What are they paying money for now? What can you sell online? Performing certain tasks

A lot of questions are asked by people who first encountered making money on the Internet: Where does real money come from on the Internet?? Is this really real money or just numbers on a monitor screen? Can I make money online?

Let's see whether the well-known WMZ or WMR, or Yandex-Money are cash equivalents backed by real money supply, and not some artificial pieces of paper from the game "Monopoly"

Several years ago, I also doubted and did not believe that this was real money. And today I solve all my financial issues through electronic wallets. You can pay for utilities with one click of a button, pay for goods purchased online or in a store with home delivery. So today, electronic money has entered our lives, this must be admitted. Electronic money is a reality; it can be converted into cash. Electronic money is a very convenient tool for paying for any goods or services.

Let's figure out who converts real money into webmoney or Yandex money and why? And actually, whose money will we earn?

Making money online how does it all work? Earnings are based on the principle affiliate programs, i.e. we earn a percentage of someone else's profits. On my blog I talked about several types of earnings on the Internet. And now, let’s stop and look at each method separately.

Let's start one by one, now let's talk about making money on clicks. Many webmasters don’t trust it and say that this is not a way to make money, but a real scam. I don’t think so and will try to justify my disagreement. I don't argue that there are mail sponsors who promise good earnings and the most interesting thing is that they give you money. But in the end, you simply cannot transfer your earned money to your e-wallet. This is of course a scam.

BUT!!! There are mail and click sites that have proven themselves on the positive side and they pay for the work done. And they pay, advertisers’ money, not their own money. Advertisers are people who promote their websites or blogs. And in order to promote their website or blog, they pay an active promotion system (APS) for displaying their website in order to attract visitors to their newly created website and not yet indexed by search engines. And who do you think, to whom, of course. You browse the site and receive WMZ, which was paid by the advertiser, and the mailer, of course, receives his percentage as an intermediary. If you want to learn about reliable and paying sponsors, you can go to the page “Earning money from email and click sponsors!”

Next, let's look at making money on file sharing. What do they pay for here? Many people say, just think, they downloaded some movie you uploaded many times, what is the benefit of a file sharing service. Now I’ll explain what’s the matter: any file hosting service offers its user a paid gold account, the advantage is that it’s fast downloading, no advertising, and also the ability to download several files at once. How many people out of a thousand who downloaded your film do you think will buy this gold account? Believe me, not a couple of people. And the file hosting service pays you only $5-10 for 1000 downloads. I think everything is clear here too. If you want to get acquainted with the list of the most popular file hosting services, you can go and read on the page “Earning money on file sharing services.”

Contextual advertising let's talk about it. Everything here is as simple as a clear day. An advertiser orders advertising for his site in some system that offers this type of service. For example, the Tak.ru system. By placing links or advertiser banners on your website or blog, you are paid 50-75% of the cost of each click from your resource on the link. As you can see, the principle can be traced here too - you receive a percentage of the cost of something, and the partner receives intermediary fees. More detailed information You can get it by going to the page “Earning money from contextual advertising.”

There are affiliate programs that pay you a percentage of their income, so that you bring visitors who will buy their products or services. Here, too, there are people (the creators of the affiliate program) who are dishonest and do not want to pay. But I want to say that they are quickly identified - if you brought 200-300 targeted visitors to them, and none of them bought anything, then this means that this affiliate program does not work, you must immediately remove such an affiliate program from the list and look for a new high-quality one affiliate program, thank God, there are such ones.

I'm trying everyone I meet on the net services where you can make money without initial investment. I linger on some, and leave others behind. Some I like, others I find inconvenient. Some pay consistently, while on others the administration behaves incomprehensibly. To save you from thorny path trial and error , I will publish on this page services I've tried , but only those Where to me managed to make a profit . To make it easier for you to navigate, I will add each link brief description of the service provided.

The material is arranged in this order:

service banner;

service description;

To go to the service, click on the banner.

Seosprint One of best services active advertising. The essence of earning money: follow the links provided - click, “read” advertising letters, perform simple tasks (for example, go to a specific site, open 3 different pages of the site) or tests. Read more.

PofitCenter Also a representative of ATS services – active advertising systems. You need to click on the links provided, open paid emails, and complete tasks. Read more.

WMmail Typical SAR: clicks, letters, tasks. Popular and has a good reputation. Read more.

SEO fast An active advertising system with a developed structure of referrals and refbacks. Type of earnings: paid views of advertisers' materials. Read more.

WMZona The site provides several options for earning money: paid clicks, writing articles, mining - providing computer system resources to a third party. Read more.

eBesuher German active advertising system with Russian language support. The job consists of browsing websites and emails. (autosurfing) Read more.

Rubserf.ru Work for this service- a great way to add a few hundred rubles to your pocket. Withdrawal of funds from 10 kopecks.


An entrepreneur views the Internet as a huge platform on which there are future or current clients of the company, and website Examples: corporate website, blog, online store, media, information portal, thematic portal, services, forum, social network or a website page - like an office, where you can use them communicate Examples: inform about the assortment, new arrivals of goods, discounts, sales, tariffs, details, convince of the quality of the product, discredit competitors. And it is he who someone who wants to sell something Examples: store of electrical equipment, furniture, clothing, shoes, household chemicals..., manufacturer of sporting goods, heating equipment, aviation equipment, medicines, baby food..., travel agency, restaurant, plant or animal nursery, circus, theater or musical group , taxi, law office, owner of a used car, computer, sofa..., primarily invests money and the Internet.

Domain Administrator
Domain name registrarPer use domain Examples: yandex.ru, google.com, vk.com, website
(domain name reseller)
For re-registering a domain in your name
Site owner
Hosting companyFor hosting site files on the server (so that the site is present on the Internet)
To the designerFor design user interface and its artistic design (to make the site look beautiful)
To the layout designerFor creating the page layout (so that the site is displayed in a browser window; code used: HTML, CSS)
To the programmerFor the development of programs (so that you can interact with the site; code used: Assembly, BASIC, C, Java, JavaScript, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby)
HackerFor reporting a vulnerability in the program (so that the site cannot be hacked)
Usability specialistFor recommendations that will lead to improvement of the user interface: it should become intuitive and persuade a person to take the desired action, for example, make an order (so that the site is convenient and brings more profit)
CopywriterFor an article, translation, advertising text, fabricated review of a product/service/company, a comment that unobtrusively offers a product or support for a particular political course (so that there is something to see on the site)
SEO optimizer search engines Examples: Yandex, Google
SMO and SMM optimizerFor increasing the number of visitors from social networks Examples: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, forums, blogs
To the specialized service and program ownerBehind tools that solve SEO or marketing problems Examples: mass controlled automatic email distribution, analysis of call statistics,
OtherFor creating high-quality presentations, videos, photographs, banners, etc.
Tenant or buyer of the site
To the site ownerFor renting a website/section of a website
For a ready-made website, which may already have regular visitors
Information siteFor posting an article
For placement and one or two offers
For placement
For placement
For adding a commercial to the video
To an intermediary participating in the affiliate program (including arbitrageur)For attracting a buyer
Service intermediary between buyer and seller Examples: Yandex.Market, Telderi, Avito, HeadHunter, Mamba, gambling sites For attracting the final buyer, for organizing comfortable conditions, for guaranteeing a fair transaction, for highlighting an ad, for increasing its position


Since banks began to have personal online accounts, there have been more buyers, as it has become easier to transfer money online.

Buyer of goods/services
Online store, private personBehind product Examples: clothing, shoes, children's toys, household appliances, incl. made or grown by hand Examples: dolls, embroidered tablecloths, caricatures from photographs, cakes, puppies, aquarium fish
Organizations, individualsBehind services Examples: filling out a tax return, developing an architectural project, utility and communication services, often ordering and paying for train, plane, concert, theater and circus tickets
To the owner of the programBehind program Examples: graphic editor(the most famous of which is Photoshop), video editors, antivirus programs, games, paid applications, programs that allow you to build product sales forecasts (for logisticians)
Behind advanced program features Examples: only the paid option allows you to take a screenshot of the entire page (including scrolling); a tank in “World of Tanks” can be purchased for real money, and not the experience accumulated by the player
To the owner of the information productBehind e-book, film, clip, audio recording
Online payment service Examples: Yandex.Money, WebMoney, Sberbank, Alfa-Bank For conducting cashless online transactions
Web projectBehind access to the information Examples: to the resume database; to the base of regulatory legal acts; to the telephone database of residential property owners in Sochi who rent out real estate
To the consultantBehind paid recommendations Examples: consultations with a lawyer, accountant, psychotherapist, blogger, training, online trainings

Other (high risks)

Not many web projects can boast multiple sources of funding. These include HeadHunter. You definitely need to take a look at his ideas: for employers, for those wishing to find a job, for advertisers. It collects money from everyone, offers additional paid tools, but at the same time does not look cheap and has a huge audience. Bravo!

Working on the Internet: how can you make real money?

So, there is both money and work on the Internet! But here everything is just like offline. There are large players, such as Svyaznoy, Eldorado, M-Video, who own the majority of the pie, and small ones who get the crumbs. There are both hired workers and individual entrepreneurs. There are both superiors and subordinates. There are highly qualified specialists who receive decent wages, and people who do monkey work, for example, surfing (viewing advertiser sites). Unfortunately, there are also swindlers, deceivers, and criminals.

In general, the following areas stand out where you can really make money from scratch, without having any special knowledge, skills, or funds:

  1. get a job at a company that services websites, where work experience is not necessary,
  2. look for orders yourself on freelancer and copywriter exchanges, you can start with various simple tasks on Advego,

    Author's note: Personally, I did one thing at one time to understand that this is not mine, that I lack the incentive to create high-quality materials for third-party resources for a long period of time, that I can take on part-time work for a fee only from time to time.

  3. become the owner of a website (including a blog) or a website page (including social network VKontakte or YouTube). Not suitable for those who want to make quick money.

The advantages of working on the Internet

When talking about how a beginner can make money on the Internet, one cannot help but talk about the advantages of this type of activity. But there are no physical or age restrictions. You can work

  1. remotely, both sitting at home and traveling,
  2. according to any schedule and with any load,
  3. combining with studies or main business.

But it requires a high level of self-discipline, self-learning, perseverance and patience.

Which can bring good profits. However, at the same time, there are many scams whose goal is to use your work for free.

To save your time, we decided to compile top 10 sites where you can earn good money. Therefore, try your hand and leave feedback at the end of the article.

Top 10 sites for making money

So that you don't get bored, we have collected 10 sites from different directions that are... this moment are leaders and have the highest rating (the largest number of positive reviews).

1. Kwork

  • Average profit per day: 750 rubles;
  • Affiliate program: 10-20%;
  • Minimum amount for withdrawal: 100 rubles;
  • Withdrawal methods: Yandex Money, WebMoney.

4. Myiyo

Myiyo is the best company that conducts . German analysts have been conducting surveys in Europe for a long time and only recently reached Russia.

They do not award money, but special points (1,000 points - 1 euro). If you fill out the questionnaire, 600 points will be transferred to your account, and Russian surveys cost 1-5 euros.

The most important thing is to fill out the form in detail and indicate that you have a large family, you spend a lot and use a lot of equipment. Only then will many surveys be sent to your email.

  • Average profit per day: 2 euros;
  • Affiliate program: 0.5 euros;
  • Minimum withdrawal amount: 20 euros.
  • Withdrawal methods: PayPal.


Advego is an ideal site for selling ready-made articles or finding work to write custom content. Successful copywriters have been earning 3,000 - 5,000 rubles for a long time.

Well, beginners can count on 1,000 rubles a day. The main thing is to gain rating and complete small tasks, this is the only way to quickly rise.

When you are not in the mood to write articles, you can complete additional tasks of writing comments or take part in voting on social networks.

  • Average profit per day: 1,000 rubles;
  • Affiliate program: 25%;
  • Minimum withdrawal amount: $5;
  • Withdrawal methods: Card, Qiwi, WebMoney.

6. MegaTypers

MegaTypers is an American project for solving paid captchas, where they pay $1 for 1,000 entered passwords. Usually this amount takes one and a half hours.

Unfortunately, you cannot register there without an invitation code " BS3K". The code will allow you to become a member of this secret organization. We recommend reading -.

  • Average profit per day: 350 rubles;
  • Affiliate program: 10%;
  • Minimum withdrawal amount: $3;

7. SocPublic

SocPublic is the best exchange for . Of course, there is also Seosprint or ProfitCenter, but there your account can be deleted for any little thing, which many people complain about on the forums.

But SocPublic has many different tasks and its rating is the highest among similar exchanges. Personally, I managed to earn 60 rubles per hour there, but with the right skills you can achieve great results.

  • Average profit per day: 450 rubles;
  • Affiliate program: 10%;
  • Minimum amount for withdrawal: 0.01 rub;
  • Withdrawal methods: Bitcoin, Western Union.

8. YouDo

YouDo- the largest offline task service, where couriers are often required for 2-3 hours for 400-600 rubles. But there are many other tasks where you can get more than 5,000 rubles per day!

The service works great in large cities of Russia, like Moscow or St. Petersburg. It may be possible to expand in other cities, but so far only 2.

  • Average profit per day: 1,500 rubles;
  • Affiliate program: 300 rub;
  • Withdrawal methods: Qiwi, Yandex Money, WebMoney.


InShopper is a unique project where you are paid money for taking a photo of the receipt with your purchases. That is, in one trip to the store you can get back 50-150 rubles, but how does it work?

The fact is that large stores such as Dixy, Magnit, Spar, Lenta, Pyaterochka and many others attract customers, and this site is an excellent marketing way.

In addition, some companies selling goods also hold promotions and display them on this site. Therefore, you can buy goods not only at a discount, but also get money back for your purchases.

In a month, I have to go to the store 10-15 times and spend more than 7,000 rubles, but InShopper allows me to return about 700-1000 rubles back to my wallet. In addition, for referring friends you get an additional 50 rubles!

  • Average profit per day: 30 rubles;
  • Affiliate program: 50 rub;
  • Minimum amount for withdrawal: 500 rubles;
  • Withdrawal methods: Yandex Money, mobile operator.

10. Yandex Toloka

Yandex Toloka is a task service that helps determine the quality of media content, advertising and websites on the Internet. And for this, users receive real money.

There are a lot of tasks in the region of $0.02-0.05 (10-25 kopecks), which take 2-3 minutes of time. However, there are also serious tasks where you need to photograph an organization in some place for $0.5-1.

In a week I managed to complete 400 tasks that took 2 minutes each. It turns out that I earned $12 by working on the Internet for 1-2 hours every evening.

  • Average profit per day: 100 rubles;
  • Affiliate program: no;
  • Minimum withdrawal amount: $0.02;
  • Withdrawal methods: Yandex Money, PayPal, Skril.

Of course, there are many more similar sites for making money on the Internet, but these can definitely be called the best in their categories. This is confirmed by reviews, and personal experience. What other profitable sites do you know? Write below.