Web design: where to start learning for a beginner? Self-learning web design without leaving home Is it possible to learn web design on your own?

Today we're going to walk you through a set of web design tools that you'll need to get started with.

But before that, let's quickly define the difference between web design and web development. These are two terms that are often used in the same context, but they are completely different:


Web design- this is the artistic design of the visual part of the site. Pages, their structures, shapes, etc. It includes every aspect appearance and functionality of the website, and requires the implementation of the principles of visual design and accounting for user experience. This way, the web designer creates a design that is visually appealing and at the same time easy to use by the user.

Web development, this is the process of creating the site itself. This process includes programming (writing code and scripts), and page layout for future web design and information content. The developer must have experience and programming skills to create the basis of the site, so that the web designer has room to create.


Now that we have an idea of ​​what Web Design is, let's move on to the tools needed to make it work.

Sketches and drawing tools:

As with any type of Design, web design begins with a sketch (idea). It can be drawn on paper or used Graphics tablet.

Tablet: If you like digital inventions, you can use a graphics tablet to sketch out your design ideas. They can be installed Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, and it will help you quickly create a digital sketch.

Pencil + notepad: The traditional method is to sketch by hand, and this is a good and easy way.


It is very important to choose the right type for your website design idea. And no one will give it to you good advice about this, except for yourself! Because it depends on your personal “tastes” and “visions”. Here are some resources to find best type for your web design project.

Google Fonts is one of the first places to look for fonts. There they are free and you can easily transfer them to Blogger, WordPress or Squarespace.

oert.org is a great platform that you can use to explore different typography styles, learn more about types, and experiment with them.


You can spend hours creating color palettes, exploring how colors interact with each other - it's simple and so beautiful! But choosing from a color palette can be difficult at first. Over time, you'll quickly begin to create the perfect color palette for your projects. Here are some resources that may help you.

coolors.co- beautiful, simple and easy interface for quick creation color palettes.

color.adobe.com- Adobe palette. The cooler has mass additional functions, if you want to mix and match colors and create your own palettes. They also have a huge library of ready-made color palettes for your inspiration.

Hello, dear reader! In this article we will tell you how to become a web designer yourself.

The path to professional level is not easy, but the result is worth it. We advise you to be patient and hardworking, because we have a lot to learn.

First, let's decide whether it's worth your effort? After all, if you are driven by the goal of earning money, then this will not be enough; what is important is the desire to enjoy the process of learning and fulfilling orders. Then employers will value you, since the true motive is the work of your whole life.

Where to start for a beginner

Many beginners in this field get lost in tons of information, books, articles, video courses. Let's structure all the information and outline specific steps.

Do you agree?

To begin with, knowledge of Adobe Photoshop will be sufficient. good level. This program surprises with its capabilities, the development of which will require time and effort. Experiment with colors, brushes, effects. It is not necessary to immediately draw a website; it is important to develop a sense of taste and technical skills when using Photoshop.

It will also be useful to understand the following:

  1. Illustrator – will help in creating icons and logos;
  2. UX and UI design – knowledge of the basics will help you create a user-friendly interface;
  3. HTML, CSS - understanding programming languages ​​serves as an assistant for optimizing graphics into a full-fledged element of the site.

But the learning doesn’t end there, it’s just beginning.

  • Draw all your free time.

Especially if you have no experience, it is important to redraw the work of other designers, famous brands and their websites.

  • Create your own blog on which you will publish your first works and tricks that you have learned.

Ask experienced web designers to comment on your work. It’s useful for you, and for other beginners too.

  • Develop your artistic taste.

A web designer cannot do without creative ideas and taste. If nature has deprived you of this, then you need to cultivate it in yourself. Go to the cinema, take photographs, pay attention to advertising, visit exhibitions, take an interest in new paintings, buy books, take time to travel to beautiful places. Do whatever inspires you to be creative!

  • Don't get hung up on one thing.

Try and find exactly what you like. To decide, you need to try a lot, for example, designing websites or creating landing pages. You can be good at many things, but it’s better to be a professional in one thing.

  • Analyze.

No, not myself, but the works of other designers, for example, Andrei Gorokhov or Vasily Pirogov. Study not only domestic representatives of this profession, but also foreign ones. This way you will quickly find your style, get inspired and get a dose of motivation.

  • Create a quality portfolio.

Read more about this in the instructions - how to make a portfolio for a web designer (link will come later).

  • They offer it - take it.

Take on any job. Let it be simple banners and logos, it doesn’t matter. After all, if you start from scratch, then you need any work for your portfolio. And this is the most important experience that can only be gained by doing, and nothing else. Take action! Try yourself, look for your own customers. Just don’t inflate your prices if you are not yet very confident in your abilities.

  • If you are just starting to take orders on exchanges, then do not forget to take care and create electronic wallets, for example, WebMoney and Yandex Money.
  • Learn to communicate with the customer.

For this it is better to use Skype. This is necessary in order to better understand a person’s desires. It is important to find out what exactly the employer wants to see as a result. Ask the customer to show sites that he likes, and also ask about what should not be there. Study carefully technical task(TZ) and if something is unclear, be sure to clarify. Discuss deadlines.

Components of a successful project

You can become a good web designer only by learning how to do compelling work. In pursuit of ideals, it is important not to go to extremes, so let's talk to you about what it takes to create a good website? What is he like?

  • He is intuitive and clear.

Over the years of using the Internet, users have become accustomed to approximate website standards. This is a simple registration, information about the created project. But since everyone strives for uniqueness, an inexperienced designer can get carried away and create a unique, but inconvenient resource from a simple, understandable one. Therefore, innovation is encouraged - the finished project should be bright, unique, but nevertheless close to the standards.

  • It's simple.

Have you ever wondered why Google company so popular and in demand? It's all about their simplicity; they speak the user's language as much as possible. Your site should be interesting, but a bunch of incomprehensible buttons and options will clearly be unnecessary.

  • It respects the user's time.

Have you noticed this: you go to one site and all the pages load quickly, but on another it takes so long that you don’t even want to waste time. Content must be optimized. If you make a little less graphic elements, such as videos or animations, this will not only speed up the loading process, but also increase the likelihood that a user will be interested in your site.

  • It has feedback.

The so-called feedback is always loved by website visitors. This tool will help you analyze the demand and also help you find out opinions about your product. This information will be needed in the future if the owner of this site wants to improve the content or the service itself that it provides to clients.

  • It is filled with interesting content.

The most important thing is the content. People come to the site to solve this or that problem, and in addition to quality information, you need to take care of readability. These include appropriate pictures, font, color, text structure, its completeness and usefulness.

How to achieve success without special education?

  • Learn.

Take various trainings and courses on web design. They are not always expensive, and sometimes they are even free. But this is always a wonderful opportunity to practice under the guidance of experienced masters in a circle of like-minded people.

  • Read books.

Specialized literature will be your faithful assistant on the path to professional excellence.

  • The question of where to study should not be difficult. After all, the Internet is full of different things.
  • Learn a little about web design terminology.

For example, what is a modular grid or typography. With each new word, your professional vocabulary will grow, and soon it will be much easier to understand employers and their requirements.

  • When you acquire the necessary knowledge on using certain programs, then it will be extremely useful for you, as a beginner, to complete the following task:

you need to find any site you like on the Internet. Next, download Photoshop and copy the site layout, at least one page. If you do this exercise regularly, you will very quickly break down the whole process into small steps. This will take the fear away when you embark on your first DIY projects.

  • Practice is good, but we can’t do without theory and “chewing” information. Therefore, we recommend studying various video tutorials and articles.

For example, you can look at this website: egraphic.ru.

  • You can also do it much simpler. Namely, download the PSD of another experienced designer and create a layout yourself following the example. This way you'll get up to speed pretty quickly.
  • If you have enough enthusiasm, you can find an already experienced web designer and ask him to train you. Or at least schedule a mini-consultation on issues that you cannot figure out on your own.

  • Use various online programs.

For example, bannerovich.ru is suitable for creating banners, logos, etc.


We have discussed some steps that will bring you closer to mastering web design. Time for self-study from scratch usually takes 5 - 6 months. This is all purely individual and depends on the capabilities and abilities of the person himself.

Therefore, do not forget that there is also professional training, with the help of which excellent results can be achieved in a month or two.

We wish you successful endeavors! All the best!

From the author: Greetings, dear reader. When starting your journey as a web designer, you probably come across a huge number of various seminars, courses, reference books, books and web design lessons. However, not everyone can afford training that costs several thousand rubles. Moreover, truly useful and high-quality web design lessons are held only in large cities. Which exit?

To master the profession of a web designer, successfully apply your knowledge in practice and create a high-quality and useful product, it is often enough to “study” various web resources or take specialized video courses intended for beginners.

It's not that I'm against the full-time system of teaching web design. I just think that most of these courses are simply a waste of useful time to study information that is unnecessary for a beginning web designer, like “what is the Internet” or “how to install Photoshop” (you can certainly learn this on your own).

In addition, in our country they actually do not teach to be web designers. That is, the specialty " graphic design" exists in many universities, however, it produces printers, illustrators, decorators, graphic designers - anyone, but not web design specialists.

Today we will talk to you about what no introductory lesson on web design from scratch can do without - the main criteria for good design: color, shape and typography. And, of course, about the concept of web design.

What is web design?

The creation of any web resource begins with the design of its interface, which should not only be convenient and understandable for the user, but also meet the goals and objectives of the site. Despite the fact that the artistic design of the interface recedes into the background, it proper use will enhance the convenience of the site, make it memorable and original.

If you don’t have artistic taste from birth, don’t worry. The main thing is to know the basics of web design, and taste will come with experience.


The default monitor color is black. The primary colors - red, blue and green - are added to black and form all the other colors. If you add three primary colors, you get white. This color model is called RGB.

Some web design lessons from scratch begin with a description of the color wheel, which is the main assistant of any web designer.

Principles of the Color Wheel

Pairs of colors located opposite each other are contrasting. For example, violet with yellow, magenta with green, cyan with red;

contrasting colors are mutually exclusive. That is, if you increase the cyan level, it will automatically decrease the red level. And vice versa;

a specific color is obtained by mixing adjacent colors. For example, to get yellow, you need to mix green and red;

Any color can be contrasted not with one color, but with a contrasting pair. So, to increase the red value, you can lower the cyan level, or lower the blue and green values ​​at the same time.

A small life hack: to quickly select a contrasting color, you can invert the color of any raster element using the Ctrl+I command.

When choosing a color palette for the site, do not forget to use the table safe colors to make sure that the browser renders a particular color in the correct way. If the browser cannot recognize a particular color, it may mix up several nearby ones, resulting in a distorted color scheme for the site.


Without exception, all objects have a form. We can create an object without color or texture, but the shape information cannot be omitted. Most commonly used simple forms in web design are: line, rectangle, triangle and circle.

A line can perform two functions: connecting and separating other objects. Connection example:

Splitting example:

Rectangle. It is important to choose the proportions. Surely you have heard about the “golden ratio” - dividing a segment into parts in such a way that the ratio of the smaller part to the larger is the same as the ratio of the larger to the entire length of the segment. Below is an example in which point C divides segment AB so that AC:AB= CB:AC.

So, the principle of the “golden ratio” is observed not only in the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci, but also in all areas of science and art, including web design. It is believed that the “golden ratio” generates harmony. For example, in a photograph, important objects should be located at a distance of 3/8 and 5/8 from the edge, that is, in important visual centers.

Triangle. This is a complex figure for web design, allowing you to achieve different effects. Often it does not fit well into the overall picture, however, when used correctly, for example in logos, it can emphasize the reliability and sustainability of the company.

Circle. Like the triangle, this shape is good in logos, icons and other small objects. In large objects and screen design, the circle is rarely used.


The work of a web designer is not only about drawing objects and their correct location in space. One of the most important tasks is to make the text that we see on the monitor screen beautiful and readable.

Different platforms and browsers tend to display fonts differently (which is incredibly frustrating for both users and web designers), so try to use safe fonts that are guaranteed to display across all browsers.

basic - for the main materials of the site. Use readable, simple fonts with comfortable line spacing (approximately 1.5 times the height of the characters);

display - for headings. This font can be distinguished not only by size, but also by color;

additional - for navigation, important information, menu logo, quotes, etc.

That's all for now. The next web design tutorial will cover the basics of Photoshop.

In conclusion, I want to say that everyone can master the basics of design skills. You just need to have the desire, put in some effort and devote time to learning. The basics of web design (color, object shapes, and fonts) are the foundation on which learning should be built.

Take the time to look through the portfolios of various talented designers or the websites of famous companies and pay special attention to the above elements. This will help you develop good taste and perhaps develop your own style.

Subscribe to our updates and be the first to receive web design lessons. See you again!

How to become a web designer from scratch is a pressing question for those who dream of building a successful career, working part-time on the Internet, or creating their own successful business. What are the features of this profession, what are the prospects for earning money, where to look for customers, how much you can actually earn - you will find answers to all these questions in this article.

The specialty of a web designer combines the creative abilities of an artist, the skills of an Internet marketer, and the technical knowledge of a programmer. A true professional must take into account hundreds technical requirements and nuances, show creativity, resourcefulness and a good understanding of different areas, and be able to solve several problems at the same time. A web designer has to take into account the peculiarities of HTML layout, the nuances of search engine promotion of sites, online sales technologies, and find non-standard solutions that can make the site original and memorable.

Features of making money on web design

To make money on web design, you need not only to master Photoshop and other graphic editors, but also to be able to present your services profitably and find “fat” clients. The main customers for the “creator” are private webmasters, advertising agencies, and web studios.

What does a web designer do?

A web designer's day is very busy and scheduled literally to the minute. To achieve significant results in this area, you must have the following skills:

  • proficiency in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, CorelDraw and other programs;
  • knowledge of HTML;
  • knowledge of Internet marketing, usabiliti basics;
  • good sense of taste;
  • spatial and creative thinking;
  • experience in the field of website promotion.

Web designer salary

How much does a web designer earn and is it worth learning this profession? The earnings of specialists depend on their experience in this field, the level of skill and professionalism, the ability to find customers and set prices correctly.

The average specialist earns from 50,000 to 200,000 per month of work. The best professionals earn many times more. The minimum cost of one project is from 3000-4000 rubles. Optimal prices are 10-15 thousand rubles for 1 website.

Where to study to be a web designer?

High-quality training is the basis for an easy start and quick access to a stable income. To become a web designer from scratch, you can undergo training in one of the following ways:

  • admission to the University;
  • sign up for online courses and trainings;
  • self-education (reading books, watching video lessons, tutorials, YouTube videos).

How to become a web designer in 8 steps?

To acquire theoretical knowledge, beginners must adhere to the following scheme:

  1. Read 1-2 books on web design basics.
  2. Master Photoshop to advanced user level. Already at this stage you can start earning your first money by drawing custom banners, logos, infographic elements for websites, pictures for advertising posts in social networks, creating accounts, video screensavers for YouTube channels, photo stocks, photo processing.
  3. Learn the basics of HTML, CSS, layout principles, WordPress (it is on this platform that most of the web resources on the RuNet are built), and gain basic knowledge of web programming. This knowledge will help you understand the essence of website building, find a common language with customers and understand their requests, and help you avoid possible errors The site is still at the stage of design development.
  4. Try to disassemble the structure of sites that you like and repeat their design for educational purposes.
  5. Develop 3-5 website projects and create a detailed portfolio, effectively presenting yourself and your services (for these purposes, you can order selling text from copywriters). A portfolio is a business card for a professional, by which customers evaluate you, so it is advisable to include your best work there.
  6. Think over the prices for your services (it is advisable for novice webmasters not to inflate prices and set a price tag 10-20% lower than average market prices).
  7. Create a WebMoney wallet to accept payments from customers.
  8. Place your resume on all available platforms to receive the first orders (freelance exchanges work-zilla.com, Fl.ru, freelance.ru, kwork.ru, bulletin boards, HR services, social networks). To gain first experience, it is important to choose.

In the process of interacting with the customer, do not be afraid to ask questions; after receiving the technical specifications, try to thoroughly find out what your client wants, ask to show those Internet pages that he likes and which he does not.

Where to find vacancies and get your first orders for a web designer?

Any methods are suitable for searching for orders:

  • Own website.
  • View job openings on job boards and post your resume.
  • Freelance exchanges (freelance.ru, Fl.ru, Workzilla, Kwork) and remote work services.
  • Sending commercial proposals to web studios and advertising agencies.
  • Forums for programmers and SEO specialists (communication with specialists in related professions will allow you to exchange clients).
  • Free designers (for example, Insales, Wix and other services that may require design services).
1 vote

Hello dear readers of my blog. This article is intended for those who want to earn good money on the Internet, but continue to search for themselves. What exactly to do? How to choose a job you like, become successful and make a profit?

Today we will look at another option regarding website building: web design, where to start, is it worth doing, how difficult, interesting and in demand is it?

1. Why is designing profitable?

Earning money can and should be fun. Many people get up early every day and go to work. I'm not suggesting you give up. Not at all. However, if you have free time or a desire to achieve more, then you can easily find a pleasant hobby for which you will be paid.

Hard to believe? Look how many offers are posted daily on www.weblancer.net . This is really in demand.

A web design master, spending only 4 hours a day, can receive 600 - 800 dollars a month, from 40 to 54 thousand rubles!

This is a real offer there.

I myself earn significantly more, and therefore on my blog I talk mainly about this type of activity. But I understand perfectly well that this type of work is not suitable for everyone. Not because it's difficult. You simply may not be in the mood for it.

There are few descriptions of services; the planet, unfortunately, does not wait until each of you matures. To find clients, you will have to go and communicate with the heads of regional companies in person. Convince of your need, defend your opinion.

It’s much easier to learn one specialization and then look for a manager who would periodically give you work on freelance exchanges.

However, if you still find the strength to sell websites, then the skill will help you sell projects several times more expensive. You save money, effort and time by doing it all yourself. In addition, sites that you make yourself from scratch based on the wishes of the employer will sell like hot cakes.

You will never be without work. Projects have always been and will appear as long as the Internet exists. If there is no customer you found in your own region, you can take the project from the exchange.

Website design prices are not universal. They grow over time and depend on your experience. Beginners are required by those who are not able to allocate a lot of money to develop their own resource; people with a more serious budget want to get professional support and are ready to invest.

However, experience is not everything. I paid 5,000 rubles for the design of my first website, one of my friends invested 10,000. Neither of us were looking for experienced professionals, it seemed to each of us that the budget was damn small. We didn’t know the prices at that time and were sure that we had found the best offer.

Both me and my friend were newbies who did not have any skills. The performers were simply lucky. There are a great many people like me or my friend, if you know how to do something, then your salary will also depend on luck.

2. How to look for clients

I recommend that you look for a client in your own city. You can find many companies that need websites, because “If you are not on the Internet, you do not exist.” Everyone wants to expand and get more money without spending on advertising, but many entrepreneurs are afraid to hear an unaffordable price, and therefore do not even think about creating their own resource and contacting an agency. This works to your advantage.

Many are ready to pay the same 10,000, or even more. The main thing is that the work gets done. Prices in our area are rising, more and more offers are appearing, and understanding of the need for the Internet is coming to everyone without exception.

What can I say, it would seem that an ordinary wedding host from my city invested 50,000 rubles in the project. He himself found a copywriter, designer, and layout designer. He didn’t go to the company because the prices scared him, but in the end he paid even more! I have already shown more than once that many prestigious companies are ready to take on a business if they are paid 30,000 and believe that this is a good budget. He paid 50...

Can you imagine what would have happened if he had received an offer to do the same thing for 20 thousand or less professionally in time by email or VKontakte? He would have a death grip on the performer.

The Internet, like nothing else, shows that the less you know, the more you have to spend. Can you imagine how many youth musical groups, photographers, creative associations, manicurists, pedicurists, and hairdressers are in your city who are simply afraid of prices and therefore do not turn to specialists who could create a website for them!

Not long ago, in my city, young mothers who sell things to each other on an advertisement site all got together, rented a small room for one day and organized something like their own store (). As far as I know, the experience was successful. Imagine if these mothers were offered to hold such events once a month and cover the event on the Internet, creating a separate page for this?

3. What you have to do

Let's move on to the more or less technical side of the issue. What is included in the website design and falls on the fragile shoulders of the master:

  • He will have to develop the structure of the site: understand what categories (headings) will be present, what will be located and where.

For example, you are making a website for an animal shelter: should you place all the animals by category (dogs, parrots, cats) or throw it all into one pile in the hope that the person who wants to adopt the dog will fall in love with the cat just by seeing it.

  • Creating navigation.
  • Lyrics

What texts will there be and where will they be placed?

Typically the portal consists of home page. Here, as you can see, it was necessary to place a lot of necessary blocks. The developer decided to do it like this.

They usually have a similar structure. Like here.

They are also similar.

4. How the work happens

Now I will try to show you how large companies work and what stages of work await those who want to develop and sell designs.

4.1. Meeting with the customer

Finding and meeting with the customer in large corporations rests with the manager. He communicates with the client and tries to understand what he needs. In principle, it is even more convenient for the designer to deal with this issue on his own, since a picture appears in his head and he can immediately discuss some of his ideas with the client.

After you have found a customer, you need to decide what the design will be. This is another plus in favor of the decision to find a client in your own city, since communicating in person is still much more convenient than in a chat.

First, you discuss the project. Find out what they want from you. Usually the client does not know or understand what he needs. It’s not his fault at all; asking leading questions is your job.

I understand that now you would like to find out a little more about this, I’ll tell you what orders I listened to, for example, from the head of a furniture store.

"We do not need . We have experienced managers. Their task is to sell; the website should only introduce customers to what is in our store.”

During the conversation, I also found out that mostly their clients already know the manufacturers and are looking for where they can buy products from a particular company.

As a result, I decided to divide the information into categories: chairs, tables, sofas, and then by company. In order to interest not so literate buyers, display everywhere one picture with the best-selling product, and then simply give a small text with a description (purely for promotion purposes), and also display many small pictures that would make it clear that the assortment is very wide and you need to go.

Each text had to contain information about where to call. On each page, addresses and telephone numbers had to be repeated twice: at the beginning and at the end. I suggested not creating its own separate page for each product; it should be clear that this is not an online store. There was no point in writing specific prices either, it was only necessary to show price segment.

Over time, at the first phrase from the customer, certain pictures with options for providing information will begin to form in your head. At first, most likely, you will spend a little more time correcting incomprehensible shortcomings, as well as playing the game: “Guess what the customer wants and what he doesn’t like.” You won’t be able to discuss everything at once, don’t worry. Experience will come with time, and with it understanding.

4.2. Website prototype development

Designers create the look of the site. Materials, as a rule, are provided by the customer and then processed in Photoshop. It is important to show the client what awaits him at the exit. Make sure he understands your plan and approves it. As a rule, several design options are created; please check how many at once.

This is the design. All pictures, icons, categories - everything must be drawn. Exactly in the same form as it will subsequently appear on the Internet.

In fact, this is what is called web design: creating and developing a composition.

This is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. It is necessary to understand the client’s preferences, know the types of design, the basics of human perception, and trends. You must be able to offer perfect option, which will suit everyone.

“And they pay for this?” - you ask. Yes! And very good money.

This is how they work in large companies. If you study privately, you can even draw a sketch in Paint, and then proceed to further work - layout.

4.3. Layout

Transforming a drawing into a finished website. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance; a lot depends on the program that helps in creating the site (CMS or engine). However, you will have to learn this and study more than one tutorial on web design. But rest assured, it will pay off!

5. How to become a designer

To become a good designer, you will have to spend some time learning. Believe me, it is not only interesting, but also profitable! You can find a lot of books on web design on the Internet. Here are a few of them:

  • Mike Monteiro "Design is work" .

The author tells you how to master and organize the work of a design company, provide your services, value what you do and learn how to sell them. Even if you are not planning to open your own company, you will be able to find many useful recommendations.

Quote from the book: “Working for a portfolio is like dying young for a beautiful corpse. Never work for free."

  • Ethan Marcotte "Responsive Web Design" .

This book is intended mainly for layout designers. It will help you understand how to make a website convenient and enjoyable, you will learn about the main mistakes of designers and learn to avoid them.

  • Artemy Lebedev “Kovodstvo” .

However, I still would not recommend starting with reading such books. First you need to understand some basics. If you don't understand the terminology, then all these bestsellers will go to the trash bin faster than you can open Photoshop.

Only when you become interested in the topic will you begin to voraciously study literature. There is a whole bunch of specialized literature on my bookshelf, many of which I have never fully read. I periodically return to one, then put it aside and start another, then take a third. I'm interested in everything, but I don't have enough time. I don't think that's a bad thing. I manage to grasp the essence and a little knowledge.

To really get excited, start with website design lessons for beginners. Once again I will say, spend your money on them! This is how a person is designed that he does not value what is given to him for free. By paying three kopecks you will complete the course, if only because of greed. This is normal, this is our nature.

Don't be fooled, you won't be able to find and download on Youtube free video lessons and you won’t start turning them on and going through them one after another every day. Almost no one is capable of such discipline. By paying for someone else’s work, your attitude towards it changes.

I recommend trying this course: Commercial Web Design Basics . There are three free lessons. The course is not that expensive, it is designed for beginners, everything is clear and to the point. The author covered many topics, ranging from the efficiency formula to the secrets of web design. Having learned everything in more detail, you will be able to understand whether you like working or whether this work tires you.

An online course with the support of the author is a reliable investment in future profession.

“Study, study and study again” - master classes, reading books from successful specialists in the field - all this is necessary to become a real professional and earn big money.

Seems complicated? Not much! Just start. I am sure that such work will not suit everyone who reads this article, but if at least 5 people after this really decide to take up design, love their work and achieve great success, I will be incredibly happy.

I sincerely wish you all the best. Look for yourself and you will succeed, although not everyone will. Will you be one of the lucky ones? All in your hands.

6. Oh, how I’m sick today...

Yesterday in the city of Belogorsk (this is 120 km from my native Blagoveshchensk), a mini-football tournament for the city cup between political parties took place. My younger brother and I decided to remember our youth and actively participate.

Don’t be surprised that we played for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, we are communists, and we will not discuss political views on the Blog.

This tournament was timed to coincide with the opening of the sports hall of the Belogorets football school in Belogorsk. It’s great, now young guys will be able to reveal their talent in football skills. Belogorsk is not a large town, with a population of approximately 80 thousand people, so this event is very significant.

Opening of the Belogorets football school
Teams assembled
The first game
I caught someone in the opposite direction
How to paste it in Photoshop
During the break, we discuss game tactics with the team captain and brother
Girls from the support group. Back towards us, towards the camera in front
Vovka and I are old friends

We defeated the LDPR guys and in a bitter struggle lost to United Russia, taking second place. But the impressions remained were only positive, and positive emotions still flow to this day, although my legs are buzzing... Wow! I didn’t touch the ball for two whole years.

What sport do you prefer? And can anyone tell me what to do when muscles hurt after exercise?