The best diary program for your computer. Free organizing programs

At the present stage of development of computer technology, many (if not most) users are increasingly refusing to keep various kinds of notes, scheduled tasks, meetings, reminders, passwords or access codes to bank cards on paper. It is clear that it is simply impossible to keep such a huge amount of information in your head. Yes, and paper media in Lately have become very unreliable, since the possibility of loss or ordinary accidental throwing into the trash cannot be ruled out. And many developers software decided to compensate for all these inconveniences and began to create electronic organizers. Nowadays you can find many programs of this type on the Internet and download them for free. Many software products of this kind, being free, are not much different from their paid counterparts. On our website you can download free organizers without registration. The principles used to store the necessary information are practically the same for all programs. However, programs of this type are fundamentally divided into two categories. The first includes stationary and portable versions that work specifically on computers or mobile devices and used to store information, or hard disks, or connected removable devices. The second group includes inpatient and portable versions, which use remote servers to store data. I think everything is clear with the first group. The program is installed on a computer or runs from removable media. Typically, the interface of such applications resembles paper notepads. The difference may only be in design and any additional features. Many data categories are divided into groups. For example, this could be meetings, a to-do list by day or hour, birthdays, a calendar, a storage of personal codes and passwords, and much more. Here the difference between the programs lies only in the imagination of the developers. However, the unifying factor of such applications is, in most cases, the presence of reminders (especially for mobile devices). That is why the user will never miss an important event. However, there is one drawback here. If the program is running on a computer, access can only be obtained from this terminal or via a local network. It is the second group of programs that provides full access to data from any computer connected to the Internet. These programs use remote servers to store information. After registration, the user is allocated some disk space, where, in fact, all information is stored. Moreover, these can be not only notes, but also graphics and multimedia files. Also, synchronization with mobile devices is provided. It seems that this option is more convenient, since data can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Free programs This type is quite common on the Internet, so downloading them is not a problem. From us you can download the organizer in just two clicks of the mouse. The main thing is to decide which organizer you need to download. In conclusion, I would like to say that it is up to you to choose the option to use for your needs. However, in our opinion, the second option is preferable. Here the only limitation is the amount of allocated disk space on the remote server.

The pace of modern life and the huge amount of information daily force almost every person to take notes and plan their work day. Many people use paper notepads and diaries the old fashioned way. It is much more convenient to use special organizer programs for planning.

Organizer programs have replaced the usual paper organizers.

Review free software This article is dedicated to managing your affairs and reminders. The list includes the best organizers with the following properties:

  • convenient and simple interface;
  • application versatility;
  • ability to interact with any devices;
  • free to use.

Evernote Organizer Review

Evernote can definitely be called one of the most popular organizers. This program is capable of collecting information of various formats in one place.

One of the most popular organizers is Evernote

Evernote is a great choice even for the lazy person. The organizer will save data in any format, from a handwritten note to a website page with illustrations. Here you can add photos and a voice note.

An important advantage of Evernote is the ability to create your own unique data storage structure. The user interface is convenient and simple. Evernote supports the Russian language and is distributed free of charge.

Evernote organizer can be installed on either Personal Computer, and on any mobile device. Synchronization between devices on different platforms is supported. You can download Evernote on the official website of the developer

EssentialPIM is somewhat similar to regular mail client. Functionality free version suitable for most users. The main window allows you to view notes, to-dos, and appointments scheduled for today. Here you can see contacts of friends and partners.

Convenient organizer EssentialPIM

When adding a new contact, the user can attach an image or photo, set sound signal as a reminder. EssentialPIM allows you to launch other applications at specific times.

The Russian-language interface of the organizer is clear, working with the program is convenient and comfortable. Distinctive feature EssentialPIM – data encryption capability. For user convenience, a function for importing and exporting information is provided.

This program is designed for several operating systems. Therefore, it can be used both on PC and mobile devices under Android control and iOS. A selection of versions is presented on the website

Advanced Rainlendar calendar

This organizer practically does not have its own interface shell. Rainlendar is placed on your desktop as a widget, similar to a calendar. His appearance can be modified. For this purpose, several dozen skins are offered. They are downloaded from the developer's website. It is possible to place other sections of the program on the desktop. They are designed in the form of stickers.

Rainlendar supports:

  • address book;
  • data backup;
  • searching and printing information from the program;
  • customizable sound notification.

The Russian language is added to the program by installing a Russifier. It is available on the official website.

Mobile organizer LeaderTask

LeaderTask is an excellent virtual task list manager linked to a calendar. Any task has the opportunity to assign a unique label. It makes it much easier to find the information you need based on certain criteria.

The mobile organizer supports the Russian language. Its interface is convenient and simple. An online version of the organizer is also available for users.

Organizer for music lovers

Developers of organizing programs have not ignored music lovers either. There is excellent Mp3Tag software for them.

Organizer for music lovers Mp3Tag

This is a simple metadata editor for audio files. It allows you to change and add information attached to files. With this organizer it's easy to organize your music library. Created back in 2000 by a German programmer, Mp3Tag is still popular among advanced music lovers.

Summing up

The above reviews of free organizing programs are a small part of all existing programs. Many developments at this moment are not updated and not supported by programmers, although they stand out for their capabilities. In addition, all kinds of online services using cloud technologies are gaining popularity. They help you save contacts, task lists, and much more without being tied to hardware. Online services are able to remind you about upcoming meetings and events using short SMS, a letter to Mailbox or by calling a mobile phone.

It doesn’t matter what you choose, but remember that planning your day is a great opportunity to get everything done and carve out free time for yourself to relax.

Another easy-to-use to-do list app. Moreover, each task can be branched into smaller ones - this creates a whole tree, which is very convenient for doing business. At the same time, you can set a specific execution time, set a repeating cycle, set a priority. The program syncs easily and easily across all devices. At the same time, it sends smart reminders when you have arrived at the desired location.


GTasks is a convenient task scheduler that is easy to manage on different devices. The application interface is very simple: the main menu panel has everything you need to create tasks (lists, settings). Each task is assigned a date and time, and you can set a repeat mode. To add a new task you need to write its name, you can also use voice typing.

Do it

If you don’t like to make plans for the future, but always write down your upcoming tasks, then the Do it app will be yours an indispensable assistant. Here all tasks are planned only for the current day and the next. Nothing except. The app's interface is as simple as its function. It looks like a simulator of two pages of a notebook. On the left side are tasks for today, on the right - for tomorrow. With the same simplicity, you mark completed tasks (they are simply crossed out). Everything is clear and very simple.


A simple planner for managing affairs, both work and personal. The application allows you to structure tasks and control their implementation. In the free version, the user has access to the following functionality: adding, editing and marking tasks, access to a calendar for the years ahead, and much more. You can run the application both online and offline - everything is synchronized via the cloud. Edits and changes are immediately displayed to the entire group working on this task.

A diary is an organizer program that was developed as an electronic organizer for the PC. Downloading a diary for a computer has become a fairly simple action; it is quite simple and easy to install on the system, after which the program launches for the first time.

An electronic diary is a very popular, very convenient and good program - a diary, with the help of which it is very convenient to plan your to-do list and manage them. This is an excellent assistant that will always promptly remind the user about upcoming trips, meetings, holidays, interviews, etc.

Program description

The essence of the diary program is to help the user save time that he spends on writing things down in a regular diary.

An electronic diary will help the user rationally plan a list of to-dos for the day, for the week, for the month.

It will help you record reminders for important upcoming tasks and divide them into classes and projects.

Features and advantages

Today, an electronic diary is the most popular program with a large number of possibilities - this is the main advantage of the program - a diary. Another reason to download a free diary to your computer is:

  • an easy-to-learn diary;
  • works without the Internet;
  • works from a flash drive.
  1. Many diaries have a task scheduler: Using a task planner makes it much more convenient to plan and organize things.
  2. Calendar: A convenient feature to save an important upcoming date.
  3. The address book: storage of connections and any data associated with them.
  4. Reminders: with the help of a reminder system, the user will not forget about upcoming important dates and events
  5. Notes: the ability to rationally plan things and mark important events.
  6. Email gateway: Ability to create tasks by sending e-mail from anywhere.
  7. Personal information manager: making it easier to work with various personal information.
  8. Shortcuts: in the diary, the user can mark goals “Urgent!”, “Important!” using shortcuts.
  9. Filtration: using a filter, the user can sort the goals he needs by category, time, contacts, performers, customers, status.
  10. Search: the ability for the user to quickly search for the necessary tasks, contact or note.

There are program options for the following devices: Android, iPhone, iPad.

Download the diary to your computer