How can you tell from a call that you are on the subscriber’s black list? Waiting for a call from Tele2 How to find out if a subscriber is talking on the other line

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In parallel with the invention of any means of communication, research begins on the possibility of intercepting information. And no matter how hard the developers try, creating absolute protection is impossible: even an ordinary conversation between two people in a closed room can be overheard from a fairly large distance, and the possibilities for this are several times greater.


Many users take cellular communications for granted, without even thinking about the principles of data transmission. Of course, in-depth technical knowledge is not necessary to successfully use the services. Moreover, modern devices automatically perform all hidden operations to ensure communication - they tune in to the nearest communication station, signal about low quality coverage, etc. However, the better you understand the operating principles of any mobile operator, the more benefits you can get from its services - including protecting your privacy and getting more information about other people.

Let's start with the fact that your phone is constantly monitoring the signal and is automatically configured to receive information from the base station whose signal is currently stronger. The quality of communication at a specific point in your location is reflected on the gadget: from an empty or crossed out label (outside the coverage area) to a full scale indicating a high signal level. While your phone constantly picks up the operator’s signal, the communication station monitors your gadget in response, identifying the user by an individual SIM card number. This is why a service appeared where you can read someone else’s Viber correspondence or hack WhatsApp

What this gives to the operator: he is always aware of your exact location and can send you a call or message at any time.

What does this give you: you receive calls and SMS in real time, through the operator you can establish the reliable location of any subscriber, in an area of ​​poor coverage your phone will discharge faster, since it is more difficult for it to establish a strong connection with the operator.

All subscribers of the cellular operator are under constant control of communication stations in order to establish a connection at any time. Basically, it works like this: you direct a call or message to a specific number, your phone converts the sound into a wave of a certain frequency (each operator broadcasts at its own frequency, the wavelength may vary in different regions) and sends it to the nearest communication tower. Next, the tower redirects the signal to the station that is currently in radio contact with your recipient. As soon as the subscriber accepts the call, his tower establishes a connection similar to yours, and you can hear each other.


Nobody really advertises this information, but anyone can. Unlike popular instant messengers, which encrypt their messages in several layers, a radio signal from phone to phone flies freely, like a bird - anyone can intercept it. A clear example of the defenselessness of citizens against wiretapping can be the famous “jammers” - at particularly important facilities or when protecting major government politicians, the special services turn on special devices that simply jam the airwaves and interrupt radio contact with the communications tower.

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This is exactly what I needed!

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I use it for reasonable purposes, but others don’t!

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Was very pleased.


Fuck you doing this, my girl controlled me for 2 months, then she admitted it herself, tortured her conscience, this is not right.

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Sometimes there are delays in printing, but I'm happy with it.

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Recently, one person bothered me and contacted the authorities, but they refused, but you helped, thank you.

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Tell me, can I put my phone on control?

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Increase the number of operators!!!

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First time I see this.

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There are no analogues. so I'm happy.

- Azamat

The mobile phone has become an essential means of communication for most of us. We are accustomed to the fact that we can talk to any acquaintance, and even more so a family member, relative or close friend, at any time by simply dialing his number. Wherever the person we need is, he is always within telephone reach - and this has long become the norm of life.

But sometimes, when dialing the treasured number, you can hear: . Why does this happen? In this situation, it is important not to panic - most likely, one of those minor troubles has occurred that no one can insure against.

Reasons why a subscriber cannot answer a call

  1. Your friend's phone suddenly died and there is no way to charge it. Perhaps he is on the road or, for example, in a cinema.
  2. It is possible that your friend went down to the underground parking for a while or went to the store located in the basement of the building. After some time, he may well appear in touch without even noticing that he was missing “from the air.”
  3. Perhaps your friend went out of town and found himself in an area of ​​poor reception or where there is no telephone coverage at all. Remember, maybe he has elderly relatives living in the countryside, or his work requires frequent trips out of town.
  4. Maybe he went on vacation abroad? In this case, the switched-on SIM card of the Russian operator will lead to serious expenses, so, most likely, he either turned off his phone during the vacation or uses a different SIM card.
  5. Sometimes situations arise when circumstances require turning off the phone. For example, your friend is sitting at an important meeting where everyone is required to turn off their phones, or he got sick, took some medicine and went to bed. After some time, the connection will be restored - you just need to be a little patient.
  6. The most unpleasant case. They don’t want to communicate with you, so your phone is blacklisted. It is very simple to check this: you need to call this person from another number that is unknown to him or is not associated with your identity.

What if you need to convey important information?

Phrase “The subscriber is currently unable to answer your call.” A network answering machine usually speaks when a subscriber is not online, but his number is connected to a voice answering machine. As a rule, after this phrase it is said: "After the long beep you can leave a voice message", and a beep sounds. As soon as there is silence, you can speak your message to the answering machine - it will be automatically recorded and saved on the telecom operator’s server.

When your friend turns on his phone, he will receive an SMS from the mobile operator saying that there is a voice message for him that can be listened to by calling such and such a number. This is the most convenient way to convey important information. By calling the answering machine number, he will listen to your message and will definitely contact you.

In the area of ​​​​uncertain reception

If your friend's phone is not answering because it is in an area with poor reception, try sending him an SMS. Where voice communication does not work, mobile messages may well be received, since they do not require a strong, stable signal to transmit them.

After receiving the message, your friend will understand that you need to talk and will find a way to contact you - for example, by moving to an area with reliable reception or calling you from a landline phone.

A few weeks ago my grandmother died. Her death left, first of all, a huge feeling of resentment. Cancer, fuck him. The most disgusting disease in the world devoured one of the most valuable people to me, a woman, albeit elderly, but still far from decrepit, active, cheerful, hard-working, intelligent. My grandmother and I were very close, so I can say that I still haven’t recovered. But what happened to me three days ago cannot be explained by depression.

I was walking down the street from the metro home, and my mobile phone rang. The screen flashed: “Grandma.” I shuddered, but quickly got my bearings: my grandfather probably took my grandmother’s phone and did not change the SIM card. I accepted the call, put the phone to my ear... and heard my grandmother's voice. Alive, joyful, the way she always was, even during her illness. There was nothing otherworldly about him. Grandma spoke to me as if nothing had happened, asking about some stupid things. I froze in my tracks, people shied away from me. Of course, a healthy guy is standing and bawling like a baby.

From my grandmother’s words, I understood that where she was calling from, there was no illness, no death, nothing like that. Everything is fine there.

Grandma, where are you? - I was finally able to ask in a broken voice.

Yes, at my institute, classes will start soon, where else should I be?

Grandma, don't hang up! I'll come now!

What for!

Do not throw!

I suddenly realized that if the call was interrupted, I would never hear my grandmother again, much less see her. I don’t know where this idea came from - I was, of course, somewhat out of my mind at the time. Going down to the metro was not an option, the signal would be interrupted, and I began to stagger along the road like a zombie, catching a taxi. He responded inappropriately to his grandmother’s chirping.

But then everything was interrupted. Grandma's voice disappeared, and instead I heard... how to describe it... something like an answering machine. Like a voice that says: “The subscriber is not answering or is temporarily unavailable.” Only the voice was not a pleasant female one, but a male one, very dull, not scary, but absolutely mechanical. There was nothing living in it.

This caller should not talk to you. This subscriber should not talk to you... - the mechanical voice repeated, and I screamed into the phone like crazy: “Grandma! Grandmother!". And then, as hard as he could, he slammed his mobile phone onto the asphalt.

I don’t remember well how I got home; I then slept for almost a day. When he came to his senses, he asked his grandfather where his grandmother’s mobile phone was. Since the day of her funeral, it had been lying, turned off, in his desk drawer, and he had taken out the SIM card altogether and put it aside in case one of the out-of-town guests needed it.

One thing makes me happy about this story: if I didn’t go crazy and really heard what I heard, grandma is fine where she is now.

P.S. I returned from work absolutely sober, I took drugs only once in my life, it was a very long time ago. I have never had hallucinations in my life, and nothing mystical had happened in my life before this incident.

Difficult but possible.

There are a lot of programs that block incoming calls and messages. Both those already pre-installed initially on the phone, and third-party developers that are installed by the users themselves.

Usually, when making a call when the caller's number is blocked, first there is one regular dial tone and only then a busy dial tone. And so on all the time. You can check by calling, for example, 2-3 times an hour at different times of the day.

It is very problematic to understand whether SMS are blocked. There are no visible results. delivery message arrives. But it does not say that the message was actually delivered to the recipient. This is simply a response from the mobile operator's server that the message has been received. But it is already blocked by the program on the phone immediately after receiving it.

Third-party programs, for example, BlackList, still keep a log of rejected calls and SMS. Other programs have the ability to customize the beep that a caller from the blacklist hears. So, you can set a regular beep or a signal that the subscriber is not on the network.


How can you tell from a call that you are on the subscriber’s black list?

Blacklisted subscribers simply will not be able to reach the person who added them to this list.
In order to determine whether a number is blacklisted, you just need to dial the subscriber several times. If you constantly hear short beeps (busy) or the subscriber is unavailable, and in some cases the following phrase is heard on the handset: “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber,” then most likely it is so. Some phones do not have a second line and sometimes the subscriber is simply busy and talks on the phone for a long time.
To check this, you need to dial from another number and, if calls are free and the subscriber can pick up the phone, you should dial again from your number. If the situation with short beeps repeats, it means that the subscriber has actually blacklisted the caller’s phone number.

Sometimes it happens that when you make a call, the dial tone is interrupted and the network fails. In some cases, this may also indicate that the number is blacklisted.

It is impossible to guess from the call whether you are on the “black list”.

After all, the caller will hear the usual long beeps (not short ones), that is, there is a connection, but it’s as if the subscriber is not picking up the phone. This is exactly what happened to me, my friend mistakenly added my number to the “black list”. I call, he doesn’t answer, I think I left the phone at home and was outside. This happened several times, I didn’t even think about the blacklist. And then he calls himself and is offended that I haven’t called for a long time. I answer that I called then and then, then he looked at the missed calls, but they weren’t there. Then I opened my black list, and my calls were visible there. Just like that, you won’t guess from the call that you are on the black list.
If you want to find out, call another number or send an SMS. Then your “hater” will answer you this way and that. This is where you find out why you annoyed him that you were included in the black list. Or maybe by mistake, like me.

You can find out about being on the black list in other ways, but it’s impossible to call

There are many different ways to wiretap telephone conversations, both legal and illegal. We will tell you about the most common ones.


SORM is a system of technical means to ensure the functions of operational-search activities. All telecom operators are required to use it, otherwise they will not be able to obtain a license. SORM provides law enforcement agencies and intelligence agencies with direct access to telephone conversations, and the operator is not even informed when his subscriber is being monitored. Formally, wiretapping requires court approval, but in reality, the suspect is often listened to without authorization, and permission can be obtained after material has been collected on him that can be used in court. Analogues of SORM exist in many countries around the world (for example, a program in the USA).


Russian operators are preparing to comply, according to which they are required to record telephone conversations of all subscribers and store them from six months to three years. Surely, the records are already saved in test mode, and you can access them through friends from among the operator’s employees.

Interception via SS7

In cellular networks there is an unavoidable . It allows you to tap any phone and intercept SMS messages using equipment costing several thousand dollars, or order wiretapping on the black market for several thousand rubles. Cellular standards were not designed to protect against such attacks because phones were expected to only work within the operator's signal network. In practice, third-party equipment can be connected to such a network from anywhere in the world.


Android and iOS smartphones are susceptible to vulnerabilities that allow correspondence and conversations to be intercepted. The most valuable are zero-day vulnerabilities, which are unknown to operating system developers. There are hundreds of thousands of dollars for information about them, and the companies buying them cooperate with the intelligence services of different countries. Some Trojans are developed specifically for law enforcement agencies. They are used en masse, but unofficially, without court permission, and are distributed using fake applications.


There are viruses even in official app stores (primarily Google Play). Security system hackers: they upload a normal application to the market, and the malicious code is loaded later as a small module with one of the updates. The unsuspecting user himself gives the application permission to use the microphone and access the Internet, after which his conversations are leaked to strangers.

Fake base stations and femtocells

Fake base stations and femtocells are sometimes used to intercept voice data. They work as intermediaries between cell phones and operator base stations, allowing you to record conversations and SMS messages. Hackers are also able to hack into femtocells and install spyware there.

Special equipment

The intelligence services have a huge arsenal of technical means for covert wiretapping: bugs, miniature microphones and scanners that decipher sound by the vibration of glass in the room where a person is located. The most effective way is to use a receiver, which intercepts the GSM signal over a wide range of frequencies, and a computer, which then decrypts this signal, converting it into a voice recording.

As you can see, tapping your phone is not particularly difficult, if only you had the desire or the means. Another thing is that people who have something to hide know about it and try to use more secure communication channels, for example, messengers like