How to letterize columns in excel. Details on how to change numbers to letters in Excel

If you were sent a file, and instead of letters in the columns there are numbers, and the cells in the formulas are specified by a strange combination of numbers and the letters R and C, it’s easy to fix it, because this is a special feature - the R1C1 reference style in Excel. It happens that it is installed automatically. This can be corrected in the settings. How and why is it useful? Read below.

R1C1 reference style in Excel. When numbers appeared in columns instead of letters

If instead of the names of the columns (A, B, C, D...) numbers appear (1, 2, 3...), see the first picture - this can also cause confusion for an experienced user. This most often happens when a file is sent to you by mail. The format is automatically set as R1C1, from R ow=string, C olumn=column

The so-called R1C1 link style is convenient for programming in VBA, i.e. for writing.

How can I change it back to letters? Go to the menu - Upper left corner - Excel Options - Formulas - section Working with formulas - Link style R1C1 - uncheck the box.

For Excel 2003 Tools - Options - General tab - Link style R1C1.

How can we use R1C1?

For understanding, let's give an example

The second convenient option is to write down the address depending on the cell in which we write it. Add square brackets to the formula

As we can see, the formula cell is 2 rows and 1 column behind the record cell

Agree, this opportunity may come in handy.

What is it for?

As we said earlier, the format is convenient for programming. For example, when writing the addition of two cells in code, you may not see the table itself; it will be more convenient to write the formula by row/column number or behind this cell (see example above).

If your table is so huge that the number of columns exceeds 100, then it will be more convenient for you to see the column number 131 than the letters EA, as it seems to me.

If you get used to this type of links, then finding an error when you turn on the view mode will find the error much easier and more clear.

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Almost all Excel users are accustomed to the fact that rows are designated by numbers and columns by Latin letters. In fact, this is not the only option for identifying cells in this editor. By setting certain settings, you can replace the usual designation of columns in Latin letters with designation by numbers. In this case, the cell reference will contain the numbers and letters R and C. R is written before the row definition, and C before the column definition.


  1. In order to change the designation of columns in Microsoft Office Excel, you need to set special settings in it. It is worth understanding that changing the numbering of columns will be written into the document with the table itself, and opening this document on another computer or in another editor will also lead to a change in the identification of the columns. In order to return to standard numbering on another computer, you will simply need to close the current document and open another file that has standard formatting. You can also simply execute the “File” command and select “New”, then select the “New” option. The editor will revert to the standard cell notation.
  2. You also need to understand that when you change the cell identification, the principle of writing formulas will change. The cell with the formula will be designated RC, and all references in it will be written relative to this cell. For example, a cell that is in the same row, but in the right column will be written RC[+1]. Accordingly, if the cell is in the same column, but one line below, R[+1]C will be written.

Video: Excel: How to change numbers to letters in column headers?

How to change a column name in Excel? Ways to replace column names.
Let's look at the simplest option for changing column names.
Let's go to the file tab. Fig1-2.

Then we look for the parameters Fig3

And from this menu to formulas Fig4.

We press and a window opens in front of us. Find the link style R1C1. Fig5.

Remove the selection by removing the bird. And as a result, we get the column names we need. Naturally, for another display we do the same manipulations with Excel functions and highlight the desired display style. That is, we put a tick.

There is a method where a macro is used to change the names of the columns.
Typically, Developer Mode can be easily found in the Features Ribbon.

But sometimes it may be disabled. If you don’t see it in the header of the listed menus, or in the feed, then go to file, parameters. And find the ribbon settings tab. We activate the developer with the bird and click on ok.

With this operation we will enable the developer.
Now from the developer tab we go to Visual Basic, which we find in the settings block called “code”.

A window will open, and in it you should write: Application, ReferenceStyle =lA1, confirm your actions with the enter button and then the macro itself will change the names of the columns.

The two methods described above are quite easy to reproduce, and by and large, changing the names of the columns should not cause difficulties.
So if suddenly why the name you are used to has changed, you shouldn’t be scared for about 5 minutes and everything will return to its place.

Once, an acquaintance approached me with a request to help set up Excel, namely, change the numbers in the columns to letters. In general, an .xsls file was transferred from a flash drive to his computer, which later had to be edited and all the necessary numbers calculated using formulas. But the first surprise was that when opening the document, instead of the usual letters in the column name there were numbers, but without attaching any significance to this, he continued to work further.

When it came time to enter formulas for calculations, nothing worked. Excel did not want to calculate anything, and when entering formulas, the numbers that were needed were put in. By clicking on column No. 5 in the formula, the number “–7” was displayed, after which a message was displayed stating that the “-” sign cannot be used in formulas. Having contacted me to help return it to its former form, so that everything would be as before, I began to look for how to change numbers to letters, but I never found the “Change column headers” item in the settings.

After tinkering with the settings, I decided to reinstall Excel; this did not bring any results, although perhaps the reason was that I did not clear the Aplication Data\Microsoft folder in the user profile. Disappointed that the reinstallation did not help, I returned to studying the settings in detail. After some time, settings that change the column names were found. And in order to spend a few minutes on all this, look below where they are.

Changing column names from numbers to letters in Excel 2003 and 2007-2013.

To make changes in Microsoft Office 2003, we need to open the office, go to the top panel of the window and click " Service" choose " Options"Then in the window that opens, go to the tab " Are common" It is in this menu that we uncheck the item “ R1C1 link style».

In Excel from 2007 to 2013, the menu was slightly changed, but the principle of replacing numbers with letters was not affected. In general, by clicking on " File» –> « Options» –> « Formulas" and going to the parameters for working with formulas, also uncheck the " R1C1 link style».

In fact, everything is quite simple and can be done in a few clicks.

For those who like to enter manually or perhaps for some reason you cannot click the menu items discussed above, I will give an example of how this can be done by specifying the desired command.

To return to digital form, type the following: Application.ReferenceStyle=xlR1C1. Which option to use is your choice. If something doesn’t work out, leave your questions in the comments and don’t forget

It is known that in the normal state, column headings in Excel are designated by letters of the Latin alphabet. But, at one point, the user may discover that the columns are now indicated by numbers. This can happen for several reasons: various kinds of malfunctions in the program, one’s own unintentional actions, intentional switching of the display by another user, etc. But, whatever the reasons, when such a situation arises, the issue of returning the display of column names to the standard state becomes relevant. Let's find out how to change numbers to letters in Excel.

There are two options for bringing the coordinate panel to its usual form. One of them is carried out through the Excel interface, and the second involves entering a command manually using code. Let's take a closer look at both methods.

Method 1: using the program interface

The easiest way to change the display of column names from numbers to letters is to use the program’s direct tools.

Now the names of the columns in the coordinates panel will take the form we are used to, that is, they will be indicated by letters.

Method 2: Using a Macro

The second option involves using a macro as a solution to the problem.

After these actions, the alphabetic display of the names of the sheet columns will return, replacing the numeric option.

As you can see, an unexpected change in the name of column coordinates from alphabetic to numeric should not confuse the user. Everything can be very easily returned to its previous state by changing the Excel settings. It makes sense to use the option using a macro only if for some reason you cannot use the standard method. For example, due to some kind of failure. You can, of course, use this option for experimental purposes, just to see how this type of switching works in practice.