Recuva doesn't find it. File recovery: Recuva Accidentally deleted an important file? Advanced file recovery mode

7 Data Android Recovery is on this moment The most popular program for data recovery on Android smartphones. However, it does not work correctly for all users. In some cases, the software is completely . What to do if the program does not want to work properly? IN this manual We’ll try to figure out why 7 Data Android Recovery doesn’t see the phone and how we can fix this problem.

Causes of the problem and their solution

The program may not detect the smartphone or Tablet PC for one of several reasons. It all depends on the type of device, the hardware used to connect it, as well as the operating system settings.

Below is a list of reasons why connection problems may occur and how to solve them:

  1. USB debugging disabled
  2. This is probably the most common problem. It's easy to solve, you just need to do it. To do this, you need to go to the settings of your Android phone and find the “For Developers” section there, it will have the “USB Debugging” item.

  3. The smartphone is not put into standby mode
  4. No matter how strange it may sound, in some cases, turning on the phone lock helps solve the problem with detection.

  5. Drivers for connecting your smartphone are not updated
  6. Outdated or uninstalled drivers for device identification in Windows system, may cause incorrect operation 7 Data Android Recovery programs. To try to fix the situation, download the latest version of drivers from the website of the smartphone/tablet manufacturer or update it yourself through the device manager.

  7. Incorrect operation of the computer's USB driver
  8. Check if all drivers on the system are updated to latest version. It often happens that to use some USB connectors on motherboard installation of an additional driver is required (for example, this often happens if the laptop uses the 3.0 standard).

  9. Incorrect connection mode
  10. Please note that the smartphone must be connected in storage mode, and not in modem or charging mode. In these modes, the program will not be able to see the SD card.

  11. The phone is not rooted
  12. Even if debugging mode is activated and disk drive mode is enabled, recovery is impossible without root rights (since by default the user cannot make changes to the file system). You can find out more about how to obtain these rights on your device on specialized forums.

    In some cases, there may be problems with the USB cable, due to which any file transfer operations, as well as working with the device through programs on a PC, become impossible. The phone simply will not be visible to your PC. The only thing that will help is replacing the cable with a new one or connecting a memory card through a card reader.


In case everything possible reasons the problems described above are excluded, but the program still does not want to detect the device, perhaps it is not supported. In this case, you can try using more old version program or one of its analogues.

Recuva - very useful application, with which you can recover files and folders that have been permanently deleted.

If you accidentally formatted a flash drive, or you needed deleted files after emptying the recycle bin, do not despair - Recuva will help you return everything to its place. The program has high functionality and ease of searching for missing data. Let's figure out how to use this program.

1. The first step is to go to the developer’s website and download the program. You can choose both free and commercial versions. To recover data from a flash drive, a free one will be enough.

2. Install the program following the installer's prompts.

3. Open the program and start using it.

How to recover deleted files using Recuva

When launched, Recuva gives the user the ability to configure search options for the required data.

1. In the first window, select the data type, also known as the format - images, videos, music, archives, Email, Word documents and Excel or files of all types at once. Click on “Next”

2. In the next window, you can select the location of the files - on a memory card or other removable media, in documents, the trash can, or a specific location on the disk. If you don't know where to look for the file, select "I'm not sure."

3. Recuva is now ready to search. Before starting it, you can activate the advanced search function, but this will take more time. It is recommended to use this function in cases where the search did not produce results. Click “Start”.

4. Before us is a list of found data. A green circle next to the name means that the file is ready to be restored, a yellow circle means that the file is damaged, and a red circle means that the file cannot be restored. Place a checkmark next to the desired file and click “Recover”.

5. Select the folder on your hard drive where you want to save the data.

Surely every user has at least once encountered a situation when unnecessary file was deleted permanently, and later turned out to be necessary, or was erased accidentally - for example, during a system failure. What to do in such cases? One of the simplest and most accessible tools for recovering previously deleted files is the Recuva program, which is not at all difficult to use.

Recuva - what is the program and what is it for?

Recuva is a program for restoring permanently erased files from the British software developer Piriform, known to Russian users for the CCleaner and Defraggler utilities. It is produced in three versions:

  • Standart - designed to work on PCs, laptops, netbooks and all-in-one computers;
  • Portable - does not require installation on a computer, as it is used to work with removable storage media.
  • Professional - version with automatic updates, designed for in-depth recovery of damaged or lost files on PCs and virtual disks.

Standard and Portable are available for download for free. The Professional version costs 800 rubles. It is also sold as a set of four professional versions of the company’s products: , Defragler, Speccy and Recuva for 1,190 rubles.

There are many resources on the RuNet from which this program can be easily downloaded, but the download files they offer may well contain viruses, so in the absence of a reliable antivirus program, it is better to download Recuva from the “native” site

Advantages and disadvantages

According to numerous ratings from ordinary users and professional magazines, this program has been the leader among utilities for recovering deleted files for several years now. However, like any program, it has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of the product include:

  • Russified, intuitive interface;
  • availability of a fully functioning free version;
  • interaction with any types of information storage devices - from hard drives to memory cards;
  • the ability to manually select places to search for lost files;
  • search for system and hidden files;
  • the ability to restore the structure of previously erased folders and archives;
  • work with most of the most common formats, types and types of information: text documents, tables, presentations, photographic materials, audio and video files, folders, archives, etc.;
  • the ability to manually set the degree of depth for file recovery and the level of reliability of information deletion.

The disadvantages of the product include:

  • duration of work - from several hours even with a simplified search;
  • the ability to restore only those files whose condition was rated as excellent after data search - if their quality is average or worse, then they cannot be restored.

In practice, the vast majority of files do not lose their quality when deleted

The program can recover different types of files, but only if they are erased in a standard way, when moving and then emptying the Recycle Bin or formatting the disk. If you previously used any other utility to permanently delete files, then Recuva will not be able to restore them.

How to use the program - features and functions

Recuva is a utility that every technology user will need at least once, since no one is immune from accidental file deletion or system failures. How to work with this program?


Interface and Features Overview

After launch, the program will automatically prompt you to select the type of files that need to be recovered. To improve the quality of your search, it is recommended to check the in-depth analysis box.

How better program will analyze the disk, the more deleted files it will find

Upon completion of the search, the program will display a list of files that have been erased but can still be restored. The color of the circles next to the file name indicates the likelihood of success. Green ones have the maximum chances, red ones have the minimum ones.

Most files, as a rule, are completely recoverable

You need to check the boxes for the files that you want to return from “oblivion” and click the corresponding button in the lower right corner.

On the right side of the screen, to make selection easier, there is a “Summary” tab, which contains detailed information about erased files.

In many cases, it makes sense to listen to program recommendations

Please note that regardless of the type of drive from which data will be recovered, the procedure for using the program is the same.

What media does it work with?

In addition to hard drives on computers, laptops, netbooks and all-in-one PCs, Recuva can be used to check the following types of drives:

  • memory cards;
  • flash drives;
  • digital players;
  • smartphones;
  • tablets;
  • mobile phones;
  • cameras;
  • video cameras, etc.

This program will not be installed on any platform - for Android, for example, its analogue, Undeleter, is suitable.

Possible problems

Recuva is not only easy to install, but also easy to manage. It does not require additional knowledge. However, Recuva does not guarantee the recovery of any previously erased file, even if it was highlighted in green - this is its main problem. You can try to solve this difficulty using the Professional version or other utilities for recovering permanently deleted files.

“Partially recovered” files cannot be opened in the future

The second common problem is that the program may not “see” the connected equipment: flash drive, phone, video camera, etc. First, it is recommended to disconnect the device from the computer and try to connect it again. If this does not help, you should update the device drivers. To do this, go to the “My Computer” tab, select the device, right-click on it and select “Properties”. Go to the equipment tab and click on the “Properties” button.

If the program “does not see” the equipment, instead of the message “the device is working normally” there will be a message about the problem, and reinstalling the drivers can solve it

The inability to recover after secondary deletion is the only problem that cannot be solved. If files were erased from the drive and after that new information was written to it or some other files were deleted a second time, then the utility will not be able to restore the originally erased ones - it simply will not find them.

The Recuva program is not overloaded with unnecessary functionality and unnecessary details. Having installed it, even a child will be able to figure out how to use the wizard of this utility. It helps to quickly recover permanently deleted files from any storage media.

The Recuva program from Piriform is one of the worthy representatives of tools for recovering deleted data (for example, after formatting or damage to removable drives). By the way, the Piriform company made another one good program– Speccy, we have her.

You can download Recuva completely free of charge on the official website. There is also a paid version (as of February 2018, its cost is 800 rubles), but it does not provide any serious advantages. When installing, do not forget to select Russian language and refuse to install CCleaner:

  • DiskDigger - review and instructions for recovering deleted files
  • How to transfer from iPhone to iPhone - instructions with pictures
  • The SD card is damaged - recovery procedure
  • How to recover data using Recuva

    After starting the program, a wizard will automatically launch to help you recover lost data. You can specify the type of files you want to recover, this will speed up the search (you can select types: images, videos, documents, and so on):

    Be sure to specify the path to the drive you want to search on, because by default Recuva will search for files wherever possible. This will take a lot of time, and it will be difficult to find anything in the huge number of results.

    If the files were simply deleted, Recuva will easily find them and offer to restore them:

    If your drive has been formatted, and in other difficult cases, Recuva will offer you an in-depth analysis - agree. It can take quite a long time, depending on the disk size:

    After finishing the search, click the “Go to advanced mode” button, you will see something like this:

    There can be quite a lot of elements, because Recuva will also find long-deleted files and folders. You can sort files by type, size, or location. All that remains is to highlight necessary files and click the “Restore...” button.

    Recuva – free utility for file recovery from developers from the British company Piriform. A fully functional version of the program can be downloaded for free, but there is also a paid edition of Recuva, which adds the function automatic update and support for recovery from virtual disk.

    Advantages of Recuva

    You can download the program on the official website of the developer. Installation file Recuva weighs a little more than 4 MB, the installed utility occupies 6 MB on the hard drive. Among other advantages:

    • Completely free work.
    • Russified interface.
    • Availability of a recovery wizard that allows you to flexibly customize the search procedure deleted files.
    • Ability to add the “Search for deleted files” option to Explorer and Recycle Bin.

    The Search for Deleted Files option in Explorer allows you to quickly run a scan of a specific folder from which data has been erased.

    For example, a photo was stored in the Pictures folder. If you accidentally erased a photo, right-click the Pictures directory and search for deleted files. The scan will only be performed on that specific folder.

    Purpose of the program

    Recuva is a universal recovery program that can find and return files of any format. In one of the recovery wizard windows, you can specify what type of files to search for.

    This filter allows you to speed up the process of searching for erased data. If, for example, a document created in Word, Excel or one of the LibreOffice applications is deleted, then you just need to check the appropriate option so that the program does not search for other formats.

    Recuva can find data that was on a formatted drive.

    Some files will be damaged, but 90 percent are usually restored without problems - not bad for a utility that can be downloaded for free. However, in case of failure file system It is problematic to return information from a flash drive or disk using this program.

    Recovery procedure

    Recuva has a user-friendly interface, but a little instruction manual won't hurt: it's useful to know how to use the program to achieve maximum effect.

    Once the scan is complete, you will see a list of found data. There is a colored circle next to each file.

    The color indicates the degree of damage:

    • Green – no damage, ready for restoration.
    • Yellow – there are problems, the file may not open.
    • Red – data is damaged and cannot be restored.

    To get files back, select them and click Recover. When restoring data, select a folder that is located on another drive.

    You cannot save found files to the disk from which they were deleted!

    If you are not satisfied with the recovery wizard, you can switch to Recuva's advanced mode. To do this, when starting the program, close the wizard window by clicking “Cancel”. In Advanced mode, you can specify which media to scan. Pay attention to the "Settings" button.