About the project. PHP Super Global Variables Latest PHP Script Error Message: $php_errormsg

Previously, browsers were not able to wrap text in automatic mode as it happened in print media resources.

But everything changed with the advent of the CSS3 specification, which gives us the ability to control the behavior of hyphenation in browsers using the hyphens property.

Works as long as the text is justified: text-align: justify

Setting the language

The language of the web page is set using HTML attribute lang:

This The best way setting the language for all web pages, whether hyphens are enabled or not. Setting the language will help automatic translation tools, screen readers and other supporting programs.


p ( text-align: justify; ) /* no hyphens */ p.foo ( hyphens: none; ) /* manual mode: put in place of possible transfer */ p.bar ( hyphens: manual; ) /* automatic mode */ p.foobar ( hyphens: auto; )

Browser support

BrowserChromeFirefox (Gecko)I.E.SafariOpera
Version13 6.0 10.0 5.1
Russian language8.0 10.0

Cross-browser it looks like this:

P ( text-align: justify; -webkit-hyphens: auto; -moz-hyphens: auto; -ms-hyphens: auto; hyphens: auto; )

In browsers that do not support the hyphens property, the JS library can be used.


Thank you for visiting and using the portal site. I hope that the information presented on the portal will be useful to you.

Purpose, goals and objectives of the project

The purpose of creating the site project was the desire to satisfy the need of novice web programmers for an Internet resource with rich thematic content. Now the portal site is able to almost completely satisfy the needs of novice PHP programmers in materials on PHP, MySQL, in the necessary auxiliary tools, such as PHP code editors and related utilities for PHP, a reference book PHP functions in Russian, search systems for necessary information, developer forum, etc.
Advanced and professional web programmers will undoubtedly also find for themselves useful information on the portal website.

Brief history of the project

The idea to create a project dedicated to one of the most popular web programming languages ​​PHP came to me in the process self-study PHP language. As I accumulated various information on the PHP language and web technologies, the task of systematizing the information I had accumulated became increasingly urgent. Thus, I gradually formed a kind of website, the content of which was essentially a set of articles, materials, a reference book on PHP functions and other information on web technologies. It was at that moment that I had the idea of ​​​​creating an Internet site dedicated to the PHP language and related web technologies.

In March 2005, I purchased a website domain in order to implement my ideas of creating the largest specialized website on the PHP language and web technologies.
The information, programs and resources I had accumulated were not enough to create a full-fledged and meaningful information resource. Therefore, I decided to continue accumulating information while simultaneously studying PHP, MySQL and web technologies. For me it was a learning process, while gradually creating a fairly meaningful information resource. Due to lack of time, the process of my learning the PHP language, and therefore the creation of the site, dragged on for several months.

Thus, gradually, by the end of April 2006, a truly full-fledged portal on PHP, MySQL and related web technologies was formed.

Portal development

The portal site is constantly developing, many ideas and wishes are taken into account and implemented, the information content of the portal is updated and supplemented, the number and composition of visitors is constantly increasing, the portal is becoming more and more famous and popular among web programmers.

You can help the project grow, for example, by placing a portal button or a simple link on your site, or simply by advising others to visit the portal, or by providing support in some other way.

If you have any ideas or wishes, please share them and use

Super global variables are available internally custom functions. That is, you don't need to declare superglobals as globals inside user-defined functions by doing something like this: global $_SERVER . Even the PHP configuration settings (php.ini) do not affect this.

Variable $HTTP_SERVER_VARS $HTTP_SERVER_VARS And $_SERVER are different variables).

You may not find some variables that may be contained in the array $_SERVER if you are running PHP from the command line.


The file name of the currently running script, relative to the document root. For example, $_SERVER ["PHP_SELF"] in the script at http://example.com/test.php/foo.bar it returns /test.php/foo.bar . Predefined constant __FILE__ contains the full path and name of the file.
If PHP is executed from command line, this variable contains the name of the script (available since PHP 4.3.0).


An array of parameters passed to the script. When using the GET method, it will contain the query string.


Contains the number of command line parameters passed to the script (if passed from the command line).


Contains the version of CGI that the web server is using (For example, CGI/1.1).


The name of the web server under which the current script is running. If the script is running on a virtual web server, the variable will contain the web server name that was defined for the virtual web server.


A web server identification string that is passed through headers when responding to server requests.


The name and version of the HTTP protocol used (For example, HTTP/1.1).


The web page request method used ("GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT").


The start time of the web page request. Available starting from PHP 5.1.0


The web page query string, if it exists, through which the page was accessed.


The root directory under which the current script is executed. Determined by the web server configuration.








The address of the page that links to the current document through the user client ( software client). Not all custom clients provide this information, and some of them are capable of changing HTTP_REFERER, therefore, such information cannot be completely trusted.



The IP address of the remote user who is accessing the current page.



Port used to connect to the web server


The absolute path for the current script.


The value set by SERVER_ADMIN (for Apache). Defined by the web server configuration directive. If the script is executed on a virtual host, then the value is determined by the current settings of the web server's virtual host.


The current web server port used to transmit data via the HTTP protocol. The default is "80".



Base path to the current scenario.


Contains the path and file name of the currently executing script.


The URI for the current page, for example "/index.html".


If PHP is running as an Apache module, the variable is used in HTTP authentication to verify authenticity.


If PHP is running as an Apache module or as an IIS ISAPI, this variable contains the name of the authorized user for HTTP authentication.


If PHP is running as an Apache module or as an IIS ISAPI, this variable contains the password of the authorized user for HTTP authentication.


If PHP is running as an Apache module or as an IIS ISAPI, this variable contains the type of HTTP authentication used.

Variable $HTTP_ENV_VARS contains the same initial information, but it is not an autoglobal variable. (Note that $HTTP_ENV_VARS And $_ENV are different variables).

Variable $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS contains the same initial information, but it is not an autoglobal variable. (Note that $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS And $_COOKIE are different variables).

Variable $HTTP_GET_VARS contains the same initial information, but it is not an autoglobal variable. (Note that $HTTP_GET_VARS And $_GET are different variables).

Variable $HTTP_POST_VARS contains the same initial information, but it is not an autoglobal variable. (Note that $HTTP_POST_VARS And $_POST are different variables).

Variable $HTTP_POST_FILES contains the same initial information, but it is not an autoglobal variable. (Note that $HTTP_POST_FILES And $_FILES are different variables).

Session variables are available inside user-defined functions. That is, you don't need to declare superglobals as globals inside user-defined functions by doing something like this: global $_SESSION . Even the PHP configuration settings (php.ini) do not affect this.

Variable $HTTP_SESSION_VARS contains the same initial information, but it is not an autoglobal variable. (Note that $HTTP_SESSION_VARS And $_SESSION are different variables).

Latest PHP script error message: $php_errormsg

Variable $php_errormsg contains the message of the latest PHP script error.

This variable will only be available within the scope in which the error occurred, and only if the option track_errors configuration is enabled (it is disabled by default).

If you have any other questions or something is not clear - welcome to our

Shown: 1-10 . Total sources in the section: 13

We present to your attention latest version DLE engine. It will help you quickly create a high-quality blog or news portal. Free and virus-free.

Downloaded: 9111 · Comments: 0 · Rating:
A new version of the growing portal system. As befits the Russian version, it has a full Russian translation! Based on sPaiz-Nuke, any user, even one who does not have much knowledge, can build himself not only a high-quality website, but also a powerful portal. News, articles, polls, etc. The system differs from others in its ease of installation, control, and low load on MySQL database !

Downloaded: 7717 · Comments: 5 · Rating:
Almost completely localized version for Russian users. All available functions for sending messages (mail) have been edited; there are no more problems with incorrect display of Russian characters in letters sent by the system. The Encyclopedia and Reviews modules have been localized for Russian users; now they work correctly with Russian terms and letters. The Download and Web Links modules have been edited to correctly display graphical icons for new files and links (NEW). Fixed errors in the FAQ module that appeared when using Nuke at the base UNIX systems. The News module has been changed, the morelink variable has been edited, and the function of breaking down all news into pages (pagenumbers) has been added.

Downloaded: 7084 · Comments: 2 · Rating:
This is a website content management system, the so-called CMS (Content Management System, i.e. Content Management System). Using the Site Manager system, you can create a website with an arbitrary number of sections, subsections and pages, fill the website pages with information using a convenient visual editor. To manage a website created on the basis of the system, you do not need in-depth knowledge of programming and html layout. The convenient and intuitive interface of the product allows the average user personal computer who does not have knowledge of web technologies, can quickly master the system and learn how to manage the site in a few hours. Consists of modules: administration, articles, news, users, forums.

Downloaded: 7074 · Comments: 1 · Rating:
DCP-Portal is a content management system. Features: 1.Update via web interface. 2.Administrator panel for managing the site. 3.HTML editor for adding news.4.Moderators can add news and content, write reviews; 5.Moderators can receive added content via e-mail. 6.Search engine. 7. Dynamic page FAQ; 8. content version 9.Simple interface. 10.Multilingual support; 11.Forum. 12.Custom messaging system; 13.Ad management. 14.The site design can be changed with one template file.

Downloaded: 5851 · Comments: 1 · Rating:
A good script for creating your own portal. Some features of the script: 1. User registration. 2. View the user profile. 3. Automatic news, they are updated every time new registration user, and each time an article is added to the database. 4. Each registered user can add their articles to the database. 5. Statistics for each user, i.e. how many articles he added to the database and his status. 6. Convenient authorization for users. 7. Blocking of repeated registrations.

Downloaded: 5570 · Comments: 0 · Rating:
Script is an engine (set of scripts) for creating and administering websites. PLUGINS and FastTemplate technologies are used, which ensures complete independence of the design from the structure (which you design and create yourself). Complete separation of HTML and PHP - allows you to change the design at least every day (provided you are fluent in HTML). PLUGINs support allows you to write your own administration modules. In this version, the news module has been added.

Downloaded: 5060 · Comments: 0 · Rating:
Portal system developed in PHP together with MySQL DBMS. Easy to set up and use. Features: 1. Full Administration via Web Browser; 2. Moderator access; 3. News module; 4. Guest Book Module; 5. Article Catalog Module; 6. Internal mail; 7. Built-in Counter; 8. Possibility of installation additional modules.

Downloaded: 4694 · Comments: 1 · Rating:
A small, but quite powerful and multi-functional script for creating your own portal. Has a large number of beautiful skins.

Downloaded: 4662 · Comments: 0 · Rating:
This script can be used as a basis for maintaining personal page. The modular design allows ParkerConnector to be tailored to any design (modules are inserted as needed).

Downloaded: 3829 · Comments: 0 · Rating:

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