How to register another user in Odnoklassniki. How to register in Odnoklassniki for the first time? Registering a new page in Odnoklassniki


Do you want to find Odnoklassniki, classmates, work colleagues, or just good friend? There is a solution - Odnoklassniki registration, which will give you the opportunity to find anyone if he is already there. In order to get all the benefits of using the site, you need to go through a simple registration procedure and log into the site in Odnoklassniki.


Before you start registering with Odnoklassniki, you need to have an email address and number mobile phone. Remember also that many Internet users often fall for the bait of scam sites. The site has only one address - Registration is completely free, and any requests to send SMS or pay for the service are the work of scammers. Therefore, first of all, make sure that the site is correct.

In this window, click on "register", after which you will be redirected to the registration page.

In another window, on the registration page, fill out the form fields:
  • First and last name
  • Date of birth
  • Country and city of residence
  • Enter address Email or login. Login is the name you will use to log into the site. Be sure to write down your email address or your login so you don’t forget when entering the site
  • Enter password. Take your password seriously to avoid possible troubles when passwords are cracked and spam is sent on your behalf. Be sure to write down the password you create. This is necessary because, no matter how easy the password may seem to you, you can still forget it.
After you have filled out all the items, click on the registration button. Next, you will be directed to your new Odnoklassniki page.

After logging into the site, you will be able to fully use the functions of this social network.

Enter the site

Logging into your Odnoklassniki page is not difficult. You need:

  1. enter your login or email address that you used during registration;
  2. enter password;
  3. Click on the “login” button. If suddenly you have forgotten your personal data, then click on the button below - “ Forget password or login", and go through the recovery procedure following the instructions provided.

Completing registration

After you have entered this page, pay attention to the items on the right of the page, where you are asked to fill out your profile to receive a gift.

So, you will need to fill out the following items:

That's all - your Odnoklassniki page has already been created, you can use all its tools. Explore the page tabs and discover new opportunities.


Connect to the Internet, launch the Internet browser you use. Then, in the search engine, set the “Odnoklassniki” parameter and follow the first link that opens. Or you can do it even simpler. To do this, enter the address in the address bar of your browser to go to home page site.

In the next window, click on the green “Register” button. Now follow the steps required to create a profile. Indicate your first and last name in the appropriate lines. For the second account, in these columns you can indicate both real and fictitious data, depending on what goals you are pursuing when creating a new page. But keep in mind that in this case your friends and colleagues are unlikely to be able to find you on the site.

So, we decided on the first and last name. Now enter your date of birth by selecting the desired options in each pop-up window. Later, you can determine which users will see information about your birthday.

Then mark your gender: female or male. Please indicate your country of residence. By default, this item is set to Russia, but if you wish, you can change the region with one click on the button with a triangle icon, then select the country you need in the drop-down window.

In the “City” column, indicate your locality. You can also select it from the drop-down window when you click the corresponding button.

Then you will need to enter your email address or login with which you will log into your Odnoklassniki page.

Write your password in the next column. It can be any combination of letters or numbers that only you will know. Try not to use your own first or last name as a password, and never make the password similar in spelling to your login. Remember: login and password must not be the same.

Check again that all fields are filled out correctly, then click the button labeled “Register” and go to your new page. Your registration is now complete. Fill out your profile and start communicating.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

In order not to forget your credentials - login and password, save them in your phone, notebook or in a text document on your computer. Never give your data to strangers. To be able to restore your account, link your profile to your phone number.


  • how to register in Odnoklassniki without a last name

Creating Internet sites is a promising and exciting activity in which you can always find something new, even if you are a professional webmaster. However, if you've never tried website development before and are dreaming of writing your first web page, you'll want to learn some basic HTML language, which underlies any website. Using simple HTML tags, you can create a page for a regular business card website in minutes.


Open Notepad or WordPad, and then create a folder in which you will save all the data about your page. Save empty Text Document from an open Notepad under the name index.html in the root directory of the future site, that is, in the folder that you created.

In an open document, write the following: text. These two tags limit the space of a web page - inside html tags all other tags and all site markup will be located.

Inside the tags, enter any text - for example, the page title. The text can be replaced in the future. Save the file and then open it using an Internet browser (such as IE or Opera). You will see a blank page with the text you entered between the tags. Now open the created file again using Notepad and continue editing.

Place the page title immediately after the main tag, enclosing it in tags . Also, the page title is placed in tags .

Password Security

Create a complex password and security question to recover it. Often hackers hack an account simply by clicking on the password recovery button. The system asks for an answer to a security question, which can be very simple, for example, the name of the dog or the name of the husband. Fraudsters can easily find out this information by viewing your page.

Communication security

Don't believe everything your friends write. Perhaps your friend's page has been hacked. If you have any doubts that it is your friend who is writing to you, you should contact him in some other way, for example by phone.

Enter the site

To get to the site of your favorite network, use the browser bar to enter the address or open the site you need through bookmarks. If you see a link to your social network on any third-party resource, do not use it. You may be redirected to a fake login page that will reveal your username and password.


Be selective in your communications. Don’t add everyone as your friend, because anyone can be sitting on the other side of the screen. A stranger you add as a friend may receive personal information about you, which he then uses for personal gain.


In most modern communication services, you can delete your page within a few minutes. But remember that all the information you have ever published, other people may have saved on their computer. This applies to audio recordings, photographs, videos, and correspondence. Do not upload data online that you do not want to be shared.


If you have children, tell them about all the dangers that may lie in wait on a social network.

New communication services

Don't sign up for every social network you see. Before you start registering, make sure that the new resource is reliable, read reviews about it, and carefully study the user agreement and privacy policy. Do not use the same login and password for all social networks. By doing this, you will protect yourself from a situation where attackers, having hacked one of your accounts, gain access to all your services.


  • How to ensure the security of your data on social networks

The social network Odnoklassniki is one of the largest social networks in RuNet. The audience of this network is predominantly people over 30 years old. This is one of the features and highlights of the network, in which it is difficult to find people of the new generation. Now in social network There are 150 million people who want to log into the social network every day. The social network welcomes every user in a friendly manner. On the site you can chat and add a new friend.

Create social page every person from beginner to advanced user who has basic knowledge working with a computer. To create a new account, you need to log in to the site and go through simple procedure registration to log in and use the site's features.

However, as studies have shown, any social network contains several hundred thousand dead pages. The information on these pages is not updated for various reasons. A situation often arises when a social network does not accept your password and it is impossible to access the page. To avoid losing contact with friends with former classmates, you can create a new account. Login to the new page will be available immediately after this.

Also, a second page on a social network may be needed to control younger family members, who may go to the site and encounter unfriendly information or become victims of scammers who often use social networks now. After all, creating a new profile does not take much time and does not take much effort.


Registration on the site is quite simple and does not require much knowledge or the help of consultants. You can create a new page on Odnoklassniki for free, immediately log into it and use all the functions of the social network.

The first step in the algorithm of actions will be to go to your page in OK RU. If you are already logged in at the moment, you will need to log out of your page to register again.

After exiting, you will be taken to the OK RU main page, on which you need to click on the green “Registration” button.

It is worth remembering that in order to register you need a mailbox. If you don't have a second e-mail, you can create one again relatively easily. The most popular sites for creating email are, as well as the foreign Google, with its Gmail mail. Get a new one Mailbox it's completely free.

Creating a new mailbox

You need to go to a website, for example, click on the “Registration with mail” button. On the next page you need to enter your data directly into the appropriate fields. Enter the necessary information, such as first name, last name and year of birth in the appropriate fields, as well as create a username and password.

The login and password should not be monosyllabic or consist of only numbers. The most important recommendation is what more complex password, the less likely you are to be hacked in the future. Try not to use memorable dates, first and last names of relatives, or their birthdays. It is best to use uppercase and lowercase Latin letters, add one or more numbers to them, as well as symbols such as: “!@#$%^&?”. It is also not recommended to use the same login and password to register on different sites.

Save your email login information as you will need it after a while.

The next step is to either enter your phone number or enter a captcha. Almost all users choose the second method, since a phone number may still be needed. After this, you are logged into your mailbox.

Second step after creating an email

After you have a new email account, return to the Odnoklassniki website. Next, fill in standard form registration. And again we create a login and password to enter Odnoklassniki ru.

It is worth noting that we need new number phone. If you have free rooms, that's great. If there are none, then watch the attached video.

After you have entered your number, all you have to do is click on the register button and the new page is ready. You can use your page now.

It is unlikely that among your friends and acquaintances there will be a person who has not heard anything about Odnoklassniki.

It is highly likely that at least one of your friends or relatives is already registered on the Odnoklassniki website.

In this article on the site, we will talk about how to register with Odnoklassniki and provide detailed step-by-step instructions.

It is worth noting that registration in Odnoklassniki is absolutely free, but to complete it completely you will definitely need personal number mobile phone (which has not yet been registered with Odnoklassniki).

A phone number is needed to confirm that you are a real, living person, to activate your profile, and also to restore access to the site if the page is hacked or passwords are lost.

How to register on Odnoklassniki: step-by-step instructions

2. Be sure to fill out all fields of the registration form. We indicate your real Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Country of Residence, City of Residence, Email, and come up with a unique Password.

We recommend that you provide your real data when registering on Odnoklassniki to make it easier to find friends and acquaintances, so that your friends can easily find you, so that there are no problems with possible restoration of access to the site.

The first fields of the registration form are simple and do not need explanation. As for the last 2 fields, let’s look at them in more detail:

A) “Email or login”- you will have to fill out this field every time you enter the Odnoklassniki website; you will have to remember it and write it down on paper. As a login, you can use your phone number, your E-mail or your name in Latin.

The main condition is that the login must be continuous, without spaces. Here you can use letters of the English alphabet, numbers and symbols. There must be 6 or more symbols. Example of a normal login:


B) "Password"— this field also needs to be memorized or written down. You will have to come up with a password yourself. The main requirement is that there must be more than five characters, that is, 6 or more characters.

The password is your private key from a page on Odnoklassniki, and only you yourself should know it, no one else. IN good password Latin letters (large and small), symbols and signs, and numbers are combined. An example of a strong and simple password:


Note: You can use these typical examples for your passwords, just make your own adjustments. We advise you to write down both your login and password on paper in a working notebook so as not to forget!!!

Statistics show that this information is forgotten within the first days after registration. Don’t rely on your memory, it’s better to write down your data on paper, and hide the piece of paper from strangers.

IMPORTANT: without a password and without a login, you will not be able to log into your page! Write down this data - otherwise you are guaranteed to forget. To create a strong password, you can use a password generator, but in this case, be sure to save the password, otherwise you will forget - this is 100%. Password generator website:

3. When you fill out the registration form, click the “Register” button and you will immediately be taken to your new page in Odnoklassniki.

This completes the registration process. Next you need to activate a new profile. Click on the tooltip.

4. To gain access to all functions of the site and complete registration with Odnoklassniki, you need to provide your mobile phone number.

We recommend that you definitely undergo this check, since in the future it will be easier for you to restore access to the site (if necessary, if you forget your login or password). Click the “Specify number” link and enter your mobile number.

Note: you can only use a phone number that has not yet been registered with Odnoklassniki before.

5. After entering your mobile phone number, click the “Submit” button and check your mobile phone. An SMS message will be sent to it with secret code confirmation.

The confirmation code is 6 digits from the SMS that will be sent to your mobile phone. These 6 numbers must be entered on the Odnoklassniki website.

6. After entering the secret 6 digits from the SMS and clicking the “Activate” button, if you made no mistake anywhere, a message will appear: “Your profile has been successfully activated,” which you can simply close.

At this point, registration in Odnoklassniki ends completely, the stage of setting up your new page, your profile, your account.

Now you know how to register with Odnoklassniki and how to log in to the system. In the future, to log into the Odnoklassniki website, you will use your secret LOGIN and your PASSWORD, which you specified during registration.

In addition, you have activated your phone number, and with its help you can restore access to the site if you have any problems logging into Odnoklassniki.

  • search for friends and acquaintances;
  • add your photos to the page;
  • join interesting groups and games;
  • complete filling out your profile with information about yourself, your studies and work;
  • adjust the site settings to suit you.

Is it possible to register in Odnoklassniki again? For example, you do not remember the password for your account and cannot change it for some reason. You can create several pages.

In 2010, paid registration in Odnoklassniki was abolished. People were also able to register multiple accounts from one IP address, as another solution was found to combat spam.

A problem may arise if you do not have another phone number required for registration. It is impossible to register with Odnoklassniki for the second time using a number that is already linked to your or someone else’s account, even a deleted one. The screen will say: “Sorry, this number is already in use.” What can be done in this case? There is a way out, now let’s figure out what it is.

Find another number

Nowadays many people have several SIM cards. If you only have one number, ask a close friend or family member for their number to get confirmation and link your second account to their number.

If no one wants to help you out or all numbers already have their own accounts, you can purchase a new SIM card. Registration on the Odnoklassniki social network is possible using a Google account, that is, a gmail email account. If you don't have one, create one on the official post office website. The process will not take much time, and you will be able to register with Odnoklassniki a second time.

There is also a use case virtual number. Many sites provide phone rental services. However, this will already be payable service, you will need to top up your virtual number account so that it receives a confirmation SMS.

When you use your profile, it is highly advisable to specify another number in the settings, which will be yours, that is, you will always have access to it. If you forget your password, you can always recover and replace it. You will receive an SMS on your phone for confirmation. Through messages to your phone, the service also sends notifications about other changes that have been made to your profile, including unsuccessful attempts to log into your account by other people without your knowledge.

Go to the site

  1. We go to the website Log out of your first account. To do this, click your thumbnail avatar in the upper right corner of the page and select “Log Out.” Confirm your intention.
  2. Will open start page. Go to the “Registration” tab in the small white window.
  3. Select your country from the drop down menu.
  4. Enter a new number (yours, a friend's, just purchased).
  5. Click on the green “Next” button.
  6. Enter the code you received on new phone. Click “Next” again.
  7. Write your password. You have to come up with it yourself. It should be complex enough, but at the same time so that you can remember it: include Latin letters and symbols, as well as numbers. Just in case, write it down in your personal notebook. The password complexity will be visible on the scale below the line.
  8. Click on "Next".
  9. Fill in the form. All basic data should be here. Click on “Save”.

Registration via Google account

How to register in Odnoklassniki again if there is no other phone number? Fortunately, there is another option - a Google account, which we discussed above. Registration with it is even faster than through mobile number phone.

First you need to register a Google account, that is, create a gmail email account. If you already have one and remember the password for it, skip these steps and go straight to the social network site.

1.Open the Gmail website. You can just start typing in address bar this is the name, and the system will immediately show you in the list the right option.

2.Fill in all fields with your data. This may not be a real first and last name. Nobody will ask you for your passport. In case of unforeseen circumstances, for example, to recover or replace a password, you can write an additional email address to which you have access.

4.Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “I Accept.” Now you can go to Odnoklassniki to register there.

5. Launch the Odnoklassniki service. Click on the icon with the colored Latin letter G, which is located next to the orange “Login” button.

6.Write the email address Gmail and click on “Next”. Enter the password for your Google account.

Your new Odnoklassniki account will be created automatically. Now you can customize your account and add various photos.

Want to delete the first page?

Method No. 1

If you can get to this page, then this method is for you.
1. Log into your old account. Click on the "Help" link located in the upper right corner.
2. At the end of the page, find the word “Regulations”. Click on it.
3. Click on the “Refuse services” button.
4. Confirm your intention to get rid of the profile forever.

If you forgot the password for your old account, try changing it using the phone number that is attached to it.

Method number 2

If you don't have access to old page, you can contact the service support team.

3.Enter the relevant data and texts in the entire field. The application form contains the following sections:

  • Target. Click on a line to bring up the menu. In the list, select the item that suits your situation, in particular, it will be “Access”.
  • Subject. Here it will be as follows: “Forgot login/phone/email.”
  • Information. Copy and paste the link to your Odnoklassniki profile into the line.
  • Email address for feedback. It must be valid, as a response letter will be sent to it.
  • Attach files. Upload the photos you previously posted on your old profile.

4.Click on the button at the bottom of the “Send message” form.

5. The service administrators will send you a letter in which they will ask you to provide information that can confirm that the account is yours (this could be passport information, a photo, indicating the date of your last visit, etc.).

6.If the service has enough information you provided, it will delete your old account.

There is no need to delete your profile if you have created a new one. This should be done only for reasons so that no one can hack your old page for their own fraudulent purposes.

You can register with Odnoklassniki for free two or more times. The only problem is that you cannot register two accounts with the same number. You have to use Google mail or look for other numbers.