10 Best WYSIWYG Text and HTML Editors for Your Projects

Give users the opportunity text formatting without learning additional code is something that developers have been working hard on for the past few years. And it’s not in vain, they have already made significant progress. We present to you the 10 most used WYSIWYG editors. We hope you will find something for your own projects.

01. NicEdit

NicEdit is an excellent alternative to large and cumbersome editors. It includes all the required features but remains very easy to integrate into a website.

02. TinyMCE

TinyMCE is a free javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor. It is easy to implement into your site and provides a wide range of customization and appearance options. TinyMCE is probably the most “complete” editor in our selection today. Almost MSWord.


CKeditor is the new FCKEditor, which has early won the title of market leader. The editor is developed based on it, and is aimed at fixing what problems arose in FCKEditor. The result is a highly productive WYSIWYG editor that offers all the features you'd normally find in MSWord or Open Office.

04. YUI Rich Text Editor

YUI Rich Text Editor is a graphical user interface from Yahoo that turns a regular text input field into a full-fledged WYSIWYG editor. The application is provided in different versions, with different properties and content. But using any version, you will get all the functions necessary for the editor.

Markitup is a jQuery plugin that allows you to turn a regular text input field into a tags and formatting editor. Html, Wiki and BBcode are just a few of what the plugin offers. Markitup is not a WYSIWYG editor, but that doesn't make it any worse since it offers you all the functionality you need.

06. FreeTextBox

FreeTextBox is an HTML editor designed specifically for ASP.NET. The appearance of the editor is very similar to Microsoft Word. The free version doesn't really have many features, but it has everything you need.


WYSIWYG editors, for the most part, now provide plugins for the popular jQuery library, and in less cases Mootools. MooEditable completely fills this gap by being a simple but very effective javascript library. If you are a Mootools fan, then you will not have any problems with it.

08. OpenWysiwyg?

OpenWysiwyg is a cross-browser full-fledged editor with all the required functions. It even includes attractive drop-down menus and buttons. Unfortunately Chrome won't support it.

09. Spaw Editor- the site is dead

Spaw Editor is a WYSIWYG editor that allows website developers to replace standard text fields with a controlled HTML editor, with a wide range of settings, in many languages, and the ability to change the appearance.


jHtmlArea is another WYSIWYG text editor, which is a plugin for Jquery. The goal of the plugin is simplicity and ease of use. It includes all the required functions. You can customize the appearance, features, and languages.