How to improve your skill in CS GO: practical recommendations. How to improve your skill in CS:GO How to quickly increase your skill in cs go

There is probably no player who would not like to learn how to play their favorite game a little better, and many gamers dream of themselves as professionals. Surely, sometimes you would like to become the best player on your favorite public, to be the best player in your clan, knowing that without you they will not play HF. You can already imagine yourself in this role: here you are entering the server, you are greeted with respect and even trepidation, everyone wants to get you on their team, and opponents sigh with regret, they have a difficult burden - having you on the opposite team.

And so you open the round, enemies fall in packs around you, headshots fly left and right. In the eyes of opponents there is fear and envy, in the eyes of team members there is respect. But your dreams are dispelled, you lost the round again, you couldn’t defuse the bomb, you didn’t save your deposits, and in the end, an enemy sniper took you down with a well-aimed shot from nowhere. At such moments, sometimes it becomes almost impossible to continue the game and you angrily and cursingly type “quit” into the console and leave the game.

It’s happened to everyone at least once, don’t despair. The main thing to remember is that there is no magic in professionalism and a high level of mastery of the game, as in any other field. Skill players are not born, they are made. All that lies between you and a professional is laziness and lack of proper perseverance and motivation. There are no “god players,” no exceptional natural talent that makes one player superior to others. All you need to improve your skill and reach new milestones is practice. But not simple practice, but practice wisely.

Let's start from the very beginning. Suppose you are a newbie, you have just downloaded and installed CS 1.6 Russian version and are about to start the game. First of all, we recommend that you don’t even try the game online yet, that is, on the Internet, but instead start a round with bots. To do this, select the “New Game” item and do not forget to enable bots when creating a server.

It will also be useful to set the freezing time to 1 or 0 seconds in the settings, select the initial capital of $16,000, limit the number of slots on the card to 20, and also slightly adjust the configuration of the client itself. To do this, open the console and enter the values:

hud_fastswitch 1
cl_dynamiccrosshair 0

We also recommend choosing a small sight size in the settings. Note that it is better to set the mouse sensitivity to the lowest at first, this will improve the accuracy of aiming the sight. However, here just as much depends on the initial speed of your mouse. Therefore, the value can vary from 1 to 3.5. We recommend sensitivity 2.5. Once you get used to the game better and feel more confident in your hands with a rifle or pistol, you can increase sensitivity, which will allow you to react faster to emerging danger.

By the way, when creating a new game, we also recommend setting the difficulty of bots to “easy” at first. Now the main thing for you is to study and understand the task and goals of the game on various maps, as well as familiarize yourself with the controls, physics, shooting and the engine as a whole. We won’t go into detail, but we will say that aim_maps, which can be easily downloaded on the Internet, are useful for shooting training. Download maps for specific weapons and train this skill with bots, gradually increasing the difficulty of the bots.

If you are no longer a beginner, you know your way around the game well, you have been bored with bots for a long time, but you still can’t keep up with the skill of many players on the servers from your Favorites, we will talk specifically about improving an existing skill. Most likely, you are still far from reaching the level at which the player has no choice but to sharpen his skill and regular training to maintain shooting accuracy. Therefore, let's first figure out what your weaknesses are and how you can improve them.

It is possible that before you go to the aim_ server to improve your shooting, you need to better understand existing tactics, the very knowledge of which can significantly improve your score on the scoreboard even if there are minor problems with your accuracy. Let's start with the most common situations, and then consider more detailed and rare ones.

First, always remember that in addition to a pistol and a machine gun, you have a knife, which has very good tactical use in appropriate cases. An important point is the ability to instantly kill an enemy with one blow from the back. It is the use of a knife that will make this most imperceptible, both for the victim and for the surrounding enemy forces. Killing with a knife occurs almost silently, and in the case when shots are heard around and bullets are whistling, your frag will remain completely invisible from a sound point of view.

We also note that when dealing with the possibility of killing an enemy unnoticed, it is important to remain unnoticed, ideally until the decisive blow or shot is made. If the victim is too far away from you to use the knife, but visually nothing interferes with a clean shot, do not rush. Try to aim as accurately as possible at the enemy's head and only then pull the trigger. However, do not waste too much time, otherwise you risk being noticed either by this potential victim or by another enemy.

In situations where you can’t hear the enemy’s steps and there is generally silence around, especially indoors, move with the shift key held down. Otherwise, you will become an excellent target for a hidden enemy, who has accurately determined your approach or location by the sound of your steps. Let us note here that despite the fact that such “quiet” or “silent” tactics can bring you a lot of frags, never overdo it, especially in moments when you are expected to act.

For example, when you have a bomb in your hands or it’s time to defuse it. If you lose a round in this way, they will call you a “rat” and, in general, they will be right. In short, always keep the interests of the team in mind, because Counter-Strike 1.6 is a team game. And the team’s victory is your victory. If you particularly like silent tactics or decide to start training them, choose a team that is required to carry out a more secretive game, for example, guarding hostages or a bomb site. There is little point in going behind terrorists and hiding around corners when you are required to mine point A.

Let's look at some more points that are useful to know. Firstly, you shouldn’t forget about your money capital, otherwise it’s not difficult to waste your money on something unnecessary and be left without a normal rifle, armor or ammunition. So, let’s look at typical purchasing mistakes. Standard option, we went for a CT scan, we have the standard $800, without thinking we press B+A (auto-purchase) and we get a full clip in USP and no body armor. There is no point in buying more of it - there won’t be enough money.

The correct purchasing sequence here is O-1, B-7 (never B-7, O-1 or B-A). Thus, you will first buy armor, and then use the rest to buy almost the maximum number of magazines for the pistol. As you can see for yourself, the difference is huge, and the mistake is so simple and so often made. If you play for terrorists and decide to keep the Glock, you can press B-A without fear - it will reduce the time for purchasing, and the armor and cartridges will be yours.

Another popular mistake is the pointless purchase of additional armor when there is still enough left. You need to understand that the percentage of remaining armor does not affect its effectiveness in any way, so you need to purchase a new body armor or helmet only when your cevlar is running out, that is, when you have less than 20% armor left. By saving in this way, you can buy something more useful, for example, a more lethal pistol or a hand grenade.

We also note that you should not buy something that you do not know how to use or are not entirely sure that you need it. For example, a smoke grenade should only be purchased if it is actually necessary and is part of your round tactics plan. Let's say there is confidence that an Avpshnik is on duty at the center, and the task is to slip past without risking your life. Otherwise, don't waste your money. This list can easily include night vision goggles, which are rarely required and used even less frequently.

We've sorted out the money issue, now we'll talk about some features and capabilities, as well as some convenient game bugs. Sometimes it happens that the success of an entire round may depend on your speed; in short, you need to speed up your movement speed. Life hack: having a scout in your hands will easily help you complete this task. You can purchase it for both TT and CT, and with it you will move as much as 10 units faster than with a knife or pistol, which, by the way, have the same movement speed, despite the claims of some that with a knife your speed is faster.

By the way, we recommend that you always move with a pistol in your hands rather than with a knife. The reason is simple: it will be more difficult for you to be caught off guard, and you will be able to immediately return fire. Even with a Glock, if you can’t kill the enemy instantly, you can slow him down, which will allow you to have time to switch to a machine gun and finish off the poor fellow. The knife will not give you additional speed, as mentioned above, but it will prevent you from reacting in time to the appearance of the enemy.

On some maps, such as de_cpl_mill, there are interesting bugs that allow you to perform a special landing from a tunnel, due to which you will be thrown to the surface directly through the asphalt. It takes two people to make these additions. In this case, you will need to climb onto a teammate crouched above the bug point and at the same time perform jumps with him until you find yourself on the other side of the ceiling.

It should also be noted that a rather interesting “life hack” in cops is falling into water. Regardless of the height of the fall, any water level, let 2 millimeters contribute to your complete safety. In other words, if you fall from the roof of a house into a small puddle below, you will not lose a single percent of your health. By the way, regarding falls from heights, there is another bug, but it requires a lot of training and is not always successful.

When falling from any height, you need to hold down duck, and then just before landing, release and sharply press jump. If you have time, your health will not suffer. You can practice, but as you have already noticed, not everyone succeeds and not always. Regarding the stairs: instead of going up or down using only the “forward” and “back” keys, hold down the additional strafe left or right depending on the direction of movement and you will double your movement speed.

And so, that's enough advice for now. Note that by using them, you will already feel more confident and improve your score quite well, but the next point is perhaps critical for achieving the next level of skills. It's about honing precision - the main characteristic of any professional player.

To train your accuracy, you only need practice, perseverance, motivation and cards suitable for these purposes. It is recommended to practice every day, but within reasonable limits. There is no point in practicing for more than four hours in a row, since during this time you will become too tired. We advise you to start practicing for an hour or an hour and a half a day, while approaching the practice seriously and diligently.

You won't gain strength from playing your skill in a relaxed manner, so learn to focus during training. Over time, you can gradually increase the practice time, but, as mentioned above, it makes no sense to train for more than four (in some cases five) hours. Now let's move on to choosing maps and servers.

We think it is already clear that it is necessary to sharpen accuracy with real people, and practice will be most useful if among the players there are sufficiently skilled individuals. Publics (especially 32 slot ones), KSDM, GunGame and other meat are completely unsuitable for training. But servers with aim_ maps are perfect for us. Ideally, you need to sharpen weapons one at a time.

For example, on one map, spend time on usp (aim_usp), on another, practice with deagle (aim_snow_deagle), on the third, try the ak47 or m4a1 assault rifles. The convenience of aim_ cards is that their purpose is to train accuracy (aim - English accuracy). As for awp, here again there is a whole sea of ​​awp_ maps, on which the only weapons are awp and a knife - most of them are great for training this skill, as well as for practicing Fast-Zoom tactics.

If you are not familiar with it, fast zoom is well suited for quickly defeating an enemy with awp. Using this tactic may look like shooting with a sniper rifle without a zoom, but that is the important part of it. When you have awp in your hands and you notice the proximity of an enemy, you have a choice: turn on the zoom, wasting time, or try to defeat the enemy without turning on the zoom. In the first case, you will lose enough time, which the enemy can take advantage of by opening fire on you, and in the second, you simply will not hit the target.

A third option comes to the rescue: fast zoom. The task is to turn on the zoom (right mouse button) and fire a shot without waiting for it to appear. In this case, you won’t have to waste time on the zoom appearing, and the bullet will fly right to the target. At the same time, however, you need to have truly professional accuracy in order to direct the bullet accurately at the enemy without having a sight.

Remember that the crosshair is located exactly in the middle of the screen. Regular training will help your eye get used to this and fast-zoom tactics will become your best friend both on awp_ maps and on any of the classic ones. The knife skill will also always help you out in hand-to-hand battles, and 35hp_ format cards will be an excellent training ground for your training.

As mentioned above, take your training seriously, don’t be lazy, persevere and don’t overwork yourself. Follow our advice and you will soon experience the first results. The main thing is, don’t give up training. Playing in public worsens your skill, and does not help improve it, do not forget about this. Sometimes you can dilute regular training with duels (preferably with highly skilled players), this can also bring you good experience.

The main thing is to believe in yourself, set a goal and achieve it, nothing comes easy, but through practice, work and diligence, more is always achieved than originally planned. We wish you success and believe that everything will work out for you.

I would like to raise a very interesting and relevant topic – skill improvement.

We all once launched the game client for the first time and went into battle, but not everyone was able to immediately show good results. Why? And the answer is simple - a basic misunderstanding of the game. In this article, I will tell you by my own example how I learned to play and will try to give some useful tips that will help newbies get used to WoT.

Like most players, I strived for only one goal - to level up my first 10th level. For the first couple of thousand battles, I absolutely did not understand the basics of the game and did not even think about my effectiveness in battle. I even remember how on an A-20 I exchanged fire head-on with a KV, didn’t penetrate it and lost 0 damage. Or I just went to shine in the center of the field and in the first minute went into the hangar happy, because I illuminated several enemy tanks. I was sincerely convinced that I could not influence the outcome of the battle alone.

After some time, I began to take an interest in the mechanics of the game in more detail. Unfortunately, there was little information on the Internet, but we had to be content with what we had. Theory, of course, is an irreplaceable thing, but does it need to be applied somehow? Then I started watching the guides that Kirill Oreshkin made. Thanks to the training videos, I began to feel more confident in the game. Learned about the strengths and weaknesses of some tanks. My effectiveness was already more noticeable than before, because I was already playing at the level of a “yellow” player. Then I switched to the Amway921 channel, which released guides on various tanks every day. I took great pleasure in learning further about the features of individual tanks, learning the mechanics of the game, and remembering where to go on the maps. All this helped to build up my skill. I was able to dynamically reach the level of play of a “green player”. I watched these guides a lot, but I still couldn’t play consistently with good results. Watching his videos, I thought that this was the skill threshold and it was impossible to play better. But how wrong I was...

One day, in the comments under the next guide, I saw someone discussing a certain Lefty and his “Thinking Out Loud” column. I was interested in what kind of format it was that was spoken about so well. And the format was as follows: the player plays 3 battles in a row at random and explains his actions in detail. My surprise knew no bounds when I saw how Lefty in almost every battle inflicts more than 5000 damage on a level 10 vehicle. After watching several videos, my understanding of the game changed dramatically. I looked at the game from a tactical point of view. What have I learned?
Setup evaluation. As it turned out, you don’t need to constantly play in a stereotyped manner, because you need to analyze the enemy’s technique and understand what the enemy will do. Only after this make a decision about what position is worth taking and what needs to be sacrificed.

The secret of victory is catching your opponent in his own mistakes.

Making good decisions in the middle of combat.

Analyze your mistakes. It is always, of course, easier to blame your allies for your leak, but then your understanding of the game will not improve. You always need to work on yourself.
No need to be nervous. Negative emotions never bring a productive game.
Watching Thinking Out Loud inspired me. In a very short time I was able to play at the level of 3000-3300 WN8, although not consistently. It was a step up several steps. When introducing distinctive marks, I proved to myself that I am capable of being one of the 95% lucky on some equipment.

Unfortunately, at the moment, LeBwa abandoned this section, but the videos filmed have still not lost their relevance. I want to say a huge thank you to Dmitry “LeBwa” Palashchenko for his creativity. I still watch his streams to this day.

About a year and a half ago I got acquainted with the streams of Straik, well-known in tank circles. On his streams he shows the highest skill. Every fight is a maximum of concentration. I spent quite a lot of hours watching his game in order to increase my skill even more. I watched him farm WN8 on level 9 vehicles. At that time he played the M46 Patton very often. I also wanted to try myself on this tank, so I began to gradually level up to it. I was inspired by the idea of ​​playing for maximum results. I completed levels 6-8 with 4000 WN8. I was very glad that I began to play more consistently and effectively. I felt that my understanding of the game increased with each battle. On the treasured M46 Patton I was able to squeeze out 5400 WN8.

Summarizing all of the above, I would like to give advice to those who want to learn to play well. No need to get hung up on guides. Analyzing one good fight will not give you a big result, because you always need to pay attention to mistakes and correct them. A more effective way to improve your skill would be to watch a live game - that is, streams of good players, of which there are quite a lot now.

"You're just a noob!" - indignant cries of party members are heard, who are tired of seeing another death of a player due to banal inattention, poor reaction or weak Internet. However, the title “noob” in itself is not an insult, it is only a transitional stage to a more advanced gamer. A lot has been written about how to improve your skill in CS: GO: some consider the more technical aspects of the game, others have focused on individual preparation and the player’s reaction itself. Which of them is right, and how can you stop dragging your team to the bottom?

What is the notorious “high skill”?

High skill is not so much the ability to quickly pull the trigger, but the ability to instantly assess the situation within a round and make not only instant, but also correct decisions. It is without the second aspect that a high skill turns into a meaningless flickering of a character, which ends in murder. Professionals are reluctant to share advice on how to maintain a high rank and at the same time regularly increase their rating through successful games. However, they are still ready to provide some general advice.

AIM and reaction

Before increasing your skill in CS:GO, you need to pay attention to more basic things. For example, the player's reactions and his ability to quickly find a target through the sight. To train such skills, there are both separate cards and special software. In particular, the Aim_Botz map is designed to train the player’s adaptability to the movements and actions of opponents. On it you can easily hone your aiming skills, take headshots, quickly assess the situation and not waste ammo on fan-firing.

On average, professional players spend from 15 minutes to half an hour training before entering the ladder. It is this card that is emphasized in various types of training programs under the heading “How to increase your skill in CS:GO in 30 minutes.” High reaction is also necessary when facing several opponents at once. The stupor that beginners fall into when they give up looking for cover and simply die, even if they manage to kill 1-2 enemies, is unacceptable at high levels.

Ammo savings, adaptability and vigilance

CDSM and Retake server types are perfect for training these qualities. The first of the mentioned game types is a map on which there is an extremely large limitation on players, or there is no limit at all. From how to increase your skill in “CS:GO”, here you can learn not only how to save ammo by not “watering” from a machine gun, but also how to move around the map productively. Professionals never stand still, constantly monitor the entire battlefield, rotate the mouse 360 ​​degrees and control what is happening.

Retake games are aimed at training vigilance and attentiveness. Battles take place 1 on 1, and the player does not need to be distracted by bots or other opponents. It is extremely important not only to repeat the training periodically, but also to devote as much game time to it as possible without compromising regular ranked games.

High skill is primarily about training and honing skills. Not only knowledge of the most popular maps depends on the player, but also the ability to navigate there, know shelters, and the most suitable places for ambushes and rushes. You need to train the same cards constantly, and you should practice with weapons in the same way. Killings with AVPs look impressive, but they are not always productive. If a player feels better within a game with an AKM or M-16, then they should be trained.

Of the tips on how to increase your skill in CS:GO in a week, it is constant training on the same maps that is the main prerequisite for a high rank. There is no need to learn the location of each box on the map, but studying the territory in order to subsequently provide information to your team about the state of affairs is necessary. It's also important to communicate with your team, even if these people are uncommunicative or downright discouraging. It is important to maintain morale until the last minute and give tips. In order to improve your skill in CS:GO in a week, team spirit training is simply necessary.

Personal qualities to develop

Of those personal qualities that are extremely highly valued among the professional CS:GO community, the following are especially worth highlighting:

  • adaptability;
  • calmness;
  • adequacy.

Adaptability gives the player the opportunity to effectively assess the situation, and then quickly adjust their actions to changes in the game scenario. Calmness is necessary not only to ensure that actions remain productive, but also to fine-tune intra-team communication. Even if there is one “inadequate” among his party members, the player must remain calm and restrained. The last thing you should develop in yourself in order to increase your skill in CS:GO in 50 days is adequacy.

It’s nice to play with a decent person; you want to invite him to the team. Even if he is not a professional, if he behaves with restraint and communicates kindly, then he will always be welcome. Even among the highest level eSports players, displays of inadequacy can be subject to severe punishment - there is a certain ethics among CS:GO players.

Of the tips on how to improve your skill in CS:GO, there are no absolutely impossible things to do. Almost all recommendations are easy to implement, even if the player is not inclined to devote enough time to his favorite hobby, the main thing is to try.

Recently, the popular esports portal Dot Esports published a short but useful material for new summoners who want to improve their skills and generally improve their game. Let's see what Western journalists recommend to beginners.

Minimap tracking

As a rule, most beginners try to follow exclusively their character and the events around him. However, do not forget that the game is still a team game, and you should learn to follow the progress of the game with the help of a mini-map. Professional players only need one glance at the map to understand the balance of forces, the enemy’s tactics, calculate further actions and take advantage of it. This skill, of course, comes with experience, understanding the basics and specifics of tactics, as well as the characteristics of the champions of your team and the enemy team. However, you won’t be able to develop the skill of predicting a game with the help of a mini-map if you don’t start doing it right now.

Free review

Like the previous point, the possibility of a free view is an important criterion for assessing what is happening during the skating rink. By default, in the game the camera is assigned to the character, which introduces a number of restrictions into your game. First of all, disable this function by pressing the “Y” key, so you can keep track of teammates and opponents who are in their field of view.


Those. Mark important events on the map, alert about threats, and communicate your intentions. Let us remind you that the game is a team game, and if you notice an enemy ambush, you should warn your team about it by indicating the dangerous region on the map. The “G” and “V” keys are responsible for marking zones on the map, but you shouldn’t overdo it so as not to distract your comrades again.

Ignoring chat

For communication and coordinated play, the functions of marking or pinging the mini-map are enough, but text chat can be very ineffective, and sometimes even leads to disastrous consequences. Don't be distracted by typing text or commands - use the card's markings. Moreover, in the chat you will not always meet friendly players; you can get rid of annoying messages using the commands “/mute” or “/ignore” + player nickname. You can block a chat in this way not only with allies, but also with opponents.

Using Quick Attack

Using your champion's abilities needs improvement. If previously, to activate the ability you had to use the “Q”, “W”, “E”, or “R” keys + the left mouse button on the enemy, which takes up precious time during the fight, then more advanced players should learn to use the quick attacks. Enable this feature in the game settings, and after activating the ability, it will immediately be applied in the area of ​​your cursor. This skill requires constant concentration on the cursor so that your ultimate does not fly off in an unknown direction, however, having mastered this technique, you will significantly improve your game performance in general.

Movement and Attack

Using a quick attack will free up the left mouse button to use it more effectively - moving and attacking. This will cause your champion to stop and attack nearby enemies.

Killing minions

The final blow to minions adds power to your champion. You should learn to monitor the health level of creeps and deliver the final blow at the right time. In the future, you will become so skilled that you will be able to manipulate entire waves of minions.

Ignore Baron Nashor and the Dragon

Beginners should not interfere with the bosses on the map, even if the entire enemy team is dead. In this case, it is better for beginners to focus on pushing and destroying towers, this way you will help your team more.

Using Totems

Use totems wisely, which will allow you to see what is happening on a hidden area of ​​the map while you are online. Particular attention should be paid to places at the entrance/exit of the forest and approaches to the river. Supports, on the other hand, prefer the Seeing Stone and the all-seeing magnifying glass, which allows you to find hidden mercenaries.

Have fun!

And the most important thing! While playing, it is important to learn to have fun and enjoy the process. Learning is always difficult, but doing it in a game is a lot more fun! Good luck on the Fields of Justice!