Lazarus license type for this program. Introduction to Lazarus

Program interface: Russian


Manufacturer: Matthias Gaertner


Lazarus is a freely distributed cross-platform software environment for developing or porting Delphi-like programs and applications from graphical interface to any operating systems. The basic operating principle itself is based on the universal Free Pascal Compiler, which can be used for completely different needs.

Key features of Lazarus

First of all, we note that, in addition to the compiler, the development environment supports many widgets such as Win32, GTK1, GTK2, Carbon. According to the developers of this platform themselves, integrated support for Qt and WinCE is expected over time. All this is achieved through the use of the Lazarus Component Library (LCL) virtual library.

If we talk about the interface of this software product, its creators tried to bring it as close as possible to Delphi. First of all, among the tools it is worth noting the presence of a Delphi-like direction, it is worth noting the object inspector and the form editor, so that a user who has worked with such software components, will easily understand this platform. Moreover, the LCL visual object library itself is in many ways similar to the similar VCL tool. Another unique feature of the interface and built-in editor is the use of UTF-8 encoding, which allows you to easily port code that may contain some, for example, national characters. By the way, the editor itself is quite interesting, since it has a very impressive hint system, supports hypertext navigation, refactoring and a whole code completion system, which makes using the editor completely simple matter. In addition, for ease of use given environment development has built-in support for some syntaxes Pascal language. Among them are Object Pascal, Turbo Pascal, Mac Pascal, Delphi, etc. And what’s really interesting is the presence of its own package management format and a powerful built-in debugger.

As for the supported operating systems, you can see quite an impressive variety here. Export can be done in Linux, Microsoft Windows(Win32, Win64), Mac OS X, FreeBSD, WinCE and OS/2. By the way, today this development environment is not only the most powerful, but also the only tool of its kind for porting Delphi programs to these operating systems. In general, I think that all developers will be satisfied with the ease of use and management of this development environment, as well as the wide possibilities that this software package opens up in terms of working with completely different operating systems.

Programming is a fun and creative process. And if you know at least one programming language, then it’s even more interesting. Well, if you don’t know, then we suggest you pay attention to the Pascal programming language and development environment software Lazarus.

Lazarus is a free programming environment that is based on a compiler. This is a visual development environment. Here the user himself gets the opportunity not only to write down the program code, but also to clearly (visually) show the system what he would like to see.

In Lazarus, work on a program can be divided into two parts: creating the interface of the future program and writing program code. You will have access to two fields: the constructor and, in fact, the text field.

Code editor

The convenient code editor in Lazarus will make your work easier. As you program, you'll be given options for word endings, auto-correct errors, and auto-code completion, with all the basic commands highlighted. All this will help you save time.

Graphics capabilities

In Lazarus you can use the Graph module. It allows you to use graphic capabilities language. This way you can create and edit images, as well as scale, change colors, reduce and increase transparency, and much more. But, unfortunately, you won't be able to do anything more serious.


Since Lazarus is based on Free Pascal, it is also cross-platform, but, however, more modest than Pascal. This means that all the programs that you have written will work equally well on different operating systems, including Linux, Windows, Mac OS, Android and others. Lazarus takes credit for the Java slogan “Write once, run anywhere,” and in a way, they are right.

Visual programming

Visual programming technology allows you to build the interface of a future program from special components that perform necessary actions. Each object already contains program code, you just need to define its properties. That is again saving time.

Lazarus differs from and in that it combines both visual and classical programming. This means that you still need minimal knowledge of Pascal to work with it.


1. Easy and convenient interface;
2. Cross-platform;
3. Speed ​​of work;
4. Almost full compatibility with the Delphi language;
5. Russian language available.


1. Lack of complete documentation (certificate);
2. Large sizes of executable files.

Lazarus is a good option for both beginners and advanced experienced programmers. This IDE (Integrated Development Environment) will allow you to create projects of any complexity and fully unleash the capabilities of the Pascal language.

Good luck and patience!

Annotation: In this lecture you will be introduced to a great free software development environment - Lazarus. Learn about the history of the development of programming languages, about free license GNU, where to get the latest version of Lazarus and how to install it, write your first application.

Purpose of the lecture

Introduction to the history of the development of programming languages ​​and Pascal dialects; first acquaintance with the Lazarus IDE and the Free Pascal compiler; studying the TForm, TLabel, TButton components; creation of the first project.

Historical excursion

The history of the development of programming languages, perhaps, can begin with the world's first programmer Ada Lovelace(Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace, mathematician). Ada Lovelace was born on December 10, 1815 in London, and was known for describing the computer (C. Babbage's mechanical machine), in the development of which she took part, and for creating the first program for it. Introduced the terms "cycle" and "work cell". Named after Ada Lovelace in 1975 programming language Ada.

In reality, programming languages ​​began to develop in 1945-1955, when the first computer(Electronic Computing machines), for which programs were compiled first in machine language and then in assembler- mnemonic representation of machine language. And if no one uses “pure” machine language for a long time, then assembler is still used where either an ultra-small program size or high speed of its operation is required, that is, mainly for creating critical sections OS(Operating Systems) or drivers for programming microprocessors in various boards and devices. Writing a large modern program in Assembly is an incredibly difficult, if not impossible, task.

In 1954 the first programming language high level Fortran, and a new era of programming development began.

High level language (or high-level language) is a programming language that is closest to human language. It contains semantic constructs, describes data structures, and performs various operations on them.

Modern high-level languages ​​already operate with integers objects- complex structures with a certain state and behavior.

For learning programming and problem solving general purpose most widespread programming language high level Pascal, created in 1968-1969. Professor Niklaus Wirth, and named after the outstanding French mathematician Blaise Pascal (by the way, the creator of the world's first mechanical machine that adds two numbers). This language compares favorably with other programming languages ​​due to its more strict rules in the description and use of data various types. Pascal is a structured language, small and efficient, which helps the programmer develop a good programming style. To this day, schools and universities in all countries around the world study one or another implementation of Pascal.

Because the Lazarus based on Pascal (more precisely, on Object Pascal), we will not consider the history of other high-level languages ​​in this course.

In 1983, Borland, known for developing Delphi - a paid predecessor Lazarus, released Turbo Pascal- integrated program development environment in Pascal language. Turbo Pascal is a compiler, linker, code editor and debugger in one window. It is like a Swiss Army knife, where many different tools are built into a single device. For programmers, Turbo Pascal is notable for the fact that it became a kind of progenitor of rapid program development environments.

In 1986 the language appeared Object Pascal(Object Pascal), developed in Apple Computer. This dialect of Pascal could already operate with objects.

In 1989, the Pascal object extension was added to Borland's Turbo Pascal.

The first version was released in 1994 Delphi- Graphical integrated environment for rapid program development for Windows. This fact gave an incredible impetus to the development of environments in which the development of a program interface for the programmer, instead of a tedious routine, turned into a fun form designer. In modern environments, it is possible to create a program without even touching the keyboard - solely using the mouse. True, it is unlikely that such a program can be given any useful functions.

All these languages ​​and environments were paid and were often inaccessible to educational institutions due to their high cost. In 1993, work began on the project Free Pascal (FPC- Free Pascal Compiler). The first version of FPC appeared only in July 2000, it was completely free and supported many platforms: Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, etc. FPC is a free open source project, its source codes are available to anyone to study or modify! Appeared a little later Lazarus- the only free one in the world graphical environment for rapid program development using the FPC compiler. Like FPC, Lazarus is distributed under a license GNU GPL(General Public License). Without going into too much legal detail, the GNU GPL is a license that grants the user the right to freely and freely copy, modify and distribute (including on a commercial basis) this product. All versions of the OS (Operating System) Linux, a free and rather serious competitor to Windows, are distributed under the same license.

So, we will talk about the latest (at the time of writing the course) version Lazarus- 1.0.10, working with the FPC 2.6.2 compiler. Lazarus is a young and rapidly developing project, new versions are released quite often, so you will probably use the more recent version. However, the course covers fundamental programming issues that are unlikely to be revised. So you can study the provided material using the version Lazarus 1.0.10 or any newer one.

Due to the fact that the vast majority of users still work in the operating room Windows system, we will consider working with Lazarus precisely in this environment (the author used Windows XP SP3). The scope of the course is not unlimited, and describing the features of working in other platforms can only confuse students at the initial stage.

However, the development of programs for other platforms does not have so many differences that it will create insurmountable difficulties for you when switching to another platform.

What is Lazarus?

Lazarus- This IDE (Integrated Development Environment) - Integrated Development environment programs that use a compiler FPC (Free Pascal Compiler), code editors, form editors, Object Inspector, debugger and many other tools.

They also say that Wednesday Lazarus- This RAD (Rapid Application Development) - Rapid Application Development Environment.

Until now, software development environments like Lazarus, were exclusively paid. Lazarus It also became the first (and so far the only) IDE available to educational and government institutions completely free of charge. Moreover, Lazarus is a project Open Source- an open source project. Many programmers around the world take part in its development, source code Lazarus available for study and modification. Lazarus has support for many languages, including Russian, which distinguishes it from other IDEs.

Where to get?

Lazarus, as already mentioned, is a free and freely distributed product. Thereby, Lazarus are increasingly used to study programming in schools and universities, as well as in many enterprises. But where can I get it? On the official website of the manufacturer:

At the top right of the site you will see the following picture:

Rice. 1.1.

Here you can choose an implementation specifically for your platform, from Windows to Mac OS X, both 32 and 64 bit. When writing the course, 32-bit was used Lazarus for the Windows platform.

By pressing the " Download Now"you will download the latest version Lazarus. In addition, you can select the latest required implementation and download it at:

  • lazarus-1.0.10-fpc-2.6.2-win32.exe
  • lazarus-1.0.10-fpc-2.6.2-cross-arm-wince-win32.exe
  • README.txt

We only need the first file from this list. The second file is an extension for developing programs for Windows CE(aka WinCE) is an option operating system Microsoft Windows for handheld computers, smartphones and embedded systems. On this course We will not consider this possibility. Last

If you are into programming, we recommend that you download Lazarus for Windows 10. It is a free development environment that was created by combining several compilers. Thanks to this decision, Lazarus includes all the advantages of Free Pascal and IDE, but lacks their main disadvantages. With this utility you can create applications and work with dynamic libraries.

Download Lazarus – program development environment

Programmers generally value open source utilities. Lazarus is one of these utilities. With the right skills, you can modify the functionality of the utility to your taste. But it is unlikely that you will have to make any changes to Lazarus, since the utility is already very functional and very convenient. You can download Lazarus for Windows 10 for free for the following purposes:
  • Creating a GUI application;
  • Working with console applications;
  • Processing dynamic libraries;
Since Lazarus was the result of a merger of two other popular compilers, the utility includes all the advantages of both versions. For example, you will definitely appreciate the visual form designer. This is a convenient tool not only for beginners who really need a visual form designer, but also for those who just want to work in a comfortable manner. Lazarus is in Russian, so the entire interface is not just visually convenient, but also in the native language. Moreover, on the Internet there are maximum detailed guides and instructions for this programming environment. There are also entire Russian-speaking communities and forums where you can ask your questions and sort out problems.

You will also definitely appreciate the extensive library of components. Libraries can serve as the main source for creating your program, or just as a help. As a result, you will be able to create both console applications and applications that work completely unnoticed. Lazarus is recommended as the first development environment for those who are just starting their acquaintance with programming. You can use Lazarus to create programs in . This is much more convenient than creating programs in , since you don’t have to write all the code manually, you just need to connect the necessary libraries. We recommend updating Lazarus in a timely manner, since latest version The program includes the maximum number of libraries.