Russian Morse code. Education. Computer programs for learning Morse code, Krasnodar, Beletsky A. I Programs for learning Morse code

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Computer programs for learning Morse code. Kuban Krasnodar.

ADKM-2000 program.

The ADKM-2000 program, starting with version 2.7, has become completely free. To upgrade versions 2.0-2.5 to version 2.7, download this file. To update versions lower than 2.0, install version 2.5 first and update it.

General description.

The software product ADKM-2000 version 2.5 (hereinafter referred to as ADKM-2000) is intended for training radiotelegraph operators and holding competitions in high-speed radiotelegraphy.

Main functions. ADKM-2000 performs the following functions:

Reproduction of radiograms from Morse code characters with specified parameters:

· formation speed from 5 to 399 zn/min *

· discrete speed setting 1 zn/min

· pause between characters from 3 to 15 (3,5,7,9,11,13,15) **

· signal frequency from 100 to 3500 Hz

· reproduction of interference with quick switching of four types of interference

· separate volume control of the main signal and noise volume ***

PARIS system support

ADKM-2008 program.

© All property rights to the program "ADKM_2008" belong to Ivan Viktorovich Kozhevnikov

Email: [email protected]

Automatic Morse Code Sensor 2008.

Version 2008.1.19-02


The program is designed to study and improve Morse code skills.

Technical requirements.

Processor clock speed 200 MHz or higher

RAM 64 MB or more

Windows 2000 or XP

Availability of library msvbvm60.dll


Unpack the archive to any directory, run ADKM_2008.exe

This program is distributed free of charge. All property rights and copyrights to the program (including any of its components: graphic images, sound recordings, text, etc.), accompanying printed materials and any copies of the program belong to the author, Ivan Viktorovich Kozhevnikov.

The program is freeware. You can freely distribute the program distribution. You may not make any commercial profit by distributing this distribution. You cannot change the distribution of the program in any way.

It is prohibited to reverse engineer the technology, decompile the program, or otherwise modify the program or accompanying documentation.

In the main program window you can change the text number, text transmission speed, text type, start and stop text transmission in Morse code, as well as hide/show transmitted text, and open an additional window designed for entering received text with control of correct reception. The menu provides options for exiting the program, setting additional parameters for text transmission, this brief help, information about the program and the author.

The text is generated using a pseudo-random number generator and is directly related to the text number.

The text transmission speed varies from 20 to 299 characters/minute.

The text type can be Latin (English), national (Russian, German), digital, digital with a short zero, punctuation marks, various variants of mixed text, as well as special (for training the reception of certain characters entered by the user).

If it is necessary to transmit a certain (semantic) text, it can be typed in the text display window or pasted from the clipboard (the text is not checked for correctness and all characters that cannot be transmitted by Morse code are ignored when transmitting text).

In the additional settings window, you can change the pause between characters, the pause between groups (the pause between groups cannot be less than the pause between characters + 4 dots), the number of characters in a group, the number of groups in the text, tone frequency, program interface language, add/remove text start prefix VVV= and text end signal AR (ETS).

The text input window is intended for entering received text. If the next character is received incorrectly, the symbol “_” is displayed instead. ATTENTION! The text must be entered in the language in which the transmitted text is displayed (character case can be any). Groups are separated by the spacebar. Line translation is carried out automatically (no additional keys need to be pressed). If you do not accept a sign, then you need to press any key instead. A character is considered accepted correctly only if it is written in the correct position (that is, without shifting the text).

CW Master program.

The CW Master program is designed to train CW reception.

It is divided into two modules.

The main module (the "Receiving call signs" tab) is written based on the well-known RUFZ program.

RUFZ is good for everyone, but its operation exclusively under DOS creates large and sometimes simply insurmountable obstacles to its use --- most modern sound cards simply do not have DOS drivers in their nature. The quality of listening to the built-in computer tweeter leaves much to be desired.

The second module (tab "Reception of texts and radiograms") --- generates and reproduces digital, alphabetic radiograms and "open" text.

Unlike RUFZ, this program works under Win95/98/NT/2000/XP with any sound card (including integrated), but it does not work with the built-in speaker.

The program does not write anything either to the registry or to the Windows system directories, which allows you to use it even as a user with limited rights in Win NT/2000.

The program does not require installation. The files cwmaster.exe, master.ped and readme.txt need to be placed in a shared directory and run cwmaster.exe.

2. Module "Reception of call signs" --- General principles.

The program transmits in turn 30 real call signs, randomly selected from the master.ped file. If the call sign is received correctly, then the transmission speed of the next one increases by 2 wpm. If incorrect, the speed is reduced by 1 wpm. The transmission tone of each call sign varies within small limits randomly.

Points are awarded for receiving each call sign. The number of points depends on the number of errors made during reception, on the length of the call sign and on the transmission speed.

The dependence on speed is quadratic, the dependence on the length of the call sign is linear.

The number of points does not depend on the speed of entering the call sign.

An unaccepted call sign can be repeated by pressing the F6 key an unlimited number of times, however, with each repetition the number of points will be halved, and the speed, even if received correctly, will not increase.

In this version, due to numerous requests, the ability to record the speed and tone of transmitted call signs has been introduced. However, in this mode, no points are awarded and, accordingly, nothing is entered into the results table.

3. Module "Receiving call signs" --- How to work?

After starting the program, enter your call sign, set the initial transmission speed in WPM, the initial tone of the received signal.

To control preliminary settings, there is a “Preliminary testing” mode, in which the letter V is continuously transmitted. You can access it by pressing the corresponding button or the F3 key.

To start receiving, press the “Start” button (or the Enter key). After the call sign has sounded, type it on the keyboard and press the Enter key. Reception can be stopped at any time by pressing the Stop or Esc button on the keyboard.

The total number of points is entered into the results table. The WPM column will display the maximum value of the speed at which at least one call sign was correctly received.

If no call sign was received correctly or zero points were scored, the result is not entered into the table. Once the table (19 lines) is completed, it is reset to zero, but the best result in terms of points is saved and recorded in the first line, which allows you to train further, focusing on the best :)

4. Module "Reception of texts and radiograms"

With radiograms, everything should be clear --- we form it, click on “Start” and write down what was received on a piece of paper. Such “hand recording” is useful in the initial stages of learning CW, and after reaching a receiving speed of 25-30 wpm, it is advisable to abandon recording and move on to training in receiving plaintext simply “by ear.” Moreover, it is advised to first listen to short words, such as “what”, “how”, etc., in order to remember their sound, and then move on to longer words.

In the window you can open any text file, copy any text there and, in the end, type it in there by hand if you really want to. The program distinguishes between Russian and Latin letters and transmits them correctly.

From the text in the window, you can select only those words that do not exceed the required length.

In general, the program interface is so simple that it is easier to try than to describe what and how to do :)

It can be decorated, “sharpened”, statistics and similar “bells and whistles” can be made, but I’m not interested in that.

I don’t see any point in introducing PILE-UP modules and, especially, CyberContest - all this is on the air! :)

Morse code program.

The program emulates a terminal for transmitting signals using Morse code.

There are no adjustments in the program; speed and tone are set constant.

The program does not pause between characters; pauses are adjusted by the keyboard input speed.

Morse Code Trainer.

[email protected]

A simple program with a nice interface that scrolls through Morse code specified texts at a given speed.

NuMorP program.

The NuMorP program is used to train and test US Army soldiers.

The program scrolls Morse code through specified texts at a specified speed.

To get an English keyboard layout, run the program from the “From programsfafla” folder or run the installation file, it will install the program with an entry in the registry, and there will be an English keyboard layout.

For convenience, close these message windows using the key combination Alt+F4.

NuMorse program.

NuMorse is used to train and test US Army soldiers.

The program allows you to use the keyboard as an electronic key.

To get a Russian-language keyboard layout, simply run the exe file from the RUS program folder.

To get an English keyboard layout, run the program from the ANGL folder or run the installation file, it will install the program with an entry in the registry, and there will be an English keyboard layout.

If there is no registration, the program displays additional messages when closing,

For convenience, close the windows of these messages using the key combination Alt+F4.

Morse program DKM Military Edition.

An excellent universal Russian program for transmitting Morse code on the keyboard and receiving radio messages.

The program is great for learning to receive radiograms instead of an automatic Morse code sensor.

APAK-CWL program.

Not a complicated program for learning Morse code that does not require installation.

To run the program, go to the "apak" folder and run the start file.

The "apak" folder is the already unpacked "apak-2r.exe" and "ruswav.exe" archives.

A very useful program for learning CW in Russian, according to the DOSAAF method.

Its uniqueness lies in the fact that learning Morse code begins with the very basics and does not allow the user to move on to a more complex exercise if the previous one is not completed 100% exactly.

This allows you to avoid “scrolling through” exercises that you don’t like, and allows you to systematize the learning process).

Considering the speed of servers in Russia and the cost of communication, it was decided to abandon the use of the installation program and DLL, and distribute the program as a self-extracting archive.

Unpack the archive into the desired folder and the program is ready to use. Win 9x,NT Small fonts must be enabled. WinNT. Disable system sounds.

Scheme: "No sound." To uninstall, simply remove everything related to the program.

These are two self-extracting archives: apak-2r.exe contains the program itself and the data necessary for it, and ruswav.exe contains the tunes.

If you do not want to learn CW with the help of chants, then you do not need to copy ruswav.exe.

Both archives should be unpacked into the same folder.

For those using previous versions, there is no need to copy ruswave.exe.

The program was written quite a long time ago, so to work successfully in modern operating systems (WINDOWS XP SP2 and higher), you need to run it in compatibility mode with Windows 95. (Right mouse button on the shortcut - Properties - Compatibility tab - Check the Compatibility Mode box).

Morse Generator program.

Description: MorseGen2 is a slightly modified program MorseGen by Julian Moss (G4ILO).

Compared to the original, the following changes have been made:

1. (+) the program interface has been changed (some messages and inscriptions have been translated into Russian),

2. (+) support for characters of the Russian alphabet,

3. (+) selection of the number of groups (10..500 in steps of 10),

4. (+) increased maximum speed (40 wpm),

5. (-) QSO generation is not supported. The transfer speed has been increased to 80 wpm and when transferring an arbitrary text file, repeated spaces and some other service characters are removed, i.e. text formatting does not affect transmission.

The "" application is a very convenient way to learn Morse code in your free time, since studying on a computer is not very convenient, but a mobile device with the Android platform in your pocket.

Some people, for certain reasons, need knowledge of a secret language that has been used by intelligence officers and other intelligence services since ancient times, while some people need knowledge solely for their own development.

The presented educational application "" will help you quickly master this language.

Interface and operating principle
The free educational project is stylish and beautiful. A simple interface with a clear and concise menu appears before the user. In total, the program is presented in ten main lessons, each of them containing three exercises.
1. “Memory” mode, where the user hears new presented sounds and new letters.

2. Exercise "Reception". Here the user is asked to independently identify sounds learned by ear.
3. "Transfer" mode. In this exercise, the artificial intelligence will suggest certain sounds that need to be transmitted.
As a convenient feature, it should be noted that the program records all mistakes made and in the future focuses on errors in order to consolidate knowledge and help you remember them and not make mistakes in the future.

Additional mode
The developer also offers to study Morse code in a playful way.

There are still 10 lessons here, but they will already consist of 2 exercises: receiving and transmitting. In a game form, it is much easier for many to remember new data.

The educational application "" is a unique project for mobile devices with the Android operating system, which will be useful and interesting to many.

Comments (18):

#1 Svyatoslav March 17 2013

I've been wanting to learn Morse for a long time

There is no Cyrillic alphabet and the Word file cannot be seen.

#3 Mstislav June 10 2017

How to run this Morse code sound generator?

#4 root June 10 2017

The program understands the Cyrillic alphabet and reproduces it in Morse code, this can be checked by entering the Russian letter “X” (Ha) into the text window, the program will reproduce a signal indicating four dots.

The program uses a simple text format for downloading and uploading. MS Word and other documents containing markup and various service information are not supported.

In order for the program to reproduce text from an MS Word document, the document file must first be saved as a text file, after which it can be loaded into the Morse Code Trainer program.

To start working with the program, you need to download the archive, unpack it and run the file "Morse.exe".

#5 Guzelia August 02 2017

The program starts with three Fs, is it possible to remove this function while the learning process is underway?

#6 Alexander Compromister August 03 2017

Vik, the text can also be saved in the .txt format of the Notepad program, probably. From the Notepad program, text can already be pasted into Word.

#7 Anatoly January 23 2018

the stupid program starts singing with wow wow, I'm not smart enough to write a normal program

#8 Andrey April 10 2018

This is not a stupid program. Three w and a space before the text is a mandatory rule. It says that the text will now appear. Professionals know this. So get used to working by the rules.

#9 Andrey April 10 2018

You should start learning with a few letters at low speed. For example V,L,Y,D; then A, P, R, O. In the text field of the program, you need to write the text yourself from these first letters, dividing it strictly into groups of 5 characters (about 20-30 groups). As you master, you will add letters and write texts with a predominance of these new letters, which will allow you to consolidate your skills in accepting new letters. As you practice, you will notice that you write text easier and easier. Slowly increase your transmission speed. You have to kind of reach for the speed. Yes, one more thing, you will train the ability to write text with a lag of several characters. That is, for example, the fifth letter already sounds, and you are just starting to write down the first, and the rest are in your head. Such a lag will occur when the reception speed exceeds 25-30 groups per minute. At lower speeds there is less lag. All this will happen automatically. The text is considered accepted if it contains no more than 2 errors. Reception of 12 groups per minute - C grade, 16 - good, 18 - excellent. 30-35 - master of sports. But that's another song

#10 Andrey April 10 2018

Who else doesn't understand? You accept letters by chanting, and do not count how many dots and how many dashes are sounded. For example, the letter a is sung as “ay-daaa”, b - “baaa-ki-te-kut”, number 9 - “paaa-paaa-maaa-muuu-tuk”, and so on. All the tunes are on the Internet

#11 Vadim September 10 2018

Great program, thank you very much!

#12 Sailor October 25 2018

Class! I’ve soon completed 30 years of service, and at the end of my service I was able to transport 34 groups easily! 3 years of round-the-clock training!
I tried it, my hands and ears remember it. 24 group song!)))

#13 Alexander Compromister October 26 2018

Now, if Morse code was transmitted when entering a text document on the air, as with J2B, it would be better.

#14 Vladimir January 09 2019

I tried to copy a text file via the clipboard (right click), but the author's portrait appears. Is it possible to copy files into a recording field?

#15 root January 09 2019

Hello, Vladimir! Copy the desired text to the clipboard, click the mouse in the window for entering text in the Morse code trainer program and press the key combination CTRL + V (pasting content from the clipboard to the location where the cursor is currently located).

#16 Seawar January 09 2019

Glad to the cobs - don’t bother with the Cyrillic alphabet, start straight away with the Latin alphabet.

#17 Sergey June 25 2019

Great program!

#18 Alexander Compromister June 26 2019

I downloaded the Morse_Trainer program itself. Can it be used as an automatic key?

September 24, 2015 at 11:18 am

Program for generating Morse sound code

  • Programming,
  • C++

Lately I've been learning Morse code using this program. But it is designed to study Cyrillic letter codes, which is irrelevant in modern radio communications (everyone uses the Latin alphabet, except our valiant army).

C++ in conjunction with Qt was chosen as the tool for implementing the idea.

The main idea of ​​the program

The atom (unit of time) of Morse code is a point; the duration of all other elements is formed relative to it:
  1. A dash equals three sounding dots;
  2. A pause between elements of one symbol (sign) is one silent point;
  3. There are three dots between the signs;
  4. There are seven dots between the words.
As you can see, any code based on Morse code can be represented as a set of sounding and silent dots: I started from this idea, and this solution seemed quite original to me.

Initial implementation

In the first version of the program, the combination of sounding and silent points was stored as a vector with Boolean elements, where true corresponded to turning on the sound, and false- switching off.

As you already understood, to obtain the final signal, I just “pulled” the sound with some delay (using a timer equal to the duration of the point in milliseconds) with an endlessly playing .wav file with a sine recording. But this approach had a significant disadvantage and it consisted in the fact that each point had to be loaded separately using an overloaded operator or a special method. Because of this approach, I had to write a separate macro for each letter (like this - #define I DOT<< false << DOT) и создать огромный жуткий switch to play the passed string. It was terrible, but if you're curious, you can check it out.
with the first version of the program (I was unable to completely upload the local repository to GitHub - only the latest version).

A piece of creepy switch:

bool Morse::StringToMorse (QString &line) ( line += "\0"; for (int i = 0; i< line.size () - 1; ++i) { switch ( ()) { case "A": *this << A; if ( (i + 1) == " ") continue; else *this << MINI_SPACE; break; case "B": *this << B; if ( (i + 1) == " ") continue; else *this << MINI_SPACE; break; // И так далее

And this is how the sound was turned on and off (actually, the sound code was generated):

void Morse::PlayLinePoints () ( QTimer::singleShot (duration_point_, this, SLOT (Mute ())); (); ) void Morse::Mute () ( if (line_points_.empty ()) ( / /Stop playback sound_.stop (); return; ) if ( (0)) ( //Turn on sound sound_.setMuted (false); line_points_.remove (0); QTimer::singleShot (duration_point_, this, SLOT (Mute ())); return; ) else ( sound_.setMuted (true); //Turn off the sound line_points_.remove (0); QTimer::singleShot (duration_point_, this, SLOT (Mute ())); return; ) )

Final version

These macros turned out to be very cumbersome, and my perfectionism could no longer look at these monstrous designs. After thinking a little, I came to the conclusion that my idea was good, but storing codes in the form of macros is very inconvenient and if this problem is solved, then everything will be fine. As a result, QMap was used to store codes:

//Stores corresponding combinations of dots and dashes of QMap characters codes_;
This approach turned out to be very convenient. Now I just used the current character being played as a key and got the finished
To reproduce the code (a set of Boolean values), however, the reproduction algorithm became a little more complicated: it was necessary to enter the counter of the current element of the symbol and the counter of characters in the line:

New playback implementation:

void Morse::MiniSpace () ( if (stop_) ( this->Stop (); return; ) sound_.setMuted (true); ++id_element_; //Go to another code element if (id_element_ == codes_.value ( (id_char_).size ()) ( ++id_char_; id_element_ = 0; QTimer::singleShot (duration_dot_ * 3, this, SLOT (Mute())); //Pause between characters return; ) QTimer: :singleShot (duration_dot_, this, SLOT (Mute())); //Pause between symbol elements ) void Morse::Space () ( if (stop_) ( this->Stop (); return; ) sound_.setMuted (true ); //The pause lasts 7 dots //But since after the symbol there is a pause of three dots, an additional pause must be set to 4 dots long QTimer::singleShot (duration_dot_ * 4, this, SLOT (Mute())); ) void Morse::Mute () ( if (stop_) ( this->Stop (); return; ) if (id_char_ == string_to_play_.size ()) ( // The line has ended this->Stop (); return; ) if ( (id_char_) == " ") ( Space(); ++id_char_; //Go to another code element return; ) if (codes_.find ( (id_char_)) == codes_.end ( )) ( qDebug()<< (id_char_) << ": No code!"; sound_.stop (); return; } sound_.setMuted (false); //Включаем звук if (codes_.value ( (id_char_)).at (id_element_)) { QTimer::singleShot (duration_dot_, this, SLOT (MiniSpace())); //Воспроизводим точку } else { QTimer::singleShot (duration_dot_ * 3, this, SLOT (MiniSpace())); //Воспроизводим тире } } bool Morse::Play () { if (!stop_) return false; if (string_to_play_ == "") return false; stop_ = false; id_char_ = 0; id_element_ = 0; sound_.setMuted (true); //Выключаем звук (); Mute (); } void Morse::Stop () { if (stop_) return; sound_.stop (); id_char_ = 0; id_element_ = 0; stop_ = true; }

Flag stop_ was introduced to prevent incorrect program operation (two calls in a row to Play() and other bad things).
I don’t see any reason to include the rest of the source code and header files in the body of the article, since everything there is quite obvious and transparent.

You can download the full set of sources for the latest version at

The Morse Trial program generates radiograms in Morse code with variable speed, pauses and tone. It is possible to load text from your file, as well as randomly generate text. It is possible to add noise when listening to radiograms for greater realism.

Morse code, Morse code, “Morse code” is a method of encoding letters of the alphabet using long and short signals, the so-called “dashes” and “dots” (as well as pauses separating letters). The duration of one point is taken as a unit of time. The duration of a dash is equal to three dots. The pause between characters in a letter is one dot, between letters in a word - 3 dots, between words - 7 dots. It was named after the American inventor Samuel Morse, who invented it in 1835. Morse code is the first digital method of transmitting information. Telegraph and radiotelegraph originally used Morse code; later Baudot code and ASCII, which are more convenient for automation, began to be used. However, now there are means of automatic generation and recognition for Morse code. To convey Russian letters, codes of similar Latin letters were used; this correspondence of alphabets later passed into MTK-2, and then into KOI-7 and KOI-8 (however, in Morse code the letter Q corresponds to Ш, and in MTK and KOI-Ya).

The main purpose of the Morse Trial program is to improve telegraph reception skills. Download the Morse Trial training program Can

But if you don't already know Morse code, then you can complete self-study on the LCWO website according to Koch's method

The Koch method is a simple way of directly developing reflexes. However, it requires either a computer with appropriate software or a personal trainer. It is for this reason that Koch's method was ignored for so many years. Now that the computer has taken its usual place on the radio amateur’s desk, the Koch method has every chance of becoming a standard for training radio telegraph operators.

Training occurs as follows:

  • You configure your program to generate CW signals at a rate of about 20 words per minute per character, but with slightly longer pauses (the effective speed should be about 15 words per minute).
  • Then you take paper and pencil and start taking. In the first lesson, the computer must transmit only two characters. That is, in the first lesson you need to recognize only two options. You accept the text for 5 minutes, then check the correctness of the received text and calculate the percentage of correct characters.

LCWO— this online assistant is specifically for self-study of the telegraph. After your registration, the site will become your personal teacher. You will master the telegraph while playing a guessing game - you will develop conditioned reflexes to the sound of signs and write them down - whether you want - by hand, or on the keyboard. The method was developed by the Venerable Ludwig Koch specifically for individual training. On the site you will be asked to complete 40 lessons; proceed to the next lesson only after mastering the previous one. You are only required to practice regularly; the frequency and duration are not clearly regulated. You don't need to load anything into your computer. You can study from any computer with Internet access at home, at work, or in an Internet cafe.