed to attract real (real) clients who are ready to make a deal with the advertiser. To do this, you need to make an unobtrusive text summary (an intriguing article) that encourages the future client to place an order.

If there is no website

If you don’t have a personal website, you can make a profit by attracting clients (referrals) in the following ways:

  1. purchasing advertising space in contextual, teaser and social networks;
  2. inviting relatives, acquaintances, friends;
  3. posting information about the advertiser on various information resources, forums, in social networks or by email. This manipulation, otherwise called SPAM, does not require training; even beginners can perform it. At the same time, you should avoid blatant advertising; it is better to use an attractive, effective description of the affiliate program.

Instructions: important rules for successfully working with affiliate systems

There are several nuances that you should pay attention to when working with affiliate systems:

  • When advertising the service/product of a partner company, you should describe all the advantages of the advertiser as truthfully and clearly as possible.
  • For a detailed, real description of the advantages of the advertised site, it is advisable to personally verify the quality of its services/products. To do this, you need to purchase a test product, order a service, or register on a portal/project and work on it.
  • A business project should be advertised only on thematic portals (care products on women’s resources, fishing gear on men’s websites). Materials that are not related to the subject of the site can lead to the loss of regular visitors/readers who, disappointed, will find another Internet resource among numerous competitors.

From the effectiveness of the attracted targeted traffic, income level depends, so referral ads are placed in optimal quantities on several thematic resources. The more users are involved in the affiliate network, the higher the earnings.


As in foreign exchange transactions, advanced network entrepreneurs advise diversifying sources of income. It is necessary to expand the partner network, cooperate with different companies, you should not focus on one advertiser.


In order to increase the conversion of existing traffic, it is recommended to use landing pages - special landing pages that allow you to analyze the actions (activity) of users (purchases, registrations, reviews, filling out questionnaires, etc.).

Working with the target audience

According to advanced webmasters, when earning income through affiliate rewards, you need to constantly increase your own target audience, preventing its reduction. In pursuit of high profits, do not forget about the source of income - your website, which should be constantly filled with relevant, interesting content (articles).


Maintaining statistics on an online resource will allow you to analyze the effectiveness and profitability of the selected affiliate program. If an affiliate program causes a negative reaction from users, then you should think about the advisability of using it.

How to choose a profitable affiliate system?

The profitability of an affiliate program is quite difficult to predict in advance, therefore, in order to minimize risks, it is necessary to choose an advertiser based on the following criteria:

  1. Originality, novelty. Potential buyers/clients are always interested in new products and fashionable products.
  2. Availability of services/products free of charge. Majority potential clients they don’t want to pay for copyrighted courses, products, etc., which are freely available on other resources.
  3. Dubious reputation. Little-known companies offering products/services of questionable quality will not bring the desired income.
  4. Target orientation (topic). Selecting an advertiser taking into account the range of interests of your site’s audience will contribute to its promotion and increase profitability.
  5. Amount and frequency of commission payments. Reputable advertisers, as a rule, offer favorable percentages and payment frequency (1-2 times in 14 days).
  6. Popularity. A well-known, popular, time-tested advertiser should be trusted.
  7. Availability of promotions, attractive banners, promotional materials. Large business projects are interested in promoting their brand. They provide their partners with comprehensive information and technical support.
  8. Terms of cooperation for potential clients. Consumers give preference and trust more to companies that provide guarantees, have flexible payment terms, send orders by cash on delivery, etc.
  9. Uniqueness. When choosing an affiliate program that advertises a previously unknown product/service, pay attention to the terms of the proposed cooperation (tariffs and terms of commission payments, reviews about the company, etc.).

Instead of output

To get the best results, you should not advertise all existing affiliate programs indiscriminately. Financial stability and high incomes are achieved through a rational, balanced approach to the way of earning money.

This online marathon is part of the project “Knowledge base site”, just designed for beginners, it will help you understand all the intricacies of this type of earnings on the Internet and build a stable monthly income of 20 thousand rubles.

Anyone who has been reading my blog for months now knows that I have been studying affiliate programs for a long time and sharing my experience. I recently started writing a column in which I talk not only about how much I earned, but also what I did for it.

In just over 2 years, I built a source of income from affiliate programs from scratch, which consistently brings in more than 150,000 rubles per month.

Today my task is to give you material that will help you understand what it is and figure out where to start making money on affiliate programs.

But let's start with this, I want you to read at least the first half of the article. There I talked about the whole essence of the Internet, where the money comes from and who pays for everything. This will help you understand what earnings are based on in affiliate programs.

How to make money on affiliate programs?

In three words, I can answer this question like this: you take any product or service with an affiliate program and advertise it on the Internet, people buy it through your affiliate link, and you receive your commission for each sale.

Everything seems simple, but this leads to such unresolved questions as:

  1. Where to look for products and services with an affiliate program?
  2. How to register in an affiliate program and where to get a link?
  3. How to work with affiliate systems?
  4. What types of affiliate programs and commissions are there?
  5. How and where to withdraw your earned money?
  6. How to communicate with the authors of affiliate programs and receive special conditions?
  7. What is passive income based on?
  8. Well, the main question is how to advertise? There are hundreds of possible answers to this question.

You can get answers to all these questions by completing the online marathon “Earning money on affiliate programs from scratch.” I could cover this whole topic in a series of articles, but it would be confusing for you and not as effective as going through sequential lessons and doing simple homework.

Not only knowledge is important to you, but also the result in your wallet? Right?

Who can make money from affiliate programs?

Many, many people - the majority of users on the Internet do not know and do not want to know what affiliate programs are, and because of this they are losing easy money that absolutely anyone can earn.

In addition, you yourself can earn money through an affiliate program from your own purchases. How? Find the product you want to buy, register in the affiliate program, take the affiliate link and buy using it. This usually works for online stores and products participating in CPA networks. With services and various courses with large price tags, this rarely works. I'll tell you more about this at the marathon.

So, even an ordinary user can make money on affiliate programs. And if you work on the Internet, provide some services or build a business, then it would be stupid not to study this topic.

Where to start: free and paid methods

From the above, I think you already understand that you can start recommending something using affiliate links and making money right now, without any investment.

This kind of income will be simple as an additional one to your main activity.

But what if you are going to take it up on a more serious level and create an income of 20,000 rubles per month? In this case, it is worth considering 2 methods that contain different methods for promoting affiliate products.

The first method is free, when you create your own platforms that gather an audience and advertise affiliate products on them. For example: an account and group on social networks, your website/blog, YouTube channel, e-mail newsletter, etc.

The second method is paid, when you invest money in advertising on other people's sites. For example: purchasing advertising posts in popular public pages on social networks, Yandex Direct and other types contextual advertising, purchasing advertising in top articles, banner advertising, etc.

The second method is more risky and may not always pay off; here, too, you need to have a good understanding of each individual method in order to make a profit and not waste money.

Therefore, I advise beginners to start with those free methods which I will now list.

The most effective:

  • Personal account on social networks (VKontakte, Instagram, Facebook, Odnoklassniki). Efficiency also depends on target audience product.
  • Group (public) on social networks.
  • Content site, forum, educational portal.
  • E-mail newsletter (mini-sales funnel, automatic series of letters, affiliate traffic).

Less effective:

  • Services for bookmarking, newsletters and reviews (such as Subscribe).

Greetings, friends! Vasily Blinov is in touch and in today’s article we will begin to analyze such a large and profitable topic as affiliate programs. Will try in simple words explain what an affiliate program is (it is also called a referral program or affiliate marketing), why it is needed, how it works and why for those starting to work on the Internet this can be a good additional income.

Yes, there are many people who, like me, promote affiliate products on the Internet and earn from 50,000 rubles a month. Today you will also find out what is needed for this.

What is an affiliate?

Affiliate program(abbr. affiliate program) is a way of cooperation between someone who has a product that needs to be sold and someone who can sell it (recommend it), receiving a portion of the profit from each sale.

A specific example, I think everyone is already familiar with online stores where you can buy clothes, equipment, furniture, food and anything you want without leaving your home.

Let's take one of these popular stores - Aliexpress. He has a program that works through the E-Commerce CPA affiliate network, in which anyone can register.

You register, receive a link to the product you have chosen from this store and talk about it, for example, on your VKontakte page, attaching your link. Your friends, scrolling through the news, see a post, learn about such an interesting and useful product, follow the link, buy, and for this you are paid up to 10% of the cost of the product.

This money is credited to your account in your personal account, and then you withdraw it to your electronic wallets or bank card. It's simple! The product being sold can be anything: training courses by various authors, paid services, private services, etc.

You can also simply agree with a friend who makes websites (or), that you will recommend him, bring him clients, and for this he will give you a part of the profit. This is called affiliate marketing.

What is a referral program?

Many people confuse and do not understand the difference, but many affiliate programs also have a referral program or an affiliate program that is completely referral. In this case, you don’t just bring a client, but bring a referral to the system.

Referral(or a referral from English. referral) is a member of an affiliate program who came on the recommendation of another member.

According to some conditions of affiliate programs, you can receive a percentage not only from the referral itself, but also from the turnover of the clients they bring. Various HYIPs and MLM projects operate through this scheme, which I am sure many have already encountered. Therefore, I will not give a specific example here.

In the next article, we will look at what other types of affiliate programs exist, and what conditions for participation in them exist.

We have figured out the principle of operation, let's now look at how it functions from the technical side.

Affiliate links and how do they work?

After registering in the affiliate program, you will have access to Personal Area partner. In this account you are provided with special links with your ID, as well as advertising materials, statistics, etc.

  1. vasiliyblinov
  2. ?ref=288474
  3. c313e

I highlighted in bold the very identifier that helps the system understand which partner the client came from.

After a user clicks on such a link, data is stored in his browser (on his device) and in the affiliate system to track the transition. Depending on the terms of the affiliate program, this data can be stored from several hours to several years.

For example, a person followed your link, looked at the information, but did not buy right away, or received some free material, and closed the page. Then a day or a week later he remembered and came back to buy the product. I already followed a direct link to the site, but your ID was saved in its device and when you made a purchase in this case, you were awarded a commission.

If he suddenly changes his device, the system will not be able to track that the client came from you, and you will not receive a commission.

For this reason, in some systems a participant may become more securely attached to you by leaving his e-mail address. In this case, if during the purchase he changes the device in which the link click data is saved, but uses his email, the system will detect him, and the sale will be credited to you.

Does everything seem clear? Ask in the comments to the article if anything is unclear.

Advantages of affiliate programs and why are they needed?

You can probably already guess what a revolutionary step this is in the field of marketing and what advantages of creating and promoting affiliate programs are open to us.

For people who sell their product, this is an opportunity to receive a huge amount of traffic without investing in advertising. You pay partners only for real sales. You will be recommended by clients and traffic specialists. They will completely take care of all problems with advertising.

For people who don't have their own product, this is an opportunity to start making money on the Internet without investment. There are dozens of free and paid methods to promote affiliate products and services online.

Especially for all beginners, I just recently launched, in which I share my experience of how I achieved passive income from affiliate programs of more than 150,000 rubles per month.

Come, it will be interesting, you will find yourself in our chat of like-minded people, in which we constantly discuss everything related to affiliate programs.

How much income can you have?

I’ll say right away that affiliate programs are not a quick way to make money, unless you invest money in paid traffic. I, like the majority, initially followed the free route; I did not have the funds to invest in advertising, and at that time I did not know how to buy it.

Even if I had money, I would have stupidly lost it out of inexperience and abandoned this idea. Beginning with simple steps and the first small results, I began to gain confidence in the chosen direction.

I still remember how happy I was with my first sale after 2 months of work and training. Then everything began to grow like a snowball, creating daily channels from which traffic came.

I have a section on my blog where I share and tell you what has been done, you can come read it if you are interested.

So, devoting several hours of time a day, after six months I began to earn 10 - 15 thousand rubles in addition to my main activity from remote work, after a year 25 - 40 and now more than 150,000 rubles. As you understand, there is no ceiling here.

Here are a few screenshots from personal accounts.

As the crisis drags on, people start looking additional ways earnings. Often their attention is focused on generating passive income. Fortunately, now is not the Stone Age and, if necessary, you can get money with a minimum of physical effort. One of the options for generating passive income is affiliate programs. We will try to explain what these are and how to make money from them later in the article.


So, what are affiliate programs (or just affiliates)? This is a special format of advertising activity for an online store, which is focused on increasing sales. The store provides its partners with links, banners or advertising texts about its products, and then pays a percentage of purchases made by customers who took advantage of this advertising.

To explain in simple terms what an affiliate program is, we can say that it is a type of business relationship between a seller and a distributor. Let's say there is an online store, and it wants to increase the number of its sales. There is also a certain person who wants to work remotely or is looking for a source of passive income. The online store provides him with a link, which he places on the relevant sites. People click on it and make purchases, and from these purchases a certain percentage goes to the account of the person who posted the links. That’s what an affiliate program is in a nutshell, although there is still a lot of unknowns on this issue.

Affiliate network

Before you get started, it’s worth noting that in addition to affiliate programs, there are affiliate networks. The network unites several dozen, or even hundreds of online stores. Accordingly, there are a lot of goods here, and it is quite logical that there will be more opportunities for earning money. There is one undeniable advantage here - the partner can independently choose the most profitable products and promote them.

The named network allows you to quickly and easily find the most best option to earn money. If you wish, you can combine classes with several affiliate programs, but this will take more time and it will be more difficult to do good advertising (unless you have your own website).

Some are sure that any affiliate programs are a frivolous and unreliable activity. But they are all different. Naturally, there are those who will not give you a lot of money, no matter how hard you try. However, the overwhelming majority of online stores are focused on long-term cooperation and offer stable income, so there are plenty of affiliate programs to choose from to earn money.

How to earn?

How do affiliate programs differ from other ways to make money online? The employee receives money for the result when the client made a purchase or registered. Of course, you can find affiliate programs for earning money, where they pay for clicks or the number of views, but there are very few such programs.

It is a mistaken belief that only webmasters and website owners can earn money using the described method. However, this can be done without having your own resource. For example, you can advertise services or products of an affiliate program on forums, social networks or thematic chats. Such an advertiser is provided with a personal partner identifier, which will tell them that the work of this particular person should be paid.

Affiliate ID

So, how to work with affiliates? The first thing you need to do is register in the program. This is necessary to know who brought the seller to the site and who needs to be paid for it. After registration, the new partner is given promotional materials in which his identifiers are inserted. It is by these that the script identifies the employee.

By the way, the identifier can be the login or password under which the partner registered. There are cases when the script uses a random set of characters as an identifier or the ID becomes the serial number of the newcomer.

There are programs where domains or subdomains are assigned to employees, then the need for a partner ID disappears by itself.

Affiliate links: features of work

Well, now it’s clear what an affiliate program is and how to work with it. However, it is also worth knowing how payments are made, what is done with the link after the click, and other purely technical nuances.

After the client clicks on the link, the script checks to see if it contains an affiliate ID. If there is one, it is recorded in the browser cookie. When a potential customer clicks on a referral link, their browser is automatically tagged with the affiliate ID.

After the order has been placed and paid for, a reward is credited to the affiliate account, but only if the script was able to read the Cookie. If the client logs in from another computer or clears all Cookies, then the script cannot read the identifier, and accordingly, no reward is awarded.

There are affiliate programs in which after the client’s first payment, he is forever assigned to the partner.

Many novice webmasters are worried about the number of visitors to their site, and therefore do not cooperate with affiliate programs. However, the seller does not care what the average daily visit to the site is; it is important for him to sell his product. And it rewards only the partner who brought the client to the purchase.

Types of programs

What an affiliate program is and how to make money from it is known, but it is also worth knowing about the types of such programs. All of them are divided into subtypes depending on what the partner is paid for. For example, there are programs where they pay for views or for clicks. Affiliate programs are different, and in any case, each of them is worth considering in detail:

  • For clicks. The reward is paid when the client simply clicks on an advertising banner or link. Of course, the amount will depend on many factors, but the fact of making a purchase will have nothing to do with this. This kind of affiliate program is not suitable for online stores, but as an advertisement for new films, events, etc. it gives good results.
  • For sale. As already mentioned, the partner is paid only when the client who followed his link makes a purchase.
  • For action. In this case, interest is paid if the client takes certain actions. Most often, new visitors are asked to fill out a form, register, subscribe, or download a product. These advertising affiliates often use dating sites or online games.
  • For the show. The partner receives a reward if the client watches the advertising video. Such affiliate programs are used for YouTube channels or on movie sites. Although there are unpleasant accidents when a partner inserts a video onto a page with text content. This is a mistake many newbies make when they want to make money. As practice shows, the audience that browses the site in search of the necessary information refuses to wait for the end of the video and simply closes the tab. Accordingly, the number of failures increases, and the site begins to lose its position.


Every year multi-level marketing becomes more and more popular. In the case of affiliate programs, the advertiser creates a hierarchical system for promoting a product (product or service). If a certain partner “A” attracts partners “B” and “C” to work, then their income will certainly affect the profit of the first partner “A”. Affiliate programs bring income to all participants, who in most cases are not even aware of each other’s existence.

It is also worth noting that affiliate programs can be paid or free. Free affiliate programs are those that do not require additional investment for advertising. For example, if you place a link or banner on your website or social network. If the emphasis is on contextual advertising or viral marketing, then you simply cannot do without additional investments.


No matter how flexible an affiliate program product is, it may have several disadvantages:

  • The resource must have a lot of visitors in order to get a good percentage from the seller.
  • The income is credited to the electronic wallet, and when withdrawing funds to the card, a percentage is deducted from it.
  • On the Internet you can often come across dubious affiliate programs, in which you need to invest some money to participate.


And yet the positive aspects cancel out the possible nuances. In the vast majority of cases, there is no need to invest your money in the program. Affiliate programs are required minimum costs time and money, and if you take this problem seriously, then in a few months you can create a good profitable strategy that will allow you to earn money without leaving home.

Affiliate programs are suitable for those who have resources with a minimum number of visitors - 500 per day. You just need to place an advertising banner on the site, and visitors themselves will begin to generate income, without even knowing it. For greater efficiency, it is better to pay attention to advertising that matches the theme of the site.

If a partner does not have his own resource, and there are not so many subscribers on the social network, then he will have to use viral marketing strategies or start studying the features of contextual advertising. But in any case, affiliate programs are an excellent source of additional passive income.

Almost every modern company uses the Internet to sell its products. But the basics of doing business online have their own specifics. Thus, quite often product promotion is carried out using so-called affiliate programs. The essence of their application is that users recommend a certain product to their friends and acquaintances, and if they are interested in the offer, then using the provided link they go directly to the company’s website. And the user who posted the link receives his reward.

    • The concept of affiliate programs
    • Affiliate programs: features of the mechanism of their work
    • What tools are needed for the job?
    • Secrets of making money on affiliate programs

The concept of affiliate programs

Under affiliate programs refers to specialized services that provide each participant with unique links to specific products. Moreover, a separate link is generated for each item of goods.

Participant's work affiliate program consists of advertising a product. If another user follows the link recommended to him and buys a product, then the affiliate participant will receive a reward. Its size is determined individually, taking into account the experience of a particular user. As a rule, its value is ten percent of the purchase amount.

It should be noted that currently many network users are actively working with affiliate programs. But to obtain a permanent income, desire alone is clearly not enough. The user must know the basics of marketing and have some experience in sales. In their absence, one cannot count on good earnings . An inexperienced user can gain the missing knowledge in a video course called “Lord of Affiliate Programs,” where you can learn how affiliate programs work and discover the secrets of making money in the system.

Depending on the specifics of the product being promoted, the following types of affiliate programs are distinguished:

  • Promoting a specific product, for example, clothing, cosmetics or household chemicals. As a rule, network companies operate in this area.
  • Selling information products, which include video courses, programs and trainings.
  • Implementing certain services (distribution of notifications, hosting). The advantage of these affiliate programs is that working with them brings a stable income due to the client’s constant need for certain services. “Lord of Affiliate Programs” teaches how to make money in this area.

We recommend a course on making money on the Internet: Find out more than 50 ways to make money online, including ways to make money through affiliate programs

Working with the first two types of affiliate programs also has its advantages. In most cases, users make one purchase, but its cost is quite large. Accordingly, the program participant receives a good reward.

Affiliate programs: features of the mechanism of their work

During the registration process on a specialized service, the user receives a personal identifier called a login. And each affiliate link contains data about it. This is how the sales channel of a specific program participant is tracked.

An important role in calculating affiliate rewards is played by so-called cookies. They are special files stored on the server. With their help, you can see all the actions of the ID of each program participant.

Thanks to the special functions of the tracking system, the login is read from each link that the user clicks. As soon as he has made a purchase, the system automatic mode transfers the reward to the participant's account.

Basic Operation affiliate program impossible to understand without familiarity with the customer relationship management system, abbreviated CRM. It is this that makes it possible to track the actions of potential customers who visited the site via a specific link.

What tools are needed for the job?

Working with affiliate programs requires the presence of certain tools - first of all, we mean Email. Most Internet users have had it for a long time. Experience shows that the most convenient affiliate programs for working with are: Google services and Gmail. They have a large number of different settings. In addition, they work flawlessly with any type of service.

The next step will be to create a virtual money wallet, to which the funds earned in the system will be transferred. Yandex.Money or WebMoney are very popular among Russians. Withdrawal of money from the virtual wallet is carried out different ways, but most often to the user’s bank card. You can also not withdraw money, but pay for the necessary goods or services directly from the virtual account.

Secrets of making money on affiliate programs

This work, like any other type of activity, has its secrets. First of all, the user must have some experience promoting a product online. Without it, it will be quite difficult to achieve success, and many beginners are disappointed in affiliate programs for this very reason. But you can learn the missing experience from your more successful colleagues. So, with the help of the video course “Lord of Affiliate Programs” or the unique workshop “Master of Affiliate Programs”, even a beginner will be able to master the secrets of this income in a short time.

They work very successfully with affiliate programs users who have their own website or blog. After all, they use the promoted resource as a platform for posting links. But its presence is not a prerequisite for making money on affiliate programs.

7 secrets of teaser advertising

As practice shows, many users receive quite a stable income by posting competent reviews on forums, in special groups, on message boards and on social networks. Moreover, it is very important that this does not look like a banal advertisement, otherwise such a user will be blocked quite quickly. In addition, the path to success lies through creating a referral network. Experience shows that today this is one of the most effective sources for creating passive income.