Enlarge image. Insert a building block into a document. Why do images lose quality when enlarged?

Rice. 4.12. Setting standard block parameters

      In field Name Enter the title (name) of the standard block. The block name must be unique within the collection in which it will be stored. Different collections may have blocks with the same names.

      In the dropdown list Collection select the collection in which the building block will be stored. The collection you select determines the order in which the block is inserted when creating the document. For blocks inserted directly into the document text, it is better to select a collection Express blocks. In addition, the collection Express blocks displayed as a list in the button menu Express blocks(cm. rice. 4.11).

      In the dropdown list Category select a block category. Selecting a category determines the position of the block in the button menu Express blocks in Group Text tabs Insert. You can select one of the existing categories or create a new one. The presence of categories makes it easier to find the desired block in the button menu list Express blocks(cm. rice. 4.11).

      In field Description You can enter arbitrary text for a clarifying description of the block being created, which will be displayed as a tooltip when you select a block. The field may not be filled in!

      In the dropdown list Options select Paste content on the same page so that the building block is inserted on a separate page. Select Paste content into the same paragraph to prevent the content from becoming part of another paragraph, even if the cursor is in the middle of the paragraph. All other content uses the parameter Paste content only.

After you create new building blocks or change their settings, when you end your session in Word 2010, you will be prompted to save your changes to the building blocks file ( rice. 4.13). Click the button Save.

Enlarge image

Rice. 4.13. Saving changes to a collection of blocks

5.3. Inserting a building block into a document

To insert a standard block into a document you need:

    Place the cursor where the block will be inserted.

    In the tab Insert in Group Text click the button Express blocks.

    To insert a building block from a collection Express blocks find this block in the list ( rice. 4.14) and click on it with the mouse.

Enlarge image

Rice. 4.14. Inserting a building block

To insert a block from an arbitrary collection into a document:

    From the button menu Express blocks select a team (see rice. 4.14).

    In the dialog box Building Blocks Organizer (rice. 4.15) find required block and press the button Insert. For easier searching, you can sort blocks by names, collections, categories, templates, and descriptions. To sort, click on the corresponding button ( for example, click on the button Name to sort blocks by name).

Enlarge image

Rice. 4.15. Selecting a standard block

5.4. Changing a building block

5.4.1. Change content

The contents of a standard block cannot be changed.

You can delete an existing block and then create a new one with the same name.

You can replace an existing block.

    Insert a building block.

    Make the necessary changes.

    Save the building block with the same name and the same parameters.


5.4.2. Change settings

You can change the name of the building block, the collection in which it is located, add or change the description, etc.

    In the tab Insert in Group Text click the button Express blocks and select a team Building Blocks Organizer(cm. rice. 4.14).

    In the dialog box Building Blocks Organizer(cm. rice. 4.15 Change properties.

    In the dialog box Changing a building block (rice. 4.16) change the parameters and click the button OK.

enlarge image

Rice. 4.16. Changing standard block parameters

    When prompted to override a building block, click Yes.

5.5. Removing a building block

    In the tab Insert in Group Text click the button Express blocks and select a team Building Blocks Organizer(cm. rice. 4.14).

    In the dialog box Building Blocks Organizer(cm. rice. 4.15) find the desired block and click the button Delete.

    When prompted to delete a building block, click Yes.

6. Add a cover page

You can add a specially designed title (first) page to the document.

    In the tab Insert in Group Pages click the button Front page and in the list that appears, select one of the proposed options ( rice. 4.17).

enlarge image

Rice. 4.17. Selecting a cover page

    The added page may have pictures and other graphic objects, as well as prompts indicating the information to be entered ( rice. 4.18).

enlarge image

Rice. 4.18. Front page

Some fields on the cover page are filled in automatically, with information taken, for example, from the file properties. Some fields must be filled out yourself.

When filling out the fields, you do not have to follow the prompts provided. You can change the contents of automatically filled fields. You cannot leave blank fields; they should be removed.

The contents of the fields can be formatted as plain text. On title page you can add text, tables, graphic objects.

To remove the cover page in a tab Insert in Group Pages click the button Front page and in the menu that appears, select the command Delete current cover page(cm. rice. 4.17).

understanding of basic concepts computer graphics.

Computer graphics is a field of computer science that deals with the creation, storage and processing of various images (drawings, drawings, animations) on a computer.

Computer graphics are classified by type of presentation graphic information, and the image processing algorithms that follow from it. Computer graphics are usually divided into vector and raster.

Under raster understand the way of representing an image as a collection of individual dots (pixels) of different colors or shades.

When you enlarge the raster image several times, it becomes clear that the image consists of a finite number of “squares” of a certain color. These squares are called pixels.

In vector graphics, all images are described in the form of mathematical objects - contours, i.e. the image is divided into a number of graphic primitives - points, straight lines, broken lines, arcs, polygons.

Both of these methods of encoding graphic information have their own characteristics and disadvantages.

Raster graphics allows you to create (reproduce) almost any design using more than 16 million shades of colors, regardless of complexity.

Raster representation of an image is natural for most graphics input/output devices, such as monitors, matrix and inkjet printers, digital cameras, scanners.

The main problem raster graphics is a large volume of files containing images: than more quantity pixels and the smaller their sizes, the better the image looks.

The second disadvantage of raster images is that they cannot be enlarged to view details. Since the image consists of dots, enlarging the image only causes the dots to become larger and resemble a mosaic. No additional details can be seen when enlarging the raster image. Moreover, increasing the raster dots visually distorts the illustration and makes it rough. This effect is called pixelation (from pixel– the smallest element of the image, a point (like an atom in a molecule)).

Rice. 1.1.

U vector images , on the contrary, the file size does not depend on the real size of the object, which allows, using the minimum amount of information, describe an arbitrarily large object with a file of minimal size.

Descriptions of objects can be easily changed. This also means that various operations with the drawing, such as moving, scaling, rotating, filling, etc., do not degrade its quality.

Rice. 1.2.

To the disadvantages vector graphics include the following:

  1. The ability to display in vector form is not available for every object: this may require dividing the object into a very large number of vector lines, which greatly increases the amount of memory occupied by the image and the time it takes to draw it on the screen.
  2. The vector format does not make it possible to display smooth color transitions or maintain photographic accuracy of the image.

The choice of raster or vector format depends on the goals and objectives of working with the image. Each type of computer graphics was developed to solve certain tasks and has its own specified scope.

If photographic color accuracy is needed, then a raster is preferable. It is more convenient to present logos, diagrams, and design elements in vector format.

Pixels, resolution, image size

The dimensions of raster images are expressed as the number of pixels horizontally and vertically, for example, 600×800. In this case, this means that the image width is 600 and the height is 800 pixels. The number of horizontal and vertical dots may vary for different images.

When an image is displayed on the surface of a screen or paper, it occupies a rectangle of a certain size. For optimal placement of an image on the screen, it is necessary to coordinate the number of pixels in the image, the proportions of the image sides with the corresponding parameters of the display device.

The degree of detail of the image, the number of pixels (dots) allocated per unit area is called resolution.

If the image pixels are output by output device pixels one to one, the size will be determined only by the resolution of the output device. Accordingly, the higher the screen resolution, the more dots are displayed in the same area and the less grainy and better quality your picture will be.

With a large number of dots placed in a small area, the eye does not notice the mosaic pattern. The opposite is also true: low resolution will allow the eye to notice the raster of the image (“steps”).

A high image resolution with a small plane size of the display device will not allow the entire image to be displayed on it, or during output the image will be “adjusted”, for example, for each displayed pixel the colors of the part of the original image falling within it will be averaged. If necessary, display a small image large on a device with high resolution you have to calculate the colors of intermediate pixels.

It should be clearly distinguished: screen resolution; printer resolution; image resolution.

All these concepts refer to different objects. These types of permissions are in no way related to each other, until you need to find out which physical size will have a picture on the monitor screen, a print on paper or a file on the hard drive.

Screen (screen image) resolution- this is a property computer system(depending on the monitor and video card) and operating system(depends on Windows settings). Screen resolution is measured in pixels and determines the size of the image that can fit entirely on the screen. To measure screen resolution, the designation ppi (pixel per inch) is used.

Printer resolution (printed image) is a printer property that expresses the number of individual dots that can be printed on a unit length area (raster). It is measured in units of dpi (dots per inch) and determines the size of an image at a given quality or, conversely, the quality of an image at a given size. Depending on the type of paper, choose the following raster frequency values: for newsprint - 70-90 dpi, for medium quality paper - 90-100 dpi, for glossy - 133 dpi and higher.

Image resolution (original) is a property of the image itself. The original resolution is used when entering an image into a computer and is measured in dots per inch (dpi), set when creating an image in graphic editor or using a scanner. Setting the original resolution depends on your image quality and file size requirements. In general, the rule applies: the higher the quality requirements, the higher the resolution of the original should be.

The image resolution value is stored in the image file and is inextricably linked to another property of the image - its physical size.

Physical size Images can be measured both in pixels and in length units (millimeters, centimeters, inches). It is set when the image is created and is stored with the file.

If an image is being prepared for display on a screen, then its width and height are specified in pixels in order to know how much of the screen it occupies. If an image is being prepared for printing, then its size is specified in length units in order to know how much of the sheet of paper it will occupy.

Enlarging digital photographs to several times their original 300 PPI size while maintaining sharp detail is probably the main goal of many interpolation algorithms. Despite this general goal, upscaling results can vary significantly depending on the programs used and the interpolation and sharpening algorithms they implement.


The problems arise because, unlike film, digital images store images in discrete units: pixels. Any attempt to enlarge the image will correspondingly enlarge these pixels - unless interpolation is applied. Hover over the image on the right to see how even the simplest standard interpolation can improve pixel-induced quadraticity.

Before you dive into this chapter, know that there is no magic wand; best optimization is to start with the highest possible image quality. This means using the right tools: a high-resolution, low-noise camera and a good converter to RAW files. If all of this is present, optimizing your digital photo's enlargement can help you get the most out of your image.

Non-adaptive interpolation overview

Recall that non-adaptive interpolation algorithms always face a trade-off between three defects: jaggies, blur, and boundary halos. The following chart and interactive visual comparison demonstrate each algorithm's place in this three-front war.

The results of scaling performed using the most common algorithms are shown below. Hover over the labels to see how each interpolator performs a given magnification:

*standard interpolation algorithm in Adobe Photoshop CS and CS2

The quality diagram on the right roughly shows the coverage area of ​​each algorithm. The nearest neighbor method is the most susceptible to aliasing, but it and the bilinear method are the least susceptible to boundary halos - they differ only in the different balance between jaggies and blur. You will see how the sharpness of the boundary gradually increases between variations of the bicubic method (3-5), but they are achieved by increasing the gradation and boundary halos. The Lanczos method produces results very similar to bicubic and bicubic sharp in Photoshop, except perhaps with a little more aliasing. They all show some degree of gradation, although aliasing can always be completely eliminated by using image blur (7).

Lanczos and bicubic algorithms are among the most commonly used, probably because they are quite good at choosing between three defects (as is obvious from their location close to the center of the triangle). Nearest neighbor and bilinear methods are not computationally expensive and can therefore be used for augmentation on websites or in portable devices.

Overview of Adaptive Methods

Recall that adaptive algorithms (those that use edge detection) do not treat all pixels equally, but instead adapt to the surrounding content of the image. This flexibility produces much sharper images with fewer artifacts (than would be possible with a non-adaptive method). Unfortunately, they often require longer processing times and are usually more expensive.

Even the most basic non-adaptive methods work quite well at preserving smooth gradients, but they all begin to show their limitations when they try to interpolate close to a sharp edge.

Standard algorithm in Adobe Photoshop CS and CS2
still in research phase, not publicly available

« Genuine fractals"(Genuine Fractals) are probably the most commonly used iterative (or fractal) magnification program. It tries to process photos similarly to a vector graphics file - achieving almost lossless scaling (by at least in theory). Interestingly, its original purpose was not enlargement at all, it was intended to effectively compress images. Since its introduction, times have changed and disk space is now much more accessible, so it has new uses.

Shortcut PhotoZoom Pro(formerly S-Spline Pro) is another common photo enlarger. When interpolating each pixel, it takes into account the many surrounding pixels and tries to recreate a smooth boundary that passes through all known pixels. To reconstruct the boundaries, it uses a spline algorithm, which is similarly used by car manufacturers when developing new smooth lines for their cars. PhotoZoom has several settings - each designed for a different type of image.

Notice how PhotoZoom produces superior results on the above CG graphics, as it is able to produce a crisp, smooth edge with no jaggies for all the curves in the flag. True fractals introduce fine-scale texture that was not present in the original, and their result is this example no better than bicubic interpolation. It's worth noting, however, that genuine fractals did the best job on the flag tips, while PhotoZoom sometimes breaks them apart. The only interpolator that managed to maintain both smooth, clear boundaries and neat endings is SmartEdge.

Examples from life

The comparisons above showed an increase in theoretical examples, but real-life images are rarely that simple. They have to deal with a range of colors, noise, fine textures and edges that are not so easily distinguishable. The following example contains both fine detail, sharp edges, and a smooth background:

Nearest neighbor method Bicubic Bicubic soft PhotoZoom Genuine fractals SmartEdge
With sharpening: bicubic bicubic soft PhotoZoom (standard) genuine fractals SmartEdge

All methods except the nearest neighbor method (which simply enlarges the pixels) did an outstanding job considering the relatively small size of the original. Pay special attention to problem areas: in terms of gradation, these are the bridge of the nose, the tips of the ears, the mustache and the belt buckle. As expected, everything worked almost identically when rendering a soft background.

Despite the difficulties that computer graphics caused for real fractals, they literally outdid themselves in this real photo. They created the thinnest mustache, which turned out even thinner than it was in the original image (relative to the others). In addition, they sharply rendered the cat's fur, while avoiding the halo effect along the contour. On the other hand, some may find the resulting fur texture undesirable, so there is also a subjective element in making a decision. Overall, I would say that their result was the best.

PhotoZoom Pro and the bicubic algorithm turned out to be quite similar, except that PhotoZoom produced fewer visible boundary halos and slightly less aliasing. SmartEdge also performed exceptionally well, but is still in development and not available for use. This is the only algorithm that has worked well for both computer graphics and a real photograph.

Sharpening enlarged photos

Our focus was on the type of interpolation. However, sharpening techniques can have at least an equivalent impact.

Apply sharpening after enlarging your photo to its final size, and not before or during the process. Otherwise, previously invisible halo blur masks will become clearly visible. This effect is similar to that obtained by applying an unsharp mask with a radius larger than the ideal one. Hover over the image on the left (a portion of the previously shown zoom) to see what happens if you apply sharpening before zooming. Notice the increase in the size of the halo around the whiskers and along the contour.

Please also keep in mind that many interpolation algorithms have some sharpening built-in(such as bicubic sharp in Photoshop). It is often impossible to avoid edge exaggeration, since Bayer matrix interpolation itself can also exaggerate edges (and increase visual sharpness).

If your camera does not support RAW format(and you're forced to process JPEGs), make sure the camera's built-in sharpening is turned off or minimized. Enable saving maximum quality JPEG, since compression defects, invisible at the original size, will increase significantly with enlargement and subsequent sharpening.

Because an enlarged photo can become significantly blurrier than the original, upscaled images often benefit more from advanced sharpening techniques. These include convolution reversal, edge hypertrophy fine tuning, multi-radius unsharp mask and new opportunity PhotoShop CS2: Smart Sharpening.

Sharpening and viewing distance

The expected viewing distance of your print may change the depth of field and circle of confusion requirements. Further, the image enlarged for the poster will require a larger blur mask radius than the one shown on the website. The following estimate should not be used as anything other than an approximation; The ideal radius also depends on other factors, such as the subject being depicted and the quality of the interpolation.

The pixel density of a typical display ranges from 70-100 PPI, depending on the resolution setting and screen size. The standard value of 72 PPI when using the above calculator means a mask radius of 0.3 pixels - this is the usual radius that is used for images published on websites. Otherwise, a printing resolution of 300 PPI (standard for photo printers) will produce a mask radius of about 1.2 pixels (also typical).

When Interpolation Becomes Important

A large billboard on the side of the road will never require as high a resolution as an art gallery print viewed up close. The following tool displays the minimum PPI and maximum print size that can be used before the eye begins to distinguish individual pixels (without interpolation).

04/12/16 59K

You don't know how to increase the size of a picture? This is very simple task, since everything you need is already installed on your computer. Read this tutorial and you'll learn how to resize a photo using 5 simple tools.

Method 1: How to Resize an Image in Microsoft Paint

  1. Find and launch MS Paint. It comes pre-installed on all versions of the operating system Windows. Start> All Programs> Accessories> Paint:
  1. Drag the image into the Paint window or use Menu > Open (Ctrl + O).
  2. In the main menu of the program, find the item “ Resize" and select it:
  1. The panel for changing image sizes and proportions will open. You can specify the value in pixels. Don't forget to check the " Maintain proportions" Otherwise the image will be deformed:
  1. To increase the size of the picture, click the "OK" button and save the photo.


  • If you can't size your photo without stretching it, you can use the Crop tool to remove unwanted edges. How to do this is described in paragraph 3;
  • To open a photo faster, right-click on it and select “ Open with Paint»;
  • It is best to save the image in the same format as the original.

Method 2. How to resize an image in MS Photo Gallery

  1. If Microsoft Photo Gallery is not installed on your computer ( Start > Photo Gallery), you need to download and install it as part of Windows Essentials 2012;
  2. Launch MS Photo Gallery and find your graphic file;
  3. Right-click on it and select “Resize...”:
  1. Select a ready-made preset: " Small 640 pixels", "Medium 1024", "Large 1280", etc.
  1. Click " Resize and save" After you increase the size of the picture, the image will be placed in the same folder, and the original will also remain in it.


  • If you need to set the exact image size, select " Custom" and set the size to the larger side of the photo;
  • To resize multiple photos at once, select them while holding down the Ctrl key.

Method 3: How to Resize an Image in Photoscape

You can increase the size of the picture in Photoshop. Or use Photoscape for this.

  1. Download Photoscape and install it. Launch the program;
  2. Go to the "Editor" tab and find the photo you want to edit:
  1. At the bottom of the image there is a button “Resize”, click on it.
  2. Set a new photo size. Make sure the option " Maintain aspect ratio" is enabled and press the "OK" button:
  1. Save the edited image.


  • If you need to resize multiple images, use the " Batch editor" Add a folder and resize all the photos in it;
  • If you don't know the exact size, you can set the "Percentage" of the original size.

Method 4. How to resize an image in IrfanView

  1. Install IrfanView - great tool to view and increase the size of the picture;
  2. Add a photo by dragging it into the program window, or by clicking the first button in the toolbar:
  1. Go to the "Image" tab, select " Change size/proportions» ( Ctrl+R);
  2. Set the new size in pixels, centimeters, inches, or as a percentage of the original image:
  1. Save the image.


  • You can use standard sizes: 640 by 480 pixels, 800 by 600 pixels, 1024 by 768 pixels, etc.;
  • To save high quality photos, make sure the DPI is set to at least 300.

Method 5. How to resize an image online

  1. To resize a picture online, go to PicResize.
  2. Click the button Browse" to select a photo. Click " Continue»:
  1. Select a percentage of the original image, such as 50% smaller. The tool will display the output image size. Alternatively, you can enter your exact size by selecting " Custom Size»:
  1. Image size. Physical, logical size and resolution
  2. Resize the image. Image Size command. The concept of resampling.

Image size. Physical, logical size and resolution.

Image File Size is the physical size of the file in which the image is stored. It is measured in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), or gigabytes (GB). The file size is proportional to the pixel dimensions of the image. The higher the number of pixels, the more detailed the image obtained when printed. However, storing them requires more disk space and slows down editing and printing. Thus, when choosing a resolution, a compromise must be made between image quality (which must contain all the necessary data) and file size.

Another factor that affects file size is its format. Due to differences in compression methods used in the formats GIF files, JPEG and PNG, file sizes with the same pixel dimensions can vary greatly. The bit depth of the color and the number of layers and channels also affect the file size.

Photoshop supports maximum dimensions images in pixels equal to 300,000 horizontally and vertically. This limitation determines the maximum permissible size and resolution of the image on the screen and when printing.

About pixel sizes and resolution

The pixel dimensions (image size or height and width) of a bitmap image are a measure of the number of pixels across the image's width and height. Resolution is a measure of the clarity of detail in a raster image and is measured in pixels per inch (ppi). The more pixels per inch, the higher the resolution. In general, a higher resolution image results in a higher quality print.

The same image at 72-ppi and 300-ppi; increased to 200%

The combination of pixel size and resolution determines the amount of image data. If the image has not been resampled, the amount of image data remains the same when the image or resolution is changed individually. When you change a file's resolution, its height and width are changed so that the amount of image data remains the same. The same thing happens when you change the height and width of the file.

Photoshop allows you to define the relationship between image size and resolution in the Image Size dialog box (Image > Image Size). Clear the Interpolation option as there is no need to change the amount of image data. Then change the height, width or resolution of the image. When one of the values ​​changes, the others will be brought into line with the first.

A. Dimensions in pixels are equal to the product of the dimensions of the output document and the resolution.
B. Original dimensions and resolution. Reducing the resolution without changing the pixel dimensions (without resampling).
B. Reducing the resolution while maintaining the same document dimensions leads to an increase in pixel dimensions (resampling)

Resize the image. Resampling.

Changing the pixel dimensions of an image affects not only its size on the screen, but also the quality of the image on screen and when printed, that is, the print size or image resolution.

  1. Select Image > Image size.
  2. To save the current ratio between height and width in pixels, select Maintain Aspect Ratio. This function automatically changes width when changing height and vice versa.
  3. In the Dimension fields, enter values ​​for width and height. To enter values ​​as a percentage of the current dimensions, select percentage as the unit of measurement. The new image file size appears at the top of the Image Size dialog box (the old size is in parentheses).
  4. Make sure Interpolation is selected and select an interpolation method.
  5. If your image has layers with styles applied to it, choose Scale Styles to scale the effect of the styles on the resized image. This feature is only available if Maintain Proportions is selected.
  6. When you have finished changing the settings, click OK.

For best results when creating a smaller image, downsample and then apply the Unsharp Mask filter. To create a larger image, rescan the image at a higher resolution.

Resampling changes the amount of image data when changing its pixel dimensions or resolution. When downsampling (reducing the number of pixels), the image loses some information. When resampling (increasing the number of pixels or increasing the resolution), new pixels are added. The interpolation method determines how pixels are removed or added.

Pixel resampling

A. Downsampling

B. No change

B. Resampling (selected pixels are displayed for each set of images)

Keep in mind that resampling may result in reduced image quality. For example, resampling an image to a larger pixel size reduces its detail and sharpness. Applying the Unsharp Mask filter to a resampled image can sharpen details in the image.

You can avoid resampling by scanning or creating images with a sufficiently high resolution. To view the results of resizing in pixels or printing proofs at different resolutions, resample a duplicate of the original file.

Photoshop resamples an image using interpolation techniques, assigning color values ​​to new pixels based on the color values ​​of existing pixels. You can select the method to use in the Image Size dialog box.

In neighboring A fast but less accurate method that follows the pixels of an image. This technique is used in illustrations containing unsmoothed edges to maintain crisp edges and create a file smaller size. However, this method can create jagged edges that become noticeable when you distort or scale the image, or perform many selection operations. Bilinear This method adds new pixels by calculating the average color value of surrounding pixels. It produces results of average quality. Bicubic A slower but more accurate method based on analyzing the color values ​​of surrounding pixels. By using more complex calculations, bicubic interpolation produces smoother color transitions than neighbor interpolation or bilinear interpolation. Bicubic, smoother A good method for image enlargement based on bicubic interpolation, designed specifically to produce smoother results. Bicubic, clearer A good method for reducing image size based on bicubic interpolation with increased sharpness. This method allows you to preserve the details of the resampled image. If Bicubic Sharper interpolation makes some areas of the image too sharp, try using Bicubic Interpolation.

You can specify the default interpolation method to use when resampling image data in Photoshop. Choose Edit > Preferences > General (Windows) or Photoshop > Preferences > General (Mac OS), and then choose a method from the Image Interpolation menu.
In preparation images for printing It is useful to set the image size by specifying the print dimensions and image resolution. These two parameters, called document size, determine the total number of pixels and therefore the file size of the image. The document size also determines the base size of the image when placed in another application. You can control the print size using the Print command, but changes made by the Print command will only affect the printed image—the image file size will not change.
If resampling is used for a given image, you can change the print dimensions and resolution independently of each other (thereby changing the total number of pixels in the image). If resampling is turned off, you can change either the image dimensions or resolution - Photoshop will automatically change the remaining value, maintaining the total number of pixels. In general, to obtain the highest quality print, you should first change the dimensions and resolution without resampling. Only then, if necessary, can resampling be performed.

  1. Choose Image > Image Size.
  2. Change the pixel dimensions, image resolution, or both.
    • To change just the print dimensions, or just the dimension and proportionally change the total number of pixels in the image, choose Interpolation, and then choose an interpolation method.
    • To change the print size and resolution without changing the total number of pixels in the image, do not select Interpolation.
  3. To save the current ratio between the height and width of the image, select "Save Aspect Ratios". This function automatically changes the width when the height changes and vice versa.
  4. In the Print Size field, enter the new height and width values. If necessary, select a new unit of measurement. Note that the Width field in the Columns feature uses the width and spacing between columns specified in the Units and Rulers settings.
  5. Enter a new value in the Resolution field. If necessary, select a new unit of measurement.

To restore the values ​​in the Image Size dialog box to their original values, Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) the Restore button.

Resizing and rotating the canvas. Canvas Size command.

Rotate or flip the entire image

You can use the Rotate Image commands to rotate or flip the entire image. These commands cannot be applied to individual layers, slices of layers, outlines, or the borders of selections. You can rotate a selection or layer using the Transform or Free Transform commands.
Rotate images
A. Flip the canvas horizontally
B. Original image
B. Rotate the canvas vertically
D. Rotate 90° counterclockwise
D. 180°
E. Rotate 90° clockwise

From the Image menu, choose Image Rotation, then from the submenu, choose one of the following commands.

  • 180° — Rotate the image by 180°.
  • 90° clockwise — Rotates the image 90° clockwise.
  • 90° counterclockwise — Rotates the image 90° counterclockwise.
  • Freely—Rotate the image by a specified angle. When you select this option, you must enter an angle between 359.99 and 359.99 degrees in the text box. (In Photoshop, you can set the rotation to clockwise or counterclockwise using the CW or CW options.) Click OK.

Note. Rotating an image is a permanent edit that changes the actual information of the image file. If you want to rotate an image for viewing without making permanent changes, use the Rotate tool.

Changing the Canvas Size

The canvas size is the full editable area of ​​the image. You can use the Canvas Size command to increase or decrease the size of the image canvas. Increasing the canvas size adds space around the existing image. When you reduce the canvas size, the image is cropped. When you increase the canvas size of an image with a transparent background, the added area will be transparent. If the image does not have transparent background, then the color of the added canvas will be determined in various ways.

  1. From the Image menu, select Canvas Size.
  2. Perform one of the following actions.
    • Enter the canvas dimensions in the Width and Height fields. From the pop-up menus next to the width and height fields, select the units of measurement you want.
    • Select the Relative option and enter an amount to add to or subtract from the current canvas size. Enter a positive number to increase and a negative number to decrease the canvas size by the specified amount.
  3. To get an anchor point, click the square that shows the desired location of the existing image on the new canvas.
  4. Select an option from the Canvas Extension Color menu.
    • “Basic color” - fills a new canvas with the current primary color
    • “Background” - fills a new canvas with the current background color
    • “White”, “Black” or “Grey” - fills the new canvas with the corresponding color
    • “Others” - select a color for the new canvas from the color palette

      Note. You can also open the color picker by clicking the square to the right of the Canvas Extension Color menu.

    The Canvas Extension Color menu is not available if the image does not have a background.

  5. Click OK.

Original canvas and base color canvas added to the right side of the image

Crop the image. Crop tool.

Cropping is cutting off parts of an image for the purpose of focusing or improving composition. You can crop an image using the Frame tool and the Crop command. In addition, you can trim pixels using the “Straighten and Crop” and “Trim” commands.

Using the Frame Tool

Crop an image using the Crop tool

Crop an image using the Crop command

  1. The part of the image that you want to save is selected using the selection tool.
  2. From the Image menu, select Crop.

Crop an image using the Trim command

Crop using the Trim command removes unwanted elements differently than using the Crop command. You can crop an image by clipping out surrounding transparent pixels or background pixels of a specific color.

  1. From the Image menu, select Trimming.
  2. In the Trim dialog box, select an option.
    • Selecting the Transparent Pixels-based option removes transparency from the edges of the image and leaves the smallest image made up of opaque pixels.
    • Selecting Top Left Pixel Color removes the area that matches the color of the top left pixel in the image.
    • Selecting the Bottom Right Pixel Color option removes the area whose color matches the color of the bottom right pixel in the image.
    • Select image areas to remove: top, bottom, left or right

Transforming Perspective When Framing

One of the parameters of the Frame tool allows you to transform the perspective of the image. This feature is useful when working with images that contain keystone distortion. Keystone distortion occurs when photographing an object from an angular angle. For example, if a tall building is photographed from ground level, the top of the building will appear narrower than its base.

Perspective Transformation Steps
A. Mark the original crop area B. Align the crop area with the edges of the object C. Extend the crop boundaries D.
The resulting image