Is it possible to speed up a computer? How to increase the speed of your computer. Disable indexing of hard drives

Today we’ll look at 6 ways to speed up your computer, after which your computer will fly! These methods are suitable for absolutely any computer, regardless of the manufacturer and the type of operating system used on it.

Of course, to significantly increase the speed and performance of your computer, you will have to invest a little. But if you're already tired of , I think you'll be ready to update it a little. All the methods described below do not claim to be unique, but are truly working methods.

1. Use antivirus and antispyware programs

One of the very first programs I install after installing the operating system is . Fortunately, today the problem of viruses and various types of Trojan programs is no longer as pressing as it was 5-7 years ago. The computer infection boom has passed, but the problem is still relevant.

If your computer is connected to the Internet and you do not have anti-virus protection installed, I can only sympathize. After all, going online without an antivirus is the same as walking without protective equipment in a tuberculosis clinic.

Use anti-virus programs that really protect, and spare no expense on a license to receive the latest virus database updates. A riot of viruses on your computer not only slows down its operation, but also endangers your information (photos, documents, etc.).

2. Disable autorun of programs you don't use

Many programs, after installation, are registered in autorun so that the next time you start the computer, they will automatically start. If you notice that when you turn it on, your computer takes a long time to start up, one of the reasons for this is the large number of programs in startup.

It is necessary to check it from time to time and clean it of unnecessary programs. Such programs can be: audio players, monitor settings programs (installed with drivers), office programs.

To clear autorun, you need to press the key combination Win+R (or “Start” - “Run”) and enter the command msconfig. In the window that opens, go to the “Startup” tab and uncheck those programs that you consider not necessary when starting the computer. Then restart your computer.

3. Clean your computer of junk

Don't forget to periodically clean your computer of debris. Especially if you have little free space on your system disk. After all, while the computer is running, the system constantly needs free disk space to run programs.

To clean your computer from debris, I advise you to use it, which I already wrote about on the pages of the site. The program is capable of cleaning both unnecessary temporary files and unused registry branches, which also affect the speed of the operating system.

Clean your computer of debris at least once a month. This is not the most important method of increasing the speed of a computer, but it has a very significant effect on it.

4. Change your hard drive to a faster one

It would seem, how can a hard drive affect the speed of a computer? However, this is one of the most important “brakes” that affects the operation of the entire system.

It is on the hard drive that all system folders and files are stored, and during operation, the operating system constantly accesses certain files and folders. Accordingly, the faster the operating system receives a response from the requested file, the faster it will process the operation.

Disk storage systems are inferior in speed to modern SSD drives, which have a completely different data storage structure. Disk systems use magnetic disks with heads to read and write information, while SSD drives use chipsets for these purposes. The prices for SSD drives are very affordable, and today everyone can afford it.

5. Add RAM

If you use “heavy programs” and are tired of waiting for Photoshop to start, add RAM and forget about these problems.

If you play modern games, you probably want to play at maximum settings, but sometimes the size of your RAM not only does not allow you to play at maximum settings, but also refuses to run the game in principle.

If you still decide to buy additional RAM, do not forget that it should have the same characteristics as the one that you already have installed. Otherwise, you will experience problems with the system.

6. Defragment your hard drive

Few people use this, but in vain! The Windows system has special software built into it to perform defragmentation. There is an opinion that the built-in tool is not as good as its commercial counterparts, but personally I did not notice any difference.

To perform defragmentation, you need to go to the properties of the disk (which you want to defragment) and go to the “Tools” tab, there click “Defragmentation”.

Following the instructions indicated in the defragmentation window, start it and wait until it finishes. The time spent on defragmentation depends on the size of the disk and how dirty it is.

This concludes the list of ways to speed up your computer. If you know of any other methods, I will be glad to discuss it in the comments.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will talk about how to make your computer work at full capacity. Surely, you have noticed that over time, your iron friend begins to perform operations more slowly, takes longer to load, and freezes on seemingly simple tasks. This is a problem for all Windows. The simplest solution is to reinstall the operating system. It would seem - what could be simpler? The problem is that you will need to spend time saving personal data. That is, select important information and copy it to a disk or flash drive. But that's not all! After reinstalling Windows, it will take half a day to install all the necessary programs and completely personalize the system. In total, we will spend the whole day on all the work related to reinstalling the operating system.

Therefore, before formatting everything and reinstalling it again, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following methods that will help increase the performance of your computer.

1. The first and most effective way is removing unnecessary or rarely used programs. Oddly enough, what slows down the system the most is the large number of installed applications. The standard Windows Uninstaller doesn't do its job well - it leaves behind a lot of undeleted files and registry entries. I advise you to use the utility.

2. The second, no less important and no less effective way is removing rarely used programs from startup. How to do this, I wrote here. Thanks to this, Windows loading speed increases significantly.

3. You most likely knew this method without me, but nevertheless, I consider it my duty to remind you of it. Its essence is that You should not run a large number of programs at the same time. Any application takes up system memory, and this can significantly affect performance. Leave open only those programs that you need at a given time.

4. A virus may be the cause of slow or inadequate computer operation. Be sure to (if you haven’t installed it yet) and do full computer scan.

5. Execute hard drive defragmentation. Usually, this takes quite a long time, so be patient, but still carry out this procedure. The system will thank you very much. To do this in Windows 7, click Start/All Programs/Accessories/System Tools/Disk Defragmenter. Next, you need to select the disk, mark it with a checkmark, and press the button Disk Defragmenter.

6. Update Windows. Try regularly. Microsoft releases new patches almost every day that fix problems with the security, usability and reliability of Windows. Thank God, the update process in the “seven” is automated, so no action is required from you. The only thing is, do not forget to enable automatic updates in the control panel.

7. Driver Update. If your computer is far from new, and you have never updated the drivers, then be sure to follow this step. Moreover, new versions are released quite often. Motherboard and video card - for these devices we install new drivers first. I wrote about how to update them correctly and where to download them from here.

8. Another quite effective way is disabling visual effects in Windows. As you know, the “seven” uses the Aero interface, which eats up system resources. If your computer does not have enough RAM, it is better to disable this interface. To do this, go to Control Panel (Start/Control Panel), and in the search write Counters and Productivity Tools,then click on the item of the same name.

In the window that appears, click Setting up visual effects. Here we select the item “Ensure the best performance” and click Apply.

I think you will agree that a fast computer is better than a sluggish and beautiful one.

9. Regularly carry out reboot the computer. It would seem, what could be simpler? But not everyone follows this rule, especially laptop owners. After finishing work, they simply close the lid, thereby putting the computer into sleep mode. A reboot will clear memory and terminate many erroneous processes that were started but not terminated. There are situations when it is difficult to determine the cause of a slow computer. In such cases, rebooting also helps.

10. And finally, you can use the built-in Windows utility called “Disk Cleanup”. She herself will find and delete unnecessary files that slow down the computer. Among them are temporary files, recycle bin, web page visit files and others. To start the program, click Start, in the search field enter Disk Cleanup. Next, select the drive you want to clean. In the window that appears, check the boxes for the types of files you want to delete. After that, click Delete files.

In this article, I did not write about the fact that you can increase the speed of your computer by increasing RAM or replacing the processor, because this requires financial investment. I also didn’t write about all sorts of miraculous programs that, with one click of the mouse, increase performance a hundred times - I don’t really trust them. The methods described above are simple and definitely work, tested.

Today we will look at a hot topic - how to increase PC speed. How can a computer drive any person crazy at the moment of an incomprehensible freezing or slowdown? It would seem that nothing significant is running, but the computer begins to think and think. And then all sorts of thoughts arise: “after all, I don’t do anything like that, where do such brakes come from?” It can also happen when the computer freezes even in browsers, or in office applications that have never loaded the computer.

So, let’s move on to ways that will help you increase your computer’s performance.

1. Replacement of components
One of the easiest ways is to replace parts of your computer. First, you need to figure out which part or group of parts (components) should be replaced to obtain maximum PC performance.

1.1. CPU You need to change it if the frequency of the new one is 30 percent higher. Otherwise, you will not experience a significant increase in productivity. There are people like extreme sports enthusiasts who try to overclock their processor. This method, of course, is not suitable for everyone, but, nevertheless, by doing it, the frequency can be increased, thereby increasing the performance and speed of the computer. Overclocking is possible if the motherboard and processor have overclocking potential. However, it must be remembered that a part that is overclocked will last less than it would in its normal state. In general, the topic of overclocking is very extensive, and we will dwell on this for now.

1.2. HDD, or also called a hard drive. Here we focus on the speed of hard drives, not their capacity. If you have a hard drive from an economical series with a low spindle speed of about 5400 rps, then it would be advisable to replace it with a hard drive with a speed of 7200 rps. Such a replacement will definitely increase the performance of your computer. You can also replace your hard drive with an SSD drive, believe me, the speed will increase tenfold.

1.3. RAM. When almost all of the RAM is loaded while working at the computer, it definitely needs to be added or replaced. The RAM load can be seen in the Task Manager; if the memory is approximately 80% full, then I recommend increasing it by 50-100%.

1.4. Video card. Here I think everything is clear. If you choose for games, then I advise you to find a powerful video card, not forgetting about compatibility with the central processor.

Which part is exactly pulling your computer down can be seen in the system configuration. In Windows 7, this is done like this: go to Start - Control Panel - System, find “Rate performance” and click. The overall performance of your computer is determined by the smallest indicator, thanks to which you can determine the weak part of the computer. For example, if the evaluation of the processor differs significantly from the evaluation of the hard drive and RAM, then you need to think about replacing such a part with a newer one, and therefore more productive.

2. Computer cleaning, repair

The computer may freeze and slow down due to some kind of malfunction. Naturally, routine repairs can help increase the performance of your computer. For example, poor cooling of critical PC parts will lead to a drop in the performance of the entire computer. In this case, thoroughly clean the entire system unit from dust and other things.

3. Defragmentation

If you haven’t done defragmentation for a long time, then you definitely need to do it, because it greatly affects the performance of the computer and the boot speed of the system. During defragmentation, all scattered fragments of various files on the disk are collected into one whole, thereby reducing the strain on the read head in the hard disk. After you do defragmentation, performance will increase to some extent. By the way, to carry out defragmentation you need to have about 30% of free space on your local disk. Also, do not forget to monitor your system disk: if there is less than 1 GB of free space left on it, then do not wonder why your computer is slowing down so much. Do not save large files (movies, games, etc.) to the desktop, as this will clog up the C: drive.

4. Viruses

Viruses can also affect system performance, and this is a fact. They can slow down your PC, or even stop it altogether. If your computer spontaneously takes a significant amount of time to boot, then you must first scan it with antiviruses or scanners, for example DrWeb CureIt!. However, of course, it is better to initially have a good antivirus, for example Nod 32 or DrWeb. We scanned the system, found the virus and removed it!

5. Use of special optimizer programs

Using programs designed to optimize the operating system, you can significantly increase system performance. There are a lot of programs, however, having tried many optimizers, I would recommend AeroTweak, PCMedic, Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​or Ccleaner. All these programs are functional and effective, which is the most important thing in our case.
I also want to note that almost all of these software have the function of disabling certain programs during loading. So, it is better to remove programs that you practically do not use from startup for faster operation of your PC.

Remember, before each dubious manipulation, be sure to create a system restore point. How to do this is written.

In Windows 7, you can also increase performance on your own by changing the graphical interface. Go to Start - Control Panel - System - Advanced - Settings. Here we find “Ensure the best performance” and select.

6. Selecting an operating system

Do you really like Windows XP? However, I can say one thing - it’s time to switch to seven, believe me, it’s worth it. If, of course, your computer settings allow it. If you have 2 Gigabytes of RAM, then don’t hesitate to change the operating system to Windows 7. If the RAM is 4 GB or more, then install Windows 7 64-bit version. In this case, the system speed will increase, provided that you work in 64-bit programs.

I do not recommend using various Windows builds for your computer, such as Beast or different Pandas. They are loaded with tons of unnecessary programs, which, as time-tested, glitch and freeze, as a result of which PC performance drops.

7. Reinstalling Windows XP/7

Reinstalling the operating system is like a drastic decision. After reinstallation, performance will definitely increase significantly. The more dirty the old system was, the faster the computer with the new system will work. It’s just that the operating system is designed in such a way that it needs to be reinstalled over time. There are people, even friends, who reinstall their system several times a month. Everyone has their own needs, but personally I would recommend reinstalling Windows at least once every six months. In short, reinstalling the operating system will increase the speed and performance of your computer. I wrote how to reinstall Windows 7

Some time after installing the operating system, situations may arise when the computer begins to work noticeably slower than before. This may be due to the performance of individual programs or games, or a drop in performance in general.

There are several reasons leading to this effect; they should be divided into two large groups.

  1. The hardware cannot cope with the increased load. For example, a new computer game or an installed editor for creating animation requires large resources. This problem can be solved both by hardware improvements (replacing the video card, central processor, increasing the size of RAM) and by increasing performance using special utilities for “overclocking” the system. In the latter case, it is possible to use standard settings through the “BIOS Setup” menu.
  2. During the operation of the operating system, a fair amount of “garbage” has accumulated on the hard drive, too many programs are running in the background, and the Windows registry needs to be cleaned. All this can greatly slow down work.

To initially determine the performance of the system, a small program called SiSoftware Sandra Lite is useful; in addition to the commercial version, a lightweight, free one is available. It is quite enough for a general assessment.

  1. The program must be installed and launched; a window will appear with icons indicating groups of real and virtual devices present in the system.

  2. By double-clicking on the “System Information” icon, we get a detailed summary of the hardware characteristics: model of motherboard, processors, video cards, RAM and others. On less powerful computers, collecting data will take some time.

  3. A window with characteristics will appear. At the bottom there will be a list with recommendations.

The same actions can be done with all elements of the computer. The data obtained will help determine further steps to optimize your computer.

Upgrade Strategies

There are several solutions to speed up your PC.

  1. Complete replacement. The latest computer toy or program may require such changes to the hardware configuration that the logical solution would be to assemble a new system unit. And try to sell the old one for at least a little money.

  2. If possible, reduce the program (game) settings to medium or minimum. This, of course, is a temporary measure; in 1-2 years you will still have to solve the problem of outdated components.

  3. Partial replacement of parts. Suitable if the computer as a whole has sufficient power, but one of its elements cannot withstand the load from new software (games). Most often, such devices are a central processor or video card. In some cases, to speed up it is enough to add RAM modules.

  4. In some cases, installing a previous version of the OS can save the situation. This is true for outdated computers or laptops, which, for example, will handle Windows XP just fine, but will be quite slow on Windows 7 or 10.

Advice! If there is insufficient RAM, upgrading other components may not have much effect. Therefore, you should start improving your PC with it. Before increasing the memory capacity, you must ensure that the RAM limit for a given motherboard is not exceeded, otherwise the excess memory will not be available to the system.

The search for the part “at fault” for the sluggishness is carried out by comparing the recommended system requirements of software developers with the actual characteristics of the component.

During the upgrade, do not forget about physical cleaning of the system unit. Dust that accumulates for years on PC boards and heatsinks, inside the power supply, does not have the best effect on performance, so it is necessary to remove it.

Another additional method is to “overclock” the processor (or video card). The fact is that the factory settings of the motherboard assume a safety margin of at least 15-20% for the clock frequency of the system bus. This is done to ensure system stability.

Most CPUs easily overclock by up to 20%, this is a noticeable increase even when the OS is loaded.

“Overclocking” the CPU and video cards

The easiest way is to increase the clock frequency using utilities; most motherboard and video card manufacturers provide them along with drivers or post them on official websites.

But the fact is that the settings will only work after loading the OS, and some systems (for example, Linux, *BSD) are not supported by the utilities.

Attention! Applying settings related to changes in clock speeds and CPU multiplier may result in system inoperability.

Adjusting the BIOS Setup settings will allow you to immediately evaluate the changes that have occurred: for example, the system will boot faster.

Advice! For stable operation of a PC with an increased CPU clock frequency, more efficient cooling may be required: replacing the radiator and cooler with more powerful ones or introducing a liquid cooling system, the most advanced at the moment.

Changing settings via BIOS Setup

In this case, you need to reduce the operating frequency of the RAM to avoid errors.

Advice! If after the next change of parameters the computer stops turning on, you need to turn off the power to the PC system unit, remove the battery that powers the BIOS chip, it is located on the motherboard, and put it back in place. After this, the settings will be reset to factory settings.

Important! It is strictly not recommended to disable CPU thermal protection in the BIOS settings. If it overheats, it may fail. If you are not sure of the correctness of your actions, then the most reliable way is to use utilities in Windows.

Acceleration of video cards occurs using appropriate software. For example, NVidia cards can be overclocked using the Nvidia Inspector program.

To overclock a video card using Nvidia Inspector:

Asus devices on Nvidia chips are similarly “overclocked” using the GPUTweak utility.

Video - Overclocking a video card NVIDIA/NVIDIA Inspector

Five ways to increase PC performance

Method 1

You can open the “Services” tab in the same “msconfig” utility. Here is a list of system services that run simultaneously with the system and occupy RAM.

In order to avoid problems with disabling system programs and prevent unstable operation of the OS, it is recommended to check the “Do not display Microsoft services” checkbox.

Some of the remaining services can be disabled. For example, the Remote Registry service, which usually runs by default, is not needed. Some installed programs can also register their own services in Services; you need to understand in detail which of them can be safely disabled.

An incomplete list of services that you can safely disable:

  • print manager if the printer is not in use;
  • Tablet PC input service;
  • Windows Media Center Scheduler;
  • Bluetooth support;
  • Windows Search;
  • Remote Desktop Services;
  • Windows archiving.

A more complete list of services that can be deactivated can be easily found on the Internet.

Method 2

We set the optimal size of the paging file. This is hard disk space reserved by the system for temporary storage of files, to help RAM when its size is insufficient. That is, this is a kind of addition to the OP.

  1. To change, go to “Control Panel”, “System and Security” item.

  2. In the window that appears on the right, click on the “Change settings” link, thereby activating the next “System Properties” window.

  3. In it, select the “Advanced” tab. Under the first item “Performance”, click on the “Options” button.

  4. Activate the “Advanced” tab and click the “Change” button in it (the “Virtual Memory” item).

  5. This last window sets the size of the paging file (virtual memory).

    On a note! The “Automatically select paging file size” option is only suitable for office PCs. The best option would be to set a range by checking the “Specify size” checkbox and filling in both fields: “Original size” and “Maximum size”.

The choice of a specific amount of virtual memory in modern PCs depends on the maximum load of running programs.

It's easy to find out:

On a note! It is best to set a certain average value, selected experimentally, as both a minimum and a maximum. A fixed size is more convenient, since the hard disk space will be strictly reserved by the system.

Method 3

Method 4

During system operation, files are distributed in pieces throughout the entire hard disk space (fragmented). Reading them slows down as a result of the magnetic head of the hard drive (HDD) wandering along the surface of the disk. To optimize the work, you need to overwrite the files and collect them in order. This is called defragmentation.

If possible, it is better to use the Diskeeper program; it is paid, but there is a trial version.

The standard Windows defragmenter is activated from the “My Computer” window.

The system will analyze the disk and defragment it if necessary. Repeat the action with the remaining logical drives.

Advice! When reinstalling the OS, you need to create at least two logical drives: for the system and for other data (programs, documents, videos, etc.).

Method 5

Using ReadyBoost technology. Windows supports the use of flash drives to speed up the system. On low-power and medium-sized PCs it gives some performance increase. Especially with many tabs or windows open in the browser in Windows, loading speeds up slightly.

The way ReadyBoost works is that the flash drive begins to work as an intermediary between the RAM and the hard drive. Part of the OP cache is reset to flash memory, and due to the fact that the data exchange between the solid-state drive and the OP is higher than in the OP-hard drive connection, faster data exchange is obtained.

But flash memory has a limited number of read-write cycles, so it will last less in this mode than in normal mode.

There are restrictions:

  • for the Fat32 file system – up to 4 GB of memory can be used;
  • in NTFS – up to 32 GB;
  • In total, up to 256 GB (8x32 GB) can be used for ReadyBoost mode.

PC optimization programs

The three most popular programs for removing garbage, filtering the registry, removing programs that cannot be removed using regular tools, searching for duplicates of various files and other functions.

ProgramFunctionsTerms of distributionLanguage
CCleanerRemoving programs.

Cleaning the registry.

Deleting temporary files.

Securely erase disks. Managing Browser Add-ons

Advanced System CareRemoving malware. Speed ​​up your Internet connection. System optimization. Cleaning the registry.PaidRussian
Wise Registry CleanerDeleting files. Defragmentation, elimination of registry errors. System optimizationSharewareRussian

Setting the computer shutdown timer

There are two easy ways to shut down, restart, or sleep your PC.

On a note! Where 300 is the time in seconds. After 5 minutes the computer will turn off.

The second method involves writing an entire script.

You can use the following switches (put them instead of /s):

Several Windows 10 programs you can remove right now

  1. Metro applications take up space on your hard drive, and their functionality is questionable.
  2. Software installed along with drivers. For example, laptops are often sold already with an OS; most additional programs from manufacturers can be safely removed.
  3. Internet Explorer is not needed. There are many browsers to suit every taste.
  4. Windows Media Player is not needed. There is a K-Lite Codec Pack for watching movies and a lot of players for listening to music.
  5. Windows Games. They also take up space.

PC acceleration to increase fps in computer games

Too low frames per second (FPS) can be caused by either excessive system load or outdated PC components.

Before you start replacing components, it is recommended to try the following methods:

  • close all other programs, including those running in the background;
  • update video card drivers;
  • try experimenting with the settings of the video card and the settings of the game itself.

Sometimes games downloaded from suspicious sources may not work correctly. Licensed editions must be purchased.

If all else fails, then it's time to think about upgrading your video system.

Video - 5 ways to speed up your computer

Every user has probably noticed that immediately after the first installation the operating system, as they say, flies, but over time it begins to slow down quite a lot. What this is connected with and how to increase it, read on. There are quite a lot of ways to carry out such actions, but we will focus on the most significant ones.

How to test your computer's performance?

First, let's look at how to look at overall performance. You can visually track the load on system resources in the most common “Task Manager”, using the performance tab.

You can also simply sort active processes by maximum load on the central processor or RAM. But the system has another tool that allows you to perform a computer performance test, which, so to speak, will give your device a score. To do this, you need to go to the “Control Panel”, go to the system section and use the corresponding assessment launch item. The results will show multiple scores for the major equipment, but the overall score will be based on the lowest score. If you see that your CPU or RAM scores higher than your hard drive, you might want to consider replacing it.

How to improve computer performance: main directions of action

Now let's see what actions can be taken to make your computer work much faster than it currently does. Among the priority areas, the following can be particularly highlighted:

  • installation of more modern hardware;
  • reset settings or update BIOS;
  • transition to a newer operating system;
  • disabling unnecessary services, processes and components;
  • installing the latest driver versions;
  • use of third party programs.

Replacing hardware and resetting BIOS

Let's start with the hardware components. It is believed that computer performance depends on the type of processor, amount of RAM, graphics accelerator and hard drive access speed.

But you shouldn’t thoughtlessly replace components. For example, if you are going to install a new processor, it should have a speed that is at least 30% faster than the one installed in the system. With lower values, you will not get a noticeable increase in performance, and the computer performance rating will remain at the same level.

You can also add RAM, but you should take into account its type and volume, since the installed memory sticks and their volumes may simply not be supported by the motherboard.

To a lesser extent, computer performance depends on the speed of the hard drive. If you have a hard drive with a rotation speed of 5400 rpm, it is worth replacing it with a disk with 7200 rpm. Even better is to install an SSD drive (provided that the motherboard supports its connection).

The most desperate users, called overlockers, can overclock the processor (fortunately, this can now be done in software rather than physically). But this doesn’t make much sense, since newer generations of CPUs are relatively inexpensive.

Finally, you can install a modern video card, but you will definitely have to fork out for such equipment, and on laptops it is generally almost impossible to do this (meaning discrete accelerators).

Another problem may be related to incorrect settings of the primary BIOS input/output system. There are many users who like to experiment with such parameters, but due to ignorance, you can set such options that all the hardware will not work correctly. Therefore, as one of the solutions, you can apply a full factory reset.

Installing a new operating system

When it comes to how to improve computer performance, one option may be to change the operating system. If, for example, you are working with Windows XP on a more or less modern PC, you should install at least “seven”. If it works fine, you can switch to Windows 10, since the system requirements are not particularly different.

On computers with 2-core budget processors and 2 GB of RAM, the “ten” works absolutely fine. But immediately after installation, your computer's performance rating will increase.

Disabling unnecessary processes at startup

Now let's talk directly about what tools can be used in Windows systems themselves. You can increase the performance of a computer running Windows 7, for example, quite simply by disabling all unnecessary processes that run along with the system.

To do this, you need to enter the msconfig command in the Run console, and in the configurator itself, go to the startup tab and uncheck all unnecessary processes. You can only leave ctfmon (if it is in the list) - the process responsible for displaying the language bar and changing languages.

In Windows 10, this tab has been moved to the “Task Manager”; there are no checkmarks on processes, but you can disable them using the corresponding button.

Deactivating unused system components

Another solution to how to increase computer performance (the speed of performing any type of operation) is to completely deactivate unused system components. For example, if you are not going to use virtual machines, you do not need to keep the Hyper-V module active; if there is no printer, then the print service can be disabled.

To do this, go to the Programs and Features section of the Control Panel, go to system components, and then deselect unnecessary services in the list. After a restart, performance will increase quite noticeably.

Actions with the hard drive

There may also be something wrong with the hard drive in the system, although there are no obvious irregularities in its operation. But the occurrence of errors can indirectly affect the overall health of the operating system or applications used. Checking and cleaning should be done at least once a week.

Another point is defragmentation. This is the process of organizing files in order to move the most frequently used program files to the fastest areas of the hard drive for faster access. After performing this operation, the time spent on launching programs will be significantly reduced. It is recommended to carry out this procedure at least once a month.


When it comes to how to improve your computer's performance, you cannot ignore the issue of updating device drivers. Doing such things manually is absolutely pointless and time-consuming. Therefore, the easiest way is to use automated programs to search for and install updates.

The Driver Booster and DriverPack Solution utilities are recognized as the best. At startup, they scan all installed hardware and then automatically update drivers by going directly to the resources of software developers or device manufacturers. All user participation in this case comes down only to agreeing with the installation.

Using optimizer programs

Finally, specially developed applications can be used to optimize the system. Some programs for testing computer performance can only give scores, others offer online optimization after the test, others are installed on the PC and monitor its condition, accelerating it either automatically in the background or on demand.

Basically, using any type of application will help identify system problems and fix them. But standard programs for checking computer performance are too limited in capabilities, while optimizers can even clean or defragment the system registry (and its size and the presence of incorrect or outdated keys significantly increases the startup of the operating system itself).