Sublime text 3 download full version

Sublime Text 3.2 – download for free an excellent and one of the most popular text editors among programmers and layout designers. It captivates the user literally from the first launch and remains as the main editor for many years.

Every person thinks about choosing the right text editor for himself, and developers, programmers, layout designers and others, more often than others. It is important to choose an editor that is easy and simple to use, because your efficiency and speed of work directly depend on it. A huge number of developers around the world choose Sublime Text, and such a large number of people cannot be wrong. This is truly one of the best editors.

Description of the SublimeText editor

Sublime Text is text editor with code highlighting and support for multiple programming languages, designed by programmers for programmers. In it, the programmer developers took into account all the needs that, in their opinion, the editor should satisfy. It’s worth noting right away that figuring it out on your own, without using the documentation, will not be very easy.

Sublime Text has an excellent and stylish, by today's standards, interface design. The function of replacing themes is supported, which change not only the color scheme of the program window, but can also change the font and syntax highlighting colors. There are only a few preset color schemes out of the box, but they can be installed separately.

Also, Sublime Text has become so popular due to the ability to expand functionality through extensions. You can use additional plugins that will turn a simple text editor into almost an IDE. It has a navigation bar on the right side that allows you to quickly navigate through a long file.

At first, using SublimeText you will probably find it difficult and inconvenient. But after spending a few hours with Sublime, when you begin to understand all its charm, Sublime Text will become your main and only text editor.

Program version: 3 Build 3156 Dev
Official site: SublimeText.Com
Interface language: Russian English
Treatment: included
Type of medicine: ready serial

System requirements:
Win - Xp->10

Sublime Text is a fast cross-platform program source editor. Supports plugins in the Python programming language.
Sublime Text is not free or open source software, however, some of its plugins are distributed on free license, and are also developed and supported by the developer community. It supports syntax highlighting for: C, C++, C#, CSS, D, Erlang, HTML, Groovy, Haskell, HTML, Java, javascript, LaTeX, Lisp, Lua, Markdown, Matlab, OCaml, Perl, PHP, Python, R, Ruby, SQL, TCL, Textile and XML and other languages.
Sublime Text is one of those text editors that can do it all. Flexibility allows you to customize it to suit every taste.

If you switch to new version since Sublime Text 2, then the main changes in Sublime Text 3 are as follows:
Speed. The time it takes to start the program, download files, and operate the “Replace All” function has been significantly reduced. If you're running OS X and Retina, you'll notice a significant performance boost.
Symbol indexing, for Goto Definition and Goto Symbol in Project commands. Also works for Jump Forward and Jump Back functions.
Improved HTML editing, including auto-complete of tags and attributes, as well as automatic closing of tags.
Improved work with projects. You can now create multiple workspaces for one project.
Rich API. Plugins are better isolated from the main application, and at the same time have a more complete API.
Overall, hundreds of small improvements have been made to almost every feature of Sublime Text.

BUILD 3156
December 2, 2017

embed action now treats the target as optional, rather than an error
Various syntax definition errors now include the file name in the message
Various syntax highlighting improvements
Fix a crash in the Command Palette when using up and down keys with text input
Initial Command Palette text is no longer selected
Reinvoking the Command Palette while it is open, but without focus, now works properly
API: Invoking a command that requires input from the Command Palette will always pass a dict to the input() method

Open the console by selecting View -> Show/Hide Console (or via hotkeys Ctrl+`)

An input field will appear at the bottom, paste:

Import urllib.request,os,hashlib; h = "6f4c264a24d933ce70df5dedcf1dcaee" + "ebe013ee18cced0ef93d5f746d80ef60"; pf = "Package Control.sublime-package"; ipp = sublime.installed_packages_path(); urllib.request.install_opener(urllib.request.build_opener(urllib.request.ProxyHandler())); by = urllib.request.urlopen("" + pf.replace(" ", " ")).read(); dh = hashlib.sha256(by).hexdigest(); print("Error validating download (got %s instead of %s), please try manual install" % (dh, h)) if dh != h else open(os.path.join(ipp, pf), "wb" ).write(by)

Click Enter

After installation is complete, you should restart Sublime Text

Package Control will be available in Preferences -> Package Control

Always fresh installation code on the developer's website


Go to " Preferences -> Package Settings -> SFTP -> Settings-User "


("email": " [email protected]", "product_key": "b26a1b-f37eb2-af70d8-e15559-596167" )


Settings are added to the file: Preferences -> Settings-User

At the end of each line with a parameter, you need to put a comma

At first configuration file There should be an opening curly brace and a closing brace at the end.

"fallback_encoding" : "Cyrillic (Windows 1251)" - Fixes "crazy bugs" when opening files with Cyrillic alphabet;
"trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true - When saving, remove spaces at the end of lines;
"translate_tabs_to_spaces" : true - Use spaces instead of tabs;
"overlay_scroll_bars" : "enabled" - Type of scroll bars. Options: "system", "enabled" and "disabled";
"enable_tab_scrolling" : false - Disable arrows for scrolling tabs;
"remember_open_files" : true - Enable remembering open tabs;
"hot_exit" : false - When exiting, do not close open tabs;
"bold_folder_labels" : true - Bold font at the folder names in the sidebar;
"update_check" : false - Disable automatic updates;
"show_encoding" : true - Show the current encoding in the status bar;
"folder_exclude_patterns" : [".*"] - Exclude hidden directories from display in the sidebar;
"file_exclude_patterns" : [".*"] - Exclude hidden files from display in the sidebar;

The best plugins for Sublime Text on habrahabr
PS. Full list parameters on the official website

Let's go to Preferences -> View Plugins
Go to the catalog User
We create a file in it Default.sublime-theme with content:

[ ( "class": "puck_control", "layer0.texture": "User/Theme - Default/vertical_white_scrollbar.png", "layer0.tint": // Here you can change the color to your liking ), ( "class": "puck_control", "attributes": ["horizontal"], "layer0.texture": "User/Theme - Default/horizontal_white_scrollbar.png" ) ]
Next we create a directory Theme - Default and add image data to it, which can be changed if desired.
Restart Sublime Text.

Sublime Text is a cross-platform proprietary text editor. Supports plugins in the Python programming language. Versions available for all major distributions, including Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

Sublime Text supports a large number of programming languages ​​and has syntax highlighting for C, C++, C#, CSS, D, Dylan, Erlang, HTML, Groovy, Haskell, Java, JavaScript, LaTeX, Lisp, Markdown, MATLAB, OCaml (Objective Caml) , Perl, R, SQL, TCL and XML. In addition to the programming languages ​​included by default, users have the ability to download plugins to support other languages.

Sublime Text can be equipped with a package manager that allows the user to find, install, update and remove packages without restarting the program. The manager keeps installed packages up to date by downloading new versions from repositories. Additionally, it provides commands to activate and deactivate installed packages.

Sublime Text is often used as an editor source code or HTML.

Some features of Sublime Text

  • Quick navigation (Goto Anything)
  • Command Palette
  • API plugins on
  • Split Editing
  • High degree of customization (Customize Anything)

Some features of Sublime Text

  • Interface

The editor contains various visual themes, with the ability to download additional ones.

Users see all their code on the right side of the screen in the form of a mini-map, which can be clicked to navigate.

There are several screen modes. One of them includes from 1 to 4 panels, with which you can show up to four files at the same time. Full (free modes) mode shows only one file without any additional menus around it.

  • Column selection and multiple edits

Selecting entire columns or placing several pointers throughout the text, which makes instant editing possible. Pointers behave as if each of them is the only one in the text. Commands like: move to a character, move to a line, select text, move to a word or parts thereof (CamelCase, separated by a hyphen or underscore), move to the beginning/end of a line, etc., affect all pointers independently and simultaneously, allowing edit complex text quickly, without using macros or regular expressions.

  • Autocompletion

When the user types the code, Sublime Text, depending on the language used, will offer different options to complete the recording. The editor also automatically completes user-created variables.

  • Syntax highlighting and high contrast

Sublime Text's dark background is designed to increase text contrast. Key syntax elements are highlighted in different colors to blend better with dark background than with light.

  • Build systems support

Sublime Text allows the user to build programs and run them without having to switch to command line. The user can also configure their build system and enable automatic building of the program every time the code is saved.

  • Blanks (snippets)

Saving frequently used code snippets keywords to launch them.

  • Navigate through files

A navigation tool that allows users to navigate between and within files using fuzzy search.

Additional Features of Sublime Text

  • Additionally, an autosave function has been implemented to help users avoid losing their work.
  • Customizable key combinations and a navigation tool allow you to assign your own key combinations for menus and toolbars (only for the first version, in the second and third - Command Palette).
  • The search as you type feature is used to search within a document.
  • The syntax checker works in a similar way, checking for correctness as you type.
  • It is possible to automate using macros and repeating the last actions.
  • Editing commands, including editing indents, reformatting paragraphs, and concatenating lines.


The developer allows you to familiarize yourself with the product for free and without restrictions, but the program notifies you of the need to purchase a license.

I also decided to make my small contribution to the development of this wonderful thing (the release of the 2nd version, by the way, was released a few days ago).

I made a Russian-language menu for those users who have problems with English language, and I myself still prefer to have a Russian-language interface (even though I understand the English-language one).

Sublime Text localization features

Sublime Text does not provide localization at all, and it is sorely lacking. The only thing in this moment What can be done in this regard is to translate into Russian the corresponding phrases in the menu files (which, in essence, are text files), which is exactly what I did.

There is, however, one unpleasant moment associated with Russification. If you have any plugins installed that add their own items to the menu, then in this case the parent items of the corresponding menu remain untranslated (although in fact they are translated). This is clearly visible in the next screenshot.

Of course, you can go into the menu files of these plugins and translate the text into them, but, unfortunately, it is impossible for me to predict which plugins you will install, so I cannot add a Russified menu of any kind to the main Sublime Text menu files plugins.

Keep this in mind.

Installing a Russified menu via a plugin

My translation has been added to the plugin LocalizedMenu for Sublime Text, whose installation process is .

If you installed the menu this way, then the following sections “Download” and “Installation” should be ignored.


To get partially Russian Sublime Text, download the archive for the appropriate version and follow the installation instructions.


Everything is very simple. Unpack the downloaded archive and copy all files with the extension .sublime-menu ( except for the "backup" folder) to one of the following folders depending on your operating system, confirming the replacement (if the “Default” folders are specified path no, then create it):

note, that in the name of the “Default” folder the first letter must be capitalized. If you call it “default”, the menu items will be duplicated.

To folder "backup" I placed original files Sublime Text menu in case you want to restore them.

Regarding the quality of translation

If you think that any menu items could be translated more clearly and competently, feel free to suggest your options in the comments, this is welcome.

How I translated

This is just an FYI. The localization process can seem like a very tedious task (since in addition to the text that needs to be translated, there is a lot of other text). However, I simplified this task for myself. I sat for several hours and wrote a special script for this in PHP (special knowledge for this).

Its essence is as follows: first, the script goes through each of the menu files and creates a new file in JSON format, into which the text to be translated is inserted (some of the translation items had to be inserted manually due to the peculiarities of the menu code), which I then translate into Russian. Then the script goes through each menu file again and replaces the corresponding items with the Russified ones from the JSON file.

Thus, in the future, if the Sublime Text developer adds to the menu, it will not be difficult for me to quickly add and translate new items.