1c license file where to find. Features of licenses with software protection

Quite often there is a situation when owners of 1C programs, for one reason or another, lose data with the program registration number, PIN codes and the data that was entered when obtaining a license (data about the organization). Without this information, it is impossible to obtain a new license if it is lost, for example, to reinstall 1C on another computer. Until recently the only way All this data could be obtained again by writing a letter to the address, to which it was necessary to attach a valid 1C license file or all available information on the software product. In response, 1C employees will send you all the necessary data. However, the situation has changed for the better thanks to the Ring utility. This utility from now on it is supplied together with the 1C:Enterprise technology platform starting from version 8.3.8. And if you have a valid license file (with the extension ".lic"), then now you can get all the necessary information from it. So, let's step by step figure out what steps need to be taken for this.

Step 1. Install the Ring and License Tools packages

These utilities are located in the ExtDst folder with the 1C platform installed. For example, along this path:

C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv8\\ExtDst

We need to install both packages from this folder. Right-click on each utility in turn and then “Install”. The bag will quickly open and close (the window will blink). No additional information windows will be displayed indicating the installation was successful. But in fact, the utilities will be installed on the system. You can verify this by going to the installed Windows programs. There they are called 1C:Enterprise License Tools and 1C:Enterprise Ring.

Step 2. Download and install Java and Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)

Since the shell for our utilities is the Java environment, we need to download necessary files. First, download and install the Java program itself from .

That's all. Now you have learned how to extract all the necessary data from the 1C license file. It is worth noting that this procedure is applicable only to license files applicable to PROF version software products. It will not be possible to extract information from licenses of basic versions or hardware keys in this way. All information in this article was prepared based on data taken from (here you can also read about other commands for working with the license file), as well as thanks to the user.

Many people ask Where is the license for 1C: Enterprise 8 stored? or Where can I see the license key in 1C?
In 1C, information about the received license can be viewed by clicking “Help” - “About the program”
In the License section: first comes the client license, then, if this is a server version, the 1C server license
For example, the Registration number of the kit will be indicated and the path to the license file “file://C:/ProgramData/1C/1Cv82/conf/20120430015941.lic” will be indicated.

Starting from platform version 1C:Enterprise - 8.2.15 list of sessions info. database in the Administration of 1C:Enterprise servers console contains a column with information about the license used by each session. So, accounting of used hardware and software licenses can be kept in the Administration Console of 1C servers. Software administration tools have the License property of the ISessionInfo object. Earlier versions of the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform do not have such tools.

The single-user license file is in the directory
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\1C\1Cv82\conf
the file is called something like this:

I just installed it as described in the article: first, after activation, it started in one session, and in the second: “The protection key was not detected...”.
The problem was solved by copying the license file (by default it immediately went to the directory: "C:\Users\All Users\1C\1Cv82\conf\2*.lic") to the directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv82\conf\
If you are using a software license for the 1C-64x server and multi-user licenses, it is better to immediately edit the files:
C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv82\8.2.##.###\bin\conf\conf.cfg
C:\Program Files\1cv82\8.2.##.###\bin\conf\conf.cfg
by specifying the same path to the software licenses, for example:
ConfLocation=C:\Program Files\1cv82\conf
and put both licenses in this directory.
Without this, on the 8.2.15 platform, troubles like this were periodically observed: I see a server license, but I don’t see many user licenses.
Remove license files from all other files - otherwise a situation is possible when 1C itself adds the text to the license file:
"Computer *** is using two copies of the same software license file: file://C:/Program Files/1cv82/conf/2*.lic and file://C:/Program Files (x86)/1cv82 /*.lic"


Client software licenses are divided into single-user and multi-user.
A single-user license is intended for installation on a user's computer and allows the launch of an arbitrary number of sessions with the 1C:Enterprise 8 system from this computer. Infobases in these sessions can be created with different configurations. Client operation is supported in both file and client-server versions.
A multi-user license is installed:
to the 1C:Enterprise server computer in the case of a client-server version of the infobase;
to the web server computer in the case of a file version of the infobase.
A multi-user license allows you to run no more than what is specified in License agreement number of sessions with the 1C:Enterprise system. This license is not tied to any user’s computer; the number of sessions is counted on the server.
The main supplies, which ensure the application can be run on one workstation, as well as a client license for one workplace includes a set of PIN codes for obtaining one single-user license (analogous to a hardware protection key for one workstation).
Each client license for 5, 10 and 20 seats includes two sets of pin codes: to obtain the corresponding number of single-user licenses and a multi-user license for the corresponding number of seats. Before obtaining the first license from such a product, you must decide how you intend to use it:
install one single-user license per certain computers and launch an arbitrary number of sessions with 1C:Enterprise from them
install a server license and run 1C:Enterprise from arbitrary computers, but at the same time limit the number of simultaneously running sessions.
It is important to select the type of client license before obtaining a license for the first time, since obtaining a license using a PIN code for a single-user license will make it impossible to obtain a license using a PIN code for a multi-user license, and vice versa, obtaining a multi-user license will make it impossible to obtain a single-user license from this set.
Client licenses for 50, 100, 300 and 500 seats come with a set of pin codes for obtaining a multi-user license for the corresponding number of seats.
If you need to increase the number of workstations, you should purchase the required number of software licenses and install them on user computers or on a server. An arbitrary number of software licenses can be installed on the server in any combination of the supplied options.
The software license for the server is installed on the 1C:Enterprise server computer. Like hardware-protected server licenses, a 64-bit server software license also supports running a 32-bit server.
If instead of a 32-bit server with software protection If you need to use a 64-bit server, then for this you need to make an upgrade, see further section “Upgrading a server license”.

You can see how many licenses are used in 1C using the program Aladdin Monitor(download )
With the advent of software licenses, the question arose “How to configure a 1C client to use a software key and a hardware key,” and “How to see in 1C which key the 1C client received.”

You can configure the launch of the 1C client in the 1C launch dialog box by clicking the “Configure” button

If you uncheck the “Use hardware license” flag, then 1C will first search for the software key and vice versa, if it is checked, then the hardware key will be searched first.

The hardware protection key can be local single-user or multi-user.
Single user key— ensures the launch of an arbitrary number of system instances on a computer with a key in 1C:Enterprise or Configurator mode. Local single-user keys are represented by the Basic model (purple), this key is marked H4 M1 ORGL8, does not have built-in memory and personal ID, and does not store any parameters and settings. Supplied with products licensed for one workplace.

Multi-user client key accessible over the network via HASP License Manager
Provides simultaneous operation of as many computers as there are users with a key. On one computer it is possible to run an arbitrary number of system instances in 1C:Enterprise or Configurator mode. The number of licenses is limited by the total number of available licenses from all computers on the network on which the HASP License Manager is installed and configured. Network client keys include the Net series (red). Have internal memory, which stores the number of licenses and a unique ID. There are varieties for 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 users. It is marked NETXX ORGL8, where ХX is the number of licenses (for example NET5 ORGL8). There are also keys for 300 and 500 users that are labeled NET250+ ORG8A and NET250+ ORG8B. Supplied with products licensed for 5 workstations, as well as separately, in the form of additional client licenses.

For a 64-bit server, a Max key (green) with internal memory and a unique ID is used. It is marked EN8SA and also supports a 32-bit server. Those. Having a license for a 64-bit server, you can use the 32-bit version without changing the key, but not vice versa.

Keys for the 1C Enterprise server are only local. The 32-bit version has a Pro protection key, which has internal memory and a unique ID. It is marked ENSR8 and comes with a license for the 1C Enterprise server.

In 1C, information about the received license can be viewed by clicking “Help” - “About the program”

In the License section: first comes the client license, then, if this is a server version, the 1C server license

This is what the information will look like using the software key:

In the License section: the Registration number of the kit will be indicated and the path to the license file “file://C:/ProgramData/1C/1Cv82/conf/20120430015941.lic” will be indicated.

Starting from platform version 1C:Enterprise - 8.2.15 list of sessions info. database in the Administration of 1C:Enterprise servers console contains a column with information about the license used by each session. So, accounting of used hardware and software licenses can be kept in the Administration Console of 1C servers. Software administration tools have the License property of the ISessionInfo object. Earlier versions of the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform do not have such tools.

Viewing information about 1C license

Many people ask: “Where is the license for 1C: Enterprise 8 stored?” or “Where can I see the license key in 1C?”

Information about the received license can be viewed by clicking “Help” - “About the program”.

In the “License” section, first comes the client license, then, if this is a server version, the 1C server license.

For example, the Registration number of the kit will be indicated and the path to the license file will be indicated: C:\ProgramData\1C\1Cv82\conf\20120430015941.lic.

Starting from version 1C:Enterprise platform 8.2.15, accounting of used hardware and software licenses can be kept in the administration console of 1C servers. Software administration tools have the License property of the ISessionInfo object. Earlier versions of the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform do not have such tools.


The single-user license file is located in the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\1C\1Cv82\conf directory. The file has the following format: 20120302155201.lic.

If more than one session does not start, then you should copy the license file from the C:\Users\All Users\1C\1Cv82\conf\*.lic directory to C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv82\conf\.

If you are using a software license for the 1C-64x server and multi-user licenses, it is better to edit the files right away:

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv82\8.2.**.***\bin\conf\conf.cfg;
  • C:\Program Files\1cv82\8.2.**.***\bin\conf\conf.cfg,

by specifying the same path to the software licenses, for example: ConfLocation=C:\Program Files\1cv82\conf.

Place both licenses in this directory. Without this, problems were occasionally observed on the 8.2.15 platform, for example, the server license was visible, but multi-user licenses were not.

From all other folders, license files must be removed - otherwise a situation is possible when 1C itself adds the text to the license file:

Computer *** uses two copies of the same software license file: C:\Program Files\1cv82\conf\2*.lic and C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv82\\bin\conf\ 2*.lic.

Features of licenses with software protection

Client software licenses are divided into single-user and multi-user. A single-user license is intended for installation on a user's computer and allows the launch of an arbitrary number of sessions with the 1C:Enterprise 8 system from this computer. Infobases in these sessions can be created with different configurations.

The client works in both file and client-server modes. A multi-user license is installed: on the 1C:Enterprise server computer in the case of a client-server version of the infobase; to the web server computer in the case of a file version of the infobase. A multi-user license allows you to launch no more than the number of sessions with the 1C:Enterprise system specified in the License Agreement.

This license is not tied to any user’s computer; the number of sessions is counted on the server. The basic packages that allow the application to run on one workstation, as well as the client license for one workstation, include a set of PIN codes for obtaining one single-user license (analogous to a hardware protection key for one workstation).

Each CAL for 5, 10 and 20 seats includes two sets of PIN codes: to obtain the corresponding number of single-user licenses and a multi-user license for the corresponding number of seats. Before obtaining the first license from such a product, you must decide how you intend to use it: install one single-user license on certain computers and launch an arbitrary number of sessions with 1C:Enterprise from them, or install a license on a server and launch 1C:Enterprise from any computers, but at the same time limit the number of simultaneously running sessions.

It is important to select the CAL type before obtaining a license for the first time, since obtaining a license using a PIN code for a single-user license will make it impossible to obtain a license using a PIN code for a multi-user license, and vice versa, obtaining a multi-user license will make it impossible to obtain a single-user license from this package. Client licenses for 50, 100, 300 and 500 seats come with a set of PIN codes to obtain a multi-user license for the corresponding number of seats.

If you need to increase the number of workstations, you should purchase the required number of software licenses and install them on user computers or on a server. An arbitrary number of software licenses can be installed on the server in any combination of the supplied options. The software license for the server is installed on the 1C:Enterprise server computer. Like hardware-protected server licenses, a 64-bit server software license also supports running a 32-bit server. If you need to use a 64-bit server instead of a 32-bit software-protected server, you will need to upgrade.

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