Is it possible to have guarantees in SEO? Do you need guarantees in SEO? And now in numbers

Show phone

Greetings, I worked for Yandex for seven years as a marketer and Yandex Direct specialist, for confirmation I will send you my Yandex projects by email. Meeting at Yandex, signing an agreement, transferring money to a legal entity. Yandex account. The photos are mine, I can call you on Skype. I work every day, call from 09:00 to 22 hours and I will advise you on any issue.

Setting up Yandex Direct, Yandex Market and Google Adwords. Fast SEO promotion of websites and online stores to the top 1. I am a certified Yandex Direct specialist, I will send you a certificate and letters of gratitude. I have been promoting websites, online stores and creating for 12 years.

I will create the most modern wide-format websites and online stores html 5 (in 3D), very well adapted to mobile phone. Logo production

I have two of my own sites, which are in first place in Yandex and Google for many top queries; I will send you links by email.

Website promotion on home page Yandex.

Website promotion on social media networks in the most popular groups of any topic and creating new ones.

My works took first places at events and forums in Moscow dedicated to advertising, promotion and website creation. I created many well-known websites and stores with my team; I will send them to you by email.

I combine in myself: a project manager, an Internet marketer, a designer, a programmer, and when one person has so many skills and knowledge, he will bring an advertising company to life much more effectively than any other specialist. I don’t work alone, in a team with a programmer and designer.

Website creation
- I will create the most modern wide-format websites html 5 (in 3D), very well adapted for mobile phones, a very beautiful design is individually developed for these sites. The site is not template, you can implement all your ideas. Any website engine, for example: Bitrix, WordPress.
- Individual online store, automatic copying of goods from any stores, 5000 goods per day will be copied to your store, as well as convenient manual addition of goods. An easy admin panel for editing and adding products; anyone without special skills can figure it out.

Website promotion
I write correctly selected keywords into the code of your site, create a “Behavioral Factor” for your site, plus advertising of your site will be on large advertising banners, on all popular sites of various topics that are in the top of Yandex and Google, in addition the site will be shown in millions of groups social networks. After the “Behavioral Factor” has been completed and prescribed keywords into the site code, you will not have to pay money in the future for placing your site in the first places of Yandex search (in Direct), it will already be in the top on the first page of the search for free (not in Direct), due to good traffic and fame.

Writing texts, benefits, promotions.

  • Find SEO agencies that offer binary guarantees on results.
  • Find agencies working with results-oriented KPIs.
  • Assess their market shares.

How the sample was prepared

We received 3158 sites. The TCI and position in Alexa were parsed for them. The first 300 companies were selected taking into account both indicators. We checked that all significant companies were present in the sample. Freelancers and private specialists were not included in the list.

Request for proposals for SEO

We have prepared a plausible legend:

  • We took a real website of a typical client: b2b-themed, more than five years old, SEO - just what the doctor ordered.
  • We were technically prepared: separate phones, email on a domain, good non-server proxies, access to Yandex.Metrica, and so on.
  • The client was instructed in all the nuances: what to answer if managers try to call the manager directly through a common telephone number, and so on.

Requested a standard SEO proposal from all 300 agencies. We left applications on websites and communicated with managers by phone and mail. We worked for three weeks. Particular attention was paid to those who said something about guarantees. They could be asked for a contract template and other details.

What we found out in addition to information about the guarantees provided:

  • Company age.
  • Number of active SEO clients.
  • Total number of employees on staff.
  • Number of SEO specialists.
  • Minimum budget for SEO.
  • Recommended SEO budget for our website.

We asked not to do complex audits, analyzes and forecasts so as not to waste time at the stage of preliminary selection of a contractor.

Excluded from analysis

  • 39 agencies did not produce any CP in three weeks (we didn’t have time, approvals took too long, there was too much input data, and so on).
  • 19 companies did not want to disclose data about their scale: the number of clients or employees. Since in the final figures we are interested in market shares, and not just the number of companies, this section had to be excluded.
  • Ten companies abandoned the client for various reasons: they didn’t like the CMS, there were no resources in this moment and so on.
  • Two companies were excluded for deliberately inadequate data provided: for example, a small St. Petersburg agency cannot possibly have 500 employees for 30 projects.

general Statistics

We got something like this table:

230 agencies.

Total number of SEO clients across all agencies: 23,834.

Total number of employees in all agencies: 9252.

The total number of SEO specialists among them: 2282.

Portrait of an average agency

Estimation of the total monthly turnover of all companies participating in the study:

  • For the minimum budget: 795,916,040 rubles.
  • According to the recommended budget: 1,204,894,000 rubles.
  • Average indicator: 1,000,405,020 rubles.

That is, we took the minimum budget for SEO that the agency works with and multiplied it by the declared number of active projects. And they received 796 million rubles a month. Same with the recommended budget.

Interestingly, the average between these two almost exactly coincided with our own turnover, so in the future all estimates will be made based on the average.

Is there money in SEO? Yes, in Moscow, Tula, Tambov and a little in St. Petersburg.

Where is the money in SEO?

Results: are there any guarantees in SEO?

All possible options answers to the question “Do you have any guarantees?” We divided it into three large categories:

Almost 83% of the market does not provide SEO guarantees

No guarantee

The market segment that directly or indirectly indicates that there are no guarantees for results in SEO turned out to be the most significant - 82% in terms of turnover.

Here we included both companies that directly state the impossibility of providing guarantees in SEO, and companies that state guarantees for the amount of work, quality, price stability and any other similar variations.

Work on KPIs

In second place in popularity among agencies is work on KPIs. In this category we included those proposals in which payment is, to one degree or another, related to some actual result.

These companies also do not guarantee anything, but share some of the risks with the client regarding the target results.

The dependency formula may be different. The most common scenario: a fixed part of the payment and a bonus for results (positions, traffic, leads). The rest: variations of this scheme. For example, payment for the percentage of traffic forecast fulfillment.

There are really few formulas where a truly significant part of payment is tied to results.

It is curious that managers in such companies in most cases very vehemently insist that their scheme is a real reinforced concrete guarantee.

Binary guarantees

The smallest segment on the market is agencies that provide binary guarantees.

Binary guarantees are closest to the traditional understanding of guarantees. The agency guarantees that some event will occur (requests will rise to the top, visibility will increase, and so on), and if not, it will somehow respond.

For example, an agency may promise to work for free until it achieves an agreed result:

For example, no more than two months

Often, even in cases where the manager directly states that there are guarantees of results, the contract turns out to be more creative:

And sometimes it even directly contradicts a previously received commercial offer:

Rating of SEO companies 2017

Of course, with so much data on the scale of activity declared by agencies, it would be stupid not to create your own version of the SEO agency rating. Perhaps someone will see the market from a new perspective.

Recently, colleagues shared quite interesting information, as many large offices carry out so-called promotion with a guarantee. As I have written many times in previous posts, guarantees for promotion are complete nonsense. Only the owners can give guarantees for positions search engines. Everything else is just hot air, since there are thousands of reasons why your site may or may not reach the TOP.

What do Moscow SEO firms offer? They set a condition - we supposedly promote your site for 4-6 months. If during this time the positions begin to grow, we take the entire budget. If there is no result, we will return your money.

How it really happens

For example, you have a website for a construction company and you bring it for promotion. So, this office has about 100 of its own information satellites on the topic of construction and real estate, disguised as SDL. First, some minor movements are made to your site (a la registration of tags and news) and then the promotion ends. Then, for the remaining 4 months, the company places links to your site evenly from its sites. At the same time, they don’t spend a penny, and in your monthly report they charge you for links, for example, $700-900 for 30 links.

1. The site has moved and there have been some positive changes in positions. The office takes all your money. At the same time, they spent $100-200 on you for copyright and a couple of hours for registering tags. Indeed, there is a category of sites that themselves have great trust and good structure. And only some mistakes do not allow them to reach the TOP.

2. There are no changes. You demand your money back. They return 80% to you, citing the fact that, they say, the office is with us, taxes, etc. But.. the company earned the remaining 20% ​​from you! They did not incur any costs: no links were purchased and the news was written by a full-time copywriter hired for pennies. Moreover, they spent all your money for half a year either on the stock exchange or in the bank.

And now in numbers:

Average cost of promotion is $1000/month* 6 months = $6000

If the site works, they earn $6,000 from you, and this money also spins and multiplies all the time.

If you don’t go, you earn 6000-80% return for news = $1200.

In both cases your the site is not really moving and they get money from you. This is an SEO scam. The average workload of large offices is 150-200 projects per month.

With a net profit of $500,000 per month, it is not difficult for them to create 100 satellite sites for each topic (construction, cars, real estate, PVC windows, tourism, etc.) and then successfully use this scheme to pump money out of clients. And they don’t care at all about your website and its promotion.