Detailed Zarafshan satellite map. Detailed Zarafshan satellite map Artistic description of the city of Zarafshan

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See what “Zarafshan” is in other dictionaries:

    Geographical encyclopedia

    City (since 1972) in Uzbekistan, Bukhara region, in the Kyzylkum desert, 96 km from the railway. Art. Kyzylkuduk. 48.4 thousand inhabitants (1991). It arose in 1967 in connection with the development of the Muruntau gold deposit. Mining and metallurgical plant... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    City (since 1972) in Uzbekistan, Bukhara region, in the Kyzylkum desert, 96 km from the Kyzylkuduk railway station. 48.4 thousand inhabitants (1991). Built in 1967 in connection with the development of the Muruntau gold deposit. Mining and metallurgical… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    Zarafshan- city, Navoi region, Uzbekistan. It emerged in 1967 in the center of the Kyzylkum desert as a village. Zarafshan near the gold deposit, a city since 1972. The name of the village is taken to be the name of the famous river. Zeravshan Taj. Zarafshon scattering gold, that... Toponymic dictionary

    An urban-type settlement in the Bukhara region of the Uzbek SSR. Located in the Kyzylkum desert, on the western slopes of the Tamdy-tau mountains, 210 km northwest of the city of Navoi. 17 thousand inhabitants (1971). It arose in 1967 in connection with the development of Muryntau... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Zarafshon, Zarafshon 41°34′ N. w. 64°12′ E. d. HGIOL

Population: over 80 thousand people. [ ] A 220-kilometer water pipeline from the Amu Darya has been laid to the city.


The city was built in the Uzbek SSR in the late 1960s to serve gold mining enterprises. Gold production at the Muruntau deposit accounted for approximately 30% of the total gold production in the USSR. The official founding date of the city is 1965.

Entrance to the city

In 1958, a geological exploration party from Samarkand began exploring the region of the Bukantau, Tamdytau and Muruntau mountains. After the discovery of gold and uranium deposits in this region, the USSR Ministry of Medium Machine Building urgently issued an order to develop the region in Kyzylkum. From this moment the history of the city began. The first facilities of the GMZ-2 hydrometallurgical plant were erected in the shortest possible time. A unique gold deposit was being developed non-stop. Workers were recruited from all over the Soviet Union. Few went back; the enthusiasm for creation in extreme conditions took precedence over human affections, climate, nature, living conditions, etc.

The city has a unique water supply system from the Amu Darya (about 250 km of pipes with constant monitoring), 12 microdistricts of residential buildings with an improved layout according to the designs of designers of that time, cultural, sports, medical and other public institutions, a swimming pool, a stadium, artificial vegetation, beautiful parks.


IN Lately Zarafshan hosted many sports competitions: the Asian Powerlifting Championship in 2003, the Asian Weightlifting Championship in 2004, the international sailing tournament among the CIS countries and many other competitions. In 2004 alone, 150 sporting events of various levels were held in Zarafshan. Athletes of Zarafshan achieved high results in certain sports: swimmers participated in the Olympic Games, the Kyzylkum football team played in the top league of Uzbekistan football and its highest achievement is third place in the top league of Uzbekistan.

Zarafshan motocross riders held the lead in the republican competitions. The powerlifting team participates in many world championships and achieves significant results, winning the highest awards.

The parachuting section is becoming increasingly popular. The Zar-Dan parachutist team has many awards, prizes and diplomas to its name. Participating in competitions for the CIS Cup, Zarafshan athletes entered the top three.

The sailing team is also achieving good results. They are participants in many international competitions and are always in leading positions.


  • Central Mining Department of the State Enterprise "NMMC" (mining gold, silver, phosphorites, non-metallic building materials)
  • Zarafshan Construction Department of the State Enterprise "NMMC" (construction)
Coordinates Based City with Population Timezone Telephone code Postal codes Vehicle code Official site


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  • MuzEco-90

See what “Zarafshan” is in other dictionaries:

    Zarafshan Geographical encyclopedia

    ZARAFSHAN- a city (since 1972) in Uzbekistan, Bukhara region, in the Kyzylkum desert, 96 km from the railway. Art. Kyzylkuduk. 48.4 thousand inhabitants (1991). It arose in 1967 in connection with the development of the Muruntau gold deposit. Mining and metallurgical plant... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Zarafshan- a city (since 1972) in Uzbekistan, Bukhara region, in the Kyzylkum desert, 96 km from the Kyzylkuduk railway station. 48.4 thousand inhabitants (1991). Built in 1967 in connection with the development of the Muruntau gold deposit. Mining and metallurgical… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    Zarafshan- city, Navoi region, Uzbekistan. It emerged in 1967 in the center of the Kyzylkum desert as a village. Zarafshan near the gold deposit, a city since 1972. The name of the village is taken to be the name of the famous river. Zeravshan Taj. Zarafshon scattering gold, that... Toponymic dictionary

    Zarafshan- an urban-type settlement in the Bukhara region of the Uzbek SSR. Located in the Kyzylkum desert, on the western slopes of the Tamdy-tau mountains, 210 km northwest of the city of Navoi. 17 thousand inhabitants (1971). It arose in 1967 in connection with the development of Muryntau... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia