It's not scary to pay for purchases on Aliexpress with a card. Bank card security code: what is it on Aliexpress, where is it located, how and where to enter it? What is the safest payment method for purchases on Aliexpress?

New buyers are interested in a whole group of questions from the category “ Aliexpress security" Therefore, we decided to write a note for you about the reliability of purchases in Chinese store and provide answers to the main questions most often asked by users.

We will consider the security of purchases, payments, goods, etc.

Aliexpress is one of the largest online trading platforms in the world. This is an online supermarket with thousands of different sellers and stores. The platform is constantly working on the quality of its services and provides high security in everything related to customer service.

But there are a number of nuances that the site administration simply cannot verify. Therefore, for security reasons, Aliexpress has introduced the AliPay payment system and store ratings. We will talk about all this below.

The site has its own payment system AliPay, which provides high standards of customer protection from fraud and other dangerous scams.

If you have a question, is it safe to pay for your order in advance? Here the answer is obvious. Yes, absolutely safe and secure. When you pay for a purchase, the money does not go to the seller, and he cannot deceive you by taking the money but not sending the goods. The direct seller does not receive your funds initially. They are recorded by the AliPay system until you confirm completion of the transaction and receipt quality product. And this security system works perfectly. And when you have confirmed receipt of the parcel, the funds are transferred to the seller. That is, everyone is happy!

Thus, payment security is at the highest level. But there are still a number of questions related to cards and their codes.

Card security code on AliExpress

When you pay by card, you will have to enter the card security code on Aliexpress. It is correctly called the CVV security code. If you already have experience paying online, then you understand that you can’t do without it. The thing is that this CVV number protects cardholders from theft of funds. After all, the card number can often be seen even when paying in a regular store.

However, you can completely trust your code to the AliPay system. A large company like Alibaba Group, which owns the website, would never steal and use your payment details. Her reputation is dear to her, because the daily revenue from transactions in the store is huge and amounts to tens and hundreds of millions of dollars.

But if you are still concerned about the security of your card on Aliexpress. Eat great option protect yourself. Many banks today offer to create a virtual card in a currency convenient for you. If you still doubt whether you should enter the security code on Ali, then follow our instructions:

  1. We are asking our bank if they issue virtual Internet cards for online purchases
  2. We order a card in a currency convenient for you: dollars, rubles, hryvnias
  3. We buy only with this card, each time transferring the amount you want to spend onto it

A virtual card is a great option for increasing security. Even if someone gains unauthorized access to it, there will be no funds there and, accordingly, there are no risks.

What other difficulties might there be with payments?

It happens that Aliexpress does not skip a payment for security reasons! What could this mean? Most likely, you are paying using some new tool. Or you try to pay with a card that belongs to another person. The reasons may be different, so it is better to immediately ask the support team using this link.

Safety of goods sold on AliExpress

The platform cannot control the quality of each product that is offered and sold on the site. Therefore, the buyer must independently check the quality of the lot. How to do it? Read reviews carefully and choose products from reliable sellers with high ratings.

There are different products sold on Ali. Sometimes things come with an unpleasant smell. But if the product has negative characteristics, then someone wrote about this in reviews a long time ago. For the most part, the products are of high quality. It’s just that myths about Chineseness have long lived in the minds of users since Soviet times.

To check the safety of products on Aliexpress, you can look for evidence of the materials used in the description. Or ask the seller directly.

What can you do for safety purposes?

Let's summarize briefly. Buying on AliExpress is truly safe, convenient and interesting. If you have some fears, then you can increase the safety of purchases on Ali Express in the following several ways:

  • Buy only from trusted sellers with high ratings
  • Read customer reviews carefully and look for meaningful negative comments
  • Pay with a virtual card, topping it up only before ordering
  • Be interested in the quality of things and the materials from which they are made

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Today, more and more people are switching from regular shopping to online. There is nothing surprising in this, since online stores have certain advantages over regular ones. For example, you can buy quality items online at favorable prices, and you don’t need to get up from the couch to do this.

On the other hand, when making purchases, you should be careful, because the popularity of online shopping attracts scammers who are constantly coming up with new ways to deceive customers. Therefore, a completely logical question arises: is it safe to buy on Aliexpress? Let's get a look.

Is it safe to pay for purchases on Aliexpress?

First of all, it is worth understanding what it is Aliexpress. If you think that this is an online store with just one seller, then you are mistaken. In fact, this is a whole market where there are many shops and each of them sells their goods. Therefore, the site administration has created a clear security system, which continues to be improved.

Seller rating system

Each store, as soon as it starts operating on the site, has a zero rating. Gradually, he earns it thanks to customers who write positive reviews.

You must understand that a salesperson who has just started working for Aliexpress, tries to price the product as low as possible in order to attract buyers. Some even work to their disadvantage in order to stand out among competitors who already have a high rating.

Fraudsters also use this scheme. Therefore, chasing the most low prices, there is a possibility of receiving an order that can be immediately thrown away. In this case, it will be very difficult to win the dispute, since in essence the product will correspond to the description.

Therefore, to avoid getting into such situations, try not to get involved with newbie sellers. It is best to order things from stores that already have a decent rating and a lot of reviews from customers. Undoubtedly, no seller works 100%, but at least 95% is certain. Even the most honest and good seller can receive a bad review. And it’s not always even his fault. For example, due to the poor performance of the Russian Post, the buyer became upset and left a bad review for the seller. Therefore, always study reviews carefully, especially bad ones, to understand how well the seller works.

Buyer Protection

It is thanks to the good protection of its clients that Aliexpress and became so popular. The site has a clear operating system so that buyers do not have to worry about the safety of their funds. The administration deals with dishonest stores on its own, so you always have the opportunity to get your money back in case of fraud. By the way, if you have a dispute about a product, you can always open a dispute and the administration Aliexpress will help you solve the problem.

The mechanism of the protection is very simple. When you pay for a purchase, the funds for it are credited to a special account in the system. The seller will not see the payment until you receive the package and confirm that everything is in order.

As soon as the seller sends your order to personal account The timer is immediately activated. It specifies the time within which the order must be received. If the product never arrived to you or it turned out to be defective or there is some other problem with it, then you can start a dispute and get your money back.

Thanks to this security system Aliexpress You can make purchases with virtually no risk.

How to avoid falling for the tricks of scammers on Aliexpress?

So that your purchases are on Aliexpress have always been safe, do not under any circumstances do the following:

  • Do not pay for orders outside the system Aliexpress, even if the seller very tearfully asks for it. In this case, the order will not be covered by transaction protection and no one will help you if problems arise.
  • Do not confirm receipt of the order if you receive a defective product, but immediately start a dispute.
  • If your goods are delayed in transit and the seller asks you to confirm receipt, then you should not do this. The correct action of the seller is to extend order protection. If you confirm that you have received the order, but it does not arrive, then there is nothing you can do and the seller will receive the money. In addition, although you have 15 days to open a dispute, if you try to start one, you will be considered a fraudster and may be blocked. After all, you confirmed receipt of the order.

In any case, if you are offered something similar, as described above, it is better to refuse the offer and file a complaint against the seller. In this way, you will get your money back, and the seller will be punished.

What is the safest payment method for purchases on Aliexpress?

When paying for orders Aliexpress Many buyers also think about safety. Yes, of course, this is very important, because you leave your personal data. It is believed that the most safe way payment for goods on Aliexpress- bank card. At first it’s really scary to pay, because suddenly the Chinese are using the data for their own personal purposes. But in reality there is nothing to be afraid of:

  • Aliexpress does not disclose your card details to anyone, that is, the seller does not receive any details, not even numbers
  • Every action is reliably protected by a security system Aliexpress

Therefore, if problems arise, it is only through the fault of the buyers themselves. For example, you came across a phishing site. Externally he looks like Aliexpress, but his address is different. Typically, you can get a link through email. The scammer tells about the promotion and that you will receive a prize by clicking on the link. You go and you are immediately asked to provide your card details to receive a coupon for purchases. Remember, real Aliexpress will never do that! Therefore, simply close such a site and do not visit it again.

There are more simple circuit. After paying for your purchase, the seller writes to you that this moment the goods are out of stock and he wants to return your money and even more than you paid. But not through the system Aliexpress, so as not to spoil the rating by opening a dispute, but directly to your card. At the same time, he asks not only for the card number, but also all the data about it - first name, last name, expiration date, and security code. The latter, by the way, is the most important, since it is with its help that all operations are performed. As a rule, it serves on the Internet to confirm that the card is yours.

In such cases, if your money is “taken away” from your card, it is unlikely that anyone will help you. By at least Aliexpress definitely can't do anything.

Therefore, follow several safety rules:

  • Never tell anyone your card details
  • Check the site address in your browser
  • Update your antivirus and check your computer regularly
  • Connect additional banking services to increase card security
  • Check the seller before you buy anything

If we summarize all of the above, it will become clear that paying for purchases on Aliexpress It’s safe, the main thing is not to get involved in any dubious schemes yourself and everything will be fine.

Video: Is it safe to pay on Aliexpress by card?

The popularity of online shopping is increasing every day. The largest trading platform offering goods from China is. Marketplace represents products from many stores in a wide variety of directions.

The defining moment of making a purchase is payment for the order. One of the popular and simple ways pay for the purchase - transfer money from a bank card. Why? First of all, it is safety. Access to your card data is closed to both the seller and other third parties. In addition, the return Money happens faster than when paying by any other method. You can pay for purchases using VISA, MasterCard or Maestro cards.

How to pay by card for an order on Aliexpress

You have looked through the products you are interested in and made your choice. Place items in your cart, fill out the required fields and place your order. Now you have come to the payment stage.

Selecting a payment method

  • Press the “Pay Now” button.
  • Opens new page, where you select a payment method for your purchase. Select payment by card and card type (VISA, MasterCard or Maestro).

Entering payment details

  • Next, if payments have not been made before or you want to use a new card, fill in the free fields: first and last name of the card owner, its number and expiration date, as well as the CVV code. If you have already made a payment using a card and the transaction was successful, the previously listed fields will be filled in automatically.
  • Click the “Pay my order” button.

The money will be debited from your account, but payment will be “posted” within 24 hours.

Payment by card on Aliexpress: security

Many buyers, when paying for orders by transferring funds from bank cards, are concerned about the security of such transactions, because the person enters all the card details. Transactions are safe, but there are several rules that, if followed, will protect you from the tricks of scammers.

  • Never give your card details to the seller. Neither at the stage of confirming the order, nor when paying for it, as well as in the event of opening a dispute, he will not see these details on his own.
  • If you are on email you have received a pseudo-official message asking you to follow the specified link and enter your card details, do not do this under any circumstances. The site to which you will be redirected usually has a name similar in spelling to the real one, so not all users notice the catch. The data is entered - the money is irretrievably lost.
  • Do not fall for the seller’s tempting offer (in case of returning the goods) to transfer the money directly to your card, and perhaps also with a bonus for the inconvenience caused. You will provide your card information and you will no longer see your money on it.
  • Do not refuse the services of your bank to ensure the security of payment transactions - SMS notifications, limits.
  • For online purchases, it is better to have separate cards with moderate amounts.

Online shopping and paying for orders using bank payment cards is an opportunity to make purchases with maximum comfort. If you are careful and do not blindly trust all offers, there is practically no risk of falling for the tricks of scammers.

Pay safely on Aliexpress: payment variations and site security check.

You can buy cheap and high-quality items with free shipping on Aliexpress! It is this internet sales shark that provides the opportunity to purchase goods first-hand from Chinese manufacturers, respectively, at wholesale prices, because in this case there is no layer of intermediaries setting mind-boggling prices in local stores.

For those who have never looked at Aliexpress, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with ours, which tells you how to register, as well as the initial navigation on the site and placing an order.

And in this article we will tell you how to buy safely on Aliexpress, and we will tell you about payment methods that are most beneficial to the client.

The safest way to pay for goods on Aliexpress

Before the advent of the Internet, almost everyone read newspapers and magazines, and they regularly published articles on how to carry money with you as safely as possible. But now more and more people are choosing to have cards, electronic wallets and are increasingly turning to cash. When it comes to online payment, many still have a lot of questions - how to pay safely, how to prove, if necessary, that the payment was completed, and also how to return the money if the goods do not arrive and the store refuses to return the money.

In this article, we will tell you, using Aliexpress as an example, how to pay safely on the Internet, as well as protect your rights as a buyer. So, there are several types of payments on Aliexpress, but they are divided into two directions:

  • Payment by card
  • Payment by electronic wallet

We will look at each type of payment and the nuances of how to do it safely.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the authenticity of the site and its security. As many people already know, phishing sites periodically pop up on the Internet, where scammers, under the guise of popular sites, defraud users of money. To make sure that you are visiting Aliexpress, check the address bar. The site name never changes!

A safe way to pay for goods on Aliexpress: we check the authenticity of the site

Also, all reputable organizations have switched to secure https encryption. This means that sites with https are safe for payment and fraudsters will not be able to intercept information about your card or account. These two rules are worth checking every time you decide to make an online purchase.

A safe way to pay for goods on Aliexpress: checking the security of the site

Now we select the product and click the buy button.

A safe way to pay for goods on Aliexpress: choosing a product

Having provided the delivery address, we proceed to payment. We see that you can pay all kinds of cards, as well as several electronic wallets. First, let's choose payment by card. Let us immediately note that this method best protects the client thanks to the chargeback. So, having chosen a card as payment, we go to the data entry page.

A safe way to pay for goods on Aliexpress: choosing a payment system

In the indicated lines we enter: card number, validity period, as well as CVV. After which on English language Please indicate your first and last name. When entering data, you don’t have to worry that scammers will steal your data, because payments on Aliexpress are protected by the currently best commercial encryption system, VeriSign SSL. The card information will not be disclosed under any circumstances, and even the seller, having received your payment, will only see your data in the following format: “Payment by penalty 51****6458 for order No. 123.” No one will be able to use the data.

Click "Pay Now".

After confirmation of payment, the payment can be checked for up to a day, after which information that you paid for the goods will be displayed in your personal account.

A safe way to pay for goods on Aliexpress: pay by card

Now let's move on to paying for Yandex.Money. There are two payment options: payment with the Yandex.Money electronic wallet and receiving an invoice for payment at self-service terminals. Both options have no fees, and in order to pay with one of them you just need to click on the button and click “Pay now”.

A safe way to pay for goods on Aliexpress: we pay using Yandex. Money

About how to pay for Yandex.Money in detail in our video.

Video: How to pay Yandex money on AliExpress?

The next payment option is WebMoney. Please note that, despite the fact that the invoice is issued in dollars, you can also pay with a ruble wallet. The conversion will be at the WebMoney rate on the day the payment is debited. Click “Pay Now”.

After clicking the pay button, you will be automatically redirected to the WebMoney page where you will need to log in and confirm the payment.

A safe way to pay for goods on Aliexpress: we pay using WebMoney

By the way, in order not to pay for SMS, we recommend installing the application from WebMoney - E-NUM. It works both online and offline.

After confirmation of payment, the order will be paid.

Now we will tell you how to safely pay with QIWI Wallet. To do this, select the icon with the QIWI Wallet logo and enter the phone number. Click “Pay Now” and follow the video instructions below.

Video: How to pay via qiwi wallet on Aliexpress?

Another payment method on Aliexpress is Mobile payment. In order to pay them, you need to select “Other payment methods” - “Mobile payment”. Then select an operator mobile communications, enter your phone number and confirm payment.

Video: How to buy on Aliexpress using a mobile phone account?

And the last option for safe payment on Aliexpress is Cash Payment. To do this, you need to indicate your phone number, which, by the way, it is better not to change until the transaction is completed and the parcel is received. After all, in case of a return, the money will be returned exactly to the phone number.

So, enter your phone number and click “Continue”. After this, an invoice will be issued and you will contact one of the branches indicated in the payment method and pay in cash.

Video: Aliexpress. Payment in cash. No cards

What is the safest way to pay for purchases on Aliexpress?

Above we looked at various payment methods, but which one is the most secure? Let us assure you right away that all the methods mentioned above are absolutely safe, and you can pay with them both in the web version and in the mobile application.

But we are still more inclined to pay by card, since if any disputes arise with the store, you will be protected by chargeback from payment systems. After all, if the seller does not send the goods and you do not have time to open a dispute on Aliexpress, you can contact your bank and apply for a chargeback (payment refund). In this application, it is necessary to indicate all the details of the transaction, and the payment system will enter into the proceedings, which guarantees a detailed consideration and refund.

We hope that our article has dispelled all your doubts, and you will now save money by purchasing on the most profitable internet site.

Video: How to pay for an order on Aliexpress via card?

Paying online often entails the risk of being scammed. In this article we will take a look at secure payment methods on the site.

Let's just say that the Soviet generation, out of habit, prefers cash. Young people are increasingly resorting to plastic cards or even electronic wallets. There can be several payment options (we will indicate the most popular):

  • bank card (Visa, MasterCard);
  • Yandex. Money;
  • QIWI wallet;
  • Webmoney.

  • Despite the fact that almost all sellers provide free shipping, you should choose the postal service China Post Registered Air Mail. Yes, most stores and sellers work with it. It is considered the fastest, safest and inexpensive.
  • Always pay attention to the ratings and reviews of other buyers. Yes, they can be different. But, as a rule, a scammer or just unscrupulous seller will give out its number of stars.

Important! If the goods do not arrive within a certain period, a dispute should be opened 3 days before the end of the delivery. In this case, the system will return your money (after a certain time).

  • Now let's touch on the most important aspect - address bar. Aliexpress website has only one. Yes, there are scammers who, under the guise of sellers, defraud buyers of money. So remember that The site name never changes!

Important! Pay attention to the beginning of the line - https. Now all reputable and popular sites have switched to such a secure code. That is, scammers will not be able to intercept any information about your payment system.

Now let's move on to paying for the purchase. We discuss the methods in more detail below.

Methods for secure payment for goods on Aliexpress

After you have chosen a product and decided to buy it, press the orange button with the words “Buy”. And then you will be presented with a choice of payment (we indicated them above).

All of them are considered safe methods, just choose the one that you are most comfortable with.

The most popular method of secure payment on Aliexpress is a bank card.

  • We put a dot next to the inscription “Payment by card” and we are redirected to the data filling page.
  • Carefully enter the number of the required card. By the way, double-check the spelling several times.
  • You must also indicate the validity period and CVV code. They are on the back of the plastic card.
  • And, of course, write your first and last name in English.

Important! protected by herself safe system VeriSign SSL encryption. This means that no one will see your data, much less be able to use it. Even the seller will only see payment with such and such a card (where only the first two and last four digits are indicated) for such and such item number.

  • All you have to do is click on the “Pay Now” button and wait until the payment information is reflected in your account. By the way, sometimes this procedure takes up to 24 hours.

Yandex Money as another option for secure payment method Aliexpress

It is important to note that first you need to top up your Yandex account. This can be done at almost any bank (for example, Sberbank of Russia) or at terminals in your city.

  • And now there is only a small matter left to do. Again, select the product, click “Buy”, go to the very bottom of the page, and click the “Place an order” button.
  • Again, we see a field at the top with possible ways and select the next line - Yandex. Money. By the way, the payment type is also called that (we put a choice point opposite).

  • The page is redirected again to pay for the goods and clicks the “Pay” button.
  • All! As a result, the message “Payment completed successfully” will appear before your eyes.

QIWI wallet as a secure payment method Aliexpress

Of course, the first thing you need to do is install the application on your smartphone (we won’t go deeper into this topic). And don’t forget to top up your wallet account. By the way, this operation can be done through a terminal, a bank card or even a mobile phone account.

  • We will not repeat how to place an order (this has already been said more than once). Select the line “other payment methods” and “place an order”.
  • A window will pop up where we select the QIWI section.
  • Carefully enter the phone number (the one linked to the wallet).
  • Click “Pay Now” (orange button at the bottom of the page).
  • A redirection occurs where an SMS confirmation is required. Enter a six-digit number, agree to the terms and conditions and click “Continue”.
  • The page is redirected again, where there will be general information about the product and payment, click the “Pay” button.

  • Finally, the green line “Payment completed successfully” will be displayed.

WebMoney online wallet - a secure payment method Aliexpress

  • We examined three options in detail, two of which are very similar.
  • We select the product, select the appropriate payment method (in this case, WebMoney).

  • But in this option, the page is redirected to the WebMoney website.
  • Yes, you need to log in and confirm the purchase.

Important! The price of the product is provided in dollars, but the purchase can also be paid with a ruble wallet. Just be aware that there will be a small additional fee for transferring funds.

Once again, we repeat that all of the above payment methods are safe. By the way, payment for goods can even be made through a phone number or in cash (but in this case you will need to pay the invoice at certain branches).

The only caveat! With a payment card there are a little more guarantees. No, all methods are good if you open a dispute on time (in case of late delivery of your purchase). And if you didn’t have time to do this, then you need to contact the bank. There you write a request for a refund. You need to specify the terms of the transaction in detail and then you are guaranteed to get your money back.

Video: How to pay Yandex money on Aliexpress?