The phone does not charge from the car cigarette lighter. Why you should stop charging your smartphone in the car. Precautions when using Apple phones

Modern phones have opened up many new opportunities for motorists.

The most obvious thing is that thanks to a smartphone you don’t have to buy a navigator. Weight free applications allows you to use the gadget as a full-fledged on-board computer, monitor traffic jams, build routes and receive information about car services. Drivers have already appreciated all the benefits of using a smartphone; there is only one nuance left: how to properly charge the phone in the car?

Car chargers

You can charge your smartphone in the car using a car cigarette lighter charging adapter with one or more USB outputs. You can also charge from this interface portable accumulator and other devices with this connector.

To avoid short circuit, breakdown of a gadget or failure of car components, manufacturers recommend using only original accessories. Depending on quality charger and cable, power may be supplied faster or slower than usual.

Try not to save money and buy quality accessories from well-known brands. Also pay attention to support for the desired version of Quick Charge.

They gained popularity due to their versatility and compatibility with almost any gadget. When choosing it, it is important to calculate the required capacity so that the battery is enough for several charges of the device. The most common and optimal capacity indicator for power banks is 10,000 mAh. In practice, such a battery will fully charge Samsung Galaxy S7 three times.

Car stereo

Modern cars are equipped with radios. By connecting your smartphone to the radio via a USB cable, you can not only listen to music, but also charge your phone. The charging speed will not be high, but if there is an urgent need, this option can be used.

When choosing a solar panel, it is important to determine what device it will power. For phones, a voltage of 6V and a power of 4W will be sufficient. Everything you need to make your own solar charger can be purchased at radio stores. It is worth considering that solar battery makes it possible to charge the smartphone only during daylight hours and rather slowly. This method is more suitable for geeks and lovers of experiments.

Is it harmful to charge a smartphone in the car?

Charging your phone in a car is easy, but it's important to consider the possible risks. Charging gadgets in a car indirectly violates the operating rules of the vehicle and can harm the phone battery. The use of low-quality chargers and adapters may result in local fire.

It is recommended to charge the smartphone only using original and reliable accessories and in the personal presence of the user. The second is convenient, mobile and universal method charging - external batteries.

Many who are the owner Apple technology They will agree that sometimes it can be very capricious and forces you to buy only original devices for it. But all this is not connected with the idea of ​​extracting as much money from you as possible (although there is some truth in this too), but with ensuring the long service life of the device. Today I will look at the following problem: the iPhone does not charge in the car via USB. I’ll also tell you how to solve it and why it occurs in the first place.

iPhone won't charge in car using radio or cigarette lighter - solution

As I wrote above, Apple technology is capricious for a reason. If your Android phone can easily be charged from the cigarette lighter, but your iPhone flatly refuses to charge, then there may be several reasons:

  1. Unstable voltage
  2. Non-original device (cable or device that is installed in the cigarette lighter)
  3. Radio tape recorder
  4. USB connector

Now let's look at each problem in order. In the first two cases, the device is most often to blame because it is unable to maintain the normal current for charging. Usually these are “No name” manufacturers, so buying a branded cigarette lighter socket should solve the problem with charging your iPhone. Many car owners speak well of the Belkin charger. In rare cases, the problem may lie in the wiring of the machine itself, and here you need to contact a specialist. Recognize this problem An ordinary multimeter, which costs from 200 rubles, will help you. You measure the voltage in the cigarette lighter itself, after which it will be clear whether the problem is in the wiring or the cigarette lighter of the car or in the device. which you bought.

The next problem why the iPhone does not charge in the car via USB may lie in the radio. You can find out its presence using the same multimeter. By measuring the voltage everything will fall into place. For normal operation of the device, 1 Ampere is needed, if the measuring device produces more, there is nothing to worry about. It’s another matter if you receive less than 1 ampere, since such voltage may not only simply not charge your iPhone, but also damage the battery or render it completely unusable.

And the last reason why the iPhone does not charge in the car via USB is the USB connector itself. Namely, if you have USB 2.0, then the iPad, for example, will charge, but the iPhone will not. The solution to this problem is very simple - buy a device with a USB 3.0 port. It’s worth saying that any consultant will assure you that all devices are currently compatible with USB 2.0, but this concerns data transfer. That is, USB 2.0 has a much lower speed than USB 3.0, but the current strength of USB 2.0 is 500 mA, while USB 3.0 is 950 mA, which is why there is a problem charging the iPhone when using USB old generation ports.

Precautions when using Apple phones

In conclusion, I will say: in order for your iPhone to last a long time, it is advisable to use original chargers and USB cables. If you use memory from other manufacturers, try not to take Chinese analogues and always look at specifications. This will save you from re-purchasing, as well as your phone from being sent to a workshop. Using cheap analogues, you damage the battery, and there is always a risk of simply “burning” the board on your iPhone.

The seller does not have them (the initial price was $3.5, bought for $2.5)
The era of smartphones with capacious batteries has arrived and I thought about replacing the car charger. The rest is under the cut. I want to say right away that the review is not very detailed and there will be no dissection either.

I rarely use chargers in the car, and some kind of average 1.5A charger was hanging out in the glove compartment for a long time. It seems like quite a lot, but smartphones don’t understand it and, as a result, the charging current is no more than 0.5A. But charging a 4000 mA battery with such a current somehow takes a long time.
After wandering around Ali, I found the described charger (or maybe someone planted a coupon in Muska). The seller's title, of course, is from a completely different device, but the description is from a car charger.
To begin with, the characteristics from the seller’s website, or rather even from the photographs on the product page:
- input voltage 12-24V;
- maximum current 2.1 A;
- two USB ports;
- indication of input/output voltage and current;
- “smart” fast charge due to some kind of 4-core chip.
- overheat protection;
- short circuit protection;
- overvoltage protection;
- anti-electromagnetic interference.
- And the most interesting thing:)

As you can see, the seller has recently joined Ali and has no rating. But I’m not afraid to buy from them, except for outright slag like 256 GB flash drives for a couple of dollars. Firstly, you can always raise a claim and get your money back, and secondly, if a new seller wants to gain sales, his prices are usually lower than the average in the “chamber”.
It is clear that the product had no reviews, but I looked at other sellers and no one complained.
By the way, these chargers are also available with.

Let's continue the conversation.
The charger arrived very quickly, about 2 weeks.
It was packed in a retail box, on which the only clear symbols were numbers and device names. The manufacturer may be listed, but not for us. As it appears, this product for “morning consumption” only.

Charging length without “+” contact is 60 mm, front dimensions are 25*35 mm.
I wanted to see the insides of this device, especially on a 4-core chip, but alas, the cover was securely glued, and I didn’t want to break the case (not point 18). The body is made of ordinary platinum, it feels and “tastes” quite good quality. The case is durable, nothing creaks or plays. The negative petals are tight.

Let's start the tests.
Sitting in the car and watching a mobile phone charge for several hours is not very interesting, so I connected the charger to the power supply from the laptop - 19V. The device immediately produced three parameters (the readings follow each other a few seconds later): 19V, 5V, 0A, which was actually expected.
Then it was connected to one of the ports Xiaomi Redmi 3. The voltages remained the same, but the current increased to 1.7A.
Again, unfortunately I don't have a good gutted USB cable so that you can connect the tester and measure the real current. But the input voltage readings completely coincided with the tester readings. By the way, it (the voltage) sometimes dropped to 18.5, but this is the work of the power supply. The output voltage remained staunchly at around 5V, sometimes dropping by a whole tenth of a volt. The USB tester showed the same output voltage values, but it couldn’t cope with the current, or rather showed only 0.5A (like the charging itself). Apparently they do not understand each other with Xiaomi. During the charging process, the current varied from 1.7 to 0.5 at the end.

Then another Xiaomi Redmi was connected to the second port. The current immediately became 2.1A (as was reported) and varied within 1.9-2.1A until one of the phones was charged. Again, unfortunately, I have nothing to load USB port special load to study the promised overload protection, but judging by the fact that two phones do not draw more than 2.1A, it is there.

During charging, the device gets quite hot: if you grab the negative petals, your fingers can hold it for 15 seconds, then it becomes not very pleasant to hold it. Be that as it may, the device successfully coped with several charges of one and two phones at the same time.
Well, one more test, already in the car. Result:
- stays firmly in the cigarette lighter;
- charging does not create any extraneous background for the radio.

Conclusions: a good inexpensive car charger. Bonuses include readings from the car’s on-board network, which is sometimes useful to know.

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If battery is not charging, which is already more than 5-7 years old, then the answer to the question is: - " Why"most likely lies on the surface. After all, any battery has its own service life and over time loses some of its basic performance characteristics. But what if it lasted no more than 2 or 3 years, or even less? Where to look then? causes Why doesn't the battery want to charge? Moreover, this situation occurs not only when recharging from a generator in a car, but even when it is replenished from a charger. Answers must be sought depending on the situation by completing series of checks with subsequent procedures aimed at eliminating the problem.

Most often, you can expect 5 main reasons that manifest themselves in eight different situations:

Situation What to do
Oxidized terminals Clean and lubricate with special lubricant
Broken/loose alternator belt Stretch or change
The diode bridge has failed Change one or all diodes
Voltage regulator faulty Replace graphite brushes and the regulator itself
Deep discharge Increase the charging voltage or reverse polarity
Incorrect electrolyte density Check and adjust to the required value
Sulfation of plates Perform a polarity reversal, and then several cycles of full charge/discharge with low current
One of the cans is closed Actions to restore a battery with such a defect are ineffective

The main reasons why the battery may not charge

To understand everything in detail possible malfunctions due to which the car battery does not charge, first of all clearly define the situation:

In general, when the battery refuses to charge, the following options are allowed:

  • plate sulfation;
  • destruction of plates;
  • terminal oxidation;
  • decrease in electrolyte density;
  • short circuit

But you shouldn’t worry so much right away, everything is not always so bad, especially if such a problem arose while driving (indicated by a red battery light). It is necessary to consider special cases in which the car battery does not take charge only from the generator or from the charger as well.

Please note that sometimes the battery, although fully charged, runs out very quickly. Then the reason may be hidden not only in its failure, but primarily due to current leakage! This could happen through: lights not turned off, interior lighting or other consumers and poor contact at the terminals.

In the charging system car battery there are a number external devices, on which the performance of the battery itself and the charging process can also greatly depend. To check all external devices you will need a multimeter (tester), it will allow you to measure the voltage at the battery terminals at different modes engine operation. You will also have to check the generator. But this is only true when the battery does not want to be charged from the generator. If the battery does not take a charge from the charger, then it is advisable to also have a hydrometer to check the density of the electrolyte.

How do you know if the battery is not charging?

The battery does not charge from the generator. The first signal that the battery is not charging is a lit red battery light! And to make sure of this, you can check the battery voltage. There should be 12.5... 12.7 V at the battery terminals. When the engine is started, the voltage will rise to 13.5... 14.5 V. With consumers turned on and the engine running, the voltmeter readings, as a rule, jump from 13.8 to 14.3V. Lack of changes on the voltmeter display or when the indicator goes beyond 14.6V is spoken of.

When the generator runs but does not charge the battery, the cause may lie in the battery itself. Apparently it was completely discharged, which is called “zero”, then the voltage is less than 11V. A zero charge may occur due to sulfation of the plates. If the sulfation is insignificant, you can try to eliminate it. And try charging using a jump charger.

How to understand what The battery does not charge from the charger? When a battery is connected to a charger, evidence that it is fully charging is a constantly changing voltage at the terminals and jumping voltage or current readings on the device dial. If there is no charge, there will be no change. When the battery is not being charged from an Orion type charger (which has only indicators), you can very often observe a buzzing and rare blinking of the “current” light.

The car battery is not charged from the generator. Why?

Frequent reasons when the battery does not charge from the generator are:

  1. Oxidation of battery terminals;
  2. Stretched or broken generator belt;
  3. Oxidation of wires on the generator or vehicle ground;
  4. Failure of diodes, voltage regulator or brushes;
  5. Sulfation of plates.

Why the battery may not be charged from the charger

There may also be 5 main reasons why a car battery does not want to be charged not only from the generator but also from the charger:

  1. Deep battery discharge;
  2. Short circuit of one of the cans;
  3. Battery hypothermia;
  4. Very high or low electrolyte density;
  5. Foreign impurities in the electrolyte.

What can you do when your car battery is not charging?

The first step is to find out the cause, and only then take action to eliminate it. To do this, you need to measure the voltage at the battery terminals, check the level, density of the electrolyte and its color. Also, of course, a visual inspection of the surface of the battery, car wiring is necessary, and also mandatory.

Let us consider in detail the possible consequences of each of the reasons for poor battery performance, and also determine what needs to be done in a given situation:

Oxidation of contact terminals how it hinders good contact This contributes to current leakage. As a result, we get a quick discharge or unstable/absent charging from the generator. There is only one way out - check not only the condition of the battery terminals, but also the condition of the generator and the ground of the car. Heavily oxidized terminals can be eliminated by cleaning and.

Generator malfunction(belt, regulator, diodes).

Belt break you would probably notice, but the fact is that even a slight loosening of the tension can contribute to slippage on the pulley (as well as oil ingress). Therefore, when powerful consumers are turned on, the light on the panel may light up and the battery will discharge, and on a cold engine a squeaking sound can often be heard from under the hood. This problem can be eliminated either by tensioning or replacement.

Diodes in normal condition they should pass current only in one direction; checking with a multimeter will make it possible to identify the faulty one, although often they simply change the entire diode bridge. Improperly functioning diodes can cause both undercharging and overcharging of the battery.

When the diodes are normal, but they get very hot during operation, it means the battery is being overcharged. Responsible for voltage regulator. It is better to change it immediately. In a situation where the battery is not fully charged, you need to pay attention to the generator brushes (after all, they wear out over time).

During deep discharge, as well as with a slight shedding of the active mass, when the battery does not want to be charged not only in the car from the generator, but even the charger does not see it, you can reverse the polarity or give a high voltage so that it grabs the charge.

This procedure is often carried out with AVG batteries when there is less than 10 volts at its terminals. Reversing the polarity allows you to start a completely discharged battery. But this will only help if the poles on the battery have actually changed, otherwise it can only cause harm.

Changing battery poles(both lead-acid and calcium) occurs in the case of a complete discharge, when the voltage of some battery jars, which have a lower capacity than the others connected in series, decreases much faster than others. And having reached zero, as the discharge continues, the current for the lagging elements becomes charging, but it charges them in the opposite direction and then the positive pole becomes minus, and the negative pole becomes positive. Therefore, by briefly changing the charger terminals, such a battery can be brought back to life.

But remember that if the pole reversal is battery did not occur, then if there is no protection from such a situation on the charger, the battery can be permanently damaged.

Polarity reversal should be carried out only in cases of the formation of a white coating on the surface of the plates.

This process will not work if:

  • the plates crumbled and the electrolyte became cloudy;
  • one of the cans is closed;
  • There is no required electrolyte density in the battery.

The polarity reversal method works well for desulfation, but only no more than 80-90% of the capacity can be restored. The success of this procedure lies in the thick plates; the thin ones are completely destroyed.

If the phone stops charging, then this is an extremely unpleasant problem. Most often, owners of old, almost used-up batteries encounter this problem - their service life is 3-5 years, and with modern load on mobile device It may not even reach two. However, the reason is not always the old battery; there are others.


Which phones are affected by the problem?

A modern smartphone is a complex communication device, and not just a telephone. With it, you can surf the Internet, listen to music, play games, watch videos, take photos, and so on. Therefore, the load on it is much greater than on a device designed only for making calls and sending SMS.

In addition, at modern models There is no connector dedicated specifically for charging. As a result, charging is carried out through a single connector, which is integrated with USB, and this process is closely linked to the software.

Therefore, charging problems are the most common failure among mobile devices. And no one is safe from them, not the owners expensive smartphones, nor cheap Chinese ones. Although it is believed that the latter are still more vulnerable and less reliable.

Main reasons and their solution

There are several reasons why the phone does not charge from the charger, and they manifest themselves in different ways. Most often the problem is in the memory itself. If it is faulty, the smartphone will not respond in any way to connecting to the network. It’s easy to check: you need to find a 100% working charger of a suitable model and try to connect your mobile phone to it. If the process continues, then it’s time to change the memory. But there are also more complex situations. For example, when the phone does not turn on or shows that it is charging, but in reality the opposite happens.

Important! The reason your phone won't charge could be... a faulty socket! It's trivial, but before you panic, it's worth checking this too.

The phone shows charging, but does not charge

Many smartphone owners have encountered this problem: when connected to the mains, the corresponding indicator lights up and a filling battery appears on the display, but in fact the charge level does not increase or, worse, charges in the opposite direction - that is, it is discharged.

There may be several reasons for this:

  1. Not the original memory. Modern mobile devices may not charge from non-original chargers, that is, they see the connection, but do not allow electricity into themselves, since the voltage is higher or lower than recommended. iPhones are especially famous for this.
  2. Weak memory. If the charging power is noticeably less than required for a given battery model or the process is carried out via USB from a computer, then the device will take a very long time to charge, and if at the same time you play on your smartphone, watch videos or sit on social media. network, then the phone will simply discharge faster than charge.
  3. Memory fault. The cable, adapter or connector may be damaged. There may be a tear or bend in the cable, oxidation of the contacts or a failure in the board of the adapter itself.
  4. Battery failure. The battery has outlived its usefulness and all that remains is to replace it.
  5. Calibration failure. The smartphone may not correctly see the battery capacity; to do this, it needs to be calibrated. Discharge and charge several times.
  6. Background applications. If you do not use your smartphone while charging, and it still does not charge, then perhaps a large amount of power is spinning in the processor. running applications V background. It is worth turning off wi-fi, Mobile Internet and GPS. Close all applications, check your phone for viruses with an antivirus.

Phone won't turn on or charge

If the mobile device stops turning on and charging, this may be evidence of a serious breakdown, which can only be diagnosed and repaired by a service center.

  1. Problems with storage. Perhaps the smartphone does not turn on because it is completely discharged and the memory has become unusable. You can check this by connecting the device to another suitable charger.
  2. Deep discharge. If the phone is discharged to 0 and does not charge, then perhaps the battery has gone into a deep discharge and the controller no longer passes current; in order to revive it, you will have to use a universal charger.
  3. Phone or battery failure. If the battery is removable, then you can temporarily ask someone you know for the same battery to find out who has the problem. As a last resort, you can try to turn on the phone from the wires.
  4. Firmware glitch. This can happen due to an unsuccessful software update, a virus infection, or a glitch. You'll have to take it to the SC.

Phone charges but won't turn on

If, after connecting to the charger, the indicator on the smartphone lights up, but it does not turn on, then the following could happen:

  1. Didn't have time to recharge. If the smartphone is very discharged, then you need to let it sit on the charger for a while, from 5 to 30 minutes. After which it should turn on.
  2. Firmware. You need to hold down the hot keys on your smartphone to reset the settings to factory settings. (You can view them on the Internet, since each model has its own). If it doesn’t help, then we take it to the SC.
  3. Hypothermia. If exposed to sub-zero temperatures for a long time, the device may turn off and not turn on. You shouldn’t put it on charge right away; it’s better to wait until it warms up to room temperature, and then connect it to the network.
  4. Battery problems. If the battery has become unusable, it may show that it is charging, but in fact there is no more capacity left in it and there is simply not enough power to start the smartphone.

The phone does not charge in the car using the cigarette lighter

When connecting a mobile device to the cigarette lighter, you need to know that the current here will be weaker than from an electrical outlet, so it will take longer to charge the phone. If you are using a navigator or running other applications at this time, the phone will not charge, and may even begin to discharge.

Another reason is simple contamination of the cigarette lighter socket. If so, then you should clean it. The socket may also be faulty. You can check it by connecting another device. Also possible reason in the “non-native” wire.

New phone or battery won't charge

  1. Manufacturing defects. If you bought a new battery or phone in a store and it does not charge, then the most probable cause- This is a factory defect. The memory may also be defective. There is no need to try to fix the device yourself; it is better to return to the store and exchange it for another one.

Important! Be sure to check the functionality of the phone, battery and charger in the store, then you won’t have to go twice. When shopping in an online store, you need to be aware that returning will be more difficult.

  1. Taped contacts. On a new battery, the contacts are sealed with adhesive tape to protect them from oxidation. If it is not removed before inserting the battery into the phone, it will block the flow of current. Therefore, before this, the battery must be inspected from all sides and unnecessary protection removed.
  2. Deep discharge. If the device or battery was stored in improper conditions, then the battery could go into a deep discharge, go to the store to exchange it for a new one. If it dies after short-term use and this is no longer a warranty case, then you can try pushing the battery.
  3. Hypothermia. If everything was in order at the store, but when you got home the battery refused to charge, then this could have happened due to frost. You need to give the device time to warm up to room temperature, and then put it on charge again.
  4. Incompatible battery. New battery may not charge because it is not compatible with your phone. You need to be more careful when choosing.
  5. Oxidation of phone contacts. A new battery in an old phone may not charge due to oxidation of the contacts between the battery and the smartphone. If this is the problem, then maybe the old battery is good.

Important! If you have new phone or battery, then you should not repair it, as you may lose the warranty. Within 14 days of purchase, the store must replace the device without question, then the warranty will be from 1 to 2 years, depending on the manufacturer.

Have you ever had a case where your smartphone stopped charging from the charger? Tell us in the comments what the reason was and how you managed to solve this problem. This will help make the material more complete and useful.