Unlinking devices from a Wi-Fi network in Mosmetro

In the Moscow metro it is no longer possible to access the Internet from Maxima Telecom through a browser that internal systems companies are suspected of using an ad blocker. One of the readers reported this to vc.ru. In a conversation with TJ, Maxima Telecom press secretary Ilya Grabovsky evasively answered the question about a possible ban on blockers.

According to a reader named Alexander, since around December 10, he has been experiencing problems when trying to connect to free Wi-Fi in the Moscow subway. The man used Xiaomi smartphone, which has the standard MIUI browser, but when connecting to the network, the authorization window did not appear.

When logging in through a third-party UC Browser, he saw a stub informing him that his browser was not supported. Maxim Telecom support suggested that he change his browser, and also stated that it is prohibited to use third-party utilities for automatic authorization on the metro network.

As Alexander stated, he disabled all possible plugins and restrictions in UC Browser, but he was still unable to log into the metro Wi-Fi network.

Maxim Telecom press secretary Ilya Grabovsky told TJ that the problems concern only UC Browser, but in response to a direct question about what kind of impact on the authorization system we are talking about, he refused to comment. According to him, in general the company did not ban ad blockers.

The situation is caused by UC Browser settings related to the impact on the authorization system when connecting to free network Wi-Fi in the Moscow metro.

Ilya Grabovsky, press secretary of Maxima Telecom

In Maxima Telecom’s “Terms of Use of Services” there are three points that may be responsible for the fight against ad blockers. In clause 16.b, the company requires the use of a pre-installed browser to access the Internet. According to 17.k, the user is prohibited from “using software that automatically authorizes the User to receive the Service, with the exception of software provided or approved by the Contractor."

Clause 20.f states that the company is not responsible if the user has “non-certified user equipment" Judging by the Google cache, the content of the user agreement has not changed since at least November 30, 2015.

When logging into the Maxima Telecom network, the user is shown a short but non-closable video with video advertising. In early November, Yandex developer Alexander Baranov, regardless of the company, used the Metroblock ad blocker for iOS, which allows you to bypass this video banner, but three days later he removed the application from App Store without any explanation. Yandex is a search engine on the wi-fi.ru portal maintained by Maxima Telecom, and also places contextual advertising there.

In mid-November, programmer Marat Saitakov released free application“Authorization in the Moscow metro” for iOS. It automatically logs in without having to watch ads. A year earlier, a utility called “Auto Login” appeared for Android.

Maxima Telecom users have the opportunity to turn off advertising when logging in to the network for 99 rubles per month. According to the chairman of the board of directors of the company, Sergei Aslanyan, 50 thousand people took advantage of this function.

UC Browser is developed by the Chinese company Alibaba and is popular mainly thanks to users from China. In November, it overtook the share of users mobile browsers Safari, occupying 17.42% of the global market, was second only to Google Chrome from 35.85%.

And again, an article with up-to-date information about problems connecting to the Internet via wireless Wi-Fi network in the Moscow Metro (someday the blog will fall under the AGS for duplicates).
BOMBERuss just noticed that there are enough problems with the “waffle” in Mosmetro and users constantly ask these questions search engines, which prompted me to study the FAQ of the MaximaTelecom provider, as well as send by e-mail support request for more detailed information about decoupling devices from the network.
I’ll be honest that Maximatelecom support responded quickly and on topic, for which I express my gratitude to them

Request for Wi-Fi technical support in the Moscow metro

My support email contained several poorly worded questions that I typed on my keyboard in the morning while half asleep...
  1. Does unlinking devices from a subscriber number work by sending an SMS to the number 8 (903) XXX-XX-XX with a request to unlink all devices?
  2. Is it possible to independently unlink devices from Wi-Fi networks in the Moscow Metro?
  3. What methods can you use to decouple gadgets from the network by sending messages (phone numbers for SMS, Email addresses...) and what template should I use to format messages?
  4. Will the function of automatically decoupling gadgets from the Wi-Fi network be implemented in Mosmetro in the future?
It looked something like this:

The answer was not long in coming.

How to disconnect all devices from Wi-Fi in the subway

So, judging by the E-mail sent by the provider’s support, we can detach gadgets from the “waffle” in the subway in the following ways:
  1. Do it yourself in your personal account on the website wi-fi.ru. To enter your Personal Account, you need to click on the image of a human figure (or a picture of a house from a tablet or PC) in the upper left corner. Unfortunately, access to your personal account from the external network is temporarily not working. You can get there after connecting to our network. Developers are busy finding a solution to the problem. It should be fixed by the end of this week.
  2. To carry out the de-identification procedure, you need to send a request to disable identification in the form of SMS to phone number METHOD DISABLED. SMS must be sent from the same number from which we want to unlink the devices.
  3. When registering the 6th device, the oldest linked device is automatically unlinked (at the time of publication there are temporary problems).
These methods will help if the gadget has a dynamic MAC address or 5 gadgets are already attached to one phone number. You can also write to technical support a letter indicating the problem (as stated in the FAQ http://cdn.vmet.ro/vmetro/faq/ and in the group social network"In contact with").

How to write to Wi-Fi support in the metro.

To solve problems with the Wi-Fi network of the Moscow Metro, you can send an E-mail describing the problem to the following addresses: The letter can be duplicated to several addresses for accuracy)))

When using Wi-Fi in the metro, you can now turn off advertising. To do this, when entering the vmet.ro portal, you need to connect paid service"Without advertising". Maxima Telecom press secretary Ilya Grabovsky reported this to the site. The service costs 99 rubles per month and is already available to users. However, some passengers report problems connecting it.

“We have launched the “No Advertising” service package. All network advertising disappears. There are different advertising formats, but passengers who have connected to this service package will not be shown it,” explained Grabovsky. “Including the advertising banner that appears when connecting to Wi-Fi networks".

In order to sign up for the service, you need to go to the vmet.ro portal and connect to the Internet, and then click on “No Ads” payment. At the same time, according to Grabovsky, the banner with the offer may not immediately appear on the user’s screen. “It may not appear first, but it is shown to everyone upon entry. If it does not appear, it may appear the next time the user wants to use Wi-Fi in the subway,” he explained.

According to a representative of the Wi-Fi operator in the metro, the “No Advertising” service is paid and costs 99 rubles per month; no commission will be charged. "You can pay for the service as follows: by bank card, and from the account mobile phone", he added.

The developers claim that the service is provided in “working” mode, but some users have problems using this offer.

Ilya Grabovsky recalled that a new one will appear in the near future updated version portal vmet.ro. “In the future, we plan to implement tools for more convenient management of various personal services, including the “No Ads” package,” he noted.

Let us remind you that at the end of February, users in the Wi-Fi network began working on all lines of the capital’s metro.

To identify yourself on the capital's subway Wi-Fi network, you need to go to home page online, activate the registration option and enter your phone number. In a few seconds, an SMS with a numeric code will be sent to your phone, which must be entered in a special field. The user can then access the Internet for free in the subway.

There are no plans to make Internet access chargeable in the metro. In addition, the quality of telephone communications on trains should soon improve. In test mode, uninterrupted telephone communication underground will be tested this summer.

In addition, metro passengers using Wi-Fi will be able to link to the vmet.ro website - home page when connected to wireless internet. After the update, each user will have Personal Area, and metro passengers will be able to link cards and mobile wallets to it. Negotiations are currently underway with financial service providers.

Please note that photographs may appear in the capital's subway, which will be posted on the website vmet.ro - the start page free Wi-Fi. The search and rescue team "Lisa Alert" will approach the head of the capital's subway with such an initiative.