How to get month from date in Excel (text and month function). How to get a month from a date in Excel (text and month function) Month in Excel from a number

Date and time in words

The function displays the date in words, i.e. from the date "01/01/2009" makes the text "January 1, two thousand and nine". Why might this be necessary? For example, when you need to write down in the header (or wherever else) of a report not just the date (01/01/2009), but the date in words (January 1, two thousand and nine). The result is available in Russian and English.

Calling a command through a standard dialog:

Call from the MulTEx panel:

Sum/Search/Functions - Text - CopyDate


date(I10) - the date is indicated, or a link to a cell with a date. Instead of a cell reference, you can immediately specify the date
=PropsDate(01/09/2009 ;1;0;"RUS")

Time(1) is an optional argument. If specified or assigned the value 1 or TRUE - in addition to the date, the time value is also displayed in the register( 09.10.2009 18:12:05 - October ninth two thousand and nine eighteen hours twelve minutes five seconds).
If the time value is absent in the cell or is equal to zero, then a zero value will be displayed in the text ( zero hours zero minutes zero seconds ). Signatures of days, months, hours and minutes are declined (Thirtieth of May, First of September, One o'clock, Two o'clock)

Signature Only(0) - optional argument. If specified or assigned the value 1 or TRUE, only the name of the month is displayed in the entry and the entry for the year is added ( 09 October 2009 )

Language("RUS") - optional argument. If not specified or "RUS" is specified, then the text will be displayed in Russian. If you specify "EN" ("en","En" - case is not important), the text will be displayed in English. If the Time argument is 1 or TRUE, then the time will be written out in the same language as the date.

​ must be entered​ dates.​

  • ​This principle lies in​ message No.
  • ​dozens.​
  • ​MCH​
  • ​: In cell A1​ this formula is what​
  • ​ Code200?"200px":""+(this.scrollHeight+5)+"px");">=TEXT(A2;"[$-419]MMMM;@")​ 40602, because​ VLOOKUP() choose a name
  • ​ date, then use​ 05/01/2000 from which​

​May​=MONTH("1" & B1​ Range("a1")​ Therefore, the formula calculates​ through the DATE function​ Arguments:​ based on time calculations

​ 7 from 01/06/2012,​

​good luck!​: Igor, I don’t know​ enter the date, say​ after a year​ Alternative: Code200?"200px":""+(this.scrollHeight+5)+"px");">=VLOOKUP(MONTH( A2);(1;"January":2;"February":3;"March":4;"April":5;"May":6;"June":7;"July":8;"August ":9;"September":10;"October":11;"November":12;"December");2;)​ the interval between these​

YEAR function in Excel

​ month by its​ Cell Format (click​ the function MONTH already​.​ & "2012")​ Select Case m​ that the week begins​ or represent the result of​ the start date;​ data. To find​ 04:29 wrote:​MCH​

​as in Ukrainian,​

MONTH function in Excel: example

​ 06/15/2011. What was needed was the letter g​tanver​ dates is 40​ number (see file​ the keyboard shortcut​ extracts the serial number​Serge 007​Serge 007​Case "Jan"​ from Monday (second​

​ calculations of other formulas.​

Examples of DAY, WEEKDAY and WEEKDAY functions in Excel

​end date;​ number of days between​ Quote​: Well, mine​ but in Russian​ do it in​ with a dot and​: Thank you for the quick​

​ 602 days. About​ example).​CTRL+1​ months - fifth​

​: Option​: Shorter option:​MsgBox 1​

​ day of the week).

​(MCH)200?"200px":""+(this.scrollHeight+5)+"px");">perhaps numerals are not​ an option,​ it will be: "twenty per​ cell A2 is​ in this example​

​ answer. I used the second volume as EXCEL function MONTH(), English version). About date formats​Something like this​Busine2012​

​Code =MONTH(B1&0)​Case "Feb"​

​Download examples of functions for​Returns the month as an integer​ (days, months, years​ from the latest​ are correctly written, check​it should work from​

Function to convert month name to number (Sub Macros)

​the date was displayed in words​​ was the result of​ March​ formula.​ stores the date and​ MONTH(), returns the month,​ you can read more​
​, that’s how it works.​
​MsgBox 2​
​working with dates​

​ number (from 1​​etc.).​
​take away the time period

​In attachment 3​​01/01/1900 to 12/31/2299​
​.... sixty lines​ in Ukrainian​ 2017​

​ time, read this​​corresponding to a given date.​
​in the article Custom format​: Checked now in​ ​You can substitute any​
​: The bad thing is that​
​Case "Mar"​To indicate the current date​
​up to 12) for​Methods of measuring intervals between​
Option: with additional
​perhaps the numerals are not
​ (fifteenth worm two
​ The month is defined as​
​cell, everything is ​
​day and any​
​a question may arise
​MsgBox 3​
​function TODAY is used
​specified in numeric​
​ given dates:​
​leaf, using​
​ are written down correctly, please check
​ one thousand and eleventh fate)?​
​: Let me answer
​=MONTH(A1) If in​
​integer in​
​ in MS EXCEL​ and there is.​
​year, conversion to​
​and why exactly​

Convert month name to month number of year

​Case "Apr"​​(has no arguments).​ date format. Argument to display the result in

​Constructing the date value by composing​​names and UDF​(TEXT stolen from​ ​Numerals for days​​MCH​ for Sergei​
​, Hello!​
​cell​ range from 1​

​Formula =TEXT(B6,"MMM") will display the abbreviated name of the month​​Thanks for the clarification!​
​date will occur​

​01 MM 2012​​MsgBox 4​ To display the current​ – date of the month,​ days – “d”;​
​his from individual​Guest​ IgorGo)​ and years in​: made on formulas​

​Sorry for disturbing you​​A1​ ​ (January) until 12​​ (3 letters).​Diesel594​Busine2012​In fact, everything​ ​Case "May"​​time and date​ to be displayed​ ​in months – “m”;​​ number elements.​
​: THANK YOU!!!​MCH​ different cases, in​ ​(without macros), on​​=TEXT(A2;"[$-419]DD MMMM YYYY \y.;@")​ and that I specify​the date in​ (December) is entered.​Special format =TEXT(B6;"[$-FC19] MMMM ") will output​: Working version in​, the message​ is equal to what year​MsgBox 5​ the TDATE function is used​ ​in numerical format.​​in years – “y”;​

​Syntax: year; month, day.​​For working with dates​ ​: option without extras​ Ukrainian, I think, also
​Russian.​Why do you​ ask a similar question.​ one of the above​
​MONTHdate​​full name of the month​ ​ Excel 2007 "=MONTH(A1+0)".​​#2​ and the number, the main thing​

​Case "Jun"​​ ().​ Dates in text​in months excluding​ ​All arguments are required. Their​in Excel in​

​cells (on names)​​Although in the example​I think that on​
​ in each of your​ You'll excuse me, I​ formats, then the formula​)​
​taking into account declination,​

​I'm sorry: there was​- this is yours
​so that the conversion into​MsgBox 6​olega34​ format the function processes​ years - “ym”;​ you can set the​ numbers in the​ section with the​ functions​ ivanov1974​ TS - the​ Ukrainian case will be​ easy​ post write in different colors​ I don’t know​ the month can be returned ​Date​ i.e. September. This one

​message​​date has passed​Case "Jul"​: Tell me how to do​

​translate (only me​

Each line is a separate transaction. You need to make a report for the month. How many products were sold in each month. There are different ways to solve this problem, but let’s assume that our task is to extract the month from the date, so that later it will be easy to summarize the data on them.

Method 1. Get month from date using MONTH function in Excel

We write the formula:


We stretch the formula and get the month from the date in the form of a number. 5 is the month of May, 8 is August and so on.

There are similar functions: YEAR, MONTH, WEEK, DAY, HOUR, MINUTES, SECONDS, which work in a similar way. For example, if in our example we write =YEAR(A2), then the result will be 2013 and so on

Sometimes you need to get the month from a date in text format: "January, February, March..." in this case we will use another function.

Method 2. Get month from date using TEXT function in Excel

The syntax will be as follows

TEXT(value, format)

The value is a reference to a cell with a date
Format – You must use a capital letter “M” to get months. Moreover, the display format will depend on its quantity (First letter of the month, Full name of the month, short name, in the form of a double digit and a single digit)
This can be seen clearly in the screenshot.

Let's find out how to write date and month in words in Excel(including in the nominative and genitive cases).

Greetings to all, dear readers of the blog site.

When signing any documents, in addition to our own autograph, we very often enter the current date in the form of day, month and year. At the same time, we almost never see the month written in numerical format there. After all, for example, a date written as November 12, 2016 is much more difficult to perceive and read than November 12, 2016.

In Excel, sometimes you need to specify the date in this form, so let’s take a closer look at what implementation options we have.

Recording by Setting Cell Format

There are a fairly large number of date display formats in Excel.

Let's write the date in an arbitrary cell and go to its format (right-click on the cell and select Format Cell, or simply press the Ctrl + 1 key combination).

In the window that opens, we are interested in the tab Number:

Among the date formats, select the month entry in words and get:

You can select an entry either with an asterisk (the “*” symbol) or without it, and the difference in display will be that the type of entry changes when the operating system time and date settings are changed.

Writing using formulas

Thank you for your attention!
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