How to add ad units in wordpress. How to insert ad units in WordPress. Adding theme support

thank you in advance

thank you in advance


thank you in advance

thank you in advance

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thank you in advance

thank you in advance

","html":"if inserted into index.php, the link only leads to the main page. if you put it in single.php, the block is not visible on the main block.","contentType":"text/html"),"titleImage":null,"tags":,"isModerator":false,"commentsEnabled":true," url":"/blog/share/52","urlTemplate":"/blog/share/%slug%","fullBlogUrl":"","addCommentUrl":" /blog/createComment/share/52","updateCommentUrl":"/blog/updateComment/share/52","addCommentWithCaptcha":"/blog/createWithCaptcha/share/52","changeCaptchaUrl":"/blog/api/ captcha/new","putImageUrl":"/blog/image/put","urlBlog":"/blog/share","urlEditPost":"/blog/569dda94a427fd90608af952/edit","urlSlug":"/blog/ post/generateSlug","urlPublishPost":"/blog/569dda94a427fd90608af952/publish","urlUnpublishPost":"/blog/569dda94a427fd90608af952/unpublish","urlRemovePost":"/blog/569dda94a427fd90608af 952/removePost","urlDraft":"/ blog/share/52/draft","urlDraftTemplate":"/blog/share/%slug%/draft","urlRemoveDraft":"/blog/569dda94a427fd90608af952/removeDraft","urlTagSuggest":"/blog/api/suggest /share","urlAfterDelete":"/blog/share","isAuthor":false,"subscribeUrl":"/blog/api/subscribe/569dda94a427fd90608af952","unsubscribeUrl":"/blog/api/unsubscribe/569dda94a427fd90608af952" ,"urlEditPostPage":"/blog/share/569dda94a427fd90608af952/edit","urlForTranslate":"/blog/post/translate","urlRelateIssue":"/blog/post/updateIssue","urlUpdateTranslate":"/blog/ post/updateTranslate","urlLoadTranslate":"/blog/post/loadTranslate","urlTranslationStatus":"/blog/share/52/translationInfo","urlRelatedArticles":"/blog/api/relatedArticles/share/52", "author":("id":"40638173","uid":("value":"40638173","lite":false,"hosted":false),"aliases":(),"login": "reva-money","display_name":("name":"reva-money","avatar":("default":"0/0-0","empty":true)),,"address": " [email protected]","defaultAvatar":"0/0-0","imageSrc":"","isYandexStaff": false),"originalModificationDate":"1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z","socialImage":("orig":("fullPath":" /normal")))))">

Chances are you have blog posts that you'd like to highlight. These are usually called "Featured Posts" or "Featured Content". If you are using WordPress, displaying these featured posts can be achieved different ways, one of them is using a plugin like Jetpack.

Jetpack is a set of features for your WordPress site. At the time of writing this guide, there were about 30 such features, including Stats, Photon, Infinite Scroll, and also what we will focus on today - block Featured Content. Let's get started.

Adding theme support

Update: In Jetpack 3.7, the featured content form is in the Appearance→ Menu.

The first thing you need to do is add the add_theme_support function to your functions.php file:

Add_theme_support("featured-content", array("featured_content_filter" => "mytheme_get_featured_content",));

Once added, you will see a new form for featured content on the page Options → Reading.

Specify a tag for featured content, set how many posts you want to show, and check the box if you want to hide this tag from blog visitors. Apply this tag to blog posts that you want to mark as favorites.

Content display

We'll add a few lines of code to display the content on the blog. I'll be using the TwentyTwelve theme as an example in this tutorial.

Typically, featured content is displayed on the home page. If your theme follows the standard WordPress theme structure, home page The file responsible is index.php , home.php , or front-page.php .

Open functions.php and add the following function (you will get the featured posts and put them in an array):

Function twentytwelve_get_featured_content() ( apply_filters("twentytwelve_featured_content", array()); )

We can extend the code like this:

function twentytwelve_get_featured_content($num = 1) ( global $featured; $featured = apply_filters("twentytwelve_featured_content", array()); if (is_array($featured) || $num >= count($featured)) return true; return false; )

The following conditional expression will show featured content if there is at least one such entry, and if the page has not been split into several.

In addition, we can also set new thumbnail sizes for featured content. In this example, I created new dimensions - 250 by 160 pixels. You can add the following code somewhere under add_theme_support("post-thumbnail"):

Add_theme_support("post-thumbnails"); add_image_size("twentytwelve-featured-thumb", 250, 160, true);

" title="!}">

In index.php we will call this template using get_template_part() and put it in a loop like this:

Basically, that's it. By adding some CSS we get a nice featured content block:

We hope you find this guide useful.

if (function_exists("register_sidebar")) register_sidebar(array("name" => "Right sidebar", "before_widget" => "", "after_widget" => "", "before_title" => "

", "after_title" => "

in line 3 we set the widget name (name). Our name is Right sidebar. You can enter any name, be it in English or in Russian, but it is important to remember it, because it will need to be entered in one more place. Also in lines 4 and 5 you can write the displayed HTML code before and after the widget (before_widget, after_widget). Our default is empty. In lines 6 and 7 there is code before and after the header. That is, you can customize your title class and the title will be different in the new widget. Save our functions.php and go to the admin panel to the “Widgets” section. If everything was done correctly, you will find a new block there. You can immediately add some widget so that you can later check whether we did everything correctly.

2. Display the block in the template itself

To do this, open the required file. This could be header.php, footer.php, single.php, etc. It all depends on where you want the new block to be. Then paste the following code into the right place.

In the second line we see - Right sidebar. This is exactly the name that should match what is in the functions.php file. That is, if you named your block “Place for counters,” then this name should be both there and there. That's all. We save our file that we edited and go to the site. After refreshing the page you should see the result. All that remains is to write the styles in the style.css file to customize the new block.

That's all. Thanks for your attention :)

It’s been a while since I wrote useful technical articles on WordPress, I’m correcting myself. Today I will tell you, my little monetizers, how to insert ad block code on your main blog page, right between post announcements. It’s impossible to put it there using conventional tools like CTRL+C and CTRL+V; you’ll have to dig a little deeper into the PHP code.

But the result will surely please you. For example, Google has introduced an interesting ad block format in Adsense, called “Native ad in feed”. This block fits perfectly into the post feed, since it is very similar in format to announcements in the blog feed. It has a lot of settings and can be adjusted so that it is almost indistinguishable from a regular recording. Yandex advertising will fit in just as well.

It looks something like this:

As you can see, it fits in quite organically, does not irritate visitors, and in general may be very much on topic. Well, now to the technical part.

How to insert advertisements on the main blog and in other cycles between posts

First of all, we decide where we want to implement advertising. If to the main page, then we look in the WordPress template files for the php file responsible for displaying the main page, as a rule this is index.php. Open it in a text editor, preferably Notepad++ or any one that supports encodings and does not break the code. Be sure to save the original version of the file somewhere on your disk, just in case.

Next, we find in the code the beginning of the record cycle, which can be identified by the line. And we make small changes to it; for clarity, we highlighted in green what needs to be added, and in black what remains unchanged in your template and does not need to be touched.

Each template may have its own nuances, the cycle codes may differ, there may be several different conditions, a bunch of additional blocks, links, different functionality, etc. But the essence remains the same, we need to insert the $count variable into the loop and assign it the value zeroand then increment the counter

Having reached the post required by the account, our advertising code is triggered, to which we set the condition

This code will output your ad unit (or whatever snippet you want to inject into the loop) after the 2nd entry. You can change this number at your own discretion in this place - $count == 2 by replacing the number with the desired one.

You can also add output conditions, for example, displaying advertising blocks immediately after several post announcements in a cycle. This can be done by slightly changing the conditions in the code.

For example will insert two ad blocks at once after the 1st and 3rd entries in the feed.

By the way, this feature can be used not only on the main page, but also in other loops, for example in categories, for this, look for and edit the file archive.php.

I hope this information will be useful and will bring you a lot of money)