How to clear passwords in Yandex. The process of removing saved passwords from the Yandex browser. How to Delete Saved Passwords in Mozilla Firefox

A convenient feature of many browsers is saving passwords and automatically filling in fields for logging into mail, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and others on different sites. But at the same time, such care for the user can interfere, and even be dangerous.

The site has prepared simple instructions so that you always know how to delete the password and login saved in the browser or how and where to find them.

Here are some reasons why you need to know where your browser passwords are stored:

  • For example, you forgot or, and the browser suggests using the old one, because it saved it for you :). Because of this, you have to wash it and introduce a new one, and this procedure is repeated every time.
  • Saved passwords on a shared computer can take away your privacy if someone decides to do harm or read your private communications.
  • Forgot your password? Perhaps the browser has remembered it and will tell you, you just need to know where the passwords and logins are.

How to view passwords in Chrome (Google Chrom) and/or delete them?

In the first column the site address, in the second login and in the third column the password in the form of dots, to view the password you need to click on it, the word “Show” will immediately appear, and in the window that appears you need to enter your account password on the computer.

Did you enter? So the password you forgot appeared! To delete a login and password, click the cross on the right side next to it (it is permanently deleted!):

Many personal computer users have encountered the problem of being unable to log into the system due to the fact that they forgot the previously set password. Or a child set his password without your participation, and now, when you urgently need a computer, you are powerless in front of a soulless machine, you still won’t be able to persuade it. There is no need to run for a sledgehammer to further express your emotions. There are several ways to remove a password from a computer.

Let's start with a mechanical way to fix the problem. It will be required if it was protected with a password. However, if you still managed to run for a sledgehammer, then put it down and don’t touch it again, all you need is a screwdriver.

To reset your computer's general password, you need to reset the BIOS settings. To do this, when the power of the system unit is turned off, remove the protective cover from it and find a battery on the motherboard that has the shape of a large tablet.

It is responsible for saving the information contained in the BIOS. Using a screwdriver, carefully pry up this battery and remove it from the socket. Wait 20-30 minutes and insert it back. Turn on the computer, and as soon as the boot starts, go directly to the BIOS (different motherboards have different keys, mainly Delete or F2 before the system starts booting) and press the F10 key to save the settings.

An easier way to remove a password from a computer is to log in as an administrator. It only works in Windows XP and in newer operating systems this loophole has been closed.

This method is based on the fact that a regular user does not set a password when installing Windows, which is the administrator password. To perform this procedure, you need to press and hold the F8 key as soon as the operating system starts loading. A black screen will appear with several options for further action.

You need to use the arrows on your keyboard to select “Safe Mode”, then press “Enter”. Next you will be taken to the menu for selecting an installed user.

Please note that in addition to one or more users who were always present during boot, the “Administrator” user appeared.

This is the icon you need to click to get into the system. Then, through the control panel, go to the menu where user accounts are listed. Here you can create a new account with computer administrator rights. A further reboot of the system will allow you to log in to the newly created account.

In Windows XP, there is another method for removing the password from your computer. After downloading, you need to wait for a window to appear in which you will be asked to log in with your user name and password. After you press CTRL+ALT+DELx2 times simultaneously, in this case a window will appear with a form for the administrator to fill out, enter a name and password. Enter administrator in the top cell and leave the second empty. Once your computer has fully booted, you should change or simply delete the password for an account that is inaccessible to you. Use the “start” menu, log into the control panel and select the tab there indicating user accounts. Find the account that currently has the password and delete it. Restart your computer, and you will be able to log into Windows without any incidents.

But the omission with passwords was changed in Windows 7, where logging into an account without a password using the previously discussed methods is not possible. But there must be a solution to the problem of how to remove the password from a computer with Windows 7 installed. Of course, there is, but only if there is a recovery disk. You will need to launch it from under the BIOS, select the operating system and then go to the “system recovery” tab.

In the settings of the “recovery” window, we gain access to control from the command line, then enter “regedit” and press Enter.

Find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder, select it, and in the “File” tab, click “Load Hive.” Next, open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\888\Setup subsection and double-click CmdLine, the key field of which will need to be edited. In this parameter field you will need to enter cmd.exe and save. For the SetupType key, enter designation 2 and save all changes for partition 888. Now in the “File” tab, select “Unload hive,” remove the disk and restart the computer. After the system boots again, enter the new net user login and password.
So it turns out that there is no perfectly protected operating system. There will still be people who can bypass any obstacles. But still, you better never forget your passwords!
I would like to note that the above methods are not always effective, but in 95% of cases they are applicable. If it happens that you cannot reset your password using these recommendations, then describe your problem in the comments and I will help you deal with the problem. Learn more about

Undoubtedly one of the most popular Internet browsers. Its popularity is constantly growing. Not long ago we talked about how you can view all saved logins and passwords for websites.

But what to do if you accidentally agreed to save your password on someone else's computer? Or do you need to give your computer or laptop to another person and what to do with all the saved passwords in the browser?

The answer is simple - remove them, of course. We will tell you how to do this in this article.

There are two removal options. The first is to remove all passwords from all sites. Option two is to remove a specific password and login from a specific site.

Method for deleting saved passwords in Yandex browser No. 1

Let's start with the second method, when with one click of the mouse you once and for all delete all passwords that have been saved in the browser.

To do this, click on the three horizontal bars in the upper right corner of the screen. Select “Advanced” -> “Clear history”.

Go to the Yandex browser history clearing menu

After this, a window will open in which you need to mark what needs to be deleted and for what period.

Mark what to delete and select the period

We tick the saved passwords box (the number of saved passwords will be written opposite this line), and select “All time” at the top and click the “Clear history” button at the bottom.

Method for deleting saved passwords in Yandex browser No. 2

The first method is also quite simple. In this case, you can selectively delete saved logins and passwords from certain sites.

But first you need to know which ones are saved in order to choose which ones to delete.

Click on the same three horizontal lines and select “Settings”.

Go to the Yandex browser settings

Scroll the window that opens to the very top, where we select “show additional settings”.

Go to additional settings

Here we look for the “Manage Passwords” button and click on it.

Let's go to managing Yandex browser passwords

You will see a complete list of all saved logins and passwords in the Yandex browser. This list can be scrolled. On the left it displays the name of the site, and to the right the authorization data, i.e. login and password. By moving your mouse pointer over the name of the site for which you want to remove the password, a cross will appear to the right of the password field, clicking on which will lead you to remove this very password.

Select the desired password and delete it using the right cross

At the end of the removal procedure, click the “Finish” button.

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Greetings! Did you know that in any browser you can view all saved logins and passwords? I myself found out about this not very long ago. Can you imagine, anyone who gets their hands on your computer or laptop can find out all your passwords in an instant. It’s probably worth thinking about data security, isn’t it?

Today I will share with you the following information:

  • How to find and view all saved passwords in the browser?
  • How to clear passwords and logins in the browser?
  • How to remove passwords in all browsers in one fell swoop?
  • Also read, ?
  • It wouldn't hurt to find out. The article describes methods for each browser individually.

We will only talk about the most popular browsers, such as Google Chrome ( Google Chrome), Mozilla ( Firefox), Yandex browser, Opera ( Opera), Edge ( MicrosoftEdge). If suddenly you use any other browser, then most likely the algorithm of actions will be similar to these, but with minor nuances inherent in your browser.

Where are saved passwords stored in Google Chrome?

First of all, we will look at the most popular browser - Google Chrome, and try to find saved passwords and logins in it. Well, finding passwords in it was not difficult, everything is intuitive. The algorithm is as follows:

How to Remove Passwords from Chrome Browser

You have already found out where passwords are stored in Google Chrome and, most likely, looked. Now let's figure it out how to remove passwords from chrome. Although you probably already guessed it yourself.

Opposite each entry there are three vertical dots specific to Chrome, which seem to hint that there is something useful for you. In this particular case, nothing more than removing passwords.

The only unpleasant nuance is that you will have to delete each password manually. But you will have the opportunity to look at the sites you registered on. Sometimes you can remember something useful this way.

If there are too many passwords and deleting them one by one is not an option at all, then at the end of the article I will tell you how to clear all browsers of passwords very quickly.

How to See Saved Passwords in Firefox

A slightly less popular browser is Mozilla Firefox. However, it is one of the top three browsers in terms of the number of users. So, how can we find and see saved passwords in Firefox? Again, everything is very simple. I don’t know, is it just me who finds what I need so quickly or is it really very simple and there is absolutely no point in this instruction? In general, okay, to see your passwords in the Mozilla Firefox browser, do the following:

That's all. Right there you will immediately see the passwords for your sites, as well as the date they were last changed.

How to remove website passwords in Firefox browser

To remove passwords in Firefox and clearing your reputation is just a couple of clicks away. First, click on the password entry so that it is highlighted. Then click on the button “ Delete"bottom left of the window.

Unlike Chrome, Firefox has the ability to remove all passwords at once. However, before this action, we recommend that you take a look at all your passwords and sites, so as not to accidentally lose access to any service forever.

Where to view and delete passwords in the Opera browser

Excuse me here, but the screenshots I will provide are not my own, since Opera is not one of the many browsers that I use. However, I simply have to ask about where to view saved passwords in Opera. Keep instructions:

I would like to note that in Opera, just like in Chrome, you can only delete passwords one at a time. This was probably done specifically for additional security, so as not to remove anything unnecessary without looking.

Passwords in Yandex browser and how to view them

Doesn’t this subtitle sound almost like “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them”? It’s somehow a little boring this time with the headings, they are all very similar. But that’s not the point... where should we view passwords in Yandex browser? And this question is no less relevant than the previous ones, because in the vastness of the CIS countries, the Yandex browser is very rapidly gaining momentum along with all issues with artificial intelligence.

Fortunately, I also have Yandex browser installed, so the screenshots will be native and clear. And finding the passwords this time was a little more difficult, and took almost a full minute of my time. And all because, as if on cue, I immediately rushed to the “Security” tab, but that was not the case. There wasn't even a hint of passwords here. So, instructions:

How to remove a password in Yandex browser?

I’m not even sure whether this point should have been included in a separate subheading. Anyway. When you clicked on the password field to view it, you probably noticed that when you hover over an entry, a cross appears to the right of it. Can you guess three times what to do next to remove the password in Yandex Browser?

Yes, here, unfortunately, it will not be possible to remove all passwords in one fell swoop. Only one at a time.

How to view and remove passwords in the Microsoft Edge browser

I left the most interesting things for a snack. Microsoft browsers have always been different from all other browsers. This probably hindered their popularity. You can also view passwords in the Microsoft Edge browser in a not very ordinary way. But it's possible.

So, things are always complicated with Microsoft browsers. So that life doesn't seem like honey.

How to remove passwords in all browsers simultaneously and quickly

I promised at the very end of the article to tell you how you can remove passwords in all browsers in one fell swoop. There are several ways to do this, but I will tell you about the one I personally use.

There is one wonderful program called CCleaner. You've most likely heard about it more than once. It is intended mainly to clean the computer of accumulated junk files, which take up space on the computer and slow down the system.

So, in addition to the main functions, this CCleaner can also remove passwords in browsers. This is done like this:

  1. Download and install the program. The free version will be enough for you.
  2. In the " Cleaning"select the subtab" Applications».
  3. Among all the applications that can be cleaned, you will see the browsers you have installed there.
  4. In each browser, check the box next to “ Saved Passwords».
  5. Press the button " Clear" in the lower right corner.

In a matter of seconds, there will be no saved passwords left in your browsers. Although if you left other checkboxes, then cleaning may take several minutes, not seconds.

What browser do you use?

Let's conduct a short survey and find out which browser is the most popular right now. You can only choose one option. If you use multiple browsers (like me), then choose the one you use most often.

Conclusions about removing passwords in different browsers

As you noticed, in almost all browsers the procedure for removing passwords comes down to similar intuitive steps. The Yandex browser just confused me a little. And Microsoft Edge is generally full of surprises. However, if you don't want to bother with Microsoft accounts, then just use the latest method, which clears all passwords in all installed browsers on your computer. It will be faster and more reliable. And don’t worry about having to install CCleaner, you will need it many times in the future. It can be included in the list of those programs that are vital for your computer.

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Millions of users on our planet use different browsers to surf the Internet.

Some people like it simpler and more convenient, while others like multi-level and fine-grained settings.

In fact, relatively recently a browser appeared that has certain settings that are quite convenient to use. The modern interface will not cause discomfort to users, but will only delight them with pleasant functions.

As you already understand, this article will take a detailed look at the Yandex browser, which has been extremely popular for several years.

Thanks to the unique browser, passwords are remembered when logging into various web portals. Therefore, in order to learn how to properly adjust and manage the settings of this browser, you need to carefully read this section.

How to save passwords

Modern browsers have a built-in feature that saves passwords automatically. It should be noted that all personal data of users is stored in a special encrypted file.

However, only the directory has access to this file. This function is used by people who write down credentials on pieces of paper and cannot remember what they indicated when entering a social network or some web portal.

Some users prefer not to save their passwords on their browsers. In this case, you will have to select the “Never save for this portal” option.

When sequentially logging into the web portal, the system will no longer prompt you to save data. But if you again want to save personal data, then you will have to go to the settings and select another item.

Step-by-step instructions for removing passwords

To delete passwords in the Yandex browser, you can use two methods. In the first option, this process is carried out by deleting cache data, and the second method allows you to clear the browser through the browser settings.

It is worth noting that in this case, the user is given an excellent opportunity to delete passwords manually individually.

According to experts, the first option is the most convenient and easiest for removing passwords from the Yandex browser. That is, you can clear the cache completely and, accordingly, passwords will be deleted automatically.

Users can clear various downloads, saved files, cookies and other information. But in the second option, you need to use the hotkeys “Ctrl+Shift+Delete”. Then you will have to select the checkbox next to the corresponding item and carry out the deletion process.

Another method, called “one at a time,” does not require removing a large number of unnecessary passwords. In this case, only one password is deleted.

This process can be completed very quickly and easily. By clicking on the settings option in the browser, a menu will appear where the user will have to select the “Settings” option.

After the page opens, you need to go down and select “Show advanced settings”. This column contains passwords and forms. Selecting the Manage option will display a new page with a list of passwords.

These stored passwords are captured when users log in to certain web portals. When deleting this page, you must click on the red cross. All personal data, that is, passwords, will be automatically deleted from the browser in a matter of minutes.

Some users often want to hide personal data from others. Naturally, they are interested in this process in order to correctly perform subsequent actions. If you read the article carefully, you can easily complete the procedure without any help.

It should be noted that personal data stored in the cache often slows down the computer. This may cause problems, i.e. certain web portals will not open. Therefore, in order to clean your computer, experts recommend deleting unnecessary information.

It is important to note that if the computer is used in a public place, then even the Yandex browser will not be able to provide complete protection of personal data. Any user can easily access personal information and, accordingly, use passwords.

Therefore, to resolve the problem peacefully, you need to clear the cache before allowing other users to use your computer. Thus, unauthorized persons will not be able to use your data.