Digital TV 3 multiplex channels. The third digital television multiplex in Russia. Regional television channels

Digital TV is a set of technologies that allows you to transmit an encoded video signal to long distance. It has many advantages over analogue broadcasting:

  • The signal is much more stable than analog.
  • Best sound and picture quality.
  • Ability to stream more TV shows.

Against this background, analog television fades into the background and becomes irrelevant. The main disadvantage of “digital” is the need to purchase special equipment to read the signal. Namely:

  • TV supporting dvb t2 technology.
  • Antenna for receiving a signal.
  • A special set-top box that processes the signal from the antenna and transmits it to the TV.

Of course, it is not necessary to use all the equipment at once. If your TV supports dvb t2, then it will be enough to just buy an antenna. However, even the minimum required for work is quite expensive.

Multiplex is a set of specific channels transmitted over the same frequency using technology digital television V dvb format t2. There are 2 multiplexes in Russia, and the third multiplex, so far, operates only in Moscow and the region.

First and second multiplexes

The first package operates throughout Russia. These are basic free TV channels for digital users. These include:

  • "First"
  • "Russia 1"
  • "Match"
  • "NTV"
  • "Fifth "
  • "Russia Culture"
  • "Russia 24"
  • "Carousel"
  • "OTR"
  • "TVC"

Not available throughout the Russian Federation. This includes the following programs:

  • "Ren"
  • "Friday"
  • "Saved"
  • "STS"
  • "TNT"
  • "Home"
  • "TV3"
  • "MUZ"
  • "Star"
  • "World"

Each year the programs may change depending on the results of the competition held by the authors of the project.

Will there be a third multiplex for free digital television?

Will. When it is turned on, it will include both informational and entertainment programs. Channels will vary in quality. Some are in SD format, and some are in HD. Each region will have its own programs.

Release date for multiplex 3 in 2019

It is not known exactly when the third multiplex will be fully launched. Due to the fact that people still use analogue TV, there is not enough space for a new multiplex. Official representatives of the project say that introducing a new set of digital television is not an easy and long process. Therefore, it is not known exactly when it will appear. There is still no specific date.

Problems of the new multiplex

The launch of the third multiplex is temporarily difficult due to two problems:

  1. Elimination of broadcast television.
  2. Definition with a list of programs.


Standard analogue broadcasting takes up too much air space. There is not enough space for digital.

Many TV channels are switching to digital, but they do not have a unified plan. The presence of regional and regional programs greatly slows down the transition process.

List of programs

To be included in the list of programs that the new multiplex will broadcast, each TV channel must pass a competition and also meet very strict limits. In addition to this, each region will have its own list of programs, and this slows down the process even more.

List of TV shows of the third multiplex

As mentioned earlier, the third dvb t2 digital TV package will be different for each region. However, in Moscow it already operates at a frequency of 578 MHz. It includes 40 different programs:

  1. "Science 2.0"
  2. "Russian novel"
  3. "Sarafan"
  4. "365 days"
  5. "TNT Comedy"
  6. "A lot of"
  7. "HD Life"
  8. "STV"
  9. "India"
  10. "Fighter"
  11. "Amusement park"
  12. "Moscow. Confidence"
  13. "Euronews"
  14. "Sport 1"
  15. "Russia 2"
  16. "Fight club"
  17. "My planet"
  18. "Music"
  19. "Home Cinema"
  20. "Time"
  21. "Russian bestseller"
  22. "Russian detective"
  23. "Story"
  24. "Cartoon"
  25. "Our football"
  26. "A country"
  27. "Comedy"
  28. "La Minor"
  29. "Men's Cinema"
  30. "Kitchen"
  31. "Auto Plus"
  32. "Life News"
  33. "Living Planet"
  34. "IQ HD"
  35. "DOC"
  36. "Techno"
  37. "Mother"
  38. "NST"
  39. "Telecafe"
  40. "Beaver"

All channels except the round-the-clock “LifeNews” and “Sport 1” work at a certain time. This is due to the fact that their launch is trial. In Russia, the process of transition from analog to digital is just beginning. Therefore, for now, there is no full-fledged 3rd multiplex.

Channel selection criteria

Not every TV channel can be included in the 3rd package. Only those who meet the following criteria will be broadcast:

Work 24/7

A person can turn on the TV at any time early in the morning or late at night. It is beneficial for the authors of the project that people stay to watch one of the programs. Therefore, round-the-clock work is one of the main criteria.


If a TV channel is not in demand, then people don’t watch it much. Because the number of places on air is limited, such candidates fade into the background. They have almost no chance of getting on the list.

Availability of many gears

Monotonous programs quickly bore viewers. This leads to loss of views, and therefore money. Because of this, the channel may become unclaimed.

Channel operation on analogue broadcasting

The developers of the 3rd multiplex want to see how the TV channel works. What is its profitability? If everything is in order and it meets the other criteria, then there is every chance of passing.

The third multiplex in Crimea

Before Crimea became part of the Russian Federation, 4 dvb t2 digital TV packages worked there. The authorities decided to reduce their number to three. Since 2014, three multiplexes have been broadcasting in the Republic of Crimea. The first and second are Russian general television channels. The third contains regional programs. Thus, Crimea became the first subject of the Russian Federation in which a third multiplex appeared.

List of channels in Crimea

In the Republic of Crimea, only 7 TV channels broadcast, differing in quality:

In SD format:

  • "First Crimean"
  • "World"
  • "Millet"
  • "Moscow"

In HD format:

  • "First Crimean"
  • "Crimea"

List of TV channels in Sevastopol

The Sevastopol “digit” differs from the Crimean one. Here, only one program is broadcast with increased image clarity. And unlike Crimea, there are only 8 TV channels here:

In SD format:

  • "First Crimean"
  • "World"
  • "Millet"
  • "Crimea"
  • "First Sevastopol"
  • "Moscow"
  • "Information channel of Sevastopol"

In HD format:

  • "First Crimean"

Digital terrestrial television - latest technology encoding and transmission of audio and video signals via digital channels. The signal is transmitted in DVB-T2 format, which allows you to watch a large number of TV channels for free even in the most remote settlements of Russia.

Today, residents of Moscow and the region have access to 30 channels, divided into three multiplexes with 10 programs each.

Frequencies of DVB-T2 digital television channels

Each of the three multiplexes is tuned to a different frequency. The first multiplex is broadcast at a frequency of 546 MHz, the second - 498 MHz, the third - 578 MHz. Therefore, to view everyone free programs An all-wave or decimeter antenna is required, operating in the private range 470-860 MHz. In the Moscow region, you may need to install an antenna with an amplifier, the capabilities of which can improve even the most weak signal, coming from Ostankino or a repeater tower.

In the case when the antenna is connected to an obsolete TV, you will additionally need an external tuner operating in the DVB-T2 format.

To set up Moscow network programs on your TV, you need to search on channels 24, 30 and 34, the first, second and third multiplexes, respectively.

List of terrestrial television channels for 2019

The first group of programs, approved by decree of the President of Russia, includes federal channels. The second multiplex includes entertainment and informational-educational programs. The third multiplex is broadcast in test mode only from the Ostankino Tower (coverage radius up to 100 km), and the list of programs available for free viewing may change until they are finally approved.

Logo Number Name Genre Frequency Genre Video format Audio format
First multiplex
30 First Federal 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 Russia 1 Federal 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 Match Federal 546 MHz Sport MPEG4 MPEG2
30 NTV Federal 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 Petersburg 5 Federal 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 Russia K Federal 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 Russia 24 News 546 MHz News MPEG4 MPEG2
30 Carousel Children's 546 MHz Children's MPEG4 MPEG2
30 OTR Public television of Russia 546 MHz Public television MPEG4 MPEG2
30 TV Center Federal 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 Vesti FM Radio 546 MHz Radio MPEG4 MPEG2
30 Lighthouse Radio 546 MHz Radio MPEG4 MPEG2
30 Radio Russia Radio 546 MHz Radio MPEG4 MPEG2
Second multiplex
24 REN TV Federal 498 MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
24 SAVED Religion 498 MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
24 STS Entertaining 498 MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
24 Home Entertaining 498 MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
24 TV3 Entertaining 498 MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
24 Friday Entertaining 498MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
24 Star Historical 498MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
24 WORLD CIS channel 498 MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
24 TNT Movies 498 MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
24 Muz TV Music 498 MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
Third multiplex (channels are broadcast according to schedule)
34 Sports 1 Sport 578 MHz Around the clock MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Sports 2 Sport 578 MHz 00:00-06:00 (42 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Fight club Sport 578 MHz 06:00-12:00 (42 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 My planet Scientific and educational 578 MHz 12:00-18:00 (42 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Science 2.0 Scientific and educational 578 MHz 18:00-00:00 (42 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Russian novel Movies 578 MHz 00:00-05:00 (35 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Russian bestseller Movies 578 MHz 05:00-10:00 (35 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Russian detective Movies 578 MHz 10:00-15:00 (35 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Story Scientific and educational 578 MHz 15:00 - 20:00 (35 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Cartoon Children's 578 MHz 20:00-00:00 (35 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Sundress Various 578 MHz 00:00-12:00 (84 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 A country Various 578 MHz 12:00-00:00 (84 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Living Planet Scientific and educational 578 MHz 00:00-06:00 (42 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 IQ HD Informational 578 MHz 06:00-09:00 (21 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 24 Doc Scientific and educational 578 MHz 09:00-12:00 (21 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Techno 24 Scientific and educational 578 MHz 12:00-15:00 (21 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Mother TV channel for mothers and children 578 MHz 15:00-18:00 (21 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 NST Movies 578 MHz 18:00-21:00 (21 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Amusement park Entertaining 578 MHz 21:00-00:00 (21 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Moscow trust Informational 578 MHz 00:00-12:00 (84 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 euronews News 578 MHz 12:00-00:00 (84 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Music of the first Music 578 MHz 08:30-01:30 (119 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Home Cinema Movies 578 MHz 01:30-02:30 (7 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Time News 578 MHz 02:30-04:30 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 TV cafe Entertaining 578 MHz 04:30-06:30 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Beaver Entertaining 578 MHz 06:30-08:30 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 365 Informational 578 MHz 00:00-02:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 TNT Comedy Entertaining 578 MHz 02:00-04:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Lots of TV Movies 578 MHz 04:00-06:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 HD Life (SD quality) Entertaining 578 MHz 06:00-08:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Sports 1 Various 578 MHz 08:00-10:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 India TV Movies 578 MHz 10:00-12:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Fighter Sport 578 MHz 12:00-14:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Comedy Movies 578 MHz 14:00-16:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 La Minor Music 578 MHz 16:00-18:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Men's cinema Movies 578 MHz 18:00-20:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Kitchen TV Entertaining 578 MHz 20:00-22:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Auto Plus Entertaining 578 MHz 22:00-00:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Life News News 578 MHz Around the clock MPEG4 MPEG2

List of on-air analogue channels Moscow and region

Currently, 19 on-air television channels are broadcast from Ostankino in analogue format. In the future, with a complete transition to digital broadcasting, these channels will be disabled.

A multiplex is a set of channels that are broadcast in a single information stream and are available to television viewers for free. Today, almost all territories of the Russian Federation are covered by two multiplexes. Digital TV Pack 3 is in development and should be launched in the next few years.

Multiplexes available today

Free digital TV Currently in the Russian Federation it is represented by two RTRS packages, with the exception of Moscow and the Republic of Crimea - there are already three multiplexes operating there.

The package included all federal TV channels that were broadcast in analog format at that time. It also included 3 radio channels: Radio Russia, Vesti FM, Mayak.

Launched in 2013 second free TV package, but it did not spread immediately. Firstly, initially it was free only for TV viewers, while the channels paid operators for broadcasting. Since both digital and analog broadcasting were carried out simultaneously, the TV channels encountered financial difficulties, which slowed down the process. As a result, in 2015, the state applied the Must Carry principle to the package, according to which operators are supposed to broadcast the specified channels for free. Secondly, regional television companies are responsible for part of the broadcast of the second multiplex, so it took a lot of time for local TV and radio stations to pass the competition and receive licenses.

In the Republic of Crimea Package 3 has been broadcasting since 2014. It is presented mainly by local TV and radio stations:

  • First Crimean;
  • Information channel of Sevastopol;
  • World 24;
  • Moscow 24;
  • Millet;
  • First Crimean HD;
  • Crimea 24 HD.

Important! In the city of Sevastopol, First Sevastopolsky additionally broadcasts.

For residents of Moscow 3 multiplex digital TV is also available. It was launched in test mode from the Ostankino television tower at the beginning of 2015. Like the first two, it includes 10 positions, but they are distributed in a non-standard way. They were divided among 40 shopping malls, each of them own time ether.

Thus, Moscow residents already have access to 30 channels of digital terrestrial television for free.

Which channels will be included in the third multiplex?

Initially, it was planned that the third digital television multiplex in Russia would consist of: 1 channel in HD, 1 regional TV channel produced by VGTRK and four regional channels from different regions. However, over the years the concept has changed. In 2013, it was decided that set 3 would include 10 TV channels in SD quality:

  • 7-8 federal;
  • 1-2 from regions;
  • 1 from VGTRK.

They were going to involve TV channels in the creation of the third set that were not included in the second: 2x2, Rain, Friday and others.

Currently it is planned that channels 3 of the multiplex will be predominantly regional. They will be selected on a competitive basis. The main selection principles are:

  • Possibility of round-the-clock broadcasting;
  • percentage of self-produced content;
  • audience interest in the channel;
  • concept;
  • financial well-being;
  • social significance of the TV channel.

When is the 3rd multiplex planned to be launched?

Initially, the launch of the third multiplex was planned for 2015, but then its broadcasting started only in Moscow and the region. The launch in other regions was repeatedly postponed, and today its exact date is unknown. Most likely, package 3 will be launched in 2019-2021.

Since 3 the third set should consist mainly of regional shopping and entertainment centers, there is a possibility that it will be launched only in some regions. Namely, where local television and radio companies are willing to pay RTRS for broadcasting services. We are talking about amounts from 100 to 400 million rubles. Obviously, not every region can afford this, since not everywhere there are 10-15 local shopping malls that split the payment among themselves; in many constituent entities of the Russian Federation there are only 1-2 shopping malls, and it is not profitable for them to pay the entire amount.

So, today it is not yet clear when exactly the 3rd set of digital TV will appear throughout the Russian Federation, but this should happen in the near future.

In January 2015, the third multiplex began broadcasting in trial mode from the capital's Ostankino TV tower. The launch is associated with the active introduction of digital television in our country. To continue watching channels, just make changes to the TV settings: operating frequency 578 MHz, TVK number 34, DVB-T2 standard. The resource for 10 positions was distributed in an unusual way for Russian broadcasting. Roskomnadzor has issued a license to 40 TV channels, but they work alternately with a certain schedule: each has certain time going on air. The main reason why the broadcast is not carried out in full is the new Federal Law “On Advertising”. It has banned the broadcast of advertising on pay-per-view or scrambled channels, and free-to-air broadcasting is required to escape this restriction. Even if the program was shown for one or two hours a day, it has the right to include full advertising in the time allotted to it. Below are the positions and the channel broadcast schedule with time indication.

Position Channel logo Name Number Frequency Broadcast time
1 34 578 MHz Around the clock
2 34 578 MHz 00:00-06:00 (42 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 06:00-12:00 (42 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 12:00-18:00 (42 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 18:00-00:00 (42 hours/week)
3 34 578 MHz 00:00-05:00 (35 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 05:00-10:00 (35 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 10:00-15:00 (35 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 15:00-20:00 (35 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 20:00-00:00 (35 hours/week)
4 34 578 MHz 00:00-12:00 (84 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 12:00-00:00 (84 hours/week)
5 34 578 MHz 00:00-06:00 (42 hours/week)
IQ HD (SD quality) 34 578 MHz 06:00-09:00 (21 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 09:00-12:00 (21 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 12:00-15:00 (21 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 15:00-18:00 (21 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 18:00-21:00 (21 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 21:00-00:00 (21 hours/week)
6 34 578 MHz 00:00-12:00 (84 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 12:00-00:00 (84 hours/week)
7 34 578 MHz 08:30-01:30 (119 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 01:30-02:30 (7 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 02:30-04:30 (14 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 04:30-06:30 (14 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 06:30-08:30 (14 hours/week)
8 34 578 MHz 00:00-02:00 (14 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 02:00-04:00 (14 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 04:00-06:00 (14 hours/week)
HD Life (SD quality) 34 578 MHz 06:00-08:00 (14 hours/week)
STV 34 578 MHz 08:00-10:00 (14 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 10:00-12:00 (14 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 12:00-14:00 (14 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 14:00-16:00 (14 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 16:00-18:00 (14 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 18:00-20:00 (14 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 20:00-22:00 (14 hours/week)
34 578 MHz 22:00-00:00 (14 hours/week)
9 34 578 MHz Around the clock
10 34 578 MHz Blocked

The information was obtained from open sources and is current as of the beginning of 2020. As the grid changes, the data will be updated.

Article 37. Erotic publications

Law of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 1991 N 2124-1 (as amended on July 13, 2015)
"About the media"

Distribution of specialized radio and television programs of an erotic nature without signal coding is permitted only from 23:00 to 4:00 local time, unless otherwise established by the local administration.

For the purposes of this Law, a mass media specializing in messages and materials of an erotic nature means a periodical publication or program that generally and systematically exploits interest in sex.

Retail sales of media products specializing in messages and materials of an erotic nature are permitted only in sealed transparent packaging and in specially designated premises, the location of which is determined by the local administration.

Summer 2019 in Russian Federation Analogue TV broadcasting has ceased to function. It has been replaced by more modern digital terrestrial television. Let's look at how the technology for encoding and transmitting audio and video works, which allows you to watch several dozen channels even in the most inaccessible corners of the country, let's look at what DTV frequencies are and how to configure them.

Channel multiplexing

Multiplex is usually called television and radio channels combined into a single digital block. These TV and radio channels are mixed (multiplexed) and transmitted via a special transport stream. On the receiving device ( digital set-top box, digital tuner built into the TV) they are separated (demultiplexed).

In the case of digital multichannel television, transmission is carried out on a single frequency. The package may include channels of different formats and qualities (SD, HD, 3D). They are formed by various sources (TV and radio companies, operators, providers, etc.), while broadcasting streams, subtitles, teletext, TV guide, etc. are transmitted.

Digital broadcasting frequencies in the Russian Federation

Two multiplexed streams are already operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, and a third multiplex is being prepared for launch. Each of the packages is assigned a specific frequency in the decimeter wavelength range. The technology prevents different flows from crossing adjacent waves to prevent mutual influence.

The quality of DTV broadcasting remains at the highest level, regardless of factors such as:

  • solar Activity;
  • precipitation and other weather conditions;
  • temperature;
  • humidity;
  • time of day and year.

First multiplex (RTRS-1)

A mandatory package with all-Russian, publicly available, free television and radio resources. Content designed to provide the population with socially significant information was approved by the President of the Russian Federation in the summer of 2009.

According to the technical plan, the first block has the following parameters:

  • transmission is carried out on UHF waves 470-862 MHz;
  • broadcasting standard - DVB-T2;
  • no encryption;
  • broadcast format - SDTV.

Depending on the location of the area, the first multiplex may be broadcast on one of the frequencies indicated above. For example, in the Moscow region it is 546 MHz.

List of channels of the first digital package:

  • First;
  • Russia;
  • Match;
  • Culture;
  • Channel 5;
  • Russia 24;
  • Carousel;

Second multiplex (RTRS-2)

A block with all-Russian and publicly accessible television and radio resources, the distribution of which depends on the operator on a free basis. Channels of the second package can be provided, including paid subscription.

The second digital package is similar to the first multiplex specifications. In the Moscow region, for example, it is broadcast on a wave with a frequency of 498 MHz.

List of channels approved by Roskomnadzor:

  • Ren TV;
  • Saved;
  • Home;
  • TV-3;
  • Friday;
  • Star;
  • Muz TV.

Third multiplex (RTRS-3)

Launch announced for 2020. In some regions the list has already been approved, but in the whole country there are still many uncertainties with RTRS-3, for example, which channels and which companies will be included in it, whether they will all become paid or certain content will be distributed free of charge, allocated frequencies for transmission, etc. P.

Possible list of channels:

  • My planet;
  • Cartoon;
  • Russian bestseller;
  • A country;
  • Sundress;
  • Confidence;
  • Amusement park;
  • The science;
  • Disney;
  • Kitchen TV.

Frequencies of DVB-T2 digital channels

In Russia, terrestrial digital television operates on channels 21 – 69, in the operating frequency band from 470 to 862 MHz. The stream width is 8 MHz and theoretically the latter accommodates 48 channels or a similar number of multiplexes.

Digital television frequencies may vary depending on the region and the number of towers in a particular area. For example, in the Tula region there are 24 transmitting centers, covering almost 100% of the territory and using different transmission frequencies.

Setting up your TV or for a specific stream is carried out according to the DTV coverage map of your region. This is done by entering the corresponding frequency or channel in manual search mode.

Frequencies of digital television channels:

Channel number Frequency, MHz
21 474
22 482
23 490
24 498
25 506
26 514
27 522
28 530
29 538
30 546
31 554
32 562
33 570
34 578
35 586
36 594
37 602
38 610
39 618
40 626
41 634
42 642
43 650
44 658
45 666
46 674
47 682
48 690
49 698
50 706
51 714
52 722
53 730
54 738
55 746
56 754
57 762
58 770
59 778
60 786
61 794
62 802
63 810
64 818
65 826
66 834
67 842
68 850
69 858

Find out the channel frequencies for watching digital television in your region, coverage and multiplex support on the resource When you go to the site, you will be automatically transferred to your home region. Other relevant information about terrestrial digital television in your area of ​​residence is also available here.

Connection and setup

Connecting and setting up digital television does not require special knowledge and skills. If you are using a modern TV, most likely it already has a built-in digital tuner, but if your TV is an outdated model, you will have to purchase a DVB-T2 set-top box. In addition to any connection option, an antenna operating in the UHF range is required.

Connecting a TV with a built-in tuner

Most models modern TVs A DVB-T2 digital receiver has already been integrated. You can get accurate information about this from the user manual for your TV. Connecting a TV with a built-in tuner consists of the following steps:

Connecting a digital set-top box to a TV without a tuner

In older television receivers, integrated digital module DVB-T2 is missing. For this reason, you will need an external digital set-top box. Among many brands of this type the most popular equipment:

  • D-Color;
  • Lumax;
  • IconBIT.

The cost of the set-top box varies from 1 to 5 thousand rubles, depending on the presence or absence of it additional functions. To connect to an old TV, any DVB-T2 receiver with an RCA output (“tulips”) is suitable.

Connection instructions:

Equipment setup

Setting up digital television comes down mainly to searching and editing channels. Both in a set-top box and in a TV with an integrated DVB-T2 module, this is easiest to do in automatic mode. Setup instructions:

Analog terrestrial TV is becoming a thing of the past. On the territory of Russia, two digital multiplexes with 20 television and 3 radio channels broadcasting at frequencies of 470-820 MHz are already in operation. They can be received on any TV with a built-in or external DVB-T2 module.