Instagram account of Lena Miro (miss tramell). Who is Lena Miro? This is what happens in the life of a woman who is capable of insulting any LJ miro in contact

Who is Lena Miro, not only those who hear this name for the first time, but also regular readers of her blog wonder. The girl created an aura of mystery around her person, which helped her become popular and recognizable. The versions of her own origin that Elena herself creates are refuted by reliable sources.

It is impossible to say for sure whether the person in front of us is a real person or an image created by an entire team. But what cannot be taken away is the hard work to create fame around Lena Miro, no matter how scandalous she may be.

What is known about Lena Miro

Lena Miro (blogger) created the image of the luxurious life and everyday life of the oligarch’s girlfriend herself. Readers received specific information bit by bit: there was an affair with a “rich and successful” person, the book “Malvina” is an autobiography, there is a personal driver. By the way, “Malvina” is the first “hypostasis” of Elena, whose life story was subsequently refuted by attentive anti-fans.

Of those facts that are beyond doubt, little is known.

Elena Vladimirovna Mironenko was born in 1981 in Stary Oskol. Subsequently she moved to Voronezh, where she received an education as a translator and linguist. Then she went to London, where she began organizing discos. How much success Elena achieved, history is silent. But a few years later, Mironenko returned to Russia, where she began working as a translator.

The girl took her first steps towards her current popularity only in 2010. It was then that the first books she wrote for the “School” project were published. The same publishing house published Lena Mironenko’s autobiography “Malvina and the Cattle” in October 2010. To stir up readers' interest in her work, the girl created the famous miss_tramell blog on LiveJournal (February 2010).

At first, the “writer” pretended to be a native resident of Moscow and called herself “Malvina.” The real information about who Lena Miro is was found on the Internet by “haters” and kindly published. Mironenko herself tried to deny everything, but when she realized that resistance was useless, she called the creation of a false biography an attempt to protect her family from the scandalous image of Lena Miro.

The path to fame lies through LiveJournal

A blog in LiveJournal with the nickname miss_tramell was created in February 2010. Popularity grew rapidly. Already in 2013, more than 11,000 people subscribed to Miro, and hundreds and thousands of comments were collected under the posts.

She gained fame as a brawler from the moment the post appeared, in which she spoke rudely and categorically about older people, in her words - “the most disgusting old women.” Since 2011, the diary has regularly been included in the top LiveJournal. Lena Miro still tops many ratings. But, as a rule, they all have the prefix -anti.

As Elena herself later admitted, her task was to hit the sore spots. The more people she managed to touch, the more popular the blog gained. Few people know, but before the current scandalous blog, the girl started two more. They published positive and bright entries that were of little interest to the public. Nobody wanted to know who Lena Miro was.

The current version of the online diary can leave few people indifferent. Lena writes about topical things, but she does it causticly, cynically, without pretense. Some people are impressed by this approach, and they call Miro a “magic kicker.” Most agree that she is a brawler and a provocateur who is trying to inflate attention around herself out of nothing.

The main topics of miss_tramell's posts are intrigues, scandals, and other people's “underwear.” Miro takes upon himself the courage to dictate who should live and how. But there is also a lot of material on the topic of healthy lifestyle and sports. In addition to posts on LiveJournal, Mironenko has published several books on how to keep your body in shape.

Personal life of an Internet celebrity

Lena Miro hides the personal life of the “goddess of all LJ” much more carefully than her biography and information about her childhood and hometown. After she stopped appearing in Mironenko’s stories, she began to position herself as a loner.

Nevertheless, here and there, information appears about the “star’s” novels. Moreover, her chosen ones are often absolutely far from the image of the ideal man that Miro describes in his blog.

Miss_tramell currently lives in America with a 44-year-old photographer. The details of their relationship are, of course, unknown.

Writing Career: Success or Failure

It is worth remembering that Lena Miro initially defined herself as a writer. She used the LiveJournal blog exclusively to promote her epistolary work. But gradually the girl “went into a frenzy,” and the fame around the online diary rose much greater than around her books.

Currently, the writer has published more than 15 books. Several of them are dedicated to a healthy lifestyle and weight loss. The rest are just fiction.

Lena Miro(aka Elena Vladimirovna Mironenko) is a scandalous LiveJournal blogger (miss_tramell) with a thematic specialization on gender relations, a writer and supposedly a screenwriter. Also participates in Instagram, VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter.

Elena Mironenko
Occupation: writer, screenwriter, blogger
Place of birth: Stary Oskol, Belgorod region
Country Russia
LJ user information miss_tramell
Owner: Lena Miro
Status: active

Born Lena Miro June 24, 1981 in the city of Stary Oskol, Belgorod region. Currently lives in Moscow. She graduated from Voronezh State University with a degree in translator.
According to her own statements published about her in Komsomolskaya Pravda, on June 29, 2006 she joined United Russia. In the same publication Lena Miro named “the so-called writer who turned the script of the TV series “School” into a book.” The press reported her expulsion from United Russia by the primary organization in 2011. It also says there that Elena Miro co-wrote and published a series of stories in continuation of the series “School”.

Lena Miro - popular LiveJournal Blogger

Lena Miro has been running miss_tramell magazine since February 24, 2010. The ten-thousander LiveJournal, as of April 2013, has more than 11.5 thousand subscribers, itself Elena Miro read by 28 people. During the time she blogged, she wrote more than a thousand posts, to which more than 350 thousand comments were left, takes 37th place in the user rating for social capital and is in the top ten most visited LiveJournal blogs.
As of September 2014 Lena Miro received 800 thousand comments, and its place in the ranking increased to 20th (2nd in Ukraine).
In mutual friends Elena Miro Fritzmorgen also has.
In 2011 Lena Miro began to regularly appear in the top LJ posts. The first fame came from a post about “the most disgusting old women” who prevented the blogger from moving around the center of Moscow.

Then Lena Miro Other scandals were also provoked. The newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” wrote about the entry about old women on June 7, 2011 in an article by Andrei Grishin entitled “The blogger decided to“ rid Moscow of the most vile old women “,” dedicated to Lene Miro.
This article also talked about confessions top blogger Lene Miro that she is a member of the United Russia party and uses cocaine.
He often mocks fellow bloggers who are in the TOP of LiveJournal.

Due to constant provocations and unpleasant statements addressed to users commenting on the blog, a large number of visitors to the main LiveJournal pages They blacklisted her, and among them she is considered an anti-hero of LiveJournal. Since January 2013, he has headed Antitop LiveJournal.
Also in 2011, she was engaged in sending messages to LJ users’ DMs. The message contained an invitation to friending and reading your blog. The messages were not massive, that is, she went through every user.

Lena Miro loves to shoot visitors to her blog for rudeness and comments that she doesn’t like, while invariably attacking the commentator’s personality.
Much attention Lena Miro focuses on promoting fitness and a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, he likes to call readers “fat pigs,” which they, in turn, perceive as motivation. In addition, there are frequent posts with a collection of photographs of visitors, which are asked to be rated on a ten-point scale.
In April 2013 Lena Miro gave a detailed interview to the sports portal "Fitfan". On April 20, 2013, she received the “Rynda of the Year” award in the “Rynda of the Year” nomination.
In September 2013, I wrote a post about a complaint about the conditions of detention in the colony.
The theme of the punk group Pussy Riot was continued with the post “Mad pussies turn... Into Crazy asses!” dated December 24, 2013, in which she wrote a version that the participants were allegedly going to perform an act of defecation on Red Square during the New Year while the chimes struck.
In March-April 2014 Elena Miro ranks fourth in the LiveJournal ranking by number of views.
In September 2014, she started a sex-corruption scandal after discovering suspicious girls in the State Duma apparatus.
On December 26, 2014, she wrote a resonant post with indignation at the fact that the program often uses blue and yellow coloring of clothes, bouquets, props, etc., which she believes is propaganda of the symbols of the Maidan.

Lena Miro was accused of participating in an information attack on the governor of the Vologda region Oleg Kuvshinnikov, when several top bloggers, including Lena Miro, published simultaneously (December 29, 2014) critical materials about him.
Before the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory Day Lena Miro wrote two posts in which she sharply negatively evaluates Stalin and the modern attempts to glorify Stalin: “Vile, mustachioed mug” “Why do the scoundrels need Stalin?”:
Even in my wildest dreams I could not imagine that one day posters for Victory Day with images of Stalin, this rabid scoundrel who committed genocide of his people, would appear on the streets of my country.

Lena Miro has a Twitter account Twitter LenaMyro with broadcasts of posts from LiveJournal, and posts from LiveJournal are also broadcast on VKontakte.
The most active on Facebook is lena.myro.5.
Lena Miro participates in Instagram.
In the wikiproject "Russian Expert" Lena Miro included in the list of well-known pro-Russian bloggers, websites and media.

Are you a Runet user and don’t know who Lena Miro is? Instagram, the photos in which reflect the whole essence of this blogger, is an ideal place to meet. You will either immediately love Lena, or immediately hate her.

In the first case, you are welcome to her LiveJournal, where under the nickname miss-tramell Lena tells everything she thinks about this life and her values. You may even get involved in constant discussions. In the second, run away. It just won’t help: you will constantly come across Lena Miro in various ratings, tops, and you will see reposts in support or condemnation.

In short, Elena Mironenko professes the cult of success and a healthy body. She has both in a somewhat hypertrophied form. Roughly speaking, the main task of a person (in Lena’s interpretation) is to exercise and make money. A healthy and successful lifestyle is, of course, correct, but to reduce everything to it is a controversial position.

To the credit of the owner of the blog, Lena Miro really, at 33, will give a head start to many 18-year-olds in terms of her form, and all the network scandals work for her success as a writer. Lena Miro does this on Instagram just as successfully as she does on LiveJournal.

Provocative photos of Lena Miro on Instagram

What are you waiting for? Photos of pumped up buttocks, thin waist and shaped shoulders? No question, Lena has it all. She also has a dose of poison towards those who “did not achieve.” Yes, reader, you either work out your... uh... tushes in the gym, or you are a fat nonentity!

Lena is like that. She pumped up her sharp tongue, perhaps more than the rest of her body. Don’t be surprised if she responds to your sarcastic comment with her own, where the concentration of poison will be many times higher.

Photos of Lena Miro on Instagram are usually accompanied by links to her LiveJournal posts. Moreover, it does not even provide a direct link (the technical capabilities of Instagram do not allow this). You are invited to simply go to miss-tramell LiveJournal and read the article there. This is largely why she doesn’t have many subscribers: as of March 2015, “only” 75 thousand.

If you're looking for photos from the gym and workout instructions, this is not the place for you. Yes, sometimes Lena posts photos where she shows the results of her work. But there are much more links to posts and provocations here. You can treat Lena Miro in any way you like, consider her a fat (okay, thinner) troll, or take her seriously. But without such characters, the Internet would become much more boring.

I don't read this, but I read the top and sometimes I see this in the top. And what is most surprising, but this is what gives many people read. It is precisely because many people read that there must be an answer.

I have long dreamed of learning about the so-called philosophy of plastic surgery regulars, beauties and other interesting personalities. I think Miro finally managed to issue a manifesto.

“A beautiful woman understands: spiritual beauty has nothing to do with physical beauty, and a pumped-up mind is not compensation for an insufficiently pumped up ass.”

Lovely, isn't it? From the poem “What is beauty?” Zabolotsky Lenochka vomited as a child. I don’t know why such views are formed, but it seems to me that this is quite close to ordinary fascism. In essence, it is proclaimed that everyone who is ugly with a special plastic beauty is shit.

I can imagine how many millions of teenagers must now lather the rope with soap, shedding tears.

How many imperfect but happy women must feel that they are not really happy.

Overweight? Yellowish teeth? Not too shiny and thick hair?

Miro has already signed your sentence.

And everything would be fine - okay. But this woman is now in second place in the ranking. A lot of people read it.

After reading at least five of her posts, any normal person understands that if she is serious, then this is a mental disorder. And if it’s trolling, then why do people like it?

People want to listen to insults directed at themselves and others. They want to live in a world where everyone is only beautiful.

But why are they beautiful?

Silicone implants or the skill of a plastic surgeon?

These are probably people who have never felt the beauty of the soul. They are so attached to their bag of flesh that they consider it the most important, the most important. So much so that they are ready to anoint it every day. Although the day will come when the eyes of this body will close forever...

Is beauty a pumped up ass? The living are fleeing the place where they worship the pumped up abs.

“Rule three: a beautiful woman always puts herself first.”

A magnificent song to selfishness.

“A woman whose priority is someone or something other than herself loses her external attractiveness very quickly.”

Feminists will probably applaud here. Not all, but many.

We are apparently trying with all our might to lose our feminine nature, our real feminine nature is the warmth of the heart. The drive and desire to care for others. This is the nature of motherhood.

Today I was traveling on a bus with my eldest and baby in a stroller, and the women were lisping with the baby. Their looks radiated kindness and it was wonderful.

Lena writes simply: First my bubble bath - then diapers.

Yes, think about yourself! Enjoy everything around you! Destroy.

And someone believes that this sickly woman who bans anyone for having an opinion different from hers is happy. I just don't believe it. And she will never be able to make others happy. Those who will follow her along this thorny path.

“If your focus is on stomach cramps or your weekly report, that’s what you’ll end up with.”

I am very sorry to upset Lena and others who share her views - but external beauty, not supported by internal beauty, is a dummy.

Those who choose colic will remain with their love, which does not depend on the external state of the body. You can be broken into pieces and still love. And you can be the most beautiful, but inside your heart there will only be a stinking black hole. Oh God, I thought these were such obvious things. But it seems that we are moving towards a state of being where such things will need to be said more and more often, gradually memorizing the material.

We get the body we deserve. It is just a collection of material elements. 

But tell me, what is better to clean the golden cage or feed the bird that lives inside?

With love to Lena from Lena.

She seems to be an ordinary girl, but she has one significant drawback, unlike her sisters, waitresses and janitors - she runs her own blog, she is a blogger. She still writes some articles, but mostly she uses little blood - attracting her virtual friends to the posts, who are ready for mere crumbs of PR for the sake of writing posts for Lena about life similar to the secular one, about politics, about psychology, about the United Russia faction, and even about Putin.

The girl likes to keep her blog and be popular on the Internet, because in life, as I have already noticed, this is a pitiful spectacle of a waitress. If a waitress is presented beautifully in society, few will distinguish her from the service staff. For this reason, Lena is also rarely invited to places. Therefore, the girl sits at home and if she goes out into the world, she is an inconspicuous gray mouse, afraid and awkward.
One of my not so comrades, but still a colleague in the once literary and journalistic world, recently told me the story about Lena Miro’s abortions and their cohabitation for his modest profits. The girl really wants to have children - she is afraid and doubts the choice of this or that man, performing truly acrobatic somersaults in the form of abortions. During the year of communicating with my friend, Lena managed to stay in the clinic a couple of times and almost end up as a single mother.

He was introduced to Lena by their mutual friend named Lyalya in a circle of friends in a regular restaurant. Lyalya introduced my friend as almost Putin’s personal secretary, a person influencing political life in the country. Lena was introduced to him as a lonely girl who wanted to meet a man of Tatar appearance. Of all those present at the table, my friend was the oldest, most wealthy and respected. And Lena chose him. Sex happened on the next date. It was some kind of hotel. In the morning he ran off to work at the editorial office.

What else does a single man with a good job and large bribes need in this life? There are children, a wife too, everything is fine financially. Lena became his mistress and he gave her hope - for a divorce from his ex. The hope lasted about a year, even a little more, until Lena was sent strong and far away after another drunken hysteria called “when will you quit your lakhudra.” Lena got her pussy and was fired with the explanation that a man would not exchange his wife and children for a drunken slut and blogger.

All this time, when Lena was dating my friend, all her posts were edited and corrected by him. Topics for some posts were also provided by my friend. Thanks to this, Lena began to appear in the top and became a popular blogger.

After breaking up with my friend, Miro was left without loud revealing posts; I publish my wretched body on my blog, trimming it, as it turned out, in Photoshop. My friend remembers Lena with an undisguised feeling of awe and shame. Only when lavishly drunk can he allow himself to remember his strange relationship with the unlucky Lena.

Now none of the more or less decent men need Lena. It’s low and it’s disgusting to take away a stranger, even a man who has stumbled, from his family, perform abortions on him, and terrorize him with your presence.

So it goes

Maxim Novikovsky
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