How to Recover Closed Tabs in Google Chrome

You can configure your web browser so that each time you open the program, all recent tabs and windows open, or so that only one, empty window opens each time.

If you've set Chrome to start new sessions each time instead of restoring them, you won't be able to pick up where you left off. If you accidentally closed a window with necessary tabs, you can restore them. There are several ways to restore closed tabs:

  1. Normal recovery.
  2. Restore recent sessions permanently.
  3. Recovery using extensions for Incognito mode.

Video - restoring a closed tab

Step 1. Launch the Chrome browser.

Step 2. Open your browsing history, see the screenshot below to find it, or press Ctrl+H.

Step 3. Select the required tab in your browsing history and restore it.

This simple way to save what you've viewed can save you a lot of time in the future.

Video - How to restore tabs in Google Chrome