How to create a menu in a community. How to make an internal page for a group menu in Contact. Pinned post telling what the page is about

High-quality design of the VKontakte community page is already half the success in achieving the goal for which the group is created. Statistics show that the presence of navigation significantly increases page traffic and also increases the number of subscribers. The community page, where all the information is structured, creates the impression of the administrators’ serious approach to business, as well as their practical skills in leading a group and reliability. In this article we will talk about the menu for the VKontakte group, how to create it and make it most convenient to navigate.

Varieties of menus for the VKontakte community

Now there are two types of VKontakte group menus. Their templates, of course, are available on the Internet, and you can do everything strictly according to them. However, the result will not be creative and original, which means it will not attract a large number of subscribers.

So, there is a closed menu and an open one.

Closed gets its name because the subscriber needs to open it themselves. To do this you just need to click on the link. Any word can be used as a link, usually “open” or “menu”. Although, some people get creative and come up with original links.

Open is a post that has been pinned. It contains a valid link to the menu. This type is still quite young; it appeared not so long ago, or rather with the advent of the function of pinning a post to the wall of a page. An open menu is the most effective by far and is more attractive than a closed one. The first option is less productive, since group visitors may simply not notice the link to it.

So, VKontakte? The answer is quite simple. To create both types of menus for the VKontakte group, wiki markup is used. This is a very convenient tool; it allows you to create tables, graphs, format and edit images, work with links, etc. However, now everything is much simpler for the creators of the VKontakte community than several years ago. The social network automatically translates all content into wiki markup.

The open menu for the VKontakte group is now more popular, but the closed menu is practically not used anymore. Therefore, it would be reasonable to take a closer look at creating an open type. Next, you will learn how to make a menu in the VKontakte group (step-by-step instructions are presented below).

Stage one

At this stage you need to select images. They will create a presentable appearance of the page. Pictures can be found on the Internet or made yourself using photo editors. The second option is suitable only for those who are good at drawing on a computer and are proficient in Photoshop.

The first picture is an avatar. The second (central) is the image-action. The avatar parameters must be at least 200 x 330 pixels. The central image is at least 390 x 280 pixels.

Stage two

Open the group page and find "Community Management". The link is located under the front photo of the page on the right. After following the link, find the “Materials” section in the information, and then click “Restricted” in this paragraph.

On the main page, click on edit in the “Materials” line. In the editor form that appears, specify the name, sections, and then be sure to click the button below to save. After that, return to the page using the button in the upper right corner.

Stage three

Copy the page address. The first row of numbers after the word “page” is the community number, the second is the group page number. You definitely need to know this when thinking about how to create a menu in the VKontakte group. The address must be inserted on the wall along with the central image. To attach a picture, click “attach” and “photo”. Next, select and paste. Then click send - this will publish the post.

Stage four

Place the first picture in place of the main community photo. A record of this action along with a picture will appear on the wall. It has no use there, so it needs to be removed.

This is all. When users click on the central image, the group menu will open to them.

How to create a table in the menu?

Every administrator thinks about how to make a menu in the VKontakte group. The instructions presented above can only help you create a basic menu. Further it needs to be improved.

The table is very convenient for navigating the menu for the VKontakte group. Creating a table requires knowledge of certain symbols.

  • (| means beginning;
  • |+ central location;
  • |- from new line;
  • | transparency;
  • ! dark cell fill;
  • |) denotes the end.

How to create links?

In the question of how to make a menu in the VKontakte group, there is an important point regarding links. They can be designed in different ways:

  • Just leave a link. To do this, put the link in square brackets.
  • Make a link with a word or phrase. Open, paste the link, after the link put the sign | and close the square bracket.
  • Image link. You can do this using this example: [].

Most often, everyone learns on their own how to create a menu in the VKontakte group. Knowledge comes with experience through trial and error. However, a few recommendations can still be given to beginners.

  • The image size should not be less than 130 pixels. This will significantly degrade the appearance of the menu.
  • The width of the image is no more than 610 pixels.
  • A wiki page cannot contain more than 17 unclosed tags.
  • When you set the width indicator, the height automatically changes according to the proportions.
  • You can create a list inside a table using />.
  • A maximum of 8 list units can be placed on one line.

Among other things, there are special programs for easier use of wiki markup. These are both educational applications and real assistants that will do everything for you.

For example, the Interactive FAQ (beta) application allows you to test your abilities in wiki programming.

Its operation is simple: the user is presented with a ready-made menu, and is required to enter the markup code. At the end, the result is compared with the original.

The Wiki Editor program does not teach or train its users anything. With its help, you can create a menu even without basic programming skills. The easy-to-use editor writes the codes itself - all the user needs to do is control it.

Thus, anyone who plans to use the group to promote their business or just for fun can create a VKontakte menu. The menu makes business promotion much more effective and attracts users to the group page. A menu makes a community look presentable and more professional than its competitors who don't have one.

Hello friends!

I was wondering about making a menu for my public VKontakte page. But in search of a solution to the problem, I got a little lost on the Internet.

Everyone continually complicates menu creation by inserting and explaining special markup codes. As it turned out later, we were talking about Wiki markup 😉 . In principle, there is nothing complicated about it. A couple of special codes, the essence of which is easy to understand if you take 10 minutes of free time.

In general, I made a simple menu for one of the VKontakte pages:

I spent literally 30 minutes, which can’t be said about the article I wrote 😀

First of all, I would like to make a reservation right away - This menu is pop-up, in public (not in the group).

The difference is that for a public page you cannot create a menu on the main contact page. It is formed only by creating a new page, in which we create the necessary menu. You can do it using Photoshop by cutting up a picture, or you can get by with a simple menu, without using Photoshop :), which is roughly what happened to me...

How to make a menu in a VKontakte group

It may be a little incorrect to describe creating a menu based on a public page. But I exclusively work with public pages. It’s easier to start creating menu headings in a group; you don’t even have to make a new page unless you decide to move the visitor within the pages.

Just for the public page. you will need to first open the page and only then there will be a menu... but you can’t go straight to the main page! At least I haven't found a solution to the problem.

Everything is easier for a group. Immediately below the main description, there is a menu item and an “edit” link (As shown in the picture). If you do not have such an inscription, then most likely you simply did not connect materials in your group, go to the group settings and click the checkbox next to the word materials.

We won’t dwell on the group in detail. It is formed in approximately the same way as for a public page with the same Wiki codes. But don't be alarmed. It is not necessary to go into the jungle of symbols. For example, I did it without going to the code editing tab.

I’ll explain in more detail how I made the menu on my page:

So, about publics. Everything works for old and new publics. We take the following steps:
1. Execute a request like: //
where XXX is your public number; YYY is the name of the required page
If everything is done correctly, a new page will appear in front of you. Click “Edit” and make a Wiki menu or something else
2. The pop-up page is called using the command:

Attention! All minuses, question marks and other signs are required. Change only XXX and YYY.
All! Now you need to give the link a “pleasant look” - using - a VKontakte link shortener.

For example, my page has the address: //,to find out XXX (page ID), go to the “page management” item

// 34016644 &p= Enter the name here

Next, the contact will take us to a newly created page, which we will need to edit for the future menu. There is nothing complicated there; you don’t even have to edit the code, but simply insert the necessary icons or text.

In my example, all links were to external resources. When you click on the first icon, the status site opens, when you click on the second icon (book), the subscription page opens. You can also not send the user to external resources, but circle him inside the contact. Either to new (different) groups, or to description pages created according to the same principle.

It turns out that you can make an internal site inside your page. In this case, we created a second page relative to the main one:

she accepted the following address: //

And in the end: Main group or public/Name of the created page

I hope there will be no difficulties with this.

We create the main menu in contact:

The simplest way to make a menu on a page is to make regular text links (each on a new line). But if you do not edit the wiki markup, all links or inserted images will be in one column. In principle, this is enough for a simple menu.

But if you want to distribute elements on the page in different places, you will have to edit the code a little. I found several ready-made tables and inserted my image for the menu into the desired cell. Thus, on the left there is an icon with a description, in the middle are ordinary text links, and on the right is another textbook icon.

To make a menu like this without understanding the code, you can simply follow the link and select a ready-made menu. Here is a group where you can find templates: //

  1. Click “Menu” -> “Menu Collections”
  2. Choose your favorite menu
  3. Copy the code of your chosen menu
  4. Go to your group and page editing Latest news, in the source code section we insert the code of our menu for the contact.

Menu for VKontakte group

Now we have a page with navigation points, which has the address: //, to display it at the top of your public we do the following:

  • Adding new news
  • We attach the main image, clicking on which will open our menu to the user.
  • Insert the link of the created page into the news
  • And the last step is “pinning posts”. Write a post with a photo/video/music, then publish it, then click on the publication date and click “Pin.”

After you pin the news, the post will automatically move to the top. When you click on it, a menu opens.

In principle, nothing complicated! And for many, I hope this article will help. Also, in a similar way, they make a hidden entry, for example a riddle, in order to get an answer to which the subscriber must join the public. It’s just that in this case, on the created page, you need to indicate the rights for whom it will be available. But this is a slightly different topic :), which we will discuss in one of the upcoming posts.

That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by! 😉 See you again...

And today, I decided to continue this topic and talk about how to create VKontakte graphic menu. After all, not every webmaster who wants to beautifully design his group will be satisfied with a text menu. Now, perhaps, a graphical menu is more relevant, since various images are perceived much better by visitors than text links. And with the help of graphics you can create something really beautiful and colorful.

Where to begin?

Well, of course, you should start by selecting suitable graphics or drawing a menu from scratch. Of course, not everyone can draw a menu from scratch. But the problem can be solved, since the World Wide Web is full of various graphics, both free and paid, with the help of which you can implement your plans. At this stage, I will not go into details, since it is not difficult to find pictures on the Internet, and I do not know how to draw. Let me start right away with the fact that we already have suitable graphics, but what to do next is not clear?

After you have downloaded or drawn the menu, you need to cut it. What is it for? This is necessary to create separate links for a particular image. Since, if our menu is placed entirely in a group, then it will not be possible to create more than one link, or I don’t know something. In addition, our menu needs to be adjusted in size, that is, it’s immediately worth considering that the maximum visible width is 388 pixels (one image), and the rest will either be cropped or adjusted to the dimensions that you specify when creating the menu in the group, while the image may stretch or, on the contrary, shrink, which can spoil the original idea. It is also worth considering that, for example, for a horizontal menu we will have to focus on a width equal to 370 pixels, otherwise the menu will not line up horizontally.

So, I will show, for example, the most common buttons. I will do all manipulations with graphics using Photoshop, so I recommend that you use it too. After we have sorted out the sizes, all that remains is to cut the menu. To do this, you can use the convenient “cutting” tool.

Simply select the required areas with these tools, for example:

And save it for web devices.

In the window that appears, we can select the image format, its quality and much more. In this case, I will choose the format: JPEG and the best quality, and leave the rest as it is and save the VKontakte graphic menu.

Let's go to our group page. And we do some preparatory actions: In community management, we connect “materials” and save. If something is not clear at this stage, then read the article about the VKontakte text menu, everything is detailed there, it is said about it.

After this, we need to upload our pictures that we received when cutting out the menu. That is, click “add photos”.

Once the images are uploaded, we can start creating the menu. To do this, click on “edit” next to the latest news.

And now, we can add the code for our menu. In my case, it will look like this:

[] [] []

So, let's take a closer look at what's going on here:

— these tags align our menu in the middle. If you remove them, the menu will be pressed to the left edge.

photo-48249652_297601976 - the path to our image. The path is formed as follows: album number_number of the photo itself. How to find out the path to our image? Everything is very simple. We go to the photo album in which our pictures are located and click on the desired image. Then, in the address bar we will see the full path to our image.

130x46px;nopadding; — image options: 130x46px; - the width and height of our image (may differ from the size of the image itself) - for a vertical menu on VKoktakte it is not necessary to indicate; nopadding; - no spaces - when using this option, all spaces (indents) are removed and the images are merged into one.

Here's what I got:

The horizontal menu on VKontakte is done according to the same principle. The only difference is that when writing code, new menu items do not need to be placed on a new line. And also, do not forget that with this arrangement of images, we can only use 370 pixels of width. I slightly corrected the code shown above and this is what I got:


And this is what it looks like:

And I would also like to add: There are situations when we need to insert a picture into the menu, but it should not be a link. It should serve as decoration. To do this, just use the “nolink” option. Here is a clear example: The same horizontal menu, only the first button is not an active link, but a simple picture.


Well, that's basically all. As you can see, making a graphic menu on VKontakte is not difficult, the most important thing is to draw it. And then, using all the knowledge gained in this article, you can make the best menu for your VKontakte group. And I want to note that horizontal and vertical menus can be combined, thereby achieving absolute uniqueness.

Now any manipulations in VKontakte groups (menu, navigation, pagination, news, etc.) will be much easier to perform, for this you just need to study my Video Course on the technical secrets of VKontakte groups. You asked for video lessons, and I recorded a whole video course - take it!!!

Happy experimenting!

It's no secret that Paris is the most romantic city. And it’s not for nothing that they call it that. Just look at the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame de Paris, and a walk along the Seine River. The list of places that are the cultural heritage of the French capital is endless. Festivals, holidays, events, exhibitions attract a large number of tourists.

History of Paris

Paris acquired its unusual charm precisely thanks to historical events. The Ile de la Cité played a major role in the emergence of Paris. In III BC. e. Celtic Gauls from the Parisian tribe lived on the island. The settlement was called Lutetia, which translated meant “swampy place.” Until 52 BC. e. The Gauls defended themselves against the Romans. The confrontation reached the point that during the next attempt by the Romans to approach the city, the Gauls burned Lutetia. In the same year, the army of Julius Caesar still managed to establish control over the Gauls.

After the adoption of Christianity, Clovis I, in 486 AD, conquered the city. Paris becomes the capital of France. But under the rule of the Carolingians, the center of the empire moved to the east. Residents of the city independently fight against Viking raids. An island with fortifications served as protection for the local population.

The line of Count Odo put an end to the Carolingian dynasty. Hugo Capet was elected king, Paris again became the center of France. Philip II Augustus made a huge contribution to the transformation of the city. Paved streets and fountains appeared, construction of the Louvre fortress began, and new churches were built.

After the French Revolution, France was declared a republic. But due to constant wars and revolutions, Paris was literally mired in poverty.

The capital of France acquired its modern appearance thanks to Baron Haussmann: spacious streets, reconstruction of the Ile de la Cité.

The finishing touches to Paris were brought in the 19th and 20th centuries. Paris hosts the Olympic Games twice - 1900 and 1924.

Districts of Paris

There are 20 administrative districts.

The Louvre Palace is located in this district. If you find yourself in this area, take a walk through the Tuileries Garden and look at Place Vendôme. A budget tourist is unlikely to be able to stay in this area; the prices for a hotel room are too high. But if you are willing to pay a pretty penny for accommodation, then a lot of cultural events await you.

Many banks and business centers are concentrated in the district. The main attraction is the Bastille. If you are in the mood for a fun weekend, then this area is not for you. Prices here are more reasonable than in the first district.

  1. Temple

The name of the district speaks for itself. Temple Castle is a historical treasure of the city. The district is inhabited mainly by the intelligentsia and aristocratic segments of the population.

Hotel prices differ significantly from previous ones.

  1. Hotel de Ville

This area is the center of Paris's cultural heritage. Notre Dame Cathedral, Place de la Bastille, Victor Hugo Museum. The hotels will offer you everything you need for a comfortable stay.

  1. Pantheon

This district is associated with Roman soldiers, musketeers, and the French Revolution. The Sorbonne, the Pantheon, the botanical garden, the arenas of Lutetia - all this can be seen in this district. The cost of living is no different from the previous district. Tourists are offered to check into a hotel located in a building with a 400-year history.

  1. Luxembourg

There are not many monuments in this district. One of the favorite places of city residents is the Luxembourg Gardens. Residents of the area offer tourists overnight accommodation in their apartments. The area is calm, although located in the center of Paris.

  1. Palais Bourbon

The most popular area of ​​Paris. The reason for it all is the Eiffel Tower! A young area with the political status of a Paris arrondissement. Hotels here are not cheap. The cost increases depending on the location of the hotel to the Eiffel Tower.

  1. Elise

The district is on the right bank of the Seine River. The Arc de Triomphe and the Champs Elysees are the main points visited by tourists. Prestigious means expensive. Be prepared to spend money.

  1. Opera

Silence and tranquility are the main difference of the area. The district is in demand among shopaholics. Opera District is no longer the center, housing prices are lower.

  1. Entrepo

The Red Light District and the emigrants gave the area a dubious reputation. This is a paradise for the budget traveler, who can easily find a cheap hotel or hostel.

  1. Popincourt

Any teenager would be happy to be in this area. Club life is in full swing here. Due to the presence of nightlife establishments, finding overnight accommodation in this area will not be difficult for tourists.

Are you tired of the city bustle and constant traffic? Head to the district of Reuil with the Jardin de Vincennes. When choosing a hotel or apartment, please note that it is not located on the border of the 12th and 20th districts.

  1. Tapestry

The region where aviation and the automobile industry were born. Hotel prices are low, and for single tourists there is an excellent option - hostels.

  1. Observatory

One of the most popular area among tourists. The Montparnasse quarter and the catacombs will not let you get bored on your trip.

  1. Vaugirard

Dormitory area. Here you will not find a crowd of tourists, expensive shops, bars and clubs. The lack of popularity among tourists does not affect the hotel business in any way.

  1. Passy

The Arc de Triomphe, the Museum of Balzac and fakes - all this was collected in the district of Passy. Cultural heritage combined with expensive shops and restaurants can put a big dent in your wallet.

  1. Batignolles-Monceau

Tourists are in no hurry to come here. There are no historical buildings or boutiques here. But there are inexpensive hotels and separate apartments.

  1. Montmartre

Pablo Picasso and Van Gogh are the calling card of the area. Here you can stay in individual apartments or a youth hostel.

  1. Chaumont

This area is unlikely to interest you, unless you are a lover of modern science.

  1. Menilmontant

In this area you will not meet crowds of tourists. There's nothing to see here. Unless you are interested in emigrants and cemetery tombstones.


The Eiffel Tower is undoubtedly considered the main value of Paris. But being in Paris and not visiting museums is the height of indecency.


The most popular museum among tourists. The exact number of paintings, exhibits and statues in the Louvre cannot be counted. The painting is exhibited for 3 months. It is then removed for safekeeping.

For better perception of information, the museum was “divided” into parts:

  • 1st floor - antique halls, including the art of the East and Egypt;
  • 2nd and 3rd floor - painting and applied arts;
  • north wing - French works of art;
  • south wing - Italian art, including Gioconda;
  • on the ground floor you will literally touch the history of the Louvre.

Museum of Man

An unusual museum. There are no huge halls with paintings and statues. The purpose of the museum is to show how people used to live, what they had to endure, how our planet has changed. Relics from different parts of the planet will tell you about all this.

The Museum of Man presents 4 main collections:

  • main stages of human development;
  • world population growth;
  • diversity of biology;
  • ethnicity of Africa, America, Asia and the Arctic.

Orsay Museum

Once a railway station, the Orsay Museum is today one of the most frequently visited museums in Paris.

The museum has 5 collections:

  • Painting
  • Sculptures
  • Arts and crafts
  • Graphic art
  • Architecture

The museum itself is already a kind of exhibit. There is also a cafe in the museum where you can have a snack between viewings.

Rodin Museum

The museum is a mansion with a huge garden around it. The sculptor Auguste Rodin donated his works to France on the condition that a museum be opened in the house where he lives. A separate room is allocated for the works of Rodin’s beloved, as well as for the works of Rodin himself. Don't forget to visit the chapel, which also displays works by Rodin.

Modern Art Museum

There are more than 8 thousand exhibits in the museum. Installations of the modern period, created after 1960, can be found on the ground floor. Works from the historical period are also located here. The second floor of the museum is dedicated to temporary exhibitions.

Museum of the Middle Ages

The museum is located in a 15th-century Cluny mansion. Here you will not find a cafe or a division of exhibits into collections. The appearance of the museum mixed several architectural trends, which was reflected in the interior appearance. “The Lady with the Unicorn”, “Chess Players”, statues of the kings of Judah and Israel are the highlight of this museum.

Orangerie Museum

The museum is famous for the works of Claude Monet “Water Lilies”, which occupy the second floor. Eight paintings are arranged side by side at the request of the author himself. The works of d'Orsay are exhibited on the ground floor. The museum also displays works by Henri Matisse, Paul Gauguin, Sisley, Rousseau, Deran and many others.

Historical monuments and structures

When the weather is sunny in Paris, I advise you to just take a walk around the city. Paris is imbued with the spirit of history, which is expressed in architectural buildings.

Eiffel Tower

In 1909, it was planned to dismantle the tower due to the dissatisfaction of local residents. But as soon as they realized that the tower was attracting money, no one else had the desire to dismantle it. The Eiffel Tower is the tallest building in Paris and the fifth tallest in France. Every 7 years the tower is repainted. The colors are chosen so that it looks harmonious against the sky. Surprisingly, the tower was painted yellow, red-brown. Each layer of paint increases the weight of the tower, and the antennas “extend” the Eiffel Tower.

Underground quarries

The entrance to the catacombs begins from a pavilion near the Denfert-Rochereau metro station. You will find tunnels and caves stretching up to 300 km, burial places of more than 6 million people. If you are a thrill-seeker, then take a walk through the catacombs.

Bridge of Arts

The most notable thing about the bridge is the many padlocks left on the structure by locals and tourists. The bridge offers a magnificent view of the Louvre on one side and the dome of the Institute of France and the top of the Eiffel Tower on the other side.

Pont Neuf

The oldest bridge in Paris, connecting the Louvre and Conti embankments. In the middle it crosses the Ile de la Cité. The Pont Neuf became the first bridge on which no houses were built, which caused a lot of negativity among merchants. The lack of structures was due to the wishes of Henry IV. He did not want bulky buildings to block the view of the Louvre.

Arenas of Lutetia

The arenas are located in the center of Paris. But finding them is not easy. The only way to enter the arena is through the door on Rue Monge. Since the amphitheater is hidden from public view, you will not encounter crowds of tourists here.

Triumphal Arch

The arch is as much a symbol of Paris as the Eiffel Tower. It is located on Place Charles de Gaulle. There is a museum inside the arch and the observation deck offers a magnificent view of the city.

Alexander III Bridge

You already understand that bridges are of historical value for Paris. The low height of the Pont Alexandre III does not block the view of the Champs Elysees.


Palaces in Paris are built according to individual designs that meet the requirements of future owners. Each palace carries with it uniqueness and a piece of the city’s history.


In the center of Paris, under the rule of the French, the Tuileries was a complex of a central building, a clock and adjacent pavilions of Marsan and Flora. But after the arson by the Communards, in 1871, the palace completely burned down. Nobody was going to restore the palace. Only the pavilions and passages with the Louvre survived.

Elysee Palace

Today the palace is the residence of the president. A high fence, 2 closed entrances - this is all that a tourist can see on a normal day. Once a year, the doors of the palace open to everyone. Most of the doors of the palace are closed even on this day, but those rooms that will be accessible will not leave you indifferent.

Luxembourg Palace

The palace was originally the residence of Marie de Medici. To this day, the status and purpose of the palace has changed frequently. The original appearance has not been preserved. After the palace was transferred to the Senate, entry was limited, leaving only one wing for exhibitions. But you can admire its appearance all year round.

Grand Palace

The building is visible from any observation deck in Paris. Exhibitions are held in the palace, and the “Museum of Discoveries and Inventions” is located on a smaller territory. The most expensive Picasso exhibition was held at the Grand Palace.

Bourbon Palace

The National Assembly of France meets in the palace, guards stand at a post in front of the entrance, 12 columns support a triangular pediment. There is also a library with valuable manuscripts and books. This is enough to visit this museum.


The palace is part of the palace and park complex. The interior decoration is an abundance of luxurious and unique works of art. This palace became the prototype of the ensemble in Peterhof. The fall of the monarchy led to the decline of the palace. Restoration began after the revolution. In 2003, a 13-year restoration of Versailles was announced.


Part of the Palais de Justice in the western part of the Cité today, and a former castle of the kings of France and a prison in the past. In this building, Marie Antoinette awaited her death, Emile Zola was tried and the spy Mata Hari was sentenced.

Religious buildings

The medieval buildings of Paris are of a religious nature. A year is not enough to visit all the buildings.

Notre Dame Cathedral

Otherwise known as Notre Dame de Paris, the cathedral has witnessed many historical events. The Gothic style of the cathedral attracts the attention of tourists. If you look up, you will see gargoyles and chimeras. To take a closer look at them, you will have to climb more than 100 steps.

The cathedral is currently undergoing restoration after a fire.

Basilica of Sacré-Coeur

The temple stands on the highest hill in Paris. Constructed from a mineral that turns white with water. The hill offers a breathtaking view of Paris.


The temple represents all the gods of Rome. Their unity is manifested in one window in the dome of the Pantheon. Due to the lack of windows, turbulence can be observed from a single opening in snowy weather.


The church combines several architectural styles. If you look at the levels, the first is decorated in a classic style, the second is baroque, and it all ends with a roof in the Gothic style.

Paris Cathedral Mosque

A mosque with a hammam, a modern restaurant and a teahouse. It was built in honor of the Muslims who fought in the First World War. Jewish families took refuge there from racial persecution.


There are countless architectural structures in Paris. The parks are also of historical value for the capital of France.

Parc Monceau

The English-style park differs from typical parks in Paris. The statues stand in a chaotic order. You will see small copies of an Egyptian pyramid, a Chinese fortress and a Dutch windmill.


The park is popular among locals and tourists. Buttes Chaumont is located in a quarry from which minerals were extracted for the construction of buildings in Paris. Have a picnic among the exotic trees or visit a local restaurant.

Champs Elysees

The main street of Paris, where parades take place. Shopaholics from all over the world come to Paris to shop. Locals cannot afford to rent housing here; all the buildings are occupied by boutiques, offices and restaurants.

Bois de Boulogne

The park has a lot of hobbies: tennis, a hippodrome, a children's park, a greenhouse. It is not safe to be in the park after dark.

Tuileries Garden

This garden is a great place for leisurely walks among evenly planted trees. The Parisian style of the garden echoes the statues of the 20th century.

Cultural attractions

What else can you see in Paris? The following values ​​of Paris should not be overlooked.


Business district of Paris. The best time for tourists is morning. Take a walk along the pedestrian area with fountains, visit the museum.

Opera Garnier

For cultural enrichment, it is worth visiting the opera house, where Chaliapin and Lifar performed.

Pompidou Center

Third most visited after the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. This is a mix of contemporary art, exhibitions, concert halls, including a library.

Galeries Lafayette

The flow of tourists, shopaholics, and boutiques unite in the Lafayette store. At Christmas time, a lush spruce is installed, which becomes everyone's favorite.

Shakespeare and company

Bookstore with a magnificent view of Notre Dame. There are books everywhere you look. You are allowed to read a book for at least 2 hours.

Moulin rouge

The cancan and the red mill are the calling cards of the cabaret. Smoking and photography are prohibited here, and book a table in advance.

Place de la Bastille

There used to be a Bastille prison here. The prison was demolished and an opera house was built in its place. Noisy events are often held on the square.


The first educational institution in Paris, which still attracts students from all over the world.

Boulevard des Capucines

The convent gave its name to this boulevard. While here, you will penetrate the spirit of Paris and feel like a real Parisian.


The dream of most children and not only. Attractions, parks, fairy-tale characters, souvenir shops. This is only a small fraction. It’s better to see the world of fairy tales and wish fulfillment live.

Reminder for tourists

  • There is a list of books that are worth reading before traveling to Paris.
  • Make a travel plan, highlighting the places that interest you.
  • It is not safe to be in the 19th and 20th districts, especially for single girls.
  • Exchange offices charge a commission, check in advance.
  • Before going to the store, check its opening hours.
  • There is no time for a long snack - tell the waiter, the food will be brought much faster.


Paris is one word, but in your head you’re already mentally walking along the streets, drinking coffee with a croissant, listening to music. In Paris, any tourist will find entertainment. Museums, parks, palaces, fountains and many other interesting things await you in the most romantic and unusual city in France.

To make the overall appearance of the community more aesthetically pleasing and make working with it more comfortable, the best solution would be to create a group menu. This way you can put all the important elements into one neat list, set each link with its own icon or image, and notify visitors about any changes quickly and clearly. The menu may include the following elements: various links to external sites, discussion bubbles, albums, music and other sections within the VKontakte site, images and simply the structure of your group. Following the instructions below, try to create your own menu for the VKontakte community.

How to create a simple menu in a VKontakte group

If you want each menu line to lead to a particular discussion topic, first of all, you need to create these same discussions and give them names. Leaving them closed or open for comments is a purely personal matter, since this option does not affect the display of the page in the menu.

Try to make a simple menu that will represent the structure of your group and contain all the most important sections.

  • Keep in mind that menus will appear slightly differently in groups and communities. Therefore, if you want to transfer a group to a community, click on the three dots icon next to the group name and select the line “Transfer to page”. Please note that you will not be able to turn the community back into a group.
  • Now go to the “Community Management” link in the same menu.
    You will see a block with all the settings for your group, here you can change the name, contact information, privacy, and manage participants. Go to the “Sections” category.

  • In the “Materials” line, set the value to “Disabled” or “Restricted” so that group members cannot accidentally damage your files that are needed for registration. Don't forget to save your selection.

  • Go to the group and go to the “Latest News” window, this is where you will create the menu.

  • Click “Edit”.

  • First of all, you need to change the name “Latest News” to “Menu” or something else that will make it clear to participants that here they can quickly follow the necessary links.
    Switch the post editing mode to “Wiki markup editing” using the small arrow in the right corner.

Now create the structure:

  • It is important that you have discussions, materials or albums in the group whose name you will use in the menu.
  • Write all the names of the main sections on a line, framing them twice in square brackets.
  • To make the text appear as a list, put asterisks in front of the items.

From this screenshot, we can assume that the group has a material called “Section 1”, a discussion “Section 2” and an album “Section 3”. Click “Preview” or “Save Changes”.

  • Your section will change to “Menu”, and it will contain active links to the main categories of the group, neatly arranged in a list.

How to insert links into the VKontakte group menu

To speed up access to your official website, or sections directly within the group, it is better to insert active links.

  • Go back to editing the menu section. Copy the desired link and simply paste it into the window in Wiki markup mode. After saving it will become active.

  • This is what all the links that you can insert into your group menu look like.

How to create a VKontakte menu with images

If you want the menu to consist of beautiful icons that lead to a particular section, simply follow the instructions below.

  • To begin, create a special album in which only technical pictures for group design will be stored.

  • Upload images in jpeg format no larger than 500 pixels by 500.

  • Copy the URL of the uploaded image.

  • Now copy the link to the discussion, material, or other external site.

  • [[Link to image in your album | size in pixels; nopadding | Link to discussion or website]]

An example is shown in the screenshot.
Click “Save Page”.

  • Now a neat link will appear in your menu. You can set the pixel value as you see fit.
    To add multiple images, simply enter new links on a new line.