Why doesn't the printer print after refilling the cartridge? Why does the Canon printer not print even though there is ink? After resetting, the printer does not print

Users of these devices often encounter the problem that the printer does not print in black. Problems of this kind can be caused by various reasons. They are typical for models from HP, Epson, Canon and others. The most serious in terms of repairs include mechanical damage details, for example, the print head. In such cases, you will need to seek help from service center specialists. But most of the reasons are quite easy to eliminate on your own, without outside help.

Very often the printer does not print black due to damage to its print head. It is quite difficult to determine this problem. If you have any suspicions of this kind, it is better to take the device you are using V service center manufacturer. If print head damage is confirmed, there are two ways to solve this problem:

  • replacing an old part with a new one;
  • purchase of new printing equipment.

But before contacting the service, you need to check other possible reasons to exclude them. This will avoid unnecessary steps and possible costs if the device is not under warranty. Often the issue is resolved independently in this way.

Print head clogged or dry nozzles

The following common reasons for a printer not printing black are:

  • clogged print heads;
  • drying of paint in the nozzle.

Clogged print head nozzles

The print heads are cleaned in the following way:

  • check the black ink level in the printer settings;

  • if available, make a test printout;

  • when this does not bring results, wash it special solution print head;

  • give the composition time to act (about 15 minutes);
  • go to the settings of the printing device and select the head cleaning option;

  • after the process is completed, perform a test printout of any document.

If nothing worked the first time, then all steps must be repeated again. When the second attempt did not bring the required result, then you should work on the nozzles. They often dry out when equipment is rarely used. To remove dried paint from the nozzles, wipe them with cotton wool soaked in alcohol. Only after drying the test document is printed.

Once a satisfactory result is obtained, you can begin working with the equipment. Please note that the nozzles and print heads need to be cleaned periodically to prevent them from clogging or the ink drying out.

The exact timing of regular inspections is given in the operating instructions for each model.

No ink or incompatible ink

The simplest reason that a device has stopped printing with black ink is a simple lack of ink. Due to various failures, the computer may not notify the user about what happened. The problem is being solved adding ink:

  • about 2 cubic centimeters of paint are injected into the cartridge with a syringe;
  • carry out testing;
  • if the result is positive, then you can add the same amount of ink and print documents.

When refilling yourself, you should remember that in some models it can only be done after installing the cartridge in its place in the printer. To carry out the procedure you will need a special syringe.

Also, the equipment used may not print in black if the inks used and the ones added are not compatible with each other. Therefore, before refilling, you should carefully study the label on the ink bottle. Such information is always indicated there.

It is better to purchase consumables from well-known, trusted manufacturers to be sure of their quality.

Replacing the used cartridge with a new one suitable for the model used is an even easier option for eliminating this type of problem. But doing the refueling yourself will cost several times less.

Poor quality filling

It happens that after adding high-quality black ink, the equipment still refuses to print. This may be due to poor quality refueling: the cartridge was inserted incorrectly or sealed. Then the problem can be easily resolved:

  • the cartridge is removed and reinserted until it clicks;
  • before or after installation, seal the hole from the syringe needle with tape (adhesive tape);
  • then check the functionality of the device.

All manipulations should be done carefully so as not to accidentally break anything.

Disabling ink level control and resetting the chip

A number of printing equipment models are equipped with an ink level control function. Therefore, when the latter run out, the printer does not print in black and is blocked. To fix the problem, you need to disable the level control function. They do this in several ways.

It is recommended to perform zeroing after refilling yourself. To do this, use a programmer (resetter). You can also purchase disposable or auto-reset compatible chips that work on some models.

Please remember that stopping the ink level control function yourself will void the device warranty.

There is a less expensive way to reset the cartridge counter - for this seal the corresponding contacts. The problem of practical implementation lies in finding them. Different cartridge models use different contacts. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • include equipment;
  • take out a black ink cartridge from it;
  • place it on the table, pointing the nozzles towards you and the contacts upward;
  • seal the upper left contact with tape;

  • insert the cartridge, click “Ok”;
  • print out the verification document;
  • take the cartridge back out;
  • seal any contact at the bottom right;
  • install the cartridge into the socket;
  • check the functionality of the equipment;
  • remove the cartridge and peel off the first contact;
  • insert it back, wait for recognition;
  • then take out the cartridge and remove the second tape;
  • wipe all contacts with cotton wool soaked in alcohol;
  • returned to its place.

After the manipulations have been completed, the ink identifier should show 100% of its level. If this does not happen, then you can try to glue the 3 upper ones at once instead of one lower right contact for the second time. All further actions are carried out in the same way.

Driver problems

You should also check the operation of the hardware drivers yourself at home. In this case they do this:

  • reinstall the corresponding programs;
  • print out a test text.

If the problem persists after all the measures considered, it indicates a more serious breakdown. If the equipment is under warranty, then you must contact the service center or store where the product was purchased.

To ensure that your equipment lasts for a long time, you should regularly clean the print heads and nozzles. You should also use compatible, high-quality ink. If the equipment is idle, then once a month it is necessary to print any document to prevent the ink from drying. Recommended for use several cartridges of each color, then after refilling they will be perceived as new.

Not transferred from the transport position to the working position (small plugs are closed) - the ink cans are at a lower level than that required for the correct operation of the printer; - the ink plume is crushed; - ink has run out; - air in the ink plume; - the ink has dried out when the printer has not been used for a long time.


One of the colors does not print

How to solve the problem:

  • Check the ink level in the reservoirs next to the printer (if it is less than 30%, then refilling is needed)
  • On tanks, large openings should be closed and small openings should be open.
  • There should be no air gaps along the ink trail
  • You need to go to the printer menu and find the Setup item, then you need to select the 2nd item Tech. Maintenance (Maintenance) and again the 2nd point: Head Cleaning
  • Cleaning must be done 2 times, then do not print on the device for 40 minutes. You can perform a maximum of 5 cleanings per day.
  • If there is no improvement after cleaning, then you need to contact a service center. When transporting, be sure to close all openings on the ink tanks.

Possible reasons:- not transferred from the transport position to the working position (small plugs are closed) - ink cans are at a lower level than that required for the correct operation of the printer; - the ink plume is crushed; - ink has run out; - air in the ink plume; - the ink has dried out when the printer has not been used for a long time.

Solutions:- move the CISS to the working position, install air filters; - install ink cans correctly; - pump air or eliminate squeezing of the cable; - clean the print head using the driver; - print a test page and check visually.

One of the colors does not print

Why doesn't the printer print in one color? There can be many reasons for this. Let's figure it out.

Doesn't print yellow? First of all, check whether the system has ink of this color, because it may simply run out. It is also possible that the CNC system has not been moved from the transport position, its plugs are closed. If the printer is left idle for a long time, the ink may dry out - another reason for this problem. It can also be the reason why the printer does not print in blue.

If the green channel of the ink cable is pinched, then, accordingly, the printer does not print in green. Also check the level of the outer paint cans. They should not be located at a lower level with the printing machine.

If you do not print black, then perhaps the CISS is not in the working position or is at a lower level with the printer. The cable may also be crushed. Don't forget that the system may simply run out of blue ink. Air in the cable can also interfere with printing.

Doesn't print red? It's simple! Either your CISS is not ready for work (its holes are closed), or its ink plume is crushed. Air may also get in, preventing ink from reaching the cartridge.

Check the ink level if the device does not print pink! There simply may not be enough of them. Or perhaps you haven’t used the printer for a long time, and the ink has dried out.

Hello everyone! I'll tell you why the printer doesn't print. Nowadays, almost all people use a printer. You can use it to print any documents, including word document. But many printer users often encounter an unpleasant problem. The fact is that the device begins to work incorrectly, prints in stripes, prints in black and white instead of color inks, prints dirty, or does not print in black at all from the computer.

If you are faced with this situation, then you should not panic and take the printer to the nearest service center. And this service is far from cheap. In many cases, you can fix everything yourself. To do this you need to follow my simple steps. So, here I will reveal the secret of how to fix the problem, and before you start, I advise you to watch the video.

One of the most common errors in printer functionality is that it prints in stripes. It is worth noting that there may be several reasons for this, and we will talk about this now. You need to start with the simplest steps. They will help you find the problem and fix it.

Cleaning using software

Each computer to which the printer is connected must have the software. To get started, log into the software. This is done to clean the printer nozzles. This feature is called differently on different device models. After you start the cleaning, you need to wait a while and then follow the instructions of the program. Cleaning will also take a little time, but it will help get rid of the problem. After it is completed, in order to make sure that the device is working properly, print one page as a test.


Also, the problem may lie in the ink, or rather in its absence. Check their availability. If the cartridges are really empty or close to it, you need to refill them. It is worth remembering that many models differ in the way they refill cartridges. If you do not know how to do this correctly, it is better to contact a knowledgeable person.

Head and nozzles

The next option to correct the situation will be similar to cleaning, but this will need to be done manually. So, disassemble the device and check that the head and nozzles are clean and that they are not crooked. They could simply get clogged. In general, this is best done periodically. Here too, the device may differ depending on the model. First, re-read the instructions, and only then start cleaning.

The cause of the blockage may be ink that is not suitable for the printer. You should choose original ink. If you use different brands ink, you will have to arrange timely cleaning. If this is not done in time, then ink residue may settle on the walls of the nozzles and subsequently dry out.

Shaft and thermal film

Sometimes the stripes can be in the same place. In this case, you need to check the shaft located under the cartridge. It often happens that third-party debris gets on it. Also, it becomes deformed over time. It needs to be fixed or cleaned. The problem should end. In addition, pay attention to the thermal film of the cartridge. If it is damaged and toner is leaking from it, the cartridge should be replaced.

If none of the above helped your printer, then the problem may be in the print head. In this case, only a workshop can help you, since you cannot fix it yourself.

Why doesn't the printer print even though there is ink?

If suddenly the printer does not print pictures or documents, or prints faintly when the cartridge is full, then it is worth considering possible problems. However, stripe printing is just the beginning. The device may be completely silent. Here I will explain about the common errors that users face.

  • Wrong printer

Often this problem occurs with Canon and HP printers when it does not want to print, but simply queues sheets. In Windows, there can be several connected printers at the same time. Users may mistakenly send prints to the “left” printer. You should make sure that the signal leads to to the desired device.

  • Queue stuck

In many offices, several computers share the same printer. It is used constantly, and accordingly, the file’s print queue just needs to wait. It may also be that the corrupted file is not supported. In this case, the entire system freezes. To fix this, you need to cancel and clear the queue. Through the control panel, you should change the mode to small icons. Also, don't forget to select the "Devices and Printers" tab.

Now select the printer you planned to use. In it you need to select the “View print queue” item.

The problem should now go away. You can check this by sending a reprint of the required document.

  • Paper

Don't forget about paper. It simply may not be in the tray. However, this is only part of the problem. If there is paper, but it is wrinkled, the printer simply will not accept it, and the system will warn you of an error (but sometimes there is no warning). Often the paper is reused from the reverse side.

If it jams, you should carefully pull it out without sudden jerks. If a small piece of paper remains in the device, it will need to be disassembled down to the last screw. No one wants to have another problem, so pull out the piece of paper carefully. Also, the piece of paper may not get stuck so deeply. In order to get it, you need to open the cover, remove the cartridge, and look at the rollers through which the paper passes during printing. Here you will find the fragment you are looking for.

  • Driver problems.

If suddenly the printer prints white sheets, then you probably have a problem with the drivers. A common problem with printer operation may be the Windows system, or rather the drivers installed on the computer. After updating or reinstalling the OS, problems of this kind may appear. This can also be affected by viruses on computers.

But let's get back to the drivers. What to do if this is the problem? Here, too, you need to switch to small icons. This must be done through the control panel. Open the device manager, where we find the printers tab. There you need to check all the items for the presence of exclamation marks. They are usually accompanied by red or yellow flowers.

If this is the problem, then it is best to remove the driver and install a new one. Download drivers only from trusted or official resources.

  • Cartridge problems

And again we return to the lack of paint. However, in this case, the printer may not only print in stripes, it will not print at all, or it will print, but not the whole page. It often happens that the printer simply “spits it out” White list or with very dull, barely visible ink. Check toner availability from the control panel. Here you just need to select the properties of the required device.

There are times when inaccurate information is displayed. Windows especially often deceives users of laser printers. To be sure, simply remove the cartridge and shake it. If there is paint, it will be distributed evenly. After refilling, you can continue printing again. However, remember that toner (ink) is very sticky. That is, it is quite difficult to wash off if it gets on the skin surface. Be careful with him.

Today I described why the printer does not print. Now you know what to do if the printer does not work or simply prints poorly. In this article, I explained how to fix the problem of a printer that does not want to print. All methods are tested and effective. There is nothing complicated here, so everyone, even a novice user, can handle it. However, it is worth remembering that when it comes to refilling ink, it is better to contact a knowledgeable person. Also, you should not get into the printer yourself if the problem is with the print head and other important elements of the device.

Hello, Ksenia! You do not write what brand of printer you have. But this is extremely important. In fact, there can be many reasons why the printer does not print when there is ink. I’ll try to answer for the case of inkjet printers, for the case when cartridges are recognized, for the case when the counter shows normal ink consumption, and the carriage moves during printing, i.e. There is an imitation of printing, and not a sheet run. If your case falls under the one described above, then 99% of the time it is the printer nozzles being clogged with dried ink. This problem is a common reason why printers are repaired. There are only five reasons for clogging, and some of them are related solely to the properties of inkjet ink. Reasons: Long-term non-use of the printer - for example, if you went on vacation and no one prints anything on the printer; If before refueling ink cartridge with nozzles (such as Lexmark, HP, Canon and others) was left to dry on outdoors; If, when refilling cartridges, you use an ink mixture from different manufacturers; If the CISS for the ink filter is used without air filters; Using low-quality ink that is poorly filtered from debris. Inkjet printers use ink that dries quickly in open air. During printing, inkjet printer nozzles fill with ink flowing through them, but if the ink nozzles are idle for a long period of time or if air enters the inkjet nozzles, the ink dries out very quickly. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that a certain amount of hard dirt gets into the nozzles and gets stuck in them. Moreover, the chemical composition of this dirt can be either identical to the composition of inkjet ink or completely different from it. If the nozzles are completely clogged, they will not allow ink to flow through and the printer will need to be repaired. This problem can be identified when printing text in monochrome printing - horizontal white stripes appear on the paper. If you use full color printing, the stripes will be horizontal and the wrong color. If we are talking about blocking all the nozzles of a particular color, then problems with incorrect color rendering in color photographs will soon arise, since the color balance is greatly disturbed. Therefore, there is an imitation of printing, when instead of sheets with text or images, white sheets of paper come out of the printer. If the nozzles are partially clogged, the flow of inkjet ink through them is greatly reduced. This can be almost invisible when printing in monochrome, so one test print often not enough to determine the presence of a blockage. You should try to print a color photo; there may be horizontal streaks in the wrong colors. If nozzle clogs are not corrected, they will continue to become clogged and require major printer repairs. You can find information on how to solve the problem of clogging of jet nozzles by reading the information at http://www.sibmen.ru/cleans.php

Printer for modern man– this is a fairly necessary thing, and sometimes even necessary. A large number of such devices can be found in educational institutions, offices or even at home, if there is a need for such an installation. However, any equipment can break, so you need to know how to “save” it.

The words “the printer does not print” mean a lot of malfunctions, which are sometimes associated not even with the printing process, but with its result. That is, the paper enters the device, the cartridges work, but the output material can be printed in blue or with black stripes. You need to know about these and other problems, because they can be easily eliminated.

Issue 1: OS configuration issues

People often think that if the printer does not print at all, then this means only the worst options. However, this is almost always associated with operating system, which may have incorrect settings that block printing. One way or another, this option needs to be examined.

  1. First, to eliminate printer problems, you need to connect it to another device. If it is possible to do this through Wi-Fi network, then even suitable for diagnostics modern smartphone. How to check? All you need to do is send any document for printing. If everything went well, then the problem definitely lies in the computer.
  2. The simplest option why the printer refuses to print documents is the lack of a driver in the system. Such software is rarely installed independently. Most often it can be found on the manufacturer’s official website or on the disk included with the printer. One way or another, you need to check its presence on your computer. To do this we open "Start""Control Panel".
  3. There we are interested in our printer, which should be contained in the tab of the same name.
  4. If with something like this software everything is fine, we continue to check for possible problems.
  5. Opening again "Start", but then we choose "Devices and Printers". It is important here that the device we are interested in has a checkmark indicating that it is used by default. This is necessary so that all documents are sent for printing using this particular machine, and not, for example, a virtual one or one used previously.
  6. Otherwise, just right-click on the printer image and select from the context menu "Use as default".
  7. You need to check the print queue right away. It could also happen that someone simply completed such a procedure unsuccessfully, which caused a problem with a file “stuck” in the queue. Due to this problem, the document simply cannot be printed. In this window we do the same actions as in the previous paragraph, but select .
  8. In order to delete all temporary files, you need to select "A printer""Clear print queue". Thus, we delete both the document that interfered with the normal operation of the device and all the files that were added after it.
  9. In the same window you can check access to the printing function on this printer. It may well be that it is disabled by a virus or a third-party user who is also working with the device. To do this we open again "A printer", and then "Properties".
  10. Finding the tab "Safety", looking for our account and find out what functions are available to us. This option is the least likely, but it is still worth considering.

This concludes the analysis of the problem. If the printer continues to refuse to print only on specific computer, you need to check it for viruses or try using a different operating system.

Problem 2: The printer prints in stripes

Quite often this problem appears with the Epson L210. It is difficult to say what this is connected with, but it is quite possible to resist it. You just need to figure out how to do this as efficiently as possible and not harm the device. It’s worth noting right away that both owners of inkjet and laser printers can encounter such problems, so the analysis will consist of two parts.

Problem 3: The printer does not print black

Most often this problem occurs in inkjet printer L800. In general, such problems are practically excluded for the laser analogue, so we will not consider them.

  1. First, you need to check the cartridge for leaks or improper refilling. Quite often people do not buy new cartridge, but ink, which may be of poor quality and ruin the device. The new ink may also simply be incompatible with the cartridge.
  2. If you are completely confident in the quality of the ink and cartridge, you need to check the print head and nozzles. These parts constantly become dirty, after which the paint dries on them. Therefore, they need to be cleaned. This is described in detail in the previous method.

In general, almost all problems of this kind occur due to a black cartridge that fails. To find out for sure, you need to conduct a special test by printing the page. The simplest solution to the problem is to buy a new cartridge or contact a specialized service.

Problem 4: The printer prints blue

With such a malfunction, as with any other, you first need to check by printing a test page. Already starting from it, you can find out what exactly is faulty.

  1. When some colors do not print, you should clean the cartridge nozzles. This is done in hardware detailed instructions discussed earlier in the second part of the article.
  2. If everything prints fine, the problem is in the print head. It is cleaned using the utility, which is also described under the second paragraph of this article.
  3. When such procedures, even after repetition, do not help, the printer requires repair. You may have to replace one of the parts, which is not always financially feasible.

This is an analysis of the most common problems associated with Epson printer, finished. As is already clear, some things can be fixed on your own, but some things are better left to professionals who can make an unambiguous conclusion about how large the problem is.