Microsoft search engine. Which search engine is better - comparison of Bing and Google. Click Through Rate Matters

Professional Internet search Alexey Kutovenko


The history of Internet search from Microsoft cannot be called simple. Algorithms, databases used and, of course, names have repeatedly changed on services consistently offered to the public. Until the early 2000s, the search engine did not have its own databases and worked with external indexes from AltaVista, Inktomi and Looksmart. The original name MSN Search was used until 2006, and then changing search engine names became a Microsoft tradition for several years.

Along with the final transition to searching in its own indexes, MSN Search was first renamed Windows LiveLive Search. Finally, in the early summer of 2009, Live Search was replaced by a new search project, Bing.

“Bing will allow you to take a different look at searching for information on the Internet and help users make important decisions,” was the beginning of Microsoft’s press release on the launch of Bing. The developers’ aspirations were clear: search engines from Microsoft, despite all their efforts, in the West were consistently inferior in popularity to the leaders - Google and Yahoo!. If we talk about the Russian-language versions of previous Microsoft search projects, then in terms of the quantity and quality of links found, they were much inferior to large Russian search engines. In an attempt to catch up with competitors, Bing's developers relied on improving search quality and introducing new technologies, many of which were acquired along with the companies that created them.

It should be noted that the Russian-language version of Bing, like most other localized versions, lacks a number of additional functions, such as shopping search. Since they, in fact, work only in the North. America, there is no point in dwelling on them in detail.

Currently, Bing operates its own index databases and offers searches for web pages, images and videos. All these databases are presented as tabs above the main search field.

When searching for web documents, simple and advanced search modes are available. The interface of such a familiar element as the advanced search form in Bing is made quite interesting. The form does not open in a new window, but directly on the issue page, which is quite convenient, since the results of changing the query on the issue page are reflected immediately, and the query is refined very quickly.

Unfortunately, the Bing system lacks some useful and familiar functions on other major search engines. For example, it does not process words mistakenly typed in a different layout, which many competitors have been able to do for a long time. It also cannot cope with typos in keywords - both in Russian and in English.

The Bing Advanced Search form has four tabs. The Search Conditions tab offers work with logical operators that are selected in the proposed drop-down menu. New keywords with automatically added operators are attached to the original search query. The Website or Domain tab allows you to search only a specific website or domain, as well as exclude related resources from search results. The Country or Region and Language tabs, in full accordance with their names, make it possible to limit the search to a specific national segment of the Internet or web pages in a specified language. Note that, unlike Google and Yandex, in Bing you can search simultaneously in several selected languages. To do this, just add a few relevant terms in the advanced search form.

The Bing search results page consists of a results view area and a sidebar containing supporting tools. When performing a web search, this panel provides suggestions for refining your query. I must say that this technology really works well and helps to quickly clarify queries. For found links, the title and address of the web page, a short text excerpt, and a link to a cached version of the page are shown (Figure 1.6).

Rice. 1.6. The Bing Advanced Search form opens directly on the search results page

Bing multimedia search is represented by image and video databases. To search for images, only the simple search mode is offered. Query refinement tools are placed on the sidebar of the search results page. Several filters are available. Traditional filters for modern universal search engines include image size and color filters. There is an item in the image size filter menu. Background pictures, which allows you to select pictures in standard resolutions for use as “wallpaper” on your personal computer desktop. The Layout filter allows you to select images of various formats: square, widescreen, and tall, that is, oriented vertically.

Much more interesting is the effect of using filters that analyze the visual characteristics of the image itself. The Style filter quite successfully distinguishes photographs from drawings and collages. An interesting search is for the presence of people in an image, which offers several possibilities: you can search only for faces, portraits, or full-length images of people. This filter works very well. Note that the system copes well even with hand-drawn images.

The Microsoft Bing search engine has few additions. Offerings are limited to search plugins for browsers.

From the book PC Magazine/RE No. 08/2009 author PC Magazine

Microsoft Bing Search Michael Muchmore Microsoft Bing Free. Microsoft Corporation, Rating: good Versions: Business, Personal, Enterprise, Professional. OS compatibility: Windows Vista, Windows XP, Linux, Mac OS. Advantages. Neat, uniform, attractive design. To get many answers

From the book Digital magazine "Computerra" No. 20 author Computerra Magazine

Google borrowed the most useless feature of Bing Mikhail Karpov Published June 11, 2010 Last week, Google announced in its blog that it would introduce the ability to add wallpaper to the home page of the search engine of the same name. This, however,

From the book Digital magazine "Computerra" No. 27 author Computerra Magazine

From the book A visual tutorial for working on a netbook author Senkevich G. E.

What is the benefit of Bing Translator? Bing online translator support is built right into Internet Explorer (versions 8 and 9). This translator is one of the services of the Bing portal, which is already familiar to us as one of the Internet search engines. When you highlight text on a web page, next to

From the book Digital magazine "Computerra" No. 182 author Computerra Magazine

Bing and Zonoff are creating a peaceful analogue of SkyNet Andrey Vasilkov Published July 16, 2013 People have been writing about the “Internet of Things” for fifteen years now, but, with the exception of some demo options and isolated services, it remains an abstract concept.

From the book Professional Internet Search author Kutovenko Alexey

Bing Video The Bing search engine owned by Microsoft has a unique video search subsystem. However, in terms of search breadth, the Bing Video service is inferior to the competitors we reviewed. The disadvantage of this search engine for our users is the fact that

Bing Bar (formerly known as "MSN Toolbar") is a free toolbar software developed by Microsoft.

Bing Bar is a toolbar for web browsers and . After integration, it provides users with quick access to some Microsoft services, for example, Windows Live or the Bing search service. The user interface supports visual effects including Windows Aero, slides, animations, colors and various themes.

Also included in the Bing Bar toolbar are quick access to the MSN portal (News, Shopping, Maps, Travel, Celebrities, Life and Style), pages of which can be viewed and organized from the Bing Bar using pop-up thumbnails without forcing you to go to the site. From the same pop-up panel you can search in a specific section of the site, look at the weather or stock market position, read news in the field of sports or IT and others, in addition, Bing Bar can report on the most important news events.

Bing Bar allows you to customize the toolbar, the buttons of which can be quickly organized, new ones can be added, or unnecessary ones can be eliminated.

The toolbar contains built-in algorithms, in particular to prevent pop-ups from appearing or infecting your computer with spyware, as well as features that allow you to log in to your account, browse pages in safe mode, autofill forms, and others.

Bing Bar features tightly integrate with Microsoft's Bing search engine. In addition to traditional web search features, the toolbar allows you to search other Bing services such as images, videos, and XRank. When users search on another search engine, the Bing Bar's "search bar" will auto-populate itself, allowing users to browse results to and from Bing results.

Bing Bar also includes some Windows Live features, including access to Hotmail, Messenger, and Windows Live ID. When logging into Windows Live ID through the toolbar, the user receives notifications about new messages, has the ability to preview new email messages in their own Hotmail mailbox, quickly send an instant message or write an email, go to their contacts page, and also access other Windows Live services.

Dear colleagues. Events in the CIS are generating lower demand for goods and services sold via the Internet, and therefore many are reorienting to the Western segment of the market.

There are other reasons to fall into the bourgeoisie - for example, the lack of adequate affiliate programs in some areas. For example, on the topic “payday loan”. This is a short-term loan secured by future salary.

They did something similar in RuNet -, but in essence this project is already a scam, I’m even a little ashamed that I once recommended it on the pages of my blog, because really considered them a successful project. At the same time, this area is developing very actively in the city; there are good affiliate programs for financial traffic. That is, here you need to work mainly for the US market, where the average bill is higher and there are also more guarantees that everything will be ok.

So, in this state of affairs, the question is in obtaining quality traffic, which is much more difficult to obtain on targeting the USA than on the RuNet. However, there are other search engines where there is less competition and the traffic is as solvent as in Google. This is the Bing search engine.

Therefore, today I will talk about how to promote a website in and what you need to pay attention to when promoting in this search engine.

First, some statistics. According to StatCounter, the Bing search engine has overtaken its closest competitor Yahoo!, although for several years the situation was exactly the opposite. Worldwide data is displayed here

But the data is only for the USA

As you can see, Bing's US market share versus Yahoo! is 11.32% to 9.54%. The growing popularity of the Bing search engine suggests growing trust in the search engine on the part of ordinary users and, therefore, higher traffic conversion.

How valuable is traffic fromBing. com?

I've heard a lot of talk about how traffic from Bing isn't that good, that it's not convertible, that people aren't buying through Bing, etc. But for some reason our own statistics say the opposite.

These data speak for themselves.

Traffic that comes fromBing:

    Has a lower bounce rate

    Spends more time on the site

However, I’ll immediately make a reservation that despite this, it can be different in each niche, so you should draw final conclusions based on the statistics of your site.

Benefits of Bing Search Engine

In general, the problem of many people is their own conservatism. They start doing something, get used to it and then don’t want to change anything. Moving on to something new takes people out of their usual comfort zone, so they try to avoid it.

If we talk about the bourgeois Google, then since 1998, all sites have been focused on search engine promotion exclusively on Google, and for more than 18 years Google has been the only search engine that has received the most attention on the entire planet.

Such a monopoly, first of all, gave rise to the confidence among SEOs that if your site ranks well in Google, then it will rank well in Bing. It’s like in RuNet there was once an opinion that if a site ranks well in Google, then it will rank well in Well, there’s simply nothing to say here...

But in fact, Bing and Google have different algorithms, so if you have the opportunity to analyze the results for your site, you will immediately see the difference. Because of this, it is important to understand the key differences in order to rank better on

Promote on - Free Tools and Resources

The first thing you need to do when planning promotion for Bing is to familiarize yourself with all the free tools that Bing provides.

Unlike Google, Microsoft (Bing is owned by Microsoft) develops many useful tools and guides for SEOs. It may sound crazy, but Bing loves SEO. They even had a blog on this topic once.

As with Google and Yandex, before promoting on Bing, it won't hurt to read their Bing Webmaster Guide. Here you will see that everything is much simpler than in the Google Webmaster Guide. It only takes 10 minutes to read the entire Bing Webmaster Guide and understand what they want from webmasters.

Webmaster Tools – Bing

The Bing Webmaster Tools service is located. It is in Russian, everything is clear and simple. And most importantly - no superfluous requirements. You can log in to the service using your Microsoft account. Just like in Google – one account – the whole world! =)))

Registration in Bing Webmaster Tools provides extensive opportunities, including the so-called backlink explorer, backlink analysis. With this tool, you will see what keywords your site is ranking for, how it is indexed, you can diagnose problems, and much more.

Bing SEO Analyzer Tool

The tool is very easy to use and 100% effective. Checked!

Bing Webmaster Blog

Search Quality BlogBing

Imagine if Matt Cutts and the entire Search Quality and Search Spam team wrote a blog about what they were planning to do and test. But Bing does this. They run the Search Quality Blog. Perhaps it will be useful to someone, since there they often publish ideas regarding search engines.

The Bing Webmaster Team - Feedback

The last but not least important tool is feedback from the Bing webmaster team. Therefore, if you have any questions while promoting your site in Bing, you can simply contact Bing support.

Top Site Ranking Factors on

Perhaps the most important question is: what are the key differences between ranking in Google and Bing?

Let's take a closer look here.

User engagement is very important

In Bing the situation is similar to Yandex. Here, the stronger the behavioral factors, the higher the positions. That is, it all depends on the time from the moment when the user moved from the search to our site, was on it, and then returned to the Bing search. Accordingly, if most users find a site through search and then return to search, this is bad.

And if the majority of site visitors move from search to the site and do not return to search, this is a very powerful signal for Bing.

Click through rate

Search click-through rates play a significant role in Bing rankings and are used in conjunction with user engagement data.

Everything is simple here. There are two pages of the site. One is in first place in Bing results, the other is in second place. The page that ranks first receives 20% of the traffic, and the page that ranks second receives 40% of the traffic. This is a clear signal that the page in second place is more relevant than the page in first place.

Therefore, it is also very important for Bing to use high-quality titles and descriptions that should be attractive to users.

Social signals

When it comes to Google, there is a lot of debate regarding how much impact social signals have on rankings.

For about two years now, Google has been actively using social signals when ranking sites. It's no secret that links from Google+ work very well. Therefore, today social signals for Google must definitely become part of the SEO strategy. As for Bing, everything is similar for this search engine. Here, social signals are just as important a ranking factor as those listed above. Only for Bing, links from Facebook and Twitter have higher priority.

I would even argue that social signals have even more influence on Bing than on Google. Therefore, using links from social networks is equally good for both Google and Bing.

Google has special tools for indicating the authorship of content so that there are no questions about the true owner. I think you remember that in Google's SERPs, they showed little images of the content author right in the SERP. Now I don’t see this, however, the function itself works.

Bing has its own developments in the issue of determining the authorship of content. A couple of years ago they had a feature similar to Yandex’s “Original Texts”, but you just had to register through the service and link your accounts. I don’t know if this works now, since there have been no problems with the content yet.

We all know very well that backlinks are very important for Google, I would even call it the basis of ranking in Google. But for Bing, the influence of external links is not as great as for Google.

If you compare the results of Google and Bing, you can see that there are much fewer sites with powerful link profiles in the top Bing. Here is the same example with payday loans.

Two pages for this query in Google and Bing - this is from the TOP 3 US Google - this is from the TOP 3 US Bing

As you can see, comments here will be unnecessary.

Incoming link anchors

Bing places much more emphasis on link anchors than Google does. Therefore, when promoting specifically for Bing, you can focus specifically on anchor links. In Google, both non-anchor and anchor links are well managed for the reason that, by analyzing the text around the link, as well as synonyms, they have learned to determine the meaning of the link, but in Bing today they have not yet learned, so if we are moving on a query like “ cpa marketing”, there is no need to mix up anchors by replacing them with synonyms. You need to constantly click on links with an anchor containing “cpa marketing”.

But the risk here is that with this approach, when we actively push anchor text into links, there is a high probability that our site will be covered by Google Penguin.

In general, the trick here will be that anchor links should be from powerful trust sites, and non-anchor links and with synonymous anchors should be from all other sites. This will significantly reduce the risk of falling under Google Penguin.

Keyword in the domain name

Here we are talking specifically about your domain. By using a keyword in the domain name, we improve our site's ranking in Bing. Overall this is not critical, but it helps.

However, it must be kept in mind that Google has a Google EMD (exact-match domain) filter, which is aimed at excluding from search results sites whose domains are tailored to narrow queries. Therefore, ideally, you should make sure that the domain name does not contain an exact match keyword.

If you compared the Bing results, you probably might have noticed that to a greater extent they have links from pages, while domain authority is less important than the page from which there is a link to our site.

Second point. In Bing, it is much more difficult for a young domain to rank highly compared to Google. Therefore, an old domain is one of the advantages of working with Bing.

Thus, having an old domain that contains a synonym for our main keyword in its name gives us a great advantage when promoting.

PageRank is not relevant

PageRank used to be a good metric that could be used, incl. for Bing, but due to the fact that Google has not updated this parameter for a long time, its use is not relevant today. Therefore, it is worth noting that Google Page Rank has no correlation with Bing ranking of sites.

Keyword density has a big impact

Bing loves sites with a lot of unique content. Bing ranks sites with large, lengthy articles more highly than sites with short articles.

Also, when promoting in Bing, you need to optimize articles for special keywords for which you want to rank in this search engine. For Bing, the formula “one keyword = one landing page” works well. But you need to take into account that if you cram large foot wraps of text with keywords, then you will be heading straight to Google Panda for duplicate content.

Bing has also gotten pretty good at finding and excluding duplicate content from searches. The search engine finds such pages, but does not exclude them from the search, but simply throws them out of the search results outside the TOP-100. Rank for health somewhere out there, far away))

Website structure and code are very important forBing

Therefore, it is advisable to build the site structure taking into account these recommendations.

General website optimization

Optimizing a site for Bing is in many ways similar to optimizing for Google. You can use keywords that are exactly included in title & description. Bing emphasizes exact keyword matching in title tags.

Each page of the site should have only one h1 tag, and subheadings in h2 and h3. In addition, Bing sometimes mixes keywords from description into the title in the search results, so you should not expect an exact match between the titles that you write and those that will be displayed in the Bing search results.

HTTPS is not a ranking factor inBing

Google has long announced that https is a ranking factor, albeit a minor one.

Before the launch of, the search engine market was dominated by Google. Search engines work almost identically, differing only in details and additional services. So the question arises: stay with Google or move to a Microsoft service?

Google or Bing – who is better?

The question posed does not have a clear answer. Google has dominated the market for many years and it seemed that nothing could threaten it. However, its superiority is no longer as clear as until recently and is mainly due to the large number of users.

Is this supported by the quality of service? It depends on what you are looking for. From tests of various functions, it appears that the choice of search engine often depends on the habit or default settings of the computer and browser.

When you enter popular queries, Microsoft Search also gives better results. This is especially true when we are interested in “people from overseas.” On the other hand, Google gives you immediate access to short biographical information. Indexes local news more efficiently and quickly.

It also seems to us that Google is more aggressively promoting pages associated with its AdWords program, most likely based on the fact that, after a certain level, you will have to pay for high positioning. Which mechanism is better? It's probably better to use both.

Search photos and graphics

Microsoft was the first to offer an infinite scrolling mechanism for images on its search engine page. Thanks to it, you do not need to open additional pages, and the list of found images never ends.

Bing users have easier access to filters. There's no need to wade through menus to limit image search results to a specific size, color scheme, or authorship.

If you are looking for motion graphics, it is better to use Google. Bing doesn't allow you to filter by this parameter at all. Thanks to Google, it's easier to determine the copyright of an image. You can choose an image with any license or those that can be used for non-commercial purposes.

It is worth noting that the American version of Bing offers slightly different functions, for example, the license filter can be launched manually.

Search results Video

Bing is known to be the ideal search engine for searching for erotic and pornographic content. The results presented by Google are subject to very strict censorship. Even after turning off the “adult” filter.

Microsoft's search service doesn't seem to rank content. If you turn off filtering, in some countries Bing shows almost everything it finds on the Web. Bing handles all resources, not just adults.

Gives the user what they expect. But unlike Google, it does not decide what will be good for the user and what will be bad. In some regions, controversial photos or films are only covered in blur.

Unfortunately, neither Google nor Bing remove violent content at all, or effectively enough. With the help of two tools, you can easily, consciously or not, access, for example, a violent film related to events in the Middle East.

Selecting a search engine in the browser

It is clear that Google's browser and Microsoft's search engine have their own services installed by default. However, these settings are not fixed. You can easily change the default search engines in Internet Explorer or Google Chrome. And for occasional use, you can open and use the or page yourself

To set the default search engine in Chrome, open the browser menu in the upper right corner of the window and select from it Settings. Go to section Search, expand the list and select the desired search engine. Close the settings tab. The selected service will be used to search for keywords entered in the address field.

Changing the search engine in Internet Explorer requires a little more "skill." Click the Settings button in the upper right corner of the window. After the list opens and select a command from it Manage add-ons. Select the search section and click the button Find other search providers. Install Google, use the button Add to Internet Explorer and select Default.

The easiest way to do this is in Firefox. Simply click on the small arrow in the search field and select your default search engine. If it is not in the list, select Search plugin management, then Download more search engines, and install the appropriate package.

Support and integration with other services

Google offers users a wider range of different services than Microsoft. Actively integrates its products and takes advantage of the resulting benefits. Analyzes user behavior and compares search results with expected needs.

Although Microsoft also provides several different products, Bing does not use their internal connections. But it has an overwhelming advantage in interaction with social networks. Microsoft's close partnership with Facebook and Twitter gives the search engine direct access to use resources and information from those sites.

Google must rely only on its decidedly less popular Google Plus. Google tries to understand what the user expects and does not require simple queries. When constructing phrases, they can be more complex than in the case of the Bing search engine.

The Microsoft search engine, in turn, does not delve into the analysis of expectations; it receives ready-made profiles directly from social networks. The problem appears when a person does not use Facebook or Twitter. In this situation, Bing is unable to correctly select the search context.

On the technical side, both search engines allow dynamic searches as you enter keywords. This greatly speeds up the search for good results. Comparing different queries, we must admit that sometimes Google wins, sometimes Bing.

Search engines - maps and mobile devices

Mapping services are closely related to search engines. Both providers have their own versions of this service. The maps contain links to the places found, and for the places found, maps of the corresponding areas are immediately included.

Google Maps is kind of the standard. The service can be used to search for places and for navigation purposes; the maps contain information about various companies, public places, and attractions. True, in our country they are not as accurate as in the homeland of Google, and are far ahead of Bing in relevance.

Bing does not update maps often; sometimes they lack data, new roads and many important routes. Also with photo panoramas. Google photos cover a significant part of our country much more relevantly. Bing doesn't put much effort into this area, and you won't be able to see much detail in its photo panoramas. An additional benefit of Google is its Street View service.

While following the route, Google also gives alternative routes, however, Bing describes the driving process better. For some routes, Google is limited to only a few main directions. Bing takes into account all the important points.

Which search engine is better?

Rejecting habits and prejudices, we can successfully say that compare Google and Bing- it’s like looking for proof of the superiority of Coca-Cola over Pepsi. Both services do the job they were designed for very well. Each of the services has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Google has better maps and navigation, Bing has better video indexing. The disadvantage of Google is the promotion in search results associated with the paid AdWords service and strong content filtering.

Google also has a lack of respect for data privacy. Regulations allow you to study everything that a person posts online.

Bing's home page is prettier and the results are more organized. The main page search results provided by the services, however, are almost the same.

We must also remember that the quality of services and range of functions here and abroad differ markedly.

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The Bing search engine does not officially work in Russia. Yandex is installed by default on Microsoft devices. Why might you need to promote your site on Bing? At the moment, there is only one answer: if you want to advance in the bourgeoisie.

Why Bing and not Google:

  • Less competition. At the same time, the traffic is just as solvent.
  • Growing audience . Bing search traffic in the US reaches 21%.
  • Competition with Google . Microsoft is taking steps to develop its search engine. For example, Firefox defaults to searching in Bing.
  • Quality traffic. Bing has a lower bounce rate and a greater depth of views.

But you need to remember that the ranking factors in Bing and Google are different, and what is good for Bing is not good for Google, and sometimes can even get in the way. For example, the Microsoft search engine prefers the exact occurrence of a key phrase in the domain name. But this strategy does not bring significant benefits to Google. And if you re-optimize the site - using exact occurrences of key phrases in headings, subheadings and inside the texts themselves (the way Bing likes it), you can fall under the filter. Therefore, when promoting a site in Bing, be careful and compare ranking factors in two search engines to see if optimization for certain requirements in one system will lead to a drop in ranking in the other.

Many SEOs and website owners do not pay attention to Bing ranking factors, optimizing their sites only for Google. However, over the past few years, Bing's market share has slowly but steadily increased as Microsoft has attempted to compete with Google in the online information search space.

Why you should pay attention to Bing

The best thing about change is that most people hate it. Change pushes us out of our comfort zone, which is why many tend to avoid it. But this fear creates new opportunities for those who are not afraid to change and try new things.

For over 19 years, the SEO industry has been focused solely on ranking sites in Google. This resulted in other search engines being ignored, and Bing was no exception to the rule.

Bing Ranking Factors

A common belief is that if a site ranks well in Google, it will rank well in Bing.

But that's not true. Search engine algorithms are very different. Just compare search results for the same term and you'll quickly see what I mean.

So if you don't want to miss out on potential customers, it's important to understand the key differences between Bing and Google.

Don't forget about users

User interaction is one of the strongest signals in Bing. Therefore, active audience participation increases the chances of high positions in this PS.

To evaluate a site, a search engine uses a term known as " pogo stick" It refers to a situation where someone enters a search query into the search bar, clicks on the result in the search results, and then clicks the “ Back" to return to the search.

If the percentage of people who go to the site and immediately return to the search results is high, the search engine will consider this signal as evidence of poor interaction. But if people stay on the site, it has every chance of reaching the top.

Click Through Rate Matters

Bing counts clicks on search results, adds user interaction data to them, and uses this mix of signals to improve search results.

For example: if, all things being equal, the site in position #1 in the SERP receives a 20% click-through rate, and position #2 receives 40%, this is a clear indication that result #2 is more in line with the user's intent, providing a better user experience. It wouldn't be surprising if they switch places soon.

For successful ranking in Bing, it is necessary to write titles and descriptions taking into account not only the occurrence of key phrases, but also users. Think about clickable descriptions with keywords.

The Importance of Social Signals

It seems like everyone already agrees that social signals matter when ranking a website on Google. But they also affect Bing. However, in the second case, the dependence on them is much stronger.

By using social signals in your website promotion strategy, you create conditions for good ranking of the resource in both Google and Bing.

Backlinks are no longer the same

In Bing, backlinks lose their usual importance. Compare search results for the same query in Google and Bing, and you will notice that the sites with the highest rankings in the Microsoft search engine have significantly fewer backlinks.

Note: Bing prefers “editorial” links from text rather than from the sidebar, footer, or list of links at the bottom.

You need anchor text

Bing places a lot of importance on anchor texts. Here they are more important than in Google. So if you want your link to count for ranking purposes, use anchor text.

Bing is not as good as Google at keyword matching. Therefore, this PS needs to be chewed and spoon-fed, that is, key phrases must be written in the exact entry. But you can’t go overboard with optimization. Otherwise, it will be easy to run into Google Penguin.

Keywords in domains

Having a keyword in the domain name helps a website rank well in Bing. This is not a mandatory requirement, but a recommendation.

Again, you need to remember about Google and filters, which are unlikely to like the exact entry in the site address. Therefore, it is best to use names that include keywords, but not in exact occurrences.

The Role of Page Authority

Bing doesn't place as much importance on backlinks as Google does, but it does value a site's authority.

It is much more difficult to rank a new domain in Bing than in Google. But if your domain is many years old, it has every chance of ranking at the top.

An old domain that has a keyword in it is a goldmine for ranking in Bing. It will give you top positions in the search results.

PageRank doesn't matter

PageRank is a value indicating the “importance” of a page. The algorithm was created at the very beginning of Google's SEO history and is important for ranking in this search engine. The same cannot be said about Bing - there seems to be no correlation between PageRank and positions in Microsoft's Google Search Engine.

Content and keyword density are important

Bing prefers sites with a lot of unique content. Long texts are perceived better here than short ones. This is explained by the fact that Bing is behind Google not only in processing anchors, but also all content. Therefore, in Microsoft's search engine, it is better to use specific keywords for which you want to rank your page.

Create your own pages for each keyword.

But avoid duplicate content. Otherwise you will end up under Google Panda.

Bing doesn't like duplicate content either. It recognizes it and excludes it from search results. But the pages may remain in the index.

Keep track of the site structure

The Bing search engine gives some interesting tips regarding website structure.

First of all, she likes content that is located closer to the main page. For successful promotion, you cannot place texts more than three clicks from the home page.

You should also use nesting, which builds on the transition from general topics to more specific ones. For example, SEO> Link Profile Creation> Blog. Or Garden> Furniture> Chairs.

Internal optimization

On-page optimization in Bing is similar to Google. In meta tags, it is preferable to use keywords in the exact occurrence.

Bing puts a lot of emphasis on title tags, but takes user interaction signals into account.

You should only have one H1 tag per page. Next, you should use subheadings H2 and H3.

Note: Bing sometimes uses an H1 instead of a page description in search results. So be creative when creating your headlines. Don't rely solely on the exact occurrence of the keys.

HTTPS is out of favor

Google recently announced that HTTPS is now used as a ranking signal, albeit a very minor one.

But Bing chief lead Vincent Veren said they won't use HTTPs as a ranking factor because it has no real significance.

Sanctions in the Bing search engine

We don't know much about Bing's penalties, but they certainly aren't as bad as Google's animalistic updates. There is not such a variety of animals here. The speed of application of sanctions is also lower: Bing does not detect website flaws as quickly. Therefore, the leash here is much longer than on Google.

How to check if a site is under sanctions

Bing makes it easy to check whether your site is sanctioned or not. All you have to do is open Bing Webmaster Tools, press the button " Summary" and go to the section " Site status" If there you see the state " Blocked: Yes“- your site needs to be saved.

It's time to switch to Bing

The Bing sun is just rising. In the near future, its share in total search traffic will grow rapidly. Why? For example, because in the US Firefox made Bing the default search engine. Once this happened, within 24 hours Google usage dropped from 82% to 63%, while Bing/Yahoo usage rose from 9% to 29%. Perhaps the trend will soon spread to other countries.

The future of search is changing - whether you like it or not. It's time for SEOs to take a look at Bing.