How to set up hot keys in Word. Hotkeys in Word: The most necessary combinations. Word keyboard shortcuts

Designed to speed up your work in MS Office and make it more productive. Agree, it’s much easier to press Ctrl+C (copy) and Ctrl+V (paste) on your keyboard instead of executing this command traditional way by clicking the "copy" and "paste" buttons on the taskbar.

However, as you probably noticed, keyboard shortcuts are not assigned to all functions that are offered to our services. office suite from Microsoft. For example, I recently told you about how you can speed up your work with an MS Word document significantly. But this method has one significant drawback - after the bookmarks are created, you can use them only by going back to the corresponding panel and activating the desired tool or using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+F5. There seems to be a combination, but by my standards it is very inconvenient. Now, if only I could replace it with something simpler, for example, CTRL+W (this combination is already used to close the current document, but, to be honest, I’ve never used it at all and I don’t really need it)…

On the other hand, the default “insert picture” tool does not have its own “ hotkey" This, of course, is not critical - we don’t add graphics to documents very often, but when you suddenly need to provide a document with a huge bunch of illustrations, you will “suddenly” find that switching the taskbar to the “insert” menu every time is somewhat tedious.

So let's solve these problems and learn not only how to set keyboard shortcuts in MS Word yourself, but also how to override the "factory" settings of the text editor!

Well, are you ready to assign hotkeys in MS Word?

Create your own keyboard shortcuts in MS Word

First of all, open "File" tab and select "Options" item. This time we need “Customize Ribbon” settings block. We select it from the list and see an intriguing phrase: "Customize the Ribbon and Keyboard Shortcuts". It seems we have come to the right place.

We don’t need a long list with available commands now; we look at the very bottom of the parameters window and see the line "Keyboard Shortcuts". Feel free to click "Settings..." button and admire the very unfriendly-looking Keyboard Settings window.

Let's see what keyboard shortcuts are set in MS Word by default for this command

In fact, there is nothing terrible here - although the list of available commands is called English language, hints explaining the meaning remain in Russian, and the tools are structured in the same order in which they are located on the MS Word toolbar. That is, first, in the list on the left, I select “Categories: Insert Tab”, and then in the list on the right, the command “EditBookmark” ( edit bookmark - from English.).

Adding new keyboard shortcuts

As soon as the choice is made, the program displays the keyboard shortcut already in use (CTRL+SHIFT+F5). I select it and click the Delete button. Now I left-click in the “New keyboard shortcut” field and press CTRL + W on the keyboard, click “Assign” and “Ok” next. Done, I just redefined the hotkeys, making MS Word a little more convenient for myself.

At the same time, there are two subtleties:

  • If you don’t like a “standard” keyboard shortcut, you don’t have to delete it. The program also provides that several hotkeys can be assigned to the same instrument.
  • The new keyboard shortcut must be pressed on the keyboard, and not tried to be entered as text.
  • If the new keyboard shortcut is already used by another function, the program will warn you about it

The first line is a warning that this key combination is already in use, the second line is that changes are written to the main template

Although, that's not all! Have you noticed the point "Save changes to..."? Yes, as in the case with, all changes can be applied both to a separate document and to the general template of the program ( Normal.dotm). I chose the second option, so when closing the text editor, I will need to follow the same steps that were described in that article.

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In this article you will learn about Word hotkeys. Why are they hot? This is what computer users often call keyboard shortcuts for quick call any commands. You've also probably heard about keyboard shortcuts. So, it's the same thing.

Below is a list of the most commonly used keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Word. Please note that some of these combinations may not work in all Microsoft versions Word. Try these hotkeys in your Word and write in the comments below. Whether they work or not in your version.

Word keyboard shortcuts

Using keyboard shortcuts can significantly increase productivity, reduce repetitive mouse movements, and help you be more focused on your writing. For example, to copy text, you can select the text and press Ctrl+C. Hotkeys in Word will make the text editing process faster than moving your hands off the keyboard, selecting with the mouse, selecting copy from the file menu, and then returning to the keyboard.

Note: If the device you are using does not have function keys(F1-F12) on a keyboard such as a Chromebook, some commands will not be available to you.

Team Called action
Ctrl+0(zero) Adds 6 pt of space before the paragraph.
Ctrl+A Select all page content.
Ctrl+B Make the selected section bold.
Ctrl+C Copy selected text.
Ctrl+D Opening the font settings window.
Ctrl+E Aligns a line or selected text to the center of the screen.
Ctrl+F Opens the Find window.
Ctrl+I Make italicized selection.
Ctrl+J Align selected text or line to width
Ctrl+K Insert hyperlink
Ctrl+L Align selected text or line to the left
Ctrl+M Paragraph indent (tab)
Ctrl+N New things open up empty window document.
Ctrl+O Opens a page or dialog box to select a file to open
Ctrl+P Open print window
Ctrl+R Align selected text or line to the right
Ctrl+S Saving an open document
Ctrl+T Create a first line indent in a paragraph
Ctrl+U Underline selected text
Ctrl+V Paste copied fragment or object
Ctrl+W Close current open document
Ctrl+X Cut selected text
Ctrl+Y Repeat last action.
Ctrl+Z Undo last action.
Ctrl+Shift+L Quickly insert a bulleted list icon
Ctrl+Shift+F Opening the font settings window
Ctrl+Shift+* View or hide non-printing characters
Ctrl+Left Arrow Move the cursor one word to the left
Ctrl+Right Arrow Move the cursor one word to the right
Ctrl+Up Arrow Move the cursor up one paragraph
Ctrl+Down Arrow Move the cursor down one paragraph
Ctrl+Del Deletes the word to the right of the cursor
Ctrl+Backspace Deletes the word to the left of the cursor
Ctrl+End Moves the cursor to the end of the document.
Ctrl+Home Moves the cursor to the beginning of the document.
Ctrl+Spacebar Reset selected text to default font()
Ctrl+1 Set single line spacing in the current paragraph
Ctrl+2 Set double line spacing in the current paragraph
Ctrl+5 Set one and a half line spacing in the current paragraph
Ctrl+Alt+1 Apply Heading 1 style to text
Ctrl+Alt+2 Apply Heading 2 style to text
Ctrl+Alt+3 Apply Heading 3 style to text
Alt+Ctrl+F2 Open a new document
Ctrl+F1 Hide or show the tool ribbon
Ctrl+F2 View a printed document
Ctrl+Shift+1 Increases the font size of the selected text by one value
Ctrl+Shift+9 Decreases the font size of the selected text by one value
Ctrl+Shift+F6 Switch between open windows text documents
F1 Open Microsoft Word Help
F4 Repeat last action
F5 Open the Find and Replace window in Microsoft Word.
F7 Check spelling in a document
F12 Save as
Shift+F3 Changes selected text in Microsoft Word to uppercase or lowercase, or every word to a capital letter
Shift+F7 Opens a dictionary of synonyms for the selected word
Shift+F12 Saves the document. Same as Ctrl+S.
Shift+Enter Go to new line without creating a paragraph
Shift+Insert Insert
Shift+Alt+D Insert current date
Shift+Alt+T Insert current time

Alternative hotkeys in Word

Of course it's not full list Word hotkeys. There are actually many more of them. You can see this for yourself. IN text editor Word, no matter what version, press the ALT button on your keyboard and look at the Word toolbar.

Using mouse hotkeys in Word

You can also use the mouse to perform some actions. The following section provides examples of mouse keyboard shortcuts.

Friends, do you know any hotkey combinations that are not in the list presented, write them in the comments.

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Below is a list of the most commonly used keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Word. See the page if you are looking for a list of keyboard shortcuts used in other programs. Please be aware that some of these shortcuts may not work in all versions of Microsoft Word.

Note. If the device you're using doesn't have function keys (F1-F12) on its keyboard, such as a Chromebook, some hotkeys are not available to you.

Keyboard shortcut Description
Ctrl + 0 Increase or decrease the space before the current paragraph by one line
Ctrl+A Select all page content.
Ctrl+B Make selected text bold.
Ctrl+C Copy the selected text.
Ctrl+D Open the font settings window.
Ctrl+E Aligns a line or selected text to the center of the screen.
Ctrl+F Open the search window.
Ctrl + I Italics are emphasis.
Ctrl+J Aligns selected text or line to align the screen.
Ctrl+K Insert a hyperlink.
Ctrl+L Aligns a line or selected text to the left of the screen.
Ctrl+M Paragraph indentation.
Ctrl + N Opens a new empty document window.
Ctrl+O Opens a dialog box or page for selecting a file to open.
Ctrl+P Open the print window.
Ctrl+R Aligns a line or selected text to the right of the screen.
Ctrl+S Save the open document. Same as Shift + F12.
Ctrl+T Create a hanging indent.
Ctrl+U Underline the selected text.
Ctrl+V Insert.
Ctrl+W Close the open document.
Ctrl+X Cut selected text.
Ctrl+Y Repeat the last step.
Ctrl+Z Undo last action.
Ctrl + Shift + L Quickly create a marker.
Ctrl + Shift + F Change the font.
Ctrl + Shift +> Increase the selected font + 1pts to 12pt, and then increase the font + 2pts.
Ctrl +] Enlarge selected font + 1pts.
Ctrl + Shift +< Shrink selected font -1pts if 12pt or lower; if above 12, the font is reduced by + 2pt.
Ctrl + [ Decrease the selected font -1pts.
Ctrl + / + s Insert a sign character (¢).
Ctrl + ‘+<символ> Insert a character with an accent mark (grave) where is the symbol you want. For example, if you wanted to use an accented è, you would use Ctrl + ‘+ e in as a key quick access. To change the accent sign, use the opposite accent sign, often on a tilde.
Ctrl + Shift + * View or hide non-printing characters.
Ctrl +<левая стрелка> Moves one word to the left.
Ctrl +<правая стрелка> Moves one word to the right.
Ctrl +<стрелка вверх> Go to the beginning of a line or paragraph.
Ctrl +<стрелка вниз> Go to the end of the paragraph.
Ctrl+Del Deletes the word to the right of the cursor.
Ctrl + Backspace Deletes the word to the left of the cursor.
Ctrl+End Moves the cursor to the end of the document.
Ctrl + Home Moves the cursor to the beginning of the document.
Ctrl + Space Reset selected text to default font.
CTRL + 1 Single span lines.
CTRL + 2 Double-span lines.
CTRL + 5 1.5 line spacing.
Ctrl + Alt + 1 Changes the text to heading 1.
Ctrl + Alt + 2 Changes the text in title 2.
Ctrl + Alt + 3 Changes the text to heading 3.
Alt + Ctrl + F2 Open a new document.
Ctrl+F1 Open the taskbar.
Ctrl+F2 Display a preview.
Ctrl + Shift +> Increases the selected text size by one font size.
Ctrl + Shift +< Reduces the size of the selected text by one font size.
Ctrl + Shift + F6 Switches to another open Microsoft document Word.
Ctrl + Shift + F12 Prints the document.
F1 Open help.
F4 Repeat last action (Word 2000+)
F5 Open the Find, Replace and Go window in Microsoft Word.
F7 Spell checker and grammar checker check the selected text or document.
F12 Save as.
Shift + F3 Change text in Microsoft Word from uppercase to lowercase, or to capitalize the letter at the beginning of each word.
Shift + F7 Performs a thesaurus check on the selected word.
Shift + F12 Save the open document. Same as Ctrl + S.
Shift + Enter Create soft transfer instead of a new paragraph.
Shift + Insert Insert.
Shift + Alt + D Insert the current date.
Shift + Alt + T Insert the current time.

You can also use the mouse to perform some common actions. The following section provides examples of mouse shortcuts.

Mouse Actions Description
Touch, hold and drag Selects the text from where you click and hold to the point you drag and release.
Double click Double-clicking a word will select the full word.
Double click Double click left, center or right empty line Aligns text left, center, or right.
Double click Double-clicking anywhere after the text in the line will insert a tab stop.
Triple click Selects the line or paragraph of text on which the mouse button is pressed.
Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Zoom in and out of the document.

Recently, I was given a candy bar for my birthday, and after installing MS Office 2013, I discovered that the hot keys had been changed. Ever since I worked as a layout designer, I have become accustomed to widely using hotkeys, since using a mouse slows down work on a PC. So, in Word2013, the combination Ctrl+S stopped saving a file, and Ctrl+V stopped inserting text. Fortunately, Microsoft provided the ability to configure hotkeys, which I took advantage of.

In Word, navigate through the menu File –> Options, go to the tab Customize your feed and click on the button Settings... (Fig. 1).

Download the note in or

To set up familiar hotkeys for a command Save file, in the window that opens Keyboard settings select tab File, team FileSave, and click the mouse in the window New keyboard shortcut(Fig. 2). Enter the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+S (rather than typing Ctrl+S in the window), press Assign, close all windows. Voila!

Note. Typically, you will want to assign new hotkeys to all files. Then leave the window setting Save changes to: no changes – Normal.dotm. If for some reason you want to assign new hotkeys only to open file, select his name in the window Save changes to:

Repeat the procedure to configure hotkeys for other commands. The most popular commands are shown in the table in Fig. 3.

Have you ever wondered how to make working with Word more comfortable and faster? Use special key combinations. They allow you to perform certain actions faster while working. Let's take a closer look at what the Word 2016 hotkeys are.

What it is

Hot keys are several buttons that can be pressed to perform an action. Computer mouse not used.

Is this necessary?

Using special key combinations on your keyboard will increase your productivity. Allows you to quickly perform such frequently used actions as saving a document or canceling a completed action. By highlighting the desired section of text and pressing the combination, quick formatting text. For example, Word hotkeys cut out part of the text. Often used in conjunction with the Word insert hotkey.
The developers have introduced a large number of combinations. Let's look at the most common ones.

Basic combinations

Let's look at how to speed up working with certain pieces of information in a document. These are the elements that stand out in a document. For example, hotkeys select all.

Working with font

Operations are applied to the selected content.

Selecting part of text

Place the cursor at the desired location in the document. Press "Shift". The selection is made using arrows:

  1. Left, right. Select the text character by character;
  2. Up, down - line by line.

If you additionally press “Ctrl” the content will be highlighted in a paragraph. Selects text that is not adjacent.

Undoing or redoing the last operation is done using "CTRL+Z" and "CTRL+Y" respectively.

Word formula hotkeys

To add a field for writing a formula, go to:

To exit editing mode, press the same combination again

Word Keyboard Shortcuts Capital Letters

Suppose you typed a paragraph by mistake in capital letters. What to do? It is not necessary to rewrite it again. Select the text, then:

Second way

Word hotkeys replace

To open the dialog box, go to:

Word hotkeys change language

The default is “Alt + Shift” or “Ctrl + Shift”. Keyboard shortcuts can be changed. Click LMB on the language icon in the system tray:

Click on the "Advanced Options" link.

Go to:

Word shortcut keys highlighting

Clicking again will remove the selection.

Use this method if you often need to highlight words in color in the text.
If you need a different color, first set it on the “Home” menu tab.

Word paragraph shortcut keys

To align by:

  • left edge press “Ctrl+L”;
  • right “Ctrl+R”;
  • center “Ctrl+T”;
  • Justification hotkeys - “Ctrl+J”.

Place the cursor at the beginning of the paragraph, then:

Hotkeys Word (Word) paragraph, changing styles:

Word shortcut keys apostrophe

Each character value, and the ASCII table corresponds to a number. For an apostrophe it is "39":
Change this combination to make it easier to remember. Open:


Word keyboard shortcuts insert line below

Suppose you need to leave an empty space in a document so that a person can write contact information there. Used in questionnaires. How to do it:

Word shortcut keys superscript

To set a superscript, click:


Let's say you often use a certain action when editing a document. For it, set your own keyboard shortcut that is easy to remember. How to do it?
Press "ALT+F+T". Go to:




Knowing hotkey combinations will make working in a text editor faster. When switching to new version The key combinations will remain the same.